Name Date Title
E A C1920/2/26PC _ Board of Trade Journal
E B27/01/1898PC husband ill, please use post
E B Fry Ltd1922/10/1advertising lantern slides
E L E to Mrs Foxwell20/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
E P Dutton & Company1925/12/14sends HSF copy of book
E. E.1932/5/24family chat
Eacott, Caleb02/11/1868re exams and results
Eaden Isa1922/6/22Peggy Foxwell’s degree
Eaden J F1923/9/30social
Eaden J F1921/4/11National Review & Lloyd George
Eaden T F1918/9/15possibilities of game shooting
Eaden Ina1925/8/15social
Eaden L1922/10/22obituary letter
Eaden, I J13/01/1880re outstanding debt
Eaden, Isa09/01/1886family chat
Eaden, Isa03/12/1886social
Eaden, Isa18/01/1886purchuase of Paris goods
Eaden, Isa26/08/1886family chat
Eaden, Isa04/08/1886social
Eaden, Isa??/09/1886family chat
Eaden, Isa01/12/1886re visit to chat about church, politics
Eaden, Isa23/04/1885re courses open to her
Eaden, Isa02/03/1886invites HSF to dinner, tea
Eaden, Isa20/11/1882re date for Greek play
Eaden, Isasocial
Eaden, Isa10/08/1883social
Eaden, Isa??/01/1893social
Eaden, Isa??/01/1893social
Eaden, Isa1893asks HSF to vote for Beadle Ship
Eaden, Isa05/11/1884social
Eaden, Isa1924/11/12thanks HSF for book plate
Eaden, Isa??/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Eaden, Isa14/03/1894social
Eaden, Isa14/03/1894social
Eaden, Isasocial
Eaden, J F09/02/1887re meeting
Eaden, J F19/11/1890re some books
Eadly, J F14/03/1887re proposed changes to St John's statutes
Eadres, H A27/04/1881acceptance to dine
Eadres, Isa Willis08/05/1881tickets for concerts
Eadres, Isa Willis10/05/1881congratulates HSF on professorship
Eadres, Isa Willis?re arrangements
Eadry, Isa Willis1881social
Eadry, Isa Willis1881social
Eagleston, E W1928/11/21HSF's bank account
Eagleston, E W1927/2/16re HSF's overdraft
Eagleston, E W1928/11/12re HSF's overdraft
Eagleston, E W1927/2/10re HSF's overdraft
Eagleston, E W1929/2/26re sale of his library
Eagleston, E W1927/2/22social
Eagleston, Edward W1928/2/9social
Eagleston, G W1928/10/30to visit HSF
Eagleston, G W1928/10/24to be HSF guest at feast
Eagleston, Lilian M1928/2/14social
Eagleston, M1928/6/30re HSF's overdraft
Ealing Tenants Limited1902/12/31prospectus and accounts
Earle, Ameeting re memorial to Compton Scott
Early Closing Association04/12/1894thanks HSF for subscription
Early Closing Association28/11/1894re his subscription
Early Closing Association12/05/1892seeks contribution
Early Closing Association15/03/1890thanks HSF for cheque and support
Early Closing Association16/05/1892thanks HSF for sub
Early Closing Association and Traders' Parliamentary Alliance18/03/1889thanks HSF for subscription
Earp, M S06/09/1893re James Bonar
Eaton, C C1930/4/2re US money for bibliography (copy)
Eaton, C C1930/1/24to W R Scott re money for bibliography
Eaton, Charles C1927/10/26re possible sale of HSF's library to Harvard
Eaton, Charles C1930/12/8on Olive's death
Eaton, Charles C1928/8/22about purchase of library by Harvard
Eaton, Charles C1928/8/28re funds for purchase of library by Harvard
Eckroyd, W03/04/1885on free trade
Economic Club12/11/1893sorry HSF cannot give a lecture
Economic Club05/11/1893asks HSF to give a talk
Economic History Societylist of books suggested for publication
Economics Club30/10/1896PC notice of committee meeting
Ecroyd, W F19/03/1885on papers on fair trade
Eddison, Annie T29/03/1875re meeting of the Ladies Educational Association (Leeds)
Eddison, Annie T1875asks HSF to come to annual meeting of Leeds Ladies Educational Association
Ede, W Moore12/10/1888re paper for church congress
Ede, W Moore12/09/1888re HSF paper on competition to British Association
Ede, W Moore16/07/1885re curate(?) for Ede
Ede, W Moore23/07/1884re curate(?) for Ede
Ede, W Moore12/12/1875Liverpool exams for students, wages fund, socialism
Ede, W Moore19/12/1875problems of being at Liverpool in keeping up in PE, Howell etc
Ede, W Moorehopes HSF doesn't give up examining for local lctures, exams at Liverpool
Ede, W Moore21/06/1898HSF wedding
Ede, W Moore02/11/1889asks about Rev R W Mowbray
Ede, W Moore??/05/1878report to the Local Lectures Syndicate
Ede, W Mooreproof of article on "Exceptional Distress"
Ede, W Moore31/07/1879asks for testimonial for Frith College
Edgcombe, R P08/01/1897asks HSF to look at chapter for Popular Fallacies
Edgcomble, S P17/01/1897about a paper he is writing
Edgcomble, S P09/01/1897about a paper he is writing
Edgcumbe, E J Pearce31/03/1894silver question
Edgcumbe, E J Pearce24/03/1894silver question
Edgecombe, Robert10/10/1896thanks HSF for help
Edgecombe, Robert29/12/1896on bimetallic matters
Edgecumbe, Robert P04/09/1896asks HSF to look at his book on bimetallism
Edgecumbe, Robert P11/09/1896re his book on bimetallism
Edgecumbe, Robert P18/09/1896re proofs of his book on bimetallism
Edgecumbe, Robert P01/10/1896thanks HSF for help
Edgeworth F Y 9/4/1885re criticism of paper
Edgeworth F Y 8/4/1885re type of statist “mean”
Edgeworth F Y 8/4/1885re HSF offer of job to him etc
Edgeworth F Y21/2/1885his appointment to Statistical Society
Edgeworth F Y 5/3/1885re lectureship in statistics
Edgeworth F Y 2/4/1885to see Walker etc
Edgeworth F Y13/6/1885re proofs of book
Edgeworth F Y28/4/1885re stats problem _ talks of Jevons
Edgeworth F Y14/5/1885re stats problem: enc. piece on means
Edgeworth F Y30/5/1885capital and production
Edgeworth F Y24/9/1885re British Association paper
Edgeworth F Y10/8/1885re British Association paper
Edgeworth F Y 7/4/1885re debate between Jevons & Walker on tabular standards: contents of lectures etc
Edgeworth F Y12/7/1885PC _ re HSF paper & division of labour
Edgeworth F Y12/6/1885HSF lecture syllabus & Edgeworth paper
Edgeworth F Y 7/6/1885re contents of lectures etc
Edgeworth F Y1916/6/11thanks for data
