Name Date Title
C E H29/07/1878on death of HSF's mother
C S T28/08/1873re a key
C W27/03/1884PC re "Life of Andrew Berwick"
C W21/04/1881PC re some printing
C W Daniel Companyflyer on new book by C W Armstrong
C W Daniel Companybook catalogue
Cable, Ernest1913/4/30social
Cable, J A1905/5/14re index of Royal Statistical Society library
Cable, Sir Ernest05/05/1913social
Cable, Sir Ernest13/05/1913social
Cable, Sir Ernest15/05/1913lunch and Constable papers
Cable, Sir Ernest06/05/1913social
Cable, Sir Ernest1913/12/31on Keynes etc
Caden Isa1911/2/10puts off HSF lecture?
Caden, Isa27/09/1895re translation of book
Caden, Isa05/02/1895social
Caden, Isa??/??/1895social
Caden, Isa?social
Caden, Isa17/09/1898social
Caden, Isa09/03/1897social
Caden, Isa13/02/1895social
Caden, Isa28/04/1898someone had surgery
Caden, Isa1930/11/25on Olive's death
Caden, Isa02/01/1898re Cambridge house
Caden, Isa30/01/1898re a house
Cagew, L H22/07/1896bimetallism
Caine, W S?copy of letter to H W McNiel saying cannot fit bimetallism into busy life
Cairnes, J EMalthusian leaflet "On Low Wages and Over-Population"
Cairo Lodge etc02/01/1887bills for estate of HSF's father
Caius College1901/4/20order of Moral Science exams
Caldecott A1917/7/14re living in Marston
Caldecott, A21/09/1885re election of H A Bovell to Statistical Society
Caldecott, A1911/1/27on HSF's library and finances of London University
Caldecott, A1911/6/21UCL business
Caldecott, A1908/6/2on P?'s election
Caldecott, A1908/6/4on P?'s election
Caldecott, a30/04/1891on quesitons of love, relationships, physiological and psychological laws etc
Caldecott, A13/03/1880an examination, brother's marriage, religion etc
Caldecott, A26/05/1880re his future prospects and testimonials
Caldecott, A11/10/1880testimonials and his future
Caldecott, A09/11/1880on Caldecotts election to teaching post
Caldecott, A28/10/1880on testimonials
Caldecott, A21/07/1897wants to review teaching of moral sciences
Caldecott, A27/05/1892PC re a St John's fellowship
Caldecott, A27/12/1892to ask for a parish
Caldecott, A10/12/1895praises HSF photo and HSF
Caldecott, A1901/4/23on his book
Caldecott, A12/08/1883on bachelorhood
Caldecott, A15/03/1885free trade etc
Caldecott, A1914/5/26re Goldsmiths Library "mess"
Caldecott, A1914/5/29University of London Senate not very interested in library
Caldecott, A1917/7/17asks HSF not to stir on his behalf in dispute with college
Caldecott, Alfred03/04/1883re Jevons' memorial
Caldecott, AlfredOct 1881syllabus of 12 lectures on colonial history
Caldecott, K25/04/1891re the ministry and St John's
Caliker, W W01/05/1898re copy of pamphlet
Cambridge Alpine Club1921/2/19new members
Cambridge Alpine Club1910/8/18asks HSF to join
Cambridge Alpine Club1921/9/30Annual Dinner
Cambridge Alpine Club1923/11/19cost of club dinner
Cambridge Alpine Club1917/10/27PC no Annual Dinner because of the War
Cambridge Alpine Club1911/5/11re draft of proposed rules
Cambridge Alpine Club1928/11/5notice of Annual Dinner
Cambridge Alpine Club1928/11/3PC Annual Dinner
Cambridge Amateur Operatic SocietyNov-28flyer on "Haddon Hall"
Cambridge Antiquarian Society1907/5/23re next meeting
Cambridge Antiquarian Society1926/5/6PC programme cancelled
Cambridge Antiquarian Society1935/1/11notice of meeting
Cambridge Borough1929/5/30HSF's voter card
Cambridge Borough Council1921/12/6re rating of house
Cambridge Borough Police1901/8/23re protection of 1 Harvey Road
Cambridge Central Aid Society192849th Annual Report
Cambridge Central Aid Society1936/12/12to Audrey Foxwell, re some misunderstanding
Cambridge Chronicle02/06/1893article on "Outdoor Relief"
Cambridge Cooks and Confectioners Benefit Societyon the Society and Rules
Cambridge Court1918/1/4HSF called for special jury service
Cambridge Daily News1934/1/11reprint of article on "George" of Cambridge
Cambridge District Nursing Assoc1929/12/31thanks HSF
Cambridge Economic Club secretary25/10/1887asks HSF to become President of Cambridge Economic Club
Cambridge Electric Supply Co1918/4/27HSF’s meter not working
Cambridge Guildhall1926/1/1HSF's name misspelt in cemetery grant
Cambridge Labour Party??/05/1929leaflets etc for candidate
Cambridge Philosophical Society1930/1/18menu and table plan
Cambridge Police31/08/1898HSF left window open
Cambridge Post Office1917/3/19asks HSF to complete a form
Cambridge Provident and Industrial Society20/05/1891asks HSF to preside at meeting
Cambridge Town Clerk1930/12/12parking in Harvey Road
Cambridge Town Clerk1930/11/29parking in Harvey Road
Cambridge Union Society March 1925note on McTaggart Memorial
Cambridge University1919/5/5re job for D H Owen
Cambridge University??/11/1919on University Tutorial Classes
Cambridge University1902Mark lists and papers Moral Sciences Tripos Specials
Cambridge University25/11/1898Report of Special Board Moral Sciences
Cambridge University??/06/1906Specials: Regulations and List
Cambridge University1905Examiners' standards
Cambridge University1903Examiners' standards
Cambridge University??/06/1911Intercollegiate papers in economics
Cambridge University??/06/1905Intercollegiate papers in economics
Cambridge University??/06/1908Intercollegiate papers in economics
Cambridge University??/06/1912Intercollegiate papers in economics
Cambridge University??/06/1913Intercollegiate papers in economics
Cambridge University1906some exam questions
Cambridge University??/12/1912special in railway economics
Cambridge University??/05/1919Economic Tripos papers
Cambridge University??/05/1912Special Papers Part I Political Economy
Cambridge University??05/1916Economic Tripos parts 1 & 2
Cambridge University??/06/1916intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University??/12/1912Second Speical exam papers
Cambridge University??/12/1912copy of 391/24
Cambridge University??/05/1913Special exam papers
Cambridge University??/12/1913Second Speical exam papers
Cambridge University??/06/1914intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University??/06/1913intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University??/06/1912intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University??/06/1915intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University??/05/1918Tripos exam papers
Cambridge University??/05/1917Tripos exam papers
Cambridge University??/12/1913reports, papers of specials
Cambridge University??/02/1902Specials regulations
Cambridge University??/02/1899specials regulations, list of students, draft questions
Cambridge University??/06/1904Intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University??/06/1905Intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University??/06/1906Intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University??/06/1911HSF questions for Intercollegiate exams
Cambridge University??/06/1912Intercollegiate papers
Cambridge University??/06/1909Intercollegiate papers and results
Cambridge University??/06/1908Intercollegiate papers and results
Cambridge University??/06/1903Tripos paper and results
Cambridge University??/06/1907Intercollegiate papers and results
Cambridge University??/06/1906Intercollegiate papers and results
Cambridge University1904-5Intercollegiate papers etc
Cambridge University1929/12/4rules on tax allowances for books
Cambridge University1914/1/27payment to HSF
Cambridge University1907/5/29book list for Economics Tripos
Cambridge University1913/2/7re memorial to Council of the Senate
Cambridge University1901/5/29Historical Tripos Political Economy papers
Cambridge University??/06/1893Historical Tripos reading list and political economy course
Cambridge University1912/2/16re Mr Hirst and appointments
Cambridge University1908/6/8meeting of General Board of Studies
Cambridge Universityre meeting of history and archeology lecturers
Cambridge University1903Specials papers results and notes
Cambridge University1898Specials papers
Cambridge UniversityEconomic Tripos reading lists 1907, 1914, 1922
Cambridge UniversityTripos reading lists 1923-25
Cambridge University1907Economic Tripos papers
Cambridge University1915Economic Tripos papers
Cambridge University1908Whewell Scholarship papers
