Name |
Date |
Title |
C E H | 29/07/1878 | on death of HSF's mother |
C S T | 28/08/1873 | re a key |
C W | 27/03/1884 | PC re "Life of Andrew Berwick" |
C W | 21/04/1881 | PC re some printing |
C W Daniel Company | | flyer on new book by C W Armstrong |
C W Daniel Company | | book catalogue |
Cable, Ernest | 1913/4/30 | social |
Cable, J A | 1905/5/14 | re index of Royal Statistical Society library |
Cable, Sir Ernest | 05/05/1913 | social |
Cable, Sir Ernest | 13/05/1913 | social |
Cable, Sir Ernest | 15/05/1913 | lunch and Constable papers |
Cable, Sir Ernest | 06/05/1913 | social |
Cable, Sir Ernest | 1913/12/31 | on Keynes etc |
Caden Isa | 1911/2/10 | puts off HSF lecture? |
Caden, Isa | 27/09/1895 | re translation of book |
Caden, Isa | 05/02/1895 | social |
Caden, Isa | ??/??/1895 | social |
Caden, Isa | ? | social |
Caden, Isa | 17/09/1898 | social |
Caden, Isa | 09/03/1897 | social |
Caden, Isa | 13/02/1895 | social |
Caden, Isa | 28/04/1898 | someone had surgery |
Caden, Isa | 1930/11/25 | on Olive's death |
Caden, Isa | 02/01/1898 | re Cambridge house |
Caden, Isa | 30/01/1898 | re a house |
Cagew, L H | 22/07/1896 | bimetallism |
Caine, W S | ? | copy of letter to H W McNiel saying cannot fit bimetallism into busy life |
Cairnes, J E | | Malthusian leaflet "On Low Wages and Over-Population" |
Cairo Lodge etc | 02/01/1887 | bills for estate of HSF's father |
Caius College | 1901/4/20 | order of Moral Science exams |
Caldecott A | 1917/7/14 | re living in Marston |
Caldecott, A | 21/09/1885 | re election of H A Bovell to Statistical Society |
Caldecott, A | 1911/1/27 | on HSF's library and finances of London University |
Caldecott, A | 1911/6/21 | UCL business |
Caldecott, A | 1908/6/2 | on P?'s election |
Caldecott, A | 1908/6/4 | on P?'s election |
Caldecott, a | 30/04/1891 | on quesitons of love, relationships, physiological and psychological laws etc |
Caldecott, A | 13/03/1880 | an examination, brother's marriage, religion etc |
Caldecott, A | 26/05/1880 | re his future prospects and testimonials |
Caldecott, A | 11/10/1880 | testimonials and his future |
Caldecott, A | 09/11/1880 | on Caldecotts election to teaching post |
Caldecott, A | 28/10/1880 | on testimonials |
Caldecott, A | 21/07/1897 | wants to review teaching of moral sciences |
Caldecott, A | 27/05/1892 | PC re a St John's fellowship |
Caldecott, A | 27/12/1892 | to ask for a parish |
Caldecott, A | 10/12/1895 | praises HSF photo and HSF |
Caldecott, A | 1901/4/23 | on his book |
Caldecott, A | 12/08/1883 | on bachelorhood |
Caldecott, A | 15/03/1885 | free trade etc |
Caldecott, A | 1914/5/26 | re Goldsmiths Library "mess" |
Caldecott, A | 1914/5/29 | University of London Senate not very interested in library |
Caldecott, A | 1917/7/17 | asks HSF not to stir on his behalf in dispute with college |
Caldecott, Alfred | 03/04/1883 | re Jevons' memorial |
Caldecott, Alfred | Oct 1881 | syllabus of 12 lectures on colonial history |
Caldecott, K | 25/04/1891 | re the ministry and St John's |
Caliker, W W | 01/05/1898 | re copy of pamphlet |
Cambridge Alpine Club | 1921/2/19 | new members |
Cambridge Alpine Club | 1910/8/18 | asks HSF to join |
Cambridge Alpine Club | 1921/9/30 | Annual Dinner |
Cambridge Alpine Club | 1923/11/19 | cost of club dinner |
Cambridge Alpine Club | 1917/10/27 | PC no Annual Dinner because of the War |
Cambridge Alpine Club | 1911/5/11 | re draft of proposed rules |
Cambridge Alpine Club | 1928/11/5 | notice of Annual Dinner |
Cambridge Alpine Club | 1928/11/3 | PC Annual Dinner |
Cambridge Amateur Operatic Society | Nov-28 | flyer on "Haddon Hall" |
Cambridge Antiquarian Society | 1907/5/23 | re next meeting |
Cambridge Antiquarian Society | 1926/5/6 | PC programme cancelled |
Cambridge Antiquarian Society | 1935/1/11 | notice of meeting |
Cambridge Borough | 1929/5/30 | HSF's voter card |
Cambridge Borough Council | 1921/12/6 | re rating of house |
Cambridge Borough Police | 1901/8/23 | re protection of 1 Harvey Road |
Cambridge Central Aid Society | 1928 | 49th Annual Report |
Cambridge Central Aid Society | 1936/12/12 | to Audrey Foxwell, re some misunderstanding |
Cambridge Chronicle | 02/06/1893 | article on "Outdoor Relief" |
Cambridge Cooks and Confectioners Benefit Society | | on the Society and Rules |
Cambridge Court | 1918/1/4 | HSF called for special jury service |
Cambridge Daily News | 1934/1/11 | reprint of article on "George" of Cambridge |
Cambridge District Nursing Assoc | 1929/12/31 | thanks HSF |
Cambridge Economic Club secretary | 25/10/1887 | asks HSF to become President of Cambridge Economic Club |
Cambridge Electric Supply Co | 1918/4/27 | HSF’s meter not working |
Cambridge Guildhall | 1926/1/1 | HSF's name misspelt in cemetery grant |
Cambridge Labour Party | ??/05/1929 | leaflets etc for candidate |
Cambridge Philosophical Society | 1930/1/18 | menu and table plan |
Cambridge Police | 31/08/1898 | HSF left window open |
Cambridge Post Office | 1917/3/19 | asks HSF to complete a form |
Cambridge Provident and Industrial Society | 20/05/1891 | asks HSF to preside at meeting |
Cambridge Town Clerk | 1930/12/12 | parking in Harvey Road |
Cambridge Town Clerk | 1930/11/29 | parking in Harvey Road |
Cambridge Union Society | March 1925 | note on McTaggart Memorial |
Cambridge University | 1919/5/5 | re job for D H Owen |
Cambridge University | ??/11/1919 | on University Tutorial Classes |
Cambridge University | 1902 | Mark lists and papers Moral Sciences Tripos Specials |
Cambridge University | 25/11/1898 | Report of Special Board Moral Sciences |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1906 | Specials: Regulations and List |
Cambridge University | 1905 | Examiners' standards |
Cambridge University | 1903 | Examiners' standards |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1911 | Intercollegiate papers in economics |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1905 | Intercollegiate papers in economics |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1908 | Intercollegiate papers in economics |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1912 | Intercollegiate papers in economics |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1913 | Intercollegiate papers in economics |
Cambridge University | 1906 | some exam questions |
Cambridge University | ??/12/1912 | special in railway economics |
Cambridge University | ??/05/1919 | Economic Tripos papers |
Cambridge University | ??/05/1912 | Special Papers Part I Political Economy |
Cambridge University | ??05/1916 | Economic Tripos parts 1 & 2 |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1916 | intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/12/1912 | Second Speical exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/12/1912 | copy of 391/24 |
Cambridge University | ??/05/1913 | Special exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/12/1913 | Second Speical exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1914 | intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1913 | intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1912 | intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1915 | intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/05/1918 | Tripos exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/05/1917 | Tripos exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/12/1913 | reports, papers of specials |
Cambridge University | ??/02/1902 | Specials regulations |
Cambridge University | ??/02/1899 | specials regulations, list of students, draft questions |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1904 | Intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1905 | Intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1906 | Intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1911 | HSF questions for Intercollegiate exams |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1912 | Intercollegiate papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1909 | Intercollegiate papers and results |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1908 | Intercollegiate papers and results |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1903 | Tripos paper and results |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1907 | Intercollegiate papers and results |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1906 | Intercollegiate papers and results |
Cambridge University | 1904-5 | Intercollegiate papers etc |
Cambridge University | 1929/12/4 | rules on tax allowances for books |
Cambridge University | 1914/1/27 | payment to HSF |
Cambridge University | 1907/5/29 | book list for Economics Tripos |
Cambridge University | 1913/2/7 | re memorial to Council of the Senate |
Cambridge University | 1901/5/29 | Historical Tripos Political Economy papers |
Cambridge University | ??/06/1893 | Historical Tripos reading list and political economy course |
Cambridge University | 1912/2/16 | re Mr Hirst and appointments |
Cambridge University | 1908/6/8 | meeting of General Board of Studies |
Cambridge University | | re meeting of history and archeology lecturers |
Cambridge University | 1903 | Specials papers results and notes |
Cambridge University | 1898 | Specials papers |
Cambridge University | | Economic Tripos reading lists 1907, 1914, 1922 |
Cambridge University | | Tripos reading lists 1923-25 |
Cambridge University | 1907 | Economic Tripos papers |
Cambridge University | 1915 | Economic Tripos papers |
