Name |
Date |
Title |
D K | 1919/9/24 | pc social |
D M | ??/08/1888 | returning home |
Dadina, F N | 02/09/1896 | asks HSF for testimonial |
Daisy | 17/05/1884 | rendez-vous |
Daito, D | ??/??/1870 | congratulates HSF on scholarship |
Daldy, F F | 09/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dalhousie, Lord | 25/08/1886 | re Toynbee Trustees |
Dalhousie, Lord | 03/07/1884 | PC apologies for missing meeting |
Daly, A W N | 30/05/1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Damin M | 1919/4/20 | HSF’s lecture on Psychology of Industry |
Darby, Adie | 29/03/1890 | good comment on social conditions |
Darby, Clara | 13/02/1890 | social chat |
Darby, Clara | 07/03/1890 | social chat |
Darby, Clara | 05/05/1890 | social chat |
Darby, Mrs Adie | 05/10/1889 | re HSF's loan, staff problems |
Darby, Mrs Adie | 20/10/1889 | thanks HSF for money, general |
Darby, Mrs Adie | 19/10/1889 | thanks HSF for money, discusses business |
Darling, I F to James Mavor | 1921/6/25 | re his paper on the Imperial Exchange |
Darling, John F | 1922/12/4 | "Currency Co-operation in the British Empire" |
Darlington, ? | 11/05/1891 | asks HSF for reference |
Darlington, ? | 15/05/1891 | re testimonial |
Darlington, ? | 25/06/1891 | thanks HSF for reference |
Darlington, Mrs | 24/12/1895 | re Gibson's election |
Darlington, N W | 13/12/1895 | re chair of Philosophy at Bangor |
Darwin G H | 1911/1/9 | Home Rule etc |
Darwin Ruth | 1914/10/27 | re arrival of Prog Duprez? |
Darwin, G H | 19/05/1886 | re agitation on home rule |
Darwin, G H | 1901/6/20 | re a wedding guest |
Darwin, G H | 1901/6/16 | PC re some problem with the Lodge |
Darwin, G H | 1910/4/15 | PC re Middleton asking for money |
Darwin, G H | 1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Darwin, G H | 6-Jun | re reading Cournot |
Darwin, G H | | excuses himself from dinner |
Darwin, Horace | 07/05/1884 | thanks for tickets to meeting |
Darwin, Ida | 26/04/1881 | invitation to dinner |
Darwin, L | 29/05/1896 | on bimetallism and prices |
Darwin, L | 19/08/1896 | re a bimetallic point |
Darwin, L | 23/08/1896 | re ratio |
Darwin, L | 12/09/1896 | re bimetallism |
Darwin, Leonard | 14/05/1896 | asks HSF about bimetallism pamphlet |
Darwin, Leonard | 25/05/1896 | bimetallism |
Davey, A A | 15/03/1894 | re advice on reading for degree |
Davey, A A | 1902/6/24 | re drawing fellowship in Germany |
Davey, A A | 1901/12/11 | wants book on banking etc |
Davey, E C | 1926/2/5 | to address Emmanuel Economic Society |
Davey, E C | 1926/2/1 | asks HSF to talk to Emmanuel Economic Society |
Davey, E C | 1926/2/9 | re address to Emmanual Economic Society |
Davids, O W Rhys | 04/06/1886 | re visit of Danish professor |
Davids, O W Rhys | 04/06/1886 | re visit of Danish professor |
Davidson, J L Stockton | 1914/4/22 | social |
Davies Emily | 15/1/1876 | thanks form Girton for Tripos exams |
Davies W H | 1920/4/1 | student enquiry |
Davies, C E | 1907/6/25 | re reading for the Whewell |
Davies, D | 02/02/1877 | general |
Davies, E F | 1915/5/28 | re Fortnightly Review |
Davies, Edith M | 1924/12/2 | re Hsu and HSF's address |
Davies, Emily | 19/07/1875 | thanks HSF for report on Girton Colelge students |
Davies, John | 25/07/1889 | to Jenkinson supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Davies, Julien T | 11/09/1884 | re HSF's introduction to Union League Club |
Davies, P | 26/04/1880 | re her daughter taking Cambridge exams |
Davies, R B | 12/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Davies, Turner & Co ltd | 1900/9/10 | PC re parcels from Norway |
Davis, Alistair | 17/22/1932 | re book on Somerset |
Davis, D O | 25/01/1868 | re exam results and second congratulating re exhibition at St John's |
Davis, Frank | 24/04/1875 | student thank you letter |
Davis, John S | 07/04/1894 | asks HSF to clarify a bimetallic point |
Dawe, Thomas | 1914/5/18 | on HSF lectures etc |
Dawes-Hicks G | 1921/3/31 | advice on investments |
Dawkins, C E | 1901/5/12 | mainly social |
Dawkins, C E | 1901/10/24 | social |
Dawkins, C E | 1901/5/9 | social |
Dawson, B | 1909/11/8 | re New Zealand public finances, stock exchange etc |
Dawson, R | 21/02/1889 | meetings of Bimetallic League |
Dawson, R | 21/06/1889 | bimetallism |
Dawson, R | 21/01/1889 | re Chaplin and bimetallism |
Dawson, Thos | 25/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dawson, Thos | 09/09/1889 | Jenkinson will probably will |
Day, C H | 12/05/1880 | social |
Day, C H | 14/07/1880 | social |
Day, C H | 16/07/1880 | social |
Day, C H | 17/04/1880 | general chat |
Day, C H | 27/03/1880 | re meeting HSF |
Day, E H | ? | apology for not seeing him |
Day, E H | 17/06/1881 | apology for not going to viva with him |
Day, E H | ? | apology for not meeting him |
Day, G R | 1914/7/28 | re books |
Day, G R | | to see HSF for help |
Day, Poppy | ? | re meeting |
de Foville, A | 07/01/1892 | re statistics, dictionary of PE |
de Giorgi, G B | 1923/5/21 | wants to join an English bank |
de Hons, G de Segium | 1929/4/26 | report of Bank of France, on his holiday house |
de Wolff, P | 1922/12/12 | seeks information on Banks of Issue |
de Wolff, Peter | 1919/5/13 | thanks HSF for book, HSF on monopolies, foreign exchanges |
De, P C | 1906/1/22 | PC withdrawing from lectures |
Dearle, N B | 1921/7/14 | application and testimonial for Drummond Chair |
Dearth, John | 24/03/1882 | re signatures |
Death, John | 20/02/1884 | asks for signature on cheques re organ fund |
Decimal Association | 1904/1/6 | re petition (attached) on Metric Weights and Measures Bill |
Decimal Association | | seeks funds for essay prize |
Decimal Association | | standing order for funds |
Decimal Association | 1902/4/24 | extract from Lord Kelvin's evidence on metric weights and measures |
Decimal Association | ??/05/1903 | booklet on metric weights and measures |
Decimal Association | 29/09/1890 | choice of currency over weights and measures |
Decimal Association | 1906/2/1 | report on US adoption of metric system |
Decimal Association | 12/11/1890 | HSF elected to Executive Committee |
Decimal Association | 1904/3/8 | re House of Lords debate, pamphlets |
Deighton, Frederick | 17/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Deighton, W R | 1907/8/1 | HSF not to get allowance on his printing |
Delarque, Henri | 28/01/1892 | re a book |
Delarue, Nellie | 16/01/1880 | wants HSF to write as promised |
Delaton, Albert | 1919/2/22 | in French on International Institute |
Denbigh, Lord | 12/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Denison Club | 01/06/1888 | subjects for reading |
Denman, Arthur | 1918/1/7 | HSF excused from special jury service |
Dept of Interior, US | 15/07/1898 | publications send to HSF |
Dept of Interior, Washington | 07/11/1894 | re documents sent to HSF |
des Hons Gabiel | 1930/2/27 | re assembly of Banque de France |
des Hons Gabriel | 1928/2/28 | sends Banque de France accounts |
Desai, R K | 1924/10/19 | asks for proof of his BSc |
Desborough, Lord | 1917/6/18 | re some offer to help Foxwell |
Deschampes, T | 1911 | re history of protection |
Deschamps T | 1918/1/1 | French Institute of Commerce |
Deschamps T ? | 1917/5/8 | general chat |
Deschamps T ? | 1915/10/25 | PC _ general economics |
Deschamps, ? | 1916/12/16 | enquiry about literature in Liverpool |
Deschamps, ? | 1915/1/22 | social |
Deschamps, F | 1915/2/2 | introduces himself |
Deschamps, R | 1917/10/29 | thanks HSF for invitation |
Deschamps, T | 1916/6/15 | re French stats for 1848 |
Deschamps, T | ? | re some victory |
Dessborough Lord | 1916/6/23 | re argument with Pigou |
Devenish, H Noel | 1916/12/11 | social |
Dewar Sir James | 1919/9/7 | social |
Dewey, D R | 23/06/1892 | social |
Dewey, Davis R | 21/07/1895 | re visit to Cambridge |
Dewhurst, A | ??/??/1886 | asks about 'free exchange' |
Dewhurst, J B | 04/04/1875 | re visit to Skipton |
Dewhurst, L | 1910/10/7 | seeks investment advice |
Dewick, Edw S | 24/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dew-Smith, A | 04/06/1889 | sends cheque for co-operaters visit |