Cambridge University1902Intercollegiate questions, L L Price
Cambridge University1886intercollegiate papers
Cambridge University1904Higher Local exam papers
Cambridge University1904/7/12re Higher Local exam report
Cambridge University1904/6/25re Higher Local exam papers and HSF report
Cambridge University1904/7/13re Higher Local exam report
Cambridge UniversityMay-06Economic Tripos papers
Cambridge UniversityJun-03Higher Local exam papers
Cambridge University12/11/1898HSF appointed Moral Sciences examiner
Cambridge University08/12/1899HSF appointed Moral Sciences examiner
Cambridge University1900/5/23regulations for Moral Sciences exams
Cambridge University1901/5/10list of women qualified for exams
Cambridge University1900/12/22HSF appointed Moral Sciences examiner
Cambridge University1901/4/29list of female students
Cambridge UniversityOct 1896Tripos regs
Cambridge University1907Economic Tripos papers
Cambridge University1912Economic Tripos papers
Cambridge University1903History tripos papers
Cambridge University1904Intercollegiate exam papers
Cambridge University1903Economics Tripos reading lists
Cambridge UniversityEconomics Tripos reading lists
Cambridge Universityre new Economics Tripos
Cambridge University1902Syndicate papers on formation of Economics Tripos
Cambridge University1886list of books for Moral Sciences
Cambridge University1915/12/10Intercollegiate scholarship etc paper
Cambridge University ??/05/1905Economics Tripos exam papers
Cambridge University & College Servants' ClubJun-28report and accounts
Cambridge University & Town Gas Light Co1936/5/29re unpaid bill
Cambridge University & Town Gas Light Co1936/6/20re unpaid bill
Cambridge University & Town Waterworks Co1936accounts rendered
Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Company1921/7/7notice on water rates
Cambridge University Defence SocietyPC to join Society
Cambridge University Economics Syndicate1902questions for discussion
Cambridge University Economics Syndicatereport to Senate
Cambridge University Library1905/7/26PC re box of books
Cambridge University Library1915/10/25re books for HSF
Cambridge University Library1919/1/7re starting company for book binding
Cambridge University Local Lectures1901/3/14syllabus and candidates for Wicksteed's course
Cambridge University Local Lectures1901/12/2syllabus and candidates for Wicksteed's course
Cambridge University Local Lectures1901/2/14exam paper on Wicksteed's course
Cambridge University Local Lectures19011901 syllabus for Wicksteed's course
Cambridge University Local Lectures??/03/1901re exams
Cambridge University Local Lectures1901/11/28re Wicksteed's syllabus
Cambridge University Local Lectures1901Syllabus of lectures by P H Wicksteed
Cambridge University Musical Society1926concert programme
Cambridge University Musical Society1927/2/4programme for "Israel in Egypt"
Cambridge University Press1935/4/3proofs of bibliography
Cambridge University Press1907/1/8re book by Mr Welsford of Harrow
Cambridge University Press1907/1/18re book by Mr Welsford of Harrow
Cambridge University Press1908/3/5on leather binding
Cambridge University Press1908/2/11on leather binding
Cambridge University Press1931/8/7re Cantillon and labels
Cambridge University Presspage proofs for bibliography
Cambridge University Press1934/10/28page proofs for bibliography
Cambridge University Press1900flyer on Francis Hutcheson by W R Scott
Cambridge University Press1909/1/11re a book
Cambridge University Press1928booklet of Autumn Announcements
Cambridge University Pressflyer on series on English literature
Cambridge University Pressflyer on The Hippias Major
Cambridge University Pressflyer for book on Hobbes
Cambridge University Volunteers01/06/1868notice of review, HSF's company details
Cambs Elec. Supply Co.1927/5/28re bill
Cameron J R1912/7/27asks re books by Sir Robert Fisher
Cameron J R1912/7/30asks re books by Sir Robert Fisher
Cameron, F1928/7/30re HSF's house
Cameron, J F1928/4/20re back lane behind Hills Road houses
Cameron, J F1928/4/26to improve lanes behind Hills Road houses
Campbell, ?1927/11/23dental appointment
Campbell, Arthur18/04/1874general chat
Campbell, Norman31/08/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Campyhame, H22/01/1880re rooms for love affair
Campyhame, H13/02/1880women trouble
Cannan Edwin1916/7/27re exam papers
Cannan Edwin1910/9/16exams
Cannan Edwin1912/9/12exam papers
Cannan Edwin1910/7/19exam arrangements
Cannan Edwin1911/7/16exam papers
Cannan Edwin1911/7/14exam papers
Cannan Edwin1911/7/9exam papers
Cannan Edwin1911/7/11exam papers
Cannan Edwin1911/10/27advanced lectures
Cannan Edwin1910/6/28exams
Cannan Edwin11/10/1911re Keynes as editor etc
Cannan Edwin1901/6/24scholarship papers
Cannan Edwin1906/7/6Oxford exam papers
Cannan Edwin1916/8/14fees for intermediateexams
Cannan, Edwin1914/10/31Museum Bookstore and MS on Adam Smith
Cannan, Edwin1913/8/22special subject exams
Cannan, Edwin?re exams
Cannan, Edwin1912/9/23re exams
Cannan, Edwin1916/7/13re exam papers
Cannan, Edwin1901/5/5Oxford Faculty business
Cannan, Edwin1922/7/7on essay subjects
Cannan, Edwin1914/9/4re an exam paper
Cannan, Edwin1915/7/6exam papers, loan conversion rates
Cannan, Edwin1914/10/15early history of British Association Section F
Cannan, Edwin1910/7/26re problems with examination essays
Cannan, Edwin1910/11/5questions for Economics II exams
Cannan, Edwin1927/6/27would not examine Singh's thesis
Cannan, Edwin1927/6/29re examining Singh
Cannan, Edwin1929/11/10re Bonar on his catalogue of Adam Smith's library
Cannan, Edwin1913/7/16re essay subjects and exam questions
Cannan, Edwin1908/11/9re LSE library issues
Cannan, Edwin1921/7/9exam papers, Edgeworth
Cannan, Edwin1911/6/21re exam papers
Cannan, Edwin1911/7/4re exam papers
Cannan, Edwin1910/7/8re exam papers
Cannan, Edwin1910/7/14re exam papers
Cannan, Edwin1921/7/12application for Drummond Chair
Cannan, Edwin1916/6/3re an exam paper
Cannan, Edwin1925/2/2re supervision of PhD candidates, Singh
Cannan, Edwin1925/2/3re meeting of LSE higher degree committee
Cannan, Edwin1919/4/11PC thanks HSF for book
Cant F & Co1919/10/15purchase of roses
Cantel, N A02/11/1891re economics book
Capel, A W04/06/1872re fee for St John's Music Society
Capellmeister (Sandford)??/??/1877re argument with HSF
Capellmeister (Sandford)12/11/1877college affairs
Carley, G A27/08/1889unlikely to vote
Carlisle, H H15/12/1884student letter re poor results
Carlisle, H H30/09/1885asks for books on fair trade
Carlos, E S15/08/1889to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian
Carmarthen Land and others15/02/1893notice of HSF address on bimetallism to Peers and MPs
Carmichael, T G D06/06/1885re coaching in economics
Carmichael, Thos D Gibson12/02/1886thanks for list of books
Carmichael, Thos D Gibson04/03/1886to meet
Carmichael, Thos D Gibson23/04/1886sorry HSF ill
Carmichael, Thos W Gibson18/06/1886re Annual Register
Carnis, Jane1920/1/1to Ernest general chat
Carnis, Jane1919/12/31to Ernest thanks for presents etc
Carnot, CaptCantoun on LSE's first away class
Carpenter, E09/02/1894Cambridge chat
Carpenter, E1872social
Carpenter, E1872social
Carpenter, E1872social
Carpenter, Ed22/12/1885on socialism
Carpenter, Ed??/01/1893introduces H A Atkinson
Carpenter, Edi21/02/1890query on population statistics
Carpenter, Edmund20/12/1892re sandals, bimetallism
Carpenter, Edward27/11/1876Mrs Scatchard has become an atheist
Carpenter, Edward1914/9/1in response to his 70th birthday address
Carpenter, G11/01/1874re son of Bishop of Natal
Carpenter, W L05/05/1884asks HSF to examine for University of New Zealand
Carpenter, W L13/05/1884re University of New Zealand
Carr, F Osmond1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Carrie, Ella23/03/1897meeting HSF
Carter & Co1912/1/24sends details of a house in Wales
Carter, F C1908/3/30purchase of books
Carter, J02/02/1897re Chaplin's paper
Carter, J26/05/1893re an HSF article
Carter, John and Pollard, Grahamflyer for book on 19th century pamphlets
Carter, Philip H1912/1/20re Coeclmer and advertising it in Cambridge Reveiew
Carter, Philip H1912/1/17re a house
