Name Date Title
G A C28/08/1889PC supports Jenkinson for librarian
G A M1903/10/6thanks for cheque
G Bell & Sons Ltd1921/10/31re HSF opinion on a statistics book
G Bell & Sons Ltdflyer for book on statistics
G Bell and Sons Ltd1914/5/25sends HSF copy of Seager's Principles of Economics
G Bell and Sons Ltd1914/6/4re opinion of works of Professor Seagar
G Bell and Sons Ltd1921/7/20pleased HSF can recommend Jones' book on statistics
G C H16/11/1882PC re some issue
G G1921/10/3PC _ on engineering & method of labour
G W P03/05/1891re HSF's position in a club and staying on the committee
Gabrialidi, V02/10/1894overproduction of currants in Greece
Gadd M31/9/1915demon of gold
Gadd, MontgomeryApr-08open letter US policy on gold exports
Gaden, Isa13/09/1898social
Gaiety Theatre21/10/1877to Nellie Dunlop, no work for her
Gail, W1922/9/19re Cambridge rates
Gaillard, H C14/11/1889re monetary congress
Gaillard, H C15/11/1889notes of Raffalovich
Galloway & Porter?PC report on a book
Galloway & Porter1929/7/10offers publications
Galloway & Porter Ltd1936/8/4to AF on death of HSF
Galton, F W05/09/1896re biography of Francis Place
Galton, F W21/08/1896Birmingham Labour Gazette etc
Galton, F W03/10/1895begs loan of a copy of document of 1745 re trade unionism in tailoring trade
Galton, F W14/10/1895about two old documents
Galton, F W07/10/1895cases with pamphlets from 1721 and 1756
Galton, F W21/10/1895returns lecture notes leaf
Galton, Frank W19/07/1896re volume of documents on trade unionism in tailoring
Gambert, Clara18/10/1889Ford never slept with her but something happened once, her concerns etc
Gambert, Clara03/01/1890M writing awful lies about her
Gambert, Clara04/10/1889re lie told by Ford about her and Maud
Gambert, Clara27/12/1889re rental costs etc
Gambert, Clara26/12/1889Maud not pregnant but doctor wants more 'intimate' look
Gambert, Clara27/12/1889is HSF not pleaesd about doctor's verdict about Maud?
Gambert, Clara31/12/1889worried about expense to HSF of helping girls in Dieppe
Gambert, Clara24/11/1889thanks HSF for tea, worried about expenses
Gambert, Clara22/12/1889Maud not pregnant but sick
Gambert, Clara23/12/1889Maud to see doctor after Christmas
Gambert, Clara05/12/1889Maud poorly, Dieppe ok
Gambert, Clara11/11/1889re Maud and expenses
Gambert, Clara01/11/1889Maud and Ford
Gambert, Clara10/12/1889Maude difficult, drinking etc
Gambert, Clara19/12/1889trouble with Maud etc
Gambert, Clara19/12/1889on Maud
Gambert, Clara12/12/1889re drink etc
Gambert, Clara09/01/1890wants to see HSF
Gambert, Clara18/10/1889Maud and Ford
Gambert, Clara20/10/1889re flirting etc
Gambert, Clara23/10/1889re Maud, George Bull etc
Gambert, Clara24/10/1889flirting, drinking, etc, expense to HSF
Gambert, Clara26/10/1889try to make Maud a good woman
Gambert, Clara17/10/1889trying to save HSF money
Gambert, Clara15/10/1889re expenses etc
Gambert, Clara16/10/1889re expenses etc
Gambert, Clara10/10/1889re expenses, Maud
Gambert, Clara08/10/1889no more money for clothes, was wicked bu loved HSF
Gambert, Clara1889apologises for letter, Maud etc
Gambert, Clara20/12/1889thanks HSF for postal order, Maud
Gambert, Clara18/10/1889re Ford etc
Gander, Chas30/12/1890re repeal of Bank Acts etc
Garden, John E1916/5/1thanks HSF for articles
Gardin, John E1915/5/1thanks HSF for articles
Gardine, Samuel12/09/1895argument over a book
Gardiner, H G 04/02/1887re discussion on 'Relief'
Gardiner, Percy02/11/1874social
Gardiner, Percy02/06/1874re tripos exams etc
Gardiner, Samuel R24/09/1895re some argment
Gardiner, Thomas G10/02/1887re discussions on the state and organisation of labour
Gardner Mary1923/9/19cheque for sculpture by Tweed
Gardner, Alice1907/6/14re student at Newnham College
Gardner, Percy18/03/1895re Yates Chair in archaeology
Garland, E1906/12/31to Olive thanks for dolls
Garland, Elizabeth16/07/1898thanks HSF for money
Garland, Elizabeth1901/3/26general chat
Garland, Elizabeth1901general chat
Garland, Elizabeth09/10/1895re lost letter, health etc
Garland, Elizabeth19/10/1895thanks HSF for letter
Garland, Elizabeth23/12/1895thanks HSF for money
Garland, Elizabeth1912/1/19thanksk HSF for money and present
Garland, Elizabeth05/07/1898thanks HSF for kindnesses
Garland, Elizabeth 12-Decthanks HSF for money etc
Garland, Nurse Elizabeth19/02/1881general chat
Garland, W R H07/02/1893Sir Guildford Molesworth's diagrams
Garland, W R H13/01/1893Bimetallic League discussion with Institute of Surveyors
Garland, W R H21/01/1893Barr-Robertson's paper at Society of Arts
Garland, W R H13/03/1893re Bimetallic League meetings
Garland, W R H21/04/1891asks HSf to attend lecture on bimetallism by Sir Guildford Molesworth
Garland, W R H30/01/1890re Bimetallic League discussion in Gloucester on silver question