Edgeworth F Y18/8/1897obscure
Edgeworth F Y28/10/18978 book review etc
Edgeworth F Y22/9/1897bimetallism
Edgeworth F Y28/11/1892HSF reviews for EJ
Edgeworth F Y 9/11/1892Harrison’s article on Indian silver crisis etc
Edgeworth F Y25/11/1892note on Indian Currency Commission
Edgeworth F Y19/11/1892BEA matters
Edgeworth F Y18/11/1892notes for BEA
Edgeworth F Y21/10/1892BEA matters
Edgeworth F Y12/3/1892BEA matters & Price for VP
Edgeworth F Y18/2/1892Memo for BEA etc
Edgeworth F Y11/2/1892Sidgwick & Section F
Edgeworth F Y26/11/1892 Marshall, Price, Jevons, Sidgwick etc
Edgeworth F Y19/3/1892BEA etc
Edgeworth F Y29/12/1892BEA articles
Edgeworth F Y 1/3/1892book for BEA
Edgeworth F Y23/4/1892Taussig reviews, Malthus lectures etc
Edgeworth F Y18/10/1892 Balfour, Giffen, silver crisis etc
Edgeworth F Y29/10/1892social
Edgeworth F Y15/10/1892 pamphlet for EJ etc
Edgeworth F Y19/10/1892social
Edgeworth F Y19/101892metallic money
Edgeworth F Y16/11/1892 silver & BEA matters
Edgeworth F Y13/10/1892Sidgwick etc: Balfour address
Edgeworth F Y21/12/1892 reviews on silver & currency etc
Edgeworth F Y 8/8.1892edirotial matters
Edgeworth F Y28/9/1892Price for VP of Brit Assoc etc
Edgeworth F Y30/7/1892Macmillans & classical reprints
Edgeworth F Y 2/8/ 1892re reviews etc
Edgeworth F Y23/7/1892executive meeting of BEA
Edgeworth F Y30/10/1892BEA matters
Edgeworth F Y1892BEA matters
Edgeworth F Y26/10/1892BEA matters
Edgeworth F Y28/10/1892BEA & Statistical Society
Edgeworth F Y28/9/1892Giffen & BEA
Edgeworth F Y 4/5/1892review of Taussig
Edgeworth F Y 22/5/1892BEA business
Edgeworth F Y 6/5/1892re bimetallist paper
Edgeworth F Y1913/6/8PC _ Seligman to dine with Edgeworth
Edgeworth F Y1920/8/28PC _ reviews in EJ
Edgeworth F Y1921/4/15PC _ re staff
Edgeworth FY1906/5/7Goschen as President of RES etc
Edgeworth F Y 6/11/1892reviews & BEA business
Edgeworth F Y?PC EJ business
Edgeworth F Y1901/7/27re note on Latin Monetary Union, Birmingham chair etc
Edgeworth FY25/04/1905on advertising the RES
Edgeworth, F W10/10/?PC re supper
Edgeworth, F W15/03/1884PC re dinner
Edgeworth, F W28/11/1896re dinner
Edgeworth, F W08/11/1896re review for Economic Journal
Edgeworth, F W03/06/1895PC re proof of Notes on Currenty Topics for EJ
Edgeworth, F W22/04/1895HSF letter, reference etc
Edgeworth, F Y08/05/??re a new association
Edgeworth, F Y1922/3/12Academy etc
Edgeworth, F Y1920/10/15PC re Irving Fisher
Edgeworth, F Y1920/12/31PC re Irving Fisher
Edgeworth, F Y03/12/1886re exam questions
Edgeworth, F Y29/06/1886PC re review for British Association
Edgeworth, F Y26/11/1886Edgeworth plans for money study
Edgeworth, F Y18/05/1886asks FHSF to propose paper on theory of competition for British Assoc and other economic talk
Edgeworth, F Y20/11/1886British Assoc on Stat Society committee and return of Marshall
Edgeworth, F Y10/12/1886re Marshall and British Assoc
Edgeworth, F Y??/??/1886re an HSF paper
Edgeworth, F Y23/01/1886PC query on book on railways
Edgeworth, F Y29/03/1886re HSF on competition
Edgeworth, F Y26/02/1886PC hiking arrangements
Edgeworth, F Y22/11/1886re references from HSF introduction to Jevons' Investigations
Edgeworth, F Y26/06/1886re Academy and books
Edgeworth, F Y26/09/1887price variations and other talks
Edgeworth, F Y1921/3/21Obituary for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y21/04/1887re a Nicholson paper
Edgeworth, F Y23/04/1887re Brit Assoc meeting
Edgeworth, F Y29/04/1887meeting arrangements
Edgeworth, F Y24/03/1887PE Club
Edgeworth, F Y01/03/1887re Nicholson for PE Club committee
Edgeworth, F Y18/08/1887long argument on price theory gold and silver etc
Edgeworth, F Y04/08/1887price and value report
Edgeworth, F Y27/08/1887his report on prices, gold and silver etc
Edgeworth, F Y24/08/1887general and particular disturbances
Edgeworth, F Y20/09/1887re paper by a Turk
Edgeworth, F Y06/02/1887inflation and effects on consumption
Edgeworth, F Y22/01/1887standard of value
Edgeworth, F Y??/??/1887social
Edgeworth, F Y18/07/1887re book on gold and silver
Edgeworth, F Y22/06/1887paper on bimetallism
Edgeworth, F Y??/??/1887re value and index
Edgeworth, F Y10/11/1887re a committee request
Edgeworth, F Y08/11/1887quantity theory etc
Edgeworth, F Y18/08/1887social
Edgeworth, F Y07/05/1887general chat
Edgeworth, F Y27/05/1887re an Edgeworth paper
Edgeworth, F Y06/06/1887definition of currency
Edgeworth, F Y22/03/1887re meeting of committee
Edgeworth, F Y20/03/1887thanks HSF for testimonial
Edgeworth, F Y13/02/1887secretaryship of Brit Assoc
Edgeworth, F Y03/04/1884laissez faire etc
Edgeworth, F Y11/03/1884general chat
Edgeworth, F Y06/04/1895asks HSF to write introduction to Bulletin of Bimetallism
Edgeworth, F Y07/04/1895asks HSF to write introduction to Bulletin of Bimetallism
Edgeworth, F Y28/04/1895re value and waste of gold and silver
Edgeworth, F Y06/02/1889note on bimetallism
Edgeworth, F Y22/01/1889re index numbers etc
Edgeworth, F Y28/02/1889bimetallism plus letter from A Egmont Hoke on subject
Edgeworth, F Y22/02/1889re Walras and HSF on currency standard
Edgeworth, F Y30/01/1889currency standard
Edgeworth, F Y13/02/1889international trade etc
Edgeworth, F Y15/03/1889re Brit Assoc and Barstable and Sidgwick on international trade
Edgeworth, F Y15/03/1889re preface for Walras and British Association
Edgeworth, F Y12/07/1889general chat
Edgeworth, F Y??/??/1889general chat
Edgeworth, F Y22/02/1889loss of Walras piece
Edgeworth, F Y11/01/1889re index numbers and Wicksteed's "mistake" on cost of production and bargaining
Edgeworth, F Y28/03/1889views on Walras and Bohm-Bauerk and presidential address of Section F
Edgeworth, F Y19/02/1889re Cournot on money
Edgeworth, F Y18/02/1889PC on piece by Walras
Edgeworth, F Y20/03/1889re secretary for Section F of British Association