Dew-Smith, A G | 15/10/1894 | re publication of Quesnay |
Dew-Smith, A G | 21/04/1881 | re forced sale of watch |
Dew-Smith, A G | 17/04/1881 | re a watch |
Dhar S M | 1918/4/18 | UCL scholarships |
Dhar, S M | 1915/7/15 | asks HSF's advice on studies |
Dhume S M | 1922/3/17 | Indian bank statistics etc |
Dhume, B J | 1921/4/19 | re his nephew's progress under HSF |
Dhume, B J | 1921/4/22 | nephew's health |
Dhume, J M | 29/07/1923 | his work on ancient Indian banks |
Dhume, J S | 1926/9/8 | pleads case of son |
Dhume, S M | 1922/8/2 | on death of mother |
Dhume, S M | 1922/7/22 | thank you letter |
Dhume, S M | 1927/11/15 | re job, LSE and UCL etc |
Dhume, S M | 1923/6/9 | re research on continent |
Dhume, S M | 1928/10/21 | on books etc |
Dhume, S M | 1928/10/28 | letter to Higgs (not passed on) |
Dhume, S M | 1928/11/28 | on job prospects etc |
Dhume, S M | 1929/5/9 | general chat |
Dhume, S M | 1929/7/12 | re job on HSF's bibliography |
Dhume, S M | 1929/1/16 | general chat |
Dhume, S M | 1927/10/17 | re scholarship |
Dhume, S M | 1927/11/29 | re job with British Academy |
Dhume, S M | 1925/12/27 | general |
Dhume, S M | 1926/11/26 | general but encloses letter dictated by Dhume's uncle |
Dhume, S M | 1925/7/3 | German books on Indian currency |
Dhume, S M | 1924/12/3 | Indian finance books in Berlin |
Dhume, S M | 1927/7/20 | re future study plans |
Dhume, S M | 1930/1/9 | re India etc |
Dhume, S M | 1926/9/18 | presumably on his thesis |
Dhume, S M | 1926/5/6 | re his thesis |
Dhume, S M | 1926/4/9 | re banking guilds |
Dhume, S M | 1926/5/14 | re his thesis and business in India |
Dhume, S M | 1926/6/8 | general |
Dhume, S M | 1928/5/15 | on his job in Geneva |
Dhume, S M | 1928/4/26 | re job in Geneva etc |
Dhume, S M | 1928/3/31 | work on bibliography |
Dhume, S M | 1928/2/17 | social |
Dhume, S M | 1926/7/24 | re bibliography and Dhume's viva |
Dhume, S M | 1928/1/9 | social |
Dhume, S M | 1927/4/3 | social |
Dhume, S M | 1927/2/25 | re his scholarship and thesis |
Dhume, S M | 1927/6/24 | Italian books etc |
Dhume, S M | 1922/6/28 | on Japanese banking system |
Dhume, S M | 1922/8/20 | general chat |
Dhume, S M | 1928/9/12 | on his work etc |
Dhume, S M | 1925/4/2 | re his scholarship, work etc |
Dhume, S M | 1931/2/3 | on Olive's death |
Dhume, S M | 1922/12/3 | re health, early Indian banking |
Dhume, S M | 1926/10/1 | re his thesis and examiners |
Dhume, S M | 1926/11/20 | copy of thesis returned by Lord Charlmers etc |
Dhume, S M | 1926/7/14 | thanks HSF for information |
Dhume, S M | 1926/8/3 | re his degree |
Dhume, S M | 1926/11/12 | on his thesis |
Dhume, S M | 1926/6/21 | problems with his thesis and the University |
Dhume, S M | 1926/9/17 | to get new exam |
Dhume, S M | 1926/9/23 | to University of London on inequality of examining thesis |
Dhume, S M | 1924/3/5 | asks for letter of recommendation for a job |
Dhume, S M | 1924/2/21 | re his application for job with Indian government |
Dhume, S M | 1924/3/26 | re job application and letter to India High Commissioner |
Dhume, S M | 1926/7/29 | report to HSF on thesis problems with letter to University of London |
Dhume, S M | 1926/11/12 | thanks HSF etc about thesis |
Dhume, S M | 1930/12/22 | on conditions in India |
Dhume, S M | 1930/4/16 | Lady Chatterjee etc |
Dhume, S M | 1926/7/29 | copy of 509/2 sent to UCL |
Dhume, S M | 1924/10/8 | has Indian scholarship |
Dhume, S M | 1922/4/13 | re papers on banking in India |
di Cesnola, Augusta | 1927/12/14 | to H R Beeton, re Audrey |
Dibblee, G B | 1921/7/11 | application and testimonial for Drummond Chair |
Dichson Lowe | 1913/11/22 | social |
Dick G H | 11/8/1897 | Balfour’s bimetallism plan etc |
Dick, G H | 15/09/1893 | re HSF Glasgow talk |
Dick, G H | 27/03/1896 | Indian money questions |
Dick, G H | 29/05/1896 | social, bimetallism |
Dick, G H | 18/03/1896 | bimetallism |
Dick, G H | 28/01/1896 | bimetallism |
Dick, G H | 20/01/1896 | bimetallism |
Dick, G Handasyde | 22/04/1895 | returns HSF's diagrams, believes Smart should get Glasgow chair |
Dick, G W H | 11/11/1896 | re education on Indian money |
Dick, G W H | 20/10/1896 | re his pamphlet, Indian currency etc |
Dick, G W H | 04/11/1896 | problem with McNiel, old monetary tract |
Dick, G W H | 27/10/1896 | McNiel, University Council, 1720 tract |
Dick, G W H | 09/10/1896 | sends his paper, Bimetallic League |
Dick, G W H | 21/09/1896 | Glasgow Monetary Association to press its cause |
Dick, G W H | 20/10/1896 | (copy) to H McNiel, on Bimetallic League |
Dick, G W Handasyde | 02/04/1898 | re letter to MnCiel attached |
Dick, G W Handsyde | 10/04/1895 | re diagrams, establishment of Adam Smith chair at Glasgow |
Dick, Geo H | 02/11/1893 | social |
Dick, Geo H | 06/11/1893 | re HSF talk to be printed |
Dick, Geo H | 05/10/1893 | notes of HSF talk |
Dick, Geo H | 18/09/1893 | re HSF talk in Glasgow |
Dick, Geo H | 1984/12/12 | re views on his paper |
Dick, Geo H | 10/07/1894 | social |
Dick, Geo H | 1901/4/27 | re HSF's library sale |
Dick, Geo H | 29/09/1893 | social |
Dick, Geo H | 17/07/1896 | social |
Dick, Geo H | 24/03/1898 | son to Clare, inaction of League |
Dick, Geo H | 15/03/1898 | mostly social |
Dick, Geo H | 25/03/1898 | circular letter on Indian currency |
Dick, Geo H | ??/11/1895 | flyer on establishing international money |
Dick, Geo H | 13/05/1897 | re advice for his son on Cambridge colleges |
Dick, Geo H | 16/03/1896 | re debate in House and blunder by League |
Dick, Geo H | 03/01/1896 | re arguments against internaitonal ? money |
Dick, Geo H | 28/09/1896 | re his way of working problems with League |
Dick, Geo H | 19/05/1896 | missed Main in Cambridge |
Dick, Geo H | 12/03/1896 | re debate in House |
Dick, Geo H | 27/04/1896 | to visit Cambridge, bimetallism issues |
Dick, Geo H | 1901/4/20 | re sale of HSF's library |
Dick, Geo Handasyde | 17/10/1893 | re something of HSF's to be printed |
Dick, Geo Handasyde | 25/11/1893 | India and her debt and future |
Dick, Geo Handasyde | 01/03/1894 | mistakes in his paper |
Dick, Geo Handasyde | 30/10/1894 | proof of his paper in Internationale Bullion Money |
Dick, Geo Handasyde | 18/07/1894 | social, Glasgow chair elections etc |
Dick, Geo Handasyde | 28/12/1894 | some dispute over his paper |
Dick, Geo Handasyde | 06/11/1894 | thanks HSF for help, publicising bimetallism etc |
Dickens, F | 20/06/1898 | re University of London exams |
Dickens, S Innes | 1908/6/1 | asks HSF not to resign |
Dickens, S Innes | 1908/6/1 | re HSF note |
Dickins F V | 9/7/1897 | University of London exams |
Dickinson, G | 15/10/???? | Cambridge degree committee |
Dickinson, G | 1904/3/2 | re Hadley's dissertation |
Dickinson, G | 1904 | re students and exams |
Dickinson, G | 1904 | re his fees |
Dickinson, G | 1904/5/3 | re meeting of examiners |
Dickinson, G | 1904/6/2 | re exam papers to Girton |
Dickinson, G | 1928/5/9 | social |
Dickinson, G Lowe | 1909/5/4 | re some matter |
Dickinson, G S | ??/06/1908 | re opinion of student |
Dickinson, G S | 1908/5/21 | re a student |
Dickinson, G S | 1905/11/2 | re a student |
Dickinson, G S | 1905 | re exam meeting |
Dickinson, G S | 1905 | re exam meeting |
Dickinson, G S | 1907/5/28 | PC re a student's paper |
Dickinson, G S | 1907/7/4 | PC re meeting of examiners etc |
Dickinson, G S | 1907 | list of students |
Dickinson, G S | 1907/2/27 | asks HSF to examine |
Dicksee L R | 1910/12/15 | visits to banks |
Dicksee Laurence | 1921/2/12 | business enquiry |
Dicksee, Lawrence R | 1924/11/14 | thanks HSF for letter |
Dietzel, Prof H | 1912/3/29 | introduces Dr Silberstein |
Digley, James D | 23/02/1880 | asks HSF to go to meeting of Junior Liberal Club |
Dill, John Garden | 05/08/1889 | to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dillon, Malcolm | 06/03/1886 | re HSF paper for Institute of Bankers |
Dingle, Leigh | 1936/8/5 | to AF on HSF's death |
Dingley, Enid | 1930/11/25 | on Olive's death |
Dingley, Enid | 1930/11/25 | to Audrey and Peggy on Olive's death |
Dingley, Enid | 1929/10/5 | niece - lost her baby, family chat |
Dingley, Enid | 1927/7/26 | family news |