Cambridge University | 1908 | Whewell Scholarship papers |
Cambridge University | 1902 | Intercollegiate questions, L L Price |
Cambridge University | 1886 | intercollegiate papers |
Cambridge University | 1904 | Higher Local exam papers |
Cambridge University | 1904/7/12 | re Higher Local exam report |
Cambridge University | 1904/6/25 | re Higher Local exam papers and HSF report |
Cambridge University | 1904/7/13 | re Higher Local exam report |
Cambridge University | May-06 | Economic Tripos papers |
Cambridge University | Jun-03 | Higher Local exam papers |
Cambridge University | 12/11/1898 | HSF appointed Moral Sciences examiner |
Cambridge University | 08/12/1899 | HSF appointed Moral Sciences examiner |
Cambridge University | 1900/5/23 | regulations for Moral Sciences exams |
Cambridge University | 1901/5/10 | list of women qualified for exams |
Cambridge University | 1900/12/22 | HSF appointed Moral Sciences examiner |
Cambridge University | 1901/4/29 | list of female students |
Cambridge University | Oct 1896 | Tripos regs |
Cambridge University | 1907 | Economic Tripos papers |
Cambridge University | 1912 | Economic Tripos papers |
Cambridge University | 1903 | History tripos papers |
Cambridge University | 1904 | Intercollegiate exam papers |
Cambridge University | 1903 | Economics Tripos reading lists |
Cambridge University | | Economics Tripos reading lists |
Cambridge University | | re new Economics Tripos |
Cambridge University | 1902 | Syndicate papers on formation of Economics Tripos |
Cambridge University | 1886 | list of books for Moral Sciences |
Cambridge University | 1915/12/10 | Intercollegiate scholarship etc paper |
Cambridge University | ??/05/1905 | Economics Tripos exam papers |
Cambridge University & College Servants' Club | Jun-28 | report and accounts |
Cambridge University & Town Gas Light Co | 1936/5/29 | re unpaid bill |
Cambridge University & Town Gas Light Co | 1936/6/20 | re unpaid bill |
Cambridge University & Town Waterworks Co | 1936 | accounts rendered |
Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Company | 1921/7/7 | notice on water rates |
Cambridge University Defence Society | | PC to join Society |
Cambridge University Economics Syndicate | 1902 | questions for discussion |
Cambridge University Economics Syndicate | | report to Senate |
Cambridge University Library | 1905/7/26 | PC re box of books |
Cambridge University Library | 1915/10/25 | re books for HSF |
Cambridge University Library | 1919/1/7 | re starting company for book binding |
Cambridge University Local Lectures | 1901/3/14 | syllabus and candidates for Wicksteed's course |
Cambridge University Local Lectures | 1901/12/2 | syllabus and candidates for Wicksteed's course |
Cambridge University Local Lectures | 1901/2/14 | exam paper on Wicksteed's course |
Cambridge University Local Lectures | 1901 | 1901 syllabus for Wicksteed's course |
Cambridge University Local Lectures | ??/03/1901 | re exams |
Cambridge University Local Lectures | 1901/11/28 | re Wicksteed's syllabus |
Cambridge University Local Lectures | 1901 | Syllabus of lectures by P H Wicksteed |
Cambridge University Musical Society | 1926 | concert programme |
Cambridge University Musical Society | 1927/2/4 | programme for "Israel in Egypt" |
Cambridge University Press | 1935/4/3 | proofs of bibliography |
Cambridge University Press | 1907/1/8 | re book by Mr Welsford of Harrow |
Cambridge University Press | 1907/1/18 | re book by Mr Welsford of Harrow |
Cambridge University Press | 1908/3/5 | on leather binding |
Cambridge University Press | 1908/2/11 | on leather binding |
Cambridge University Press | 1931/8/7 | re Cantillon and labels |
Cambridge University Press | | page proofs for bibliography |
Cambridge University Press | 1934/10/28 | page proofs for bibliography |
Cambridge University Press | 1900 | flyer on Francis Hutcheson by W R Scott |
Cambridge University Press | 1909/1/11 | re a book |
Cambridge University Press | 1928 | booklet of Autumn Announcements |
Cambridge University Press | | flyer on series on English literature |
Cambridge University Press | | flyer on The Hippias Major |
Cambridge University Press | | flyer for book on Hobbes |
Cambridge University Volunteers | 01/06/1868 | notice of review, HSF's company details |
Cambs Elec. Supply Co. | 1927/5/28 | re bill |
Cameron J R | 1912/7/27 | asks re books by Sir Robert Fisher |
Cameron J R | 1912/7/30 | asks re books by Sir Robert Fisher |
Cameron, F | 1928/7/30 | re HSF's house |
Cameron, J F | 1928/4/20 | re back lane behind Hills Road houses |
Cameron, J F | 1928/4/26 | to improve lanes behind Hills Road houses |
Campbell, ? | 1927/11/23 | dental appointment |
Campbell, Arthur | 18/04/1874 | general chat |
Campbell, Norman | 31/08/1889 | PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Campyhame, H | 22/01/1880 | re rooms for love affair |
Campyhame, H | 13/02/1880 | women trouble |
Cannan Edwin | 1916/7/27 | re exam papers |
Cannan Edwin | 1910/9/16 | exams |
Cannan Edwin | 1912/9/12 | exam papers |
Cannan Edwin | 1910/7/19 | exam arrangements |
Cannan Edwin | 1911/7/16 | exam papers |
Cannan Edwin | 1911/7/14 | exam papers |
Cannan Edwin | 1911/7/9 | exam papers |
Cannan Edwin | 1911/7/11 | exam papers |
Cannan Edwin | 1911/10/27 | advanced lectures |
Cannan Edwin | 1910/6/28 | exams |
Cannan Edwin | 11/10/1911 | re Keynes as editor etc |
Cannan Edwin | 1901/6/24 | scholarship papers |
Cannan Edwin | 1906/7/6 | Oxford exam papers |
Cannan Edwin | 1916/8/14 | fees for intermediateexams |
Cannan, Edwin | 1914/10/31 | Museum Bookstore and MS on Adam Smith |
Cannan, Edwin | 1913/8/22 | special subject exams |
Cannan, Edwin | ? | re exams |
Cannan, Edwin | 1912/9/23 | re exams |
Cannan, Edwin | 1916/7/13 | re exam papers |
Cannan, Edwin | 1901/5/5 | Oxford Faculty business |
Cannan, Edwin | 1922/7/7 | on essay subjects |
Cannan, Edwin | 1914/9/4 | re an exam paper |
Cannan, Edwin | 1915/7/6 | exam papers, loan conversion rates |
Cannan, Edwin | 1914/10/15 | early history of British Association Section F |
Cannan, Edwin | 1910/7/26 | re problems with examination essays |
Cannan, Edwin | 1910/11/5 | questions for Economics II exams |
Cannan, Edwin | 1927/6/27 | would not examine Singh's thesis |
Cannan, Edwin | 1927/6/29 | re examining Singh |
Cannan, Edwin | 1929/11/10 | re Bonar on his catalogue of Adam Smith's library |
Cannan, Edwin | 1913/7/16 | re essay subjects and exam questions |
Cannan, Edwin | 1908/11/9 | re LSE library issues |
Cannan, Edwin | 1921/7/9 | exam papers, Edgeworth |
Cannan, Edwin | 1911/6/21 | re exam papers |
Cannan, Edwin | 1911/7/4 | re exam papers |
Cannan, Edwin | 1910/7/8 | re exam papers |
Cannan, Edwin | 1910/7/14 | re exam papers |
Cannan, Edwin | 1921/7/12 | application for Drummond Chair |
Cannan, Edwin | 1916/6/3 | re an exam paper |
Cannan, Edwin | 1925/2/2 | re supervision of PhD candidates, Singh |
Cannan, Edwin | 1925/2/3 | re meeting of LSE higher degree committee |
Cannan, Edwin | 1919/4/11 | PC thanks HSF for book |
Cant F & Co | 1919/10/15 | purchase of roses |
Cantel, N A | 02/11/1891 | re economics book |
Capel, A W | 04/06/1872 | re fee for St John's Music Society |
Capellmeister (Sandford) | ??/??/1877 | re argument with HSF |
Capellmeister (Sandford) | 12/11/1877 | college affairs |
Carley, G A | 27/08/1889 | unlikely to vote |
Carlisle, H H | 15/12/1884 | student letter re poor results |
Carlisle, H H | 30/09/1885 | asks for books on fair trade |
Carlos, E S | 15/08/1889 | to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Carmarthen Land and others | 15/02/1893 | notice of HSF address on bimetallism to Peers and MPs |
Carmichael, T G D | 06/06/1885 | re coaching in economics |
Carmichael, Thos D Gibson | 12/02/1886 | thanks for list of books |
Carmichael, Thos D Gibson | 04/03/1886 | to meet |
Carmichael, Thos D Gibson | 23/04/1886 | sorry HSF ill |
Carmichael, Thos W Gibson | 18/06/1886 | re Annual Register |
Carnis, Jane | 1920/1/1 | to Ernest general chat |
Carnis, Jane | 1919/12/31 | to Ernest thanks for presents etc |
Carnot, Capt | | Cantoun on LSE's first away class |
Carpenter, E | 09/02/1894 | Cambridge chat |
Carpenter, E | 1872 | social |
Carpenter, E | 1872 | social |
Carpenter, E | 1872 | social |
Carpenter, Ed | 22/12/1885 | on socialism |
Carpenter, Ed | ??/01/1893 | introduces H A Atkinson |
Carpenter, Edi | 21/02/1890 | query on population statistics |
Carpenter, Edmund | 20/12/1892 | re sandals, bimetallism |
Carpenter, Edward | 27/11/1876 | Mrs Scatchard has become an atheist |
Carpenter, Edward | 1914/9/1 | in response to his 70th birthday address |
Carpenter, G | 11/01/1874 | re son of Bishop of Natal |
Carpenter, W L | 05/05/1884 | asks HSF to examine for University of New Zealand |
Carpenter, W L | 13/05/1884 | re University of New Zealand |
Carr, F Osmond | 1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Carrie, Ella | 23/03/1897 | meeting HSF |
Carter & Co | 1912/1/24 | sends details of a house in Wales |
Carter, F C | 1908/3/30 | purchase of books |
Carter, J | 02/02/1897 | re Chaplin's paper |
Carter, J | 26/05/1893 | re an HSF article |
Carter, John and Pollard, Graham | | flyer for book on 19th century pamphlets |
Carter, Philip H | 1912/1/20 | re Coeclmer and advertising it in Cambridge Reveiew |
Carter, Philip H | 1912/1/17 | re a house |
Carter, R F | 1908/3/30 | PC publications on offer |
Carver, E | 09/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Carver, M R | 1903/3/19 | thank you letter for ? Fay |
