Name |
Date |
Title |
B B | 1915/8/3 | pc social |
B B Batsford Ltd | | flyer for book on English architecture |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1932/6/8 | re transfer of books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1929/7/17 | re books to be sent to Mr Easton |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1929/10/21 | re shipping of books to America |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1929/5/8 | re shipment of HSF's library |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1929/5/10 | re shipment of HSF's library |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1929/6/14 | re shipment of HSF's library |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1937/2/4 | to ship books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1937/2/17 | re shipping library to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1929/7/27 | re HSF books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1937/3/8 | to Higgs, boat every two weeks to US |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1937/2/19 | to Audrey Foxwell, re sailing schedules to Boston |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1937/2/19 | to Audrey Foxwell, invoice of consignment on 20 cases of books |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1937/3/11 | to C C Scott, no advantage to ship via Liverpool |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1937/1/15 | to C C Scott, will arrange to ship books |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1937/1/19 | to Audrey Foxwell, re insurance of books |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/3/12 | re shipment of books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1932/5/26 | re shipment of books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/3/18 | re shipment of books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/1/18 | re shipment of books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/1/14 | re shipment of books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/2/2 | re insurance and price of books |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/4/16 | re problem of invoices etc |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/4/11 | contents and values of 21 cases of books |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/5/7 | re shipment of books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1930/3/29 | re shipment of books to Harvard |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1932/5/19 | re shipment of books |
B F Stevens & Brown Ltd | 1929/6/4 | re books for shipment |
B W | 1916/3/18 | PC _ bank law suit |
B W | 1916/3/21 | pc re University of London library fincance |
B W | 1916/4/12 | PC re some money dispute |
B W | 1916/7/15 | PC re University of London Press |
Baby | ? | feels so ill |
Baby | 13/04/1881 | rendez-vous |
Baby | 31/12/1881 | cannot meet tomorrow |
Baby | 22/12/1881 | re rendez-vous |
Baby | 28/09/1881 | been very ill, nearly engaged |
Baby? | 30/06/???? | resaon for not seeing HSF |
Badger & Co | 1935-36 | bills for clothing |
Bafewal, P W | 01/05/1896 | re meeting with Balfour |
Bagenal, Philip | 23/04/1894 | re meeting with Chaplin |
Bagenal, Philip | 12/06/1894 | re meeting with Chaplin |
Bagnall-Wild, R B | 14/08/1889 | to Appleton support Jenkinson for librarian |
Bagster, L E | 1916/1/24 | Foxwell girls' science classes |
Bahm-Bawerk, E | 1911/8/8 | to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living |
Bailey, Emily | 1918/5/15 | children's school fees |
Bailey, Emily | 1918/9/6 | daughter's school accounts |
Bailey, John | 1913/12/8 | re support for SCAPA |
Bailward, W H | ??/02/1910 | asks HSF to sign a petition |
Baines T | 5/3/1876 | re Sidgwick testimonial |
Baines D L | 12/7/1871 | St John’s chat |
Baines D L | 30/7/1871 | general caht |
Baines Talbot | 22/8/1890 | re HSF visit at British Association |
Baines Talbot | 22/7/1890 | talks of HSF & British Association |
Baines, E | 1928/1/23 | on her brother's death |
Baines, Talbot | 03/04/1883 | re Jevons's memorial |
Baines, Talbot | 20/01/1873 | student letter |
Baines, Talbot | 28/05/1881 | on HSF's chair etc |
Baines, Talbot | 20/01/1880 | re cousin's membership of Savile Club and Baines' work |
Baines, Talbot | 24/01/1880 | general chat |
Baines, Talbot | 19/06/1872 | congrats HSF on scholarship |
Baines, Talbot | 26/07/1872 | thanks HSF for looking through his papers |
Baines, Talbot | 05/07/1872 | re his papers |
Baines, Talbot | 05/08/1872 | re some questions |
Baines, Talbot | 16/07/1872 | sends HSF money for tuition |
Baird, H C | 1909/2/5 | re Carey's pamphlets |
Baird, Henry C | 1911/2/13 | on protectionism |
Baird, Henry C | 1909/1/1 | Cary pamphlets |
Baird, Henry C | 1909/1/9 | re pamphlets |
Baird, Henry C | 1909/10/1 | list of pamphlets |
Baird, Henry Carey | 28/02/1912 | encloses press offprints of interviews |
Baird, Henry Carey | 1912/3/25 | ? |
Baird, Henry Carey | 30/04/1896 | purchase of books |
Baird, Henry Carey | 09/04/1894 | despatch of books from USA, silver |
Baird, Henry Carey | 10/04/1894 | sends copies of his paper, Marshall, etc |
Baird, Henry Carey | 15/09/1893 | open letter on silver and the tariff |
Baird, Henry Carey | 11/10/1893 | open letter on National Bank loans |
Baird, Henry Carey | 02/02/1894 | open letter on The Wilson Tariff Bill |
Baird, Henry Carey | 01/11/1893 | open letter on The Silver Bill |
Baird, Henry Carey | 1911/1/30 | letter to "the Press" on Mr Taft's Canadian Venture |
Baird, Henry Carey | 1908/11/24 | sends portrait of Matthew Carey |
Baker, H D | 1936/8/6 | to AF on HSF's death |
Baker, H F | 1919/3/27 | Chair (?) in Italian |
Baker, H F | 12/08/1896 | introduces Prof F Giddings |
Baker, H F | ??/??/1893 | re storage of HSF's books in St John's |
Baker, H F | 1933/11/22 | re HSF's fall |
Baker, Howard | 24/08/1893 | Mr Balfour can see HSF |
Baker, Howard | 24/08/1893 | re meeting with Balfour |
Baker, Robert E | 25/10/1895 | re pamphlets for HSF's lectures at Chamber of Commerce |
Baker, Robert E | 23/04/1894 | bimetallism andn Sir Henry Moysey |
Baker, Robert E | 26/10/1895 | re advice on pamphlets |
Baker, Robert G | 07/07/1898 | on HSF marriage |
Baker, Thos S | 26/08/1894 | trip to Japan, bimetallism |
Baker, Thos S | 31/12/1893 | foreign trade of India |
Baker, W W C | 14/08/1889 | to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Baldwin, Stanley | 1929 | appeal to voters to vote Unionist and Conservative |
Bale, Algernon J B | 14/03/1880 | death of brother and Bale's work |
Bale, G G P | 21/06/1875 | general chat |
Bale, G G P | 14/01/1875 | re frustrated love and work generally |
Bale, G G P | 27/01/1875 | re religion (Christian philosophers) |
Bale, G G P | 08/06/1894 | social |
Bale, G G P | 25/06/1874 | general chat |
Bale, G G P | 06/05/1876 | his Italian trip |
Bale, G G P | 06/10/1875 | general chat |
Bale, G G P | 10/07/1874 | long general chat |
Balfour Arthur | 1903/7/7 | asks to talk to HSF |
Balfour, A | 1903/7/17 | asks HSF to discuss a paper |
Balfour, A | 02/03/1895 | to W H Houldsworth, cannot make a metting, at a dinner to celebrate brother's discovery of anger |
Balfour, A J | 08/08/1893 | international currency arrangements |
Balfour, A J | 01/05/1895 | re HSF letter and Balfour position |
Balfour, A J | 30/07/1897 | replies on London University Bill |
Balfour, A J | 10/03/1898 | re HSF's brother's views on Japanese |
Balfour, A J | 14/09/1892 | no title |
Balfour, A J | 1903/7/31 | re some private issue and list |
Balfour, A J | 1903/7/9 | re meeting with HSF |
Balfour, A J | 1903/7/29 | asks HSF for comments on papers on fiscal matters |
Balfour, A J | 1903/8/19 | re cabinet, his notes etc |
Balfour, A J | 1903/7/25 | "Economic Notes on Insular Free Trade" |
Balfour, A J | 17/04/1894 | to McNiel will miss banquet etc |
Balfour, A J | April 1894 | to W A Amworth re lunch with Lord Mayor |
Balfour, Arthur John | 08/10/1896 | re problem over Glasgow chair |
Balfour, Eustace | 14/08/1889 | re people to write to |
Balfour, Maxwell | 21/10/1895 | asks HSF to recommend tutor in political economy |
Balfour, Maxwell | 26/10/1895 | asks HSF to recommend tutor in political economy |
Balfour, R S | 31/01/1895 | re sketch of St Johns |
Balfour, R S | 11/10/1893 | social |
Ball, George | 06/12/1879 | re edition of Smith |
Ball, James | 13/08/1885 | industrial villages |
Ball, James | 09/07/1885 | appointment to executive committee for Society for Promoting Industrial Villages |
Ball, James | 10/07/1885 | rent for Society for Promoting Industrial Villages |
Ball, James | 27/07/1885 | Society for Promoting Industrial Villages business |
Ball, R | 21/07/1896 | PC cancels appointment |
Ball, S | 24/11/1890 | re Oxford conference on trade unionism |
Ball, S | 21/02/1889 | re economic societies in Oxford |
Ball, Sidney | 28/02/1887 | re HSF lecture |
Ball, Sidney | 30/01/1892 | asks if HSF's British Association paper is accessible |
Ball, Sidney | 01/02/1892 | thanks HSF for paper, wants information on industrial methods of Paris municipality |
Ball, Sir Roland | 18/07/1896 | social |
Ballentine, A S | 1919/6/12 | re meeting of International Statistical Institute |
Balow H R (?) | 1913/11/14 | social |
Banaclough, Robert | 1924/12/1 | re Audrey Foxwell's assurance policies |
Banbury, T B (?) | 14/03/1894 | thank you letter |
Banca Commerciale Italiana | 1917/4/18 | re post-war banking |
Bandalai K C | 1918/3/26 | information on bimetallism |
Banerjee D N | 1913/11/14 | asks for appointment |
Bank of England | 1914/12/21 | interest on War Stock for AF |
Bank of England | 1916/3/21 | payment of War Loan for AF |
Bank of England | 1917/7/18 | interest on War Stock for AF |
Bank of England | 1913/1/14 | re India stock transfer |
Bank of England | 1915 | to AF war loans certificates |
Bank of England Library | 22/11/1299 | advice on collection |
Bank of France | 1923/3/23 | re a pamphlet |
Bankers Trust Company | 1924/4/14 | re book on inter-ally debt |
Bankers Trust Company | 1924/9/18 | seeks advice on book on public finance, banking in US |
Banking & Currency Reform League | 1910/4/21 | statement of aims |
Banking & Currency Reform League | 1914/4/11 | PC _ address by Capt A St John |
Banking and Currency Reform League | 1912/10/11 | notice of AGM |
Banks, J M M | 1922/7/17 | re some testimonial |
Banks, S J | 07/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Banque Commerciale de Basle | 1913/9/15 | seeking business |
Barber, S F | 11/08/1889 | will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Barbour Sir David | 1912/12/1 | finance of trade & Fisher’s proposals |
Barbour Sir David | 1914/1/29 | his book, Keynes, Fisher etc |
Barbour, D | 1901/11/1 | re his son's studies |
Barbour, D | 1901/10/7 | re son going to Cambridge |
Barbour, D | 08/02/1894 | to Houldsworth re bimetallic manifesto |
Barbour, Ralph | 1930/11/11 | thank you letter |
Barbour, Sir D | 12/12/1895 | Indian coinage, etc |
Barbour, Sir D | 08/12/1895 | introduces M James studying indebtedness of landed classes in India |
Barbour, Sir D | 25/03/1888 | re his paper for currency commission |
Barbour, Sir D | 29/03/1888 | re meeting HSF |
Barclay, Gordon | 1/6/1910 | re a newspaper article |
Barclay, M A | 06/04/1894 | invitation to dine |
Barclay, M A | 02/01/1893 | re dinner |
Barclay, R to H Grenfell | 07/12/1891 | paper money |
Barclay, Robert | 30/03/1892 | re bimetallic debate |
Barclay, Robert | 05/10/1893 | social |
Barclay, Robert | 30/11/1893 | re letter on bimetallism |
Barclay, Robert | 10/10/1893 | re a pamphlet on bimetallism |
Barclay, Robert | 07/11/1893 | re a pamphlet on bimetallism |
Barclay, Robert | 10/11/1893 | re a pamphlet on bimetallism |
Barclay, Robert | 11/11/1893 | bimetallism, encloses copy of letter to Chapman and notes on his pamphlet |
Barclay, Robert | 1901/6/18 | praised HSF and hopes he gets Birmingham chair |
Barclay, Robert | 18/06/1891 | re McNiel's suggestions for letter presumably to support HSF at Birmingham |
Barclay, Robert | 1901/6/20 | agrees to change letter in support of HSF at Birmingham |
Barclay, Robert | 21/04/1892 | on Bimetallic League etc |
Barclay, Robert | 21/04/1892 | duplicate of 494/22 |
Barclay, Robert | 1901/6/20 | re HSF's Birmingham application and testimonial |
Barclay, William | 17/11/1892 | to Houldsworth, re fall in prices etc |
Bardany, Charles | 16/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Barham, F F | 20/04/1887 | re publicity for £1 notes |
Barham, F F | 11/02/1887 | a scheme for banking |
Barham, R | 1915/1/30 | decline in PE Club dinner, role of different levels of government |
Barhan, F | 07/02/1887 | re scheme on bank issues |
Baring Brothers | 1915/11/11 | receipt for investment |
Barker Geoffrey V | 1919/2/9 | disposal of Palgrave’s library |
Barker Major G R | 1919/6/10 | re book purchases |
Barker, G C | 28/12/1875 | on HSF's taxes |
Barker, Geoffrey | 1919/4/29 | re books |
Barker, George F | 22/07/1896 | thank you letter |
Barker, Goeffrey P | 18/04/1919 | re disposal of Barker's library |
Barker, J | 20/03/1893 | Walker's request for volume of Economic Review, HSF article on bimetallism |
Barlow, Margaret | 1936/8/6 | to Audrey on HSF's death |
Barlow, Montague | 30/11/1897 | wants to see HSF |
Barlow, Mrs | 1930/11/26 | card on Olive's death |
Barnaby, Henry F | 28/06/1887 | re HSF to speak at meeting |
Barnard, E B | 16/06/1881 | asks for marks in exams |
Barnard, P | 1914/8/31 | offers HSF collection of material on the East India Company |
Barnard, P M | 1915/3/4 | re trouble with book sales |
Barnard, P M | 1924/5/26 | re old book |
Barnard, P M | 1912/3/13 | re old pamphlets |
Barnard, William | 11/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Barnes, Geoffrey | 1913/11/12 | re world gold supplies and prices |
Barnes, GG | 17/11/1913 | re money and prices |
Barnes, James | 05/12/1892 | re memorial for Mr Sibly |
Barnes, Talbot | 20/06/1874 | re studies |
Barnes, Talbot | 05/03/1874 | general chat |
Barnes, Talbot | 04/11/1874 | on HSF's fellowship |
Barnes, Talbot | 11/03/1874 | on Bentham Locke, etc |
Barnett S A | 1/1/1883 | re invite to Toynbee’s lectures |
Barnett S A | 22/6/1883 | general |
Barnett S A | 18/7/1883 | re St John’s meeting |
Barnett S A | 30/7/1883 | re St John’s meeting |
Barnett S A | 22/11/1883 | anti Hodgson |
Barnett S A | 29/11/1883 | anti Hodgson |
Barnett S A | 10/7/1883 | thanks for St John’s meeting |
Barnett S A | 6/7/1883 | re St John’s meeting |
Barnett S A | 4/6/1883 | re St John’s meeting |
Barnett S A | 12/6/1883 | re St John’s meeting |
Barnett, Arthur | 24/03/1880 | re his essay paper |
Barnett, Rev A | 14/06/1882 | re reform of Board of Works |
Barnett, S A | 07/05/1885 | re an HSF proposal |
Barnett, S A | 26/12/1881 | on socialism |
Barnett, S A | 20/12/1881 | asks HSF to give a talk |
Barnett, Saul | 30/03/1884 | asks for help to find a curate for the parish |
Barnett, Saul A | 25/01/1881 | looking for a curate |
Barnett, Saul F | 03/10/1898 | asks for help for friend in application for a chair |
Barnicolt, O R | 24/07/1898 | to Mrs Dorrington re wedding |
Barnicott, O R | 06/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Barnicott, R | 14/03/1888 | re Taunton Wesleyan Collegiate Institutions |
Barrett, C F | 1912/10/23 | re Report on Royal Mint |
Barrett, C F | 1912/10/28 | to dicuss Report on Royal Mint |
Barrett, C F | 1912/11/4 | arrangements to discuss Report on Royal Mail |
Barrett, C S | 1913/1/4 | Royal Mint figures for 1912 |
Barrett, Prof D | 1914/10/17 | seeks help on resumption of specie payments in USA 1862-79 |
Barrett, Prof D | 1914/10/24 | thanks HSF for reply on specie payments |
Barriolt O R | 17/12/1897 | HSF’s views on clergy |
Barron, W A | 1926/5/27 | re some University of London exam papers |
Barrow & Smith | 1921/1/12 | Dorrington’s Marriage Settlement |
Barrow & Smith | 1921/1/5 | Dorrington Marriage Settlement Trust |
Barrow & Smith | 1927/5/7 | re summons on estate of W E Dorrington |
Barrows, H D | 27/06/1895 | joins League, wants HSF's writings on money |
Bartels, Margie | 12/08/1880 | re meetings |
Bartels, Margie | 23/08/1880 | rendez-vous |
Bartels, Margie | 06/09/1880 | friendly chat etc |
Bartels, Margie | 02/09/1880 | re missed appointment |
Bartels, Margie | 24/09/1880 | friendly chat |
Bartels, Margie | 01/08/1880 | missed HSF, friendly chat |
Bartels, Margie | 26/08/1880 | friendly chat, asks HSF a favour |
Bartels, Margie | 28/06/1880 | re meetings |
Bartels, Margie | 19/06/1880 | thanks HSF for prayer book, to meet |
Bartels, Margie | 30/05/1880 | left prayer book with HSF, new address |
Bartels, Margie | 16/09/1880 | new address for letters, friendly chat |
Bartels, Margie | 13/10/1880 | PC received letters |
Bartels, Margie | 15/10/1880 | vigilence of her people, still wants to see HSF |
Bartels, Margie | 11/11/1880 | changed her mind about a clergyman |
Bartels, Margie | 27/11/1880 | PC new address |
Bartels, Margie | 21/10/1880 | rendez-vous |
Bartels, Margie | 11/10/1880 | HSF 'impolite' |
Bartels, Margie | 15/11/1880 | couldn't meet |
Bartels, Margie | 27/10/1880 | could become religious |
Bartine, A F | 1896 | monograph: Effect of Fifty Cent Dollar |