Dingwall, W F | 14/08/1889 | PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Dinsdale, Robert | 18/03/1889 | bimetallic case |
Dinsdale, Robert | 26/02/1889 | social |
Dinsdale, Robert | 22/02/1889 | re Hereford meeting |
Dinsdale, Robert | 1889 | notice of Hertford meeting on bimetallism |
Dipple & Conway Ltd | 1936/6/30 | account rendered |
Dipple & Conway Ltd | 1936/4/30 | bill for lens |
Direct Taxation Committee | 1923/5/26 | Committee matters |
Disney H W | 1910/5/19 | re book |
Diver O F | 1919/12/11 | on gambling & speculation |
Diver O F | 1920/2/3 | HSF’s lectures to actuaries |
Dix, C M | 1922/10/19 | on Ernest's death |
Dix, C M | 1909/8/10 | social |
Dix, Maude | 1934/1/17 | on death of a relative |
Dix, Maude | 1930/11/26 | on death of Mrs Foxwell |
Dixon, E | ??/??/1898 | re some personal money dispute |
Dixon, E | ??/??/1898 | re some personal money dispute |
Dixon, E | 1898 | thanks for postal orders, Brown's mother |
Dixon, E | 1901/7/24 | re Brown, mishap |
Dixon, E | 30/05/1898 | heard nothing from Brown |
Dixon, E | 23/02/1898 | re Brown and money |
Dixon, E | 28/02/1898 | Brown's deceit |
Dixon, E | 18/02/1898 | re money |
Dixon, E | 14/03/1898 | wants HSF to write to ship owners re Brown |
Dixon, E | 12/12/1897 | receipt for HSF paying board and lodging |
Dixon, E | 09/08/1898 | re H Brown's money |
Dixon, E | 1898 | surprised not to hear from HSF, Herbert Brown and money |
Dixon, E | 1898 | act of deceit by Herbert Brown |
Dixon, E T | 28/03/1895 | re HSF's proposal for international agreement on bimetallism |
Dixon, Edward T | 30/03/1895 | apologises for being rude to HSF on bimetallism |
Dixon, Edward T | 06/12/1893 | re paper on bimetallism |
Dixon, Edward T | 12/12/1893 | thanks HSF for bimetallic literatiure |
Dixon, J F | 14/06/1889 | sends cheque for co-operaters visit |
Dixon, James | 22/09/1881 | asks for reference as a tutor |
Dobell P J | 1924/1/7 | his father’s sonnets |
Dobson, C | 17/08/1868 | general news |
Dodd W S | 1915/9/16 | thank you letter |
Dodd W S | 1915/9/9 | re historical wages |
Dods, John S | 19/01/1893 | social |
Dods, John S | 22/01/1893 | social |
Doe, J Hall | 14/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dolphin, H E | 1901/12/20 | on some article |
Dolphin, H E | 05/01/1897 | PC on solving education difficulty |
Dominion of New Zealand | 1919/12/8 | re appointment of chair at Victoria College |
Dominion of New Zealand | 1919/11/27 | re chair at Victoria University |
Dominion of New Zealand | 1919/12/4 | re chair at Victoria University |
Dominion of New Zealand | 1920/9/10 | re chair at Victoria University |
Dominion of New Zealand | 1920/4/19 | re chair in Christchurch |
Donald M | 21/5/1890 | private St John’ letter |
Donald Robertson Travel Fund | 1913 | report on fund |
Donald, Robert | 1901/10/30 | proof of speech of "Trusts and British Trade" |
Donaldson | 29/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Doncaster, L | 1915/1/26 | on campaign on christianity and peace |
Donham, W B | 1937/2/6 | to Francis & Co, wants to delay final settlement |
Donkin, H B | 14/11/1884 | on Marx and arranges for HSF to meet Engels |
Donkin, H B | 18/11/1884 | re HSF's meeting with Engels |
Donkin, H B | 25/11/1884 | PC re meeting with Engels |
Donkin, H B | 22/11/1884 | PC re meeting with Engels |
Donnington, W E | 03/01/1895 | HSF article in 'National Review' |
Dootson, F W | 1921/6/9 | thanks HSF for donation |
Dorling, Edward Earle | 20/07/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dorly, A W W | 08/10/1889 | presumably money for co-operators visit |
Dorrie | 12/08/1880 | general chat |
Dorrington W E | 1910/2/10 | family etc |
Dorrington W E | 1910/12/24 | family etc |
Dorrington W E | 27/5/1894 | social |
Dorrington H | 01/09/1895 | PC on German holiday |
Dorrington, Ella to Olive Dorrington | 15/07/1898 | on the wedding |
Dorrington, Fred | 03/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Dorrington, Fred A | 1900/11/6 | on Marjorie's birth |
Dorrington, H | 1930/11/23 | on death of Mrs Foxwell |
Dorrington, H | 11/07/1897 | re Japanese visitor and general |
Dorrington, H | 05/05/1897 | family |
Dorrington, H | 09/08/1897 | re photo etc |
Dorrington, H | 1926/4/24 | family |
Dorrington, H | 23/05/1897 | re attack at Euston, HSF's visit |
Dorrington, H | 04/06/1895 | social, theatre etc |
Dorrington, H | 01/06/1895 | general chat |
Dorrington, H | 30/05/1895 | cannot go to Brighton with HSF |
Dorrington, H | 24/05/1895 | theatre seats etc |
Dorrington, H | 29/11/1895 | social chat |
Dorrington, H | 15/10/1895 | social chat |
Dorrington, H | 01/07/1896 | thanks HSF for letter etc |
Dorrington, H | 19/10/1896 | general chat from dead old Southport |
Dorrington, H | 01/10/1896 | HSF's train times |
Dorrington, H | 05/10/1896 | seats for Charlie's Aunt, social |
Dorrington, H | 26/09/1896 | glad HSF got to Cambridge safely, general chat |
Dorrington, H | 30/08/1896 | HSF's visit to Manchester, general |
Dorrington, H | 16/07/1896 | social chat |
Dorrington, H | 13/07/1896 | loves HSF's letters, Emmie's engagement etc |
Dorrington, H | 24/07/1896 | sends HSF her photo, Emmie's future husband etc |
Dorrington, H | 13/08/1896 | HSF's visit, family chat, tells HSF to get on with book |
Dorrington, H | 12/11/1896 | new house, HSF's work |
Dorrington, H | 24/02/1896 | sorry to miss HSF etc |
Dorrington, H | 29/03/1896 | going on holiday, wants HSF to come |
Dorrington, H | 20/12/1896 | Christmas greetings, etc |
Dorrington, H | 20/06/1896 | thanks HSF for his kindness etc |
Dorrington, H | 09/06/1896 | thanks HSF for arrangements he's making for her and Olive |
Dorrington, H | 16/02/1896 | coming to town and HSF to dine |
Dorrington, H | 23/06/1896 | on holiday, sends HSF gloves etc |
Dorrington, H | 08/01/1896 | sent HSF scarf, general chat |
Dorrington, H | 23/01/1896 | HSF to dine etc |
Dorrington, H | 25/01/1896 | HSF to dine, don't' go to see Trilly etc |
Dorrington, H | 17/05/1896 | to come to Cambridge, wants Olive to have good time in first season |
Dorrington, H | 25/05/1896 | HSF make great family man, Olive etc |
Dorrington, H | 12/10/1894 | social, general chat |
Dorrington, H | 18/10/1894 | social, general chat |
Dorrington, H | 18/11/1894 | worried about HSF, general chat |
Dorrington, H | 14/11/1894 | HSF ill and overworking, people, play, opera etc |
Dorrington, H | 14/12/1894 | HSF visit etc |
Dorrington, H | 05/12/1894 | Christmas visit, professors etc |
Dorrington, H | 23/11/1894 | sent HSF box of flowers etc |
Dorrington, H | 19/04/1894 | Tattie letter from Brussels etc |
Dorrington, H | 14/04/1894 | sends HSF catalogues, HSF's well being |
Dorrington, H | 04/05/1894 | HSF has flu and should go to her to be looked after |
Dorrington, H | 23/05/1894 | thanks HSF for photos, Queen's visit |
Dorrington, H | 25/05/1894 | thanks HSF for present, golf, social |
Dorrington, H | 31/08/1894 | HSF visit, girls etc |
Dorrington, H | 20/05/1894 | HSF must take care of himself, Manchester beautiful for Queen's visit |
Dorrington, H | 13/07/1894 | thanks HSf for kindnesses during her illness |
Dorrington, H | 18/10/1894 | general chat |
Dorrington, H | 19/07/???? | Welsh trip |
Dorrington, H | 14/08/1895 | sorry HSF cannot go with them on trip |
Dorrington, H | 30/03/1895 | social, general chat |
Dorrington, H | 24/03/1895 | HSF to visit |
Dorrington, H | 05/07/1895 | general chat |
Dorrington, H | 27/12/1896 | blames HSF's bad health on not visiting them |
Dorrington, H | 28/01/1895 | general chat |
Dorrington, H | 10/03/1895 | social |
Dorrington, H | 07/09/1895 | re Germany trip |
Dorrington, H | 1896 | on holiday |
Dorrington, H | 23/07/1895 | re holiday house |
Dorrington, H | 1898 | invitation to his own wedding? |
Dorrington, H to Daisy Dorrington | 1897 | mother's letter |
Dorrington, H to Dinah Dorrington | 1897 | mother's letter |
Dorrington, H to Joyce Dorrington | 1897 | mother's letter |
Dorrington, H to Olive Dorrington | 1897 | mother's letter |
Dorrington, H to William Dorrington | 1897 | mother's letter |
