Name Date Title
H & A Swann Bros Ltd1936/3/30account rendered
H & A Swann Bros Ltd1920/9/13PC manure order
H ?17/02/1896PC re Catechism
H ???/??/1870re copy of poem found in Committee Room of the Union
H M A1871general chat
H M Stationery Office1921flyer fro Census Returns
H M T10/02/1896re reply to Miss Gladstone on feminism
H S24/01/1885re some papers
H W1918/4/21PC _ on a point of fact
Hachioika, Mto Ernest general chat
Hadmer, H Seymour1900/11/5on Marjorie's birth
Hadwen, H Seymour1930/11/23on Mrs Foxwell's death
Hadwen, H Seymour01/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Hadwen, H Seymour1936/8/6on HSF's death to Audrey Foxwell
Hadwen, H Seymour1927/4/5re loans of W E Dorrington to two sons-in-law
Hagon, Prof Mario1923/12/28will of daughter
Hague Ingram Fund1913/7/10list of subscribers
Hague Ingram Fund1916/4/11re subscription
Haiches, ?1915/7/8Royal Statistical Society etc
Haig Prof R M1919/7/22to see HSF on Seligman’s recommendation
Haig Prof R M1910/8/2re information
Haines C R1924/6/29books by his forbears?
Haines, C R04/12/1922PC thanks HSF for introduction to Goldsmith's Library
Haines, C R1924/7/8old pamphlets
Haines, Reginald1902/10/28books and booksellers
Hale, E E30/06/1888introduces Mr Edward Cummings
Hale, Edmund E10/09/1882books, population
Hale, Edmund E08/10/1882books, sermons, Cantillon etc
Hale, Edward E18/05/1883introduces C F Dunbar
Hale, Edward E04/09/1884hoped to see HSF in Montreal
Hales, F N14/10/1896re choice of Cambridge College
Halevy, Elie02/02/1898study of Smith, Bentham etc, wants to see HSF's library for books
Halevy, Elie04/02/1898thanks HSF for advice
Hall, Chapman15/01/1875on publishing fiction
Hall, E1937/12/14to Henry Higgs re returned cheque
Hall, E1937/12/5to Higgs re her work on bibliography
Hall, Herbert1910/1/29thanks HSF for help on Walpole
Hall-Crags, E H1930/11/24on Olive's death
Halliday, Bernard1930/6/26offers volume of tracts on trade
Hallman, J S O27/06/1895Royal Colonial Institute dinner
Hallward, B L1926/12/2Cambridge Alpine Club
Hamilton, C1921/7/25on his application for Aberdeen Chair together with copy of letter of application
Hamilton, C J1921/7/12ex Prof in Calcutta looking for job
Hamilton, C J1907/11/13re a job at University College
Hamilton, C J1910/3/4asks HSF to address annual dinner of Royal Economic Society
Hamilton, C J1910/3/8re Royal Economic Society address
Hamilton, C J1908/8/15re job at King's College
Hamilton, C J1911/10/20re RES entry for British Academy
Hamilton, C J1910/6/4re putting stock in name of RES
Hamilton, C S1903/8/22re error in some manifesto
Hamilton, E W29/05/1882Gladstone thanks HSF for suggestion
Hamlett, Wm13/08/1889PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Hammond, B E08/11/1875lecturing and Routh
Hammond, R05/12/1890social
Hampstead Cemetary etc29/11/1886receipt for burial plot and other bills of HSF father's estate
Hampstead Cemetery07/05/1887re grant of private grave and headstone
Hancock25/03/1870notice of death of Rev William John Handcock
Handcockthree papers on their ancestors
Handcock E G1920/5/13letter & 3 PCs on Lloyd George being a rascal
Handcock Ellie1918/7/7family chat
Handcock Ellie1920/8/18family chat
Handcock Ellie1922/6/15family chat
Handcock Ellie1920/6/7family chat
Handcock Ellie1921/3/14family etc
Handcock G02/02/1883where are you?
Handcock, A?PC re cream sent for Taunton
Handcock, A E23/11/1886PC HSF's father worse
Handcock, Alfred01/02/1886general chat
Handcock, Alley19/04/1894re bimetallic meeting
Handcock, Amy02/02/1889family
Handcock, Amy31/12/1886general chat
Handcock, Amy07/07/1886general chat
Handcock, Amy16/12/1886general chat
Handcock, Amy??/??/1886HSF's father's health
Handcock, Amy18/10/1886HSF's father etc
Handcock, Amy17/11/1886cost of keeping HSF's father
Handcock, Amy04/11/1886family
Handcock, Amy22/10/1886family
Handcock, Amy22/10/1886family
Handcock, Amy??/??/1886family
Handcock, Amy07/10/1886family
Handcock, Amy16/07/1886family
Handcock, Amy27/07/1886general chat
Handcock, Amy25/01/1886establishment of boarding house
Handcock, Amy11/02/1886establishment of boarding house
Handcock, Amy15/01/1886establishment of boarding house
Handcock, Amy?social
Handcock, Amy26/11/1887re HSF's lack of visiting
Handcock, Amy15/01/1887inviting HSF to high tea
Handcock, Amyr22/02/1887re enclosure from Harriet re romance of John Foxwell and Miss Knight
Handcock, Amy28/02/1887re Miss Knight and carpet bill
Handcock, Amy04/03/1887re cheque etc
Handcock, Amy04/11/1874congratulations on fellowship, social chat
Handcock, Amy31/12/1879new year's greetings etc
Handcock, Amy?general chat
Handcock, Amy21/01/1891family chat
Handcock, Amy08/06/1891HSF's health, thanks HSF for cheque, family
Handcock, Amy06/06/1891family chat
Handcock, Amy29/01/1891general chat
Handcock, Amy25/01/1891family chat
Handcock, Amy13/01/1891family chat
Handcock, Amy19/01/1891thanks HSF for cheque for lessons, family etc
Handcock, Amy27/12/1891thanks HSF for letter and card, general chat
Handcock, Amy01/12/1890re Miss Douglas and 'our man'
