Name Date Title
A11/09/1880thanks HSF for kindesses etc
A ? 3/1/1888re Price’s essay
A & C Black Ltd1920re HSF's entry in Who's Who
A Alberry & Co1919/11/29shares in Robert Heath and Low Moor Ltd
A F D H25/05/1878re man annoying her
A F D H08/10/1879re tiff with HSF
A F W H07/12/1881HSF snubbed
A J S26/02/1898re quote for M
A T29/07/1889does not support Jenkinson for librarian
Abbott W V1908/11/26wants research job
Abbott, G1913/12/18wants marks of his pupils
Abbott, G1913/12/19thanks HSF for reports on his pupils
Abel, Karl1917/3/19student query on Bank Charter Act
Aberdeen Co-operative Housing Society1908/4/7re shares
Aberdeen, Lord and othersFeb-04proposal to form Social Service Institute
Abraham G P1922/8/31book purchase
Abraham, L to Sir W Lee Warner1906/8/7attacks HSF on fluctuations in silver price in India
Abrahams, I24/08/1898thanks HSF for information
Abrahams, I18/08/1898to be candidate for Hebrew chair at UCL
Abram O V1920/7/30re printing HSF letters: answers HSF crits of Landsbury & Labour Party
Abram D V (Industrial Christian Fellowship) 1920/7/12asks HSF for lectures on industrial unrest to be sent to clergy
Academy of Political Science, Columbia Uni1924/2/1report on British membership drive
Accountant Students’ Society of London1911/12/11re lectures
Ace, Daniel24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Ackland, A H12/10/1884asks HSF to lecture to Co-operative Society, Doncaster
Ackworth, W M1914/9/9re HSF's dispute with University of London over library
Ackworth, W M1914/9/24re meeting with Withers over library dispute
Ackworth, W M1914/10/13re dispute with library
Ackworth, W M1914/9/14re library dispute
Ackworth, W M1914/9/30PC trip to Cambridge
Acland, A12/02/1891re a book list
Acland, A29/11/1888re visit of co-operative delegates to Cambridge
Acland, A H D19/06/1884re suggested conference on land nationalisation, co-operation etc
Acland, A H D09/10/1882re books on political economy
Acland, A H D28/07/1884re Industrial conference
Acland, A H D28/01/1887re Bradford Billin House of Commons
Acland, A H D22/12/1881on his book
Acland, A H D12/02/1890re list of economics books
Acland, A H D11/03/1883re Toynbee's death and last outing with HSF
Acland, A H D29/12/1883pc re Toynbee Memorial Executive Committee meeting
Acland, A H D21/10/1883arranges meeting with HSF and Marshall etc
Acland, A H D (Toynbee Trust)16/02/1884re trustees
Acland, A H F17/08/1886re British Association, Jevons etc
Acland, H W D24/04/1893asks for information
Acland, W S D10/04/1893re a "pressing" matter
Acland, W S D20/03/1893re opinion of Professor Middleton as adminstrator of Fitzwilliam Museum
Acton, Lord02/12/1896asks HSF about financial part of Cambridge Modern History publication
Acton, Lord08/12/1896HSF declines to contribute to Cambridge Press Modern History voluems
Acworth, W M02/02/1895re proposed book on North Western Railway
Acworth, W M1914/9/28social
Acworth, W M24/03/1895invites to visit
Acworth, W M21/6//1907social
Adam Benn & Son18/01/1897re a testimonial for lease
Adam Smith Club15/05/1882re editing of Wealth of Nations by HSF
Adam Smith Club27/04/1882asks HSF to meeting
Adam, J21/01/1896re some student
Adam, James17/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Adamas, Dollie03/01/1881amusing chat
Adams B W 7/7/1897re house
Adams, ?09/05/1880social
Adams, Brook05/07/1895re work in Madras
Adams, Brook06/06/1895asks HSF for help in working in Indian financial system
Adams, Brooks21/11/1893USA bimetallism
Adams, Brooks18/01/1894US bimetallism, Great Strike etc
Adams, Dora22/05/1881congratulations
Adams, Dora S24/12/1880Christmas letter
Adams, G02/12/????invitation to dinner
Adams, J A30/03/1873general chat
Adams, John25/07/1881re British Association
Adams, L15/05/1877general chat
Adams, Mrs03/10/1868general chat
Adams, T28/11/1873friendly chatter
Adams, T13/10/1873friendly chatter
Adams, T02/10/1873friendly chatter
Adams, T29/08/1873friendly chatter
Adams, T09/08/1873friendly chatter
Adams, T19/03/1873friendly chatter
Adams, T11/02/1873friendly chatter
Adams, T18/01/1893social mainly
Adams, T11/01/1874general chat
Adams, T30/09/1894repays HSF loan etc
Adams, T12/02/1874the world in general
Adams, T05/08/1865letters, his studies etc (incomplete)