Garland, W R H (Bimetallic League)26/01/1893re Mr Trigg of Dublin
Garnett, A A1911/8/22Incorporated Accountants Students Society of London
Garreau, Violet E1913/11/12her father's death
Garrett A A1912/12/31Accountants Students Soc of London
Garrett, A A1912/12/2asks HSF to lecture to Incorporated Accountants Students Society of London
Garrett, A A1912/6/12general
Garrett, A A1911/8/16asks HSF to lecture to Incorporated Accountants Students Society
Garrod M ? 8/11/1876re Tripos questions
Garwood, E J27/01/1895thanks HSF for alpine books
Garwood, Edmund I21/01/1897social
Gass, H T F12/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Gatfield, Geo08/07/1891re Massie manuscript
Gatfield, Geo09/04/1891re Landsowne manuscript
Gatfield, Geo14/04/1891re printing paper
Gatfield, Geo04/07/1891Landsowne manuscript
Gatward, W15/04/1894queries some of HSF's views and statements on bimetallism
Gatward, W12/04/1894bimetallism questions
Gatward, W17/04/1894bimetallism questions, criticisms
Gaubert, Clara12/12/1881will get engaged
Gaubert, Clara14/12/1881will meet HSF
Gaubert, Clara05/12/1881rendez-vous
Gay, Edwin F1931/5/5re meeting and programme of Bibliography Committee
Gayland, Elizabeth01/12/1897general chat, money
Gayland, Elizabeth09/12/1897thanks HSF for money etc
Geard D A A1919/10/30re course at LSE
Geary, E R1931/2/26asks HSF about scholarships
Geddes25/04/1888re lectureship at Liverpool and candidature of Maven
Geddes, P03/04/1885re paper for British Association etc
Geddes, P14/11/1883encloses syllabus of his lectures and comments on Walras' book
Geddes, P29/06/1897social
Geddes, P28/02/1892asks HSF to give lecture in Edinburgh
Geddes, P14/02/1887re proposed economic society and journal
Geddes, P17/05/1882ratios etc
Geddes, P09/02/1887re economic heresies for Statistical Society
Geddes, P27/10/1886re R Miller's plans
Geddes, P06/02/1886re Edinburgh lecture etc
Geddes, P19/09/1892re his graphjcs of history, economics etc
Geddes, P21/09/1892re his work in London
Geddes, P14/05/1885re journal on economic science
Geddes, Patrick1886Claims of Labour Lectures No 3: "On the Conditions of Progress etc"
Gee, W1914/8/12reciept for cheque for Hague Ingram Fund
Gelberg, S31/05/1895student letter on teaching
Gell, Edith L03/02/1893social
Gell, Editte Lyttleton04/11/1891social
Gell, Editte Lyttleton31/10/1891social
Gell, P Lyttleton18/02/1891delay in printing of Price's book
Gell, P Lyttleton25/10/1886re management of Toynbee Hall (?)
Gell, P Lyttleton 17/11/1890to L L Price re trustees meeting of Clarendon Press
Gellatly, Dr J09/06/1924social
Gellatly, J H1924/5/11thank you letter
General Giffen & Burnettreturn of wages paid schedule in general engineering etc
General Post Office21/01/1886re paymnet of parcels on delivery
Genthner, Paul1907/8/26PC re titles of new acquisitions
Genthner, Paul1907/8/29notes on books for sale
George A F1917/3/4asks for testimonial for work on banking
George, Allan F1923/4/11asks for testimonial for university post
George, Allan F1924/4/14re references
George, H1924/12/10cancellation of Tuesday Club meeting
Geraud, Andre1910/6/28re a book he is writing
Geraud, Andre1910/6/30re a book he is writing
Geraud, Andre1910/7/4re a book he is writing
Gerber, Dr R1923/4/18re research at LSE
Gerber, Raoul1914/7/4thank you letter
Geritson, C V1903/11/2re sale of Geritson's library
Gerty12/07/1898to Olive Dorrington, presumably on her marriage
Gesellschaft fur Wutschafthicke Ausbildung1904/9/2re book sent to HSF
Geuthnar, Paul1908/7/18offers some books
Ghoh, B K1918/7/16re LSE thesis
Ghose, B C1926/12/4asks HSF to tutor him for Inidan Civil Service exams
Ghosh, B K1918/7/8re his education and career in India
Ghosh, B K1910/7/10re signature to use Goldsmiths
Gibber, Herbert C18/07/1895bimetallists in Parliament and bimetallic policy
Gibbins, H de B29/12/1890asks HSF to write book on land nationalisation for Methuen
Gibbins, H de B19/07/1893wants HSF to write book on currency and monetary question for Methuen etc
Gibbs Herbert23/10/1897US proposals & bimetallism
Gibbs Herbert1923/7/4socialism, politicians etc
Gibbs, C S1901/6/15on job possibilities
Gibbs, C S1900/12/21asks HSF for testimonial on his work
Gibbs, C S1901/1/1thanks HSF for testimonial etc
Gibbs, H C13/07/1895bimetallic business
Gibbs, H H15/02/1893PC thanks HSF for conveyance
Gibbs, H H17/01/1893re draft letter to Mr Goschen
Gibbs, H H08/02/1890on Giffen and bimetallism
Gibbs, H H1890on bimetallism and Giffen
Gibbs, H H 14/04/1890bimetallism
Gibbs, Henry07/01/1890to McNiel HSF 's letter splendid
Gibbs, Henry02/01/1890to McNiel neither he nor Grenfell can reply to Giffen
Gibbs, Henry H01/11/1892re campaign (?)