Edgeworth, F Y27/05/1889probability in social enquiries
Edgeworth, F Y09/11/1889general chat
Edgeworth, F Y09/12/1889general chat
Edgeworth, F Y19/10/1889general chat
Edgeworth, F Y24/02/1889re Walras' last piece
Edgeworth, F Y??/??/1889re Giffen's diagramatical theory, index numbers, growth of capital
Edgeworth, F Y24/10/1896British Association business
Edgeworth, F Y20/10/1896re Presidency of Section Fof British Association
Edgeworth, F Y11/11/1896PC Sidgwick for President of British Association etc
Edgeworth, F Y11/11/1896PC Sidgwick for President of British Association etc
Edgeworth, F Y31/12/1896general chat
Edgeworth, F Y26/05/1895asks HSF to review Rand's books on economic history and asks about standards of value
Edgeworth, F Y21/02/1895seeks support for Sidgwick as President of British Association
Edgeworth, F Y10/03/1895re gold:silver relationship
Edgeworth, F Y03/12/1895British Economic Association business
Edgeworth, F Y19/12/1890re Council and journal
Edgeworth, F Y08/01/1890on relationship between money and prices
Edgeworth, F Y01/09/1890re Council meeting
Edgeworth, F Y02/09/1890re Council report
Edgeworth, F Y19/12/1890PC asks HSF re R Benson on American railways
Edgeworth, F Y29/12/1890re first issue of Journal and HSF's signature on 'News and Notes'
Edgeworth, F Y18/12/1890re candidates etc
Edgeworth, F Y17/12/1890re details of launching journal etc
Edgeworth, F Y17/11/1890re views of others on Journal etc
Edgeworth, F Y27/11/1890re Journal - 250 subscribers etc
Edgeworth, F Y26/11/1890re Journal
Edgeworth, F Y26/11/1890re circular
Edgeworth, F Y28/11/1890re administration and numbers for Journal
Edgeworth, F Y23/01/1890bimetallism and convertability
Edgeworth, F Y15/05/1890re lecture fees etc
Edgeworth, F Y14/03/1890Statistical Society and HSF's 'grand idea' for royal economic society
Edgeworth, F Y21/06/1890lecture compensation etc
Edgeworth, F Y10/02/1890some scheme and Palgrave
Edgeworth, F Y05/02/1890on Giffen's answer to HSF scheme etc
Edgeworth, F Y05/01/1890Giffen and Marshall on monetary committee
Edgeworth, F Y10/04/1890Statistical Society and Economics Society
Edgeworth, F Y10/10/1890mainly on HSF's 'new society'
Edgeworth, F Y03/11/1890social
Edgeworth, F Y17/10/1890social
Edgeworth, F Y12/11/1890re HSF's resignation of Chair
Edgeworth, F Y25/07/1890Marshall's report, Giffen etc
Edgeworth, F Y10/12/1894HSF elected President of British Association
Edgeworth, F Y20/12/1894asks HSF to review Macleod's book on bimetallism
Edgeworth, F Y06/12/1894re Association and Journal
Edgeworth, F Y12/05/1894social
Edgeworth, F Y23/01/1894British Assocation, labour unit etc
Edgeworth, F Y13/01/1894on value of money
Edgeworth, F Y01/09/1894re articles for Journal
Edgeworth, F Y04/08/1894re articles for Journal
Edgeworth, F Y13/09/1894re article on stability of money
Edgeworth, F Y09/11/1898bimetallism etc
Edgeworth, F Y26/01/1888on free trade etc
Edgeworth, F Y??/??/1888seems to be on free trade
Edgeworth, F Y20/01/1888on value theory
Edgeworth, F Y16/07/1888re his Chair at Kings
Edgeworth, F Y11/03/1888on price changes
Edgeworth, F Y18/04/1888criticisms of Gunton's Wealth and Progress
Edgeworth, F Y27/04/1888on Gunton, law of wages, etc
Edgeworth, F Y17/10/1888on demand curves etc
Edgeworth, F Y15/06/????general
Edgeworth, F Y1918/1/14British Academy elections
Edgeworth, F Y13/07/1896re John Rae etc
Edgeworth, F Y04/06/1896re an HSF review etc
Edgeworth, F Y24/04/1881on law of contracts
Edgeworth, F Y30/04/1881on law of contracts
Edgeworth, F Y19/10/1881social
Edgeworth, F Y07/10/1881re a testimonial for chair in Dublin
Edgeworth, F Y27/12/1881re a testimonial for chair in Dublin
Edgeworth, F Y28/09/1881re a testimonial for chair in Dublin
Edgeworth, F Y31/05/1881mainly social
Edgeworth, F Y27/04/1896re printing of the Economic Journal etc
Edgeworth, F Y09/03/1896re Economic Journal
Edgeworth, F Y10/11/1895on gold and silver
Edgeworth, F Y24/02/1895re a meeting
Edgeworth, F Y22/02/1895re meeting of Political Economy Club
Edgeworth, F Y03/05/1895re Edgeworth lecture on bimetallism etc
Edgeworth, F Y1907/5/6on article for EJ etc
Edgeworth, F Y22/03/1897pc re dinner at Savile Club
Edgeworth, F Y16/02/1897Oxford Political Economy Club
Edgeworth, F Y06/03/1895re some debates
Edgeworth, F Y28/10/1895argument on bimetallism
Edgeworth, F Y08/07/1895pc on bimetallism
Edgeworth, F Y13/11/1895prices and gold and silver supplies
Edgeworth, F Y03/01/1883comments on reviews of HSF's opening lecture etc
Edgeworth, F Y16/03/1883pc doesn't wish to compete with Marshall
Edgeworth, F Y12/03/1883thinking of applying for examinership at London Univ in Pol Economy, Toynbee's death
Edgeworth, F Y08/04/1883invites HSF to dine at Albemarle Club and then to Iolanthe
Edgeworth, F Y16/11/1883pc on change in value of gold
Edgeworth, F Y09/06/1883thanks HSF for procuring his admission to Statistical Society, arrangements for meeting
Edgeworth, F Y01/12/1895asks HSf to look at document
Edgeworth, F Y07/12/1895asks HSF to review Shaw's book for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y13/12/1895Shaw etc
Edgeworth, F Y1901/6/26re article in the Times
Edgeworth, F Y12/11/1880supports HSF for Jevons' chair
Edgeworth, F Y1908/4/28re directions to contributors to British Association, asks HSF to review book
Edgeworth, F Y1901/6/3re candidates for Birmingham chair, Latin Monetary Union
Edgeworth, F Y17/01/1895asks HSF to support Harrison in some election
Edgeworth, F Y26/01/1891re some printing issues, lists of names etc
Edgeworth, F Y15/04/1891some HSF suggestions, costs of translating, publishing, editing Roscher
Edgeworth, F Y02/11/1891re dinner with Bonar and Price
Edgeworth, F Y01/11/1891dine at Balliol, date of Executive meeting