Bartine, A F | 1896 | monograph: The Overproduction Absurdity |
Bartine, A F | 1896 | monograph: An International Agreement |
Bartine, A F | 1896 | monograph: Cheap Money Swindle |
Bartless, W | 16/06/1897 | sends his book on bimetallism |
Bartlett, ? | 1920 | syllabus of lectures on psychology and industry |
Bartlett, F | 1932/3/5 | thanks HSF for congratulations |
Baruht, O R | 05/10/1897 | on his engagement |
Bary, J B | 1911/11/8 | social |
Bashford, J L | 04/02/1874 | student letter |
Baskill, C T | 12/03/1899 | thanks HSF for Menger |
Basset Ernest H | 1915/10/24 | war economics; politicians etc |
Basset Ernest H | 1915/10/10 | effects of war on working classes |
Bassett, Ernest W | 1929/9/28 | general chat |
Bastable C F | 1914/11/29 | PC _ re meeting |
Bastable, C F | 1918/5/9 | on HSF's proposal for increasing scientific research |
Bastable, C F | 1921/10/8 | on marking exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 1913/11/29 | HSF's student gets a First |
Bastable, C F | 1920/10/15 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 1920/10/8 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 23/06/189? | re Dublin exams |
Bastable, C F | 02/06/1898 | re books proofs and exams |
Bastable, C F | 01/05/1893 | re exam papers for Civil Service Commission |
Bastable, C F | 06/05/1893 | re exam papers for Civil Service Commission |
Bastable, C F | 19/04/1893 | re exam papers for Civil Service Commission |
Bastable, C F | 12/05/1893 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 22/05/1893 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 22/05/1893 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 29/08/1893 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 01/06/1893 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 03/07/1898 | exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 09/05/1898 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 16/05/1898 | PC re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 01/07/1898 | PC re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 09/07/1897 | re lectures on exams |
Bastable, C F | 04/05/1898 | re exam questions |
Bastable, C F | 04/07/1898 | re meeting on exams |
Bastable, C F | 16/05/1898 | thanks HSF for exam papers etc |
Bastable, C F | 18/06/1898 | re exam papers etc |
Bastable, C F | 1913/11/10 | pc re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 26/01/1889 | re instructions of Indian Civil Service candidates |
Bastable, C F | 1915/7/22 | PC exam scripts |
Bastable, C F | 1922/9/1 | re exam papers |
Bastable, C F | 1922/8/4 | re exam arrangements |
Bastable, C F | 1902/7/27 | re petition on University of London |
Bastable, C F | 1921/4/22 | recommends Joseph Johnston |
Bastable, C F | 1911/8/29 | to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living |
Bastath C T | 3/7/1897 | student letter |
Baster, A S J | 1930/4/17 | re London money market financing long-term German loans to industry |
Batchelor, A | 25/06/1891 | re Institute of Bankers exams |
Batchelor, G | 14/03/1895 | Australian bank deposits |
Batchelor, G A | 11/10/1893 | bimetallic issues |
Batchelor, G A | 11/03/1895 | re enclosed paper on bimetallic ratio |
Batchelor, Geo A | 02/10/1893 | city stumbling block on currency, current monetary problems, encloses letter on repeal of Sherman Act |
Batchelor, H C | 15/11/1894 | asks for copy of report |
Batchelor, H C | 22/11/1894 | re report of G&S commission |
Bate, G G P | 25/01/1878 | thanks HSF for PE papers, his studies |
Bate, J P | 21/07/1894 | social |
Bate, John P | 24/02/1895 | asks HSF to put him up at Savile Club |
Bate, John P | 16/05/1895 | asks HSF to support him for chair at University College |
Bate, John P | 1889 | to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Bate, John Pawley | 1908/7/2 | disappointed HSF missed Marshall chair |
Bate, Tyach J M | 1920/3/21 | re death of son |
Bateman, A E | 26/05/1884 | re teaching and Royal Statistical Society |
Bateman, D | 21/02/1884 | on HSF's brother's article on trains(?) in Statistical Society Journal |
Bateson W | 15/6/1897 | College tiff |
Bateson, A | 15/04/1881 | re portrait of Dr Bateson for St John's |
Bateson, A | 5-May | accepts HSF invitation |
Bateson, Mrs A | 24/02/1879 | re death in HSF family |
Bateson, W | 04/03/1886 | re trip to Russia to explore salt lakes |
Bateson, W | 1911/11/17 | PC re an HSF query |
Bateson, W H | 04/12/1877 | re lectureship at St John's |
Bateson, W H | 12/03/1881 | re a testimonial |
Bateson, W H | 13/10/1875 | invites HSF to dinner for Mr Moorhouse |
Bateson, W H | 18/05/1875 | re HSF's appointment as lecturer in Moral Sciences at £100 p.a. |
Bateson, W H | 15/03/1881 | testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair |
Bateson, W H | 13/03/1880 | on the elections |
Bateson, W H | 23/10/1880 | re a meeting |
Bateson, W H | 04/03/1880 | St John's essays |
Bateson, W H S | 26/05/1878 | re prize essays at St John's |
Bateson, W H S | 16/01/1879 | re HSF's work outside St John's |
Bateson, W H S | 13/11/1878 | Music Society expenses, prize essays |
Bateson, W H S | 11/06/1878 | re HSF's stipend |
Bateson, William | 24/10/1881 | asks HSF to join Committee for carrying on Religious Conferences in Green Street |
Bather, W J | 22/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Batson M E | 1922/11/14 | thanks HSF for testimonial |
Baudlynin T | 1920/12/20 | on economics & letter from Deschamps |
Bauer, S | 02/06/1890 | social |
Bauer, S | 19/05/1890 | social |
Bauer, S | 10/07/1890 | re publication of his papers |
Bauer, S | 01/08/1890 | re publication of his papers etc |
Bauer, Stephan | 05/06/1893 | introduces Alfred Ostersetzer |
Bauer, Stephan | 18/11/1890 | German unionism, socialism etc |
Bauer, Stephan to Henry Higgs | 11/10/1894 | on some articles etc |
Bauer, Stephen | 20/11/1891 | questions re Adam Smith and bimetallism |
Bauer, Stephen | 15/02/1891 | on history of thought and trade unionism in Austria |
Bauer, Stephen | 20/07/1891 | on history of thought and trade unionism in Austria |
Bautflower, Douglas | 14/08/1889 | to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Baxter, W A | 1904 | pamphlet "The Case Against Old Age Pensions" |
Baxton, James | 1910/1/7 | re dividend for Royal Economic Society |
Bay, J Christian | 1927/7/22 | The John Crerar Library re HSF's library |
Bayfield, M A | 20/07/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Bayils, Lilian | 1915/12/9 | re problems with Royal Victorian Hall Lectures |
Bayley, Atwell M G | 14/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Bayley, J M | 14/09/1889 | to Arthur re his property |
Baylis, Lilian | 1921/4/25 | Old Vic Association PC |
Bayliss, Lilian | 1917/5/10 | wants help to raise funds for the Old Vic |
Baynes, M C | 10/08/1889 | to Jenkinson supports him for librarian |
Baynes, Norman | 1920/6/25 | re an HSF lecture to Unioin of College Societies |
Baynes, Norman | 1919/10/20 | re an HSF lecture to Unioin of College Societies |
Baynes, Norman H | 1919/12/20 | re an HSF talk |
Bays & Son | 08/07/1891 | re quality of hats |
Beadon H R | 1916/8/21 | industry finance |
Beadon, Robert | 03/06/1890 | asks HSF to article on Imperial Federation |
Beamish Arthur J | 1922/7/17 | re index number in Economic Review |
Beardsall, J | 08/09/1884 | re prospectus for new working class friendly society |
Beardsdale, F E M | 1901/8/23 | re transactions of Manchester Statistical Society |
Beardsdale, F E M | 1901/8/28 | joins Manchester Statistical Society |
Beardsell F N J | 1/1/1883 | row over letter & Democratic Federation |
Beardsell F W J | 23/10/1883 | re start of Provident Society |
Beardsell F W J | 25/10/1883 | re life assurances _ theory |
Beardsell F W J | 27/10/1883 | life assurance and friendly societies |
Beardsell, F W J | 22/04/1885 | re Statistical Society meeting etc |
Beardsell, Thos W | 06/05/1884 | re a benefit society |
Beart, F R | 08/10/1887 | ratio between gold and silver |
Bease, J H | 24/10/1890 | re motion for new UCL Department |
Beck E A | May 1876 | re seats in St John’s chapel |
Beck, E A | 02/11/1874 | on HSF's fellowship |
Beck, E A | ??/??/1873 | general chat |
Beck, E A | 09/02/1873 | social |
Beck, E A | 17/08/1889 | PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Beck, E A | 04/08/1889 | to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Beck, G | 12/07/1894 | thank you letter |
Beck, H E | 08/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Beck, Theodor | 08/10/1883 | asks HSF for photo, off to teach in India |
Beck, Theodor | 19/10/1883 | thanks HSF for photo, India |
Beck, Theodore | 06/07/1885 | social |
Beck, Theodore | 28/02/1889 | on his doings in India |
Beckett, J F | 10/12/1886 | re bill for father's funeral |
Beckhart, B H | 1926/12/6 | re translation of Swedish etc banking laws |
Bedford College | 1919/11/12 | invite to tea and lecture |
Bedford College for Women | 1912/8/2 | re coach for student |
Bedford College for Women | 1921/7/7 | invite to garden party |
Bedford, Alice | 22/01/1881 | thanks for visit |
Bedford, Alice H | 01/02/1883 | returns loan to HSF |
Bedford, Alice H | 03/09/1881 | re HSF visiting |
Bedford, John | 18/04/1886 | general chat |
Bedofrd, I | 02/01/1882 | general chat |
Beeton | 1919/3/3 | PC report (?) |
Beeton H R | 1919/2/15 | general |
Beeton H R | 13/1/1885 | re Wicksteed & Rae |
Beeton H R | 10/2/1885 | re SE Club & letter from S E Scott on share dealing |
Beeton H R | 24/1/1885 | re SE & Charles Brand |
Beeton H R | 2/2/1885 | re conference & Marshall’s paper on money ? |
Beeton H R | 4/2/1885 | asks for references on publicity in trade |
Beeton H R | 8/1/1885 | asks HSF to speak to SE |
Beeton H R | ? | re speaking to SE |
Beeton H R | 29/5/1885 | re Wicksteed & SE |
Beeton H R | 18/9/1885 | re Sidgwick & Gladstone’s attack on PE |
Beeton H R | 27/12/1885 | commerce & Treaty of Utrecht |
Beeton H R | 24/11/1885 | re Wicksteed, Sidgwick & Club |
Beeton H R | 10/10/1885 | re sale of books & letter on Sidgwick to The Times |
Beeton H R | 29/10/1885 | re Bouveries library |
Beeton H R | 9/7/1885 | re visit to Wales with Wicksteed |
Beeton H R | 15/7/1885 | re visit to Wales with Wicksteed |
Beeton H R | 13/10/1885 | re economics meeting |
Beeton H R | 21/1/1883 | re Toynbee’s lectures on H George |
Beeton H R | 1993/6/2 | on H George |
Beeton H R | 30/4/1883 | advice on Smith, Ricardo, Malthus etc |
Beeton H R | 31/12/1883 | re law of production etc |
Beeton H R | 13/7/1883 | re HSF’s UCL lectures |
Beeton H R | 9/7/1883 | re UCL lectures |
Beeton H R | 22/6/1885 | on Walker, a library etc |
Beeton H R | 1918/12/31 | peace settlement, reparations etc |
Beeton H R | 1916/10/26 | economics tracts |
Beeton H R | 1912/12/20 | thanks for print |
Beeton H R | 1916/4/4 | canker of Cobdenism |
Beeton H R | 13/8/1897 | Giffen on bimetallism |
Beeton H R | ? | re an article |
Beeton H R | 16/9/1897 | bimetallism |
Beeton H R | 30/4/1897 | bimetallism |
Beeton H R | 15/10/1897 | bimetallism |
Beeton H R | 13/10/1897 | telegram on HSF’s bimetallism statement |
Beeton H R | 13/6/1897 | US gold loan scheme |
Beeton H R | 1914/4/8 | social |
Beeton H R | 1906/6/21 | social |
Beeton H R | 1911/10/9 | general _ momey |
Beeton H R | 1911/10/4 | Mr Spens’ memo |
Beeton H R | 1918/12/25 | social |
Beeton H R | 1921/9/11 | National Currency League |
Beeton H R | 1922/10/7 | asks for testimonial |
Beeton H R | 1921/3/8 | PC _ re introduction by HSF |
Beeton H R | 1920/1/31 | re proposed National Institute of Animal Husbandry |
Beeton H R | 1911/6/14 | problems with UCL over library |
Beeton Mrs B | 1916/9/7 | social: Scott story of Pigou in Italy |
Beeton Mrs J F | 1916/8/1 | social |
Beeton H R | 26/2/1885 | re Wicksteed talk on interest to SE |
Beeton, Alan | 1934/6/27 | on his father after HR's death |
Beeton, Alan G | 19/11/1898 | re photo of the Queen |
Beeton, Arthur | 15/03/1896 | re Goschen and less support of government for bimetallism |
Beeton, Bessie | 1901/7/1 | social |
Beeton, Bessie | 1900/11/20 | on Marjorie's birth |
Beeton, Bessie | 16/11/1893 | HSF ill again |
Beeton, Bessie | 10/12/1884 | re Cinderella dances |
Beeton, Bessie | 10/06/1896 | social |
Beeton, Bessie | 12/08/1897 | on HSF's engagement |
Beeton, H | 1923/8/7 | re one of his son's portraits in the Fitzwilliam (copy) |
Beeton, H | 05/09/1895 | PC re Lord Brougham's article on land policy |
Beeton, H C | 27/11/1886 | re HSF's article on fluctuations in prices |
Beeton, H E | 1931/9/7 | re letter from Burnham on books for sale |
Beeton, H E | 1931/8/29 | re letter to The Times and to merchant banker |
Beeton, H E | 1931/8/24 | to the Times, "The Flight from the Pound" |
Beeton, H E | 1931/8/29 | to a merchant banker (copy), bimetallism etc |
Beeton, H E | 1931/8/21 | re letter to Manchester Guardian |
Beeton, H E | 1931/8/14 | to Manchester Guardian "Economy and Inflation" |
Beeton, H E | 1931/3/5 | Hicks and Dobbs on wages, encloses bulletin on submarine activitieis |
Beeton, H R | 1919/9/21 | on HSF's obit on Cunningham in EJ etc |
Beeton, H R | 1913/11/18 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1914/5/4 | re argument with UCL over library |
Beeton, H R | 1921/11/22 | on art galleries |
Beeton, H R | 1919/1/12 | general |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/5 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/3 | re job for Audrey in Italy |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/17 | re job for Audrey in Italy |
Beeton, H R | 1931/11/12 | re discussion in Political Economy Club on future of the £ |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/24 | on Mrs Foxwell's death |
Beeton, H R | 1920/12/5 | encloses letter Sydney Gulman re data on grain trade |
Beeton, H R | 20/05/1889 | PE Club and social |
Beeton, H R | 20/05/1889 | mainly social |
Beeton, H R | 21/12/1889 | portrait of Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 25/02/1889 | paper for PE Club |
Beeton, H R | 1923/8/8 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 1923/7/20 | on Lord Milner's "Questions of the Hour" |
Beeton, H R | 1922/5/23 | social |
Beeton, H R | 09/12/1892 | bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 13/12/1892 | re bimetallic article |
Beeton, H R | 25/10/1892 | general bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 05/02/1882 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 13/11/1895 | bimetallic business |
Beeton, H R | 23/12/1895 | bimetallic business |
Beeton, H R | 15/09/1886 | re article (?) |
Beeton, H R | 02/09/1886 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 12/01/1886 | re bimetallic meeting |
Beeton, H R | 13/01/1886 | Perry Campbell bankruptcy |
Beeton, H R | 16/02/1886 | the Dilke case etc |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1886 | investments etc |
Beeton, H R | 03/04/1886 | Report on Federation etc |
Beeton, H R | 05/04/1886 | social |
Beeton, H R | 12/02/1886 | socialism etc |
Beeton, H R | 07/02/1886 | Wicksteed paper etc |
Beeton, H R | 07/04/1886 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 18/12/1886 | Political Economy meeting etc |
Beeton, H R | 07/10/1894 | re price falls in early nineteenth century Australia |
Beeton, H R | 02/06/1894 | suggests translation of 'La Cruise du Ghanges' |
Beeton, H R | 12/06/1894 | syllabus on currency question |
Beeton, H R | 23/06/1894 | re reply to anti-bimetallism article |
Beeton, H R | 12/05/1894 | re prize for Bimetallic League |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1894 | re Professional Manifesto |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1894 | article for the Statist |
Beeton, H R | 14/04/1894 | bimetallism business |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1894 | re letter to Marshall |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1894 | bimetallism business |
Beeton, H R | 05/05/1894 | bimetallist conference and other business |
Beeton, H R | ??/08/1894 | bimetallism chat |
Beeton, H R | ??/08/1894 | bimetallism chat |
Beeton, H R | 21/02/1894 | bimetallist paper |
Beeton, H R | 01/02/1894 | bimetallist paper for Economic Club |
Beeton, H R | 24/02/1894 | bimetallism business |
Beeton, H R | 10/02/1894 | re Beeton paper |
Beeton, H R | 17/02/1894 | bimetallism business |
Beeton, H R | 01/02/1894 | re bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 02/08/1894 | visit to Cambridge |
Beeton, H R | 27/08/1894 | re Manifesto and funds for bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 22/05/1894 | re argument on bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 25/04/1894 | re possible manifesto by Marshall |
Beeton, H R | 09/01/1894 | re prices and values |
Beeton, H R | 31/12/1894 | effects of bimetallism on India |
Beeton, H R | 12/02/1894 | re Wicksteed difficulty with Bimetallic League & card from Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 27/01/1894 | re paper on value |
Beeton, H R | 12/01/1894 | remarks on trade and money |
Beeton, H R | 27/03/1894 | re Professional ? |
Beeton, H R | 21/12/1894 | re quantity theory of money |