Gibbs, Henry H16/12/1892re his letters to Gladstone etc
Gibbs, Henry H29/11/1892silver question
Gibbs, Henry H06/09/1892silver question
Gibbs, Henry H09/07/1893on an article on gold and silver
Gibbs, Henry H05/01/1891re bimetallic article
Gibbs, Henry H07/07/1894bimetallism
Gibbs, Henry H29/07/1890re Boissevain's article etc
Gibbs, Henry H01/01/1893gold and silver money
Gibbs, Henry H31/10/1892points about Balfour's speech
Gibbs, Henry H04/05/1892re paper on bimetallism
Gibbs, Henry H04/01/1893to attend HSF lecture
Gibbs, Henry H23/01/1891bank reserves, bank's working capital, par of exchange etc
Gibbs, Henry H31/01/1891monetary conditions in 1890 and 1891, purchase of gold from Russia, national reserves etc
Gibbs, Henry H26/04/1894on bimetallic ratio
Gibbs, Henry H22/06/1894re Giffen on bimetallic laws
Gibbs, Henry H23/10/1885re letter to Mr Childers
Gibbs, Henry H1885(copy) to Mr Childers on coinage
Gibbs, Henry H05/03/1894(copy) to Mr Childers on depreciation of silver
Gibbs, Henry H11/02/1893thanks HSF for help re debt
Gibbs, Henry H27/10/1893re answering a bimetallic article
Gibbs, Henry H08/08/1893re a Colloquy etc
Gibbs, Henry H09/01/1891on bimetallism
Gibbs, Henry H21/01/1891re seeing Goschen etc
Gibbs, Henry H26/01/1891re bimetallic issues
Gibbs, Henry H1892copy of letter to L Courteney on silver question
Gibbs, Henry H30/07/1890re some bimetallic essays
Gibbs, Henry H04/08/1890re 'money of account'
Gibbs, Henry HAug-1890re 'money of account'
Gibbs, Henry H11/09/1890on his pamphlet
Gibbs, Henry H10/02/1890bimetallic issues
Gibbs, Henry H27/03/1890sends HSF some papers
Gibbs, Henry H13/08/1890PC re article in The Times
Gibbs, Henry H03/01/1896thanks for congratulations
Gibbs, Herbert1915/10/5war finance and stock exchanges
Gibbs, Herbert1914/4/29thanks HSF for help on appeal for Ulster
Gibbs, Herbert25/10/1897re a meeting
Gibbs, Herbert1915/8/17took chair at HSF lecture, reform of financial system etc
Gibbs, Herbert1911/1/25re Cox as candidate
Gibbs, Herbert1911/1/26will support Larmor not Cox
Gibbs, Herbert22/11/1897re dinner for bimetallists etc
Gibbs, Herbert21/11/1897re dinner arrangements
Gibbs, Herbert18/11/1897re letters from Faraday
Gibbs, Herbert C09/06/1895asks HSF to look at letters of A Ilbert on bimetallism (2 attached)
Gibbs, Herbert C22/06/1898cannot attend HSF's wedding
Gibbs, Herbert C18/06/1894re his primer
Gibbs, Herbert C20/04/1895re reply to Farrer letter in The Times
Gibbs, Herbert C20/04/1890re article about debate in Parliament
Gibbs, Herbert C10/01/1890praises HSF's reply to Giffen
Gibbs, Herbert C31/01/1890to The Times on Giffen's bimetallism
Gibson A H1917/6/1re his publication on bank rate
Gibson, Ernest W1907/11/26re problem with gold blanks at the Mint
Gibson, Hames14/11/1895re testimonial for Bangor chair
Gibson, Hames31/10/1895re testimonial for Bangor chair
Gibson, James1921/4/11re proposed chair in economics at Bangor
Gibson, James1902/12/2re lectures in Bangor
Gibson, James1902/11/20asks HSF to give series of lectures in Bangor
Gibson, James1902/11/24re lectures in Bangor
Gibson, James1902/12/9re lectures in Bangor
Gibson, James19/11/1895thanks HSF for testimonial
Giddings, Franklin H13/08/1896social
Gide, C22/08/1889on an HSF article
Gide, C19/07/1889translates an HSF article
Gide, Ch15/01/1895bimetallism
Gide, Ch20/05/1890social, on universities
Gide, Ch20/03/1890centenary of university etc
Gide, Ch31/05/1884Jevons' volume
Gide, Ch1911/8/1to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Giffen, R12/10/1887thanks HSF for book
Giffen, R13/12/1886problems of valuation
Giffen, R03/02/1890estimates of capital and ? paper money
Giffen, R04/11/1890re Political Economy Club
Giffen, R30/01/1883on Jevons and his memorial
Giffen, R09/03/1887social
Giffen, R15/04/1887Political Economy Club
Giffen, R19/04/1887Political Economy Club subject
Giffen, R01/10/1887re Political Economy Club etc
Giffen, R06/05/1887re cost of proposed journal etc
Giffen, R12/05/1887re Thorold Roger's book
Giffen, R24/03/1887Political Economy Club and cost of proposed journal
Giffen, R1901/7/4thanks for copy of HSF's testimonials and application, compliments him on sale of library
Giffen, R10/03/1883invites HSF to give talk to Political Economy Club
Giffen, R10/11/1883asks HSF to give talk and take December meeting
Giffen, R02/04/1883introduction of a friend at the Political Economy Club
Giffen, R18/07/1898on HSF wedding
Giffen, R16/10/1889re Political Economy Club
Giffen, R26/01/1889on bimetallism
Giffen, R09/12/1889on bimetallism
Giffen, R16/12/1889apologises to HSF
Giffen, R16/12/1889asks HSF to Statistical Dinner Club
Giffen, R25/02/1889re translation of Walras etc
Giffen, R25/01/1889asks HSF to talk to Pol Econ Club
Giffen, R02/09/1892copies of propositions on fixed ratios
Giffen, R02/11/1886re his labour lecture
Giffen, R11/08/1892re price ratios
Giffen, R02/08/1892on fixed ratios
