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Receipt of fee no. 51 for member of Convocation
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?20/0/1871PC _ general chat
?1916/9/12PC _ re Pepys Diary
?1932/12/28PC _ to Mrs Johnson ( Emy F) _social
?19/11/1911PC = Eagle
?26/12/1928death of Arthur Sibly
??tuition for niece
?24/12/1911tuition for niece
?1917/8/26reply to Winter: to see Chancellor etc
?20/8/1917HSF’s article in The Economist
?15/01/1886asks for HSF's paper on fair trade
?13/11/1891friendly chat
?01/08/1894 Indian currency questions
?16/05/1898sends HSf a print of Coke of Holkham
?26/09/1896PC re some proofs
?10/06/1874invite to musical party
?1920pc social
?1901/6/24re candidtates
?01/04/1898PC re some woman
?1915/8/31PC E's address
?1915re Mays exams
?10/08/1897PC re meeting in Switzerland
?23/12/1895part letter attacking Bimetallic League
? Harold1918/8/5social chat
? F F B ?1918/6/14PC _ evidence?
? Geoffrey1919/4/28re Coal Commission
? Charles04/12/1868exam results etc
? Ronald15/09/1889tax etc
?, Charles17/11/1873re Madgelan tower etc
?, Eleanor09/03/1895going to live in New York
?, Felix1936/8/18on HSF's death to Audrey Foxwell
?, H R14/01/1882re nomination to Statistical Society
?, H R17/04/1883re Jevons's memorial
?, H R06/01/1880to see Marshall and examining
?, J E13/07/1888social
?, J O18/06/1884re Newmarch
?, Marjorie1936/8/7on HSF's death to Audrey Foxwell
?, R V L1913/2/3re memorial on public education
?, S C18/06/1881re lecture arrangements at UCL
?, W C??/??/1917thanks HSF for cuttings etc
???poem with HSF’s comments
0 LSE1919/9/29exams in war economics
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