Carvis-Brown, J | 25/07/1889 | PC supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Cass, C E | 1930/8/21 | social |
Cassel, Dr G | 1901/6/11 | re HSF's intro to Menger, dispute about Robert Owen, his looks |
Cassie, W | 09/08/1889 | to Parry supports Cassie for librarian |
Castelot, E | 19/05/1893 | introduces Dr J Aumann |
Castelot, K | 07/07/1892 | re dinner with Higgs, Edgeworth |
Castelott, E | 16/03/1894 | on books |
Castle, R J S | 01/08/1893 | social |
Cate, Frances | 27/05/1881 | friendly chat |
Cate, Frances | 28/02/1881 | thanks HSf for help |
Cate, Frances | 06/03/1881 | friendly chat |
Cate, Frances | ??/03/1881 | thanks for money, friendly chat |
Cate, Frances | ??/03/1881 | wants to see HSF |
Cate, Frances | 25/06/1881 | re her baby and situation |
Cate, Frances | 06/06/1881 | weak, general situation |
Cate, Frances | 15/06/1881 | her last letter |
Cate, Frances | 15/06/1881 | hopes to see HSF once more |
Cate, Frances | ??/06/1881 | hopes to see HSF once more |
Cate, Frances | 21/05/1881 | her expenses with Mrs Gerrard |
Cate, Frances | 16/04/1881 | asks for money, missing HSF |
Cate, Frances | 04/05/1881 | has had her baby and wants to see HSF |
Cate, Frances | 11/04/1881 | friendly chat |
Cate, Frances | 14/05/1881 | not well, love HSF |
Cate, Frances | 18/06/1881 | sends flowers to HSF |
Cate, Frances | 06/04/1881 | not had baby yet, her expenses |
Cate, Frances | 31/01/1881 | will stay all night with HSF |
Cate, Frances | 22/02/1881 | meeting arrangements |
Cate, Frances | 17/02/1881 | loving chat |
Cate, Frances | 07/02/1881 | unwell and not up to anything |
Cate, Frances | 10/02/1881 | re meeting HSF |
Cate, Frances | 12/02/1881 | re meeting HSF |
Cate, Frances | 20/06/1881 | has she upset HSF etc |
Cate, Frances | 07/07/1881 | in Folkstone, with love |
Cate, Frances | 21/07/1881 | longs to see HSF again |
Cate, Frances | 20/06/1881 | re her health |
Cate, Frances | 21/12/1881 | sends address, friendly chat |
Cate, Frances | 24/10/1881 | father's health |
Cate, Frances | 15/12/1881 | meeting tonight |
Cate, Frances | 24/12/1881 | Christmas greetings |
Cate, Frances | 27/12/1881 | loving chat |
Cate, Frances | 03/12/1881 | a rendez-vous |
Cate, Frances | 01/10/1881 | lover's letter |
Cate, Frances | 12/12/1881 | lover's letter |
Cate, Frances | 03/12/1881 | friendly chat |
Cate, Frances | 16/04/1881 | asks for loan |
Catling & Son | 28/06/1898 | inventory and valuation of fittings in Harvey Road |
Catling & Son | 28/06/1898 | inventory and valuation of furniture and effects in Harvey Road |
Cawthra, Mrs John | 13/06/1898 | social |
Caxton Galleries | 1928/9/21 | flyer on etchings of St John's College |
Cayley, A | 02/05/1887 | legal opinion on new statutes |
Cayley, A | 03/06/1889 | sends cheque for co-operaters visit |
Central Argentine Railway Limited | 1929 | prospectus and EGM notice |
Central Argentine Railway Ltd | 1930/10/2 | dividend |
Central Argentine Railway Ltd | 1931/4/22 | dividend |
Central Argentine Railway Ltd | 1914/11/2 | share issue document |
Central Co-operative Board Southern Section | 20/06/1889 | re a resoluation of the Board |
Central Co-operative Board, Southern Section | 26/04/1889 | re visit of co-operatives to Cambridge |
Central Co-operative Board, Southern Section | 12/01/1889 | re meeting of co-operatives in Cambridge |
Central Co-operative Board, Southern Section | 02/12/1889 | asks HSF if he can publish HSF letter and thanks for help |
Central Co-operative Board, Southern Section | 14/01/1889 | re meeting in Cambridge |
Cernuschi, Henri | 08/07/1886 | social |
Cernuschi, N | 17/09/1889 | re Raffolovich |
Cernuschi, N | 12/11/1889 | Paris Congress etc |
Chad, J S Scott | 13/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Chadwick, Dora | 1936/8/4 | to Audrey on HSF's death |
Chadwick, J O | 16/06/1884 | re reprints of Newmarch's History of Prices |
Chadwick, J O | 12/05/1884 | reprints of Mewmarch pamphlets |
Chadwick, J O | 09/06/1884 | re Newmarch papers |
Chadwick, J O | 06/06/1884 | re letter of 12/5/1884 on Newmarch papers |
Chaffers, L | 1914/12/1 | re University of Manchester lecture |
Chalk Arthur J | 1912/8/7 | wage threshold agreements |
Challis A | 5/4/1875 | re lecture notes for Leeds Working Men’s Hall |
Chalmers, Geo | | copy of inscription on the Goldsmiths Mercatia |
Chalmers, Lord | 1926/11/17 | on Dhume's work |
Chalmers, Lord | 1927/4/25 | social |
Chalmers, Lord | 1926/2/6 | social |
Chalmers, Robert | 12/12/1892 | invite to St John's feast |
Chalmers, Robert | 19/04/1893 | general chat |
Chalmers, Robert | 05/04/1893 | social - colonial currency |
Chalmers, Robert | 26/12/1892 | re his currency book |
Chamber of Commerce | 1926/3/29 | asks HSF to subscribe to journal |
Chamber of Commerce | 1925/6/26 | re its publication |
Chamber of Commerce Barcelona | 1922/12/7 | (?) in Spanish |
Chamberlain J | 21/4/1894 | (copy) will not dine with League |
Chamberlain, Arthur | 1901/7/28 | on the principles of business |
Chamberlain, Austen | 1903/12/2 | on fiscal reform |
Chamberlain, J Austen | 21/04/1884 | re HSF's brother's application for job at Birmingham hospital |
Chamberlain, Joseph | 31/01/1883 | re Jevons' memorial |
Chambers R W | 1911/12/13 | UCL Library & Sir J Rotton’s offer |
Chambers, R N | 1921/5/4 | pc keeping Daniel's book at UCL library for HSF |
Chambers, R W | 1917/12/31 | re book purchases for UCL library |
Chambers, R W | 1911/12/5 | re row over Sir John Rotton's books |
Chambers, R W | 1911/10/25 | lists Sir John Rotton's books |
Chambers, R W | 1910/12/21 | seeks names of social reformers |
Chambers, R W | 1901/7/3 | re UCL student's testimonial to Mr Wheeler |
Chambers, R W | 1901/7/3 | re UCL library |
Chambers, R W | 1901/6/17 | re a testimonial |
Chambers, R W | 1911/4/22 | re UCL effort to raise £2000 |
Chammer, W | 19/05/1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Chance, H G | 1883 | HSF's lectures, career |
Chance, T F | 30/07/1889 | to Cole supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Chancellor, J G | 03/11/1886 | re tutor in political economy |
Chandler | 05/12/1895 | bill before US Senate on coinage |
Chaney, H J | 27/08/1888 | article on question re Norman's single grain system |
Channer, W | 1906/5/28 | to Master of Peterhouse, re admitting G B Perrett, also note from A W Ward to HSF re Perrett |
Chantrey, J | 13/09/1895 | social |
Chany, S J | 1921/8/2 | re letters of introduction |
Chaplain, H | 28/01/1897 | re bimetallism paper etc |
Chaplin W | 25/3/1897 | House of Commons _ bimetallism |
Chaplin, B | ? | wants to see HSF |
Chaplin, B | 10/12/1894 | re some information |
Chaplin, B | 01/05/1894 | re some paper |
Chaplin, H | ??/??/1894 | re meeting at House of Commons |
Chaplin, H | 28/07/1894 | on bimetallism and agriculture |
Chaplin, H | ??/??/1894 | re bimetallism evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission |
Chaplin, H | ??/??/1894 | re bimetallism evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission |
Chaplin, H | 10/06/1894 | re bimetallism evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission |
Chaplin, H | ??/??/1894 | re bimetallism evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission |
Chaplin, H | 07/12/1894 | Lord Farrer's evidence on gold and agriculture |
Chaplin, H | 07/05/1894 | re bimetallism and agriculture |
Chaplin, H | 1907/5/16 | thanks HSF for letter |
Chaplin, H | 17/05/1897 | re some petition |
Chaplin, Henry | 28/04/1894 | re HSF brief for House of Commons questions |
Chaplin, Henry | 07/04/1894 | re depression in agriculture and currency evidence to House of Commons |
Chaplin, Henry | 15-Jan | reprint of letter to the Times on bimetallism |
Chaplins, ? | 19/01/1898 | asks HSF to attend meeting of Farmers' Club |
Chapman S J | 7/12/1897 | re testimonial for Jevons’s post |
Chapman S J | 29/11/1897 | curriculum vitae |
Chapman, E A | 22/04/1897 | to Arthur Foxwell re rooms |
Chapman, E J | 1912/10/16 | re preparing obituaries |
Chapman, E J | 13/10/1897 | on HSF's engagement, syllabus |
Chapman, J | 1910/3/9 | to AL Bowley re lesons in exchanges for Mexican financial agent in Europe |
Chapman, J | 23/07/1898 | re an HSF excess railway fare |
Chapman, L L | 07/10/1896 | re lecture of Economic Club |
Chapman, R B | 21/01/1893 | re article on Indian Monetary Standard |
Chapman, S | 1911/10/17 | re appreciation and the rate of interest |
Chapman, S | 1904/6/21 | re candidates |
Chapman, S | 1904/6/23 | re candidates |
Chapman, S | 27/06/???? | on exam papers |
Chapman, S J | 1914/3/2 | asks HSF to lecture on currency at Manchester University |
Chapman, S J | 1914/3/6 | re Manchester University lectures |
Chapman, S J | 1914/10/9 | re Manchester University lectures |
Chapman, S J | 1914/10/12 | re Manchester University lectures |
Chapman, S J | 15/09/1896 | syllabus of Economic Club |
Chapman, S J | 02/11/1896 | re some club meeting |
Chapman, S J | 26/10/1896 | re Presidential Address of Club |
Chapman, S J | 1914/4/28 | re visit from Ruggieri; article by Pigou |
Chapman, S J | 1914/11/29 | thanks HSF for some lectures |
Chapman, S J | 1901/6/20 | re HSF's brother's job application |
Chapman, S J | 10/05/1897 | re some meeting |
Chapman, S J | 1914/12/10 | re Manchester University lecture |
Chapman, S J | 1914/12/14 | thanks HSF for book by Bownall |
Chapman, S J | 1914/11/19 | re Manchester University lecture |