Giffen, R19/09/1892re ads in Ecomomics Journal, Bimetallic League etc
Giffen, R13/09/1892re Schmidt and fixed ratio
Giffen, R23/08/1892a bimetallic argument
Giffen, R13/07/1892a bimetallic argument
Giffen, R09/09/1892mistakes in Nicholson's pamphlet
Giffen, R03/10/1892re their dialogue, Grenfell etc
Giffen, R02/07/1892introduces M de Milewski
Giffen, R29/10/1888re P E Club
Giffen, R25/04/1884Statistical Society
Giffen, R1901/6/15glad HSF candidate for Birmingham
Giffen, R1901/6/15says he will provide testimonial
Giffen, R05/12/1882re P E Club
Gifford, J Ellis1920/3/27social
Gilbert & Field25/08/1893to Beeton, re book on falling price os silver and French mint
Gilbert, A06/06/1895re ratio and its effects
Gilbert, J Wilson05/10/1875general chat
Gilbert, Mrs23/04/1876a wedding notice
Gilbert, Watson12.02.1895re copy of book for Houldsworth
Gilbert, Watson15/02/1895Houldsworth wants annual production of gold and silver over long period
Giles P1921/4/30re teaching of Allen Scholars
Giles P1921/4/29re lectures by F W Buckler
Giles, P1914/3/20thanks HSf for gift to a fund
Giles, P1911/7/11re research into banks in the credit system
Giles, P1920/3/9date of Allen Scholarship
Giles, P1920/3/16meeting of electors of Allen Scholarship
Giles, P1920/3/5re meeting of electors of Allen Scholarship
Giles, P1919/11/4re Admiral Sims' address
Gilman, Nicholas P1911/3/24re travelling fellowship
Gilvear, Mrs1908/3/17death of Elizabeth Garland
Gilvear, Mrs1908/3/16Elizabeth Garland very ill
Gilvear, Mrs1908/3/19on Elizabeth Garland's gratitude to HSF
Gilvear, Mrs1908/3/21on Elizabeth Garland's funeral and thanks HSF for money
Ginandi, Luigi1939/7/7to Scott re delays with reproductions
Ginn & Co1923/3/22Ernest's estate
Ginn & Co1916/5/2re signing new lease
Ginn & Mathew25/10/1898re rent and house duty
Ginn & Matthew1902/8/12extension of lease etc
Ginn and Matthew08/02/1893to H H Gibbs re a debt
Girdlestone, TW25/07/1889to Jenkinson supports Jenkinson for librarian
Girls' Education Company1917Audrey's school fees
Girton College1920/1/12increase of fees
Girton College1919/3/29place for Marjorie Foxwell
Girton College1919/10/3re fees due
Girton College1918/5/23Peggy admitted to Girton
Girton College1918/5/23letter to follow
Girton College1921/1/17receipt for Pegg's engineering instruments
Girton College1918/4/21acknowledges Marjorie's application
Gladstone, H02/12/1881business request
Gladstone, W E03/02/1870to Master of St John's re proposed bill on Oxford and Cambridge
Glaisher, J W L20/03/1881re paper on mathematical law of interest
Glasgow University1928/6/1sends Miss Rissik's address
Glass, G W 30/12/1915re article for Glasgow Herald
Glass, George W1915/12/24asks HSF to write article on the war for the Annalist
Glass, George W1916/1/4HSF suggests Nicholson to write article for the Annalist
Glasspoole, R D14/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Glazebrook, Sir R1922/9/7thank you note
Glover, T R1936/8/25to AF on death of HSF
Gobins, V A1921/3/24re essay on banking
Godden, J07/04/1860receipt for T Foxwell for cartage in 1859
Godfrey, Thomas C1931/12/28wishes to borrow railway plan from HSF
Godoffsky, Gustav1903/5/22wants information on English books
Godwin, Geo20/10/1882thanks HSF for good wishes
Golancz I1917/7/24re status of retired Academy fellows
Gold and Silver Commission04/08/1887thanks HSF for letter
Gold Standard Defence Associationtract on "The Scientific Theory of Bimetallism"
Goldschmid Leo1923/4/18archives of Milan
Goldsmith's Company1901copy of Deed of Assignment of HSF's library
Goldstone, E1914/7/27re room costs at Lion Hotel Wales
Gollancz I1912/5/31International Historical Congress
Gollancz I1910/9/15re British Academy paper
Gollancz I1919/6/25British Academy matter
Gollancz, I1926/2/26asks HSF to write note on Edgeworth for British Academy
Gollancz, I1910/1/11asks HSF to do article on Goschen for British Academy Proceedings
Gollancz, I1917/12/9general
Gollancz, I1905/9/5HSF's election to the British Academy
Gollancz, I1924/4/4elects HSF to Council of British Academy
Gollancz, I1917/2/1asks HSF to join Council of British Academy
Gollancz, I1927/7/9PC re Bibliography
Gollancz, I1927/7/24PC re appointment of Higgs for Bibliography
Gollancz, I1927/6/29re British Academy business
Gollancz, I1926/10/19PC to Scott re meeting
Gollancz, I1927/6/13PC re British Academy Commemoration Dinner
Gollancz, I1917/3/26PC meeting of BA postponed
Gollancz, Ire meeting of BA
Gollancz, Ire govt grant to BA, new rooms etc
Gollancz, I1926/3/2PC re BA affairs
Gollancz, I1926/10/25PC re an agenda items for BA
Gollancz, I1927/5/7PC re meeting of Bibliography Committee
Gollancz, J1917/12/31re British Academy protest about putting tin(?) Board at the British Museum
Gollancz, V J1917/6/15re Academy Mastermind lecture
Golledge, ?07/09/1868visiting HSF's cousin
Gompertz, R1878re rehearsal expenses
Gonner E1906/12/11asks about B Oihu?