Handcock, Amy10/08/1890thanks HSF for day out, family
Handcock, Amy11/08/1890thanks HSF for money etc
Handcock, Amy27/11/1890re Miss Douglas etc
Handcock, Amy05/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Handcock, Amy14/10/1885re Arthur Sibly, family etc
Handcock, Amy06/02/1895family chat
Handcock, Amy11/10/1888family chat
Handcock, Amy28/08/1888can HSF see John
Handcock, Amy19/03/1888thanks HSF for money, family
Handcock, Amy17/22/1892wants HSF to visit
Handcock, Amy30/12/1871parents' trip, local news
Handcock, Amy26/12/1889general news
Handcock, Amy28/03/1889general news
Handcock, Amy20/12/1889thanks for present, family chat
Handcock, Amy19/10/1889visit from Emy
Handcock, Amy14/06/1889wants to see HSF
Handcock, Amy15/04/1880not in town
Handcock, Amy (cousin)13/08/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)09/07/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)24/07/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)03/12/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)27/11/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)07/08/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)05/08/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)11/04/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)14/04/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)07/03/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)12/03/1893family chat
Handcock, Amy (cousin)21/03/1893family chat
Handcock, Ellen C15/02/1881general chat
Handcock, Ellen C01/03/1881general chat
Handcock, Ellie1929/6/2family chat
Handcock, Ellie1929/6/15family
Handcock, Ellie1934/9/5social
Handcock, Ellie1900/11/25Marjorie's birth, family chat
Handcock, Ellie1930/11/24to Peggy Mettam on Olive's death
Handcock, Ellie05/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Handcock, Ellie??/09/1886to Emy Foxwell re suggestion that HSF's father live with Amy etc
Handcock, Ellie21/09/????social
Handcock, Ellie1936/8/3to Audrey on HSF's death
Handcock, Ellie18/01/1888family chat
Handcock, Ellie04/12/1883re John, family chat
Handcock, Ellie1921/6/6birthday greetings, general news
Handcock, Ellie1921/7/7on Peggy's results, general news
Handcock, Ellie1921/7/1PC congratulates Audrey on results
Handcock, Ellie1924/10/12Alfred Hepburn very ill
Handcock, Ellie1924/10/14re death of Alfred Hepburn
Handcock, Ellie1924/10/14re funeral
Handcock, Ellie1938/2/23to Audrey Foxwell, thanks for offer of loan
Handcock, Ellie1938/2/23to Audrey Foxwell on her portrait of HSF
Handcock, Ellie1939/2/24to Audrey Foxwell on her portrait of HSF
Handcock, Ellie1925/1/25general news
Handcock, Ellie1924/11/20on death of Alfred
Handcock, Ellie1936/8/11to AF attaches letter from friend on HSF's death
Handcock, Ellie1925/3/4on Peggy, her news
Handcock, Ellie1930/11/12PC concern about Olive
Handcock, Ellie1929/1/5PC general chat
Handcock, Ellie1925/9/19re Singh's examination
Handcock, Ellie (cousin)11/08/1893family chat
Handcock, Ellie (cousin)05/09/1893family chat
Handcock, Ellie (cousin)08/09/1893family chat
Handcock, Emile14/05/1868general
Handcock, Emile06/11/1883his news, asks HSF to visit when in Canada
Handcock, Emile03/06/1884HSF unable to visit, his news
Handcock, G E1925/7/19PC on Peggy
Handcock, G F D31/07/1879re family
Handcock, G N16/07/1864re an excursion
Handcock, G N16/06/1864parents very poorly
Handcock, George to Olive Dorrington24/11/1897re Olive's photo
Handcock, H B1908/6/3family chat
Handcock, H B08/07/1892re visit by HSF
Handcock, Herbert15/03/1871to Ernest re magazine, school life
Handcock, Herbert B10/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Handcock, Herbert B1900/11/18on Marjorie's birth
Handcock, Herbert B22/07/1872on HSF success
Handcock, Lisette21/10/1865thanks for letter
Handcock, W J03/11/1868re philosophy, exams etc
Handcock, W J05/01/1869asks HSF to stay at Rickmansworth
Haniphrup, A C02/05/1893on book catalogue
Harcourt, M04/02/1880social - below stairs
Hardcastle, N C10/10/1889money for co-operators visit
Hardcastle, N C29/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Harding, George1931/4/23re books on economic question
Harding, George1930/3/18on book catalogue etc
Harding, George1929/9/19re Arthur Young's enquiry into prices
Harding, George1901/10/25asks HSF if he has duplicates of some books
Harding, George1931/3/16HSF orders Doomsday Book
Harding, George1930/9/1re Doomsday Book
Harding, George1930/9/26re Doomsday Book
Harding, George1931/3/11re Doomsday Book
Harding, George1930/10/17books for sale
Harding, T12/02/1872HSF elected to Chat Chat Club
Harding, T H21/04/1883on Jevons's memorial
Harding, T O??/??/1891re a friend hoping to teach at Cambridge
Hardy, Alfred L02/11/1888on grave of Thomas Man
Hardy, E B29/06/1898thank you letter
Hardy, E M1920/10/27re his scheme
Hardy, W B08/03/1897re papers
Hare L1920/4/15asks re research on currency
Hare L1920/4/30asks re research on currency
Harford L W2005/6/13re Civil Service exam
Harford L W1920/5/24re proposed site of London University