Beeton, H R | 28/10/1894 | bimetallic chat |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1894 | re letters |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1894 | comments on HSF bimetallic paper |
Beeton, H R | 27/09/1894 | re Edgeworth on Bohm-Bawerk's theory of value |
Beeton, H R | 29/10/1894 | proposed article on gold and prices |
Beeton, H R | 24/10/1894 | bimetallic chat (encloses letter from C N Dalton) |
Beeton, H R | 25/10/1894 | social and bimetallic chat |
Beeton, H R | 26/02/1894 | re Beeton pamphlet on bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 31/08/1894 | asks HSF to reply to article against bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 17/03/1894 | in praise of HSF's bimetallism lectures |
Beeton, H R | 05/11/1894 | re meeting with Houldsworth |
Beeton, H R | 03/03/1894 | remarks about Leonard Courteney |
Beeton, H R | 1984/4/25 | re Manifesto etc |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1894 | standard of value etc |
Beeton, H R | 02/10/1894 | re Economic Journal and Edgeworth |
Beeton, H R | 29/08/1894 | bimetallic business |
Beeton, H R | 1911/5/18 | re LSE lectures and socialism at Cambridge |
Beeton, H R | 01/10.1887 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 1919/7/17 | social |
Beeton, H R | 21/03/1898 | seeks tutor for son |
Beeton, H R | 22/03/1898 | seeks tutor for son |
Beeton, H R | 1914/7/20 | re meeting with Chu |
Beeton, H R | 1916/7/13 | social |
Beeton, H R | 30/10/1884 | re Wicksteed on starvation |
Beeton, H R | 20/10/1884 | re criticism of Marx |
Beeton, H R | 21/02/1884 | re George, Wicksteed etc |
Beeton, H R | 23/02/1884 | re George's Progress and Poverty |
Beeton, H R | 29/03/1884 | re George etc |
Beeton, H R | 14/01/1884 | general discussion |
Beeton, H R | 19/02/1884 | German socialist literature |
Beeton, H R | 1933/4/4 | general |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/11 | general |
Beeton, H R | 1930/9/10 | asks about people at St John's |
Beeton, H R | 1930/9/19 | asks about people at St John's |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/5 | history of economics |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/11 | re Robbins and Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/31 | general |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/10 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/2 | on the origins of the 'Economic Man' |
Beeton, H R | 1926/9/14 | re visit to HSF's library |
Beeton, H R | 1926/9/19 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1928/1/14 | on HSF's book collections |
Beeton, H R | 1928/1/11 | on HSF's library |
Beeton, H R | 1927/4/7 | on the value of money |
Beeton, H R | 1927/4/9 | on convertibility of money |
Beeton, H R | 1927/4/2 | on convertibility of money |
Beeton, H R | 1927/3/5 | depreciation of mark etc |
Beeton, H R | 1927/3/21 | on Times obituary of Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 1934/2/15 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1928/1/24 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1927/10/16 | book on banking |
Beeton, H R | 1931/5/9 | on Battersea power station |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/14 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/13 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1932/3/20 | on Eisler's book 'Money Maze' |
Beeton, H R | 1932/3/30 | on Eisler's Money Maze with letter from Smuts on it |
Beeton, H R | 1930/1/3 | re a biography of Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 1930/1/5 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1931/10/3 | on books and devaluation |
Beeton, H R | 1932/3/19 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 1932/3/15 | introduces Eisler to HSF etc |
Beeton, H R | 1931/4/14 | talks about 'Pink's' book |
Beeton, H R | 1931/5/2 | talks about 'Pink's' book |
Beeton, H R | 1920/1/27 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1920/1/18 | asks HSF opinion about Keynes' books |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/1 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1925/12/4 | re visit to HSF's library |
Beeton, H R | 1925/12/18 | re visit to HSF's library |
Beeton, H R | 04/03/1894 | general |
Beeton, H R | 15/07/1896 | re dinner to discuss quantity theory of money with Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 22/10/1896 | re views of J J R Baillie |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1896 | re views of J J R Baillie |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1896 | on trade conditions in USA |
Beeton, H R | 20/07/1896 | on theory of value and his article on the Monetary Issue |
Beeton, H R | 02/02/1896 | questions on silver coinage |
Beeton, H R | 13/12/1896 | re some article on letter in the Times |
Beeton, H R | 08/06/1896 | re currency ratio in USA |
Beeton, H R | 27/11/1896 | re meeting with Liddendale |
Beeton, H R | 14/05/1896 | social |
Beeton, H R | 27/05/1896 | social and dinner of French Bimetallic League |
Beeton, H R | 22/11/1896 | Professional Manifesto etc |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1896 | re an article by Powell |
Beeton, H R | 13/01/1896 | re HSF comments on Beeton article |
Beeton, H R | 10/01/1896 | relationship between prices and earnings, production and exchange etc |
Beeton, H R | 05/01/1896 | prices and wages, Faraday's leaflet, London as world banking centre etc |
Beeton, H R | 12/05/1896 | Bimetallic League pamphlet etc |
Beeton, H R | 26/04/1896 | on Francis Walker, bimetallic business etc |
Beeton, H R | 05/11/1896 | on US elections, and bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 06/11/1896 | social |
Beeton, H R | 24/11/1896 | bimetallism in theory and practice etc |
Beeton, H R | 11/10/1896 | social |
Beeton, H R | 03/09/1896 | theory of gold premium etc |
Beeton, H R | 06/10/1896 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 31/07/1896 | on economic significance of changes in women fashions |
Beeton, H R | 03/10/1896 | criticism of Bimetallic League, US election speech of Bryan etc |
Beeton, H R | 15/09/1896 | re views of J J R Baillie etc |
Beeton, H R | 1901/11/24 | general |
Beeton, H R | 1921/11/17 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 05/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Beeton, H R | 1929/7/5 | re a poster of St John's |
Beeton, H R | 1929/8/31 | re a book |
Beeton, H R | 1929/9/16 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 1929/9/8 | re a book and old Bimetallic League |
Beeton, H R | 1925/8/19 | re communist executive of Independent Labour Party |
Beeton, H R | 1911/9/18 | re creation of peers |
Beeton, H R | 09/11/1895 | asks what Keynes thinks of his article |
Beeton, H R | 1911/10/2 | re gold mines in South Africa |
Beeton, H R | 1901/1/28 | re dinner of P E Club |
Beeton, H R | 12/07/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Beeton, H R | 15/12/1895 | problems of reorganising Bimetallic League |
Beeton, H R | 30/06/1897 | seeks introduction for Hayakawa to Nicholson |
Beeton, H R | 19/07/1897 | asks HSF to dinner with Hayakawa and bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 05/08/1897 | re a Giffen submission to Report of Agricultural Commission |
Beeton, H R | 26/07/1897 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1911/9/15 | asks HSF for political economy reference, poor political situation |
Beeton, H R | 21/09/1898 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1901/6/16 | re draft of address to governing body of Birmingham University |
Beeton, H R | 06/12/1892 | congratulates HSF for article on International Monetary Conference |
Beeton, H R | 17/12/1892 | asks HSF to reply to Economist on bimetallism, Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 19/12/1895 | re difficulties at Bimetallic League |
Beeton, H R | 13/11/1887 | QJE article |
Beeton, H R | 24/06/1892 | HSF work, talks to agricultural labourers |
Beeton, H R | 02/01/1897 | bimetallic matters |
Beeton, H R | 09/01/1897 | Honell's leaflet |
Beeton, H R | 11/01/1897 | upset by HSF's criticism of his bimetallism writings |
Beeton, H R | 20/03/1897 | asks HSf to read paper |
Beeton, H R | 20/03/1897 | social |
Beeton, H R | 20/03/1897 | index numbers |
Beeton, H R | 15/02/1897 | Giffens on value of silver |
Beeton, H R | 24/02/1897 | Powerll's appendix, Gold Standard Defence Association |
Beeton, H R | 03/07/1893 | interest on loan |
Beeton, H R | 11/11/1898 | HSF's insurance |
Beeton, H R | 19-Jun | general |
Beeton, H R | 27/04/1895 | bimetallic article, diagrams etc |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1895 | draft memorial |
Beeton, H R | 30/05/1895 | Bimetallic League committees etc |
Beeton, H R | 01/04/1895 | Bimetallic League committees etc |
Beeton, H R | 17/04/1895 | HSF's letter to the Guardian: bimetallic business |
Beeton, H R | 25/04/1895 | re an enclosed letter |
Beeton, H R | 10/05/1895 | a bimetallic dispute |
Beeton, H R | 29/04/1895 | bimetallic ratio arguments |
Beeton, H R | 05/04/1895 | asks HSF's view on his article on correlation of prices etc |
Beeton, H R | ??/??/1895 | Bimetallic League committee powers |
Beeton, H R | 20/04/1895 | re Faraday's position etc |
Beeton, H R | 19/04/1895 | problems with Bristol committee etc |
Beeton, H R | 25/03/1895 | his Economist articles: letter from General Walker |
Beeton, H R | 29/03/1895 | McNiel's management of the Bimetallic League |
Beeton, H R | 23/04/1895 | wants copy of Dana Horton's book |
Beeton, H R | ??/09/1895 | letter from Houldsworth: HSF to write memo for private discussion etc |
Beeton, H R | 19/05/1880 | he and father coming to Cambridge, Water Bill etc |
Beeton, H R | 07/05/1880 | social, Water Bill |
Beeton, H R | 31/05/1880 | social chat |
Beeton, H R | 17/06/1881 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1919/1/3 | pc social |
Beeton, H R | ? | pc on vitamins etc |
Beeton, H R | 16/07/1891 | re some dividend etc |
Beeton, H R | 23/11/1891 | cannot see HSF, HSF's books, his writings |
Beeton, H R | 12/10/1891 | meeting of Economic Club, joining golf club etc |
Beeton, H R | 27/10/1891 | saw Chamberlain but not Balfour |
Beeton, H R | 21/11/1891 | his paper and some account of evils of competition before Factory Acts |
Beeton, H R | 12/10/1891 | re note and lecture on industry etc |
Beeton, H R | 22/05/1891 | social |
Beeton, H R | 22/01/1891 | £1 notes based on silver, wants to join Bimetallic League |
Beeton, H R | 20/10/1891 | re some papers |
Beeton, H R | 20/12/1891 | wants to discuss his paper with HSF etc |
Beeton, H R | 27/09/1898 | social |
Beeton, H R | 06/07/1898 | re weding present |
Beeton, H R | 20/07/1898 | HSF's library |
Beeton, H R | 31/10/1898 | re meeting HSF |
Beeton, H R | 17/05/1898 | social, on Japanese |
Beeton, H R | 19/04/1897 | wants to refute some man's arguments |
Beeton, H R | 19/08/1895 | re his Prices & Wages leaflet etc |
Beeton, H R | 22/08/1895 | to show HSF his correspondence with Marshall |
Beeton, H R | 28/06/1895 | bimetallic issues |
Beeton, H R | 11/09/1895 | re correspondence with Houldsworth |
Beeton, H R | 20/02/1895 | re Moberley Bell's arguments |
Beeton, H R | 08/09/1895 | praises HSF for work for International Bimetallism, Gold Defence Association etc |
Beeton, H R | 18/10/1895 | re piece in Bankers'Magazine etc |
Beeton, H R | 31/01/1895 | meeting National Liberal Club etc |
Beeton, H R | 29/01/1895 | re meeting with Houldsworth, Grenfell, Gibbs and others |
Beeton, H R | 12/03/1895 | left' economists, wages etc |
Beeton, H R | 18/02/1895 | re Bell's letter, bimetallic issues |
Beeton, H R | 09/03/1895 | re reply to Miss Earp, bimetallic issues |
Beeton, H R | 07/10/1895 | re meeting on bimetallism etc |
Beeton, H R | 27/10/1895 | re some book, his article etc |
Beeton, H R | 04/10/1895 | currency ratio of 15.5 to 1 |
Beeton, H R | 26/03/1895 | sale of tramway shares |
Beeton, H R | 22/10/1895 | re his article, wants simpler bimetallic arguments etc |
Beeton, H R | 05/08/1895 | commodity values, effect of ratio on volume of money etc |
Beeton, H R | 13/08/1895 | criticism of Higgs' draft, Frewen and quantity theory of money |
Beeton, H R | 10/10/1895 | re articles etc |
Beeton, H R | 29/07/1895 | deputation to Goschen, draft letter to the Times |
Beeton, H R | 29/07/1895 | re a letter, ratio question etc |
Beeton, H R | 26/07/1895 | policy on ratio |
Beeton, H R | 06/08/1895 | wants HSF to attend Publications Committee meeting |
Beeton, H R | 10/08/1895 | Gold Association publication etc |
Beeton, H R | 11/08/1895 | re leaflet on earnings |
Beeton, H R | 20/07/1895 | sends HSF letter to The Statist without HSF's approval |
Beeton, H R | 03/08/1895 | thanks HSF for present, re draft article, ratio etc |
Beeton, H R | 21/09/1895 | ratio of 15.5 to 1 etc |
Beeton, H R | 27/09/1895 | ratio, Bimetallic League politics etc |
Beeton, H R | 27/09/1895 | re Houldsworth visit etc |
Beeton, H R | 16/07/1895 | re an HSF letter etc |
Beeton, H R | 1911/6/23 | re passage in Wealth of Nations |
Beeton, H R | 12/01/1898 | re Darwin's book on bimetallism, Italian trip |
Beeton, H R | 1929/8/23 | asks for help for Dr Herford who is writing life of Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 1929/7/8 | HSF's work with British Academy |
Beeton, H R | 1929/10/25 | Keynes and currency question, 'Genoa' resolution to solve gold problem |
Beeton, H R | 1929/11/1 | prices, Banks of England and Federal Reserve out for stability of gold etc |
Beeton, H R | 1929/11/5 | people on committee not enquiring into finance and credit in relation to trade and employment |
Beeton, H R | 1929/10/20 | asks HSF's opinion of Profs Seligman, Patterson, Kenarer and Sprague as authorities on money, credit and banking |
Beeton, H R | 1929/10/20 | asks HSF if he knows J R Bellenby |
Beeton, H R | 1929/10/1 | pc thanks HSF for papers |
Beeton, H R | 1930/1/8 | HSF leaves "the Court without a stain" on his character |
Beeton, H R | 1929/1/7 | re HSF's estimate of Snowden: manipulation of gold standard etc |
Beeton, H R | 31/10/1890 | re joining Economic Club, attend meeting to form Economic Association |
Beeton, H R | 08/07/1895 | re an enclosure |
Beeton, H R | 28/08/1895 | ratio issue, bimetallic matters etc |
Beeton, H R | ??/08/1895 | bimetallic matters, ratio etc |
Beeton, H R | 19/07/1895 | disappointing reply from Marshall etc |
Beeton, H R | 15/07/1895 | Lloyds treatment of HSF letter, bimetallic issues |
Beeton, H R | 29/07/1895 | Goschen and currency question etc |
Beeton, H R | 1895 | re draft letter etc |
Beeton, H R | 23/07/1895 | currency ratio etc |
Beeton, H R | 08/09/1895 | anxiety over correspondence with Marshall etc |
Beeton, H R | 04/10/1895 | mistake to ask Giffen to a discussion etc |
Beeton, H R | 29/08/1895 | Gibbs letter in Times, ratio etc |
Beeton, H R | 28/02/1895 | Marshall's reckless timidity and vanity etc |
Beeton, H R | 11/02/1895 | re Crawford's paper - enclosed |
Beeton, H R | 09/03/1895 | re opening of bimetallic campaign in Birmingham |
Beeton, H R | 29/06/1895 | re organisation of League, bimetallic matters |
Beeton, H R | 30/09/1895 | intolerant of criticism of Houldsworth; Giffen, Goschen, Marshall, bimetallic matters |
Beeton, H R | 28/10/1895 | social, bimetallic matters |
Beeton, H R | 1895 | encloses letter from Houldsworth |
Beeton, H R | 02/08/1895 | re criticisms of proof leaflet |
Beeton, H R | 1895 | re a draft |
Beeton, H R | 23/09/1895 | ratio question |
Beeton, H R | 09/06/1895 | bimetallic matters |
Beeton, H R | 05/07/1895 | draft memorial from London Stock Exchange etc |
Beeton, H R | 26/06/1895 | Grenfell drafting parliamentary manifesto for League |
Beeton, H R | 02/07/1895 | satisfactory talks with Barclay and Houldsworth etc |
Beeton, H R | 22/06/1895 | silly ass' Lloyd, BEA, bimetallic matters |
Beeton, H R | 02/06/1895 | proof of memorial, gold standard etc |
Beeton, H R | 08/06/1895 | Rawlinson, Marshall, Gibbs |
Beeton, H R | 05/06/1895 | re a library committee for bimetallism etc |
Beeton, H R | 1901/6/17 | his testimonial for HSF for Birmingham chair |
Beeton, H R | 04/06/1894 | re Mr Casalla to do a job |
Beeton, H R | 16/02/1889 | £300 Japanese stock for Emy |
Beeton, H R | 1928/1/11 | re HSF's collection (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1928/11/5 | re Bentham |