Edgeworth, F Y15/01/1891Statistical Society gives use of room for a month
Edgeworth, F Y1891re circular for Guarantee
Edgeworth, F Y15/01/1891re meeting in Board of Trade etc
Edgeworth, F Y12/04/1891re review, Roscher publication and Publication Committee etc
Edgeworth, F Y18/04/1891re Rogers etc
Edgeworth, F Y22/04/1891candidate for extension lecturer, ? Teaching etc
Edgeworth, F Y07/04/1891re list to Marshall, asks HSF to glance at an article
Edgeworth, F Y1981/5/5re problems with Executive meetings
Edgeworth, F Y01/05/1891meeting at Statistical Society etc
Edgeworth, F Y02/03/1891re registration of his appointment, Newmarch and BEA
Edgeworth, F Y01/01/1891Taussig indicated he would join BEA and contribute
Edgeworth, F Y22/02/1891re HSF speech, note, suggestions for change etc
Edgeworth, F Y25/02/1891re Edgeworth's election to a chair, proof of HSF's speech etc
Edgeworth, F Y06/01/1891thanks HSF for advice, book of newspaper cuttings, names etc
Edgeworth, F Y31/01/1891work of Publishing Committee, Giffen etc
Edgeworth, F Y04/01/1891Executive meeting agendum, names etc
Edgeworth, F Y11/05/1891article on history of currency, overproduction of Journal etc
Edgeworth, F Y19/09/1891Executive Committee items, notes and memos, cost of translating article etc
Edgeworth, F Y22/05/1891Crocker paper on overproduction, Council etc
Edgeworth, F Y31/07/1891re bits for Journal
Edgeworth, F Y07/04/1891excess of artciles, Council issue etc
Edgeworth, F Y29/03/1891thanks HSF for all his help and suggestions
Edgeworth, F Y22/11/1891re cutting list contributors etc
Edgeworth, F Y1981/1/16use of room at Statistical Society, re BEA circular etc
Edgeworth, F Y04/06/1891Council meeting, article in the Times on Ireland's census etc
Edgeworth, F Y01/04/1891undesirability of Cunningham, notes in Journal etc
Edgeworth, F Y17/04/1891printer's bill of £250, Roscher's book
Edgeworth, F Y05/11/1891re note for EJ on French monetary census etc
Edgeworth, F Y07/02/????EJ issues with printers
Edgeworth, F Y02/01/1895Macleod 'not worth powder and shot', seen many Dutch economists
Edgeworth, F Y06/11/1895on bimetallic arguments
Edgeworth, F Y1901/6/15his testimonial for HSF for Birmingham chair
Edgeworth, F Y1921/2/12PC re preface to Menger
Edgeworth, F Y03/04/1891articles, socialism, PE dinner, etc
Edgeworth, F Y1911/4/28PC re Gilbert Jackson
Edgeworth, F Y1901/6/12re testimonial for HSF
Edgeworth, F Y1901/8/30re support for Price for Birmingham etc
Edgeworth, F Y1901/4/30re some HSF suggestions
Edgeworth, F Y27/0/1892pages in EJ
Edgeworth, F Y22/09/1893re paper on stability for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y11/10/1893EJ has too many articles
Edgeworth, F Y19/11/1892re president of British Association
Edgeworth, F Y20/02/1893re book title for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y20/02/1893write note to Secretary in favour of Higgs
Edgeworth, F Y26/08/1891Taussig's report
Edgeworth, F Y03/09/1892re HSF suggestions
Edgeworth, F Y23/06/1892asks HSF to attend next BEA meeting
Edgeworth, F Y09/09/1892re some review
Edgeworth, F Y06/09/1892remarks on Pareto
Edgeworth, F Y01/09/1892re current topics for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y22/03/1896re HSF contributions to EJ
Edgeworth, F Y08/09/1896Higgs for PE Club?
Edgeworth, F Y16/01/1896article on Ricardo, Economic Club etc
Edgeworth, F Y1903/8/10re signing a manifesto
Edgeworth, F Y1919/12/24re Menger's books for Oxford cause
Edgeworth, F Y1919/10/23re economics at University College Dublin
Edgeworth, F Y13/05/1897on Newmarch lectureship
Edgeworth, F Y31/01/1882re his Extension lectures syllabus
Edgeworth, F Y31/07/1882re his paper to British Association
Edgeworth, F Y03/01/1882re some misprints
Edgeworth, F Y16/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Edgeworth, F Y22/10/1897re journal matters
Edgeworth, F Y14/10/1897sends HSF a present
Edgeworth, F Y1919/4/13thanks HSF for book
Edgeworth, F Y26/09/1893HSF to do article for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y15/04/1893re EJ articles
Edgeworth, F Y09/02/1893re an HSF piece and its inclusion in EJ
Edgeworth, F Y23/01/1893re suggestions for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y03/01/1893re reprints, PE Club
Edgeworth, F Y05/08/1893re article for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y23/07/1893re treatment of periodicals in EJ
Edgeworth, F Y1893PC asks HSF for piece for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y30/07/1893re items for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y10/08/1893Balfour and EJ
Edgeworth, F Y26/07/1893PC thanks HSF for suggestions
Edgeworth, F Y12/08/1893Horton in Savile Club, Balfour and EJ
Edgeworth, F Y31/01/1893re Sauerbeck for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y01/06/1893re Japanese to review book, periodicals
Edgeworth, F Y18/06/1893re Japanese etc
Edgeworth, F Y04/05/1893on currency issues
Edgeworth, F Y18/03/1893on bimetallism
Edgeworth, F Y07/11/1893re an HSF paper for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y16/02/1893tells Major that HSF too busy to do job
Edgeworth, F Y17/02/1893re Soyeda book
Edgeworth, F Y1902/4/22re some dispute
Edgeworth, F Y1902/4/24to meet with HSF over dispute
Edgeworth, F Y1918/1/10thanks HSF for kindess
Edgeworth, F Y1917/12/6PC re book on silver
Edgeworth, F Y1918/1/21PC thanks HSF for opinion
Edgeworth, F Y15/05/1892PC re length of Pownall's note
Edgeworth, F Y1920/8/24PC re book on stabilised dollar
Edgeworth, F Y13/03/1895re issue over EJ article
Edgeworth, F Y17/10/1881PC re wages in employment
Edgeworth, F Y02/12/1881PC social
Edgeworth, F Y18/05/1896PC thanks for suggestions
Edgeworth, F Yasks HSF for address for EJ
Edgeworth, F Y1916/1/25re Bowley for B A