Hargell's Annual Encyclopaedia1886report on industrial villages, and two other cuttings
Harikiri, Z1908/1/10wants introduction from HSF to Berlin University
Harikiri, Z1908/1/14thanks HSf for introduction to Prof Wagneer
Harkness, James??/08/1896introduces Prof F Giddings
Harley, Robert24/05/1883re HSF's and Marshall's memoir of Jevons
Harmon, E12/08/1889cannot support Jenkinson for Librarian
Harmsworth Libraries1930/1/30asks HSF to article on prices
Harnett, S A02/09/1892re course of lectures to workmen
Harold1929/3/13family chat
Harold1922/1/25asks HSF to livery dinner
Harold1922/7/24books as promised
Harold1910/6/2re query on doing medicine for a friend
Harper, R W15/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Harrie08/11/1897general, social chat
Harrie05/08/1897re HSF's and Olive's engagement etc
Harriet23/01/1884general chat
Harriet15/01/1883general chat
Harriet1902/12/9family chat
Harriet1918/5/14PC family
Harriet28/06/1898family chat
Harriet28/01/1884family chat
Harriet26/05/1884general chat
Harriet21/05/1884general chat
Harriet09/11/1881family news of death
Harriet07/06/1881on HSF's chair at London
Harriet23/06/1873thanks for birthday greeting and general
Harriet19/12/1892re Christmas and general chat
Harriet29/08/1884holiday plans, Olive, general chat
Harriet19/12/1894season's greetings, chat
Harriet05/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Harris D L 3/9/1897house rental
Harris, D L02/09/1897re holiday house
Harris, Frank22/06/1894asks HSF for article for Pickwick London
Harris, Frank21/06/1894asks for a reply to a paper in Fortnightly Review
Harris, H J1927/10/26re dispute with HSF at UCL
Harrison F C1913/4/10re paper currency
Harrison F C1913/5/4social
Harrison F C1913/5/6social
Harrison F C1913/4/21Nicaraguan Report
Harrison, F25/09/1891social
Harrison, F G27-Junarticle in EJ and Indian currency
Harrison, Frederic01/02/1886disposal of Wiker's fund
Harrison, Frederic12/10/1884re Cunningham as a secretary
Harrison, Frederic26/06/1884Industrial conference business
Harrison, Frederic24/02/1884Statistical Society meeting
Harrison, Frederic20/02/1884formation of Committee for Miller endowment
Harrison, Frederic06/03/1884re Miller endowment
Harrison, Hugh17/11/1878student letter seeking information
Harrison, J C21/08/1894Indian currency
Harrison, K1916/3/14The Morning Post
Harrison, O B C24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Harrison, R E18/09/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Harry18/12/1881loving chat
Hart J H A1913/1/1re books
Hart J H A1912/12/31re book purchases
Hart J H A32/12/1912 re books
Hart S H & W1925/3/13re tanning leather
Hart, J H A1914/4/21re HSF's books and Cambridge doctorate
Hart, J H A1907/8/17re books on banking
Hart, J H A1911/11/3thanks for invite tot feast
Hart, J H A 1913/1/4general chat
Hart, J H D1911/11/11prices, commodities, etc
Hartley Percival H S1925/6/28social
Hartley, Marshall18/09/1896asks for funds for a Wesleyian minister
Hartley, Percival H S1930/11/28on Olive's death
Hartog, P G1903/8/1re Mosely Educational Commission to USA
Hartoz, P J1903/7/3re Mosely Commisson etc
Harvard University1929/6/9cc Eaton re shipping HSF's library, HSF to keep duplicates etc
Harvard University1929/5/10cc Eaton, English trip, shipment of library
Harvard University1929/7/1re purchasing some Private Acts
Harvard University1937/12/15to Audrey Foxwell, apologises for upsetting her in efforts to get HSF letters
Harvard University1938/8/2to Audrey Foxwell, thanks her for photostats of parts of HSF's drawers
Harvard University1938/10/5to Audrey Foxwell, re some gallery proofs
Harvard University1938/10/14to Audrey Foxwell, re galley proofs
Harvard University1938/12/20to Audrey Foxwell, re HSF's diaries
Harvard University1938/8/17to Audrey Foxwell, re HSF plaques in Kress
Harvard University1937/5/25to Audrey re shipment of HSF library
Harvard University1937/4/7to Audrey re shipment of HSF library
Harvard University1939/1/12to Audrey sends book plate of Kress Library
Harvard University1939/1/30to Audrey sends 20 copies of Kress publication in honour of HSF
Harvard University1938/5/4to Audrey praises Audrey's sketch of HSF
Harvard University1938/6/21to Audrey re her HSF portrait, Kress now open
Harvard University1931/11/18re their holdings of Annual Register etc
Harvard University1930/1/24to W R Scott re money for bibliography
Harvard University1930/10/10to W R Scott, Edwin F Gay on money for bibliography
Harvard University1932/10/7re cards for cataloguing and payment to Scott for shipping etc
Harvard University1937/1/11to Audrey Foxwell, telegram to send extra material
Harvard University1937/1/27to Audrey Foxwell, about shipments, telegram
Harvard University1938/3/6to J Larmor, statement of account on HSF library
Harvard University1936/11/25to Audrey Foxwell, pleased collection could be shipped in 9 months time
Harvard University1937/1/6to Audrey Foxwell, re type of cases, catalogue cards
Harvard University1937/2/19to Audrey Foxwell, packing cases, duplicates, catalogue