Beeton, H R | 1930/11/11 | re letter from Lionel Robbins (attached) re Wicksteed's grandson (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1923/9/6 | re Horton's book etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1929/11/1 | re Federal Reserve and Bank of England etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1929/10/29 | on Kemmerer, Seligman etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1929/11/4 | regulation of prices etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1929/11/5 | re members of enquiry into "Banking, Finance and Credit" (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1929/11/7 | re members of banking enquiry (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1930/1/5 | re Audrey (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1928/1/14 | on Goldsmiths, Palgrave etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1930/9/19 | East Africa etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1930/9/10 | re dirac and Leakey (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/4/2 | asks help for lecture on money (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/3/21 | re dictionary of Wicksteed (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/3/5 | re German currency etc (copy incomplete) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/4/7 | re his lecture on money (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/4/9 | re gold and prices etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/9/3 | re HSF article, W R Scott etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/10/19 | re HSF's UCL resignation, Audrey etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/10/21 | general chat (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/10/22 | sorry HSF ill (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/3 | asks about Audrey's job (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/1 | general chat (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/17 | encloses letter (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/17 | general chat (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/9 | introduces a contessa (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/9 | to Contessa di Cesnola re Audrey (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/8 | to Contessa di Cesnola re Audrey (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1927/12/6 | re Audrey, Debenham shares (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1928/1/6 | re sale of library to Reading (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/13 | to write to Spers re Dobb (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/1/7 | re Wicksteed's biography, Robbins (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/5 | re an argument between Dobb and Hicks (copy) |
Beeton, H R | ??/03/1921 | re the three Trowers (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/16 | to Birch F P re the Trwers (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/18 | to Birch F P re David Ricardo (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/31 | re Cambridge Review (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/16 | re copy of book (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/4/7 | re Inge's sermon etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/6/6 | returns letter, Baldwin (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/5/9 | general chat (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/6/12 | re Stamp dinner (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/6/15 | re Rueff and his work (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/7/20 | re article by Sir Dampier-Whatham (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/7/25 | re Sir Dampier-Whatham (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/10/24 | re a treasury man (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/10/27 | Treasury man Sir George Murray (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/11/12 | re meeting of P E Club (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1933/4/4 | re Keynes' The Means to Prosperity (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1934/1/20 | will go to feast, tariff policy etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1932/3/30 | re letter from General Smuts (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1932/3/26 | re Eisler's book (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1933/3/19 | re Wicksteed's biography (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1933/3/15 | re Eisler (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1930/1/11 | re Audrey etc (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1906/10/29 | re portrait, exam papers etc |
Beeton, H R | 1919/3/17 | re reply to article on the 'Lebrun' argement |
Beeton, H R | 1933/5/2 | will come to St John's feast |
Beeton, H R | 15/04/1897 | re questions on options etc |
Beeton, H R | 22/03/1897 | bimetallic issues |
Beeton, H R | 1920/5/20 | re answer to Dr Rowlandsetc |
Beeton, H R | 10/01/1890 | Giffen, free banking |
Beeton, H R | 29/03/1896 | borrowing, taxation etc |
Beeton, H R | 09/11/1891 | re information on philosophy of medieval economy |
Beeton, H R | 04/05/1887 | QJE subs, Shaw on Walker |
Beeton, H R | 16/02/1893 | F A Walker article, McNiel's work |
Beeton, H R | 04/12/1893 | to visit Cambridge |
Beeton, H R | 19/08/1893 | social |
Beeton, H R | 21/08/1893 | social |
Beeton, H R | 04/07/1893 | re enquiry on shipping firms |
Beeton, H R | 15/02/1893 | Balfour on bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 1893 | actions of India on price of silver |
Beeton, H R | 1893 | re Hamilton's circular |
Beeton, H R | 05/12/1893 | McNiel's work, asks HSF to write on effect of appreciating currency |
Beeton, H R | 19/11/1893 | index numbers, quantity of money |
Beeton, H R | 21/11/1893 | Walker on quantity theory |
Beeton, H R | 14/09/1893 | Horton's Report, urgent matter |
Beeton, H R | 09/09/1893 | re opening of a city office |
Beeton, H R | 10/09/1893 | Horton's Report etc |
Beeton, H R | 21/12/1893 | proof of his tract, Walker's article, Fowler's article in EJ |
Beeton, H R | 12/11/1893 | PC re The Lock Out in the Coal Trade |
Beeton, H R | 18/08/1893 | good climate for bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 10/07/1893 | Indian currency supply and value of rupee |
Beeton, H R | 07/10/1893 | management of League, Balfour etc |
Beeton, H R | 20/10/1893 | Monetary Reform Movement |
Beeton, H R | 10/10/1893 | Wicksteed article |
Beeton, H R | 19/02/1893 | social |
Beeton, H R | 03/02/1893 | wants to hear Balfour at Cambridge Ethical Society |
Beeton, H R | 03/10/1893 | McNiel, book on money to rival Taussig |
Beeton, H R | 1893 | re tracts |
Beeton, H R | 04/09/1893 | re tracts, legal tender of a metal |
Beeton, H R | 1893 | silver pound, Dana Horton |
Beeton, H R | 16/11/1893 | re Treatise on Coins of the Realm |
Beeton, H R | 25/08/1893 | Financial News will publish HSF articles on bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 13/11/1893 | asks HSF to reply to a letter |
Beeton, H R | ??/10/1893 | re bimetallic dinner |
Beeton, H R | ??/10/1893 | defends HSF against Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 1893 | relative stability of gold and silver |
Beeton, H R | 14/11/1893 | HSF's health, Nash's article |
Beeton, H R | 23/10/1893 | Trower, Goschen, Wicksteed etc |
Beeton, H R | 05/11/1893 | re his article in The Stock Exchange |
Beeton, H R | 29/10/1893 | bimetallic business |
Beeton, H R | 18/09/1893 | hopes HSF will meet Heseltine |
Beeton, H R | 15/05/1898 | re Suzuki and HSF bimetallism paper |
Beeton, H R | 1923/9/1 | re Dana Horton's Silver Pound |
Beeton, H R | 1923/9/6 | re Dana Horton's Silver Pound |
Beeton, H R | 30/04/1889 | receipt for shares |
Beeton, H R | 1931/9/2 | on trade and devaluation |
Beeton, H R | 1931/7/25 | re Whetham |
Beeton, H R | 1931/6/17 | re brochures, Josiah Stamp |
Beeton, H R | 1931/6/17 | (copy) to Josiah Stamp, re real wages and umemployment |
Beeton, H R | 1931/6/15 | re Reuff |
Beeton, H R | 1931/6/6 | heard Baldwin etc |
Beeton, H R | 1931/6/12 | re Stamp's articles |
Beeton, H R | 1931/10/24 | Secretary to Treasurry under Gladstone |
Beeton, H R | 1931/4/7 | Inge's sermon, book by Pink etc |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/26 | to get book by Wicksteed |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/18 | re David Ricardo/Lionel Trower |
Beeton, H R | 1931/3/13 | to write to Spens about Dobb |
Beeton, H R | 1931/8/25 | written to Burnham (488/17) |
Beeton, H R | 1931/8/25 | to W J Burnham re book collection |
Beeton, H R | ??/04/1916 | to Gregory Foster, re some HSF lectures (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 1917/9/28 | re articles in the Times etc |
Beeton, H R | 17/12/1888 | re situation on the Argentine |
Beeton, H R | 27/11/???? | re leaflet of Gold Standard Defence Association |
Beeton, H R | 21/09/1898 | letter replying to Lord Farrer on fall in rupee (copy) |
Beeton, H R | 19/05/???? | wants to talk on currency and banking |
Beeton, H R | 22/11/1886 | on Daily News article on HSF lecture |
Beeton, H R | 24/11/1886 | sends Daily News with HSF letter in it |
Beeton, H R | 06/11/1886 | praises HSF lecture |
Beeton, H R | 11/11/1886 | re publicity requirements of Companies Act 1862 |
Beeton, H R | 12/11/1886 | re capital borrowed by limited liability companies |
Beeton, H R | 12/08/1892 | interest on loan and shares |
Beeton, H R | 26/06/1892 | on his travels etc |
Beeton, H R | 20/02/1892 | re interest on his loan |
Beeton, H R | 07/08/1897 | on HSF's engagement and sale of library |
Beeton, H R | 30/08/1897 | re some present |
Beeton, H R | 14/08/1897 | social |
Beeton, H R | 1924/12/17 | addressd to strikers at Brompton's electric supply |
Beeton, H R | 16/06/1886 | press cuttings on railway |
Beeton, H R | 21/05/1895 | re dispute in Bimetallic League |
Beeton, H R | 1926/10/6 | called on Peggy Mettam |
Beeton, H R | 1927/10/31 | general chat |
Beeton, H R | 1927/10/22 | sorry HSF ill |
Beeton, H R | 1927/10/19 | re HSF's "resignation from UCL" |
Beeton, H R | 10/08/1897 | Giffen and bimetallism |
Beeton, H R | 09/10/1897 | social |
Beeton, H R | 05/01/1897 | wants HSF to reply to Giffen |
Beeton, H R | 14/12/1891 | wants HSF to go through paper |
Beeton, H R | 1925/8/20 | re letter from Howell |
Beeton, H R | 1931/10/27 | re Sir George Murray |
Beeton, H R | 05/05/1897 | on wheat options |
Beeton, H R | 08/07/1902 | re education of employees |
Beeton, H R | 25/03/1922 | on Lloyd George etc |
Beeton, H R | 17/03/1922 | social |
Beeton, J | 11/03/1896 | on health of husband and social |
Beeton, J | 23/06/1896 | social |
Beeton, J Bessie | 05/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Beeton, M M | 18/10/1899 | paper on Bounties etc |
Beeton, Mary | 1917/1/16 | general chat |
Beeton, Mary | 1936/8/4 | to AF on HSF's death |
Beeton, Mary | 24/05/1892 | encloses letter |
Begg F F | 27/6/1818 | re Committee on Banking |
Begg F F | 1918/4/5 | re support for Chamber of Commerce |
Begg F F | 1918/1/1 | re Report of Bullion Committee etc |
Begg F F | 1918/6/22 | PC _ 1810 Report on Bullion |
Begg F Faithful | 1919/1/7 | taxable capacity in Germany |
Begg F Faithfull | 1919/1/28 | banking reports etc |
Begg F Faithfull | 1918/6/24 | re a rep of Chancellor of Exchequer |
Begg J M | 1919/9/5 | general chat |
Begg, A Paton | 03/02/1896 | turnover of London clearing banks etc |
Begg, A Paton | 21/10/1895 | student on his reading |
Begg, F Faithfull | 1919/1/10 | re future of Germany |
Begg, F Faithfull | 1919/2/3 | Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George etc |
Begg, F Faithfull | 1920/3/28 | on his and HSF's health and work |
Begg, F Faithfull | 1918/7/8 | sends HSF appendix on Bank constitution |
Begg, F Faithfull | 1918/8/2 | re appendix on Bank Constitution |
Begg, F Faithfull | 1918/8/3 | re appendix on Bank Constitution |
Begg, F Faithfull | 1918 | re appendix on Bank Constitution |
Begg, F Faithfull | 1919/4/16 | on HSF's book |
Begg, Jessie M | 1919/7/21 | re sick husband |
Behari H K | 1921/6/25 | re private lectures |
Beith, J A | 01/10/1895 | asks HSF to help son at St John's |
Beith, J A | 26/08/1894 | re Cambridge college for his son |
Beith, J A | 02/10/1894 | re son's education |
Beith, J H | 1922/6/17 | on Audrey's or Peggy's first at Cambridge |
Beith, J H | 05/07/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Beith, J H | 20/07/1898 | to be HSF's groomsman |
Beith, J H | 17/10/1895 | re son, bimetallism |
Beith, J H | 30/10/1898 | thanks HSF for use of room |
Beith, Mary D to Olive Foxwell | 02/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Belcher, E A | 23/??/1894 | re Old Tauntonians dinner |
Belcher, G A | 02/01/1895 | re proposing chairman's health |
Bell G & Sons Ltd | 1914/6/15 | HSF’s opinion on book |
Bell George | 2/2/1883 | argument re publication of Adam Smith |
Bell, Edith Lyttelton | 15/07/1898 | HSF's wedding and present |
Bell, G | 04/11/1881 | sends HSF one of Robert Owen's notes and its history, Adam Smith etc, publication of old books |
Bell, G | 13/12/1881 | re book on banking, Adam Smith etc |
Bell, G & Sons | 17/06/1921 | re book on statistics |
Bell, George | 24/04/1880 | re Blanqui's History of Political Economy compared with Cunningham's |
Bell, George | 19/07/1880 | Blanqui's book |
Bell, George | 29/07/1880 | blanqui's book, Wealth of Nations edition, Maccullock |
Bell, George | 20/01/1880 | HSF lectures too hard |
Bell, George | 18/11/1879 | re new edition of Wealth of Nations etc |
Bell, John | 12/08/1889 | to Fennell supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Bell, Suzanne L | 1913/1/11 | re list of her father's books |
Bell, Suzanne L | 1913/1/20 | re state of box of books |
Bell, Suzanne L | 1913/2/25 | re list and prices of books |
Bell, Suzanne L | 1913/2/11 | re list of pamphlets |
Bell, Suzanne L | 1913 | PC re book list |
Bell, Suzanne L | 1913/2/23 | PC on books |
Bell, Suzanne L | 1913/2/20 | re pricing of books |
Bell, Suzanne L | 1913/2/28 | thanks for cheque |
Bellor, H H | 9/12/1934 | on famous rooms in UCL |
Bendall, C | 10/06/1895 | re position of Strong at UCL |
Bendall, Cecil | 10/04/1889 | re Chair in English at UCL |
Bendall, Cecil | 04/07/1898 | re HSF's marriage |
Bendell, Alfred R | 1926/11/3 | re a purchase |
Bendwich, S N to T S Foxwell | 19/02/1862 | re an HSF donation to Cobham Chapel |
Benedictus | ? | thanks HSF and Larmor for present |
Benger, F B | 1938/2/25 | to Audrey, had not seen about HSF's death |
Benghey, A K F | 1911/5/26 | re election of university MP |
Benham, B | 1907/2/7 | asks when HSF will finish report on dissertation |
Benham, Frederic C | 1923/1/5 | asks HSF for testimonial for Sydney |
Benians E A | 1910/6/16 | funds for St John’s Henley boat |
Benians E L | 1909/6/24 | re a student |
Benians E L | 1909/5/11 | application for posts |
Benians E L | 1909/5/8 | application for posts |
Benians, E A | 1907/7/5 | re St John's essays |
Benians, E A | 1924/1/14 | hopes HSF can come to college |
Benians, E A | 1907/5/27 | questions for May's exams |
Benians, E A | 1907 | re an essay paper |
Benians, E A | 1907 | re May's exams |
Benians, E G | 1932/10/25 | on Higgs' son |
Benins, C L | 1915/5/25 | re Mays exams |
Benions, E A | 1929/3/13 | no place for Row's son at St John's - Indian quota full |
Benions, E A | 1915/1/23 | re exam papers |
Benions, E N | 1909/5/2 | asks HSF to be referee for Birmingham chair |
Benn Brothers Limited | 1917/7/25 | re manifesto on industrial reconstruction (enclosed) |
Benn, Ernest J P | 1919/3/7 | sends HSF flyer for Ways and Means |
Benn, Ernest J P | 1919/1/24 | re Ways and Means |
Bennett, Alfred W | 01/12/1877 | on the admission of women |
Bennett, Alfred W | 18/12/1877 | on the admission of women |
Bennett, R | 10/02/1896 | re some books |
Bennett, R | 21/01/1896 | re some books |
Bennett, R | 17/03/1896 | re some books |
Bennett, R | 24/07/1896 | book business |
Benney, T G | 21/02/1884 | re club (?) business |
Benn's Sixpenny Library | ??/11/1928 | flyer for new titles |
Benson, A C | 1915/11/18 | on his appointment as Master of Magdalene |
Benson, Arthur C | 1916/2/22 | social |
Benson, G V | 12/06/1873 | social |
Benson, Robert | 14/05/1895 | to A C Cole attacks HSF on bimetallism |
Benson, W A S | 30/10/1888 | socialism etc |
Benson, W A S | 23/11/1888 | socialism etc |
Benson, W H | 1932/5/18 | prospectus for M&S shares |
Bentliff, G L D | 1914/10/13 | re an appointment |
Bentliff, H D | 1914/10/17 | re meeting |
Berillon, Yvonne | 13/02/1894 | asks to go to HSF's lectures |
Bernard A F | 17/10/1876 | asks help for Girton student |
Bernard & Halliday | 1934 | their catalogue |
Bernard Quaritch | 19/04/1888 | on old books |
Bernard Quaritch | 26/10/1896 | re purchase of some books |
Bernard Quaritch | 18/02/1896 | re Report of Isaac Newton, catalogue |
Bernard Quaritch Ltd | 1931/7/6 | re book purchase |
Bernard Quaritch Ltd | 1931/7/10 | re books etc |
Berrians, E A | 1908/5/23 | re some essay topics |
Berridge W A | 1922/8/20 | his article’s on employment etc |
Berridge, William A | 1922/4/20 | Harvard travelling fellow to see HSF |
Berry, Ada | 23/02/1887 | asks HSF to chair meeting of Society of Lady Dressmakers |
Berry, Ada | 27/02/1887 | further talk on Society and title |
Berry, Arthur | 23/11/1894 | re appointment of women to the Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate at Cambridge |
Berry, Arthur | 08/12/1894 | HSF's resignation from Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate |
Berry, Arthur | 07/03/1892 | asks HSF to give some vacation instruction at Cambridge |
Berry, Arthur | 29/11/1892 | re lecture on Hyndman, Irregularity of Employment |
Bertie | 04/02/1879 | social |
Besant, Walter | 04/04/1883 | Palmer's funeral |
Bessano Emily | 1916/11/12 | allotment system |
Bessie | 23/01/1879 | rendez-vous |
Bester, Arthur E | 1901/7/22 | re charge for window boxes |
Besurt ? | Dec-19 | poem written at Staple Inn lecture |