Dorrington, Harrie | 05/09/1897 | family chat re Olive etc |
Dorrington, Harrie | 01/12/1897 | thanks HSF for Cambridge visit |
Dorrington, Harrie | 11/09/1897 | family chat |
Dorrington, Harrie | 18/05/1897 | arranges to meet HSF, London |
Dorrington, Harrie | 14/06/1897 | invites HSF to dinner, London |
Dorrington, Harrie | 1901/6/23 | family chat |
Dorrington, Harrie | 1901/8/11 | family chat |
Dorrington, Id | 23/02/1898 | social chat |
Dorrington, Ida | 15/05/1895 | general chat |
Dorrington, Ida | 13/11/1895 | social chat |
Dorrington, J S | 1911/11/4 | re family trust |
Dorrington, J S | 24/07/1895 | general social chat |
Dorrington, J S | 26/05/1895 | general social chat |
Dorrington, J S | 18/12/1895 | general social chat |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 01/04/1895 | thanks HSF for present |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 01/06/1889 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 02/01/1896 | thanks HSF for brooch, etc |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 17/02/1896 | on Dresden holiday |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 07/06/1896 | school in Dresden |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 1896 | school in Dresden |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 05/05/1894 | school life |
Dorrington, Marjorie | ??/04/1894 | thanks HSF for 10/-, school |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 17/08/1895 | on going to school in Germany |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 21/02/1895 | is in bed with bad foot |
Dorrington, Marjorie | 1936/8/7 | to AF on HSF's death |
Dorrington, Marjorie | | Dresden Happy New Year |
Dorrington, Mary | 1900/11/15 | to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie |
Dorrington, N | 21/08/1897 | general chat |
Dorrington, Nora | 27/11/1891 | social |
Dorrington, Nora to Olive Foxwell | ??/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Dorrington, Olive | 15/09/1897 | on her trip etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 15/09/1897 | pc on Ludlow etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 14/09/1897 | general lover's chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 12/09/1897 | general lover's chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 12/09/1897 | father's pedigree, general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 11/19/1897 | pedigree, general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 10/09/1897 | general and family chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 09/09/1897 | cycled 44/45 miles, family and general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 08/09/1897 | family records, general and family chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 07/09/1897 | bicycle rides, general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 07/09/1897 | pc on pedigree |
Dorrington, Olive | 06/09/1897 | general chat, doesn't think much of book HSF gave her etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 06/09/1897 | general and family chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 04/09/1897 | general and family chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 03/09/1897 | general and family chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 02/09/1897 | sends HSF match box, general and family chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 31/08/1897 | HSF learning bicycling to please Olive, family chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 31/08/1897 | says HSF cross with her, family chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 30/08/1897 | HSF cross with her for writing to him in German, general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 29/08/1897 | family and general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 28/08/1897 | family and general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 27/08/1897 | family and general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 02/01/1896 | thanks HSF for necklace, Dresden holiday |
Dorrington, Olive | 20/08/1896 | thanks HSF for Companion, having to ride a bicycle etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 21/06/1896 | thanks HSF for time in Cambridge |
Dorrington, Olive | 25/04/1894 | school, 'fishes here are bimetallists', etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 18/07/1898 | present from the Keynes etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 18/07/1898 | last letter 'as an old maid', wedding presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 17/07/1898 | presents list etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 16/07/1898 | cheques, presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 15/07/1898 | present, bridesmaids' bracelets etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 14/07/1898 | presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 13/07/1898 | present, HSF's fur coat |
Dorrington, Olive | 12/07/1898 | honeymoon arrangements etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 11/07/1898 | wedding presents, arrangements etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 10/07/1898 | re honeymoon |
Dorrington, Olive | 09/07/1898 | general |
Dorrington, Olive | 08/07/1898 | presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 07/07/1898 | shopping in Manchester |
Dorrington, Olive | 06/07/1898 | general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 05/07/1898 | presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 04/07/1898 | on anonymous letters, HSF's book etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 03/07/1898 | re furniture valuations etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 02/07/1898 | re furniture valuations etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 01/07/1898 | presents |
Dorrington, Olive | 30/06/1898 | present, HSF on salad etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 29/06/1898 | present etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 28/06/1898 | presents, wedding, anonymous letter |
Dorrington, Olive | 27/06/1898 | honeymoon, house etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 26/06/1898 | presents, proud of HSF etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 25/06/1898 | presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 24/06/1898 | presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 23/06/1898 | re lost dogs, furniture etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 22/06/1898 | HSF relations' addresses, presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 21/06/1898 | prospective life in Cambridge, presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 20/06/1898 | presents, banns etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 19/06/1898 | on HSF, banns etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 18/06/1898 | re addresses, presents, wedding dress etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 17/06/1898 | PC looks very nice in dress |
Dorrington, Olive | 16/06/1898 | HSF's birthday etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 09/06/1898 | general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 07/06/1898 | re wedding guests etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 06/06/1898 | general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 05/06/1898 | general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 04/06/1898 | general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 03/06/1898 | HSF's cold etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 02/06/1898 | weather, HSF's cold etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 30/05/1898 | general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 27/05/1898 | presents etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 26/05/1898 | general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 23/05/1898 | chose wedding dress etc |
Dorrington, Olive | 1897 | diary notes |
Dorrington, Olive | 03/02/1895 | general chat |
Dorrington, Olive | 16/06/1895 | happy birthday |