Gonner, E21/03/1890re Marshall draft and views of economists
Gonner, E07/02/1890re draft on economics (society?)
Gonner, E21/04/1890asks for testimonial
Gonner, E19/01/1890re foundation of economic society
Gonner, E11/06/1889suggests economics journal and society
Gonner, E05/06/1889suggests economics journal
Gonner, E13/03/1890re economic society and Marshall's draft
Gonner, E15/02/1890re economic society
Gonner, E16/01/1890re economic society and journal
Gonner, E23/08/1890re bibliography
Gonner, E08/05/1894HSF's tenure of Jevons' scholarship
Gonner, E22/05/1894re reports on economics
Gonner, E06/09/1896re some meeting
Gonner, E13/12/1896on Section F, an old book etc
Gonner, E21/08/1896Section F of British Association etc
Gonner, E13/??/1916re a French teacher etc
Gonner, E01/07/1898re catalogue of economics literature, HSF's library etc
Gonner, E20/01/1893wants to see HSF at Bimetallic League
Gonner, E30/01/1893re British Association
Gonner, E05/06/1893re British Association etc
Gonner, E11/10/1888sends copies of 3 Ada Smith letters
Gonner, E1902/5/25asks for comments on ICS paper
Gonner, E1902/4/23signed letter against scheme
Gonner, E1902/4/23to Collet has signed letter against scheme
Gonner, E1902/4/27to Olive Foxwell,l HSF has flu, exam papers
Gonner, E C18/06/1889re a review
Gonner, E C14/03/1889re friend working on corn trade etc
Gonner, E C1901/6/7to act as HSF referee
Gonner, E C10/10/1892re list of subjects for circulation
Gonner, E C25/11/1885on reprints and start of economic association etc
Gonner, E C H1921/8/6repetition of some sort(?)
Gonner, E L1901/9/24wants exam marks
Gonner, E L1901/4/8re exam questions etc
Gonner, E L1901/6/21re Victoria University marks
Gonner, Edward22/11/1888on proposed economic review and state of teaching
Gonner, G (?)26/01/1896bimetallism
Gonville & Caius College1920/9/25re rent for Harvey Road
Gonville and Caius1906/1/31pays HSF
Gonville and Caius1908/5/28pays HSF
Goodchild G F1922/9/17re University of London exams
Goodchild, Geo F1921/2/7re information on currency parity
Goodchild, R S1917/12/27re HSF's daughter's latin
Goodchild, R S1917/12/26cannot coach HSF's daughter in Latin prose
Goodenough, F C1918/5/10re Tuesday Club
Goodenough, F C1918/5/24re Tuesday Club
Goodenough, F C1918/5/22re Tuesday Club
Goodenough, N1918/6/11re article on Fiscal Exchange
Goodenough, N1919/4/11on HSF's book
Gooders, Nellie??/03/1876to meet HSF
Gooders, Nellie??/03/1876real name Gooders not Curtis, to meet
Gooders, Nellie28/01/1876a rendez-vous
Goodliffe, Walter1909/10/27re his enclosed proposals for a national gold reserve
Goodwin, Hilda1936/8/9to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Goodyear, Edith1914/8/11thanks HSF for donation to Womens Union Society
Gordon, H K1923/10/21points he wants HSF to include in course of lectures
Gordon, Jean1914/6/17letter of introduction
Gordon, Jean1914/6/28on her plans to study
Gorst, John E04/08/1892re job in Treasury for H Higgs
Gorst, Sir John01/03/1895re bimetallism
Goschen, George J03/01/1893conversion of Price, Chaplain on "warpath"
Gould Sir Alfred1916/3/18re book catalogue
Gould, Alfred Pearce1916/10/7on Goldsmiths Library
Gould, Sir Alfred1916/10/5re pamphlets etc for University of London
Gould, Sir Alfred1916/3/11re a University of London finance matter (Goldsmith's Library)
Gould, Sir Alfred1916/3/6re a University of London interview on Goldsmith's Library
Gould, Sir Alfred1916/3/1on Goldsmith's Library
Gow, J31/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Graham J W27/1883re a Society; emigration
Graham March and Co Ltd1927/5/17re investment strategy with list by HSF of apprentices on back taken from publication attached
Graham, C12/02/1888UCL elections
Graham, C01/02/1888UCL elections
Graham, C J16/06/1889Vice-Chancellor will help with co-operators visit
Graham, Charles31/01/1889re Courtney and UCL Council
Graham, Chris24/08/1897thanks for photos of HSF
Graham, Douglas1928/1/17re proposed book on Marxian socialism
Graham, J1914/12/28thanks HSF for present, family
Graham, Jemima02/02/1898thanks HSF for phot
Graham, Jemina1901/4/21Olive's flu, social
Graham, Reginald John11/08/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Grahams, Rintoul, Hay, Bell & Co1935/8/14re debenture in Anglo Scottish Investment Trust
Grahams, Rintoul, Hay, Bell & Co1935/2/4re debenture in Anglo Scottish Investment Trust
Grand Hotel des Alpes1910/8/22provides room details
Grand Hotel St Beatenburg1910/8/5sends prospectus
Grand Parc Hotel de la Poste Beatenberg1910/8/31re washing etc
Grand Parc Hotel de la Poste Beatenberg1910/8/5re rooms
Grand Trunk Railway of Canada10/22/1911re shares
Grand Trunk Railway of Canada1917/5/1re shares
Grant R1917/6/21re HSF talk to PE Club
Grant, I F1926/1/20to Scott re possible work on Bibliography