Bethell-Jones, H | 02/06/1899 | to Olive on daughter's bill |
Betts, E O | 1926/8/5 | to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death |
Beveridge Sir William | 1922/10/15 | Political Philosophy Club |
Beveridge W H | 1921/12/13 | re LSE courses |
Beveridge, Erskine | 24/05/1895 | about an old book |
Beveridge, Erskine | 03/06/1895 | sent HSF manuscript voluem, other book collecting chat |
Beveridge, W | 1926/8/22 | re Dhume's examiners |
Beveridge, W H | 1924/5/26 | re meeting with Porf Gaevenity |
Beveridge, W H | 1919/10/9 | LSE lectures |
Beveridge, W H | 1923/5/31 | re reference for P Einzig |
Beveridge, W H | 1920/12/5 | re his engagements |
Beveridge, W H | 1921/5/4 | asks HSF to stay at his house |
Beveridge, W H | 1920/6/30 | LSE re job and salary increase |
Beveridge, W H | 1905/10/12 | asks HSF to join Special Committee on Unskilled Labour |
Beveridge, W H | 1921/5/12 | HSF to dine with him |
Beveridge, W H (to Frewen) | 1920/9/6 | LSE lectures |
Beveridge, William | 1921/5/9 | general chat |
Beveridge, William | 17/22/1922 | statement about Dhume at LSE |
Beveridge, Wm | 1926/9/21 | re Dhume's examiners |
Beveridge, Wm | 1926/8/26 | to see HSF |
Bevington Sheila M | 1917/12/5 | contribution to POW fund |
Beyland, E F | ??/??/1881 | re fees for tutoring |
Bichlmayn, K | ??/11/1936 | to Audrey Foxwell, card in German |
Bickendike, C F | 1910/4/1 | re applying for lectureship at Sheffield |
Biddulph, Geoffrey | 1931/5/23 | re gold and prices etc |
Biddulph, Geoffrey | 1930/9/6 | encloses paper on monetary policy and prices |
Biffen, R | 15/12/1882 | re Political Economy Club |
Bigg, Ada Heather | 12/10/1894 | on her work |
Bigg, Ada Heather | 09/10/1894 | on her work |
Bigg, Ada Heather | 07/11/1894 | re her report on women in London industries |
Bigg, Ada Heather | 08/11/1894 | re publishing her report on women in London industries |
Bigg, T Fred | 14/08/1889 | PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Billson, Ann | 1930/6/2 | to Audrey, offers job |
Billson, Ann | 1930/5/17 | to Audrey, re job application |
Bimetallic League | 15/08/1892 | re meeting with Americans |
Bimetallic League | 01/02/1887 | asks HSF to be a vice president |
Bimetallic League | 17/03/1891 | re meeting of League |
Bimetallic League | 30/11/1895 | notice of meeting on agriculture and the currency |
Bimetallic League | 13/02/1889 | asks HSF to speak at Hertford |
Bimetallic League | 08/09/1896 | asks HSF to reply to Wm Fowler at British Association meeting |
Bimetallic League | 22/10/1897 | letter to Sir Michael Hicks, Chancellor of the Exchequer |
Bimetallic League | ??/09/1889 | leaflet on International Bimetallism |
Bimetallic League | 1893 | Annual Report |
Bimetallic League | 08/07/1893 | Declaration |
Bimetallic League | 11/06/1894 | re paper by Sir David Barbour |
Bimetallic League | 10/04/1894 | re International Bimetallic Conference |
Bimetallic League | 30/01/1894 | notice of Annual Meeting |
Bimetallic League | | draft consitution |
Bimetallic League | 27/05/1895 | motion to house League in London |
Bimetallic League | 1895 | list of Peers and MPs to attend conference |
Bimetallic League | 1894 | list of subscribers |
Bimetallic League | | notice of Leicester meeting |
Bimetallic League | 30/04/1894 | notice of reception |
Bimetallic League | 23/02/1892 | notice of Annual Meeting |
Bimetallic League | 01/06/1892 | offers pamphlets etc |
Bimetallic League | 17/01/1892 | re notice of Annual Meeting |
Bimetallic League | 31/12/1894 | decision to start monthly journal |
Bimetallic League | 04/12/1894 | re meeting on Indian situation |
Bimetallic League | 1893 | Annual Report |
Bimetallic League | 03/07/1893 | declaration on Indian currency |
Bimetallic League | 06/02/1894 | notes on Annual Meeting |
Bimetallic League | 1895 | chart on UK exports |
Bimetallic League | 06/04/1893 | poster on Leicester meeting |
Bimetallic League | 04/02/1893 | poster on Cambridge meeting |
Bimetallic League | 20/02/1893 | re House of Commons resolution |
Bimetallic League | 27/01/1893 | Annual Report for 1892 |
Bimetallic League | 26/02/1895 | R L Everett's motion in House of Commons |
Bimetallic League | 15/05/1895 | new organisation with draft consitiution |
Bimetallic League | 04/10/1897 | to W E Dorrington re speaking etc |
Bimetallic League | 06/10/1897 | to W E Dorrington re Lord Aldenham's letter |
Bimetallic League | 14-Jan | report of Trades Deputation to Mr Chaplin MP |
Bimetallic League | 20/06/1895 | re change to an article |
Bimetallic League | 22/01/1890 | asks HSF to speak at Gloucester |
Bimetallic League | 20/10/1897 | re letter from Shibley and HSF pamphlet |
Bimetallic League | 16/11/1896 | re Hanna's declaration |
Bimetallic League | 20/11/1896 | ratio, role of League |
Bimetallic League | 29/06/1899 | re changing London lease |
Bimetallic League | | list of members and League statement |
Bimetallic League (H M McNiel) | 06/10/1892 | bimetallism |
Bimetallic League (H Schmidt) | 05/10/1892 | re HSF article and attack by the Economist |
Bimteallic League | 09/11/1898 | re surplus of imports |
Bindley, H H | 1931/2/27 | thank you letter |
Bindley, H H | 1937/12/28 | to AF returns HSF letter |
Bindly, A H F | ??/??/1870 | asks HSF to return money |
Bingham, Hiram | 1911/4/27 | re Goldsmith's Economic Library manuscripts |
Bingham, Hiram | 1911/3/27 | re list of manuscripts |
Binney T G | 17/1/1871 | PC _ general chat |
Binney T G | 10/7/1871 | PC - general chat |
Binney T G | ? | PC - ? |
Birbeck College | 1923/1/11 | funeral service for Dr Armitage-Smith |
Birch, Fred Peregrine | 17/03/1931 | to H R Beeton re Mrs Trowers |
Birch, Fred Peregrine | 1931/3/7 | original of 414/62 |
Bird, H F | 1931/6/30 | retirement fund for Cambridge Antiquarian Society secretary |
Birdwood, H | 31/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Birmingham and Midland Institute | 27/06/1893 | HSF unable to lecture |
Birmingham Philopsophical Society | ??/02/1893 | notice of HSF meeting on bimetallism |
Birmingham University | 1901/7/31 | on Ashley's appointment to the Birmingham chair |
Birmingham University | 1901/5/29 | sends HSF information about chair |
Birmingham University | ??/12/1900 | paper on forming Commercial Faculty |
Birrell, Augustine | 06/11/1874 | on HSF's fellowship |
Birt, W R | | anti-cremation campaign |
Birt, William | 06/12/1894 | re train times between Cambridge and Liverpool Street |
Bisks, Agnes | 07/05/1878 | husband ill and cannot attend meeting |
Biss, C G | 03/08/1889 | to Bradbury cannot support Jenkinson for librarian |
Bisschop, Lord | 1910/7/20 | re proofs of his book |
Bisschop, W R | 1917/3/21 | asks HSF for help to get position in proposed trade bank |
Bisschop, W R | 1917/3/28 | re job in proposed trade bank |
Bisschop, W R | 1917/3/25 | re job in proposed trade bank |
Bisschop, W R | 1917/3/27 | re job in proposed trade bank |
Bisschop, W R | 1917/4/29 | re job in proposed trade bank |
Bisschop, W R | 1910/7/13 | thanks HSF for introduction to a book |
Bisschop, W R | 1910/3/26 | re a manuscript |
Biswas, H N | 1926/2/19 | re his research work |
Black R D | 1921/7/9 | exam schedule |
Black R D | 1921/7/6 | reading for exams |
Black, R D | 1922/2/20 | asks for reference |
Black, R D C | 1962/2/23 | to Audrey Foxwell asks about Jevons' letters |
Black, R D C | 1962/8/7 | to Audrey Foxwell to talk to her about HSF |
Black, R D C | 1964/5/21 | to Audrey Foxwell, re letters to Clara Collet |
Black, R D C | 1964/7/20 | to Audrey Foxwell, re return of Collet letters |
Black, R D C | 1962/6/8 | to AF sends back letters |
Black, R D C | 1962/8/25 | re HSF's memories of Jevons |
Black, R D C | 1935/4/11 | hopes some Jevons letters will be found |
Black, R D C | 1962/9/13 | to AF re Miss Collet's papers |
Black, R D C | 1962/9/6 | to AF H Higgs in hospital |
Black, R D C | 1962/6/19 | to AF re HSF's letters |
Blackett, Sir Basil | 1921/4/11 | thanks HSF for letter |
Blackie, Walter | 15/09/1887 | asks HSF to talk to Philosophical Society of Glasgow |
Blackie, Walter | 25/04/1893 | against bimetallism |
Blackie, Walter W | 07/02/1895 | pronounciation of 'Foulis', Economic Society paper on 'Goschen's pound' |
Blackie, Walter W | 17/12/1892 | on bimetallism |
Blackley William | 9/4/1883 | re scheme to help poor |
Blackley William | 8/1/1883 | re scheme to help poor |
Blackley William | 13/1/1883 | Henry George, Poor Laws etc |
Blackley, Wm | 28/04/1880 | thrift, naitonal insurance |
Blackley, Wm | 07/07/1882 | re meeting on Naitonal Insurance |
Blackley, Wm L | 21/02/1889 | National Provident League and national insurance etc |
Blackley, Wm L | 24/10/1885 | wants meeting on national provident assurance etc |
Blackly, Wm L | 01/06/1885 | on national insurance |
Blackman, F Frost | 18/10/1898 | re wedding present |
Blackman, F Frost | 20/12/1898 | on wedding present |
Blackwell, E | 30/11/1886 | asks HSF for help on political economy |
Blagrave, Alice | 19/02/1894 | social |
Blagrave, Alice | 29/05/1894 | asks for help with Drapers Co. job |
Blagrave, Alice | 26/04/1894 | re Common Council interviews for headmistresship |
Blagrave, Alice | 19/04/1894 | re Common Council interviews for headmistresship |
Blagrave, Alice | 01/05/1894 | re application for job |
Blagrave, Alice | 07/10/1890 | general |
Blagrave, Alice | 14/07/1890 | university extension business |
Blagrave, Alice | 17/06/1890 | social |
Blagrave, Alice | 11/04/1886 | social |
Blagrave, Alice | 29/11/1886 | social |
Blagrave, Alice | ??/??/1886 | social |
Blagrave, Alice | 19/11/1886 | social |
Blagrave, Alice | 27/08/1886 | re fire etc |
Blagrave, Alice | 29/05/1891 | asks HSF to help former pupil |
Blair, M M Pattison | 5-Dec | re a lecture |
Blakesley, W H | 07/08/1889 | to Stanford supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Blank, Miss | 05/12/1876 | HSF must write |
Bligh, Ivo | | student on PE Special |
Blomfield, Reginald and others | 1932/3/1 | petition to stop new Waterloo Bridge |
Blow T B | 1924/8/1 | letter to Sothebys about Japanese art |
Blundell, A R | 1926/11/8 | social |
Blunden, G H | 15/08/1895 | re Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society |
Blunden, G H | 17/07/1885 | asks HSF to lecture at Literary and Philosophical Society |
Blythe, W H | 18/07/1889 | PC supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Board of Education | 1914/4/7 | asks HSF re candidates for chairs in India |
Board of Education | 1914/7/14 | asks HSF re candidates for chairs in India |
Bobbie | 1930/3/26 | general chat, to Audrey |
Bocchaht von, Frieda to Olive Dorrington | 08/12/1897 | general chat |
Boddington, Vincent C | 1907/10/14 | asks HSf to be President of St John's Musical Society |
Bogart, E L | ??/06/1936 | extract of note on bibliography |
Bohm-Bawerk, E | 1913/3/1 | introduces Carl von Wiesen |
Boissevain G M | 13/12/1894 | German Silver Comission (copy) |
Boissevain, G M | 30/12/1893 | international bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 14/01/1893 | international currency conference |
Boissevain, G M | 07/02/1891 | re publication of Boissevain's essay on currency |
Boissevain, G M | 04/07/1893 | on bimetallism and planned closure of Indian mint |
Boissevain, G M | 09/07/1893 | bimetallic business |
Boissevain, G M | 14/07/1893 | international bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 10/08/1893 | Indian currency papers and bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 27/06/1893 | currency problems |
Boissevain, G M | 27/02/1891 | re proofs of essay |
Boissevain, G M | 19/04/1891 | re essay |
Boissevain, G M | 14/01/1891 | re essay and bimetallism with copy of letter to Mr Horton |
Boissevain, G M | 13/02/1891 | re essay |
Boissevain, G M | 02/03/1891 | re essay |
Boissevain, G M | 28/04/1891 | books and general chat |
Boissevain, G M | 14/01/1893 | re translation of Preison's book |
Boissevain, G M | 1914/12/24 | general chat |
Boissevain, G M | 1915/2/4 | re Royal Society of Arts |
Boissevain, G M | 1915/2/12 | thank you letter |
Boissevain, G M | 1916/2/9 | on death of wife |
Boissevain, G M | 05/04/1888 | bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 1918/1/10 | on gold and silver |
Boissevain, G M | 29/10/1892 | re nomination to Brussel's conference, Balfour etc |
Boissevain, G M | 10/02/1898 | social, bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 15/02/1898 | bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 07/12/1891 | on bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 31/12/1890 | re translation of his article on monetary questions |
Boissevain, G M | 1901/10/19 | Jenks, bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 14/04/1891 | gives HSF volumes of Statistical Society and will pay for them to be bound |
Boissevain, G M | 01/09/1892 | monetary crisis: bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 18/11/1892 | bimetallism |
Boissevain, G M | 30/11/1892 | Indian mints, Rothschild's address etc |
Boissevain, G M | 27/04/1892 | visit to London |
Boissevain, G M | 20/05/1892 | congratulates HSF on success of League, bimetallic issues |
Boissevain, G M | 04/11/1892 | re letter to Gibbs etc |
Boissevain, G M | 03/11/1892 | re French ratio etc |
Boissevain, G M | 05/09/1893 | PC re papers on monetary situation |
Boissevain, G M | 1917/9/24 | re silver |
Boissevain, G M | 13/04/1893 | sends HSF an article |
Boissevain, G M | 19/02/1891 | bimetallic issues |
Boissevain, G M | 1909/3/18 | re paper on money and banking in the US |
Boissevain, G M | 06/10/1889 | to Alland, on bimetallic issues |
Boissevain, G M | 22/08/1888 | re Bimetallic League etc |
Boissevain, G M | 12/09/1895 | re articles on measure of value |
Boissevain, G M | 19/09/1895 | re articles, bimetallic issues |
Boissevain, G M | 26/09/1890 | bimetallic issues |
Boissevain, G M | 03/11/1890 | offers HSF book, silver and gold etc |
Boissevain, G M | 17/12/1890 | re essay on monetary matters |
Boissevain, G M | 24/11/1890 | his essay wins prize |
Boissevain, G M | 29/11/1890 | re his essay |
Boissevain, G M | 14/11/1890 | bimetallic issues |
Boissevain, G M | 02/10/1890 | US Silver Bill |
Boissevain, G M | 14/08/1890 | re pamphlets, article in The Times |
Boissevain, G M | 28/11/1890 | re shi essay |
Boissevain, G M | 24/11/1890 | to Meysey-Thompson on his essay (copy) |
Boissevain, G M | 21/08/1890 | re publishing his essay |
Boissevain, G M | 25/08/1890 | essay and bimetallic issues |
Boissevain, G M | 28/04/1890 | to visit Cambridge |
Boissevain, G M | 10/05/1890 | on visit and bimetallism in UK |
Boissevain, G M | 27/12/1890 | re a translation |
Boissevain, G M | 11/12/1890 | re Manchester Guardian piece |
Boissevain, G M | 13/12/1890 | his membership of Institute of Bankers |
Boissevain, G M | 03/12/1890 | re printing his essay |
Boissevain, G M | 04/12/1890 | will pay printing costs etc of his essay |
Boissevain, G M | 05/12/1890 | re his essay and visit to London |
Boissevain, G M | 05/12/1890 | re printing his essay |
Boissevain, G M | 29/04/1891 | PC in London, hopes to see HSF |
Boissevain, R J G | 10/07/1898 | thank you letter |
Boissevain, R J G | 08/07/1898 | wants to visit unions |
Boles Harold | 1912/8/13 | trends in the cost of living |
Bollas, Albert S | 01/10/1888 | sends article on labour-saving machinery |
Bolleston, J F | 22/05/1893 | re letter on bimetallism |
Bolton, R H B | 12/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Bonar J | 1922/5/6 | re economics and PE Club |
Bonar J | 30/1/1883 | re Civil Service exams etc |
Bonar J | 1905/5/4 | Civil Service exams |
Bonar J | 6/7/1897 | PC _ re meeting |
Bonar J | 20/8/1895 | Cannan’s etc finds |
Bonar J | 1922/7/16 | Malthus etc |
Bonar, J | 03/03/1923 | re early proceedings of the Statistical Society |
Bonar, J | 1922/4/18 | re notes on Knapp for EJ on his 80th birthday |
Bonar, J | 1922/3/6 | gold, social unrest etc |
Bonar, J | 1922/3/2 | HSF & LSE, gold etc |
Bonar, J | 1922/3/24 | PE Club and comments on people |
Bonar, J | 1934/11/5 | communication on old age |
Bonar, J | 1934/11/2 | re biography of Malthus |
Bonar, J | 1934/12/31 | PC New Year greetings |
Bonar, J | 1936/1/6 | general on some publication (?) |
Bonar, J | 1922/4/22 | re taxes and death duties |
Bonar, J | 09/01/1891 | re Indian Civilians |
Bonar, J | 23/07/1891 | re Savile Club and old books |
Bonar, J | 19/12/1891 | exams |
Bonar, J | 20/07/1896 | re exams and the 'Rae affair' |
Bonar, J | 1932/3/10 | on old books |
Bonar, J | 1928/6/29 | re Malthus (and photos) |
Bonar, J | 1932/9/22 | pm jpidrd |
Bonar, J | 1932/3/8 | on books |
Bonar, J | 1934/9/13 | on Higgs' Bibliography |
Bonar, J | 1932/6/16 | on books |
Bonar, J | 1932/6/16 | on books |
Bonar, J | 1931/7/20 | on books |
Bonar, J | 1935/6/14 | general |
Bonar, J | 1930/6/24 | on J S Mill and Higgs to translate Cantillon |
Bonar, J | 1930/6/12 | Bonar and his J S Mill |
Bonar, J | 1930/3/21 | re a book |
Bonar, J | 1926/3/16 | on Newmarch lectures, details on Malthus and Economic Journal council appointment |
Bonar, J | 1926/3/18 | on Newmarch lectures, his planned biography of Malthus |
Bonar, J | 31/08/1896 | general chat |
Bonar, J | 1901/1/14 | on some piece of writing |