Dorrington, T A | 02/04/1895 | social |
Dorrington, T A | 06/03/1895 | social |
Dorrington, T A | 29/07/1895 | social |
Dorrington, Tattie | 02/01/1896 | thanks HSF for present, Dresden holiday |
Dorrington, Tattie | 28/09/1896 | sends HSF a menu |
Dorrington, Tattie | 08/04/1894 | what will HSF to when bimetallism is over, school life |
Dorrington, Tattie | 14/10/1894 | school in Dresden |
Dorrington, Tattie | 18/04/1894 | voyage to Brussels |
Dorrington, Tattie | 16/06/1895 | happy birthday |
Dorrington, Tattie | 1936/8/7 | to AF on HSF's death |
Dorrington, Td? | 03/01/1895 | social chat |
Dorrington, Td? | 30/01/1895 | social chat |
Dorrington, Td? | 17/02/1895 | general chat |
Dorrington, W E | 27/10/1895 | re bimetallism |
Dorrington, W E | 15/01/1895 | re books etc |
Dorrington, W E | 12/02/1895 | social |
Dorrington, W E | 1910/1/8 | family chat |
Dorrington, W E | 1910/1/20 | general chat |
Dorrington, W E | 1910/7/11 | National Poor Law Reform Association and family news |
Dorrington, W E | 09/04/1895 | bimetallism and social |
Dorrington, W E | 12/09/1893 | bimetallism |
Dorrington, W E | 12/09/1893 | social |
Dorrington, W E | 30/06/1896 | introduces Dr Carl Budding |
Dorrington, W E | 21/12/1895 | social |
Dorrington, W E | 08/08/1897 | re HSF's plans for job, house and future |
Dorrington, W E | 14/05/1897 | invites HSF to stay |
Dorrington, W E | 11/08/1897 | plans to visit Cambridge |
Dorrington, W E | 01/04/1896 | re Bath Club, travels |
Dorrington, W E | 28/03/1897 | invites HSF to stay |
Dorrington, W E | 13/01/1897 | general chat |
Dorrington, W E | 18/05/1897 | re League meeting, League views, his views, 2nd clas rail travel |
Dorrington, W E | 23/08/1897 | silver question etc |
Dorrington, W E | 20/10/1897 | encloses press copies to HSF |
Dorrington, W E | 15/08/1897 | League meetings and 'mutual admiration society' |
Dorrington, W E | 26/10/1897 | silver question, League |
Dorrington, W E | 1912/7/24 | on roses etc |
Dorrington, W E | 1912/7/25 | on roses etc |
Dorrington, W E | 1912/7/27 | on roses etc |
Dorrington, W E | 12/11/1878 | re dinner |
Dorrington, W E | 19/12/1898 | HSF asks for overdraft guarantee and financial arrangements for wife |
Dorrington, W E | 1920/12/30 | re marriage settlement trust |
Dorrington, W E | 1920/12/28 | re marriage settlement trusteeship |
Dorrington, W E | 1901/9/30 | introduces Jeremiah Jenks |
Dorrington, W E | 04/07/1895 | re holidays etc |
Dorrington, W E | 1901/10/23 | re some caller, family |
Dorrington, W E | 1901/6/26 | HSF's measles, library etc |
Dorrington, W E | 1901/4/28 | family chat |
Dorrington, W E | 1901/6/30 | family chat etc |
Dorrington, W E | 1901/6/23 | Birmingham chair, family etc |
Dorrington, W E | 13/12/1896 | wants to talk to HSF in private re Bimetallic League |
Dorrington, W E | 16/12/1896 | missed dinner date, vapour bath |
Dorrington, W E | 27/08/1896 | re HSF visit |
Dorrington, W E | 14/12/1896 | HSF to dine, new house |
Dorrington, W E | 15/06/1896 | thanks HSF for entertaining his wife and Olive |
Dorrington, W E | 21/06/1896 | thanks HSF for hospitality to his wife and Olive etc |
Dorrington, W E | 14/01/1896 | unable to see HSF |
Dorrington, W E | 10/05/1896 | wants HSF to dine |
Dorrington, W E | 09/11/1896 | bicycles, bimetallic issues |
Dorrington, W E | 12/07/1896 | re dinner in Greenwich |
Dorrington, W E | 15/07/1896 | re Greenwich dinner |
Dorrington, W E | 28/03/1894 | asks HSF to deliver lecture on visit to them in Manchester |
Dorrington, W E | 28/03/1894 | HSF's bimetallic work, pays £100 to HSF for services |
Dorrington, W E | 02/04/1894 | HSF to lecture in Lord Mayor's Parlour |
Dorrington, W E | 01/04/1894 | HSF's lecture, on ratio, social etc |
Dorrington, W E | 13/06/1894 | on Mrs Dorrington's health, evidence before Royal Commission |
Dorrington, W E | 28/08/1894 | re Buxton, wife's health, evidence before Royal Commission |
Dorrington, W E | 02/06/1894 | on wife's illness |
Dorrington, W E | 08/03/1894 | fall in prices, HSF lectures, do more in Lancashire to keep hold |
Dorrington, W E | 02/06/1894 | PC 'all going on well' |
Dorrington, W E | 05/03/1894 | asks HSF about sentence in friend's pamphlet on bimetallism |
Dorrington, W E | 05/02/1894 | academic opinion in favour of bimetallism etc |
Dorrington, W E | 31/05/1894 | wife's operation successful |
Dorrington, W E | 04/05/1894 | thanks HSF for book on golf, bimetallism |
Dorrington, W E | 03/02/1894 | social, bimetallic issues |
Dorrington, W E | 17/04/1894 | children well in Brussels, bimetallism |
Dorrington, W E | 10/11/1894 | bimetallism in Manchester, social etc |
Dorrington, W E | 18/12/1894 | hotel booking |
Dorrington, W E | 17/12/1894 | re hotel for meeting |
Dorrington, W E | 25/04/1894 | PC re HSF letters in Manchester Guardian |
Dorrington, W E | 03/04/1894 | Professor Wilkins to chair at HSF lecture |
Dorrington, W E | 03/04/1894 | re Manchester lecture, social |
Dorrington, W E | 26/04/1894 | book on golf, bimetallic manifesto |
Dorrington, W E | 12/07/1894 | thanks for photos, on wife's progress etc |
Dorrington, W E | 03/02/1894 | social |
Dorrington, W E | 23/04/1894 | manifesto, bimetallic issues |
Dorrington, W E | 1906/12/24 | thanks HSF for Christmas present |
Dorrington, W E | 1918/1/18 | social |
Dorrington, W E | 1912/5/28 | social |
Dorrington, W E | 1910/12/30 | social, recent election |
Dorrington, W E | 1911/7/6 | re Tyrol, Locomotive Committee etc |
Dorrington, W E | 12/01/1895 | re railways, Inidan import duties etc |
Dorrington, W E | 18/08/1895 | on trip to Dresden |
Dorrington, W E | 03/03/1895 | on holiday in Wales |
Dorrington, W E | 1912/6/9 | re golf |
Dorrington, W E | 10/11/1894 | reprint of letter in Manchester City News on effects of fall in exchange |
Dorrington, W E | 1915/3/15 | letter of N Dorrington, war, Germany |
Dorrington, W E | 08/10/1888 | re orders on king's affairs |
Dorrington, W E | 01/11/1895 | re a reply, demand for money |
Dorrington, W E | 1893 | proof of paper to British Association meeting on the Currency Question |
Dorrington, W E | 1901/6/17 | re HSF's Birmingham application and testimonial |
Dorrington, W E | 1901/6/17 | re HSF's Birmingham application and testimonial |
Dorrington, W E | 01/04/1895 | re news in Bimetallic League |
Dorrington, W E | 21/12/1895 | travel arrangements |
Dorrington, W E | 10/09/1893 | thanks HSF for kindness in Cambridge, bimetallism |
Dorrington, W E | 13/08/1895 | plans for family trip to Germany, invites HSF and doesn't advise HSF taking Japanese offer |
Douglas Maude | ? | general chat |
Douglas Maude | ? | general chat |
Douglas, Francis E | 1901/4/14 | leaders of economic teaching |
Douglas, John M | 12/03/1894 | HSF's bimetallic diagrams, other bimetallism points |
Douglas, John M | 14/03/1894 | decrease of cropping in Britain |
Douglas, John M | 14/03/1894 | agriculture and bimetallism etc |
Douglas, John M | 14/03/1894 | acreage farmed in England |
Douglas, John M | 16/03/1894 | Sherman Act, wheat acreage etc |
Douglas, Maud | 19/10/1889 | asks HSF to issue writ against Ford |
Douglas, Maud | 08/10/1889 | re her problems |
Douglas, Maud | 04/10/1889 | asks HSf to forgive her etc |
Douglas, Maud | 10/10/1889 | love for HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 30/05/1892 | rehearsals in Plymouth |
Douglas, Maud | 05/06/1892 | asks HSF for money |
Douglas, Maud | 09/06/1892 | thanks HSF for postal order |
Douglas, Maud | 04/01/1892 | wants HSF to write |
Douglas, Maud | 02/01/1892 | re performances in Leicester |
Douglas, Maud | 08/01/1892 | ill |
Douglas, Maud | 11/01/1892 | getting sick of Leicester, wants HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 15/01/1892 | re meeting HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 14/01/1892 | room for HSF in Leicester |
Douglas, Maud | 18/01/1892 | disappointed HSF did not come |
Douglas, Maud | 1892 | re room for HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 19/01/1892 | football match in Leicester |
Douglas, Maud | 22/01/1892 | rehearsals etc |