Edgeworth, F Y1916/2/4re BA candidates
Edgeworth, F Y1916/2/6PC re BA candidates
Edgeworth, F Y to W R Scott1918/1/29re British Academy elections
Edgley, E1897general chat
Edinburgh Co-operative Printing Co Ltd26/11/1886PC HSF's lecture out of print, seeking
Editor of The Times19/04/1921cuttings of Lewin's speeches
Edmonds, Walter10/02/1874invitation to visit
Edwards & Smith1908/4/4on Financial Review
Edwards & Smith1908/3/30on Financial Review
Edwards, Ed13/12/1890re his exam results
Edwards, Edward15/07/1892asks for testimonial
Edwards, Edward20/07/1892thanks HSF for testimonial
Edwards, Francis1923/12/4PC re book on Mount Everest
Edwards, H J1917/2/16re training of officer cadets in French
Edwards, H J1917/2/21re away classes
Edwards, H J1916/4/1re books for Hsu on military matters
Edwards, H J1916/4/5some morebooks for Bse
Edwards, J06/10/1873re friend as examiner
EEF (?)24/07/1871family chat
Egachi, T1917/6/21war finance
Eguchi T1917/7/25LSE teaching
Einzig Paul1921/9/7re his Paris De Econ
Einzig, Paul1921/9/14on French universities
Einzig, Paul1923/3/23wants HSF to supervise Phd at LSE
Eisenschmidt R15/6/1876re books & lectures on PE
Eisenschmidt R19/6/1876re books & lectures on PE
Eleanor27/12/1896social chat
Eleanor05/12/1896social chat
Eleanor08/07/????friendly chat
Eleanor05/07/1896general chat, all her news from US
Eleanor08/11/1896sea sick
Eliacheff, B1914/9/24re Russian banking and finance
Eliacheff, B1915/4/24on Keynes and state of war
Eliacheff, BPC kindest regards
Eliacheff, B1914/11/11sends data on Russia
Eliachoff, B1915/4/16re Russian books and war finance
Elise30/05/1894family chat re Willie and Florrie etc
Elise29/07/1894re Nellie Looking for tutorship
Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund?note on work of fund
Elkan J1913/1/24no title
Ella08/09/1896on Mr Munro's illness
Ellam John1913/1/1re books
Ellam, John17/05/1898wedding present
Ellen, F30/08/1894social
Ellen, F31/05/1894invite to dinner
Ellen, Frank21/02/1894on some lectures
Ellen, Frank21/10/1884trip to Cambridge
Ellie04/11/1906on finishing cataloguing library etc
Ellie16/06/1924family chat
Ellie1934/6/15on HSF's birthday
Ellie1930/11/26on death of Mrs Foxwell
Ellie1922/6/21re HSF's troubles with UCL
Ellie1927/7/21family debt
Ellie1925/6/16family chat
Ellie1925/12/10family chat
Ellie1927/6/16family chat
Ellie1912/6/19family chat
Ellie1933/6/21family chat
Ellie1932/7/8re death of Agnes Sibley
Ellie1932/4/26re staying at Cambridge
Ellie1921/6/18re tooth extractions
Ellie1930/11/19re Olive's operation
Ellie1931/4/10staying for holiday etc
Ellie1931/6/16birthday wishes and general chat
Ellie1932/10/24PC re cream sent for Taunton
Ellie1935/8/26general chat
Ellie1932/6/16birthday message, cream
Ellie1934/10/7thanks for hospitality, etc
Ellie1932/5/15re visit to HSF
Ellie1932/4/14cream and visit
Ellie1931/5/5re holidays
Ellie1935/1/6re champagne and cream
Ellie1936/3/4to Audrey re father
Ellie??/12/1034re wine and cream
Ellie1933/6/15birthday wishes
Ellie1934/9/3visit and general
Ellie1934/8/31visit and general
Ellie1916/7/12re HSF's professorship etc
Ellie1916/6/26re the war etc
Ellie1916/8/13general and schools for girls
Ellie1917/6/7re the war, food, staff
Ellie1916/2/8death of Laura, funeral, boarding schools
Ellie1911/2/28general chat
Ellie1911/6/16birthday messages and coronation
Ellie1910/11/20re Jewish friends' children etc
Ellie1915/9/6re Olive to France to nurse
Ellie1919/11/25re war etc
Ellie1917/12/5general chat
Ellie1910/12/5re Jews etc
Ellie1915/8/27re funeral of Laura's husband
Ellie1920/12/17family chat
Ellie1917/1/27family chat
Ellie1923/6/8family chat
Ellie1926/6/18birthday greetings, trip to London
Ellie1926/9/10sending cream, family chat
Ellie1915/8/20card to Ernest Foxwell re death of HBH
Ellie1901/12/27family chat
Elliot & Fry1916/1/28want to take HSF's photo
Elliot T Fry Ltd1921/9/7to take HSF's photo
Elliot, I H28/06/1895re Association and scholarship of the Journal
Elliot, I H21/08/1895re proposal for St John's to sell land
Elliot, J H29/10/1896re a student etc
Elliot, J H19/10/1892on an Edgeworth proposal for BEA
Elliot, J I1916/4/13re Royal Mint questions
Elliot, L M21/04/1898thanks HSF for book, encloses poem
Elliot, L M18/04/1898drink problems etc
Elliot, Lillian M30/05/1898personal
Elliot, Mrs R M21/05/1898sad personal letter
Elliot, T H02/09/1895re College vote
Elliot, T H17/01/1895social
Elliott Sir Thomas1917/6/11Board of Agriculture
Elliott & Fry Ltd1916/5/1re HSF portrait photo
Elliott & Fry Ltd1916/3/24re HSF portrait photo
Elliott & Fry Ltd1928/11/6re HSF portrait
Elliott & Fry Ltd1928/12/5re HSF portrait
Elliott, Charles W13/09/1877social
Elliott, Charles W27/04/1879general chat
Elliott, I H23/08/1888re Lord Bramwell not going to British Association at Bath
Elliott, J H13/11/1890re Statistical Society business
Elliott, J H16/11/1890re Statistical Society business
Elliott, J H04/07/1895social, to dine with Indian
Elliott, J I1916/12/21on Australian gold coinage
Elliott, J I1916/10/24Royal Mint and gold coinage
Elliott, J I1915/12/21Royal Mint on withdrawal of light gold coinage
Elliott, J I1915/11/26withdrawal of light gold coinage, other currencies and Royal Mint operations
Elliott, Lilian M10/06/1898thanks HSF for present
Elliott, Maud05/04/1898in asylum, aunt looking after children etc
Elliott, T H04/12/1893re sale of college property
Elliott, T H08/01/1894re some council meeting
Elliott, T H24/01/1891new rules of BEA, Giffen's amendment etc
Elliott, T H28/08/1895Board of Agriculture cannot stop sale of land by St John's College
Elliott, T H25/02/1889re HSF visit to Inland Revenue
Elliott, T H21/02/1889re Inland Revenue and bimetallism
Elliott, T H15/03/1887article on income and property taxes