Bonar, J | 19/02/1892 | general chat and on Gashcen |
Bonar, J | 1901/7/1 | re sale of library to Goldsmiths |
Bonar, J | 15/09/1897 | re sale of HSF's library |
Bonar, J | 26/04/1892 | re books to prescribe for course |
Bonar, J | 09/03/1898 | asks HSf for paper for Section F |
Bonar, J | 14/07/1898 | Hollander and publishing of the Trower-Ricardo letters |
Bonar, J | 1901/2/25 | re Civil Service competitions |
Bonar, J | 1901/2/23 | re an HSF report |
Bonar, J | 14/04/1897 | publication, Trower, Hollander & Ricardo collection |
Bonar, J | 13/02/1897 | Sanger's paper, Cannan's seat on town council |
Bonar, J | 12/09/1892 | Here are Menger and Wagner'! |
Bonar, J | 13/04/1897 | Ricardo, Frewen, Hollander on publication of letters |
Bonar, J | 19/07/1898 | wedding and library |
Bonar, J | 1930/2/6 | Newmarch, Japanese translation of Malthus etc |
Bonar, J | 1930/2/3 | pc social |
Bonar, J | 14/04/1892 | re book list for India Civil Serivce Perdiodical exams |
Bonar, J | 03/03/1892 | India Civil Service examiners, pension for Mrs Goodwin |
Bonar, J | 01/10/1892 | re secretary and sub editor, exams etc |
Bonar, J | 11/07/1895 | poor opinion of Macleod's book for Indian Civil Service list |
Bonar, J | 07/09/1892 | results of exams, German bimetallists, Macleod's book on bimetallism |
Bonar, J | 07/01/1889 | doesn't want a great collection of books |
Bonar, J | 1933/1/18 | re nomination of Higgs for BA |
Bonar, J | 1901/8/1 | re Birmingham chair |
Bonar, J | 1901/4/29 | re HSF's personal position |
Bonar, J | 1901/5/12 | Adam Smith Club etc |
Bonar, J | 1901/5/9 | re advice on statistical post |
Bonar, J | 31/03/1897 | re Indian Civil Service exams |
Bonar, J | 1903/5/16 | re Moseley Report |
Bonar, J | 28/03/1898 | British Association matters |
Bonar, J | 1937/5/24 | to Audrey Foxwell, re his letters at Harvard |
Bonar, J | 1926/2/18 | PC two references |
Bonar, J | 1902/10/14 | re name of Act, Higgs etc |
Bonar, J | 1924/12/6 | re some mistakes in references |
Bonar, J | 17/04/1889 | J N Keynes to be co-examiner for Indian Civil Service exams |
Bonar, J | 05/05/1889 | Indian Civil Service exams |
Bonar, J | 20/09/1892 | bimetallism |
Bonar, J | 17/05/1892 | Jevons Memorial, paper on Stores |
Bonar, J | 29/11/1892 | re reprints etc |
Bonar, J | 19/10/1897 | re houses in Hampstead |
Bonar, J | 28/09/1897 | on HSF's engagement |
Bonar, J | 05/09/1897 | re HSF's income, library, Indian Civil Service exams |
Bonar, J | 1900/3/31 | Civil Service of India exams |
Bonar, J | 1900/7/18 | Civil Service of India exams |
Bonar, J | 1900/9/6 | re Civil Service of India exams report by HSF |
Bonar, J | 23/04/1892 | re books for Civil Service course |
Bonar, J | 1901/6/5 | re reference library etc |
Bonar, J | 10/11/1893 | re his Catalogue of Smith |
Bonar, J | 19/10/1893 | re his Catalogue of Smith |
Bonar, J | 21/02/1893 | re his Catalogue of Smith |
Bonar, J | 22/02/1893 | re his Catalogue of Smith |
Bonar, J | 30/05/1893 | re his Catalogue of Smith |
Bonar, J | 16/11/1893 | re dining, the Catalogue |
Bonar, J | 31/08/1893 | Macmillan and the Catalogue |
Bonar, J | 13/09/1893 | re his lecture in Birmingham |
Bonar, J | 03/10/1893 | death of Balliol master |
Bonar, J | 15/05/1893 | re HSF list for Catalogue |
Bonar, J | 10/12/1893 | re Sully's Deconomics, Catalogue |
Bonar, J | 17/08/1893 | to Cunningham, re Catalogue, meeting |
Bonar, J | 02/03/1893 | cheque, social |
Bonar, J | 14/08/1893 | effect of Rae publishing his Smith letters |
Bonar, J | 31/07/1893 | social |
Bonar, J | 26/07/1893 | re Smith letters, Rae |
Bonar, J | 30/06/1893 | the new Suspension, need to meet with Cunningham |
Bonar, J | 12/07/1893 | re Sotheby's sale of books |
Bonar, J | 13/07/1893 | re papers for Civil Service Commission |
Bonar, J | 13/06/1893 | re papers for Civil Service Commission |
Bonar, J | 16/06/1893 | account of Marshall "distressing", Catalogue |
Bonar, J | 11/12/1893 | asks HSF to write testimonial, catalogues |
Bonar, J | 07/12/1893 | re application for chair, Sidgwick |
Bonar, J | 02/11/1893 | re Indian Civil Service students, Catalogue |
Bonar, J | 07/08/1893 | re Smith's house ground plan, Rae and letters |
Bonar, J | 23/01/1893 | re German article |
Bonar, J | 1931/9/5 | re pamphlets |
Bonar, J | 1930/6/30 | re cataloguing of Pascal |
Bonar, J | 1930/5/29 | PC pleased with HSF letter |
Bonar, J | 09/05/1894 | PC wants specimen of Adam Smith's handwriting |
Bonar, J | 1932/9/19 | re something in The Times |
Bonar, J | 1938/10/12 | to AF re some proofs for the Bibliography |
Bonar, J | 1939/2/24 | to AF re Bibliography |
Bonar, J | 25/06/1896 | PC thanks for advice about book |
Bonar, J | 1932/6/14 | PC re a catalogue |
Bonar, J | 1932/6/26 | PC re old letter |
Bonar, J | 10/04/1885 | re de Vitry |
Bonar, J | 08/04/1885 | PC re Statistical Society election, wages |
Bonar, J | 16/04/1885 | PC books to press |
Bonar, J | 25/04/1885 | PC re Vitry's book |
Bonar, J | 1930/3/24 | PC thank you |
Bonar, J | 1930/3/25 | PC thank for "young gentleman" |
Bonar, J | 1922 | proof of Supplement to Philosophy of Political Economy |
Bonar, J | 1933/2/27 | re Higgs' nomination form for BA |
Bonar, James | 1930/11/24 | on death of Mrs Foxwell |
Bonar, James | 23/12/1888 | re old economic books |
Bonar, James | 03/08/1888 | Indian Civil Service exams |
Bonar, James | 26/05/1884 | on Fawcett, Mill etc. |
Bonar, James | 15/07/1895 | dropping of political economy at India Office |
Bonar, James | 04/04/1895 | Statistical Society, Higgs' prospects at Treasury |
Bonar, James | 31/03/1885 | general chat |
Bonar, James | 12/09/1895 | Ricardo letters |
Bonar, James | 31/01/1895 | re life of McBullock for Quaritch |
Bonar, James | 16/09/1892 | re books on currency |
Bonar, James | 09/02/1885 | re rare book |
Bonar, James | 10/11/1890 | on idea by Menger and Orken to reprint old English and French economic tracts |
Bonar, James | 14/04/1890 | re start of Journal |
Bonar, James | 08/07/1884 | re Civil Service Commission |
Bonar, James | 10/12/1884 | re emigration |
Bonar, James | 30/06/1884 | re economics and Civil Service Commission |
Bonar, James | 13/12/1884 | re Malthus and emmigration |
Bonar, James | 05/12/1884 | re copy of Mathus's matriculation entry |
Bonar, James | 01/06/1884 | on Marshall etc |
Bonar, James | 23/01/1884 | re Civil Service exams |
Bonar, James | 29/01/1884 | political economy generally |
Bonar, James | 09/07/1884 | re McLeod and Civil Service |
Bonar, James | 1930/12/24 | re Adam Smith pamphlets |
Bonar, James | 13/11/1894 | re old books etc |
Bonar, James | 12/06/1894 | on old books etc probably concerning Adam Smith |
Bonar, James | 24/01/1894 | on Adam Smith |
Bonar, James | ??/??/1894 | re old book |
Bonar, James | 24/03/1894 | on Adam Smith's catalogue |
Bonar, James | 28/03/1894 | on Adam Smith's catalogue, Journal etc |
Bonar, James | 12/05/1894 | on a manuscript |
Bonar, James | 30/05/1894 | on Adam Smith's catalogue |
Bonar, James | 1930/7/9 | re Bonar's election as FSA |
Bonar, James | 10/11/1896 | re Trower's correspondence with Ricardo |
Bonar, James | 05/05/1890 | re some Harvard request |
Bonar, James | 17/11/1890 | re some dispute over Bauer |
Bonar, James | 10/04/1890 | cost of publishing Quarterly Journal of Economics |
Bonar, James | 28/08/1890 | on exam marking practices |
Bonar, James | 11/07/1892 | re club elections |
Bonar, James | 05/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Bonar, James | 1901/6/10 | re Chisholm as an economist |
Bonar, James | 23/03/1885 | exam marking, bookbinding, etc |
Bonar, James | 26/03/1885 | asks to borrow book |
Bonar, James | 01/04/1885 | general |
Bonar, James | 13/07/1895 | re Indian question |
Bonar, James | 21/10/1895 | re some catalogue |
Bonar, James | 27/01/1883 | asks HSF to paper, news of Toynbee's illness and exhaustion |
Bonar, James | 17/08/1895 | asks for help for G K Poley to get job, HSF paper and J H Hollander |
Bonar, James | 01/12/1880 | re part on Malthus |
Bonar, James | 21/08/1895 | HSF to be paid for cadets, Ricardo letters, Hollander |
Bonar, James | 07/10/1895 | re some HSF work |
Bonar, James | 16/10/1895 | re Council and publication of Ricardo's letters |
Bonar, James | 1936/8/3 | to Audrey on HSF's death |
Bonar, James | | "H S Foxwell" reprint of obituary Journal of Royal Statistical Society |
Bond, S | 14/08/1889 | to Appleton unlikely to vote |
Boney, Harry T | 1911/2/17 | proxy in favour of Larmor, his trip |
Boney, Harry T | 1911/2/18 | too late to vote |
Bonhams, H French | 17/12/1870 | congratulates HSF etc |
Bonians, E A | 1934/6/6 | invite to Old Johnian dinner |
Bonney | 01/01/1880 | sends HSF a present of socks |
Bonney | 11/02/1880 | chides HSF for not turning up as arranged |
Bonney | 19/07/1880 | sends receipt to HSF etc |
Bonney | 13/08/1880 | re meeting |
Bonney T G | 2/2 1883 | Section F of Brit Assoc |
Bonney T G | 29/1/1883 | re dinner & Brit Assoc |
Bonney T G | 1917/7/31 | PC _ dinner with Sir H Howarth |
Bonney T G | 1910/10/21 | Cambridge Alpine Club & HSF’s notes for speech |
Bonney T G | 1917/7/24 | books |
Bonney T S | 1913/7/26 | PC _ Dr Rootham |
Bonney, F | 23/03/1880 | wants to see HSF |
Bonney, F G | 10/03/1894 | re mines and exhausted land |
Bonney, F G | 13/03/1881 | re HSF's application to University College London |
Bonney, J G | 11/11/1890 | asks HSF to accept vice-presidentship of British Association |
Bonney, J G | 21/03/1894 | borrowing book |
Bonney, Raddwell | 31/01/1898 | wants money |
Bonney, T C | 04/04/1873 | HSF's certificate of residency at St John's |
Bonney, T C | 17/01/1871 | PC re use of rooms |
Bonney, T G | 09/02/1885 | British Association business |
Bonney, T G | 16/02/1885 | British Association business |
Bonney, T G | 09/06/1885 | re building schedule |
Bonney, T G | 12/03/1885 | re British Assoc paper |
Bonney, T G | 21/02/1884 | re Marshall, Sidgwick and Brit Assoc |
Bonney, T G | 26/02/1885 | British Association work |
Bonney, T G | 23/02/1885 | Marshall and Sidgwick for President of Section F of Brit Assoc |
Bonney, T G | 04/04/1874 | asks HSF to lecture in 'large towns' |
Bonney, T G | 02/11/1874 | on HSF's fellowship |
Bonney, T G | 04/10/1882 | social |
Bonney, T G | 09/02/1882 | asks HSF to be Secretary to Section F of British Association |
Bonney, T G | 01/11/1873 | re some society |
Bonney, T G | ??/??/1873 | social |
Bonney, T G | 12/03/1894 | bimetallism |
Bonney, T G | 24/03/1894 | re Del Marr's book on mining |
Bonney, T G | 18/02/1884 | council's resolution, queries |
Bonney, T G | 26/02/1886 | re Section F of British Association |
Bonney, T G | 05/03/1886 | re Section F of British Association |
Bonney, T G | 28/02/1886 | re Section F of British Association |
Bonney, T G | 27/09/1871 | re HSF and Ernest sharing rooms |
Bonney, T G | 25/07/1871 | re college accounts |
Bonney, T G | 1915/7/23 | PC social |
Bonney, T G | 03/08/1870 | re brother being tutored by Bonney |
Bonney, T G | 25/08/1870 | HSF brother needs rest from nervous exhaustion, maths and other subjects |
Bonney, T G | 24/01/1881 | re introduction and Bonney's election |
Bonney, T G | 17/06/1885 | re some of St John's Masters |
Bonney, T G | 22/08/1887 | re petition on fellows' statutes |
Bonney, T G | 23/08/1887 | re petition on fellows' statutes |
Bonney, T G | 08/08/1889 | PC cannot vote for Jenkinson for librarian |
Bonney, T G | 03/01/1891 | re donation to college conversazione |
Bonney, T G | 1921/3/15 | PC re Swann's death |
Bonney, T G | Oct 1862 | invite to meet Chancellor Austen |
Bonney, T G | 04/02/1875 | re lecturing and dining etc |
Bonney, T G | 15/05/1875 | re exeat for HSF's brother |
Bonny | ??/??/1879 | social |
Bonny | 01/04/1881 | reprimand etc |
Bonny | 03/02/1881 | thanks for photo and asks for a kiss |
Bonny | 12/05/1881 | re move |
Bonny | 11/04/1881 | re new address and son Bertie |
Bonverie, E P | 03/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Booth, Charles | 18/12/1893 | on pension schemes |
Booth, Charles | 28/05/1894 | re Newmarch lectures |
Booth, Charles | 23/01/1895 | re recognition for Higgs |
Booth, Charles | 08/05/1892 | re a meeting |
Booth, Charles | | table on population classes |
Booth, Charles | 30/04/1892 | Jevon Trust, Economic Club |
Booth, Charles | 04/05/1892 | re meeting and dinner |
Booth, Charles | 01/04/1895 | re Mr Hey's case |
Booth, Charles | 1911/8/31 | to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living |
Booth, Mary | 1916/11/28 | thanks HSF for condolence |
Booth, May | 14/04/1892 | re memorial fund memorandum |
Bootham, Cyril | 1907/10/14 | wants HSF to be president of St John's Music Society |
Borght, Rvander | 1911/8/29 | to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living |
Borough of Cambridge | 1925/12/30 | HSF's burial plot |
Borough of Cambridge | 1923/11/20 | grant of grave space |
Borrell, S | ? | on privatisation |
Borrell, S | 08/01/1873 | general chat |
Borst, F | 17/06/1896 | PC re article on silver |
Bosanquet, Helen | 1914/1/15 | re Goldsmith's |
Bosanquet, Helen | 1914/1/11 | Consumer's Association in France etc. |
Bose, Sudhindra | 1913/10/18 | re enquiry about LSE doctorate |
Bossevain, G M | 06/04/1891 | re English edition of his book |
Bossevain, G M | 26/03/1891 | re English edition of his book |
Bossevain, G M | 22/03/1891 | monetary questions |
Bossevain, G M | 17/03/1891 | re his book |
Boswell Printing and Publishing Co | 1931/8/24 | notice of book by Nesta H Webster |
Boughton Gladys | 1910/4/29 | UCL library |
Boulton Bros & Co | 1915/3/24 | statement by Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co |
Boulton Bros & Co | 1912/2/19 | ? in Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co |
Boulton Bros & Co | 1912/5/11 | ? in Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co |
Boulton Bros & Co | 1913/7/14 | re fall in prices in Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co bonds |
Bourguin, ? | 21/02/1889 | re index numbers |
Bourke, Florence | 1911/2/27 | re universal system of payment |
Bourke, Florence | 1911/2/28 | re payments in Post Office |
Bourke, Florence | 1911/2/23 | re co-operatives |
Bourke, Florence | 1911/2/19 | unemployment insurance |
Bourne, ? | 16/03/1886 | Progress of UK trade article |
Bourne, B | 17/04/1886 | statistics |
Bourne, B | 16/02/1886 | trade and statistics |
Bouser, J Winifred | 03/11/1874 | on HSF fellowship |
Bowen, J W | 1972/12/9 | thanks HSF for paper |
Bowen, J W | 1872 | re paper on neutrals in war |
Bower H M | 25/4/1876 | argument about money |
Bower, F O | 15/08/1889 | will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Bower, H M | ??/??/1877 | on factory inspections and factory laws |
Bower, H M | ??/??/1877 | on factory inspections and factory laws |
Bower, H M | 08/11/1880 | his candidature of Savile Club and his career |
Bower, H M | 08/11/1880 | his candidature of Savile Club and his career |
Bower, H M | 10/11/1880 | his candidature of Savile Club and his career |
Bower, H M | 1927/2/19 | re Bower quartet, includes photo |
Bowes & Bowes | 1929/5/14 | re packing of library |
Bowes & Bowes | | offers Census Returns England and Wales 1921 |
Bowes & Bowes | 1907/10/1 | on their change of name |
Bowes & Bowes | 1929/5/1 | re packing in tin-lined cases |
Bowes & Bowes | 1929/5/3 | re packing of library |
Bowes & Bowes | 1931/7/20 | re copies of Fisher's letters |
Bowes & Bowes | Aug-31 | partnership with Pye-Smith dissolved |
Bowes, J W | 21/11/1874 | exam papers |
Bowes, Robert and others | 16/05/1883 | petition on outdoor relief |
Bowles, N | 1921/10/31 | asks to see HSF |
Bowley, A L | 1926/11/14 | money for bibliography |
Bowley, A L | 1989/2/24 | asks to see HSF's library |
Bowley, A L | 1926/10/14 | re his daughter at Newnham |
Bowley, A L | 1919/4/21 | thanks for copy of Current Finance book |
Bowley, A L | 19/09/1898 | re a misquote on rise in wages 1874-1891 |
Bowley, A L | 15/03/1898 | social |
Bowley, A L | 1901/1/27 | sends "Elements of Statistics" |
Bowley, A L | 1901/1/31 | some scheme of suggestions |
Bowley, A L | 15/05/1898 | audience down at lectures |
Bowley, a L | 1902/4/21 | re some scheme on law and history teaching |
Bowley, A L | 06/02/1898 | arranging dates for Newmarch lectures |
Bowley, A L | 21/01/1897 | re Newmarch Lectures, 18th century wages |
Bowley, A L | 1947/10/7 | re HSF dates |
Bowley, A L | 1947/9/16 | to AF re HSF's entry in Dictionary |
Bowley, A L | 1949/12/28 | to AF re HSF |
Bowley, A L | 1929/7/4 | re Bibliography Committee |
Bowley, A L | 1926/12/7 | to Scott re Pigou and BA |
Bowley, A L | 19/03/1895 | proofs of lecture on wage changes |
Bowley, Arthur L | 1926/4/21 | Bowley to give Newmarch lectures |
Bowley, Arthur L | 1926/4/11 | accepts Newmarch lectureship |
Bowley, Arthur L | 12/06/1896 | re Newmarch lectureship |
Bowley, T | 09/12/1892 | re replying to criticism of HSF |
Bowman L | 28/8/1890 | re private coaching at UCL |
Bowman, Laurence G | 19/06/1894 | sees a testimonial |
Bowman, Laurence G | 25/06/1894 | re testimonial |
Bowring, E F | 08/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Boyce, William | 22/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Boyd, Eleanor | 31/01/1898 | re a house |
Boyd, Ralston R | 08/03/1888 | wage fund and imports |