Douglas, Maud | 21/01/1892 | re photos |
Douglas, Maud | 1892 | sends photos |
Douglas, Maud | 26/01/1892 | unhappy in Nottingham |
Douglas, Maud | 1892 | re photos |
Douglas, Maud | 05/02/1892 | ill, off to Birkenhead |
Douglas, Maud | 09/02/1892 | re theatre, to Liverpool then Brighton |
Douglas, Maud | 11/02/1892 | visit to Liverpool |
Douglas, Maud | 18/02/1892 | Bootle awful etc |
Douglas, Maud | 15/02/1892 | not well |
Douglas, Maud | 19/02/1892 | coming to London for Faust |
Douglas, Maud | 22/02/1892 | nice rooms in Bootle etc |
Douglas, Maud | 25/02/1892 | bad cold |
Douglas, Maud | 02/03/1892 | rehearsals, see HSF Monday |
Douglas, Maud | 05/03/1892 | rehearsals |
Douglas, Maud | 1892 | to meet HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 27/02/1892 | thanks HSF for 'enclosure' |
Douglas, Maud | 11/03/1892 | rehearsals etc |
Douglas, Maud | 14/03/1892 | trip to Dublin, tour schedule |
Douglas, Maud | 21/03/1892 | rehearsals in Belfas |
Douglas, Maud | 23/03/1892 | going to Cork, saving money |
Douglas, Maud | 26/03/1892 | thanks HSF for 'enclosure' |
Douglas, Maud | 28/03/1892 | in Cork |
Douglas, Maud | 03/04/1892 | tour schedule |
Douglas, Maud | 05/04/1892 | no birthday card from HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 13/04/1892 | HSF a 'pig', in Leeds |
Douglas, Maud | 21/04/1892 | sent HSF photos |
Douglas, Maud | 16/04/1892 | leaving Leeds, dying to see HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 19/04/1892 | Hull is vile, terrible weather |
Douglas, Maud | 25/04/1892 | re tour schedule |
Douglas, Maud | 30/04/1892 | coming to London, hopes to see HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 11/05/1892 | miserable and ill |
Douglas, Maud | 13/05/1892 | wants out of Manchester |
Douglas, Maud | 17/05/1892 | on Birmingham |
Douglas, Maud | 17/05/1892 | on Birmingham |
Douglas, Maud | 19/05/1892 | much better |
Douglas, Maud | 21/05/1892 | thanks HSF for 'enclosure' |
Douglas, Maud | 27/05/1892 | Bristol dull |
Douglas, Maud | 13/06/1892 | rehearsal in brighton |
Douglas, Maud | 10/06/1892 | on Portsmouth, not well |
Douglas, Maud | 1892 | in town to see HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 16/06/1892 | thanks HSF for something, Brighton |
Douglas, Maud | 23/06/1892 | where are you? |
Douglas, Maud | 23/06/1892 | repeat of 382/56 |
Douglas, Maud | 29/06/1892 | staying in Brentwood |
Douglas, Maud | 01/07/1892 | called to see HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 06/07/1892 | asks for money |
Douglas, Maud | 09/07/1892 | thanks HSF for 'enclosure' |
Douglas, Maud | 19/07/1892 | no money |
Douglas, Maud | 23/04/1892 | thanks HSF for 'enclosure' |
Douglas, Maud | 08/08/1892 | general chat, no money |
Douglas, Maud | 22/08/1892 | thanks for monye, re jobs |
Douglas, Maud | 27/08/1892 | no money |
Douglas, Maud | 25/08/1892 | engaged at Royalty |
Douglas, Maud | 1892 | list of tour towns, cast list of Faust |
Douglas, Maud | 30/08/1892 | thanks HSF for money, rehearsals |
Douglas, Maud | 01/09/1892 | re some man |
Douglas, Maud | 09/09/1892 | to see HSF, job |
Douglas, Maud | 15/09/1892 | general chat |
Douglas, Maud | 22/09/1892 | looking for work |
Douglas, Maud | 17/09/1892 | re job |
Douglas, Maud | 24/09/1892 | never so happy as she had been with HSF in Brighton |
Douglas, Maud | 26/09/1892 | thanks HSF for kindnesses |
Douglas, Maud | 31/09/1892 | re photos |
Douglas, Maud | 02/10/1892 | meeting HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 05/10/1892 | re trains to Norwich |
Douglas, Maud | 06/10/1892 | letter from HSF's cousin |
Douglas, Maud | 07/10/1892 | thanks HSF for photos |
Douglas, Maud | 12/09/1892 | long general chat |
Douglas, Maud | 07/10/1892 | apologises to HSF |
Douglas, Maud | 08/02/1893 | needed money |
Douglas, Maud | 12/02/1893 | on her work |
Douglas, Maud | 10/03/1893 | a baby is well |
Douglas, Maud | 15/03/1893 | asks for loan |
Douglas, Maud | 10/11/1891 | on the play she is in |
Douglas, Maud | 09/11/1891 | on Bath and theatre |
Douglas, Maud | 11/11/1891 | play to Greenwich |
Douglas, Maude | 25/05/1891 | asks for money |
Douglas, Maude | 10/05/1891 | asks HSF to come and see her urgently |
Douglas, Maude | 25/05/1891 | cfs HSF to King Arthur |
Douglas, Maude | 27/05/1891 | re problems and the past |
Douglas, Maude | 30/05/1891 | prospect of a job |
Douglas, Maude | 05/06/1891 | quotes Longfellow, general |
Douglas, Maude | 07/06/1891 | re health etc |
Douglas, Maude | 05/06/1891 | visit to Miss Handcock's, health |
Douglas, Maude | 11/06/1891 | re work |
Douglas, Maude | 12/06/1891 | health, welfare of a boy |
Douglas, Maude | 15/06/1891 | thanks for prescription |
Douglas, Maude | 15/06/1891 | health report |
Douglas, Maude | 17/06/1891 | day at Brighton with Mr Main |
Douglas, Maude | 18/06/1891 | birthday wishes |
Douglas, Maude | 19/06/1891 | gives new address, prospect of a job as a model |
Douglas, Maude | 19/06/1891 | re her child and a Manchester visitor |
Douglas, Maude | 20/06/1891 | asks HSF to visit her |
Douglas, Maude | 22/06/1891 | health and visit |
Douglas, Maude | 24/06/1891 | anxious about job |
Douglas, Maude | 29/06/1891 | re haemorrage |
Douglas, Maude | 29/06/1891 | re illness and Brighton and meeting HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 05/07/1891 | Brighton and talks of suicide, worries |
Douglas, Maude | ??/07/1891 | arranging a family to take her baby son |
Douglas, Maude | 07/07/1891 | re baby's poor health |
Douglas, Maude | ??/07/1891 | asks for money and to stay on at Brighton longer |
Douglas, Maude | 04/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | ??/08/1891 | general and tells of wedding ring |
Douglas, Maude | 08/08/1891 | general chat |
Douglas, Maude | 06/08/1891 | general chat |
Douglas, Maude | 08/07/1891 | thanks for money |
Douglas, Maude | 13/07/1891 | re stay in Brighton |
Douglas, Maude | 09/07/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 14/07/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 22/07/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 30/07/1891 | new bath, canary etc |
Douglas, Maude | 27/08/1891 | asks if she can buy new shoes |
Douglas, Maude | 25/08/1891 | tells of dream, encloses poem |
Douglas, Maude | 26/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 25/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 22/08/1891 | encl tweed she bought |
Douglas, Maude | 23/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 19/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 20/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 17/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 18/08/1891 | writes in French |
Douglas, Maude | 16/08/1891 | loneliness; describes landlady |
Douglas, Maude | 14/08/1891 | applies for job as lady clerk |
Douglas, Maude | 04/08/1891 | general chat to HSF who's holidaying in Lake District |
Douglas, Maude | 10/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 10/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 09/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 07/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 07/09/1891 | re visiting HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 05/09/1891 | plans and packing for stay with HSF in Wales |
Douglas, Maude | 03/09/1891 | mentions HSF and 'the Manchester heiress' |
Douglas, Maude | 02/09/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 31/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 29/08/1891 | re new boots, general chat |
Douglas, Maude | 27/08/1891 | general |
Douglas, Maude | 10/09/1891 | re plan of HSF's for her to act as his sister on holiday in Wales |
Douglas, Maude | 09/08/1896 | wants to meet HSF in Brighton |
Douglas, Maude | 29/04/1891 | social chat |
Douglas, Maude | 02/05/1891 | thanks HSF for letter, encloses picture supposed to be like HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 18/04/1891 | friendly chat, lauds HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 16/04/1891 | friendly chat |
Douglas, Maude | 15/04/1891 | HSF's health, friendly chat |