Adams, T17/02/1865letters, his dull life, services
Adams, TMarch 1865college soiree, library
Adams, T18/01/1865general chat
Adams, T19/12/1865general chat
Adams, T10/01/1866Oxford Street etc
Adams, T26/01/1866re seeing him
Adams, T26/07/1860re exams
Adams, T29/01/1866congratulates HSF
Adams, T07/11/1867got 1st class, other results
Adams, T27/11/1867congratulates HSF, exam results
Adams, TApril 1865on faith, school etc
Adams, T17/05/1868studies, Methodist youth
Adams, T03/05/1868congratulates HSF on Cambridge
Adams, T03/06/1865school, exams
Adams, T05/05/1866college presentations
Adams, TNov 1866general chat
Adams, T14/07/1872PC social
Adams, T02/03/1873on religion, general chat
Adams, Theo09/04/1877general
Adams, Theo20/11/1874congratulates on fellowship etc
Adams, Thos14/01/1885social
Adams, Thos20/01/1885social
Adams, Thos29/04/1885re a watch
Adams, Thos11/04/1885re a watch
Adams, Thos11/04/1885re a watch
Adams, Thos23/04/1884re a watch
Adams, Thos02/04 1884re going to Paris
Adams, Thos25/04/1884general
Adams, Thos05/10/1884re travels, holidays
Adams, Thos23/01/1871invites to tea 'in full academicals'
Adams, Thos16/07/1895social
Adams, Thos30/09/1870Spinoza, general chat
Adams, Thos14/06/1870congratulations on HSF's election
Adams, Thos??/??/1870mostly on Methodists
Adams, Thos27/07/1870social chat
Adams, Thos28/06/1870social, Ernest and Natural Sciences etc
Adams, Thos09/06/1870asks HSF to pay two bills
Adams, Thos24/09/1870Prussian system etc
Adams, Thos23/01/1870social chat, Methodism etc
Adams, Thos24/09/1881re Ernest etc
Adams, Thos02/10/1881Liverpool chair possibility for Ernest etc
Adams, Thos12/06/1881congratulates on Jevons's chair
Adams, Thos08/11/1868philosophical discussion
Adams, W14/09/1881thanks HSF for kindnesses, disgruntled with herself
Adams, W G16/11/1889re Universities Joint Board
Adams, W G07/12/1891re Universities Joint Board
Adams, W G1904/6/25re a candidate
Adams, W G11/05/1892unhappy with Council on Universities Joint Board
Adams, W G27/11/1892extension teaching
Adamson J K1915/1/25asks for reference
Adamson, Jas K1915/2/6re certificate of attendance
Adamson, R1901/2/17re marking exam papers
Adamson, R28/02/1893re asking Flux to Queen College
Adamson, Robert12/06/1881asks HSF to exam for Manchester scholarships
Adamson, Robert03/10/1881re Manchester scholarship exams
Adamson, Robert26/10/1881re Manchester scholarship exams
Adamson, Robert18/10/1881re Manchester scholarship exams
Addams-Williams, R22/10/1895criticizes HSF over bimetallic speech
Addenbrooke's Hospital1911election of Committee
Adie, Gertrude06/06/1898social
Adie, R H??/??/1898social
Adler, H1912/12/19to B Whitehead, offers University of London Press shares
Adler, H1913/1/3to B Whitehead, re sale of University of London Press shares
Aeolian Co Ltd The30/1/1923pianola roll of a Schubert trio
Agar W Talbot10/5/1897Institute of Bankers’ essay
Agar W Talbot19/6/1897Institute of Bankers’ exams
Agar W Talbot28/6/1897Institute of Bankers’ matters
Agar W Talbot 7/7/1897Institute of Bankers’ exams
Agar, Talbot W08/03/1897tables on joint stock banks
Agar, Talbot W13/03/1893recovery of lost report and results of Institute of Bankers exams etc
Agar, Talbot W13/03/1893some misrepresentation about monometallism, copies of a journal
Agar, Talbot W02/12/1893re Institute of Bankers metting
Agar, Talbot W16/12/1893HSF article for Insitute of Bankers, bimetallic issues
Agar, Talbot W11/08/1893currency report, Institute of Bankers plans for day on Indian currency
Agar, W Talbot28/10/1884on reprinting of old books
Agar, W Talbot05/06/1884Institute of Bankers' business
Agar, W Talbot08/05/1884Institute of Bankers' business
Agar, W Talbot08/04/1895exam questions for Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot24/11/1885re paper for Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot05/03/1885re paper for Institute of Bankers & other banking business
Agar, W Talbot05/11/1885re table in Institute of Bankers journal
Agar, W Talbot09/10/1885re reprints of old books
Agar, W Talbot30/09/1885paper for Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot13/11/1885paper for Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot29/12/1885paper for Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot15/11/1882re appointment as examiner for Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot18/04/1895Institute of Bankers exams