Carter, R F1908/3/30PC publications on offer
Carver, E09/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Carver, M R1903/3/19thank you letter for ? Fay
Carvis-Brown, J25/07/1889PC supports Jenkinson for librarian
Cass, C E1930/8/21social
Cassel, Dr G1901/6/11re HSF's intro to Menger, dispute about Robert Owen, his looks
Cassie, W09/08/1889to Parry supports Cassie for librarian
Castelot, E19/05/1893introduces Dr J Aumann
Castelot, K07/07/1892re dinner with Higgs, Edgeworth
Castelott, E16/03/1894on books
Castle, R J S01/08/1893social
Cate, Frances27/05/1881friendly chat
Cate, Frances28/02/1881thanks HSf for help
Cate, Frances06/03/1881friendly chat
Cate, Frances??/03/1881thanks for money, friendly chat
Cate, Frances??/03/1881wants to see HSF
Cate, Frances25/06/1881re her baby and situation
Cate, Frances06/06/1881weak, general situation
Cate, Frances15/06/1881her last letter
Cate, Frances15/06/1881hopes to see HSF once more
Cate, Frances??/06/1881hopes to see HSF once more
Cate, Frances21/05/1881her expenses with Mrs Gerrard
Cate, Frances16/04/1881asks for money, missing HSF
Cate, Frances04/05/1881has had her baby and wants to see HSF
Cate, Frances11/04/1881friendly chat
Cate, Frances14/05/1881not well, love HSF
Cate, Frances18/06/1881sends flowers to HSF
Cate, Frances06/04/1881not had baby yet, her expenses
Cate, Frances31/01/1881will stay all night with HSF
Cate, Frances22/02/1881meeting arrangements
Cate, Frances17/02/1881loving chat
Cate, Frances07/02/1881unwell and not up to anything
Cate, Frances10/02/1881re meeting HSF
Cate, Frances12/02/1881re meeting HSF
Cate, Frances20/06/1881has she upset HSF etc
Cate, Frances07/07/1881in Folkstone, with love
Cate, Frances21/07/1881longs to see HSF again
Cate, Frances20/06/1881re her health
Cate, Frances21/12/1881sends address, friendly chat
Cate, Frances24/10/1881father's health
Cate, Frances15/12/1881meeting tonight
Cate, Frances24/12/1881Christmas greetings
Cate, Frances27/12/1881loving chat
Cate, Frances03/12/1881a rendez-vous
Cate, Frances01/10/1881lover's letter
Cate, Frances12/12/1881lover's letter
Cate, Frances03/12/1881friendly chat
Cate, Frances16/04/1881asks for loan
Catling & Son28/06/1898inventory and valuation of fittings in Harvey Road
Catling & Son28/06/1898inventory and valuation of furniture and effects in Harvey Road
Cawthra, Mrs John13/06/1898social
Caxton Galleries1928/9/21flyer on etchings of St John's College
Cayley, A02/05/1887legal opinion on new statutes
Cayley, A03/06/1889sends cheque for co-operaters visit
Central Argentine Railway Limited1929prospectus and EGM notice
Central Argentine Railway Ltd1930/10/2dividend
Central Argentine Railway Ltd1931/4/22dividend
Central Argentine Railway Ltd1914/11/2share issue document
Central Co-operative Board Southern Section20/06/1889re a resoluation of the Board
Central Co-operative Board, Southern Section26/04/1889re visit of co-operatives to Cambridge
Central Co-operative Board, Southern Section12/01/1889re meeting of co-operatives in Cambridge
Central Co-operative Board, Southern Section02/12/1889asks HSF if he can publish HSF letter and thanks for help
Central Co-operative Board, Southern Section14/01/1889re meeting in Cambridge
Cernuschi, Henri08/07/1886social
Cernuschi, N17/09/1889re Raffolovich
Cernuschi, N12/11/1889Paris Congress etc
Chad, J S Scott13/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Chadwick, Dora1936/8/4to Audrey on HSF's death
Chadwick, J O16/06/1884re reprints of Newmarch's History of Prices
Chadwick, J O12/05/1884reprints of Mewmarch pamphlets
Chadwick, J O09/06/1884re Newmarch papers
Chadwick, J O06/06/1884re letter of 12/5/1884 on Newmarch papers
Chaffers, L1914/12/1re University of Manchester lecture
Chalk Arthur J1912/8/7wage threshold agreements
Challis A 5/4/1875re lecture notes for Leeds Working Men’s Hall
Chalmers, Geocopy of inscription on the Goldsmiths Mercatia
Chalmers, Lord1926/11/17on Dhume's work
Chalmers, Lord1927/4/25social
Chalmers, Lord1926/2/6social
Chalmers, Robert12/12/1892invite to St John's feast
Chalmers, Robert19/04/1893general chat
Chalmers, Robert05/04/1893social - colonial currency
Chalmers, Robert26/12/1892re his currency book
Chamber of Commerce1926/3/29asks HSF to subscribe to journal
Chamber of Commerce1925/6/26re its publication
Chamber of Commerce Barcelona1922/12/7(?) in Spanish
Chamberlain J21/4/1894(copy) will not dine with League
Chamberlain, Arthur1901/7/28on the principles of business
Chamberlain, Austen1903/12/2on fiscal reform
Chamberlain, J Austen21/04/1884re HSF's brother's application for job at Birmingham hospital
Chamberlain, Joseph31/01/1883re Jevons' memorial
Chambers R W1911/12/13UCL Library & Sir J Rotton’s offer
Chambers, R N1921/5/4pc keeping Daniel's book at UCL library for HSF
Chambers, R W1917/12/31re book purchases for UCL library
Chambers, R W1911/12/5re row over Sir John Rotton's books
Chambers, R W1911/10/25lists Sir John Rotton's books
Chambers, R W1910/12/21seeks names of social reformers
Chambers, R W1901/7/3re UCL student's testimonial to Mr Wheeler
Chambers, R W1901/7/3re UCL library
Chambers, R W1901/6/17re a testimonial
Chambers, R W1911/4/22re UCL effort to raise £2000
Chammer, W19/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Chance, H G1883HSF's lectures, career
Chance, T F30/07/1889to Cole supports Jenkinson for librarian
Chancellor, J G03/11/1886re tutor in political economy
Chandler05/12/1895bill before US Senate on coinage
Chaney, H J27/08/1888article on question re Norman's single grain system
Channer, W1906/5/28to Master of Peterhouse, re admitting G B Perrett, also note from A W Ward to HSF re Perrett
Chantrey, J13/09/1895social
Chany, S J1921/8/2re letters of introduction
Chaplain, H28/01/1897re bimetallism paper etc
Chaplin W25/3/1897House of Commons _ bimetallism
Chaplin, B?wants to see HSF
Chaplin, B10/12/1894re some information
Chaplin, B01/05/1894re some paper
Chaplin, H??/??/1894re meeting at House of Commons
Chaplin, H28/07/1894on bimetallism and agriculture
Chaplin, H??/??/1894re bimetallism evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission
Chaplin, H??/??/1894re bimetallism evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission
Chaplin, H10/06/1894re bimetallism evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission
Chaplin, H??/??/1894re bimetallism evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission
Chaplin, H07/12/1894Lord Farrer's evidence on gold and agriculture
Chaplin, H07/05/1894re bimetallism and agriculture
Chaplin, H1907/5/16thanks HSF for letter
Chaplin, H17/05/1897re some petition
Chaplin, Henry28/04/1894re HSF brief for House of Commons questions
Chaplin, Henry07/04/1894re depression in agriculture and currency evidence to House of Commons
Chaplin, Henry15-Janreprint of letter to the Times on bimetallism
Chaplins, ?19/01/1898asks HSF to attend meeting of Farmers' Club
Chapman S J 7/12/1897re testimonial for Jevons’s post
Chapman S J29/11/1897curriculum vitae
Chapman, E A22/04/1897to Arthur Foxwell re rooms
Chapman, E J1912/10/16re preparing obituaries
Chapman, E J13/10/1897on HSF's engagement, syllabus
Chapman, J1910/3/9to AL Bowley re lesons in exchanges for Mexican financial agent in Europe
Chapman, J23/07/1898re an HSF excess railway fare
Chapman, L L07/10/1896re lecture of Economic Club
Chapman, R B21/01/1893re article on Indian Monetary Standard
Chapman, S1911/10/17re appreciation and the rate of interest
Chapman, S1904/6/21re candidates
Chapman, S1904/6/23re candidates
Chapman, S27/06/????on exam papers
Chapman, S J1914/3/2asks HSF to lecture on currency at Manchester University
Chapman, S J1914/3/6re Manchester University lectures
Chapman, S J1914/10/9re Manchester University lectures
Chapman, S J1914/10/12re Manchester University lectures
Chapman, S J15/09/1896syllabus of Economic Club
Chapman, S J02/11/1896re some club meeting
Chapman, S J26/10/1896re Presidential Address of Club
Chapman, S J1914/4/28re visit from Ruggieri; article by Pigou
Chapman, S J1914/11/29thanks HSF for some lectures
Chapman, S J1901/6/20re HSF's brother's job application
Chapman, S J10/05/1897re some meeting