Harvard University1937/2/25to Audrey Foxwell, first consignment, books bought after 1929
Harvard University1937/7/8to Audrey Foxwell, 10 cases arrived safely
Harvard University1937/7/29to Audrey Foxwell, cases 111-120 arrived safely
Harvard University1937/9/30to Audrey Foxwell, cases 131-140 arrived, some catalogue cards arrived
Harvard University1937/10/20to Audrey Foxwell, cases 141-150 arrived, return of catalogue cards
Harvard University1937/11/18to Audrey Foxwell, sending back catalogue cards
Harvard University1937/1/27to Audrey Foxwell, re shipments, catalogue cards
Harvard University1937/3/9to J Larmor, sends draft for 20 cases
Harvard University1937/2/18to J Larmor, re partial payment etc
Harvard University1937/12/15to J Larmor, re printing of HSF's letters
Harvard University1937/12/3to Audrey Foxwell, cases 156-165 arrived, catalogue cards etc
Harvard University1937/9/22to Audrey Foxwell, schedule of shipping dates
Harvard University1938/5/17to Audrey Foxwell, re AF's memoir of HSF
Harvard University1938/5/9to Audrey Foxwell, re AF's memoir of HSF
Harvard University1937/2/17to Audrey Foxwell, re room for HSF library
Harvard University1937/5/5to Audrey Foxwell, prints of Wedgwood and Darwin
Harvard University1937/5/8to Audrey Foxwell, arrival of cases 51-60
Harvard University1937/5/28to Audrey Foxwell, arrival of cases 61-80
Harvard University1937/6/18to Audrey Foxwell, arrival of cases 81-100
Harvard University1937/7/12to Audrey Foxwell, re new room for books
Harvard University1937/8/20to Audrey Foxwell, ninth consignment arriaved
Harvard University1937/9/7to Audrey Foxwell, re steel engraving
Harvard University1937/9/14to Audrey Foxwell, re AF's memoir of HSF
Harvard University1937/9/23to Audrey Foxwell, re portrait of HSF
Harvard University1938/7/11to Audrey Foxwell, re portrait of HSF
Harvard University1930/10/2to W R Scott, on pamphlet collection, committee problems
Harvard University1930/6/9to Audrey on HSF's illness
Harvard University1930/7/21re pay to C C Scott for packing
Harvard University1936/10/7to Francis & Co (copy) re volumes for library
Harvard University1930/5/9re value of shipment
Harvard University1932/5/10on shipment of books
Harvard University1932/10/25re editions of Wealth of Nations
Harvard University1932/6/7re cases for shipment
Harvard University1932/4/7re death of Eaton
Harvard University1932/3/11on death of Eaton
Harvard University1934/6/15re unpaid bill for books
Harvard University1929/12/9on books for shipment
Harvard University1930/2/25re shipment of books, no money for bibliography
Harvard University1930/4/24re shipment of books etc
Harvard University1929/1/30re completing set of The Statist
Harvard University1929/7/16cases of books arrived
Harvard University1929/1/7re solving mutual problems
Harvard University1929/7/5re use of collection within Harvard
Harvard University1929/4/23insurance of books
Harvard University1929/2/21re purchse of library, duplicates
Harvard University1930/3/21re arrangements for HSF to have books
Harvard University1929/11/27re funds
Harvard University1928/11/5re funding
Harvard University1931/1/6on Olive's death
Harvard University1931/6/3re arrangements of library
Harvard University1930/4/2introduces Waldo G Leland
Harvard University1929/2/8re meeting Allyn Young etc
Harvard University1929/1/24re Allyn Young
Harvard University1937/11/30to Higgs re catalogue cards etc
Harvard University1934/1/6Arthur Cole coming to UK
Harvard University1930/1/30re consular invoices for books
Harvard University1929/9/4re arrival of shipment of books
Harvard University1934/3/1re editions of Adam Smith
Harvard University1930/6/27accounts for books
Harvard University1930/3/4re list of books for customs
Harvard University1930/3/4to H J Brown re customs regulations for books
Harvard University1930/1/24re duplicates
Harvard University1929/2/21re library negotiations (copy)
Harvard University1929/3/8on death of Allyn Young
Harvard University1930/1/3on library details
Harvard University1931/7/29re second collection, transfer of books
Harvard University1929/5/17re use of Brown to ship books
Harvard University1929/7/30re Harvard Libraries and first and second collections
Harvard University1930/2/18re collection of treatises
Harvard University1930/2/8some books and money for bibliography
Harvard University1930/4/18Arthur Cole coming to UK
Harvard University1929/2/14re visit of Professor Blake
Harvard University1932/7/27re payment and value of books
Harvard University1929/11/14re duplicates
Harvard University1929/3/7telegram re Young and library
Harvard University1932questions re books
Harvard University1937/3/4to AF re Prof Jenks visit
Harvard University1969/2/26re HSF letters they have
Harvard University1938/10/10sends pictures of Kress Library
Harvard University1938/8/2to AF re her "Portrait of HSF"
Harvard University1965/5/18to AF re Coats and HSF letters
Harvard University1928/7/7re reproductions of pages of HSF's diaries
Harvard University (C C Eaton)1929/5/6thanks HSF for kindess