Chapman, S J | 1912/10/22 | thanks HSF for help on early English socialism |
Chapman, S J | 25/05/1897 | ask Hewins to do lecture at the Economic Club |
Chapman, S J | 26/01/1897 | re a Foxwell paper |
Chapman, S J | 09/11/1898 | collective bargaining in cotton trade |
Chapman, S J | 25/11/1897 | asks HSF for testimonial |
Chapman, S K | 14/06/1898 | wants HSF's advice |
Chapman, Sidney | 23/11/1886 | technical education etc |
Chapman, Sidney | 02/02/1886 | general chat |
Chapman, Sidney | 12/04/1886 | Boot and Shoe Society |
Chapman, Sidney | 05/11/1884 | asks HSF for help on research |
Chappell & Co Ltd | 1923/5/26 | PC music posted to HSF |
Charity Organisation Society | 1914/5/30 | asks HSF to address Society |
Charity Organisation Society | 09/10/1880 | copy of letter referred to in 317/12 |
Charity Organisation Society | ??/11/1888 | information card and appeal |
Charity Organisation Society | | proof of Annual Report |
Charity Organisation Society | | object and methods |
Charles Miss B C | 1916/8/8 | re accommodation for daughters |
Charles R F | 24/7/1871 | condolences to HSF on not getting Wherwell Scholarship |
Charles R F | 31/12/1883 | re history of prices |
Charles R F | 1922/10/27 | re examinership in English |
Charles R F | 19/101922 | college meeting |
Charles R F | 1923/1/22 | re note for Rushbrooke on Ernest Foxwell’s work |
Charles Samuel | 1916/3/22 | social |
Charles Packer & Co | 18/06/1898 | sends HSF coral and pearl bracelets |
Charles Packer & Co | 1922/8/8 | ring is wrong size |
Charles W Gordon & Co Ltd | 1926/4/15 | re Majors' shares |
Charles, B F | 10/01/1873 | friendly chatter |
Charles, B F | 31/08/1873 | friendly chatter |
Charles, B F | 12/08/1873 | friendly chatter |
Charles, B F | 15/01/1873 | friendly chatter |
Charles, B F | 02/11/1873 | friendly chatter |
Charles, B F | 18/03/1873 | friendly chatter |
Charles, N F | 23/05/1871 | congratulates on prize, general |
Charles, N F | 30/05/1871 | pleasures of Whitsuntide while HSF sits the Wherwell scholarship |
Charles, R | 1930/11/24 | on death of Mrs Foxwell |
Charles, R F | 1930/12/30 | general chat |
Charles, R F | 21/02/1879 | on a Foxwell death |
Charles, R F | 30/10/1889 | academic gossip |
Charles, R F | 24/10/1889 | asks about candidate for job |
Charles, R F | 25/01/1885 | asks HSF to help cousin get university living |
Charles, R F | 04/05/1882 | re London extension system |
Charles, R F | 1922/10/18 | on dath of HSF's brother |
Charles, R F | 1923/1/4 | on Ernest Foxwell's papers etc |
Charles, R F | 1926/1/29 | on death of Rushbrooke |
Charles, R F | 26/10/1881 | re application for lectureship etc |
Charles, R F | ??/??/1870 | on HSF's, Rushbrooke's and others' success etc |
Charles, R F | 22/12/1870 | congratulates HSF, people, general chat |
Charles, R F | 05/06/1876 | thanks HSF for testimonial, general chat |
Charles, R F | 24/06/1876 | going to stand for head mastership, his lectures, asks HSF for testimonial |
Charles, R F | 26/07/1876 | didn't get job, 200 candidates, general chat |
Charles, R F | 1900/11/7 | on Marjorie's birth |
Charles, R F | 01/10/1872 | friends and arrangements |
Charles, R F | 01/01/1872 | re enclosed letter (443/19) |
Charles, R F | 03/04/1872 | re schools and raising standards |
Charles, R F | 27/11/1881 | re nomination to lectureship |
Charles, R F | 12/10/1881 | re applying for lectureship |
Charles, R F | 13/11/1881 | his papers to Extension Board |
Charles, R F | 12/01/1873 | sends a legend |
Charles, R F | 02/06/1874 | school concert, Sidgwick and Marshall |
Charles, R F | 10/05/1874 | congratulates on fellowship, people etc |
Charles, R F | 26/03/1874 | on HSF ailment, amusing chat |
Charles, R F | 02/11/1874 | re some HSF cussess |
Charles, R F | 28/07/1875 | on German trip etc |
Charles, Robert F | 1936/8/4 | to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death |
Charlesworth, Emily A | 1936/8/10 | to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death |
Charlesworth, Martin | 24/03/???? | asks HSF to clear room at St John's |
Charlesworth, Phyllis | 1936/8/5 | to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death |
Charlie ? | 17/4/1868 | general chat |
Charnley, W | 05/08/1889 | to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Charrington, John | 09/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China | 1910/7/1 | copy of Hsu’s report |
Chartered Institute of Secretaries | 1923/2/20 | enquiry re HSF lectures |
Chartered Institute of Secretaries | 1909/1/1 | asks HSF to lecture |
Chase, G A | 1923/9/30 | social |
Chatterjee, S | 1927/10/26 | social |
Chatterji, P K | 1913/12/26 | thanks HSF for testimonial and help |
Chatterji, P K | 1913/12/6 | explains poor results and asks for testimonial |
Chatterji, P K | 1913/12/12 | re his testimonial, his life in England |
Chee K | 1910/7/8 | asks about branch banking |
Cheltenham Ladies College | 1916/8/3 | sends prospectus |
Cheltenham Ladies College | 1916/8/10 | acknowledges HSF's application |
Cheltenham Ladies College | 1916/8/11 | no vacancies in house |
Cheltenham Ladies College | 1916/8/10 | no vacancies in house |
Cheltenham Ladies College | 1916/8/17 | daughters on waiting list |
Cheltenham Ladies College | 1916 | details of houses |
Cheltenham Ladies College | 1916 | details of houses |
Chen, Chin-tao | 1914/7/21 | general chat |
Chen, Chin-tao | 1914/7/20 | re appointments |
Chen, Chin-tao | 1914/7/16 | re appointments |
Chen, Chintas | 1911/5/17 | note able to see HSF |
Chen, Chinto | 1914/4/6 | asks to meet HSF |
Chen, W C | 1920/6/26 | re Hsu's career |
Cheng S J | 1921/12/5 | thanks for arranging visits to banks |
Cheng, S J | 16/11/1921 | Cheng's book, article for EJ etc |
Cheng, S J | 08/09/1921 | thanks HSF for letters of introduction |
Cheng, S J | 22/07/1921 | re Cheng's book and review in EJ |
Cheng, S J | 1919/6/20 | thanks for introduction |
Cheng, S J | 1921/6/18 | to meet HSF |
Chesnay, L | 1916/6/9 | on Anglo-French loan by the US |
Chevalier, John | 20/07/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Chevassus, C | 13/11/1886 | on silver question and £ |
Chevassus, C | 09/03/1886 | on silver question and £ |
Chevassus, C | 13/01/1886 | re paper on silver |
Chevassus, C | 28/02/1886 | silver question |
Chevassus, C | 06/05/1886 | silver question |
Chin T Chen | 1912/9/4 | social |
China Association | 1931/9/22 | report of meeting on the Silver Question |
China Association | 1931/9/1 | re meeting on the Silver Question |
Chinese Legation | 1914/8/19 | Dr Chen wants to see HSF |
Chit Chat Club | 1872-1874 | 55 PCs on meetings and speakers |
Choune, Gerard and others | 1913/2/19 | re proposed move of Savile Club from 107 Piccadilly |
Christian Social Union | 1914/1/10 | re HSF letter in the Times |
Christopher’s Working Boys’ Club | 1918/10/1 | thanks HSF for contribution |
Christophers T | 28/8/1897 | Klondyke discoveries & bimetallism |
Christophers T | 6/9/1897 | socal |
Christophers T | 21/08/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Christophers, J Leo | 29/09/1895 | re trip to top of Snowdon |
Christophers, Theo | 17/10/1895 | general chat |
Christophers, Theo | 25/03/1897 | enclosed papers etc |
Christophers, Theo | 14/11/1895 | coming to Cambridge |
Christophers, Wm | 03/02/1865 | re silkworms |
Christ's College | 25/05/1887 | depreciation in the external income of the colleges |
Christ's College Cambridge | ??/04/1920 | ntoice about dissolving the Ambarum Club |
Chubb, Hammond to W T Agar | 16/10/1883 | praises HSF's book critisicm but cannot accept for Bankers' Journal |
Church Furniture Manufactory | 02/05/1868 | hire of BA gown and cap |
Church Furniture Manufactory | 23/04/1866 | cost of robes etc |
Church Furniture Manufactory | 25/04/1866 | cost of robes etc |
Church Furniture Manufactory | 01/06/1867 | cost of robes etc |
Churchill, E F | 1898/9/22 | re classes in political economy |
Churchill, E J | 1901/7/22 | thanks HSF for help from lectures |
Churchill, W H | 12/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Churchill, Winston | | flyer for The World Crisis |
City of Cardiff Education Committee | 1920/8/30 | thanks for help selecting staff |
City of Cardiff Education Committee | 1920/3/9 | asks HSf to be on a selection panel |
City of Cardiff Education Committee | 1920/3/12 | re election to Head of Commerce Cardiff Tech College |
City of Liverpool | 1923/6/7 | re head of Liverpool School of Commerce |
City of Liverpool | 1923/4/24 | re Headship of School of Commerce |
City of San Paulo - Land Company | 1930/7/23 | directors' report |