Elliott, T H01/03/1889re bimetallism, Lord Iddesleigh
Elliott, T H06/10/1892re meeting with HSF and Price
Elliott, T H14/10/1892re resignation of Lindman and replacement
Elliott, T H18/10/1892re BEA Council and possible appointment of Higgs as secreatry
Elliott, W W1908/2/24to W F Reddaway, reply to note
Ellis, J23/01/1888re HSF's paper on theory of rent for Chamber of Agriculture
Ellis, P09/11/1874on HSF's fellowship
Ellis, Philip08/01/1875social
Elly08/01/1890re influenza
Elton, James W19/08/1897asks HSF for testimonial
Eltzbacher, O E18/01/1894article on Imperial Question
Ely, T02/05/1884re Newmarch lectures
Elyouer, Aldred1889PC supports Jenkinson for librarian
Emily23/11/1874congratulations re fellowship and criticism of her own exam
Emily03/05/1880rooms HSF wants one free
Emmanuel College1903/4/16paid HSF for lecture
Emmanuel College1907/3/28pays HSF
Emmie06/12/1883general chat
Emmie21/12/1883general chat
Emmie13/12/1883general chat
Emmie15/12/1883general chat
Emmie23/10/1883general chat
Emmie28/02/1883general chat
Emmie15/01/1883general chat
Emmie10/03/1883general chat
Emmie29/03/1883general chat
Emmie??/??/1883general chat
Emmie21/03/1883general chat
Emmie20/04/1883father's health
Emmie26/05/1883general chat
Emmie30/05/1883general chat
Emmie16/06/1883general chat
Emmie22/06/1881general chat
Emmie22/09/1883general chat
Emmie18/07/1883general chat
Emmie11/09/1883general chat
Emmie22/09/1883general chat
Emmie09/10/1883general chat
Emmie14/11/1883general chat
Emmie23/04/1883general chat
Emmie11/08/????family chat
Emmie??/10/1875family chat
Emmie??/10/1875family chat
Emmie20/07/1884family chat
Emmie20/03/1884family chat
Emmie16/04/1884family chat
Emmie29/04/1884family chat
Emmie19/12/1884general chat
Emmie14/10/1884general chat
Emmie06/10/1884general chat
Emmie06/09/1884general chat
Emmie30/08/1884general chat
Emmie04/07/1884general chat
Emmie26/07/1884general chat
Emmie??/??/1884general chat
Emmie27/05/1884general chat
Emmie24/01/1881family chat
Emmie??/02/1881family chat
Emmie??/02/1881family chat
Emmie12/04/1881family chat
Emmie08/04/1881family chat
Emmie??/04/1881family chat
Emmie29/04/1881family chat
Emmie08/05/1881family chat
Emmie06/05/1881family chat
Emmie11/05/1881family chat
Emmie15/05/1881family chat
Emmie13/07/1881general chat
Emmie04/07/1881general chat
Emmie14/07/1881general chat
Emmie21/06/1881general chat
Emmie07/06/1881general chat
Emmie04/06/1881general chat
Emmie28/11/1896thanks for present
Emmie5/01/1898family chat
Emmie13/08/1880chats about her stay near Leamington
Emmie05/08/1880tells of a wedding
Emmie08/05/1880chats re stay at Scarborough etc
Emmie01/03/1880general social chat, valentines etc
Emmie26/08/1880family chat from Weston-super-mare
Emmie08/10/1880re social round, bicycling etc
Emmie20/10/1880weather, general chat
Emmie08/12/1880weather, general chat
Emmie11/02/1880re dance, music lessons, general
Emmie16/01/1880family chat, thanks for present
Emmie02/02/1880re skating, social
Emmie16/06/1880birthday wishes, general chat
Emmie19/11/1880family chat
Emmie18/12/1880social, local dance etc
Emmie11/06/1880general chat
Emmie21/06/1880general chat
Emmie30/07/1880re a wedding etc
Emmie13/04/1880re trip to Scarborough etc
Emmie20/04/1880Scarborough, general
Emmie25/03/1880thanks for 3 guineas, general and enclosure
Emmie18/03/1880re Easter, social etc
Emmie23/07/1880begs HSF for £5 gift to go to a wedding
Emmie29/05/1880re social life, Rev Thos Adams, etc
Emmie26/07/1880thanks HSF for £6, money problems, trvel
Emmie17/02/1872present, piano, valentine
Empstrom C L 3/11/1883re learning PE
Empstrom C L 2/10/1883re George’s Progress and Poverty
Emy1918/10/6family and social chat
Emy1924/5/20family chat
Emy1928/2/4family chat
Emy1925/7/14PC social
Emy?PC social
Emy1927/6/20PC social
Emy1935/12/22Xmas greetings etc
Emy1930/11/23on death of Mrs Foxwell
Emy1919/6/16birthday greetings
Emy11/11/1868family and mother
Emy1927/8/5family debt
Emy1927/12/6family chat
Emy1925/7/17family chat
Emy1925/4/11family chat
Emy1927/6/16family chat
Emy18/08/1887family chat
Emy20/02/1896family chat
Emy01/12/1884family chat
Emy19/11/1884general chat
Emy10/11/1896dinner visit
Emy30/11/1896re At Home visits
Emy08/11/1896re busy life in EC
Emy23/11/1896re weather, dates
Emy16/06/1896family chat
Emy01/07/1896family chat
Emy07/03/1896family chat
Emy20/05/1896family chat
Emy?re news of future husband Harold Johnson
Emy29/09/1896re family chat and wedding etc
Emy08/07/1896announcement of engagement
Emy09/06/1896family chat
Emy12/04/1896re Ernest's love life and aunt's health
Emy10/01/1896re address
Emy22/12/1896family chat
Emy05/12/1896family chat
Emy28/12/1896family chat
Emy26/09/1896re HSF having rooms with them
Emy28/08/1896re dates
Emy1928/1/18re prints and coming to stay
Emy1928/1/28PC re Ellie's health
Emy23/05/1894on holiday in Vienna
Emy13/05/1894on holiday at sea
Emy13/06/1894from Vienna re holiday and Krauses
Emy22/09/1887from Germany
Emy09/11/1887from Vienna
Emy29/08/1894from Austria
Emy1987/12/8from Austria
Emy23/07/1889from Austria
Emy18/09/1889re business and Emperor's birthday
Emy22/09/1889from Austria general chat
Emy05/07/1889from Austria general chat
Emy14/06/1889birthday greetings etc
Emy08/09/1889business etc
Emy21/08/1892from Germany re travels
Emy1919/11/16family chat
Emy1923/6/16birthday and family
Emy1922/6/15re Peggy's twins
Emy1918/10/15re family problems between HSF and Olive
Emy1926/1/10family chat
Emy1925/9/16family chat
Emy1915/10/1family chat
Emy1916/1/17family chat
Emy1911/5/11family chat
Emy1904/5/30family chat
Emy1934/10/22family chat
Emy23/08/1898family chat
Emy14/09/1898on death of uncle
Emy22/10/1898family chat
Emy18/10/1898family chat
Emy1914/10/25on family
Emy1914/4/6on family etc
Emy16/06/1898family chat
Emy16/08/1898family chat