Harvard University (C C Eaton)01/10/1874re report about HSF's library
Harvard University (C C Eaton)1928/8/9librarian to visit HSF
Harvey A S27/11/1890re PE Club & opinions on Bank of England
Harvey Marshall 1/10/1897funds for A C McLean
Harvey, A 27/07/1891social
Harvey, A S22/07/1891re Friendly Debating Society
Harvey, A S04/11/1890social
Harvey, A S17/10/1892on meeting on old age pensions
Harvey, A S31/10/1890asks HSF to Debating Society
Harvey, R A20/08/1889form of letters to supporters
Harvey, Sir Ernest M1920/12/21thank you letter
Harward, Lawrence W1910/9/1re trip, job etc
Harward, Lawrence W1905/5/31to E W Lockart, St John's library re books sent from University of London
Harwick, H R1901/11/13general
Harzen, M 1929/1/6re death of their daughter
Harzon, Marie1923/6/1thanks HSF for volumes of songs
Harzon, Mario1925/2/25re visit from Audrey
Hasimoto, M1921/10/15to Ernest general chat
Hasker, H W L15/10/1819sends review of London Joint City and Midland Bank Ltd
Haskins, C E18/2/1875re Phil Econ books list; also letter 24/02/1875 thanks for list
Haskins, C E1901/8/6general
Haskins, C E02/08/1882re gift of furniture
Haskins, C E1872social
Haskins, C S31/07/1877general chat
Haskins, C S19/08/1877social
Haskins, E G24/12/????general chat
Haskins, F30/07/1893re a book
Haslam, A S1926/2/1seeks help for his sone
Haslam, C S1926/12/17asks HSF about Arthur Young
Haslam, C S1926/12/20re book
Haslam, C S1926/3/8re books
Haslam, C S1927/1/19woollen trade, French books
Haslam, C S1926/2/1re Arthur Young's library
Haslam, C S1927/1/25re some reports for HSF
Hathowthwait, ?04/02/1898seeks Professor of History for Bombay
Hathowthwait, ?09/02/1898re Professor of History for Bombay
Haupt, Ottoman08/01/1890praises HSF's reply to Giffen
Hausell, Robert B16/07/1883asks HSF to support his membership of Statistical Society
Haward Lawrence W1905/11/22Uni of London new library regulations
Haward, Laurence1912/11/6social
Haward, Laurence1912/11/7PC social
Haward? L1906/12/10cheque for Uni of London Library
Hawson, Lawrence W1910/4/29seeks introduction in connection with Agricultural Development Act
Hay, E M1925/7/30re finding edition for book
Hay, E M1924/12/11re a book at The Statist
Hayakawa S20/6/1897Japanese gold coins
Hayakawa J16/8/1897social
Hayakawa S16/9/1897 thank you letter
Hayakawa S11/6/1897visit to Cambridge
Hayakawa, S05/10/1896introduces himself
Hayakawa, S23/10/1896social
Hayakawa, S04/06/1897asks for introduction to Nicholson
Hayarkawa, S03/11/1896general chat
Haydon, G P24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Haynes, Fred E22/09/1892re sale of HSF's library
Haynes, Fred E12/12/1892re HSF's library and duplicates
Hayter, Henry G07/12/1894asks for help on League matters for Bradford
Hayter, Henry G11/12/1894some argument over Black Death figures
Hayward, Robert B25/08/1891holiday in Lake District and chat
Hayward, Robt B06/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Hazeltine, H D1927/4/28social
Hazeltine, H D1927/5/11re some point
Hazeltine, H D1927/11/10social
Hazeltine, H T1928/2/12Scraffa 'too unworldly'
Hazeltine, H T1928/2/8social
Hazon, M1926/6/17mainly social
Hazon, M1926/4/7mainly social
Hazon, M1926/4/20mainly social
Head F W1920/3/19Emanuel College Dissertation prize etc
Head F W1920/4/24re Emanuel College fellowship candidates
Head P1920/4/19Melbourne’s essay
Head P1920/4/21Melbourne’s essay & canditature
Head P1920/3/22Melbourne’s essay
Head, F W27/04/1920re student prize
Head, F W24/01/1921asks for opinion of student
Head, F W1919/6/18asks about Liang
Head, J W1921/1/26re Liang
Headican, B M1929/4/11re book from LSE library
Headicar B M1914/2/18re testimonial
Headicar, B1915/11/8LSE Library Committee
Headicar, B1915/11/3LSE Library Committee
Headicar, B1915/12/24re some books
Headicar, B1916/1/5re some books for LSE library
Headicar, B M1910/1/20re reports of House of Commons Committee
Headicar, B M (LSE Library)1918/7/1re books
Headicar, D M1912/5/30re books for LSE library
Headicarr, B M1927/6/17LSE re HSF's library
Headicarr, B M1927/6/24LSE re HSF's library
Headicarr, B M1927/7/4LSE cannot afford HSF's library
Headlam, E16/09/1882re examinership for Civil Serivce Commission
Headlam, E01/09/1882asks HSF to examine for Indian Civil Service
Headlam, E16/05/1882re Civil Service exams
Headlam, E08/06/1882re Civil Service exams
Headlam, E16/06/1882miscellaneous
Headley & SonsPC plough to be raffled this Monday
Headley, E Paget07/11/1871invites to tea
Headley, E Paget24/10/1871invites for evening
Headly S1871re social engagements in Cambridge
Headly S1871re social engagements in Cambridge
Heads and Hill1910/1/26asks HSF to send I Somerton Foxwell's probate of will to them
Heal & Son05/10/1898re cappings of bedstead
Heal & Son07/09/1898re size of bedstead
Healey, Randolph E16/12/1870congratulates HSF etc
Heape, Walter13/08/1886enquiry on fishing wages
Heard, F W1919/6/20PC thanks HSF for his views on Liang's work
Hearn R C1913/4/26Cambridge Musical Society