Douglas, Maude | 13/04/1891 | wants desperately to see HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 13/04/1891 | HSF's health, asks HSF for money, went to see him |
Douglas, Maude | 09/04/1891 | wants to take HSF to seaside, loving sentiments |
Douglas, Maude | 07/04/1891 | has measles, misses HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 27/02/1891 | bad cold, wants money |
Douglas, Maude | 02/03/1891 | canoot see HSF today |
Douglas, Maude | 01/03/1891 | bad cold, wondering if HSF will see her again |
Douglas, Maude | 03/03/1891 | will try to see HSF tonight |
Douglas, Maude | 04/03/1891 | wanted to see HSF but not sure if he wanted to see her |
Douglas, Maude | 06/03/1891 | going away, wants money |
Douglas, Maude | 07/03/1891 | re Family Herald asking for contributions |
Douglas, Maude | 09/03/1891 | wishes to be with HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 1891 | thanks HSF for letters, not to write on his printed paper |
Douglas, Maude | 13/03/1891 | snowbound, love to HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 17/03/1891 | her poem on dreams, signed by her first name Lilian |
Douglas, Maude | 31/03/1891 | to send letters to another address |
Douglas, Maude | 21/04/1891 | apologises to HSF over an address, friendly chat |
Douglas, Maude | April 1891 | says HSF doesn't want to see her again |
Douglas, Maude | 04/04/1891 | tells HSF she is 19, encloses her latest poem etc |
Douglas, Maude | 06/04/1891 | always sleeps with HSF's letters under her pillow and dreams of him |
Douglas, Maude | 01/01/1891 | happy new year, wants to see HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 02/01/1891 | love letter |
Douglas, Maude | 03/01/1891 | cold, dreamt she was in Brighton with HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 02/01/1891 | re Mr Main, health, much love to HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 07/01/1891 | friendly chat |
Douglas, Maude | 05/01/1891 | not happy with HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 06/01/1891 | sends HSF book |
Douglas, Maude | 08/01/1891 | her cold, Mr Main etc |
Douglas, Maude | 07/01/1891 | thanks HSF for letters etc |
Douglas, Maude | 10/01/1891 | general chat |
Douglas, Maude | 10/01/1891 | re other suitors |
Douglas, Maude | 09/01/1891 | re Robert's book, lovers chat |
Douglas, Maude | 10/01/1891 | wants to see HSF, love chat etc |
Douglas, Maude | 16/01/1891 | applies for acting job |
Douglas, Maude | 16/01/1891 | about people |
Douglas, Maude | 17/01/1891 | re unkind HSF letter |
Douglas, Maude | 19/01/1891 | apologises, is rude to HSF, job |
Douglas, Maude | 21/01/1891 | general chat |
Douglas, Maude | 23/01/1891 | keeping affair quiet, jobs |
Douglas, Maude | 22/01/1891 | re job, not going to look after HSF any more |
Douglas, Maude | 22/01/1891 | re job, dreamt of HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 26/01/1891 | takes HSF to task for not writing |
Douglas, Maude | 26/01/1891 | general chat |
Douglas, Maude | 26/01/1891 | re a visit |
Douglas, Maude | 30/01/1891 | will not bother HSF unless he asks to see her |
Douglas, Maude | 05/02/1891 | HSF ill, job interview |
Douglas, Maude | 06/02/1891 | offered small part at Sadlers Wells |
Douglas, Maude | 09/02/1891 | thanks HSF for letters, her French |
Douglas, Maude | 1891 | not well |
Douglas, Maude | 16/02/1891 | re some curate |
Douglas, Maude | 21/02/1891 | re dress from suitor, will always love HSF but will not bother him |
Douglas, Maude | 05/05/1891 | thanks HSF for letter and sketch of himself, adulation for HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 15/08/1896 | Brighton, no money |
Douglas, Maude | 12/02/1897 | ill, asks HSF to forgive her, troubles in life |
Douglas, Maude | 26/05/1891 | re father of her boy |
Douglas, Maude | 10/08/1896 | good to see HSF again |
Douglas, Maude | 22/08/1896 | HSF a pig but glad to see him |
Douglas, Maude | 10/05/1897 | burnt HSF's letters, money troubles |
Douglas, Maude | 12/05/1897 | thanks HSF for letter and money |
Douglas, Maude | 17/02/1897 | on husband, life |
Douglas, Maude | 23/09/1891 | sick, love to HSF and Mr Main |
Douglas, Maude | 21/09/1891 | love letter |
Douglas, Maude | 25/09/1891 | not well, love to HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 28/09/1891 | health, general chat |
Douglas, Maude | 03/10/1891 | on moving house etc |
Douglas, Maude | 06/10/1891 | thanks for money, health |
Douglas, Maude | 10/10/1891 | health, house haunted etc |
Douglas, Maude | 09/10/1891 | cannot go out |
Douglas, Maude | 12/10/1891 | asks for money etc |
Douglas, Maude | 13/10/1891 | was coming to see HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 19/10/1891 | wants to see HSF tomorrow |
Douglas, Maude | 22/10/1891 | re a vacancy etc |
Douglas, Maude | 24/10/1891 | wants to learn stage dancing etc |
Douglas, Maude | 31/10/1891 | to have voice tried, long walk ewtc |
Douglas, Maude | 22/11/1891 | re job reply, accident |
Douglas, Maude | 05/11/1891 | joins Faust |
Douglas, Maude | 06/11/1891 | must see HSF etc |
Douglas, Maude | 07/11/1891 | asscess in jaw |
Douglas, Maude | 1891 | orders where to send letters |
Douglas, Maude | 02/12/1891 | cloak and a play |
Douglas, Maude | 17/12/1891 | re job in Leicester |
Douglas, Maude | 12/12/1891 | wants to see HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 1891 | longshot cloak etc |
Douglas, Maude | 19/12/1891 | job in Leicester |
Douglas, Maude | 20/12/1891 | Blue Beard' town etc |
Douglas, Maude | 19/12/1891 | play in Leicester |
Douglas, Maude | 22/12/1891 | Happy Christmas, Leicester etc |
Douglas, Maude | 25/12/1891 | mostly Leicester activities |
Douglas, Maude | 27/12/1891 | asks when HSF going to Leicester |
Douglas, Maude | 07/12/1891 | to see HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 28/11/1891 | Leicester town encls etc |
Douglas, Maude | 07/11/1891 | general chat etc |
Douglas, Maude | 23/11/1891 | landlady, Leicester |
Douglas, Maude | 21/11/1891 | to Leicester, asks HSF to write |
Douglas, Maude | 19/11/1891 | to meet HSF etc |
Douglas, Maude | 01/10/1891 | new lodging, health, etc |
Douglas, Maude | 29/11/1891 | takes HSF to task for not writing, theatre |
Douglas, Maude | 07/04/1879 | unable to see HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 12/08/1891 | friendly letter |
Douglas, Maude | 17/12/1890 | re meeting HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 03/10/1890 | re job prospects |
Douglas, Maude | 02/10/1890 | re rooms, health |
Douglas, Maude | 30/09/1890 | bald cold |
Douglas, Maude | 26/08/1890 | re a late letter |
Douglas, Maude | 30/08/1890 | loving chat |
Douglas, Maude | 01/09/1890 | short of money |
Douglas, Maude | 05/09/1890 | "extreme pleasure of seeing" HSF |
Douglas, Maude | Sept 1890 | loving chat |
Douglas, Maude | 15/09/1890 | re job, dresses, hats etc |
Douglas, Maude | 26/09/1890 | loving chat |
Douglas, Maude | 27/09/1890 | thanks for letter |
Douglas, Maude | 212/08/1890 | loving chat |
Douglas, Maude | 17/07/1890 | re a man, job |
Douglas, Maude | 1890 | loving chat |
Douglas, Maude | 1890 | taken job |
Douglas, Maude | 19/07/1890 | re meeting HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 01/08/1890 | missing HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 02/08/1890 | bald cold |
Douglas, Maude | 04/08/1890 | loving chat |
Douglas, Maude | 04/08/1890 | wants to see HSF, a dress |
Douglas, Maude | 05/08/1890 | not well |
Douglas, Maude | 07/08/1890 | wants black dress |
Douglas, Maude | 17/08/1890 | asks forgiveness etc |
Douglas, Maude | 19/08/1890 | on her dress |
Douglas, Maude | 30/04/1890 | wants HSF to write |
Douglas, Maude | 06/05/1890 | HSF very kind, needs new gloves |
Douglas, Maude | 11/05/1890 | wants money |
Douglas, Maude | 19/05/1890 | where are you? |
Douglas, Maude | 02/06/1890 | no job, wants advice |
Douglas, Maude | 09/06/1890 | looking for job |
Douglas, Maude | 08/10/1890 | stayed at home |
Douglas, Maude | 10/10/1890 | wants money |