Chapman, S J1914/12/10re Manchester University lecture
Chapman, S J1914/12/14thanks HSF for book by Bownall
Chapman, S J1914/11/19re Manchester University lecture
Chapman, S J1912/10/22thanks HSF for help on early English socialism
Chapman, S J25/05/1897ask Hewins to do lecture at the Economic Club
Chapman, S J26/01/1897re a Foxwell paper
Chapman, S J09/11/1898collective bargaining in cotton trade
Chapman, S J25/11/1897asks HSF for testimonial
Chapman, S K14/06/1898wants HSF's advice
Chapman, Sidney23/11/1886technical education etc
Chapman, Sidney02/02/1886general chat
Chapman, Sidney12/04/1886Boot and Shoe Society
Chapman, Sidney05/11/1884asks HSF for help on research
Chappell & Co Ltd1923/5/26PC music posted to HSF
Charity Organisation Society1914/5/30asks HSF to address Society
Charity Organisation Society09/10/1880copy of letter referred to in 317/12
Charity Organisation Society??/11/1888information card and appeal
Charity Organisation Societyproof of Annual Report
Charity Organisation Societyobject and methods
Charles Miss B C1916/8/8re accommodation for daughters
Charles R F24/7/1871condolences to HSF on not getting Wherwell Scholarship
Charles R F31/12/1883re history of prices
Charles R F1922/10/27re examinership in English
Charles R F19/101922college meeting
Charles R F1923/1/22re note for Rushbrooke on Ernest Foxwell’s work
Charles Samuel1916/3/22social
Charles Packer & Co18/06/1898sends HSF coral and pearl bracelets
Charles Packer & Co1922/8/8ring is wrong size
Charles W Gordon & Co Ltd1926/4/15re Majors' shares
Charles, B F10/01/1873friendly chatter
Charles, B F31/08/1873friendly chatter
Charles, B F12/08/1873friendly chatter
Charles, B F15/01/1873friendly chatter
Charles, B F02/11/1873friendly chatter
Charles, B F18/03/1873friendly chatter
Charles, N F23/05/1871congratulates on prize, general
Charles, N F30/05/1871pleasures of Whitsuntide while HSF sits the Wherwell scholarship
Charles, R 1930/11/24on death of Mrs Foxwell
Charles, R F1930/12/30general chat
Charles, R F21/02/1879on a Foxwell death
Charles, R F30/10/1889academic gossip
Charles, R F24/10/1889asks about candidate for job
Charles, R F25/01/1885asks HSF to help cousin get university living
Charles, R F04/05/1882re London extension system
Charles, R F1922/10/18on dath of HSF's brother
Charles, R F1923/1/4on Ernest Foxwell's papers etc
Charles, R F1926/1/29on death of Rushbrooke
Charles, R F26/10/1881re application for lectureship etc
Charles, R F??/??/1870on HSF's, Rushbrooke's and others' success etc
Charles, R F22/12/1870congratulates HSF, people, general chat
Charles, R F05/06/1876thanks HSF for testimonial, general chat
Charles, R F24/06/1876going to stand for head mastership, his lectures, asks HSF for testimonial
Charles, R F26/07/1876didn't get job, 200 candidates, general chat
Charles, R F1900/11/7on Marjorie's birth
Charles, R F01/10/1872friends and arrangements
Charles, R F01/01/1872re enclosed letter (443/19)
Charles, R F03/04/1872re schools and raising standards
Charles, R F27/11/1881re nomination to lectureship
Charles, R F12/10/1881re applying for lectureship
Charles, R F13/11/1881his papers to Extension Board
Charles, R F12/01/1873sends a legend
Charles, R F02/06/1874school concert, Sidgwick and Marshall
Charles, R F10/05/1874congratulates on fellowship, people etc
Charles, R F26/03/1874on HSF ailment, amusing chat
Charles, R F02/11/1874re some HSF cussess
Charles, R F28/07/1875on German trip etc
Charles, Robert F1936/8/4to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Charlesworth, Emily A1936/8/10to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Charlesworth, Martin24/03/????asks HSF to clear room at St John's
Charlesworth, Phyllis1936/8/5to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Charlie ?17/4/1868general chat
Charnley, W05/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Charrington, John09/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China1910/7/1copy of Hsu’s report
Chartered Institute of Secretaries1923/2/20enquiry re HSF lectures
Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/1/1asks HSF to lecture
Chase, G A1923/9/30social
Chatterjee, S1927/10/26social
Chatterji, P K1913/12/26thanks HSF for testimonial and help
Chatterji, P K1913/12/6explains poor results and asks for testimonial
Chatterji, P K1913/12/12re his testimonial, his life in England
Chee K1910/7/8asks about branch banking
Cheltenham Ladies College1916/8/3sends prospectus
Cheltenham Ladies College1916/8/10acknowledges HSF's application
Cheltenham Ladies College1916/8/11no vacancies in house
Cheltenham Ladies College1916/8/10no vacancies in house
Cheltenham Ladies College1916/8/17daughters on waiting list
Cheltenham Ladies College1916details of houses
Cheltenham Ladies College1916details of houses
Chen, Chin-tao1914/7/21general chat
Chen, Chin-tao1914/7/20re appointments
Chen, Chin-tao1914/7/16re appointments
Chen, Chintas1911/5/17note able to see HSF
Chen, Chinto1914/4/6asks to meet HSF
Chen, W C1920/6/26re Hsu's career
Cheng S J1921/12/5thanks for arranging visits to banks
Cheng, S J16/11/1921Cheng's book, article for EJ etc
Cheng, S J08/09/1921thanks HSF for letters of introduction
Cheng, S J22/07/1921re Cheng's book and review in EJ
Cheng, S J1919/6/20thanks for introduction
Cheng, S J1921/6/18to meet HSF
Chesnay, L1916/6/9on Anglo-French loan by the US
Chevalier, John20/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Chevassus, C13/11/1886on silver question and £
Chevassus, C09/03/1886on silver question and £
Chevassus, C13/01/1886re paper on silver
Chevassus, C28/02/1886silver question
Chevassus, C06/05/1886silver question
Chin T Chen1912/9/4social
China Association1931/9/22report of meeting on the Silver Question
China Association1931/9/1re meeting on the Silver Question
Chinese Legation1914/8/19Dr Chen wants to see HSF
Chit Chat Club1872-187455 PCs on meetings and speakers
Choune, Gerard and others1913/2/19re proposed move of Savile Club from 107 Piccadilly
Christian Social Union1914/1/10re HSF letter in the Times
Christopher’s Working Boys’ Club1918/10/1thanks HSF for contribution
Christophers T28/8/1897Klondyke discoveries & bimetallism
Christophers T 6/9/1897socal
Christophers T21/08/1898on HSF's marriage
Christophers, J Leo29/09/1895re trip to top of Snowdon
Christophers, Theo17/10/1895general chat
Christophers, Theo25/03/1897enclosed papers etc
Christophers, Theo14/11/1895coming to Cambridge
Christophers, Wm03/02/1865re silkworms
Christ's College25/05/1887depreciation in the external income of the colleges
Christ's College Cambridge??/04/1920ntoice about dissolving the Ambarum Club
Chubb, Hammond to W T Agar16/10/1883praises HSF's book critisicm but cannot accept for Bankers' Journal
Church Furniture Manufactory02/05/1868hire of BA gown and cap
Church Furniture Manufactory23/04/1866cost of robes etc
Church Furniture Manufactory25/04/1866cost of robes etc
Church Furniture Manufactory01/06/1867cost of robes etc
Churchill, E F1898/9/22re classes in political economy
Churchill, E J1901/7/22thanks HSF for help from lectures
Churchill, W H12/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Churchill, Winston flyer for The World Crisis
City of Cardiff Education Committee1920/8/30thanks for help selecting staff
City of Cardiff Education Committee1920/3/9asks HSf to be on a selection panel
City of Cardiff Education Committee1920/3/12re election to Head of Commerce Cardiff Tech College
City of Liverpool1923/6/7re head of Liverpool School of Commerce
City of Liverpool1923/4/24re Headship of School of Commerce
City of San Paulo - Land Company1930/7/23directors' report
City of San Paulo - Land Company1929/10/29share certificate
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1918/12/13re meeting of debenture holders
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1915/6/5re meeting of debenture holders
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1915/6/5re meeting of debenture holders
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1915/11/29re meeting of debenture holders
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1911/11/9offer of bonds