City of San Paulo - Land Company | 1929/10/29 | share certificate |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1918/12/13 | re meeting of debenture holders |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1915/6/5 | re meeting of debenture holders |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1915/6/5 | re meeting of debenture holders |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1915/11/29 | re meeting of debenture holders |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1911/11/9 | offer of bonds |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921 | scheme of arrangement |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1929/1/28 | report to investors |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1923/11/20 | report of directors |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921/3/10 | re scheme of arrangement |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921/3/15 | re conduct of meeting |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921/5/31 | re circular on company |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1922/9/22 | director's report and balance sheet |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1920/9/16 | unable to pay interest |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1920/9/16 | director's report |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1920 | High Court ruling and scheme of arrangement |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921/4/4 | exchange of debentures for shares |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921/4/4 | re their accounts etc |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1923/12/5 | notice of EGM |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921/5/11 | re his debentures |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921/5/18 | re his certificates |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1920/12/20 | re scheme of arrangement |
City of Sao Paulo Freehold Land Co | 1921/5/13 | share certificate |
Civil Serivce Commission | 1905/1/1 | asks HSF to be examiner |
Civil Service Commission | 1901/10/30 | re exam questions |
Civil Service Commission | 1901/9/5 | payment for help |
Civil Service Commission | 1905 | PE papers |
Civil Service Commission | 1901/1/18 | Inspector of Factories exams |
Civil Service Commission | 1901/7/22 | Inspector of Factories exams |
Civil Service Commission | 1902/5/8 | Inspector of Factories exams |
Civil Service Commission | 1902/9/17 | Inspector of Factories exams |
Civil Service of India | Aug 1893 | exam timetable |
Clanchy, Gil | 23/10/1880 | cannot see HSF for a while |
Clanchy, Gil | 23/11/1880 | rendez-vous |
Clanchy, Gil | 17/11/1880 | possible meetings |
Clapham J H | 1909/3/15 | 32 Cambridge Mays |
Clapham J H | 1916/6/2 | apologies to HSF & criticisms over remarks about Keynes |
Clapham J H | 1916/5/27 | re Keynes, Pigou etc |
Clapham J H | 1917/5/9 | re some Cambridge exams |
Clapham J H | 1912/9/24 | papers & social |
Clapham J H | 30/9/1897 | Manchester Economic Club paper |
Clapham J H | 1920/5/5 | PC _ meeting on Mays exams |
Clapham J H | 1920/5/7 | PC _ re meeting |
Clapham J H | 1915/12/17 | points on HSF article in EJ |
Clapham J H | 1915/10/31 | standard of marking & his results in 1895 |
Clapham J H | 1919/10/3 | payment of examiners |
Clapham, J A | 29-Jan | re his articles |
Clapham, J H | 1936/3/30 | nominations for British Academy |
Clapham, J H | ??/07/1934 | British Academy Business |
Clapham, J H | 1923/9/11 | re history of acceptance houses |
Clapham, J H | 1919/10/5 | re St John's exams etc |
Clapham, J H | 1934/12/14 | elections to the British Academy |
Clapham, J H | 1936/1/24 | re British Academy |
Clapham, J H | 1915/11/9 | on exam marks |
Clapham, J H | 1915/11/11 | on exam marks |
Clapham, J H | 1902/5/27 | re exam papers |
Clapham, J H | 1902/11/3 | re exam papers |
Clapham, J H | 1917/11/11 | re HSF's exam marks |
Clapham, J H | 1904/6/21 | re candidates |
Clapham, J H | 1915/12/19 | capital exports, exports, trade unions, pacifists, war preparations etc |
Clapham, J H | 1915/12/24 | argument on politics, trade union blight and exports, the war, Haldane |
Clapham, J H | 1916/5/12 | re examiners |
Clapham, J H | 1916/6/5 | re appeal for retaining Pigou |
Clapham, J H | 1917/7/25 | re last note |
Clapham, J H | 1911/5/29 | re supervising exams |
Clapham, J H | 1909/5/12 | re May economics papers |
Clapham, J H | 1909/6/8 | re examiner's meeting |
Clapham, J H | 1909/6/9 | re examiner's meeting |
Clapham, J H | 1909/6/11 | re examiner's meeting |
Clapham, J H | 1913/5/7 | examiner's meeting |
Clapham, J H | 1913/5/9 | re HSF's exam paper |
Clapham, J H | 1911/5/18 | examiner's meeting |
Clapham, J H | 1917/7/15 | exam paper |
Clapham, J H | 1903/4/18 | re exam questions |
Clapham, J H | 1915/5/28 | re examiner's bill |
Clapham, J H | 1916/5/29 | re dispute over a Keynes letter |
Clara | 29/12/1881 | thanks for views and hopes to meet |
Clara | 29/12/1881 | thanks for views and flatters |
Clara | 01/02/1889 | dressmaking chat etc |
Clara | 04/02/1889 | thanks HSF for money |
Clara | 17/02/1889 | re visit to London |
Clara | 09/05/1889 | thanks for book, approaches from Dr Johnson |
Clara | 04/03/1889 | general chat |
Clara | 04/04/1889 | re worries about Dr Johnson and approaches |
Clara | 30/04/1889 | affairs of the heart etc |
Clara | 20/05/1889 | re Adie's diptheria etc |
Clara | 18/05/1889 | Adie and Clara's diptheria and reassures HSF |
Clara | 01/07/1889 | affairs of the heart etc |
Clara | 08/07/1889 | general friendly chat |
Clara | 10/01/1890 | re trip and return |
Clara, G | 13/07/1884 | general chat |
Clara, G | 13/01/1890 | HSF ill, general chat |
Clare College | 1907/11/18 | PC re fees |
Clare College | 1906/1/16 | pays HSF |
Clarendon Press | 1921/10/5 | asks about Prof E H Palmer |
Clarendon Press | 1921/10/14 | asks about Prof E H Palmer |
Claridge, W | 24/07/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Clark E C | 1911/5/2 | points on Australian referendum |
Clark J N | 1910/11/21 | donation to Cambridge Uni Library |
Clark Sidney W | 1917/8/18 | re post-war price levels |
Clark Sir Ernest | 1910/10/13 | lectures to Institute of Secretaries |
Clark, A E | 13/09/???? | room bookings |
Clark, E C | 06/02/1887 | asks HSF to examine in Whewell Scholarship |
Clark, E C | 17/05/1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Clark, Ernest | 1917/1/19 | pc on Premium Bonds |
Clark, J W | 19/10/1882 | thanks HSF for a subscription |
Clark, J W | ??/??/1891 | thanks HSF for support re an appointment |
Clark, J W | 08/02/1883 | re some memorial |
Clark, J W | 14/10/1880 | re a book |
Clark, J W | 11/05/1881 | thanks for Ridber's catalogue |
Clark, John B | 1911/8/7 | to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living |
Clark, Mary | 03/12/1883 | social |
Clark, Mary Alleyne | 29/10/1882 | thanks for Cambridge visit etc |
Clark, Mary F | 08/02/1897 | introduces a friend |
Clark, Mary F | 11/02/1897 | about a friend |
Clark, Sidney G | 1936/8/7 | to Audrey on HSF's death |
Clarke Sir Ernest | 1917/6/11 | re Bury School |
Clarke Sir Ernest | 1917/7/21 | re death of Prof Clark etc |
Clarke Sir Ernest | 1916/4/3 | Premium Bonds |
Clarke Sir Ernest | 1916/3/31 | gold question & premium bonds |
Clarke Sir Ernest | 1908/12/15 | re lectures for Institute of Secretaries |
Clarke Sir Ernest | 1908/12/12 | re lectures for Institute of Secretaries |
Clarke, Ernest | 1917/2/12 | re sale of war bonds |
Clarke, Ernest | 30/05/1897 | wants to present picture of Lord Somerville to the Combination Room |
Clarke, Ernest | 23/02/1898 | re Playfair's charts on wheat prices |
Clarke, Ernest | 1930/7/29 | re an HSF appointment |
Clarke, Fred W | 27/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Clarke, Hyde | 10/04/1886 | re Economic Society business |
Clarke, Hyde | 14/04/1886 | re Economic Society business |
Clarke, James | 27/09/1895 | wants pedigree for case Foxwell v van Grutten |
Clarke, James | 01/10/1895 | provides pedigree - attached |
Clarke, May E | 25/08/1891 | announcement of daughter's marriage |
Clarke, Sir Ernest | 1916/3/16 | re a quote by Jevons |
Clay ? | 7/10/1879 | re book |
Clay, C J | 20/05/1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Clay, Mary H to Olive Foxwell | 13/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Claydon, C B | 10/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Clear Walter W | 1913/8/13 | thank you letter |
Clifford J H | 1916/5/31 | HSF’s article in EJ: continuous borrowing |
Clint, L | 23/07/1889 | to Ball supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Clinton, G to Olive Foxwell | 02/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Close Bros & Co | 14/10/1896 | letters to the Times |
Close, W B | 01/08/1894 | introduces W G Peckham |
Clough, Anne J | 08/12/1878 | re tutor for 17 or 18 year old |
Co op Wholesale Society | 12/12/1888 | re meeting with HSF |
Co op Wholesale Society | 12/12/1888 | re meeting with HSF |
Co op Wholesale Society | 10/01/1888 | re HSF address |
Co;e A C | 1910/12/28 | social |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919/4/30 | precis of HSF's evidence |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919/4/23 | HSF not to appear |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919/4/22 | asks for precis of evidence |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919/4/11 | asks for precis of evidence |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919/4/4 | asks HSF for evidence |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919/3/20 | Interim Report |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919/3/20 | Interim Report |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919/3/20 | Report |
Coal Industry Commission | 1919 | evidence and other papers |
Coalling & Son | 26/06/1898 | inventory and valuation of Harvey Road fixtures etc |
Coape-Arnold, H F J | 24/07/1889 | to Main supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Coats, A W | 1965/3/15 | to Audrey Foxwell, to visit to see HSF's papers |
Coats, A W | 1965/3/19 | to Audrey Foxwell, despite "gloomy predictions" will visit |
Coats, A W | 1965/5/19 | to Audrey Foxwell, asks about HSF's diaries |
Coats, A W | 1965/4/21 | to Audrey Foxwell, on HSF papers etc |
Coats, A W | 1965/2/27 | to Audrey Foxwell, re Clara Collet letters |