Agar, W Talbot14/03/1895Institute of Bankers' report and bimetallism
Agar, W Talbot05/10/1887asks HSF for papers for Institute of Bankers etc
Agar, W Talbot24/02/1887re HSF review for Bankers' Institute etc
Agar, W Talbot13/02/1895Institute of Bankers business
Agar, W Talbot28/09/1891re lectures to Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot15/06/1891re Institute of Bankers exams
Agar, W Talbot29/06/1891re Institute of Bankers exams
Agar, W Talbot15/10/1891re HSF's lectures to the Institute of Bankers and their cost
Agar, W Talbot17/01/1894asks HSF to review book for Institute of Bankers etc
Agar, W Talbot1901/6/26HSF's application to Birmingham
Agar, W Talbot16/06/1896re Institute of Bankers' exams
Agar, W Talbot20/05/1896re Institute of Bankers' exams
Agar, W Talbot26/05/1896re Institute of Bankers' exams
Agar, W Talbot22/06/1896re Institute of Bankers' exams
Agar, W Talbot25/06/1896re Institute of Bankers' exams
Agar, W Talbot04/09/1896re Institute of Bankers' syllabus etc
Agar, W Talbot14/09/1896books on monometallism, HSF lectures etc
Agar, W Talbot10/03/1896Institute of Banks classes etc
Agar, W Talbot1901/5/29re HSF contribution to Institute of Bankers' Journal
Agar, W Talbot17/08/1886Institute of Bankers business, books, bimetallism
Agar, W Talbot27/07/1886asks HSF to talk at Institute of bankers on price fluctuations
Agar, W Talbot14/05/1886Institute of Bankers business
Agar, W Talbot15/01/1886Institute of Bankers business
Agar, W Talbot01/06/1886re Institute of Bankers exams
Agar, W Talbot01/03/1886re Institute of Bankers paper by HSF
Agar, W Talbot04/01/1886re Institute of Bankers paper by HSF
Agar, W Talbot06/03/1886re Institute of Bankers index and book by A R Wallace Bad Times
Agar, W Talbot29/03/1886re conference for Institute of Bankers, Statistical Society and London Chamber of Commerce
Agar, W Talbot08/12/1886asks HSF for note on QJE
Agar, W Talbot24/08/1886Institute of Bankers topics for discussion etc
Agar, W Talbot18/02/1886re HSF paper, condition of the working class etc
Agar, W Talbot25/03/1895re article for Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot15/12/1895index on banks, van Oss paper
Agar, W Talbot13/11/1895re Institute of Bankers exams
Agar, W Talbot31/08/1883asks for a review of Sidgwick's Political Economy
Agar, W Talbot26/09/1883defers HSF's review until November and thanks for revised syllabus for council of Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot17/10/1883returns article in MS form and encloses letter from Mr Chubb
Agar, W Talbot13/07/1883asks HSF to look at Political Economy syllabus for Inst. Of Bankers & review Sidgwick's Pol Ec
Agar, W Talbot21/10/1895mainly bimetallism
Agar, W Talbot17/05/1895Institute of Bankers' exams
Agar, W Talbot16/07/1897fee for Institute of Bankers' exams
Agar, W Talbot4/10/1892asks HSF about publishing Claren's lectures on foreign exchanges
Agar, W Talbot26/10/1895figures on banking
Agar, W Talbot10/06/1895poor results in Institute of Bankers exams
Agar, W Talbot10/04/1895subject for next Institute of Bankers essay
Agar, W Talbot06/03/1896exam questions for Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot22/01/1898manifesto not against Institute of Bankers
Agar, W Talbot12/11/1886thanks HSF for pamphlet of lecture etc
Agar, W Talbot22/12/1892on bimetallism
Agar, W Talbot30/05/1888bimetallic issues
Agar, W Talbot14/02/1888re lecture at Kings College
Agar, W Talbot03/02/1888re lectures at King's College
Agar, W Talbot23/10/1888standard of Institute of bankers exams too high
Ager, L10/02/1882general chat
Agnew G W5/3/1876re Sidgwick present
Agnew Lockett1912/5/7social
Agnew Lockett1911/4/27re 400th anniversary of college etc
Agnew, ?1911/5/5social
Agnew, ?10/03/1895bimetallism
Agnew, Constance02/10/1880social
Agnew, G W17/02/1884attack on economics in Cambridge
Agnew, G W13/07/1898sends HSF book
Agnew, G W1901/2/5re Sidgwick memorial etc
Agnew, G W21/05/1881social
Agnew, G W06/08/1872re his subjects in logic
Agnew, George1930/11/25on Olive's death
Agnew, George W05/11/1874letter of congraulations on being Fellow
Agnew, George W04/02/1877asks HSF re tutor for sick cousin