Emy22/03/1898family chat
Emy16/04/1898general chat
Emy12/11/1898family chat
Emy10/04/1898family chat
Emy27/01/1898family chat
Emy1916/9/23on her wartime voluntary aid
Emy1915/11/23family chat
Emy1914/8/11family chat
Emy1915/6/16family chat
Emy1912/3/10family chat
Emy1914/11/1family chat
Emy16/06/1892general chat, and birthday wishes
Emy04/06/1892re invitation; attachment from Emy to HSF (6/12/1892)
Emy14/02/1892asks HSF to visit her
Emy10/04/1892general chat, and asks HSF to visit her
Emy04/03/1892thanks for cheque, general chat
Emy17/05/1892social chat
Emy25/05/1892social chat
Emy04/07/1892general chat
Emy30/07/1892general chat
Emy27/05/1892re trip to Parliament House
Emy26/10/1892general chat
Emy06/11/1892re Eastbourne etc
Emy06/10/1892re Eastbourne etc
Emy29/04/1892re new address in Kensington
Emy04/12/1892general chat
Emy1926/9/6re Olive and HSF visiting Little Shelford
Emy1926/8/28holiday news and family chat
Emy29/04/1894writes from Mediterranean, describes Corfu etc
Emy17/12/1894general chat
Emy19/08/1894general chat from Austria
Emy1928/6/17birthday greetings etc
Emy1917/11/22family news
Emy29/09/1890re dinner plans
Emy20/08/1890holiday chat from Norfolk
Emy22/10/1890asks if HSF applying for Oxford Professorship
Emy10/01/1890re influenza and general chat
Emy03/01/1890re xmas, general
Emy21/02/1890re Grotesque Exhibition in London etc
Emy24/02/1890general chat
Emy16/06/1890birthday wishes etc
Emy12/05/1890re investments, holidays
Emy05/05/1890re investments, Lucy's tombstone, family
Emy24/12/1890greetings, chat
Emy04/07/1890business matters etc
Emy11/06/1890business matters etc
Emy16/05/1890family chat
Emy31/08/1890family chat
Emy01/03/1890family chat
Emy07/03/1890re Arthur's 'Hill Farm' and friends
Emy??/??/1890general chat
Emy22/04/1891influenza epidemic, family etc
Emy27/04/1890pc general
Emy02/01/1890general chat
Emy22/05/1890re dining together
Emy07/06/1890social chat
Emy10/06/1890social chat and enclosure from I G Foxwell
Emy27/06/1891re tickets, chat
Emy26/07/1891tells of governess job at £120 pa
Emy01/09/1891writes from Arthur's, general chat
Emy19/10/1891asks HSF to visit
Emy30/11/1891thanks for luncheon for her and pupil
Emy14/09/1891general chat
Emy06/10/1891family, new job
Emy04/12/1891pc general
Emy02/11/1891pc general
Emy16/11/1891re visiting Cambridge with the Andrews
Emy ??/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Emy to Mrs Foxwell14/07/1899re christening of Audrey
Encyclopedia Britannica1923/2/12looks for sales
Engledew, F L1928/3/13sends HSF skins from Nigeria
Engledow F L1921/4/13re address of E B Smithetc
Engledow, F L1930/11/26on Olive's death
Enid1927/8/7family debt
Enid (HSF niece)1922/7/23re her marriage
Eppingham Wilson & Co1894pamphlets etc on bimetallism
Epstein, M1910/7/6re UCL
Epstein, M1910/8/4wants to give course on economic history
Epstein, M1910/8/8re his course of lectures
Epstein, M1910/5/26re his career and CV
Erdman, H1908/11/10trial for obscene photos
Erdmann & Schanz20/03/1896open letter on bimetallism to Chancellor of the Exchequer
Erdmann, H12/08/1910re letter in Times on price of silver etc
Erdmann, H1917/8/12on war finance etc
Erdmann, H15/07/1897re Peel misquoting HSF on silver issue
Erdmann, H17/08/1897sends HSF bimetallic literature
Erdmann, H16/08/1897statement oby Geo Clare on bimetallism
Erdmann, H19/08/1897re Molesworth's charts, Agricultural Report
Erdmann, H11/08/1897to W H Grenfell re address on bimetallism and Clare's views
Erdmann, H16/08/1897Mr George Clare not to be trusted
Erdmanns, H1903/10/14student letter
Ernest17/10/1892re coaching Hins etc
Ernest13/12/1892re Christmas, papers to be marked
Ernest16/04/1880general chat, trip to Whitby by train etc
Ernest18/02/1880school news
Ernest12/02/1880school news and criticism of standards and ideals in Scarborough
Ernest16/02/1880re his letter to York Herald, school etc
Ernest03/03/1880school discipline, expelling of a boy
Ernest15/05/1880various, family, life in Scarborough
Ernest30/06/1880re Capt Webb's water feat, a dance, life in Scarborough
Ernest02/06/1880many topics
Ernest06/06/1880re weather, family, trains
Ernest26/07/1880re proposed free trip London - York GNR
Ernest21/07/1880re leaving Scarborough, attitude of Bedford, family
Ernest10/03/1880re death of Bale, Bedford etc
Ernest06/08/1880describes train ride to York, long walk etc
Ernest22/02/1880points of language, weather etc
Ernest12/04/1880school plans, local elections, bills, children's party etc
Ernest17/10/1880dicusses future and prospects in Cambridge
Ernest18/12/1880from Liverpool re teaching, life there etc
Ernest08/12/1869congrats HSF on honour, general
Ernest04/12/1869frustrations with family and friends, church people
Ernest15/11/1869re going to Cambridge, not wanting to go home
Ernest11/11/1869life at Rickmansworth, lack of suitable clothes
Ernest09/11/1869re exams, family ills, methodistss
Ernest28/10/1869analyses exam papers, Huxley, Burlington House
Ernest24/10/1869Trafalgar Sq demo, Fenian Amnesty demom
Ernest12/06/1869complains of dullness at Shepton Mallet, school activities
Ernest04/06/1869re HSF taking an appointment at Taunton, general
Ernest02/06/1869general chat
Ernest28/05/1869general chat
Ernest26/05/1869asks HSF for opinion of Davies for HM for assistant master
Ernest11/05/1869chapel opening, poem enclosed
Ernest18/05/1869general school and chapel notes
Ernest27/04/1869on his birthday, general
Ernest05/03/1869general chat
Ernest13/02/1869general school chat, chapel news
Ernest19/02/1869Christian matters, family, school
Ernest01/02/1869walking average for January, school etc
Ernest20/05/1894general chat
Ernest14/09/1894general chat
Ernest23/02/1872encloses angry letter from Arthur
Ernest26/03/1872home news, etc
Ernest09/02/1872local news