Hearn, George18/12/1889PC re old boys (school) dinner
Hearn, Miss27/12/1897PC her children
Hearn, Robert C1913/2/13on HSF's resignation as President of St John's Musical Society
Heath, T L24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Heathcote, W E24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Heather-Bigg, Ada18/07/1892re application for Jevons' studentship
Heather-Bigg, Ada18/07/1892re application for Jevons' studentship
Heather-Brigg, Miss Ada03/08/1892re Jevons' memorial studentship
Heaton E17-FebHSF’s Leeds lectures etc
Heaver, George13/12/1893re Queen's College Taunton old boys
Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Co-operative Society04/08/1887half-yearly report and balance sheet
Hechscher, Eli1915/9/6re his Economics of the Great War in English
Hechscher, Eli1915/7/29postcard re some note
Hechscher, Eli1915/7/12re war finance in various countries etc
Hechsher, Eli F1919/7/23introduces student of Cassel
Heckscher Eli F1916/6/4re currency
Heckscher, Eli F1912/7/2PC introduces Dr Brisman
Heffer, W & Sons1909/12/1problem with bibliographies
Heilbogen, Dr06/03/1893sends his book on Smith and Turgot
Heilbogen, Dr11/04/1893re his work on Smith and Turgot
Heinzig, Paul1923/10/12on his index numbers
Heischen, Richard??/12/1892PC would be pleased to publish HSF letter on value of money
Heitland, W E12/05/1887note on new statute
Heitland, W E1887note on Clause 54
Heitland, W E13/05/1887on new Clause 54
Heitland, W E17/05/1887on new Clause 54
Heitland, W F30/06/1885on new building scheme
Heland, A D07/12/1889thanks HSF for some classification
Heldman, Asher1922/10/10asks HSF to give lecture to Beth Hamedrash and Jewish Institute
Hellenic Travellers' Club1929/6/5plan and schedule of ship
Heller, Emma29/12/1897to Olive Dorrington, general chat
Heller, Emma05/07/1896general chat
Helm, Elijah05/12/1892re articles on value of gold
Helm, Elijah14/03/1887re jevons, revaluation of currency etc
Helm, Elijah04/06/1894sends HSF his book
Heloise25/12/1895Christmas greetings
Heming, Owen1930/11/24on Olive's death
Henderson Archibald1910/12/10re G B Shaw
Henderson Archibald1910/12/11tract on socialism
Henderson H D1920/6/23Mays examiners’ meeting
Henderson, Archibald1931/1/12bad manners, private discussion club etc
Henderson, E G1918/2/26asks HSF for graph on gold prices
Henderson, E G1918/3/4on cost of the war
Henderson, H D31/10/????re a student at Cambridge
Henderson, H D1920/6/14re examiners meeting
Henderson, Lady Violet1915/3/9thanks HSF for finding her cigarette case
Henderson, Thomas1914/8/29asks for information on Chartist circular
Henderson, Thomas1914/9/7re book etc
Hendricks, H W06/11/1884re Houghton's tracts - 17th century
Hendricks, H W27/01/1885land tax and old books
Hendriks, H W23/02/1884social chat
Henry H 4/6/1894extract to McNiel on gold & silver
Henry Greene & Sons19/03/1894concerned about appreciation
Henry Schroder & Co??/10/1927re loan from United States to Brazil
Henry Schroder & Co1922Peruvian Government loan
Henry Sotheran Ltd1936/8/10to HSF's executors, offers services on HSF's books
Henry Stevens Son & Stiles1929/5/17re their catalogue
Henry Stevens, Son & Stiles17/09/1895re purchase of books
Henry Stevens, Son & Stiles1931/7/14re William Godwin book
Henry Stevens, Sons & Stiles1908/4/2on old books
Henry Stevens, Sons & Stiles08/12/1896re buying old books
Henry Stevens, Sons & Stiles11/02/1897re buying old books
Henry Stevens, Sons & Stiles16/02/1897re buying old books
Henry Stevens, Sons & Stiles19/02/1897re buying old books
Hensman, G W29/06/1885re a crepe firm and industrial villages
Hepburn Arnold13/9/1897bimetalllism
Hepburn Arnold13/9/1897bimetallism
Hepburn Arnold15/9/1897bimetallism
Hepburn, Arnold09/05/1898bimetallism and Indian gold standard
Hepburn, Arnold18/03/1895re Bimetallist League
Hepburn, Arnold??/??/1895general
Hepburn, Arnold10/11/1896re books on bimetallism
Hepburn, Arnold14/11/1896re books on bimetallism
Hepburn, Arnold19/11/1896bimetallic books, Farrer and Indian currency, Chamberlain's views on bimetallism
Hepburn, Arnold15/06/1896asks HSF to see Cuthbertson on bimetallism
Hepburn, Arnold20/03/1895thanks HSF for help
Herbert, A25/02/1889thanks HSF
Herbert, Auberon04/10/1888re some notes
Herbert, Auberon12/10/1888re some notes
Herbert, Auberon21/02/1889re an enclosure
Herdler, J1904/5/3to Pigou re meeting
Hernon, P J1921/6/4asks for testimonial
Heron, T M1942/8/5to Audrey re death of Sir J Larmor
Hes, George23/02/1889re article on trusts
Heseltine, J P27/04/1893social
Heseltine, J P05/09/1893mainly social
Heseltine, J P18/08/1894bimetallism
Heseltine, J P22/08/1894bimetallism article
Heseltine, J P08/03/1894social
Heseltine, J P04/06/1894to H R Beeton, recommends Mr Casalla
Heseltine, J P16/08/1893to Beeton, to join Council of League
Heseltine, W07/01/1895re HSF article in the National Review
Heseltine, W25/08/1893social
Hewins, Margaret1931/12/19on husband's death
Hewins, W A S21/10/1895re lectures at Chamber of Commerce
Hewins, W A S16/10/1895re lectures at Chamber of Commerce