Agnew, George W13/02/1877asks HSF re tutor for sick cousin
Agnew, George W29/04/1877tutor for sick cousin and holiday chat
Agnew, George W20/04/1884discusses 'laissez faire', employment, wages in Lancashire
Agnew, George W28/02/1897re college for son of friend
Agnew, George W02/03/1897re HSF on Cambridge colleges
Agnew, George W1911/6/26social
Agnew, L1911/4/18social
Agnew, Locket1913/5/8to Olive Foxwell, thanks for sympathy letter
Agnew, Lockett1912/4/17general chat
Agnew, Lockett1910/4/27St John's reminiscences
Agnew, Lockett1901/7/1re HSF's library sale
Agnew, Lockett1901/1/7re sale of HSF's library
Agnew, W09/04/1888general chat
Agnew, W Lc.1879religious view
Agnew, W L22/06/1879social
Agnew, W L24/06/1879social
Agnew, W L01/07/1879re a woman
Agnew, W L14/04/1893on bimetallism
Agnew, W L02/05/1893social
Agnew, W L11/04/1893re request from HSF for loan
Agnew, W L22/04/1893social
Agnew, W L06/06/1891re his degree and work
Agnew, W L17/06/1891tickets for soiree for Mrs Eaden
Agnew, W L19/03/1891re trip to Cambridge, golfing joke
Agnew, W L15/12/1891re bimetallism, 8 Hours Bill etc
Agnew, W L27/04/1892re price of etching of Darwin
Agnew, W L13/06/1883re rooms to rent
Agnew, W L18/12/1890subscriber to EJ, banking etc
Agnew, W L1874re book
Agnew, W L1874on HSF's loss
Agnew, W L30/04/1892re price for HSF's Darwin
Agnew, W L14/02/1892re US tariffs on tin plate etc
Agnew, W L06/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Agnew, William L07/07/1880girl trouble
Agnew, William L04/08/1880re HSF's pursuit of women
Agnew, William L07/11/1880job in New York, the US, women
Ahier, E15/05/1894re years of silence, a request for HSF to meet a friend's son
Aiken Alex1919/1/15asks to meet HSF
Ailday, J I1901/6/12something entymological
Air League of the British Empire1928/12/14asks HSF to join
Aitken, Alex1919/6/20social
Aitken, George19/06/1882re UCL exams
Albery I & Co1920/5/19advice on share investmenst
Albery & Co1919/4/28re CAV shares
Albutt, Henry ArthurMalthusian tract on Over Child-Bearing etc
Aldenham, Lord16/07/1898cheque for wedding from bimetallists
Aldenham, Lord1901/6/15on HSF's position in London and chair at Birmingham
Aldenham, Lord1901/6/21re McNeil sketch sent to him
Aldenham, Lord15/10/1897HSF's Manchester bimetallism paper
Aldenham, Lord08/12/1898re Indian currency, ratio etc
Aldenham, Lord12/12/1898re ratio etc
Aldenham, Lord1901/11/16re Bank of England
Aldenham, Lord1901/7/1congratulations on library sale
Aldenham, Lord1901/6/21re HSF's Birmingham application and testimonial
Aldenham, Lord18/12/1898re professional demonstration on silver
Aldenham, Lord ??/??/1901copy of proposed reference for HSF for Birmingham Chair
Aldenham, Lord to H McNiel1901/7/11Chamberlain's opinion of Foxwell
Aldenham, Lord to H McNiel1901/6/21re Birmingham Chair
Aldenham, Lord to Olive Foxwell06/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Alder, H1912/1/2to sell HSF's University of London Press shares
Alder, H1912/12/31price of HSF's University of London Press shares too high
Alder, H1912/12/23re price of HSF's University of London Press shares
Alder, H??/??/1912advertising University of London Press shares
Alderley, William09/04/1894asks HSF to clarify a bimetallic point
Alderson, Morley31/01/1884early closing and asks HSF to get Fawcett to intervene in favour
Aldis, H G1919/1/20University L? Cambridge and company
Aldons J E PApril 1876argument about money
Alexander, J11/12/1896structure of London University degree
Alexander, S28/06/1898re examiners meeting
Alexander, S30/06/1898re examiners meeting
Alice09/06/1880social chat, with pressed flowers enclosed
Alice10/07/1880thanks for flowers for birthday
Alice24/05/1879not been to HSF's rooms, to meet
Alice22/05/1879not meet HSF, sends a flower
Alice05/12/1879argument with HSF
Alice28/11/1879re HSF and herself
Alice05/07/1879unable to meet
Alice 27/02/1881re meeting
Alice Maude13/03/1881re arrangements for evening
Alland, Hugh07/10/1889encloses copies of 3 bimetallist letters (474/2,3,4)
Alland, Hugh23/09/1889to H McNiel, on bimetallic issues
Alland, Hugh07/10/1889to Boissevain, on bimetallic issues
Allen F J1913/3/26PC _ Somersetshire folk songs
Allen F J1913/3/28folk music
Allen Harvey & Ross1917/7/23re chart ?