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921scheme of arrangement
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1929/1/28report to investors
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1923/11/20report of directors
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921/3/10re scheme of arrangement
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921/3/15re conduct of meeting
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921/5/31re circular on company
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1922/9/22director's report and balance sheet
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1920/9/16unable to pay interest
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1920/9/16director's report
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1920High Court ruling and scheme of arrangement
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921/4/4exchange of debentures for shares
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921/4/4re their accounts etc
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1923/12/5notice of EGM
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921/5/11re his debentures
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921/5/18re his certificates
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1920/12/20re scheme of arrangement
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co1921/5/13share certificate
Civil Serivce Commission1905/1/1asks HSF to be examiner
Civil Service Commission1901/10/30re exam questions
Civil Service Commission1901/9/5payment for help
Civil Service Commission1905PE papers
Civil Service Commission1901/1/18Inspector of Factories exams
Civil Service Commission1901/7/22Inspector of Factories exams
Civil Service Commission1902/5/8Inspector of Factories exams
Civil Service Commission1902/9/17Inspector of Factories exams
Civil Service of IndiaAug 1893exam timetable
Clanchy, Gil23/10/1880cannot see HSF for a while
Clanchy, Gil23/11/1880rendez-vous
Clanchy, Gil17/11/1880possible meetings
Clapham J H1909/3/1532 Cambridge Mays
Clapham J H1916/6/2apologies to HSF & criticisms over remarks about Keynes
Clapham J H1916/5/27re Keynes, Pigou etc
Clapham J H1917/5/9re some Cambridge exams
Clapham J H1912/9/24papers & social
Clapham J H30/9/1897Manchester Economic Club paper
Clapham J H1920/5/5PC _ meeting on Mays exams
Clapham J H1920/5/7PC _ re meeting
Clapham J H1915/12/17points on HSF article in EJ
Clapham J H1915/10/31standard of marking & his results in 1895
Clapham J H1919/10/3payment of examiners
Clapham, J A29-Janre his articles
Clapham, J H1936/3/30nominations for British Academy
Clapham, J H??/07/1934British Academy Business
Clapham, J H1923/9/11re history of acceptance houses
Clapham, J H1919/10/5re St John's exams etc
Clapham, J H1934/12/14elections to the British Academy
Clapham, J H1936/1/24re British Academy
Clapham, J H1915/11/9on exam marks
Clapham, J H1915/11/11on exam marks
Clapham, J H1902/5/27re exam papers
Clapham, J H1902/11/3re exam papers
Clapham, J H1917/11/11re HSF's exam marks
Clapham, J H1904/6/21re candidates
Clapham, J H1915/12/19capital exports, exports, trade unions, pacifists, war preparations etc
Clapham, J H1915/12/24argument on politics, trade union blight and exports, the war, Haldane
Clapham, J H1916/5/12re examiners
Clapham, J H1916/6/5re appeal for retaining Pigou
Clapham, J H1917/7/25re last note
Clapham, J H1911/5/29re supervising exams
Clapham, J H1909/5/12re May economics papers
Clapham, J H1909/6/8re examiner's meeting
Clapham, J H1909/6/9re examiner's meeting
Clapham, J H1909/6/11re examiner's meeting
Clapham, J H1913/5/7examiner's meeting
Clapham, J H1913/5/9re HSF's exam paper
Clapham, J H1911/5/18examiner's meeting
Clapham, J H1917/7/15exam paper
Clapham, J H1903/4/18re exam questions
Clapham, J H1915/5/28re examiner's bill
Clapham, J H1916/5/29re dispute over a Keynes letter
Clara29/12/1881thanks for views and hopes to meet
Clara29/12/1881thanks for views and flatters
Clara01/02/1889dressmaking chat etc
Clara04/02/1889thanks HSF for money
Clara17/02/1889re visit to London
Clara09/05/1889thanks for book, approaches from Dr Johnson
Clara04/03/1889general chat
Clara04/04/1889re worries about Dr Johnson and approaches
Clara30/04/1889affairs of the heart etc
Clara20/05/1889re Adie's diptheria etc
Clara18/05/1889Adie and Clara's diptheria and reassures HSF
Clara01/07/1889affairs of the heart etc
Clara08/07/1889general friendly chat
Clara10/01/1890re trip and return
Clara, G13/07/1884general chat
Clara, G13/01/1890HSF ill, general chat
Clare College1907/11/18PC re fees
Clare College1906/1/16pays HSF
Clarendon Press1921/10/5asks about Prof E H Palmer
Clarendon Press1921/10/14asks about Prof E H Palmer
Claridge, W24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Clark E C1911/5/2points on Australian referendum
Clark J N1910/11/21donation to Cambridge Uni Library
Clark Sidney W1917/8/18re post-war price levels
Clark Sir Ernest1910/10/13lectures to Institute of Secretaries
Clark, A E13/09/????room bookings
Clark, E C06/02/1887asks HSF to examine in Whewell Scholarship
Clark, E C17/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Clark, Ernest1917/1/19pc on Premium Bonds
Clark, J W19/10/1882thanks HSF for a subscription
Clark, J W??/??/1891thanks HSF for support re an appointment
Clark, J W08/02/1883re some memorial
Clark, J W14/10/1880re a book
Clark, J W11/05/1881thanks for Ridber's catalogue
Clark, John B1911/8/7to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Clark, Mary03/12/1883social
Clark, Mary Alleyne29/10/1882thanks for Cambridge visit etc
Clark, Mary F08/02/1897introduces a friend
Clark, Mary F11/02/1897about a friend
Clark, Sidney G1936/8/7to Audrey on HSF's death
Clarke Sir Ernest1917/6/11re Bury School
Clarke Sir Ernest1917/7/21re death of Prof Clark etc
Clarke Sir Ernest1916/4/3Premium Bonds
Clarke Sir Ernest1916/3/31gold question & premium bonds
Clarke Sir Ernest1908/12/15re lectures for Institute of Secretaries
Clarke Sir Ernest1908/12/12re lectures for Institute of Secretaries
Clarke, Ernest1917/2/12re sale of war bonds
Clarke, Ernest30/05/1897wants to present picture of Lord Somerville to the Combination Room
Clarke, Ernest23/02/1898re Playfair's charts on wheat prices
Clarke, Ernest1930/7/29re an HSF appointment
Clarke, Fred W27/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Clarke, Hyde10/04/1886re Economic Society business
Clarke, Hyde14/04/1886re Economic Society business
Clarke, James27/09/1895wants pedigree for case Foxwell v van Grutten
Clarke, James01/10/1895provides pedigree - attached
Clarke, May E25/08/1891announcement of daughter's marriage
Clarke, Sir Ernest1916/3/16re a quote by Jevons
Clay ? 7/10/1879re book
Clay, C J20/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Clay, Mary H to Olive Foxwell13/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Claydon, C B10/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Clear Walter W1913/8/13thank you letter
Clifford J H1916/5/31HSF’s article in EJ: continuous borrowing
Clint, L23/07/1889to Ball supports Jenkinson for librarian
Clinton, G to Olive Foxwell02/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Close Bros & Co14/10/1896letters to the Times
Close, W B01/08/1894introduces W G Peckham
Clough, Anne J08/12/1878re tutor for 17 or 18 year old
Co op Wholesale Society12/12/1888re meeting with HSF
Co op Wholesale Society12/12/1888re meeting with HSF
Co op Wholesale Society10/01/1888re HSF address
Co;e A C1910/12/28social
Coal Industry Commission1919/4/30precis of HSF's evidence
Coal Industry Commission1919/4/23HSF not to appear
Coal Industry Commission1919/4/22asks for precis of evidence
Coal Industry Commission1919/4/11asks for precis of evidence
Coal Industry Commission1919/4/4asks HSF for evidence
Coal Industry Commission1919/3/20Interim Report
Coal Industry Commission1919/3/20Interim Report
Coal Industry Commission1919/3/20Report
Coal Industry Commission1919evidence and other papers
Coalling & Son26/06/1898inventory and valuation of Harvey Road fixtures etc