Douglas, Maude | 16/10/1890 | a dream, coming to see Main and Larmor |
Douglas, Maude | 27/10/1890 | may leave London for good |
Douglas, Maude | 30/10/1890 | on her childhood poverty |
Douglas, Maude | 01/11/1890 | unable to come to Cambridge at present |
Douglas, Maude | 07/11/1890 | missing HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 15/11/1890 | her bad cold |
Douglas, Maude | 20/10/1890 | writing HSF poetry, her clothing |
Douglas, Maude | 27/10/1890 | re HSF's cousin |
Douglas, Maude | 28/10/1890 | wants to see HSF |
Douglas, Maude | 28/10/1890 | general chat |
Douglas, Maude | 29/11/1890 | wants to see HSF "badly" |
Douglas, Maude | 04/12/1890 | wants HSF photo |
Douglas, Maude | 13/07/1892 | love letter |
Douglas, Maudie | 11/12/1890 | worried about HSF |
Douglas, Maudie | 15/12/1890 | wants money and to see HSF |
Douglas, Noel | 1928 | general catalogue |
Douie, C O G | 1930/12/6 | on Olive's death |
Dove, J U | 24/07/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dove, P T | 29/07/1889 | to Parsons supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dower, R Shillito | 13/06/1894 | re his exhibition |
Dower, R Shillitoe | 28/06/1894 | general |
Dower, Shillito R | 31/06/1893 | re coaching in vacation |
Dowie, C O G | 1930/7/5 | social |
Dowson, H E | 09/01/1888 | re Wicksteed |
Dowson, H Emerson | 1901/5/4 | sends HSF Hansard paper on Reserves |
Dr Williams Library | 1911/6/7 | Dr Williams scholarships |
Dr William's Library | 1900/9/13 | questions for Divinity scholarships |
Dr William's Library | 1900/7/3 | questions for Divinity scholarships |
Drake, C B | 1872 | social |
Draper, Anna Palmer | 12/06/1896 | social, lunch with General Walker |
Drew B & Co | 1911/10/7 | re shirts |
Drew, E B I to Olive Foxwell | 07/06/1899 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Drignan, W H | 28/02/1887 | PC thanks HSF for pamphlet |
Dring, E H for Bernard Quaritch | 1915/9/6 | re book leaf facsimile |
Driver, S Harold | | re new cheap edition library |
Druce, S B L | 02/02/1898 | re enclosed copy of speech to Farmers' Club |
Druce, S F L | 28/01/1898 | re meeting of the Farmers' Club |
Druce, S F L | 11/02/1898 | sends HSF copy of journal |
Druce, S F L | 20/01/1898 | re Farmers' Club meeting |
Drummond, A T | 29/09/1884 | asks HSF about lost manuscript |
Drummond, J Classon | 03/11/1889 | on wages question |
Drummond, J Classon | 15/11/1889 | thanks HSF for details of books on wages question |
Duff, R A | 1908/4/1 | re Glasgow Herald articles |
Dumas, Jacques | 13/03/1894 | on Gide etc |
Dunant, C A | 16/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Dunbar, Charles F | 17/07/1883 | asks to meet HSF |
Dunbar, Charles F | 25/07/1883 | general chat |
Dunbar, Chas | 26/11/1892 | to Marshall re F E Haynes |
Dunbar, Chas F | 20/06/1890 | social |
Dunbar, Chas F | 25/06/1890 | social etc |
Dunbar, Chas F | 06/07/1890 | social etc |
Dunbar, Chas F | 29/07/1891 | wants to meet HSF |
Dunbar, Chas F | 25/09/1890 | encloses paper on bimetallism |
Dunbar, Chas F | 21/01/1887 | re letter for January issue of Harvard publication |
Dunbar, Chas F | 01/10/1886 | re new Harvard periodical |
Dunbar, Chas F | 24/05/1887 | re letter for Harvard periodical |
Dunbar, Chas F | 29/06/1887 | re letter for Harvard periodical |
Dunbar, Chas F | 16/04/1887 | re letters for Harvard periodical |
Dunbar, Chas F | 13/11/1886 | re letter for Harvard periodical |
Dunbar, Chas F to H Higgs | 07/09/1892 | on HSF's library |
Duncan, J | 10/12/1891 | re political economy exams |
Dunlop, Hoth | 09/02/1894 | bimetallism |
Dunlop, L | 13/05/1881 | re help for a job |
Dunlop, Nellie | 15/12/1897 | asks HSF for money |
Dunlop, Nellie | 07/12/1898 | her life, asks HSF for hel[ |
Dunlop, Nellie | 22/05/1878 | couldn't stay to see HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 17/05/1878 | re meeting with HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 16/05/1878 | pleased HSF thinks about her |
Dunlop, Nellie | 09/05/1878 | re meetings with HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 07/05/1878 | HSF sends her £5 anonymously |
Dunlop, Nellie | 11/04/1878 | on their relationship |
Dunlop, Nellie | 08/04/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 04/06/1878 | missed HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 29/11/1878 | to meet on Sunday |
Dunlop, Nellie | 18/11/1878 | hopes HSF not upset by her |
Dunlop, Nellie | 14/11/1848 | stage work |
Dunlop, Nellie | 09/11/1878 | won't take more money from HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 07/11/1878 | on her work |
Dunlop, Nellie | 31/10/1878 | re work |
Dunlop, Nellie | 10/10/1878 | re work |
Dunlop, Nellie | 05/04/1878 | where to meet |
Dunlop, Nellie | 03/04/1878 | thanks HSF for gift |
Dunlop, Nellie | 26/03/1878 | lonely' and wants to write |
Dunlop, Nellie | 25/03/1878 | money, their relationship |
Dunlop, Nellie | 12/03/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 27/02/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 22/02/1878 | re job in London |
Dunlop, Nellie | 20/02/1878 | thanks HSF for book |
Dunlop, Nellie | 12/02/1878 | wants to see HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 05/02/1878 | to meet HSF again |
Dunlop, Nellie | 13/07/1878 | pleased HSF has pay rise |
Dunlop, Nellie | 01/06/1878 | had a nice Sunday |
Dunlop, Nellie | 31/05/1878 | re meeting, missed job in a restaurant |
Dunlop, Nellie | 29/05/1878 | re meeting |
Dunlop, Nellie | 1878 | asks if HSF remembers a date |
Dunlop, Nellie | 05/10/1878 | missed stage job |
Dunlop, Nellie | 17/09/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 13/08/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 28/08/1878 | on their relationship |
Dunlop, Nellie | 21/08/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 20/08/1878 | re a room, money etc |
Dunlop, Nellie | 05/08/1878 | goods in pawn, men |
Dunlop, Nellie | 01/08/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 31/07/1878 | on hours |
Dunlop, Nellie | 23/07/1878 | re job, dentist |
Dunlop, Nellie | 20/07/1879 | get job |
Dunlop, Nellie | 17/07/1878 | wants to see HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 11/07/1878 | on HSF's mother's death |
Dunlop, Nellie | 08/07/1878 | missed HSF, jobs etc |
Dunlop, Nellie | 02/07/1878 | will meet HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 07/07/1878 | feeling 'dull' |
Dunlop, Nellie | 21/07/1878 | re meeting HSF |
Dunlop, Nellie | 20/07/1878 | arrangements for Saturday |
Dunlop, Nellie | 17/06/1878 | birthday greetings |
Dunlop, Nellie | 26/08/1878 | HSF 'tired' of her |
Dunlop, Nellie | 24/10/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 04/11/1878 | on job |
Dunlop, Nellie | 26/11/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 09/12/1878 | general chat |
Dunlop, Nellie | 13/08/1878 | her free time |
Dunlop, Nellie | 07/05/1878 | her back, work hours |
Dunlop, Nellie | 22/10/1878 | missed out on stage job, asks for money |
Dunlop, Nellie | 02/05/1878 | seeking job in Paris Exhibition |
Dunlop, Nellie | 24/01/1880 | be seeing HSF |
Dunnant's Press Cuttings | 1928/4/18 | re sub |
Duprey, Charles M | 07/11/1893 | open letter on Inflated Bank Credit |
Duprey, Charles M | 13/01/1894 | open letter on US Co-operative Banking |
Durde, J V | 23/08/1889 | PC supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Durel, A | 1910/2/27 | bill for book |
Durell, J V | 27/01/1868 | re rooms for HSF and St John's |
Durell, J V | 30/01/1868 | re his start at St John's |
Durell, J V | 24/01/1868 | re his start at St John's |
Durell, J V | 09/05/1874 | re concert tickets |
Durrants Press Cuttings | 1922/10/19 | death notice and funeral report of Ernest Foxwell |
Durrant's Press Cuttings | 1923/10/16 | report of HSF lectures |
Durrell, J V | 15/06/1868 | St John's awards HSF exhibition |
Durrell, J V | 1868 | St John's gives HSF club prize |
Durrell, J V | 1868 | St John's English Essay Prize to HSF |
Durrell, J V | 24/02/1868 | St John's, HSF to matriculate |
Dvais, C L L | 17/07/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |