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2 Apcs from A. Toynbee to Foxwell (1881). | | no title |
2 TLsS from J.M. Keynes to Foxwell re. Sir John
Macdonell (1921), Presidency of the Royal Economic
Society(1929), ALS re. obituary notice for 'the
Archdeacon' (1919), also several postcards and notes. | | no title |
6 ALsS and a note from H.Sidgwick to Foxwell (c. 1890-91). | | no title |
ALS from First Lord of the Treasury, 1901. | | no title |
Apc signed from J.M. Keynes to Audrey Foxwell, 1938. | | no title |
Box containing Foxwell' s diaries, 1879-96. 18vols. | | no title |
Box containing Foxwell' s diaries, 1879-96. 18vols. | | no title |
Bundle of(c.85) letters to Audrey Foxwell from various
sources, 1936-38. | | no title |
Env. containing 2 plate: Portrait of Robert Owen, and View
of New Lanark. | | no title |
Env. containing plate: Portrait of David Ricardo. | | no title |
Env. of 'children' s photographs, Easter 1915' . | | no title |
H.S.F notes on life, etc. | | no title |
Misc. correspondence to Audrey Foxwell and MS notes, also
family photos(Ernest, John, Reuben, Arthur, Florrie, etc.) | | no title |
MS copy of 'notes found written on the flyleaves of two
copies of the first edition of Malthus' Essay on
Population, 1798.' | | no title |
MS notes and pamphlet [An Account of what past on Monday the
28th of October, 1689. In the House of Commons, And since at
the king' s-Bench-Bar at Westminster, In Relation to the Earl
of Castlemaine. London, Printed for Matthew Granger, 1690.]
re. two Lord Castlemaines(one 17th century, the other late-19th century) and a Thomas Foxwell, 1813. | | no title |
Proof of article on Jevons by J.M. Keynes. | | no title |
Six TLsS from J.M. Keynes to Audrey Foxwell, 1937, with a
typescript of an article on H.S. Foxwell [ by A.F.? Sent to
J. M. K. for approval ]. Also another corrected typescript and
MS notes for the same article. | | no title |