Hewins, W A S08/10/1895re lectures at Chamber of Commerce
Hewins, W A S01/07/1895re lectures to London Chamber of Commerce
Hewins, W A S10/03/1896some LSE business
Hewins, W A S12/05/1896query on lectures at University College
Hewins, W A S02/06/1896social
Hewins, W A S03/06/1896social
Hewins, W A S14/03/1896re LSE library list
Hewins, W A S16/06/1896re LSE Board of Studies meeting
Hewins, W A S23/06/1896re LSE Board of Studies meeting
Hewins, W A S06/01/1896re LSE syllabus
Hewins, W A S09/01/1896re LSE syllabus
Hewins, W A S23/11/1896re meeting of LSE lecturers
Hewins, W A S1903/6/8re HSF going to USA on Mosely Commission and his teaching at LSE
Hewins, W A S1903/7/28LSE gives HSF leave for a term
Hewins, W A S10/07/1897plans for coming year, students
Hewins, W A S22/05/1895asks HSF to lecture at the proposed London School of Economics
Hewins, W A S27/04/1895re scheme to promote economics
Hewins, W A S1917/10/10social chat
Hewins, W A S1903/6/19re LSE lectures
Hewins, W A S05/02/1897various LSE matters
Hewins, W A S09/11/1895on his LSE classes
Hewins, W A S06/08/1895re HSF's lectures at LSE
Hewins, W A S24/03/1895re LSE lectures
Hewins, W A S26/04/1895social
Hewins, W A S1901/1/31re LSE Board of Studies meeting
Hewins, W A S17/02/1897asks HSF to become committee member of the British Library of Political Science
Hewins, W A S1901/3/25re Mansion House meeting
Hewins, W A S10/06/1895trouble over arrangements for HSF's lectures in Oxford
Hewins, W A S27/05/1895HSF to lecture on Banking in Oxford
Hewins, W A S1903/1/20to meet HSF
Hewins, W A S22/07/1895HSF lecture times, subject for scholarship essay
Hewins, W A S27/07/1895re title of HSF's LSE lectures
Hewins, W A S02/08/1895re title of HSF's LSE lectures
Hewins, W A S1901/10/26cancels a visit
Hewins, W A S30/05/1895re dates
Hewins, W A S04/02/1898re visit to Cambridge
Hewins, W A S04/02/1898re visit to Cambridge and PE Club
Hewins, W A S1902/7/7re LSE students and courses
Hewins, W A S13/05/1897PC staying with Marshall, wants to see HSF
Hewis, W A S23/07/1895re some meeting
Hewitt, H Marmaduke04/06/1879asks for testimonial for extension lecturing
Hewitt, H Marmaduke08/06/1879re teaching and lecturing
Hewitt, Thomas??/??/1912advertising University of London Press shares
Hewitt, Thomas1913/5/14advertising University of London Press shares
Hewitt, Thomas??/??/1912advertising University of London Press shares
Hey, W H21/10/1895re paper for Statistitcal Society
Hey, W H04/03/1895Reports and Royal Statistical Society
Hey, W H27/08/1889Iron Founders' Society and article on unionism and wages
Hey, W H13/05/1889wages, machinery effects (Iron Founders' Society)
Hey, W Henry01/01/1895his resignation from Statistical Society
Hey, Wm28/11/1894re reports, out of work
Hey, Wm Henry18/02/1895re query over report wanted by HSF
Hickey Major25/12/1876general chat
Hicks G Dawes1921/4/25PC- re Investors’ Trustees Register
Hicks W M18/9/1897G Lloyd’s Sheffield application
Hicks W M1910/1/25lectureship at Sheffield
Hicks W M1910/2/6Sheffield post
Hicks, Cecil10/06/1886social
Hicks, G Dawes1928/4/4re Hicks' car
Hicks, G Dawes1916/12/16on cost of season tickets on the trains
Hicks, G Dawes1917/11/17re an exam mark
Hicks, G Dawes1910/7/14re exams in economics for philosophy
Hicks, G Dawes1910/7/16re exams in economics for philosophy
Hicks, G Dawes1930/12/2on Olive's death
Hicks, George04/06/1890to McNiel (copy) re Giffen speech to P E Club
Hicks, R D25/08/1889PC supports Jenkinson for librarian
Hicks, W M21/01/1886re HSF lecture
Hicks, W M25/01/1886re HSF lecture
Hicks, W M12/12/1886re HSF lecture
Hicks, W M1992/7/19on requirements of election to fellowship
Hicks, W M19/04/1884pleased to let HSF have use of room for books
Hicks, W M14/07/1887thanks for paper knife wedding gift
Hicks, W M12/02/1888general chat
Hicks, W M21/07/1897re an ecomomics and philosophy lecturer for University College of Sheffield
Hicks, W M02/10/1887HSF's 'Japanese scheme'
Hicks, W M07/07/1898HSF's wedding
Hicks, W M1929/9/29congratulates HSF on climbing Cadr Idris in 80th year
Hicks, W M07/08/1889cannot support Jenkinson for Librarian
Hicks, W M30/01/1892re death of G T Bethany
Hicks, W M27/09/1885asks HSF to lecture at Sheffield
Hiel, M06/05/1889will contribute to co-operators visit
Higgins, A Pearce1930/11/26on Olive's death
Higgins, A Pearce1907/5/21re memorial for Prf F W Maitland
Higgins, Clement25/07/1889to Jenkinson supports Jenkinson for librarian
Higgs H1919/11/6re future etc
Higgs H1932/5/16Owen Higgs etc
Higgs H1930/9/21Cantillon
Higgs H1930/8/16PC _ Owen etc
Higgs H1930/12/15book catalogues
Higgs H1931/1/2bibliography
Higgs H1930/12/30bibliography
Higgs H1930/6/28bibliography
Higgs H1930/7/19bibliography
Higgs H1930/6/25bibliography
Higgs H1933/11/4bibliography
Higgs H1933/9/1bibliography
Higgs H1933/9/22Petty papers
Higgs H1933/9/15bibliography
Higgs H1933/8/2bibliography
Higgs H1933/6/27books
Higgs H1933/6/23Sotheby’s book auction
Higgs H1933/6/16Pompadour books
Higgs H1933/6/9bibliography
Higgs H1933/5/20bibliography
