Name |
Date |
Title |
Yates, Fracnes | 1936/8/18 | to Audrey on HSF's death |
Yeld, E | 11/06/1894 | social |
Yeld, Emily E | 17/06/1894 | social |
Yeld, Emily E | 28/10/1895 | social |
Yeld, Emily E | 10/03/1898 | general chat |
Yeld, Emily E | 05/10/1897 | would like to see HSF, her news |
Yen, Y K | 1911/7/9 | list of publications of United States Monetary Commission |
YMCA | ??/04/1932 | asks for funds |
Yoneyama, N | 1913/3/11 | pays HSF compliments |
York, A H | 02/12/1870 | social |
York, A H | 22/04/1897 | social |
York, Anne H | ? | thanks for offer of escort and guidance to a function |
York, Anne H | 20/04/1871 | invites Ernest and HSF to dine preceeded by croquet |
York, Anne H | 13/05/1871 | concert tickets and plans |
Yorke, A | 18/11/1881 | asks for a loan, mother ill |
Yorke, A | 26/11/1881 | thanks HSF for money |
Yorke, A H | 1902/12/9 | repays HSF money |
Yorke, A H | 1902/12/17 | HSF sends postal orders |
Yorke, A H | 15/09/1881 | social |
Yorke, A H | 1902/11/30 | thanks HSF for money, death of three brothers |
Yorkshire Penny Bank | 1922/2/4 | re address to Institute of Bankers |
Yorkshire Penny Bank | 1922/2/14 | re address to Institute of Bankers |
Yorkshire Union of Agric Clubs | 20/02/1895 | asks for meeting of bimetallists in Yorkshire |
Yoshikawa K | 1909/3/23 | re meeting HSF |
Young, Allyn | 1928/8/21 | re HSF's library for Harvard |
Young, Allyn | 1929/1/29 | authorised by harvard to 'explore' HSF's library |
Young, Allyn | 1929/2/21 | re negotiations for HSF's library |
Young, Allyn A | 1928/3/12 | re Harvard and HSF's library |
Young, C | 1919/3/27 | thanks HSF re books |
Young, E Hilton | 1926/2/10 | asks HSF to write article for the Financial News |
Young, E Hilton | 1926/2/16 | re article for the Financial News |
Young, E Hilton | 1926/3/2 | re article for the Financial News |
Young, George | 13/11/1888 | on Currency Commission |
Young, Goodwin | 16/08/1889 | will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Young, Henry | 1921/4/26 | re an HSF leccture |
Young, T E | 1903/1/1 | re actuarial instruction |
Young, T E | 1903/6/3 | re actuarial instruction |
Young, Terence | 17//5/1929 | asks HSF to become vice-president of St John's Economics Society |
Yule G | 1913/1/23 | honorary degree |
Yule G | 1920/7/16 | Statistical Society |
Yule G | 1912/6/7 | re Newmarch job |
Yule G U | 1909/1/24 | re candidates for Newmarch lectureship |
Yule, C W | 1914/10/14 | re some problem |
Yule, G | 1913/5/25 | re Giffen's book |
Yule, G | 1913/5/26 | re Giffen's book |
Yule, G | 1902/5/26 | re lecture arrangements at UCL |
Yule, G | 1915/12/23 | sends HSF French bank notes |
Yule, G | 1910/10/5 | re statistics title etc |
Yule, G | 1909/1/3 | resigns Newmarch lectureship |
Yule, G | 1908/6/6 | re a student and gives HSF sympathy |
Yule, G U | 23/11/1895 | re argument over a post |
Yule, G U | 13/10/1895 | re Newmarch Lectureship |
Yule, G U | 1930/1/12 | re Philosophical Society dinner |
Yule, G W | 1930/11/23 | on Olive's death |