Coape-Arnold, H F J24/07/1889to Main supports Jenkinson for librarian
Coats, A W1965/3/15to Audrey Foxwell, to visit to see HSF's papers
Coats, A W1965/3/19to Audrey Foxwell, despite "gloomy predictions" will visit
Coats, A W1965/5/19to Audrey Foxwell, asks about HSF's diaries
Coats, A W1965/4/21to Audrey Foxwell, on HSF papers etc
Coats, A W1965/2/27to Audrey Foxwell, re Clara Collet letters
Coats, A W1965/4/15to Audrey Foxwell, re Clara Collet papers etc
Coats, A W1965/3/26to Audrey Foxwell, re HSF papers etc
Coats, A W1965/7/12to Audrey Foxwell, re his articles
Coats, A W1965/6/2re HSF diaries, Harvard letters
Coats, A W1965/8/24to AF re quote from HSF letter
Coats, A W1965/8/9to AF re his article on RES
Cobb, Bernard F02/12/1893social
Cobb, Elizabeth16/05/1886re meeting on co-operatives
Cobb, G F08/12/1874re Trinity College organ
Cobb, G F25/03/1894invitation to dinner
Cobb, G F04/10/1893social
Cobb, G F18/01/1897pc social
Cobb, G F18/10/1891invites HSF to Feast at Trinity College
Cobb, G F05/05/1895social card
Cobb, G F1872social
Cobb, G F1872medicine for neurolgia
Cobb, G F1872social
Cobb, G F12/02/1890social
Cobb, G F05/05/1891social
Cobb, Gerard F30/04/1898PC social
Cobb, S F17/07/1898on HSF's marriage
Cobb, S F4-Novcongratulates HSF on fellowship
Cobden Club14/02/1894speech by Thomas Hanbury
Cockarell, Douglas1907/2/21binding of tracts
Cockcroft, J1933/3/9re reviewing HSF's staircase
Cockerell Sydney C1922/2/6re Vatican volumes _ possible purchase by Fitzwilliam Museum
Cockerell, Douglas1914/8/27re problems of book binding trade
Cockerell, Douglas1914/5/23re problems of book binding trade
Cockerell, Douglas1901/12/17book binding
Cockerell, Sydney C2019/11/8re some project (Fitzwilliam Museum)
Cockerell, Sydney C1920/8/14re books for Fitzwilliam
Cockerell, Sydney C1913/5/17social
Cockerell, Sydney C1923/8/3re Alan Beeton's picture
Cockerell, Sydney C1923/7/20re Alan Beeton's picture
Cockerill, Sydney C1923/8/4to Beeton re picture by Beeton's son
Coffa, Luigi19/08/1891PC re details of HSF's library
Cofra, Luigi20/12/1887PC sends HSF book
Cohen, Arthur09/04/1888asks HSF re credit and history of credit in England
Cohen, G (UCL)1925/3/30teaching hours
Colbert J R1924/3/2re article on German currency
Colbert, John R1924/5/21foreign exchanges figures
Cole A C1916/7/23re suspension of cash payments
Cole A C1918/3/27re talks with Bank Governor
Cole Ethel ? asked to be excused lectures
Cole, ?1936/8/5cablegram from Canada to Audrey on HSF's death
Cole, A C1916/7/25social
Cole, A C1915/2/23Bank of England gold payments and USA exchange
Cole, A C1916/2/17on Bank of England policy
Cole, A C1917/10/27social
Cole, A C1917/11/2social
Cole, A C1917/10/20social
Cole, A C1917/10/14social
Cole, A C1917/10/10social
Cole, A C1918/1/19re 1844 Bank Act
Cole, A C1918/3/30on gold reserves
Cole, A C06/04/1894re book, gold question
Cole, A C13/06/1895bimetallism, and encl letter from Robert Benson on the subject
Cole, A C12/03/1894bimetallism questions
Cole, A C14/03/1894bimetallism questions
Cole, A C1917/12/12general chat
Cole, A C1917/11/11general chat
Cole, A C1917/11/20re some Bank of England matter
Cole, A C30/05/1895grain prices, bimetallism
Cole, A C08/05/1895wheat prices
Cole, A C26/05/1895socia
Cole, A C15/05/1895re bimetallism
Cole, A C1911/1/26re Candidates Committee
Cole, A C1915/3/3position of US etc
Cole, A C28/05/1896Bank of England Act etc
Cole, A C1916/4/17thanks HSF for article, general chat
Cole, A C1919/4/16on HSF's book
Cole, A C1916/2/19social
Cole, A C1905/4/6re regulations of Bank of England
Cole, Arthur H1932/9/21re Scott and library cards
Cole, Arthur H1931/7/11re Godwin item
College Mission to Walworthre appeal
College of Preceptors1922/10/28papers for Ernest Foxwell
Collet Clara1919/9/2interesting political chat
Collet, C E1903/1/13paper on London University enquiry
Collet, Clara16/01/1935re note by Collet on Rev J Yates etc
Collet, Clara1922/9/3re UCL Economics Club
Collet, Clara10/09/1892asks HSF whether Sydney Webb could become member of the Economic Club
Collet, Clara1908/6/9on Pigou's election, asks for help on economics
Collet, Clara1940/6/15to AF PC re Kress Library publications, O Higgs
Collet, Clara1940/7/27to AF re O Higgs and H Higgs book
Collet, Clara E01/06/1895re article of HSF on fluctuations and prices
Collet, Clara E1931/8/13social
Collet, Clara E1919/9/14on Audrey's future education
Collet, Clara E16/07/1890re new economic society at UCL
Collet, Clara E09/11/1890re new economic society at UCL
Collet, Clara E24/10/1890re new economic society at UCL
Collet, Clara E23/10/1890re new economic society at UCL
Collet, Clara E17/10/1890re new economic society at UCL
Collet, Clara E08/07/1890re new economic society at UCL
Collet, Clara E25/10/1886asks HSF for help to get job
Collet, Clara E08/06/1886re job prospects
Collet, Clara E1902/10/20re attack on Sydney Webb and his political influence at LSE
Collet, Clara E18/01/1892meeting of Denison Club
Collet, Clara E17/07/1895women loom workers and industial history of women
Collet, Clara E14/03/1898re students
Collet, Clara E1910/1/7asks HSF to come to a seminar at the Spencer
Collet, Clara E22/06/1898history notes on Leeds' industry
Collet, Clara E1919/6/2social
Collet, Clara E1907/2/7re appeal for the Craft School
Collet, Clara E27/03/1897re HSDF paper for Club
Collet, Clara E23/03/1897re paper to Economic Club
Collet, Clara E20/01/1892re her position in the COS
Collet, Clara E1902/4/23re examination proposals
Collet, Clara E1902/7/24re examination proposals
Collet, Clara E1902/4/26to Olive, examination schemes
Collet, Clara E1902/4/28re appointment of lecturers etc
Collet, Clara E17/10/1897re dining rules at UCL
Collet, Clara E1941/6/18to AF not to sell HSF's letters, insure for £500
Collet, Clara E1941/6/22to AF re Marshall letter 1908, HSF's tea things, Keynes
Collet, Clara E1940/7/4to AF re Owen Higgs, Bibliography
Collet, Clara E1940/8/20to AF re her piece on H Higgs for EJ
Collet, Clara E1940/8/20to AF piece on Henry Higgs
Collet, Clara E1940/12/28to AF re Higgs' papers and piece on Higgs
Collet, Clara Eto AF on Higgs' poverty, Owen Higgs to send his papers to Audrey
Collet, Clara E1940/6/1to AF asks about Henry Henry Higgs
Collet, Clara E27/10/1896PC notice of meeting
Collet, Clara R16/06/1892re her notes on industrial history of Leeds
Collett Clara 1/10/1897standard of PE Club meetings
Collett Clara1911/9/16re paper to Economic Club
Collett Clara1911/10/8future generations
Collingham, H1926/3/11re article on W G Rushbrooke
Collins Wm Sons & Co1913/2/17re book on Capital & Labour
Collins, J R1920/3/12to Jowett thanking for introduction to HSF
Collins, Jas K1920/7/12unable to go to Cambridge
Collins, Jas K1920/7/7Australian Treasurer wishes to see HSF
Collins, Jas R1920/7/1to see HSF at LSE
Collins, Jas R1920/7/14cannot see HSF, has to meet Governor-General Designate for Australia
Collins, T C05/03/1891re Civil Service Exams and Italian
Colman, Jeremiah01/07/1882re son's further education
Colman, Jeremiah12/12/1882re start of a National Liberal Club
Colman, Jeremiah23/07/1882general
Colston, F H28//11/1930card on Olive's death
Columbia University1903-05handbook on courses
Columbia University Library1911/7/20thanks HSF for loan of books
Columbia University Library1911/6/27re loan of books
Comite International de secours aux San Travail1907/8/11asks HSF to contribute to publications
Commercial and Financial Chronicle1908/5/2re query on Financial Reviews
Commercial Intelligence1923/3/30sends HSF specimen copies of Commercial Intelligence
Commite Central de Statistique, St Petersburg1904/1/25appointment of director
Committee for Economics1906annual report for 1905/6
Committee of One Hundred1909re book on vitality
Committee on Sound Currency09/12/1897sending HSF books on sound currency
Congres Monetaire1889letter to bimetalilsts
Congres National de la Ligne de la Jeune-Republic1920/3/3notice on the Congres
Connell Eva (Bright)1911/6/6family: Whitehall Review: politicians
Connell, Eva27/05/1911re daughter's entry to LSE
Cons, Emma04/01/1888asks HSF to speak at a conference
Conservation and Unionist Assoc1926/11/4asks HSF to join