Grant, John1923/2/8PC re Menger's book
Grant, R1917/11/2re lectures on American banking
Grant, R1917/4/4re combinations of industrial concerns
Grant, R1917/4/13thanks for lecture tickets
Grant, Robert1919/4/11thanks HSF for book
Grant, W Q24/05/1895re a photograph
Granville O B1919/2/18re reparations
Granville O B1920/3/22rising bank rate
Granville, G B1919/4/14thanks HSF for book
Granville, O B1919/2/14scheme for German reparations
Granville, O B1924/9/26re plan to revalue sterling
Granville, O B1924/2/2general
Granville, O B1920/1/14re his 1914 Bill proposal and currency scheme
Granville, O B1923/2/20on the call money rate
Granville, O B1923/2/14on the call money rate
Granville, O B1926/9/26article on American gold
Granville, O B1929/1/4general chat
Granville, O B1920/1/9encloses "most interesting paper"
Granville, O B1924/9/19re plan to get US and UK out of gold tangle
Grasty, Charles H1915/4/20thanks HSF for some papers
Grasty, Charles H1920/10/9asks HSF to statement on financial outlook for Associated Press of America
Grasty, Charles H1915/4/11HSF's view on the war and after - can he publish them in New York Times
Graves Henry & Co16/9/1897account for framing
Graves, Annie27/05/????invitation to dinner
Graves, C E04/04/1895re dog, social
Graves, C L1901/3/8Strachey thanks HSF for verses of his Mohammedan pupil (The Spectator)
Graves, M A1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Gray A1910/1/1re H Cox as candidate for Cambridge
Gray Arthur1911/1/6St John’s elections
Gray B K20/10/1890re Ricardo examinations
Gray H S1917/7/7Somersetshire Natural History Soc
Gray H S1917/7/2PC _ Somerset. Natural History Soc
Gray Arthur1911/1/8tariff reform
Gray, Arthur1907/6/16asks HSF for opinion of student
Gray, Arthur09/10/????thanks HSF for helping some students
Gray, G J1930/11/29on Olive's death
Gray, H St George1917/6/14thanks HSF for cheque for G L Village
Gray, J H1928/5/18social
Gray, Maude28/07/1894social
Gray, W W1914/3/12re account with waterworks
Great Eastern Railway1916/4/25season ticket
Great Eastern Railway1916/12/8appeal for free buffet for soldiers
Great Eastern Railway01/01/1916asks for subs for free buffet for scholars etc
Great Eastern Railway1920/10/11season tickets
Great Eastern Railway1913/7/16re HSF's season ticket
Great Eastern Railway19/02/1894on train times
Great Eastern Railway1917/12/29HSF's season ticket
Great Eastern Railway1917/12/19dispute over season ticket
Great Eastern Railway1918/1/22dispute over season ticket
Great Eastern Railway1918/1/30on HSF's season ticket
Great Eastern Railway1917/12/1asks HSF to pay fare
Great Eastern Railway1916/1/24thanks HSF for donation for free buffet for soldiers and sailors
Great Eastern Railway1916/4/27re season ticket arrangements
Great Eastern RailwaysOct-20revised train service
Great Northern Railway22/12/1870re a lost box
Great Northern Railways26/10/1877re trains
Great Northern Railways1977/11/30re trains
Great Western Railway01/09/1898re overcharging HSF
Great Western Railway Company1914/2/26Report of Directors
Green Elizabeth M1925/6/3thanks HSF for advice
Green, AliceAug 1885loves HSF
Greenhill A G28/3/1876asks HSF to be treasurer of CUMS
Greenhill G1924/6/23general chat
Greenhill G1916/6/21slings off at Pigou
Greenhill G1916/11/17Cambridge Magazine
Greenhill G1916/11/18Cambridge Magazine
Greenhill G1911/11/26cryptic
Greenhill G1910/10/22commercial course at Oxford etc
Greenhill G1920/10/7PC _ social
Greenhill G1916/8/14PC _ cryptic
Greenhill S1914/3/11Haberdasher’s Company
Greenhill S1914/3/9finances
Greenhill G1916/8/12PC _ RE Edgeworth interview in Morning Post
Greenhill G12/18/1914personal reflections
Greenhill G1921/10/25PC _ capitalism etc
Greenhill, A G26/09/1889general chat
Greenhill, A G25/10/1889general chat
Greenhill, A G30/01/1889general chat
Greenhill, A G23/08/1889general chat
Greenhill, A G14/08/1889general chat
Greenhill, A G15/02/1886general chat
Greenhill, A G04/02/1886general chat
Greenhill, A G16/03/1885social
Greenhill, A G15/05/1885on the Engine etc
Greenhill, A G08/05/1885social
Greenhill, A G06/03/1896social
Greenhill, A G27/05/1891gives address of Baroness d'Amely, for visit etc
Greenhill, A G28/01/1891suggests HSF bring Maud to undergrads' dinner, general chat
Greenhill, A G03/07/1891asks about letter to Baroness, talks about extensionists etc
Greenhill, A G23/10/1891re lectures on 'matter' etc
Greenhill, A G06/07/1891re HSF's letter to Baroness and sight of a 'divinity', change of address
Greenhill, A G11/07/1891re moving, shopping etc
Greenhill, A G14/05/1891from Paris, general chat
Greenhill, A G18/11/1895re meeting A T Drummond
Greenhill, A G27/05/1897Frewen's lecture, people, general chat
Greenhill, A G20/07/1898wedding cheque
Greenhill, A G10/08/1890missed meeting with Maud etc
Greenhill, A G19/01/1890Edgeworth etc
Greenhill, A G16/10/1889general chat