Allen J E ?/3/1916British Assoc questionnaire
Allen J E1917/11/28Brit Assoc questionnaire on income tax reform
Allen, D J 1921/6/22social
Allen, E B1921/4/14pc to Mrs Foxwell social and thanks HSF for information
Allen, E M1919/12/19Girton fees
Allen, F J1932/7/1on Allen's book etc
Allen, F J1929/11/20on old towers
Allen, F J1918/2/12re some venture for Somerset Archeology Society
Allen, F J1901/8/22social
Allen, F J1917/12/20social chat
Allen, F J1936/7/21to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Allen, F J1921/4/10social
Allen, F J1917/6/26re Somerset Society
Allen, F J01/05/1893re work for his brother
Allen, Frank J1922/11/4on E's death
Allen, Frank J1901/12/21social
Allen, Frank J1930/11/25on Olive's death
Allen, Frank J1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Allen, Frank K1932/4/29on his book etc
Allen, J E1915/9/13re British Association report
Allen, J E1915/9/28re Report of British Association
Allen, J E1915/5/29British Association business
Allen, J E1915/9/20credit and Quesnay Report
Allen, J E1923/9/1asks HSF to read paper
Allen, J E1918/6/8re British Association meeting
Allen, J E1918British Association meeting
Allen, J F22/06/1888re British Association in Bath
Allen, J W1910/7/30order for trunks
Allen, J W1910/8/2order for trunks
Allen, James1901/7/2re his son
Allen, James1901/5/9re getting son into college
Allen, Jane C1936/8/5to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Allen, Joe15/05/1877general chat
Allen, Joe15/07/1883re son's future
Allen, Joe17/04/1880introduces nephew to HSF, general chat
Allen, Joe21/07/1878on death of HSF mother
Allen, Joe28/07/1878re HSF's letter about mother
Allen, Joe21/07/1876hopes to see HSF
Allen, Joseph29/12/1870asks HSF to tea
Allen, S J C 17/10/1885re "Chunck(?) Defence"
Alley30/01/1890asks HSF to visit his uncle
Alleyne Flack, Mary F17/07/1882re cancelled trip to Cambridge
Alliance Franco-Britannique1908/4/28re lecture
Alliance Universalla Contre La Greve1926/11/3re its newspaper
Alliance Universalle Contre La Guerre1926/6/3asks HSF to contribute articles to new newspaper
Allie17/06/1879on birthday
Allie07/06/1879lover's talk
Alliott, A09/06/1880social
Alliott, A I10/08/1889wants name on Jenkinson's committee
Alliott, Florence29/07/1880social
Allix, C P13/08/1889to Jones supports Jenkinson for librarian
Alpha Cement Ltd1934/11/10re preference shares
American Bimetallic League1892Facts About Silver
American Bimetallic League1893pamphlet on silver, wheat and cotton
American Bimetallic League1893Constitution etc
American Bimetallic Leagueaddress to the people of the US
American Bimetallic Unionmonograph on The Crime of 1873
American Bimetallic Union15/12/1896constitution
American Bimetallic Union1896monograph: Money and Bank Credit
American Bimetallic Union1896monograph: The Matthew's Resolution
American Bimetallic Union1896monograph: Protection and Gold Standard
American Bimetallic Union1896monograph: Silver in Mexico
American Bimetallic Union1896monograph: True Volume of Money
American Bimetallic Union1896monograph: Money and Property
American Consulate General1922/10/22Senator Burton wants to see HSF
American Institute of Money and Prices11/10/1897wants to use HSF's 'The Monetary Situation'
American Institute of Money and Pricesre study cirucles
American Management Association1928invite to Winter Convention
American Management Association1928Autumn Convention Program
American Management Association1928/8/14re questionnaire on placement of graduates
American Management Association??/12/1927re Winter Convention
American Management Association1927/9/1News Letter No 41
American Management Association1927/1/15News Letter No 36
American Management Association??/02/1927Winter Convention Program
American Management Association1926/12/15News Letter no 34
American Management Association1928/10/19PC re mailing list
American Social Science Association30/05/1893asks HSF for paper
American University Union in Europe??/12/1919re a questionnaire
American Water Works & Electric Company1927/9/6to George May on Mitchell's book
Ames, Hugo08/01/1891asks HSF for article for 'The Dwarf'
Amole, E V31/07/1879re edition of University Review
Amor, M Sheldon17/01/1894Moral Sciences Club meeting
Amy21/08/1880family chat
Amy13/09/1880family chat
Amy12/03/1880family chat
Amy06/03/1880family chat
Amy26/04/1880family chat
Amy22/03/1889family chat
Amy13/03/1889family chat
Amy14/01/1880family chat
Amy17/04/1880family chat
Amy23/09/1880family chat
Amy29/09/1880family chat
Amy01/10/1880family chat
Amy29/10/1880family chat
Amy02/10/1880family chat
Amy12/02/1880family chat
Amy23/01/1880family chat
Amy10/02/1880family chat
Amy08/05/1880family chat
Amy07/04/1880family chat
Amy23/02/1880family chat
Amy16/04/1880family chat
Amy03/05/1880family chat
Amy12/05/1880family chat
Amy05/06/1880family chat
Amy31/05/1880family chat
Amy08/06/1880family chat
Amy24/05/1880family chat
Amy04/03/1880family chat
Amy06/02/1880family chat
Amy14/05/1880family chat
Amy19/05/1880family chat
Amy19/03/1880family chat
Amy12/04/1880family chat
Amy09/14/1880family chat
Amy24/04/1880family chat
Amy09/02/1880family chat