Boyes D L | 4/2/1890 | arranging visit by HSF |
Boyes D L | 12/2/1890 | general chat _ mentions Giffen |
Boyes D L | 31/8/1871 | general chat |
Boyes D L | 22/8/1871 | general chat |
Boyes D L | 17/8/1871 | social |
Boyes D L | 19/8/1871 | general chat |
Boyes D L | 19/7/1871 | PC - interesy in books |
Boyes D L | 8/1/1871 | PC _ in Greek |
Boyes D L | 20/7/1871 | St John’s chat |
Boyes D L | 27/12/1871 | about debt to HSF etc |
Boyes D L | 22/1/1871 | general chat |
Boyes D L | 13/7/1871 | cartoons on Mill |
Boyes D L | 12/8/1871 | general chat |
Boyes, D L | 21/04/1891 | social chat |
Boyes, D L | 28/10/1886 | general chat |
Boyes, D L | 12/10/1873 | general chat |
Boyes, D L | 13/03/1873 | social |
Boyes, D L | 08/05/1875 | reminiscing |
Boyes, D L | 07/02/1875 | congratulates HSF on being in love |
Boyes, D L | 05/01/1875 | re new school position |
Boyes, D L | 27/04/1877 | social |
Boyes, D L | 20/03/1877 | social |
Boyes, D L | 04/03/1884 | enquiry re Cambridge colleges, esp Queens, for personal friend |
Boyes, D L | 16/03/1884 | thanks for information, general chat |
Boyes, D L | ??/??/1880 | social |
Boyes, D L | 26/08/1874 | re death of friend etc |
Boyes, D L | 29/08/1872 | general friendly chat |
Boyes, D L | 03/03/1872 | long chat on many subjects |
Boyes, D L | 25/09/1872 | to D L Boyes, won't let HSF have his dog |
Boyes, D L | 20/10/1879 | re a friend at Pembroke |
Boyes, D L | 22/09/1872 | re new job in school |
Boyes, D L | 23/11/1875 | general chat |
Boyes, D L | 30/07/1871 | general college chat |
Boyes, D L | 16/05/1874 | coming to visit Cambridge |
Boyes, D L | 05/06/1874 | general news |
Boyes, D L | 21/06/1871 | re ploughing business |
Boyes, D L | 16/09/1874 | returns cheque |
Boyes, D L | 03/11/1874 | congratulates HSF |
Boyes, D L | 04/05/1892 | returns loan, jobs |
Boyes, Daniel L | 16/04/1870 | boat race, general chat |
Boyes, Daniel L | 19/01/1870 | list of honours, phrenology |
Boyes, Daniel L | 29/12/1870 | general chat |
Boyle, G C | 23/09/1872 | on HSF success |
Boyles D L | 24/2/1890 | thank you for pamphlets |
Boyns R | 23/2/1876 | thanks for helping son |
Boyns, John | 29/07/1872 | social |
Boyns, R E | 06/12/1878 | returns money, non-attendance |
Boyns, R E | 1917/12/1 | paper on 'The Physical Basis of Pleasure and Pain' |
Boyns, Richard | 27/03/1872 | thank you letter |
Boys Smith, E P | 21/06/1884 | student thank you letter |
Boys-Smith, J S | 1930/11/22 | on Mrs Foxwell's death |
Bracken, Brendan | 1926/4/30 | asks HSF to write article for The Banker on world credit supplies |
Bracken, Brendan | 1926/5/3 | re article for The Banker |
Bracken, Brendan | 1926/12/8 | re HSF article in The Banker |
Bradbury, Dr T A | 16/02/1891 | thanks for fee (consultation) |
Bradbury, J A | 26/11/1895 | thanks HSF for fees and HSF's flu attack |
Bradbury, J A | 02/05/1895 | thanks HSF for fees, HSF flu |
Bradbury, J A | 1909/8/5 | on Arthur's death |
Bradbury, J B | 04/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Bradbury, T B | 01/10/1893 | social |
Bradbury, T B | 29/09/1893 | social |
Bradford Technical Coll. | 1924/7/31 | asks reference for Minty |
Bradford, Alice | 05/07/1879 | apology for not meeting |
Bradford, Alice | 04/07/1879 | apology for not meeting and new plan |
Bradford, Alice | 25/??/1879 | apology for not meeting |
Bradford, Alice | 08/08/1879 | pressed flowers and story about blushing |
Bradford, Alice | 18/05/1879 | apology for not meeting |
Bradford, Alice | 28/07/1879 | apology for not meeting |
Bradford, Alice | 08/05/1879 | angry with HSF's behavious |
Bradford, Alice | 25/05/1879 | general re meeting, weather |
Bradford, Alice | 21/10/1879 | request not to meet this evening |
Bradford, Alice | 13/05/1879 | suggest early morning walks |
Bradford, Alice | 08/05/1879 | re meeting |
Bradford, Alice | 11/08/1879 | re Foxwell's journey |
Bradford, Alice | 28/05/1879 | re meeting (lack of) |
Bradford, Alice | 04/10/1879 | change of arrangements |
Braiswick Rose Gardens | 1931/11/30 | re purchase of roses |
Bramley, John | 19/09/1893 | asks HSF to present prizes at Queen's College Taunton |
Bramston, Wm | 12/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Brand Hon R H | 1919/10/23 | re Admiral Sims |
Brand Hon R H | 1917/4/3 | re finance & industry |
Brand Hon R H | 1917/4/26 | re HSF lecture on merchant banks |
Brand, R H | 14/11/1919 | thank you note |
Brand, R H | 1916/11/7 | re a pamphlet of his |
Brandin L M | 1922/12/1 | social |
Branford, V V | 11/07/1898 | changes in values of securities |
Branford, Victor | 08/08/1898 | re graphs of stock exchange prices etc |
Branford, Victor | 04/07/1898 | re book and paper for Economic Club |
Bratson, J Allen | 13/08/1889 | PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Brazier, L | 1922/10/4 | social |
Brazier, L | 1935/8/18 | social |
Brazier, L | 1924/6/1 | re accommodation Barmouth |
Brazier, L | 1925/5/8 | re accommodation Barmouth |
Brazier, L | 1924/5/24 | re accommodation Barmouth |
Brazier, L | 1922/8/22 | re accomm. Barmouth |
Brazier, L | 1922/10/30 | re holiday |
Brazier, L | 1922/10/20 | re mousetrap etc |
Brazier, L | 1930/11/24 | on Olive's death |
Brazier, L | 1929/7/31 | re holiday rooms |
Brazier, L | 1929/8/6 | re holiday rooms in Barmouth |
Brazier, L | 1930/8/14 | re holida rooms |
Brearley, S | 20/11/1882 | enquiries on Adam Smith lectures |
Brearley, S | 24/11/1882 | re Dunbar and Adam Smith |
Brebeur, James | 10/09/1891 | thanks HSF for sending books to University of Toronto |
Brent E A | 1911/11/24 | re study |
Brent, Ernest | 1911/12/23 | student letter on PhD candidature |
Brentanos Ltd | | flyer for The Quacks of Old London |
Brentford, Violet | 1930/11/26 | on Olive's death |
Breslane, Violet M | ??/11/1900 | to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie |
Breslawes, Violet to Mrs Foxwell | 12/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Breul, K | 1916/4/4 | general |
Breul, Karl | 1930/11/28 | on Olive's death |
Brewer, E Cobham | 24/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Brick, J W | 11/07/1887 | re visit to Bank of England and £1 notes |
Briell & Garnett Ltd | 1929/4/5 | would like to make offer for HSF's library |
Briell & Garnett Ltd | 1929/4/9 | if HSF wants to sell library they would make an offer |
Briggs, Mrs H J | 13/01/1875 | re rooms in Leeds |
Briggs, Nora | 1936/8/5 | to AF on HSF's death |
Briggs, W | 1901/4/26 | wants to go to HSF lectures |
Bright, Eva | 08/03/1886 | social |
Bright, Eva | 14/06/1886 | on her sister as an actor |
Bright, Florence | 21/02/1890 | social |
Bright, Jacob and others | 25/02/1895 | to MPs to support Everett's motion |
Briks, A | 17/06/1878 | re letter from McLeod (451/18) |
Brindley, H H | 1930/11/24 | on death of Mrs Foxwell |
Brindley, H H | 13/11/1896 | social |
Brindley, H H | 10/06/1896 | social |
Brindley, H H | 11/06/1896 | social |
Brindley, H H | 06/06/1896 | social |
Brindley, H H | 1918/10/22 | firewood at St John's |
Brindley, H H | 04/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Brindley, H H | 1929/6/20 | apologises for absence from HSF's birthday dinner |
Brindley, H H | 1908/5/31 | sad at Marshall chair outcome |
Brindley, H H | 1936/8/3 | to AF on HSF's death |
Brindley, Molly | 25/07/???? | thank you letter |
Brindley, T H | 09/07/1898 | re a wedding present |
Briscoe, R B | 1923/9/25 | copy of letter to Mr Mettam: directors of Mettam's Inidan buiness to give £300 as wedding present |
Briscoe, R B | 1923/9/25 | to Mrs Doxwell, unable to come to Peggy's wedding |
Brisman, S | 1912/7/5 | asks to meet HSF |
Brissman, Sven | 1914/4/6 | re books on banking and history of Bank of Sweden |
Brissman, Sven | 1914/3/22 | re books on commercial banking |
Bristoe, B R | 1923/9/28 | some wedding issue |
Bristol Bimetallic League | 04/02/1897 | speech of Sir R Pearce Edgcumbe |
Brit. Engineers Assoc | 1917/5/12 | re lectures on industry & finance |
Brit. Engineers Assoc | 1917/5/15 | re lectures on industry & finance |
British Academy | 1931/5/4 | re progress of bibliography |
British Academy | 1905/12/29 | Regulation for Elections, List of Fellows etc |
British Academy | 1915/7/28 | re change of name of Sectional Committee |
British Academy | 1915/1/29 | election of fellows |
British Academy | 1911/1/20 | election of fellows |
British Academy | 1915/1/1 | election of fellows |
British Academy | 1915/4/19 | officers and council |
British Academy | ??/01/1915 | scheme of Distribution of Fellows |
British Academy | 1919 | Annual Report |
British Academy | 1919/5/31 | statement of accounts |
British Academy | 1920/5/31 | statement of accounts |
British Academy | ??/01/1917 | officers and council |
British Academy | ??/01/1917 | List of fellows |
British Academy | 1912 | List of fellows |
British Academy | 1913 | List of fellows |
British Academy | 1913-1914 | officers and council and list of fellows |
British Academy | 1909 | scheme of Distribution of Fellows |
British Academy | 1913 | scheme of Distribution of Fellows |
British Academy | 1913 | regulation for elections |
British Academy | 1914/1/1 | re certificates for nominations |
British Academy | Jul-36 | result of elections |
British Academy | 1914/5/11 | next meeting, HSF's reference to Walras letters on reverse |
British Academy | 1917/11/19 | notice of meeting |
British Academy | 1931/3/31 | meetings, nominations, elections, grants |
British Academy | 1932/6/28 | papers for 30th AGM |
British Academy | 1935/10/2 | arrangements for 1935-36, ticket for talk |
British Academy | 1928/7/9 | 26th AGM papers |
British Academy | 1927-28 | Annual Report |
British Academy | 1928/7/24 | dinner for birthday of Balfour |
British Academy | 1933/1/1 | nominations and regulations for election |
British Academy | 1934/6/25 | papers for 32nd AGM |
British Academy | 1934 | Annual Report 1933-34, lecture tickets |
British Academy | 1933 | Annual Report 1932-33, lecture tickets |
British Academy | 1931 | Annual Report 1931-32, lecture tickets |
British Academy | 1927 | Election of Fellows 1927, nominations |
British Academy | 1927 | Annual Report 1926-27 |
British Academy | 1925/6/25 | 33rd AGM papers and lecture tickets |
British Academy | 1935 | Annual Report 1934-35 |
British Academy | 1935/3/29 | meetings, election of Fellows |
British Academy | 1935/1/1 | nominations, list of Fellows, sections |
British Academy | 1935/1/1 | nominations, council, election regulations |
British Academy | 1930/3/31 | section meetings |
British Academy | 1930 | Annual Report 1929-30 |
British Academy | 1919 | Election of Fellows, nominations |
British Academy | Jan-22 | officers and council, members, sections |
British Academy | 1920 | Election of Fellows, nominations |
British Academy | 1930/1/1 | nominations letter, officers, council etc |
British Academy | 1929/6/17 | papers for 27th AGM |
British Academy | 1918/2/9 | elections, nominations |
British Academy | 1927/7/8 | accounts for 12 months to 31/5/1927 |
British Academy | 1930-31 | arrangements for session |
British Academy | 1933/6/26 | 31st AGM papers |
British Academy | 1931 | list of publications |
British Academy | | nomination form |
British Academy | 1930/3/31 | elections, grant applications |
British Academy | 1930 | 28th AGM papers |
British Academy | 1928/6/1 | officers and council, fellows |
British Academy | 1925/2/16 | nominations, elections |
British Academy | 1925/1/1 | nominations letter |
British Academy | Oct-24 | officers, council, fellow |
British Academy | 1925 | 23rd AGM papers |
British Academy | 1925-25 | Annual Report |
British Academy | 1925-25 | proofs of Annual Report and accounts |
British Academy | 1925/3/25 | council agenda |
British Academy | | council agenda |
British Academy | 1925/6/17 | council agenda |
British Academy | 1925/3/11 | Section meetings |
British Academy | Jan-26 | Fellows' Committees, officers, councillors, fellows etc |
British Academy | 1926/2/26 | elections, nominations, grant proposals |
British Academy | 1927/1/1 | nominations letter, council, officers, fellows 1926-27 |
British Academy | 1925-26 | Annual Reports and Accounts |
British Academy | 1926/6/17 | 24th AGM |
British Academy | 1926/6/11 | council agenda |
British Academy | 1926/11/5 | council agenda |
British Academy | 1926/12/15 | council agenda |
British Academy | 1926/9/26 | council agenda |
British Academy | 1922/5/25 | council agenda |
British Academy | 1927/6/27 | 25th AGM papers |
British Academy | 1927/7/14 | 25th Anniversary Dinner |
British Academy | 1932/3/31 | Elections, grants |
British Academy | 1932/1/4 | nominations, letters, officers, councillors, fellows etc |
British Academy | 1929/1/1 | nominations, letters, officers, councillors, fellows etc |
British Academy | 1929/2/25 | elections, nominations |
British Academy | 1931/6/29 | 29th AGM papers |
British Academy | 1931-32 | Annual Report |
British Academy | 1934/3/26 | elections, section meetings etc |
British Academy | 1934/1/1 | nominations letter, list of Fellows |
British Academy | 1917/5/14 | questionnaire to members |
British Academy | 1930/2/27 | PC nomination received |
British Academy | 1928/3/10 | PC re meeting on Bibliography |
British Academy | 1917/6/14 | Council agenda |
British Academy | 1926/5/12 | Council agenda and papers |
British Academy | 1927/2/23 | Council agenda and papers |
British Academy | 1924/10/27 | Council agenda and papers |
British Academy | 1925/1/28 | Council agenda and papers |
British Academy | 1917/6/5 | General Meeting resolution |
British Academy | 1924/11/28 | council agenda |
British Academy | 1924/10/27 | Council agenda and papers |
British Academy | 1928/2/16 | re Copyright Act |
British Academy | 1916/1/1 | re certificates for election |
British Academy | 1936/3/31 | papers for elections |
British Academy | 1936/1/1 | nominations letter, council, officers etc |
British Association | 1919/12/8 | offers HSF Presidency of Section F for 1920 |
British Association | 04/02/1885 | HSF's appointment as Recorder ofSection G |
British Association | 31/05/1897 | wants HSF to attend Toronto meeting |
British Association | 1929/1/15 | re binding of their Annual Report |
British Association | 29/09/1884 | re Montreal meeting papers |
British Association | 1921/3/28 | asks for views on attached questionnaire |
British Association | 17/12/1897 | HSF nominated President of Section F |
British Association | | resolve committee looking into sliding scales as regulation of wages |
British Association | 18/12/1897 | asks HSF to be President of Secction F |
British Association | 1915/8/4 | re Committee meeting |
British Association Montreal | 1874 | dinner invitation - amusing |
British Economic Assoc | 5/11/1892 | publications |
British Economic Association | 01/08/1891 | re registration of BEA as a scientific society |
British Economic Association | 10/12/1891 | re list of members etc |
British Economic Association | 12/07/1892 | copy of Council minutes |
British Economic Association | 01/02/1897 | meeting and agenda of Executive of BEA |
British Economic Association | 01/05/1895 | Dinner card |
British Imperial Council | 1921/2/11 | re meetings |
British Museum | 19/04/1881 | Reading Room permit |
British Prisoners of War Book Scheme | Oct-15 | list of books needed |
British Psychological Assoc | 1919/5/10 | re repints of HSF's lecture on 'The Psychology of Industry' |
British Social Hygiene Council | 1928/7/24 | asks for donation |
Broad, C D | 1915/5/27 | asks for testimonial for Philosophy Chair at Cardiff |
Brockbank, E M | 1911/3/16 | re a Dr Foxwell |
Brockbank, E M | 1911/3/19 | re Foxwell history |
Bromwich, T J J A | Nov-30 | card on Olive's death |
Brontford, Violet M | 1936/8/4 | to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death |
Brooke, Miss | ??/??/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 25/05/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 18/05/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 05/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 29/04/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | ??/??/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | ??/??/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 20/06/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 20/06/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | ??/??/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 09/05/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 18/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 11/03/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 05/04/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 13/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 20/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 07/06/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 31/05/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 16/03/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 03/02/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 20/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 24/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 18/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 04/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 16/02/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 11/02/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 07/01/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 24/03/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 01/04/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | ??/??/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 23/02/1881 | social |