Coats, A W | 1965/4/15 | to Audrey Foxwell, re Clara Collet papers etc |
Coats, A W | 1965/3/26 | to Audrey Foxwell, re HSF papers etc |
Coats, A W | 1965/7/12 | to Audrey Foxwell, re his articles |
Coats, A W | 1965/6/2 | re HSF diaries, Harvard letters |
Coats, A W | 1965/8/24 | to AF re quote from HSF letter |
Coats, A W | 1965/8/9 | to AF re his article on RES |
Cobb, Bernard F | 02/12/1893 | social |
Cobb, Elizabeth | 16/05/1886 | re meeting on co-operatives |
Cobb, G F | 08/12/1874 | re Trinity College organ |
Cobb, G F | 25/03/1894 | invitation to dinner |
Cobb, G F | 04/10/1893 | social |
Cobb, G F | 18/01/1897 | pc social |
Cobb, G F | 18/10/1891 | invites HSF to Feast at Trinity College |
Cobb, G F | 05/05/1895 | social card |
Cobb, G F | 1872 | social |
Cobb, G F | 1872 | medicine for neurolgia |
Cobb, G F | 1872 | social |
Cobb, G F | 12/02/1890 | social |
Cobb, G F | 05/05/1891 | social |
Cobb, Gerard F | 30/04/1898 | PC social |
Cobb, S F | 17/07/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Cobb, S F | 4-Nov | congratulates HSF on fellowship |
Cobden Club | 14/02/1894 | speech by Thomas Hanbury |
Cockarell, Douglas | 1907/2/21 | binding of tracts |
Cockcroft, J | 1933/3/9 | re reviewing HSF's staircase |
Cockerell Sydney C | 1922/2/6 | re Vatican volumes _ possible purchase by Fitzwilliam Museum |
Cockerell, Douglas | 1914/8/27 | re problems of book binding trade |
Cockerell, Douglas | 1914/5/23 | re problems of book binding trade |
Cockerell, Douglas | 1901/12/17 | book binding |
Cockerell, Sydney C | 2019/11/8 | re some project (Fitzwilliam Museum) |
Cockerell, Sydney C | 1920/8/14 | re books for Fitzwilliam |
Cockerell, Sydney C | 1913/5/17 | social |
Cockerell, Sydney C | 1923/8/3 | re Alan Beeton's picture |
Cockerell, Sydney C | 1923/7/20 | re Alan Beeton's picture |
Cockerill, Sydney C | 1923/8/4 | to Beeton re picture by Beeton's son |
Coffa, Luigi | 19/08/1891 | PC re details of HSF's library |
Cofra, Luigi | 20/12/1887 | PC sends HSF book |
Cohen, Arthur | 09/04/1888 | asks HSF re credit and history of credit in England |
Cohen, G (UCL) | 1925/3/30 | teaching hours |
Colbert J R | 1924/3/2 | re article on German currency |
Colbert, John R | 1924/5/21 | foreign exchanges figures |
Cole A C | 1916/7/23 | re suspension of cash payments |
Cole A C | 1918/3/27 | re talks with Bank Governor |
Cole Ethel | ? | asked to be excused lectures |
Cole, ? | 1936/8/5 | cablegram from Canada to Audrey on HSF's death |
Cole, A C | 1916/7/25 | social |
Cole, A C | 1915/2/23 | Bank of England gold payments and USA exchange |
Cole, A C | 1916/2/17 | on Bank of England policy |
Cole, A C | 1917/10/27 | social |
Cole, A C | 1917/11/2 | social |
Cole, A C | 1917/10/20 | social |
Cole, A C | 1917/10/14 | social |
Cole, A C | 1917/10/10 | social |
Cole, A C | 1918/1/19 | re 1844 Bank Act |
Cole, A C | 1918/3/30 | on gold reserves |
Cole, A C | 06/04/1894 | re book, gold question |
Cole, A C | 13/06/1895 | bimetallism, and encl letter from Robert Benson on the subject |
Cole, A C | 12/03/1894 | bimetallism questions |
Cole, A C | 14/03/1894 | bimetallism questions |
Cole, A C | 1917/12/12 | general chat |
Cole, A C | 1917/11/11 | general chat |
Cole, A C | 1917/11/20 | re some Bank of England matter |
Cole, A C | 30/05/1895 | grain prices, bimetallism |
Cole, A C | 08/05/1895 | wheat prices |
Cole, A C | 26/05/1895 | socia |
Cole, A C | 15/05/1895 | re bimetallism |
Cole, A C | 1911/1/26 | re Candidates Committee |
Cole, A C | 1915/3/3 | position of US etc |
Cole, A C | 28/05/1896 | Bank of England Act etc |
Cole, A C | 1916/4/17 | thanks HSF for article, general chat |
Cole, A C | 1919/4/16 | on HSF's book |
Cole, A C | 1916/2/19 | social |
Cole, A C | 1905/4/6 | re regulations of Bank of England |
Cole, Arthur H | 1932/9/21 | re Scott and library cards |
Cole, Arthur H | 1931/7/11 | re Godwin item |
College Mission to Walworth | | re appeal |
College of Preceptors | 1922/10/28 | papers for Ernest Foxwell |
Collet Clara | 1919/9/2 | interesting political chat |
Collet, C E | 1903/1/13 | paper on London University enquiry |
Collet, Clara | 16/01/1935 | re note by Collet on Rev J Yates etc |
Collet, Clara | 1922/9/3 | re UCL Economics Club |
Collet, Clara | 10/09/1892 | asks HSF whether Sydney Webb could become member of the Economic Club |
Collet, Clara | 1908/6/9 | on Pigou's election, asks for help on economics |
Collet, Clara | 1940/6/15 | to AF PC re Kress Library publications, O Higgs |
Collet, Clara | 1940/7/27 | to AF re O Higgs and H Higgs book |
Collet, Clara E | 01/06/1895 | re article of HSF on fluctuations and prices |
Collet, Clara E | 1931/8/13 | social |
Collet, Clara E | 1919/9/14 | on Audrey's future education |
Collet, Clara E | 16/07/1890 | re new economic society at UCL |
Collet, Clara E | 09/11/1890 | re new economic society at UCL |
Collet, Clara E | 24/10/1890 | re new economic society at UCL |
Collet, Clara E | 23/10/1890 | re new economic society at UCL |
Collet, Clara E | 17/10/1890 | re new economic society at UCL |
Collet, Clara E | 08/07/1890 | re new economic society at UCL |
Collet, Clara E | 25/10/1886 | asks HSF for help to get job |
Collet, Clara E | 08/06/1886 | re job prospects |
Collet, Clara E | 1902/10/20 | re attack on Sydney Webb and his political influence at LSE |
Collet, Clara E | 18/01/1892 | meeting of Denison Club |
Collet, Clara E | 17/07/1895 | women loom workers and industial history of women |
Collet, Clara E | 14/03/1898 | re students |
Collet, Clara E | 1910/1/7 | asks HSF to come to a seminar at the Spencer |
Collet, Clara E | 22/06/1898 | history notes on Leeds' industry |
Collet, Clara E | 1919/6/2 | social |
Collet, Clara E | 1907/2/7 | re appeal for the Craft School |
Collet, Clara E | 27/03/1897 | re HSDF paper for Club |
Collet, Clara E | 23/03/1897 | re paper to Economic Club |
Collet, Clara E | 20/01/1892 | re her position in the COS |
Collet, Clara E | 1902/4/23 | re examination proposals |
Collet, Clara E | 1902/7/24 | re examination proposals |
Collet, Clara E | 1902/4/26 | to Olive, examination schemes |
Collet, Clara E | 1902/4/28 | re appointment of lecturers etc |
Collet, Clara E | 17/10/1897 | re dining rules at UCL |
Collet, Clara E | 1941/6/18 | to AF not to sell HSF's letters, insure for £500 |
Collet, Clara E | 1941/6/22 | to AF re Marshall letter 1908, HSF's tea things, Keynes |
Collet, Clara E | 1940/7/4 | to AF re Owen Higgs, Bibliography |
Collet, Clara E | 1940/8/20 | to AF re her piece on H Higgs for EJ |
Collet, Clara E | 1940/8/20 | to AF piece on Henry Higgs |
Collet, Clara E | 1940/12/28 | to AF re Higgs' papers and piece on Higgs |
Collet, Clara E | | to AF on Higgs' poverty, Owen Higgs to send his papers to Audrey |
Collet, Clara E | 1940/6/1 | to AF asks about Henry Henry Higgs |
Collet, Clara E | 27/10/1896 | PC notice of meeting |
Collet, Clara R | 16/06/1892 | re her notes on industrial history of Leeds |
Collett Clara | 1/10/1897 | standard of PE Club meetings |
Collett Clara | 1911/9/16 | re paper to Economic Club |
Collett Clara | 1911/10/8 | future generations |
Collingham, H | 1926/3/11 | re article on W G Rushbrooke |
Collins Wm Sons & Co | 1913/2/17 | re book on Capital & Labour |
Collins, J R | 1920/3/12 | to Jowett thanking for introduction to HSF |
Collins, Jas K | 1920/7/12 | unable to go to Cambridge |
Collins, Jas K | 1920/7/7 | Australian Treasurer wishes to see HSF |
Collins, Jas R | 1920/7/1 | to see HSF at LSE |
Collins, Jas R | 1920/7/14 | cannot see HSF, has to meet Governor-General Designate for Australia |
Collins, T C | 05/03/1891 | re Civil Service Exams and Italian |
Colman, Jeremiah | 01/07/1882 | re son's further education |
Colman, Jeremiah | 12/12/1882 | re start of a National Liberal Club |
Colman, Jeremiah | 23/07/1882 | general |
Colston, F H | 28//11/1930 | card on Olive's death |
Columbia University | 1903-05 | handbook on courses |
Columbia University Library | 1911/7/20 | thanks HSF for loan of books |
Columbia University Library | 1911/6/27 | re loan of books |
Comite International de secours aux San Travail | 1907/8/11 | asks HSF to contribute to publications |
Commercial and Financial Chronicle | 1908/5/2 | re query on Financial Reviews |
Commercial Intelligence | 1923/3/30 | sends HSF specimen copies of Commercial Intelligence |
Commite Central de Statistique, St Petersburg | 1904/1/25 | appointment of director |
Committee for Economics | 1906 | annual report for 1905/6 |
Committee of One Hundred | 1909 | re book on vitality |
Committee on Sound Currency | 09/12/1897 | sending HSF books on sound currency |
Congres Monetaire | 1889 | letter to bimetalilsts |
Congres National de la Ligne de la Jeune-Republic | 1920/3/3 | notice on the Congres |
Connell Eva (Bright) | 1911/6/6 | family: Whitehall Review: politicians |
Connell, Eva | 27/05/1911 | re daughter's entry to LSE |
Cons, Emma | 04/01/1888 | asks HSF to speak at a conference |
Conservation and Unionist Assoc | 1926/11/4 | asks HSF to join |
Conservative Party | 1921/11/8 | asks for funds |
Conservative Society | 1922/10/7 | meeting flyer |
Consolo E | 1917/11/17 | re Banca Commerciale Italiana books |
Constable W G | 1919/1/30 | general chat |
Constable W G | 1918/1/1 | Henry James etc |
Constable W G | 1911/11/22 | re employment at Board of Trade |
Constable W G | 1913/2/23 | re Straker’s Money Market |
Constable W G | 1912/11/11 | book borrowing |
Constable W G | 1913/11/12 | re fellowship thesis |