Greenhill, A G08/12/1890re some stalls
Greenhill, A G10/12/1890social
Greenhill, A G24/01/1889on HSF's flu precautions
Greenhill, A G29/11/1890on Wicksteed, Beeton etc
Greenhill, A G22/11/1890on Wicksteed's book
Greenhill, A G21/12/1890HSF's health, chambers in the Albany
Greenhill, A G20/12/1890to Larmor on woman with cartoon of March and Herbert
Greenhill, A G02/05/1892social
Greenhill, A G03/03/1892re book The Pig as Professoret
Greenhill, A G 03/12/1883extracts from the Times
Greenhill, G1921/10/17state of nation etc
Greenhill, G1919/10/31social, bimetallism etc
Greenhill, G1919/10/23social
Greenhill, G1917/1/15general chat
Greenhill, G1919/2/3general chat
Greenhill, G1914/12/25social
Greenhill, G1910/1/31on visit to Germany and comparisons with England's education facilities
Greenhill, G1921/9/28visit to Cambridge, general chat
Greenhill, G1911/3/12re Punch etc
Greenhill, G1916/12/2re Cambridge Review
Greenhill, G1916/12/4general chat
Greenhill, G1920/8/24Strasbourg Confreence, Keynes etc
Greenhill, G1910/5/13take-off of PE
Greenhill, George1923/9/25general chat
Greenhill, George1920/12/2general chat and thoughts on women
Greenhill, May13/04/1892to see HSF at Swiss Cottage Station?
Greening, Edward W12/10/1885preliminary prospectus of London Productive Society
Greening, Edward W26/10/1885on London Productive Society etc
Greenwald Irene1920/11/4re lecture to UCL Zionist Society
Greenwood, Joseph06/08/1890on progress of a co-operative
Greenwood, Joseph20/01/1890balance sheet of co-op factory
Greer, R1917/12/31re payment of interest on national debt
Greesheet, F J H1889to Jenkinson supports Jenkinson for librarian
Gregory, George1913/4/15re Chippendale bookcase
Gregory, George1913/4/17re Chippendale bookcase
Gregory, George1913/4/21invoice for bookcase
Gregory, H1921/4/2pc signed Vakil's form
Gregory, Joan1936/10/18to AF on HSF's death
Gregory, Leonard1923/1/28thanks HSF for information
Gregory, Leonard F1923/1/21re an HSF lecture
Gregory, Robert28/08/1875rental agreement Thos Foxwell
Grenfell E C1924/1/22re old books on coins
Grenfell W23/4/1897Japanese & gold standard
Grenfell, Bank of England19/01/1891attack on monometallists
Grenfell, E C1908/8/7re US Monetary Commission
Grenfell, Ethel??/??/1895social
Grenfell, H25/05/1885bimetallism
Grenfell, H R15/09/1892gold and silver values and parities
Grenfell, H R03/04/1884falling commodity prices
Grenfell, H R31/03/1884attack on HSF on subsistence wages etc
Grenfell, H R22/03/1894on competition etc
Grenfell, H R11/09/1892on bimetallism, Giffen
Grenfell, H R11/10/1895bimetallism
Grenfell, H R15/11/1895re a meeting
Grenfell, H R12/10/1889social
Grenfell, H R18/01/1889what bankers do and demand for money
Grenfell, H R14/01/1889Marshall unsportsmanlike on world bimetallism
Grenfell, H R07/10/1889re a speech
Grenfell, H R08/10/1889re a speech
Grenfell, H R21/09/1889report in Soir of Paris Congress
Grenfell, H R05/09/1889glad HSF going to Paris congress
Grenfell, H R20/01/1889bimetallic issues
Grenfell, H R30/01/1889responsibilities of Bank of England
Grenfell, H R11/01/1889Courtney and Giffen
Grenfell, H R19/01/1889re Barclay and Schmidt
Grenfell, H R25/09/1889letter from Frewen, article in Soir
Grenfell, H R28/09/1889to meet re report
Grenfell, H R06/07/1882cannot see HSF at P E Club
Grenfell, H R16/05/1885on Jevons and value of money
Grenfell, R14/11/1895ratio between gold and silver
Grenfell, R12/11/1895re meeting on bimetallism
Grenfell, W10/06/1896re some tickets
Grenfell, W10/06/1896tickets enclosed
Grenfell, W H20/03/1895article on socialim and bimetallism
Grenfell, W H17/08/1895agriculture crisis and bimetallism and international bimetallism
Grenfell, W H14/08/1895re HSF's bimetallic lectures, Bimetallic League business
Grenfell, W H05/02/1891Peel on note issue, Banking of England's responsibilities
Grenfell, W H07/04/1893bimetallic issues
Grenfell, W H25/03/1893bimetallic issues
Grenfell, W H07/03/1893£1 silver notes etc
Grenfell, W H27/05/1893social
Grenfell, W H28/07/1893re bimetallic article
Grenfell, W H23/07/1893re bimetallic article
Grenfell, W H26/01/1891banking reserves, paper issues
Grenfell, W H??/06/1894Currency question and parliamentary elections circular
Grenfell, W Haddress on A Sound Monetary System
Grenfell, W H11/01/1891attaches notes on bimetallic talk
Grenfell, W H03/07/1895re Bimetallic League Parliamentary Elections Committee
Grenfell, W R08/01/1890to McNiel HSF letter was "simply perfect"
Grenfell, W R08/01/1890reply to Giffen is perfect
Grenfell, Wilfred T1926/10/11flyer for lecture
Grenville, A G15/11/1887re grievance with Roberts, HSF's Japan plans
Grenville, O B1924/9/20price of gold and dollars
Gresham Life Insurance Society07/10/1898on HSF's insurance
Grew, E R to Mrs Foxwell03/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Grew, Elizabeth1913/11/27thanks HSF for help to get grant