Conservative Party1921/11/8asks for funds
Conservative Society1922/10/7meeting flyer
Consolo E1917/11/17re Banca Commerciale Italiana books
Constable W G1919/1/30general chat
Constable W G1918/1/1Henry James etc
Constable W G1911/11/22re employment at Board of Trade
Constable W G1913/2/23re Straker’s Money Market
Constable W G1912/11/11book borrowing
Constable W G1913/11/12re fellowship thesis
Constable W G1919/5/30social
Constable W G1918/6/6social etc
Constable W G1918/1/17social
Constable W G1917/8/29personal
Constable, W G1913/11/15re appointment with HSF
Constable, W G1918/3/18on his health
Constable, W G1918/3/29general chat
Constable, W G1918/4/27re books
Constable, W G1912/11/8social
Constable, W G1913/5/13re Indian currency
Constable, W G1913/2/28re Indian Chair
Constable, W G1913/2/28general
Constable, W G1913/5/1general
Constable, W G1914/10/27on OTC camp
Constable, W G1917/10/14attack on socialism, protection, financial management and his prospects
Constable, W G1918/3/13on his health and job outlook
Constable, W G1913/6/14re nature of government debt
Constable, W G1913/6/9some questions on economics
Constable, W G1913/6/4to discuss Indian currency etc
Constitutional Club06/03/1889flyer on meeting on bimetallism
Consygedd Hotel Bournmouth1925/8/20books rooms for HSF
Consygedd Hotel Bournmouth1931/8/28books rooms for HSF and hotel bills for several years
Conti, Eliza1931/12/20PC to AF re a pensione
Cook Thomas Ltd1910/8/8re holiday
Cook E16/3/1883re exams for London
Cook E T 2/8/1883re lecturing in London
Cook Thomas Ltd1910/8/5re holiday
Cook Thomas Ltd1910/8/5re holiday
Cook Thomas Ltd1910/8/3re holiday
Cook Thomas Ltd1910/8/3re holiday
Cook, E T19/01/1887asks HSF to write article on English version of Das Kapital for Pall Mall Gazette
Cook, E T23/11/1882re expenses for London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Cook, E T28/01/1882exams for Battersea Centre
Cook, E T06/05/1887on HSF article for Pall Mall Gazette
Cook, E T09/11/1885business of London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Cook, Mrs Arthur?sincerest sympathy
Cooke, J H19/02/1883re fees at Non-Collegiate Students Board
Cooke, J H23/02/1883re dispute over fees
Coole, C A27/07/1889to Arthur supports Jenkinson for librarian
Cooper Henry1911/7/1re testimonial
Cooper, ?20/02/1884re HSF lecture
Cooper, C J16/11/1875re studies
Cooper, C J1922/10/19on death of friend
Cooper, C J1916/4/7praise for HSF's article in the Economic Journal
Cooper, C J22/06/1883re application for chair in Sydney
Cooper, Gertrude E1933/3/16thanks HSF for money sent to her mother
Cooper, Henry1911/3/16job at Bank of England
Cooper, Henry1912/2/15social
Cooper, Henry1911/6/28asks for testimonial
Cooper, J20/09/1882re a Jevons manuscript
Co-operative Holidays Association1911/7/1re their exams
Co-Operative Hulders1889first Annual Report and Accounts
Co-operative Printing Company Ltd23/02/1888re number of copies of HSF lecture
Cooperative Union1920/7/19annual reports
Co-operative Union Limited22/09/1890asks HSF for paper on PE
Co-operative Wholesale Society17/10/1887asks HSF to speak
Co-operative Wholesale Society17/10/1887asks HSF to speak
Co-operative Wholesale Society28/11/1889re scholarship at Oriel
Co-operative Wholesale Society 21/03/1894asks HSF to write article on trade for their journal
Co-Operative Wholesale Society Ltd29/08/1893sends HSF pair of boots
Co-Operative Wholesale Society Ltd08/05/1893re some books
Coote & Warren1900/12/4re supply of coal
Co-Partnership Farms Ltd??/04/1906re their aims
Co-Partnership Tenants Limited1912/2/23prospectus etc
Co-Partnership Tenants Limited1910/10/28shareoffer
Cope, Emmie19/10/1880HSF 'naughty sometimes', wants photo
Cope, Emmie14/09/1880rendez-vous, photo for HSF
Cope, Emmie27/09/1880not had photo done yet
Cope, Emmie19/09/1880cannot see HSF until Wednesday
Cope, Emmie05/10/1880friendly chat and meetings
Corbett, J F16/02/1893bimetallism issues
Corbett, W A11/01/1895asks HSF for reference
Corbett, W A18/07/1894asks for testimonial
Corbett, W A28/05/1894re testimonial for job in Bangor
Corbett, W A29/05/1894his education
Corder, Rosa29/11/1882trip to Cambridge and hope of a guided tour by HSF
Corder, Rosa29/11/1882trip to Cambridge and thanks for offer of guide
Corfield, W H22/06/1898on HSF's marriage
Cornall, E B31/01/1880re Indian Civil Service lectures
Cornish, A23/06/1898student letter on exams
Corsygedd Hotel Barmouth1930/8/26re room booking
Corsygedol Hotel Bournmouthbooklet on the hotel
Cory, Robt03/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Cossa, Emilio26/05/1896in Italian
Cotterell-Tupp, A25/09/1895bimetallic business
Cotton C W E1920/6/17sale of his commercial handbook
Coulton, G G1930/12/2on death of Mrs Foxwell
Coulton, G G1930/11/26on death of Mrs Foxwell
Coulton, G G1936/8/14to AF on HSF's death
Coulton, G G1929/7/4PC re meeeting
County Hotel, Malvern1938/2/4advertises hotel
Courtenay, L24/01/1883re Jevons' memorial
Courtenay, Leonard06/05/1886Statistical Society Business
Courtenay, Leonard1902/4/16cannot sign petition to Senate
Courteney, L29-Maysocial
Courteney, L29-Mayre going to ballet
Courteney, Leonard1892copy of letter to H Gibbs on silver question
Courteney, Leonard28/06/1882P E Club
Courtney L27/10/1894letter to Houldsworth on Farrer’s article
Courtney, Leonard?general chat
Courtney, Leonard18/12/1890re a lecture on socialism
Courtney, Leonard14/10/1890re Gant for St John's
Courtney, Leonard15/10/1890re Gant for St John's
Courtney, Leonard13/02/1890re letter on bimetallism
Courtney, Leonard24/02/1893India Office, Tripos, P E Club etc
Courtney, Leonard09/12/1889re an article in the Times
Courtney, Leonard03/08/1889re letter from S Taylor
Courtney, Leonard28/01/1889thanks HSF for article
Courtney, Leonard1911/7/22to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Courtney, Leonard to Sir William ?27/10/1894(copy) re reply to Lord Farrer
Cousins A1921/7/2sub to CU Music Society
Cousins, J Ratcliffe01/09/1895asks HSF about bimetallism
Cowell, E B10/11/1882re 'poor Palmer'
Cox Harold1920/1/29re review of Keynes’s book
Cox Harold1911/1/10asks for help for job
Cox Harold1920/9/10public debt, prices & HSF letter to The Times
Cox Harold1918/4/16anti Sidney Webb
Cox Harold1922/8/1HSF’s testimonial at LSE
Cox Harold24/1/11923query on books
Cox W A1922/12/18general chat
Cox & SonsMarch 1866catalogue of clerical clothes
Cox, E R15/03/1890re poll taxes
Cox, E R11/03/1890re poll taxes
Cox, Harold1918/6/17control of universities by Board of Education
Cox, Harold08/03/1884law of diminishing returns
Cox, Harold22/02/1884re French economic book
Cox, Harold27/02/1884co-operative societies
Cox, Harold09/04/1888asks for testimonial
Cox, Harold1922/8/12on HSF's work prospects etc
Cox, Harold1910/6/28asks HSF to be London County Council rep at LSE
Cox, Harold11/06/1894bimetallism
Cox, Harold08/06/1894quantity of money and prices
Cox, Harold03/04/1889re an inspectorate, book on economic philosophy
Cox, Harold13/03/1889bimetallism
Cox, Harold21/03/1889quantity theory
Cox, Harold1911/7/6re HSF as rep of London County Council at LSE
Cox, Harold1911/1/14re HSF's position on selection
Cox, Harold1924/9/18re Miss Grew and Old Age Pension
Cox, Harold1924/9/15re Miss Grew and National Benevolent etc
Cox, Harold1922/11/16re proposed article on Swiss financial system
Cox, I S22/01/1893thanks HSF for valuable autographs
Cox, J S05/02/1894re some books
Cox, W A11/07/1895on HSF's marriage
Cox, W A1913/2/6asks about Mason and his philosophy
Cox, W A1913/2/13re Mason and his philosophy
Cox, W A1901/10/15re a church appointment
Cox, W A27/10/1887on the new statute 57
Cox, W A1922/12/5PC re an obituary
Cox, W A1922/11/20PC re R F Charles
Cox, W A1922/11/29PC re R F Charles
Coxwell, Elsie24/01/1886social
Coyagee J C1908/10/6asks to see HSF
Coyagee, F H1923/5/4re entering Cambridge
Crabtree W A1916/6/26re meeting of Melrose school
Craddock, J29/12/1885student letter
Cradock, H C16/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Craggs E H1919/9/26re coal problems
Craggs, E H08/11/1919re artificial production, member of UCL Senate etc.