Constable W G | 1919/5/30 | social |
Constable W G | 1918/6/6 | social etc |
Constable W G | 1918/1/17 | social |
Constable W G | 1917/8/29 | personal |
Constable, W G | 1913/11/15 | re appointment with HSF |
Constable, W G | 1918/3/18 | on his health |
Constable, W G | 1918/3/29 | general chat |
Constable, W G | 1918/4/27 | re books |
Constable, W G | 1912/11/8 | social |
Constable, W G | 1913/5/13 | re Indian currency |
Constable, W G | 1913/2/28 | re Indian Chair |
Constable, W G | 1913/2/28 | general |
Constable, W G | 1913/5/1 | general |
Constable, W G | 1914/10/27 | on OTC camp |
Constable, W G | 1917/10/14 | attack on socialism, protection, financial management and his prospects |
Constable, W G | 1918/3/13 | on his health and job outlook |
Constable, W G | 1913/6/14 | re nature of government debt |
Constable, W G | 1913/6/9 | some questions on economics |
Constable, W G | 1913/6/4 | to discuss Indian currency etc |
Constitutional Club | 06/03/1889 | flyer on meeting on bimetallism |
Consygedd Hotel Bournmouth | 1925/8/20 | books rooms for HSF |
Consygedd Hotel Bournmouth | 1931/8/28 | books rooms for HSF and hotel bills for several years |
Conti, Eliza | 1931/12/20 | PC to AF re a pensione |
Cook Thomas Ltd | 1910/8/8 | re holiday |
Cook E | 16/3/1883 | re exams for London |
Cook E T | 2/8/1883 | re lecturing in London |
Cook Thomas Ltd | 1910/8/5 | re holiday |
Cook Thomas Ltd | 1910/8/5 | re holiday |
Cook Thomas Ltd | 1910/8/3 | re holiday |
Cook Thomas Ltd | 1910/8/3 | re holiday |
Cook, E T | 19/01/1887 | asks HSF to write article on English version of Das Kapital for Pall Mall Gazette |
Cook, E T | 23/11/1882 | re expenses for London Society for the Extension of University Teaching |
Cook, E T | 28/01/1882 | exams for Battersea Centre |
Cook, E T | 06/05/1887 | on HSF article for Pall Mall Gazette |
Cook, E T | 09/11/1885 | business of London Society for the Extension of University Teaching |
Cook, Mrs Arthur | ? | sincerest sympathy |
Cooke, J H | 19/02/1883 | re fees at Non-Collegiate Students Board |
Cooke, J H | 23/02/1883 | re dispute over fees |
Coole, C A | 27/07/1889 | to Arthur supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Cooper Henry | 1911/7/1 | re testimonial |
Cooper, ? | 20/02/1884 | re HSF lecture |
Cooper, C J | 16/11/1875 | re studies |
Cooper, C J | 1922/10/19 | on death of friend |
Cooper, C J | 1916/4/7 | praise for HSF's article in the Economic Journal |
Cooper, C J | 22/06/1883 | re application for chair in Sydney |
Cooper, Gertrude E | 1933/3/16 | thanks HSF for money sent to her mother |
Cooper, Henry | 1911/3/16 | job at Bank of England |
Cooper, Henry | 1912/2/15 | social |
Cooper, Henry | 1911/6/28 | asks for testimonial |
Cooper, J | 20/09/1882 | re a Jevons manuscript |
Co-operative Holidays Association | 1911/7/1 | re their exams |
Co-Operative Hulders | 1889 | first Annual Report and Accounts |
Co-operative Printing Company Ltd | 23/02/1888 | re number of copies of HSF lecture |
Cooperative Union | 1920/7/19 | annual reports |
Co-operative Union Limited | 22/09/1890 | asks HSF for paper on PE |
Co-operative Wholesale Society | 17/10/1887 | asks HSF to speak |
Co-operative Wholesale Society | 17/10/1887 | asks HSF to speak |
Co-operative Wholesale Society | 28/11/1889 | re scholarship at Oriel |
Co-operative Wholesale Society | 21/03/1894 | asks HSF to write article on trade for their journal |
Co-Operative Wholesale Society Ltd | 29/08/1893 | sends HSF pair of boots |
Co-Operative Wholesale Society Ltd | 08/05/1893 | re some books |
Coote & Warren | 1900/12/4 | re supply of coal |
Co-Partnership Farms Ltd | ??/04/1906 | re their aims |
Co-Partnership Tenants Limited | 1912/2/23 | prospectus etc |
Co-Partnership Tenants Limited | 1910/10/28 | shareoffer |
Cope, Emmie | 19/10/1880 | HSF 'naughty sometimes', wants photo |
Cope, Emmie | 14/09/1880 | rendez-vous, photo for HSF |
Cope, Emmie | 27/09/1880 | not had photo done yet |
Cope, Emmie | 19/09/1880 | cannot see HSF until Wednesday |
Cope, Emmie | 05/10/1880 | friendly chat and meetings |
Corbett, J F | 16/02/1893 | bimetallism issues |
Corbett, W A | 11/01/1895 | asks HSF for reference |
Corbett, W A | 18/07/1894 | asks for testimonial |
Corbett, W A | 28/05/1894 | re testimonial for job in Bangor |
Corbett, W A | 29/05/1894 | his education |
Corder, Rosa | 29/11/1882 | trip to Cambridge and hope of a guided tour by HSF |
Corder, Rosa | 29/11/1882 | trip to Cambridge and thanks for offer of guide |
Corfield, W H | 22/06/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Cornall, E B | 31/01/1880 | re Indian Civil Service lectures |
Cornish, A | 23/06/1898 | student letter on exams |
Corsygedd Hotel Barmouth | 1930/8/26 | re room booking |
Corsygedol Hotel Bournmouth | | booklet on the hotel |
Cory, Robt | 03/08/1889 | to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Cossa, Emilio | 26/05/1896 | in Italian |
Cotterell-Tupp, A | 25/09/1895 | bimetallic business |
Cotton C W E | 1920/6/17 | sale of his commercial handbook |
Coulton, G G | 1930/12/2 | on death of Mrs Foxwell |
Coulton, G G | 1930/11/26 | on death of Mrs Foxwell |
Coulton, G G | 1936/8/14 | to AF on HSF's death |
Coulton, G G | 1929/7/4 | PC re meeeting |
County Hotel, Malvern | 1938/2/4 | advertises hotel |
Courtenay, L | 24/01/1883 | re Jevons' memorial |
Courtenay, Leonard | 06/05/1886 | Statistical Society Business |
Courtenay, Leonard | 1902/4/16 | cannot sign petition to Senate |
Courteney, L | 29-May | social |
Courteney, L | 29-May | re going to ballet |
Courteney, Leonard | 1892 | copy of letter to H Gibbs on silver question |
Courteney, Leonard | 28/06/1882 | P E Club |
Courtney L | 27/10/1894 | letter to Houldsworth on Farrer’s article |
Courtney, Leonard | ? | general chat |
Courtney, Leonard | 18/12/1890 | re a lecture on socialism |
Courtney, Leonard | 14/10/1890 | re Gant for St John's |
Courtney, Leonard | 15/10/1890 | re Gant for St John's |
Courtney, Leonard | 13/02/1890 | re letter on bimetallism |
Courtney, Leonard | 24/02/1893 | India Office, Tripos, P E Club etc |
Courtney, Leonard | 09/12/1889 | re an article in the Times |
Courtney, Leonard | 03/08/1889 | re letter from S Taylor |
Courtney, Leonard | 28/01/1889 | thanks HSF for article |
Courtney, Leonard | 1911/7/22 | to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living |
Courtney, Leonard to Sir William ? | 27/10/1894 | (copy) re reply to Lord Farrer |
Cousins A | 1921/7/2 | sub to CU Music Society |
Cousins, J Ratcliffe | 01/09/1895 | asks HSF about bimetallism |
Cowell, E B | 10/11/1882 | re 'poor Palmer' |
Cox Harold | 1920/1/29 | re review of Keynes’s book |
Cox Harold | 1911/1/10 | asks for help for job |
Cox Harold | 1920/9/10 | public debt, prices & HSF letter to The Times |
Cox Harold | 1918/4/16 | anti Sidney Webb |
Cox Harold | 1922/8/1 | HSF’s testimonial at LSE |
Cox Harold | 24/1/11923 | query on books |
Cox W A | 1922/12/18 | general chat |
Cox & Sons | March 1866 | catalogue of clerical clothes |
Cox, E R | 15/03/1890 | re poll taxes |
Cox, E R | 11/03/1890 | re poll taxes |
Cox, Harold | 1918/6/17 | control of universities by Board of Education |
Cox, Harold | 08/03/1884 | law of diminishing returns |
Cox, Harold | 22/02/1884 | re French economic book |
Cox, Harold | 27/02/1884 | co-operative societies |
Cox, Harold | 09/04/1888 | asks for testimonial |
Cox, Harold | 1922/8/12 | on HSF's work prospects etc |
Cox, Harold | 1910/6/28 | asks HSF to be London County Council rep at LSE |
Cox, Harold | 11/06/1894 | bimetallism |
Cox, Harold | 08/06/1894 | quantity of money and prices |
Cox, Harold | 03/04/1889 | re an inspectorate, book on economic philosophy |
Cox, Harold | 13/03/1889 | bimetallism |
Cox, Harold | 21/03/1889 | quantity theory |
Cox, Harold | 1911/7/6 | re HSF as rep of London County Council at LSE |
Cox, Harold | 1911/1/14 | re HSF's position on selection |
Cox, Harold | 1924/9/18 | re Miss Grew and Old Age Pension |
Cox, Harold | 1924/9/15 | re Miss Grew and National Benevolent etc |
Cox, Harold | 1922/11/16 | re proposed article on Swiss financial system |
Cox, I S | 22/01/1893 | thanks HSF for valuable autographs |
Cox, J S | 05/02/1894 | re some books |
Cox, W A | 11/07/1895 | on HSF's marriage |
Cox, W A | 1913/2/6 | asks about Mason and his philosophy |
Cox, W A | 1913/2/13 | re Mason and his philosophy |
Cox, W A | 1901/10/15 | re a church appointment |
Cox, W A | 27/10/1887 | on the new statute 57 |
Cox, W A | 1922/12/5 | PC re an obituary |
Cox, W A | 1922/11/20 | PC re R F Charles |
Cox, W A | 1922/11/29 | PC re R F Charles |
Coxwell, Elsie | 24/01/1886 | social |
Coyagee J C | 1908/10/6 | asks to see HSF |
Coyagee, F H | 1923/5/4 | re entering Cambridge |
Crabtree W A | 1916/6/26 | re meeting of Melrose school |
Craddock, J | 29/12/1885 | student letter |
Cradock, H C | 16/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Craggs E H | 1919/9/26 | re coal problems |
Craggs, E H | 08/11/1919 | re artificial production, member of UCL Senate etc. |
Craggs, E H | 1920/1/31 | re law suit |
Craigie, M | 1901/6/29 | re HSF's Birmingham application |
Craigie, M | 06/08/1886 | re action of Walford estate |
Craigie, P | 1908/6/11 | sorry HSF did not get Marshall chair |
Craigie, P G | 01/01/1895 | re Royal Statistical Society meeting |
Crammond, Edgar | 30/09/1918 | re books on purchasing power of money |
Crammond, Edgar | 1917/3/9 | re his paper on British Shipping Industry |
Crammond, Edgar | 1922/12/19 | asks HSF tfor copy of lecture |