Grew, Elizabeth1908/7/29asks HSF for a subscription for her course etc
Grew, Elizabeth R1927/5/15thank you letter
Grew, Elizabeth R1925/1/23HSF gift to UK Benefit Association etc
Grew, Elizabeth R1900/11/15to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie
Grew, Elizabeth R1924/9/14thanks HSF for being referee for her paper
Grey, J C (Co-op Union Ltd)03/12/1889re Neale
Grey, M A?re placing a servant girl in factory work
Greytham, M21/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Grier, Lynda1911/6/14results of Newham students
Griffith W H9/2/1876re HSF complaint about college boys
Griffith, G29/01/1895British Association
Griffith, G08/12/1894asks HSF to allow nomination as President of Section F of British Association
Griffith, G10/12/1894on HSF Section F of British Association
Griffith, W24/05/1878thanks HSF for his courtesy
Griffiths R J16/8/1876re paper for Palestine Exploration Fund
Griffiths, G29/01/1897asks HSF about going to British Association meeting in Toronto
Griffiths, Myfanwy1936/8/9to AF on HSF's death
Griffiths, S14/110/1890asks HSF to be President of Section F of British Association
Grindleston, T W25/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Gross, E31/05/1898Oxford and Cambridge School Examinations examiners
Gross, E J1914/1/12re reports of specials
Gross, E J1903/11/30PC re a student
Grossman, J P16/03/1895sends copy of bimetallic paper from New Zealand
Grossmann, J P04/08/1896re books on economics, bimetallism etc
Grosvenor, Norman28/12/1887encl. mss and lists books read
Grosvenor, Norman27/11/1887re some problems
Grosvenor, Norman05/12/1887bills, Agnes etc
Grosvenor, Norman31/05/1887re notes on "Principles of Economics" yet to be published
Grosvenor, Norman01/07/1887"Principles of Economics", Logic papers
Grosvenor, Norman18/07/1892re bimetallism
Grove, S29/04/1878re some printing
Grovenor, Norman21/05/1889re Marshall and Walker
Grovenor, Norman14/03/1889re dinner with Toynbee etc
Grovenor, Norman09/01/1888HSF's lecture, Jevons etc
Grubb, Edward18/05/1888asks HSF for advice on books
Grubb, Edward03/10/1888re books on protection and free trade
Grubb, Edward16/01/1894re an industrial union in Coventry
Grubb, Edward18/01/1894re an industrial union in Coventry
Grubb, Edward06/03/1893re books for course on social economics
Grubb, Edward1893syllabus of lectures on "Social Economics"
Grubb, Edward 11/10/1893re HSF advice on economics cause
Gruner Miss A1920/2/4re HSF lecture on industrial unrest
Guarantee Trust Co of New York1918/11/29re their publications
Guarantee Trust Co of New York1918/11/29publications
Guarantee Trust Co of New York24/4/`920re their publications
Guarantee Trust Co of New York1920/3/28their publications
Guarantee Trust Co of New York1920/3/23copy of 28/32
Guarantee Trust Co of New York1920/12/1re their publications
Guarantee Trust Company of New York1920/8/13sends a publication
Guaranty Trust Co of New York1919/12/18their publications
Guaranty Trust Company of New York1919/11/23re university training in commercial subjects
Guaranty Trust Company of New York1920/4/24re their publication
Guilebaud, C W1911/12/18Mr Vivian's address
Guilebaud, C W1911/12/14re Mr Vivian
Guillebaud C W1913/10/3wants to use Goldsmith’s library
Guillebaud, C W1912/2/22letter of apology over a mix-up
Guillebaud, C W1912/2/13re Social Discussion Society
Guillebaud, Henry L24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Gunn, G E1906/6/16on teaching economic theory
Gunson, W M10/08/1881asks HSF to refund money
Gunston, Rosa1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Gunton, George13/11/1888on capital etc
Gurnet T T1911/2/13St John’s election
Gurney, H07/05/1874general chat
Gurney, H G25/10/1877social
Gurney, H G27/02/1883social
Gurney, H G05/03/1883some musician and concert
Gurney, H G27/06/1881re a room etc
Gurney, J H26/07/1873student letter
Gutmann, Sidney1920/2/24re a meeting
Gwatkin, E M1918/1/31donation
Gwatkin, E M1918/1/28re St Paul's Curate Fund
Gwatkin, E R1928/2/14some arrangements for Sraffa
Gwatkin, E Ruth1927/1/1on her mother's death
Gwatkin, L de L1919/4/16asks HSF for material on single tax
Gwatkin, L de L1916/12/1thanks HSF for condolence letter
Gwatkin, L de L1922/10/20on death of HSF's brother
Gwatkin, L de L1918/1/7re an appeal
Gwatkin, L de L1924/8/21PC social
Gwatkin, L de L1924/3/23social
Gwatkin, Lucy01/07/1893thanks HSF for concert tickets
Gwatkin, Lucy de Lisle01/07/1891social
Gwatkin, Lucy de Lisle??/07/1891social
Gwatking, L de L1925/6/8returns book, social
Gwen1929/8/26re death of her brother
Gwen1929/8/28re husband's funeral
Gwyther, Howard03/05/1895general
Gwyther, J Howard06/05/1895re meeting date
Gynn, Florence28/03/1898asks for loan
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