Brooke, Miss | 28/02/1881 | social |
Brookes, Sir William | 14/01/1898 | looking for date on wheat production |
Brooks, J G | 06/02/1885 | general |
Brough J | 28/2 /1876 | ethics and HSF’s views |
Brough, Joseph | 18/09/1875 | re his prospects at Cambridge |
Brough, Joseph | 14/09/1875 | on his educational prospects |
Brough, Joseph | 18/09/1875 | on his educational prospects |
Brough, Joseph | 05/05/1877 | student letter |
Brough, Joseph | 17/10/1877 | student letter |
Broughton Gladys | 1912/2/19 | asks for testimonial |
Broughton Gladys | 1912/3/4 | re testimonial |
Broughton Gladys M | 1911/2/13 | study for Clara Collett |
Broughton Gladys | 9/3/1912 | re testimonial |
Broughton, G | 1917/10/25 | asks HSF re possible thesis |
Broughton, G | 1917/10/29 | re possible thesis |
Broughton, G | 1917/10/30 | re possible thesis |
Broughton, Gladys | 1911/6/2 | testimonial and HSF's draft |
Broughton, Gladys | 1910/10/8 | student letter |
Broughton, Gladys N | 1911/9/25 | re job on staff administering Board of Trade Act |
Broughton, Gladys N | 1911/9/25 | re job application |
Broughton, Gladys N | 1911/9/26 | thanks HSF for support in job application |
Broughton, Gladys N | 1911/9/27 | thanks HSF for support in job application |
Broughton, Gladys, M | 1911/6/14 | thanks HSF for testimonial |
Brown A | 1916/6/4 | asks for lectures on currency |
Brown A Samuel | 1916/6/11 | enquiry on war finance |
Brown of Mainwaring | 20/05/1880 | re Otago Professorship |
Brown, A Samuel | 1917/3/28 | wants copy of HSF lecture on inflation |
Brown, Barnes & Bell | 02/09/1898 | wants to take photos of leading academics |
Brown, E H | 30/10/1894 | re some family matter |
Brown, E H | 29/11/1897 | social |
Brown, E H | 04/06/1896 | social |
Brown, F Carnegie | Nov-30 | card on Olive's death |
Brown, F E | 21/01/1884 | working classes and early closing movement |
Brown, F H | 16/04/1914 | re State Banks and report of Royal Commission |
Brown, F H | 02/04/1914 | to meet on subject of 41-50 |
Brown, G F | 01/06/1891 | re exam dates and questions |
Brown, H | 1894 | begging letter |
Brown, H | 1894 | begging letter |
Brown, H | 29/01/1895 | to see HSF |
Brown, H | 1895 | to see HSF |
Brown, H | 1905/7/17 | begging letter |
Brown, H | 05/02/1894 | begging letter |
Brown, H | 02/11/1893 | re eye test for ship's apprenticeship |
Brown, H | 17/10/1893 | thanks HSF for money |
Brown, H | 18/09/1893 | re getting job |
Brown, H | 06/09/1893 | thanks HSF for money, School Board |
Brown, H | 03/08/1893 | re his reference and education |
Brown, H | 18/11/1893 | re sea uniform |
Brown, H | 16/11/1893 | re order to join ship |
Brown, H | 01/09/1894 | re missing ship |
Brown, H | 1894 | trying to get on a ship |
Brown, H | 05/01/1894 | re his mother, chest etc |
Brown, H | 23/01/1893 | thanks HSF for money |
Brown, H | 1901/5/30 | weak with worry |
Brown, H | 11/08/1894 | on money |
Brown, H | 10/10/1894 | no sea clothes |
Brown, H | 1901/4/29 | re job and wants clothes |
Brown, H | 18/02/1897 | his voyage to Rangoon |
Brown, H | 04/12/1897 | on a voyage |
Brown, H | 1898 | re worry of his mother, money |
Brown, H | 01/05/1898 | trip to Natal, money |
Brown, H | 21/12/1897 | thanks for money |
Brown, H | 05/11/1897 | on Natal |
Brown, H | 18/07/1897 | in Santos, exams |
Brown, H | 07/10/1895 | trip to Australia |
Brown, H | 11/01/1898 | re his ship and exams |
Brown, H | 1901/6/12 | re problem with fingers |
Brown, H | 1901/5/24 | accident with fingers, paying HSF |
Brown, H | 16/08/1898 | denies being dishonest etc |
Brown, H | 20/12/1897 | his work, cost of book etc, money |
Brown, H | 12/12/1897 | owners will not give him an advance |
Brown, H | 07/12/1897 | thanks HSF for clothes, wants money |
Brown, H | 02/12/1897 | list of things he wants etc |
Brown, H | 21/11/1897 | wants money for fare to London |
Brown, H | 03/07/1896 | re clohtes, books for navigation classes etc |
Brown, H | 01/07/1896 | needs deposit for clothes |
Brown, H | 26/06/1896 | no money, had to boy clothes etc |
Brown, H | 15/08/1896 | given order for books, expenses enclosed |
Brown, H | 17/08/1896 | thanks HSF for postal orders etc |
Brown, H | 21/08/1896 | joining his ship tomorrow |
Brown, H | ??/??/1896 | wants copy of appointment letter |
Brown, H | ??/??/1896 | half letter: life on ship |
Brown, H | 18/06/1896 | thanks HSF for postal orders, asks for books |
Brown, H | 17/11/1897 | returning to Liverpool, doing navigation course |
Brown, H | 16/01/1894 | life on ship etc |
Brown, H | 11/04/1894 | ship loading for home |
Brown, H | 1933/12/31 | re HSF letter and mother's health |
Brown, H | 28/11/1893 | on his ship |
Brown, Herbert | 1933/12/27 | his mother is dying |
Brown, I M | 26/03/1878 | re exams, books for Norwich students |
Brown, J | 19/06/1882 | UCL exams |
Brown, J Carnegie | 1919/12/30 | thanks HSF for donation to church |
Brown, J H | 21/06/1882 | re E B Cowell's UCL exam results |
Brown, J T | 14/12/1894 | wants HSF's photo for publishing in paper |
Brown, Mainwaring | ??/06/1888 | onn economic state of New Zealand and protection |
Brown, T E | 28/01/1884 | on early closing of shops |
Brown, W | 1911/3/2 | sale of old books |
Brown, W Langdon | 11/06/1896 | thanks HSF for cheque |
Brown, W Langdon | 09/06/1896 | re invigilation at University of London |
Brown, William | 1905/2/9 | offers HSF books |
Browne Edward S | 1911/11/16 | PC- -social |
Browne G F | 27/12/1883 | re Cambridge exams |
Browne G F | 21/12/1883 | re Cambridge exams |
Browne G F | 14/12/1883 | re Cambridge exams |
Browne G F | 18/12/1883 | re Cambridge exams |
Browne G F | 14/12/1883 | tells HSF off over Cambridge exams |
Browne G F | 11/12/1883 | tells HSF off over Cambridge exams |
Browne G F | 12/12/1883 | tells HSF off over Cambridge exams |
Browne W M | 1913/6/28 | lost letter to Uni of London Press |
Browne W M | 1913/6/30 | broker’s notice |
Browne, Annie | 02/12/1886 | asks HSF to a lecture |
Browne, Edward | 1913/5/9 | accepts invitation |
Browne, Edward G | 1911/10/12 | PC re late Profesor E H Palmer |
Browne, Edward S | 1914/2/17 | PC did HSF lose silver pencil |
Browne, G F | 26/10/1882 | HSF's appointment as examiner to Cambridge University Local Examinations |
Browne, G F | 26/10/1882 | re theory of wages etc |
Browne, G F | 28/03/1882 | HSF replaced by Reid on London Board of Cambridge Uni local exams |
Browne, G F | 10/02/1882 | re Cambridge exams and lectures |
Browne, G F | 09/02/1882 | re Cambridge exams and lectures |
Browne, G F | 20/05/1874 | asks HSF to examine for University Local Examinations |
Browne, G F | 15/12/1881 | re examining for Cambridge University Local Examinations |
Browne, G F | 13/12/1881 | re examining for Cambridge University Local Examinations |
Browne, G F | 18/03/1881 | testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair |
Browne, G F | 18/03/1881 | re testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair |
Browne, G F | 03/04/1880 | revised edition of the early sheets regulations(?) |
Browne, G F | 05/05/1892 | some scheme |
Browne, G F | 12/03/1875 | re his exam paper for Cambridge Locals, fees |
Browne, G F | 09/07/1889 | sends cheque for co-operaters visit |
Browne, G F | 18/07/1889 | not support Jenkinson for librarian |
Browne, G G | 29/11/1889 | report and balance sheet, co-operators |
Browne, Oswald A | 15/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Browning, Allan | 25/11/1884 | re Adam Smith letter |
Browning, Allan | 22/11/1884 | draft article by Browning |
Browning, Allan | 17/02/1886 | re Adam Smith reference in letter |
Bruel, K | 1908/6/28 | exam results |
Bruel, Karl | 1912/1/3 | article on neglect of German in schools |
Brun, W Martin | ??/??/1875 | student letter |
Brunning, O | 17/03/1894 | re some student |
Brunnschweiler, A | 30/01/1893 | gold and silver, trade depression and trade with colonies |
Brusse, B | 24/01/1885 | re some pamphlets etc |
Brutton-Tyrell, M | 1918/1/17 | Cadet Club Rooms debate |
Bryce Viscount | 1917/5/30 | re President of British Academy |
BSM | 1916/6/7 | re a sailor and naval battle |
Buchhandlung, Gustav Foch | 1926/10/1 | book catalogue |
Buchmaster & Moore | 1924/11/6 | to AF statement of account |
Buchmaster & Moore | 1929/5/3 | to AF sends shares to bank |
Buckingham R | 1921/3/28 | social |
Buckingham, R | 1921/3/17 | stduent exam enquiry |
Buckland W W | 1907/6/13 | about a student |
Buckland, J | 1914/12/2 | lectures and HSF's views on war finance |
Buckland, J | 1914/11/28 | queries on war finance of continental business |
Buckland, J J | 1914/8/17 | thanks HSF for lectures to commercial teachers |
Buckland, J J | 1913/8/22 | re Teachers' Resolution |
Buckland, W N | 08/08/1889 | to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Buckley, William | 24/06/1898 | on HSF's wedding |
Buckley, William E | 30/08/1897 | on HSF's engagement |
Buckmaster & Hoare | 1923/2/19 | to AF sends shares |
Buckmaster & Hoare | 1924/10/8 | re her shares |
Buckmaster & Hoare | 1925/4/30 | to AF suggests selling Burma shares |
Buckmaster & Hoare | 1925/5/11 | to AF sold Burma shares |
Buckmaster & Hoare | 1925/5/14 | to AF re sale of shares |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1925/7/16 | to AF contract notes for sharres |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1924/10/20 | to AF re shares |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1928/8/9 | to AF re their views on investments and policy |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1931/1/14 | sale of shares for AF |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1931/1/14 | sale of shares for AF |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1931/1/15 | sale of shares for AF |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1925/5/14 | purchase and sale of shares for AF |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1925/6/11 | to AF share account |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1922/9/12 | to AF re share transfer |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1929/3/7 | to AF re shares |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1925/8/13 | to AF re shares |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1924/5/8 | AF share sale |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1924/5/8 | AF share purchase and sale |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1929/2/21 | AF share purchase and sale |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1924/10/13 | AF share sale |
Buckmaster & Moore | 1929/1/29 | to AF re shares |
Buckmaster and Moore Co | 1934/11/28 | to Audrey cheque for dividends |
Bucknall, S G | 23/12/1875 | re a coffee club |
Buckwell ? S G | 2/12/1876 | general chat |
Budding, C | 01/07/1896 | introduces himself |
Budding, C | 1906/12/27 | German wanting introductions to Professors of Law |
Budding, Carl | 22/08/1898 | re visit to London |
Budding, Dr L | 1907/1/6 | re German commission on police organisation |
Budding, Karl | 17/05/1898 | asks to see HSF re trade unions in England |
Buenos Aires Western Railway Ltd | 1934/6/15 | re duplicate warrant |
Buenos Aires Western Railway Ltd | 1934/6/18 | letter of indemnity |
Buenos Aires Western Railway Ltd | 1930/10/21 | dividend |
Buenos Aires Western Railway Ltd | 1931/4/23 | dividend |
Buer, Mabel | 1915/1/15 | re donation on LSE war fund |
Buer, Mabel | 1915/2/1 | re LSE Common Room library books |
Buglood, E D | 17/12/1879 | re copies of lectures |
Bull, Samuel | 21/03/1884 | thanks HSF for testimonial etc |
Bull, Samuel | 11/06/1894 | general chat |
Bull, Samuel | 07/01/1881 | re Cobden prize etc |
Bull, Samuel | 08/04/1894 | asks HSF help in getting headmastership of Independent College Taunton |
Bull, Samuel | 27/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Bulletin de la Semaine | 12/04/1911 | letter in French |
Bulley, Amy | 11/03/1883 | thanks HSF for testimonial |
Bulley, Amy | 18/02/1883 | asks HSF for testimonial for headship of College for Women |
Bullock, C J | 1919/7/8 | introduces Dr N J Silbering |
Bunting, Basil | 1926/4/22 | on his interesting views and asks for testimonial |
Bunting, Basil | 1926/4/20 | re his testimonial |
Bunting, P W | 20/06/1889 | asks HSF for article on economics since Mill |
Bunting, P W | 22/10/1889 | thanks HSF for letter |
Bunting, P W | 10/07/1889 | general economic chat |
Bunting, P W | 25/01/1893 | a reprint of an HSF paper |
Bunting, Percy | 15/06/1892 | re publication of an article |
Bunting, Percy Wm | 20/10/1892 | re paper in Contemporary Review |
Bunting, Percy Wm | 08/12/1892 | article on bimetallism |
Bunting, Percy Wm | 11/11/1892 | asks HSF to manuscript for Contemporary Review |
Bunton, T E | 1908/8/10 | to visit HSF |
Bunton, T E | 1908/7/30 | US National Monetary Commission wants to talk about banking and currency |
Burgener, Alois | 09/06/1880 | asks HSF if coming to Switzerland |
Burgener, Alois | 06/05/1881 | re HSF visiting Switzerland |
Burness K C | 1921/4/30 | re reading for Army exams |
Burnett, J | 24/11/1890 | to go to Economic Club meeting |
Burnett, John | 1886 | Claims of Labour Lectures No 1: "Trade Unions etc" |
Burnett, T | 23/07/1886 | re HSF's lectures on labour |
Burns A K | 9/12/1920 | re economic appointment in Paris |
Burns Arthur R | 1921/5/7 | re possible job at LSE |
Burns, A R | ? | re course on banking |
Burns, A R | 1924/11/12 | thanks HSF for testimonial |
Burns, Arthur R | 1920/12/1 | re job in Paris |
Burns, Arthur R | 1921/4/9 | re testimonial |
Burns, Arthur R | 1921/4/2 | re testimonial |
Burns, Arthur R | 1931/3/30 | re testimonial |
Burns, Arthur R | 1918/8/25 | seeks advice on LSE course |
Burns, Arthur R | 1924/11/7 | asks for testimonial for job at LSE |
Burridge, W H | 1922/3/8 | re LSE meeting, and Cassel Banking money for teaching |
Burrough, Hubert | 1911/3/11 | will forward letter to Sir John Rotton |
Burrows, Francis H | 16/10/1877 | student letter |
Burrows, Francis H | 26/03/1877 | student letter |
Burton, Albert | 30/12/1890 | re proposed Economic Science Journal |
Burton, Bramwell | 14/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Burton, Noel E | 18/06/1889 | notices of guide books |
Bury, Henry | 04/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Buselbildsman, E A | 01/01/1875 | re tripos result and future career |
Bushe-Fox M K | 1915/11/29 | re book catalogue |
Bushe-Fox M K | 1913/6/26 | S C Clark Portrait Fund |
Bushe-Foxe Mrs D | 1916/4/22 | husband’s death |
Bushill, I W | 23/03/1898 | re Royal Statistical Society |
Bushill, T W | 18/04/1898 | re Royal Statistical Association elections |
Busiman, Sven | 1914/5/18 | re purchase of book |
Busiman, Sven | ??/??/1914 | re purchase of book |
Busk, Sir Edward | 1914/1/11 | re library space at UCL etc |
Buss, C C | 09/08/1889 | will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Buston, T E | 1908/8/1 | sends statement on US Monetary Commission |
Butcher, J G | 1924/2/15 | general chat |
Butcher, J G | 1916/11/24 | re Suez Bank, legislation etc |
Butcher, S H | 24/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Butler, G G | 09/11/1891 | re Civil Service Exams |
Butler, G G | 10/08/1889 | to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Butler, H | 26/04/1891 | asks HSF to examine for Cobden Prize |
Butler, J R M | 1927/6/16 | re Seligman's visit |
Butler, J R M | 1928/3/27 | re Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial |
Butler, J R M | 1924/4/20 | Laura Spelman Rockafeller Fund |
Butler, L | 1927/12/31 | to Scott re help from Goldsmiths |
Butler, Lewis | 1932/3/13 | general |
Butler, Lewis | 1932/3/20 | general |
Butler, Lewis | 1929/7/5 | on King Charles II |
Butler, Lewis | 1930/3/29 | re Proclamations, Goldsmiths etc |
Butler, Lewis | 1930/12/19 | to W R Scott, Goldsmiths may extend grant for 3 more years |
Butler, Lewis | 1931/2/20 | re extension of work on bibliography |
Butler, Lewis | 1931/2/21 | re a catalogue |
Butler, Lewis | 1931/3/2 | re a catalogue |
Butler, Lewis | 1929/7/1 | to see HSF's library |
Butler, Lewis | 1929/6/20 | to Scott re meeting in Cambridge |
Butler, Lewis | 1929/6/28 | to Scott re meeting in Cambridge |
Butler, Theobald | 10/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Buttress I J | 1922/7/1 | re RES publications |
Buttress, I J | 1931/10/29 | re meetings of Royal Economic Society |
Buttress, S J | 1922/4/30 | PC re RES Indexes |
Buxton, E | 04/03/1889 | re meeting on cooperation |
Byles, W P | 02/09/1885 | Bradford working men lectures |
Byles, W P | 08/11/1885 | Bradford working men lectures |
Byles, W P | 04/12/1885 | re Bradford working men lectures |
Byles, W P | 02/10/1885 | re Bradford working men lectures |
Byles, W P | 24/07/1887 | re HSF lecturing in Bradford |
Byrne, Mrs E G | 15/06/1882 | re exam arrangements |