Amy12/01/1880family chat
Amy12/01/1880family chat
Amy23/05/1880family chat
Amy16/01/1880family chat
Amy30/04/1880family chat
Amy06/09/1880family chat
Amy16/10/1897re missing Olive and HSF and telgramming
Amy17/04/1898re HSF's marriage and money
Amy15/07/1898re HSF's wedding
Amy07/07/1892general family chat
Amy20/12/1894family chat
Amy09/01/1894family chat
Amy01/02/1894family chat and ref to John Oliver Hobbes' novels
Amy05/03/1894re Gladstone, family
Amy06/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Amy08/01/1890re influenza, Lisette etc
Amy24/02/1880re rendez-vous
Amy02/04/1880re rendez-vous
Anderson Jill 8/2/1818asks for money for Cripple’s Hospital
Anderson L R D29/101909re Birmingham post
Anderson, Adelaide M1919/5/30asks HSF to address HM ? Lady Inspector of Factories
Anderson, Adelaide M1919/6/14about HSF address to Inspector of Factories
Anderson, Anderson & Anderson20/08/1895bill for waterproof
Anderson, David27/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Anderson, Doris1936/8/4to AF on death of HSF
Anderson, Esme1911sends cheque for fees
Anderson's Rubber Company Ltd1928/11/5out of I R bonds
Andreades A1912/2/22social
Andreades A1921/4/6books on Greek currency
Andreades, A24/07/1911HSF's preface to Andreades book on History of Band of England
Andreades, A1923/12/12sending HSF his book
Andreades, Acontents of History of the Bank of England
Andreadis, A1909/2/18thanks HSF for preface to his book and on his book
Andreadis, F1921/4/13re review of his book for the Economic Journal
Andrew, H W17/12/1870congratulates HSF etc
Andrews E B15/6/1897re visit to Balfour
Andrews, Clement W1903/9/25HSF offer to help further John Crear Library
Andrews, Clement W1913/9/14asks HSF for John Crear Library about collection of books
Andrews, Clement Walter1910/9/4wants to see HSF
Andrews, E B25/05/1897President of Brown University - social
Andrews, E B27/05/1897HSF to introduce the Savile Club
Andrews, Henry M1902/11/23re HSF lectures on money and banking
Andrews, President23/06/1895to Roy Stone on his scheme for international coinage
Anelay, Jessie13/10/1884re reading on pauperism
Anelay, Jessie23/08/1884re pauperism
Angas L L B1920/11/26credit inflation
Angas L L B1921/3/24bank’s cash to liabilities ratio etc
Angas Lee B1921/6/2result of AK Fellowship
Angas, L L B26/06/1921re AKF Fellowship
Angas, L L B1921/2/3re his paper on Bank Rate
Anglo Scottish Investment Trust Ltd1931/5/31dividend
Anglo Scottish Investment Trust Ltd1935/3/30cheque for debenture
Anglo-American Non-Political Party1918/8/23sends HSF article on silver
Anglo-Chinese Friendship Bureau1920/5/20card, reception to meet Sir John and Lady Jordan
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1917/3/10notice of EGM
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1922/4/11re meeting of shareholders
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1922/10/19re HSF's shares
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1922/11/22re shares
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1911/1/16re shares
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1911/1/28re shares
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1911/10/24re shares
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1911/10/26re shares
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1911/1/13re shares
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1922/7/14re HSF dissent
Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd1922/7/18re HSF dissent
Anionn, Alfred1911/7/1to meet HSF
Anionn, Alfred1911to meet HSF
Ann (HSF's aunt)24/12/1870congratulations letter
Annals of the Americal Academy of Political & Social Science1891questions about course requirements
Annals of the American Academy10/01/1891re BEA
Annals of the American Academy02/02/1891re using Academy as sale agency for BEA
Annie22/11/1880re meeting etc
Annie24/11/1880asks to meet for last time
Annie05/10/1878missed HSF, sends photos
Anonymous28/06/1898to Olive Dorrington, HSf has been going with street walkers for 20 years
Anonymous02/07/1898claims HSF made a nurse pregnant, always hanging around stage doors and Regent Street at night
Anonymousnote on the origin of the Japanese mint
Anonymouspoem on members of Bimetallic League
Anonymousnotes on monetary valuation
Anonymousnote on early attempt to start economic society
Anonymous1883analysis of 273 cases at Pendlebury
Anonymous1891monograph of a jobbing plumber
anonymous1910/11/18PC asks HSF to reply to letter in The Times
anonymous30/07/1894PC social
anonymous20/09/1871PC lonely
anonymous18/01/1871PC in Greek
Ansdell, Thosthanks HSF for letter
Ansdell, Thosasks for information about Cambridge
Anstey Martin 1/3/1919re Cambridge college for nephew
Anstey, Martin02/07/1884student thank you letter
Anstey, Martin13/12/1884asks about scholarship
Anstey, Martin20/04/1891re socialism
Anstey, Martin10/04/1891lectures to working men
Anstey, Martin1916/3/30PC thanks HSF for help
Anstey, Martin1916/3/27PC re chart on prices
Antia W1912/11/15re testimonial
Antia, ?1912/11/8student letter
Antia, M J27/01/1914to see HSF at UCL
Antia, M J1914/1/19general chat