Crammond, Edgar | 1918/7/13 | re exemption from military service |
Crammond, Edgar | 1918/7/4 | re his lectures to RSA |
Crammond, Edgar | 1918/7/11 | thanks HSF for kindness etc |
Crammond, Edgar | 1919/4/14 | thanks HSF for book |
Cranage D | 1917/5/12 | local Cambridge exams |
Cranage D | 1917/5/16 | local Cambridge exams |
Cranage D H S | 1919/4/2 | re exams at Exeter |
Cranage D H S | 1911/11/24 | social |
Cranage D H S | 1918/1/22 | asks HSF to lecture to YMCA |
Cranage D H S | 1918/12/31 | views on Constable’s work |
Cranage, D | 1930/12/2 | on death of Mrs Foxwell |
Cranage, D | 1917/10/8 | re some papers |
Cranage, D H S | 1923/5/31 | social |
Cranage, D H S | 1917/4/2 | re dinner with Russian diplomat |
Cranage, D H S | 1917/4/4 | HSF unable to dine |
Cranage, D H S | 1917/4/15 | re dinner with Russian diplomat |
Cranage, D H S | 1927/12/16 | PC thanks HSF for kind letter |
Cranage, D H S | 1930/11/24 | on Olive's death |
Crawford R | 27/8/1897 | Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Crawford, Florence | 18/09/1880 | social |
Crawford, Florence | 26/09/1880 | calls HSF 'Bertie', social |
Crawford, Florence | 05/11/1880 | invitation to dinner |
Crawford, Florence | 17/08/1880 | social |
Crawford, Florrie | 28/07/1879 | social |
Crawford, J D | 09/03/1895 | re British Association Montreal meeting |
Crawford, R A | 03/11/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Crawley, Charles | 11/07/1889 | visit of working men's college |
Crawley, Charles | 16/07/1889 | visit of working men's college |
Cree, T S | 06/03/1891 | re theory of trade unions |
Creed, J M | 1927/3/29 | old documents |
Creighton, W | 05/06/1889 | asks HSF to dine with Harvard professor |
Crerar R | 1918/8/13 | acknowledges card to Drummond Fraser |
Crick, A H | 24/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Crick, W F | 1922/12/14 | on HSF's School of Oriental Studies lectures |
Crine, Clara | 1924 | to AF general chat |
Crisford, Alex Tho | 30/07/1889 | to Dunn supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Critchley, G G B | 29/01/1884 | student letter |
Crocker, H | ??/05/1889 | on excess of supply |
Crocker, K H | 14/10/1889 | governance, class, democracy etc |
Crocker, K H | 1907/7/10 | offprint of Malthus, loss of Ricardo's notes on Malthus |
Crocker, K H | 29/05/1885 | price of capital, progress |
Crocker, K H | 27/04/1885 | paper on excessive saving |
Crocker, N H | 09/02/1887 | argument about cause of depression in trade and industry |
Crocker, U H | 23/07/1885 | remedy for depression |
Crookes, Sir William | 17/01/1898 | thanks HSF for help on figures |
Croom Robertson to Hill | 09/06/1892 | re election of his successor |
Croom Robertson to Hill | 14/06/1892 | re election of his successor |
Cross, C F | 25/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Cross, E | 1932/11/18 | re HSF's book repairs |
Cross, E | 1932/8/15 | re book repairs |
Cross, E M | 1932/7/9 | setting up on his own as book restorer |
Crossley, Anne | 1900/11/10 | to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie |
Crossley, Hastings | 1918/4/23 | on his son and Cambridge |
Crossley, Hastings | 07/05/1892 | asks for support for chair at UCL |
Crots F P | 23/11/1897 | Boer attitudes to natives in South Africa |
Cruickshank, G E | 29/11/1892 | social |
Crystal Palace Company's School | | flyer on HSF lecture |
Crystal Palace Company's School | | flyer on HSF lectures |
Crystal Palace Company's School | | HSF lectures synopsis |
Crystal Palace Company's School | | HSF lecture flyer on rent etc |
Crystal Palace Company's School | | HSF lecture flyer on exchange |
Crystal Palace Company's School | | HSF lecture flyer on exchange |
Crystal Palace Company's School | | HSF lecture flyer on Wages |
Crystal Palace Company's School | | sumaries of HSF's 23 lectures |
CU Music Society | 1921/6/23 | notice about sub to Society |
Cubitt, Sean | 01/08/1889 | to Tilley supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Cummings, Edward | 08/11/1888 | to meet HSF |
Cummings, Edward | ??/??/1888 | asks HSF for information on trade unions |
Cummings, Edward | 16/05/1891 | re study Anglo-Saxon and Continental systems of social and industrial organisations etc |
Cummings, M Grace | 1910/7/2 | re results of exams |
Cummins, J D | 17/06/1895 | social |
Cummins, Tancred D | 10/09/1896 | social |
Cummins, Tancred W | 16/11/1897 | thanks HSF for support etc |
Cunningham W | 1/8/1871 | to D L Boyes _ general chat |
Cunningham W | 13/2/11913 | PC- Pigou & British Academy |
Cunningham Mrs J T | 1920/2/27 | re HSF’s UCL lectures |
Cunningham, A | 1930/6/24 | re publishing of a book |
Cunningham, A | 1928/3/28 | re book on railways |
Cunningham, A | 1928/3/27 | re book on railways |
Cunningham, A | 1930/5/10 | on Miss Grant's book etc |
Cunningham, A | 1919/8/22 | Schmoller's lectures |
Cunningham, A | 1930/2/13 | sorry to miss HSF |
Cunningham, A | 1919/6/18 | pleased HSF writing notice of father's death |
Cunningham, A | 1919/7/29 | Mrs Knowles' letter re father |
Cunningham, A | 1919/9/1 | thanks HSF for help |
Cunningham, A R | 1919/1/24 | on her husband's death |
Cunningham, Audrey | 05/07/1919 | to Mrs Knowles - re book from father's library |
Cunningham, Audrey | 12/07/1919 | Cunningham's library |
Cunningham, Audrey | 28/07/1919 | Cunningham's library |
Cunningham, Audrey | 1936/8/5 | to AF on HSF's death |
Cunningham, E | 1932/12/27 | social |
Cunningham, Edward | 04/11/1874 | re wine order |
Cunningham, Edward | 12/11/1874 | re wine order |
Cunningham, Henry | 08/12/1891 | visit to St John's |
Cunningham, Henry | 24/11/1891 | lecture topics |
Cunningham, Mrs | Nov-30 | card on Olive's death |
Cunningham, W | 1918/4/19 | on death of son(?) |
Cunningham, W | 04/07/1884 | re Industrial conference |
Cunningham, W | 19/01/1886 | disagrees with a Foxwell paper on usuary |
Cunningham, W | 1915/1/11 | election of Scott to the Academy |
Cunningham, W | 1917/10/5 | sends HSF old economic tracts |
Cunningham, W | 1917/10/8 | offers HSF old economic books |
Cunningham, W | 21/10/1892 | social |
Cunningham, W | 1910 | re job for his son |
Cunningham, W | 1903/3/9 | draft resolutions for Economics Syndicate |
Cunningham, W | 24/09/1881 | PC re proofs |
Cunningham, W & J Ellis McTaggart | 1903/3/9 | memo to Senate |
Cunningham, W to W R Scott | 1918/1/29 | re British Academy elections |
Cunningham, William | 22/06/1884 | running of Toynbee Trust |
Cunningham, William | 31/03/1885 | re publishing (encloses letter from ?Wosson) |
Cunningham, Wm | 19/07/1898 | HSF's wedding |
Cunningham, Wm | 20/10/1892 | books and pamphlets which may be of interest to HSF |
Cunningham, Wm | 1914/5/20 | RES and support for HSF |
Cunningham, Wm | 04/06/1889 | sends cheque for co-operaters visit |
Cunningham, Wm | 03/06/1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Cunningham, Wm | 14/04/1894 | (copy) International Bimetallism Conference |
Cunningham, Wm | 14/04/1894 | (copy) International Bimetallism Conference |
Cunningham, Wm | | changes meeting, books |
Cunningham, Wm | 1916/1/10 | re BA candidates |
Cunningham, Wm | 1916/1/15 | re BA candidates |
Cunningham, Wm | 1916/1/14 | re BA candidates |
Cunningham, Wm | 1916/1/28 | re BA candidates |
Cunninghame | 01/03/1889 | re curves in a paper |
Cunnyhame, H | 12/02/1878 | asks HSF to stay with him |
Cunnyhame, H | 24/10/1878 | general chat |
Cunnyhame, H | 12/11/1880 | re seconder for HSF to join Club |
Cunnyhame, Sir H | 1910/5/3 | mainly social |
Cunnyhame, Sir Wm | 1910/2/22 | social |
Cunnynghame H | 8/4/1867 | re Blake’s work at Arts Club |
Cunnynghame, H | 1910/5/3 | unable to dine at St John's |
Cunnynghame, H | 11/12/1892 | re meeting |
Cunnynghame, H | 20/12/1892 | social |
Cunnynghame, H | 1892 | social |
Cunnynghame, H | 15/01/1892 | re diagram on costs |
Cunnynghame, H | 31/12/1892 | social |
Cunnynghame, Henry | 01/07/1888 | re paper for British Association |
Cunnynghame, Henry | 03/01/1888 | social |
Cunnynghame, Henry | 04/05/1874 | general chat |
Cunnynghame, Henry | 14/12/1874 | general chat |
Cunnynghame, Henry | 1901/6/5 | gives HSF testimonial |
Cunnynghame, Henry | 23/12/1875 | re election to University Club |
Cunnynghame, W | 1907/11/1 | re Austen Chamberlain reception |
Cunynghame, H | | syllabus of lectures by H. Cunynghame |
Cunynghame, Henry | | notes on exchange value |
Cunynghaure, H H S | 25/02/1881 | offers HSF job at Secretary of the London Society of U.T. |
CUP | 1929/10/14 | re meeting of Bibliography Committee |
CUP | 1929/10/12 | Committee to look at HSF memo on bibliography |
Currie Janet N R | 1925/7/7 | re work on bibliography |
Currie, Ella | 14/03/1897 | social |
Currie, Ella | 15/03/1897 | social |
Currie, Ella | 16/03/1897 | social |
Currie, Janet N R | 1925/11/21 | cannot work on bibliography |
Currie, Janet N R | 1925/8/26 | re job on bibliography |
Currie, Janet N R | 1925/8/22 | re job on bibliography |
Curties, Theo J | 1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Cust, Henry | 1914 | seeks help for National Patriotic Organisations |
Cust, Mrs V | 1914/10/22 | seeks help for National Patriotic Organisations |
Cust, Reginald J | 22/04/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Cust, Viva | 1914/10/27 | re National Patient Organizations |
Customs & Excise | 1933/3/22 | final notice |
Cyril | 1936/8/4 | to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death |
Cyril (HSF nephew) | 1929/7/4 | thank you letter |