Name Date Title
2 Apcs from A. Toynbee to Foxwell (1881). no title
2 TLsS from J.M. Keynes to Foxwell re. Sir John Macdonell (1921), Presidency of the Royal Economic Society(1929), ALS re. obituary notice for 'the Archdeacon' (1919), also several postcards and notes. no title
6 ALsS and a note from H.Sidgwick to Foxwell (c. 1890-91). no title
ALS from First Lord of the Treasury, title
Apc signed from J.M. Keynes to Audrey Foxwell, 1938. no title
Box containing Foxwell' s diaries, 1879-96. 18vols. no title
Box containing Foxwell' s diaries, 1879-96. title
Bundle of(c.85) letters to Audrey Foxwell from various sources, 1936-38. no title
Env. containing 2 plate: Portrait of Robert Owen, and View of New Lanark. no title
Env. containing plate: Portrait of David Ricardo. no title
Env. of 'children' s photographs, Easter 1915' .no title
H.S.F notes on life, etc. no title
Misc. correspondence to Audrey Foxwell and MS notes, also family photos(Ernest, John, Reuben, Arthur, Florrie, etc.) no title
MS copy of 'notes found written on the flyleaves of two copies of the first edition of Malthus' Essay on Population, 1798.' no title
MS notes and pamphlet [An Account of what past on Monday the 28th of October, 1689. In the House of Commons, And since at the king' s-Bench-Bar at Westminster, In Relation to the Earl of Castlemaine. London, Printed for Matthew Granger, 1690.] re. two Lord Castlemaines(one 17th century, the other late-19th century) and a Thomas Foxwell, 1813. no title
Proof of article on Jevons by J.M. Keynes. no title
Six TLsS from J.M. Keynes to Audrey Foxwell, 1937, with a typescript of an article on H.S. Foxwell [ by A.F.? Sent to J. M. K. for approval ]. Also another corrected typescript and MS notes for the same article. no title
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