Antia, M J1914/2/2on his career
Antia, W1911/1/28asks HSF's help for brother
Anti-Socialist Union1912/4/30students who might help Union
Anti-Socialist Union1910/9/26news sheet
Anti-Socialist Union1910/10/25publications
Anti-Socialist Union of Great Britain1911/9/11sends Liberty
Anti-Socialist Union of Great Britain1911/9/25Sir George Darwin to be Chair of Cambridge University Board
Anti-Socialist Union of Great Britain1913/4/14sends HSF documents
Anti-Socialist Union of Great Britain1911/5/25re HSF letter and Mr Seton
Anti-Socialist Union of Great Britain1911/5/23re Cambridge people, socialism at UCL
Anti-Socialist Union of Great Britain1911/5/24re starting Cambridge branch
Applegarth R1910/9/19death of George Howell
Applegarth, R1909/10/11re workers' education
Applegarth, R1909on National Industrial Education League
Applegarth, R1906/6/17progress with George Howell Library Fund
Applegarth, R1906/6/22results so far of Howell Library Fund
Applegarth, R1906/5/29progress with George Howell Library Fund
Applegarth, R1906/10/24results so far of Howell Library Fund
Applegarth, R1911/2/8papers on National Conference on Industrial Training
Applegarth, R1905/9/26on George Howell's Library Fund
Appleton, Edward V1920/3/17to P Giles, candidature for Allen Scholarship
Appleton, R07/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Arber, Edward25/03/1882re republishing old tracts
Arbuthnot Capt J1911/1/9general
Arbuthnot, Charles S1910/12/5to brother (see 49/4) about HSF's visit to Bank of England
Arbuthnot, J1910/12/9re visit to Bank of England
Arbuthnot, J08/03/????student letter
Arbuthnott, J B22/11/??invite to ? class dinner
Archer, J09/06/1898to meet HSF, brings letter from Ernest 329/28
Aretz P1911/7/22oild tract
Aretz, P1911/11/15asks HSF about his history of banking
Aretz, P1911/8/3thanks HSF for abstract, pamphlet
Arls, Ernst20/07/1891budget of Economic Club
Armitage Smith, ?05/05/1893asks HSF to examine for British Institute
Armitage Smith, ?19/05/1893re exams of British Institute
Armitage-Smith, G1907/6/6re changing economics syllabus
Armitage-Smith, Sydney29/06/1895apologises for missing end of course and exams
Armstrong Prof L F21/10/1890 re engineering chair Edinburgh
Armstrong Prof L F20/10/1890re Edinburgh engineering chair
Armstrong, Percy Wm07/12/1887asks HSF to become President of Cambridge Economic Club
Army & Navy1922/8/15repair of raincoat
Army & Navy1922/8/12repair of raincoat
Arnold E V1915/9/4programme of war finance
Arnold E V1915/9/14war finance
Arnold, E V1915/9/8re a scheme to solve England's problems
Arnold, E V1915/9/8on his scheme to solve England's problems
Arnold, E V02/08/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Arnold, Fred M20/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Arnold, H A J Coape10/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Arnold, I W1922/3/19appointment
Arnold, J W1917/12/18re meeting at India Office
Arnott, Samuel23/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Arthur12/01/1892re influenza epidemic in family, including Enid
Arthur27/01/1892re influenza epidemic and present of a new suit from HSF
Arthur16/06/1892HSF's birthday, holiday, general
Arthur20/09/1892re holiday in Yorkshire
Arthur21/12/1892re Sibly testimonial
Arthur10/05/1892re local election at hospital
Arthur28/07/1880PC re accomm. London
Arthur12/05/1880PC re exam success
Arthur02/10/1880PC re free bed and decorating
Arthur??/??/1880PC general chat
Arthur07/04/1880re loan, exams
Arthur01/09/1880re funds, plans
Arthur05/02/1880re social arrangements, Queen's visit
Arthur22/01/1880re accom for HSF in London (Chambers)
Arthur03/05/1880re MA degree etc
Arthur23/02/1880general family chat
Arthur03/06/1880asks HSF to pay registration fee
Arthur17/06/1880re MA and MD degrees
Arthur28/06/1880re exams, stay in Weston, social chat
Arthur15/03/1880re Bedford and school views and Ernest chat
Arthur14/07/1880re putting up HSF for night
Arthur04/10/1880re hospital case, social, plans
Arthur17/11/1880general chat
Arthur26/07/1880re Ernest's trip to York, general chat
Arthur15/08/1880re money he owes HSF
Arthur12/07/1880re finance, hard work, women's rights
Arthur30/05/1880re staying in Camb for examns
Arthur20/04/1880general chat
Arthur22/11/1869letter from school, general chat
Arthur08/12/1869congrats HSF on being President of Johnian Debating Society etc
Arthur23/10/1869general school chat, chapel news
Arthur14/10/1869asks HSF for Virgil, general chat
Arthur09/11/1869school chat
Arthur14/04/1894asks for bookseller's name, wants to sell a diamond, etc
Arthur02/01/1894Ernest's influenza, health chat
Arthur28/05/1872re standards at Weslyan College Taunton, results etc
Arthur19/06/1872schoolwork, exams, etc
Arthur25/09/1872discusses future career, asks HSF's advice
Arthur25/08/1872re failure to get an Exhibition, etc
Arthur Rutter & Co1908/11/9to inspect house
Arthur Rutter & Co1908/10/22re a house
Article Club04/02/1895re dinner about the decimal system
Artisans' Technical Association13/07/1885PC re meeting and asks HSF for paper
Arunachalam, Sir P1914/1/29social
Aschnott, William24/05/1886social
Aschnott, William18/05/1886re Aschnott's book