Ernest01/02/1872general chat
Ernest Benn Limited1928/10/10re Benn's Return to Laissez-faire
Ernest to Olive30/12/1897chat from Japan, and thanks for photo
Ernmann, H16/07/1895praises of bimetallism
Ernsthausen & Co27/05/1893re their publication on silver
Erskine, Beveridge29/05/1895re manuscript and book collecting
Erskine, C 08/04/1878general
Erskine, C 10/05/1878general
Erskine, C 13/02/1878general
Erskine, C 02/04/1878general
Erskine, C ??/??/1878general
Erskine, C 10/10/1878general
Erskine, Claude16/10/1878general
Erskine, E02/02/1879social
Erskine, E11/09/1877general chat
Erskine, E?re an HSF affair etc
Erskine, E07/12/1879mainly social
Erskine, E09/08/1878re meeting Florrie
Erskine, E19/08/1878re Florrie's visit
Erskine, Emily20/10/1879on her family
Erskine, Emilyre HSF wanting to marry someone
Erskine, G17/05/1881congratulates HSF on professorship
Erskine, G16/06/1881general
Erskine, G09/05/1879general chat
Erskine, G07/05/1879general chat
Erskine, G05/03/1879condolence letter
Erskine, G16/06/1879general chat
Erskine, G20/07/1879general chat about holidays
Erskine, G03/07/1879holiday chat
Erskine, G10/08/1879general chat
Erskine, G??/??/1879general chat
Erskine, G15/05/1879general chat
Erskine, G21/06/1879social
Erskine, G??/??/1879social
Erskine, G12/06/1880friends, general chat etc
Erskine, G?re meeting Florrie
Erskine, Mrs13/03/1878general
Erskine, Mrs07/05/1878general
Erskine, Mrs24/01/1878general
Erskine, Mrs21/06/1878general
Erskine, Mrs03/08/1878general
Erskine, Mrs01/01/1878general
Erskine, Mrs??/??/1878general
Erskine, Mrs11/10/1878general
Erskine, Mrs??/??/1878general
Erskine, Mrs30/07/1878general
Erskine, Mrs15/01/1878general
Erskine, Mrs23/02/1878general
Erskine, Mrs01/04/1878general
Erskine, Mrs17/06/1878general
Erskine, Mrs22/07/1878general
Erskine, Mrs20/04/1878general
Erskine, Mrs25/09/1878general
Erskine, Mrs22/09/1878general
Erskine, Mrs03/10/1878general
Erskine, Mrs??/??/1878general
Escher Fraulein B1915/8/12tells of marriage
Esdaile Arundel1918/7/5re lists of books etc for British Museum
Esdaile, A1928/4/17wants details of Bibliography for Library Association Record
Eumofopoulos, N1918/7/27asks HSF re books on banking
Eumorfopoulos N1918/7/28thanks for information
Euyshaur, G27/03/1884asks HSF to exams at City of London College etc
Evans I Richardson1924/4/2History of Scapa Society
Evans, A H18/06/????exams and Keynes lectures
Evans, A H1914/1/30social
Evans, Daniel E1927/9/29asks about HSF's library
Evans, E V1921/2/1requests HSF to see J B Lee re cable from HSF about bank accounting expert
Evans, E V (LSE)1921/3/2re honorary degree for U Y Hsu
Evans, Ifer1934/4/24re job in Wales etc
Evans, Ifer1932/8/7social
Evans, Ifor1930/11/23on death of Mrs Foxwell
Evans, J L24/07/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Evans, J T28/09/1898re his letters etc
Evans, J T1898social
Evans, Richardson01/10/1896National Society for Checking Abuses of Public Advertising
Evans, Richardson17/02/1896general
Evans, Richardson1925/10/16general chat
Evans, Richardson1925/10/31on an HSF manuscript
Evans, Richardson1925/4/7re an HSF manuscript
Evans, Richardson1925/5/26re a book on 'Scapa'
Evans, Richardson1925/10/20on his 'Scapa' book
Evans, Richardson1926/10/21on his 'Scapa' book
Evans, Richardson1926/8/26on his 'Scapa' book
Evans, Richardson1901/5/6re petition to Balfour for SEAPA
Evans, Richardson12/1-/1925asks HSF to have his name in book
Evans, Richardson21/04/1897re difference with HSF over a petition
Evans, Richardson??/11/1921re Scapa Society
Evans, Richardson10/04/1897re abuse of public advertising campaign
Evans, Samuel1923/11/15figures on gold mining
Evans, Samuel1919/10/22asks about gold standard
Eve, H W21/11/1886re debate at National Political Union
Eve, H W23/11/1886re debate at National Political Union
Eve, H W20/11/1886PC church dissent
Eve, H W04/04/1888re college examiners
Eve, H W20/01/1895re exam marking
Eve, H W02/03/1895re exam marking
Eve, H W19/02/1895re exams
Eve, H W20/02/1895social chat
Eve, H W28/12/1894on exam papers for University of New Zealand
Eve, H W25/02/1895re exams for University of New Zealand
Eve, H W22/02/1895re exams for University of New Zealand
Eve, H W07/02/1897re papers
Eve, H WJan-02PC re job for daughter of friend
Eve, H W15/06/1898University of New Zealand exams
Eve, H W25/04/1898re University of New Zealand exams
Eve, H W21/02/1898re New Zealand exam papers
Eve, H W29/10/1890re translation of German books by his wife
Eve, H W30/04/1892re Professors' dinner
Evening Standard1918/2/4asks HSF to series of articles on trade and tariffs
Evening Standard1918/1/12asks HSF for article on Germany's commerical methods
Everest, L F24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Everett, R L13/01/1893re an HSF article on bimetallism
Everett, R L13/04/1893re an HSF lecture at Leicester
Everett, R L28/07/1896on value of gold and silver
Everett, R L31/05/1894re HSF's evidence to House of Commons
Everett, R L19/04/1894demonetization of silver and agriculture
Everett, R L26/08/1896bimetallism
Everett, R L24/06/1898on HSF's wedding invitation
Everett, R L22/08/1896asks HSF to give lecture in place of Frewen
Everett, R L04/11/1894(copy) on bimetallism
Everett, R L08/01/1890reply to Giffen is capital
Everettt R L21/9/`897bimetallism
Ewart, W Q22/06/1894on the silver question etc
Ewart, W Q30/01/1894British monetary system, factory legislation etc
Ewart, W Q24/12/1893wants to borrow a book
Ewbank, L06/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Ex-Servicemens' Welfare Society1931appeal
Ex-Services Welfare Society1938/11/11to Audrey Foxwell, on Society's work
Eyre, Margaret28/05/1895re a Society paper
Eyre, Margaret23/05/1895re a Society paper
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