Craggs, E H1920/1/31re law suit
Craigie, M1901/6/29re HSF's Birmingham application
Craigie, M06/08/1886re action of Walford estate
Craigie, P1908/6/11sorry HSF did not get Marshall chair
Craigie, P G01/01/1895re Royal Statistical Society meeting
Crammond, Edgar30/09/1918re books on purchasing power of money
Crammond, Edgar1917/3/9re his paper on British Shipping Industry
Crammond, Edgar1922/12/19asks HSF tfor copy of lecture
Crammond, Edgar1918/7/13re exemption from military service
Crammond, Edgar1918/7/4re his lectures to RSA
Crammond, Edgar1918/7/11thanks HSF for kindness etc
Crammond, Edgar1919/4/14thanks HSF for book
Cranage D1917/5/12local Cambridge exams
Cranage D1917/5/16local Cambridge exams
Cranage D H S1919/4/2re exams at Exeter
Cranage D H S1911/11/24social
Cranage D H S1918/1/22asks HSF to lecture to YMCA
Cranage D H S1918/12/31views on Constable’s work
Cranage, D1930/12/2on death of Mrs Foxwell
Cranage, D1917/10/8re some papers
Cranage, D H S1923/5/31social
Cranage, D H S1917/4/2re dinner with Russian diplomat
Cranage, D H S1917/4/4HSF unable to dine
Cranage, D H S1917/4/15re dinner with Russian diplomat
Cranage, D H S1927/12/16PC thanks HSF for kind letter
Cranage, D H S1930/11/24on Olive's death
Crawford R27/8/1897Royal Commission on Agriculture
Crawford, Florence18/09/1880social
Crawford, Florence26/09/1880calls HSF 'Bertie', social
Crawford, Florence05/11/1880invitation to dinner
Crawford, Florence17/08/1880social
Crawford, Florrie28/07/1879social
Crawford, J D09/03/1895re British Association Montreal meeting
Crawford, R A03/11/1894re Royal Commission on Agriculture
Crawley, Charles11/07/1889visit of working men's college
Crawley, Charles16/07/1889visit of working men's college
Cree, T S06/03/1891re theory of trade unions
Creed, J M1927/3/29old documents
Creighton, W05/06/1889asks HSF to dine with Harvard professor
Crerar R1918/8/13acknowledges card to Drummond Fraser
Crick, A H24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Crick, W F1922/12/14on HSF's School of Oriental Studies lectures
Crine, Clara1924to AF general chat
Crisford, Alex Tho30/07/1889to Dunn supports Jenkinson for librarian
Critchley, G G B29/01/1884student letter
Crocker, H??/05/1889on excess of supply
Crocker, K H14/10/1889governance, class, democracy etc
Crocker, K H1907/7/10offprint of Malthus, loss of Ricardo's notes on Malthus
Crocker, K H29/05/1885price of capital, progress
Crocker, K H27/04/1885paper on excessive saving
Crocker, N H09/02/1887argument about cause of depression in trade and industry
Crocker, U H23/07/1885remedy for depression
Crookes, Sir William17/01/1898thanks HSF for help on figures
Croom Robertson to Hill09/06/1892re election of his successor
Croom Robertson to Hill14/06/1892re election of his successor
Cross, C F25/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Cross, E1932/11/18re HSF's book repairs
Cross, E1932/8/15re book repairs
Cross, E M1932/7/9setting up on his own as book restorer
Crossley, Anne1900/11/10to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie
Crossley, Hastings1918/4/23on his son and Cambridge
Crossley, Hastings07/05/1892asks for support for chair at UCL
Crots F P23/11/1897Boer attitudes to natives in South Africa
Cruickshank, G E29/11/1892social
Crystal Palace Company's Schoolflyer on HSF lecture
Crystal Palace Company's Schoolflyer on HSF lectures
Crystal Palace Company's SchoolHSF lectures synopsis
Crystal Palace Company's SchoolHSF lecture flyer on rent etc
Crystal Palace Company's SchoolHSF lecture flyer on exchange
Crystal Palace Company's SchoolHSF lecture flyer on exchange
Crystal Palace Company's SchoolHSF lecture flyer on Wages
Crystal Palace Company's Schoolsumaries of HSF's 23 lectures
CU Music Society1921/6/23notice about sub to Society
Cubitt, Sean01/08/1889to Tilley supports Jenkinson for librarian
Cummings, Edward08/11/1888to meet HSF
Cummings, Edward??/??/1888asks HSF for information on trade unions
Cummings, Edward16/05/1891re study Anglo-Saxon and Continental systems of social and industrial organisations etc
Cummings, M Grace1910/7/2re results of exams
Cummins, J D17/06/1895social
Cummins, Tancred D10/09/1896social
Cummins, Tancred W16/11/1897thanks HSF for support etc
Cunningham W 1/8/1871to D L Boyes _ general chat
Cunningham W13/2/11913PC- Pigou & British Academy
Cunningham Mrs J T1920/2/27re HSF’s UCL lectures
Cunningham, A1930/6/24re publishing of a book
Cunningham, A1928/3/28re book on railways
Cunningham, A1928/3/27re book on railways
Cunningham, A1930/5/10on Miss Grant's book etc
Cunningham, A1919/8/22Schmoller's lectures
Cunningham, A1930/2/13sorry to miss HSF
Cunningham, A 1919/6/18pleased HSF writing notice of father's death
Cunningham, A 1919/7/29Mrs Knowles' letter re father
Cunningham, A 1919/9/1thanks HSF for help
Cunningham, A R1919/1/24on her husband's death
Cunningham, Audrey05/07/1919to Mrs Knowles - re book from father's library
Cunningham, Audrey12/07/1919Cunningham's library
Cunningham, Audrey28/07/1919Cunningham's library
Cunningham, Audrey1936/8/5to AF on HSF's death
Cunningham, E1932/12/27social
Cunningham, Edward04/11/1874re wine order
Cunningham, Edward12/11/1874re wine order
Cunningham, Henry08/12/1891visit to St John's
Cunningham, Henry24/11/1891lecture topics
Cunningham, Mrs Nov-30card on Olive's death
Cunningham, W1918/4/19on death of son(?)
Cunningham, W04/07/1884re Industrial conference
Cunningham, W19/01/1886disagrees with a Foxwell paper on usuary
Cunningham, W1915/1/11election of Scott to the Academy
Cunningham, W1917/10/5sends HSF old economic tracts
Cunningham, W1917/10/8offers HSF old economic books
Cunningham, W21/10/1892social
Cunningham, W1910re job for his son
Cunningham, W1903/3/9draft resolutions for Economics Syndicate
Cunningham, W24/09/1881PC re proofs
Cunningham, W & J Ellis McTaggart1903/3/9memo to Senate
Cunningham, W to W R Scott1918/1/29re British Academy elections
Cunningham, William22/06/1884running of Toynbee Trust
Cunningham, William31/03/1885re publishing (encloses letter from ?Wosson)
Cunningham, Wm19/07/1898HSF's wedding
Cunningham, Wm20/10/1892books and pamphlets which may be of interest to HSF
Cunningham, Wm1914/5/20RES and support for HSF
Cunningham, Wm04/06/1889sends cheque for co-operaters visit
Cunningham, Wm03/06/1889money for co-operators visit
Cunningham, Wm14/04/1894(copy) International Bimetallism Conference
Cunningham, Wm14/04/1894(copy) International Bimetallism Conference
Cunningham, Wmchanges meeting, books
Cunningham, Wm1916/1/10re BA candidates
Cunningham, Wm1916/1/15re BA candidates
Cunningham, Wm1916/1/14re BA candidates
Cunningham, Wm1916/1/28re BA candidates
Cunninghame01/03/1889re curves in a paper
Cunnyhame, H12/02/1878asks HSF to stay with him
Cunnyhame, H24/10/1878general chat
Cunnyhame, H12/11/1880re seconder for HSF to join Club
Cunnyhame, Sir H1910/5/3mainly social
Cunnyhame, Sir Wm1910/2/22social
Cunnynghame H8/4/1867re Blake’s work at Arts Club
Cunnynghame, H1910/5/3unable to dine at St John's
Cunnynghame, H11/12/1892re meeting
Cunnynghame, H20/12/1892social
Cunnynghame, H1892social
Cunnynghame, H15/01/1892re diagram on costs
Cunnynghame, H31/12/1892social
Cunnynghame, Henry01/07/1888re paper for British Association
Cunnynghame, Henry03/01/1888social
Cunnynghame, Henry04/05/1874general chat
Cunnynghame, Henry14/12/1874general chat
Cunnynghame, Henry1901/6/5gives HSF testimonial
Cunnynghame, Henry23/12/1875re election to University Club
Cunnynghame, W1907/11/1re Austen Chamberlain reception
Cunynghame, Hsyllabus of lectures by H. Cunynghame
Cunynghame, Henrynotes on exchange value
Cunynghaure, H H S25/02/1881offers HSF job at Secretary of the London Society of U.T.
CUP1929/10/14re meeting of Bibliography Committee
CUP1929/10/12Committee to look at HSF memo on bibliography
Currie Janet N R1925/7/7re work on bibliography
Currie, Ella14/03/1897social
Currie, Ella15/03/1897social
Currie, Ella16/03/1897social
Currie, Janet N R1925/11/21cannot work on bibliography
Currie, Janet N R1925/8/26re job on bibliography
Currie, Janet N R1925/8/22re job on bibliography
Curties, Theo J1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Cust, Henry1914seeks help for National Patriotic Organisations
Cust, Mrs V1914/10/22seeks help for National Patriotic Organisations
Cust, Reginald J22/04/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Cust, Viva1914/10/27re National Patient Organizations
Customs & Excise1933/3/22final notice
Cyril1936/8/4to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Cyril (HSF nephew)1929/7/4thank you letter
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