Ashbee, C R20/01/1884student letter
Ashburner, W12/06/1895about an essay
Ashcroft, Dr18/12/1884thank you letter
Asheley, C12/07/1888Newmarch lecture
Asher & Co1903/10/20asks about pamphlets on the Zollverein
Ashley W1919/12/4re chair in Wellington
Ashley W1919/11/28re Wellington chair
Ashley W1919/11/17re Wellington chair
Ashley, W J16/07/1898on HSF's wedding
Ashley, W J1901/4/18re a note of his and dispute with HSF
Ashley, W J1908/11/19re exam marking
Ashley, W J1908/10/18re HSF, Cambridge chair and his leaving Cambridge
Ashley, W J1908/10/20re election to Marshall's chair
Ashley, W J1908/10/20copy of letter to marshall on election to AM's chair
Ashley, W J26/01/1893re HSF gift of books to Toronto University Library
Ashley, W J to A Marshall1908/10/15re HSF, his leaving Cambridge and Cambridge Chair
Ashley, William13/05/1918cryptic re some circular
Ashley, William1917/6/11re HSF letter to Ashley
Ashley, William1926/4/11his career and desire to become Fellow of British Academy
Ashley, Wm1918/5/18re tariff reform
Ashley, Wm1921/11/4an article, dine with Walter
Ashley, Wm1926/4/29re British Academy
Ashnall, F H12/08/1889PC to Gray supports Jenkinson for librarian
Ashton-Gwatkin, W H08/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Asnodkar, M N1921/6/3missed HSF at LSE
Asquith, H H14/11/1879re lectures for Extension of University Teaching
Asquith, H H19/11/1879re HSF lectures
Asquith, Rev S27/11/1886asks advice on economic books
Association of Special Libraries1927/5/12re a clearing house
Atchinson, A T04/05/1887asks HSF whether he wants to be secretary of Section F or Vice President
Atherton Mrs Nora1910/5/18re student relative at UCL
Atkinson, Edward07/12/1891international comparisons of cost of living
Atkinson, H F13/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Atlantic Union1901Annual report and programme for 1902
Auction and Estate Agency Offices24/01/1887re bill for father's estate
Auldjo, J05/12/1893on his bimetallic pamphlet
Auldjo, J24/12/1893on his bimetallic pamphlet
Auldjo, J C02/12/1893re his own pamphlet, rewriting same, bimetallism; also 24/10/1893 copy of letter to Dundee Advertiser
Auldjo, J C19/11/1893price of gold, views on bimetallism, asks HSF to read his essay on subject
Auldjo, J C30/12/1893encloses copy of letter to Dundee Advertiser, gold and silver mining etc
Auldjo, J C01/02/1895demonetization of silver
Auldjo, J C11/12/1893re HSF's criticisms of his article on gold
Auldjo, J C28/11/1894to Edgeworth, on fall in prices - bimetallism
Auldjo, J C12/11/1894to Edgeworth, on fall in prices - bimetallism
Auldjo, J C22/11/1894fall in prices due to scarcity of silver
Auldjo, J C21/06/1894sends HSF copy of his pamphlet on the currency question
Auldjo, J C31/10/1894re cause of fall in prices
Auldjo, J C09/11/1894purchasing power of money, bimetallic arguments
Aunlis, G A02/08/1897to Erdmann on bimetallism
Aunt Aggie to Olive Foxwell01/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Aunt Maggie to Olive Foxwell04/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Aunt Nora1936/8/3to Audrey on HSF's death
Aunt Winifred1936/8/5to Audrey on HSF's death
Auntie ??to Audrey Foxwell, congratulations to Audrey
Auntie Tattie to Audrey Foxwell1938/1/2family
Auntie Tattie to Audrey Foxwell1937/12/3family chat
Austen, W C Robert29/01/1888re Dana Horton's election to British Association
Austey, Martin23/12/1892re bimetallic argument
Austey, Martin27/12/1892a bimetallic scheme
Austey, Martin29/03/1892questions on rural depopulation
Austey, Martin1906/6/6report of debate on Marxism
Austey, Martin11/10/1893re case of physic contact
Austey, Martin29/04/1893re HSF to address meeting and figures on prices, bankruptcies and unemployment
Austey, Martin07/03/1893re a meeting HSF to talk at
Austey, Martin27/03/1893re a meeting HSF to talk at
Austey, Martin02/02/1893re pamphlet on bimetallism and other bimetallism topics
Austey, Martin04/02/1893bimetallism
Austey, Martin09/05/1893to get at Chamberlain on bimetallism
Austey, Martin21/11/1893psychic phenomena
Austey, Martin06/11/1893psychic phenomena
Austey, Martin10/03/1893re a bimetallic meeting
Austin & Austin1900/4/21re some loan
Austin & Austin??/04/1900fees for loan to hSF
Austin, G H1927/9/7College of Commerce, Leeds re HSF's library
Avebury, Lord to H McNiel1901/1/11re sale of HSF's library
Aves, E15/11/1888asks HSF to speak at a conference
Aves, E07/02/1894tables of Budgets
Aves, Ernest18/01/1895asks HSF about friend
Aves, Ernest15/11/1895re articles for some journal
Aves, Ernest19/08/1887asks HSF for suggestions for help on lecture course
Aves, Ernest1901/6/8asks HSF's support for Birmingham chair
Aves, Ernest??/07/1892circular re account schedules of Economic Club
Aves, Ernest1901/6/12re letter from HSF
Aves, Ernest1911to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Axen, William E A23/02/1893had to shorten HSF article for Guardian
Axon, William E A18/10/1895asks HSf to write piece for Manchester Guardian on a book
Aylmer, J A30/04/1875asks HSF to coach him
Ayres, James S T L28/06/1882re some arrangement
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