Higgs H1933/7/22telegram re visit
Higgs H1930/5/10bibliography
Higgs H1933/8/1bibliography
Higgs H1933/3/15bibliography etc
Higgs H1933/5/10bibliography
Higgs H1933/5/5British Academy
Higgs H1933/4/5bibliography etc
Higgs H1932/11/24Higgs’s writings etc
Higgs H1933/4/21bibliography
Higgs H1933/5/3election to British Academy
Higgs H1932/3/18Sraffa & Ricardo volumes for RES etc
Higgs H1933/3/15report to British Academy
Higgs H1932/3/1social
Higgs H1932/3/8bibliography
Higgs H1932/7/26general
Higgs H1932/8/2social
Higgs H1932/5/5note on Cantillon forEJ
Higgs H1932/8/8son’s education
Higgs H1930/6/17fee for editing Cantillon & other RES ventures
Higgs H1930/7/4Cantillon research
Higgs H1930/7/20general
Higgs H1930/7/16Cantillon & other books
Higgs H1925/5/7his appointment to Bangor
Higgs H1925/5/10on McLeod’s books
Higgs H1925/5/14books & HSF’s lectures on socialist writers
Higgs H1925/4/30Sir Ernest Clark, row at Bangor & note in Palgrave’s on HSF
Higgs H1925/5/4general chat
Higgs H1925/4/25Bangor & Palgrave’s Dictionary
Higgs H1918/11/18his lectures to troops
Higgs, H1928/2/16books items etc
Higgs, H??/12/1895pc attacking letter from R H Inglis Palgrave on depressions etc
Higgs, H15/01/1895British Economic Association sale of Quesnay
Higgs, H1907/3/1re some notes
Higgs, H08/02/1890condolences, books
Higgs, H30/10/1890Junior Economic Club
Higgs, H08/04/1890Higgs VP of Bimetallic Leauge, Taussig on Higgs's Le Play article
Higgs, H23/08/1890books, Dr Bauer's visit, weather data
Higgs, H04/12/1890The Bee, Cantillon, French books
Higgs, H29/06/1888social, his PE classes
Higgs, H18/12/1890a manuscript, Lock's pencil case, Edgeworth, Palgrave
Higgs, H24/04/1890syllabus of lectures, catalogue, French dictionary
Higgs, H13/08/1890La Play article, Dr Bauer, Club
Higgs, H26/02/1890letter from Taussig on Le Play, bimetallism, British Association
Higgs, H1901/7/1on sale of library etc
Higgs, H1901/3/26re sale of HSF library to Freshfields
Higgs, H25/03/1895Economic Club election, Bourley on working mens' budgets etc
Higgs, H31/12/1890re book seller, Economic Association etc
Higgs, H1936/5/14re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1933/4/14re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1933/4/18PC social
Higgs, H1915/7/23re library etc
Higgs, H1935/10/1re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1935/11/12re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1935/2/22re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1915/10/15general chat
Higgs, H1915/11/2social
Higgs, H1910/1/12visit to New York, books etc
Higgs, H1910/2/15re pamphlet for Hollander etc
Higgs, H1912/7/3to Cairo, Physiocrats translation
Higgs, H1912/1/10general chat
Higgs, H1912/10/25general chat
Higgs, H1911/10/19re Editorial Advisory Board for EJ, Giffen's library
Higgs, H1932/9/26re L L Price row, Higgs and Harvard etc
Higgs, H1936/1/18re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1935/12/31re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1932/10/10re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1935/7/1re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1917/5/25re Newmarch lectures etc
Higgs, H1917/3/6re Newmarch lectures etc
Higgs, H1918/1/7PE Club candidates, Egypt etc
Higgs, H1935/8/2re bibliography
Higgs, H1937/7/10to Audrey, re bibliography
Higgs, H1937/8/27to Audrey, re Hollander, bibliography
Higgs, H1935/8/7re bibliography etc
Higgs, H1923/12/26PE Club, HSF's influence
Higgs, H1910/4/24re payment, books etc
Higgs, H1901/11/27re travel
Higgs, H1901/6/4re British Association
Higgs, H1924/3/8re Senate, HSF and Goldsmiths
Higgs, H1923/8/23Peggy's marriage, Seligman's, library sale
Higgs, H1937/6/2to Audrey Foxwell, thanks for vlauation fee
Higgs, H1937/9/11to Audrey Foxwell, on bibliography
Higgs, H1938/2/15to Audrey Foxwell, on bibliography
Higgs, H1937/11/9to Audrey Foxwell, on value of books
Higgs, H1937/7/28to Audrey Foxwell, re note on HSF for harvard
Higgs, H1937/10/12to Audrey Foxwell, PC re Scott on Adam Smith
Higgs, H1937/10/1to Audrey Foxwell, vlauation lists, HSF and bullion report
Higgs, H1938/2/3to Audrey Foxwell, not well
Higgs, H1938/1/13to Audrey Foxwell, on bibliography
Higgs, H1937/2/21to Audrey Foxwell, re consignment of library to Harvard
Higgs, H1937/2/23to Audrey Foxwell, re library shippers, Scott
Higgs, H1936/8/12to Audrey Foxwell, his Times obituary of HSF, sold his books by auction, will help AF legally
Higgs, H1937/3/10to Audrey Foxwell, dates for shipping library
Higgs, H1937/3/6to Audrey Foxwell, mainly social
Higgs, H1938/7/23to Audrey Foxwell, on bibliography
Higgs, H1937/9/22to Audrey Foxwell, social
Higgs, H1936/1/10to Audrey Foxwell, no formal valuation authority
Higgs, H1937/8/6to Audrey Foxwell, bibliography, health etc
Higgs, H1937/8/20to Audrey Foxwell, on bibliography
Higgs, H1937/1/14to Audrey Foxwell, re Statistical Journal
Higgs, H1936/9/15to Audrey Foxwell re letter to Larmor on book problem (477/38)
Higgs, H1936/9/14to J Larmor, second copies, valuation, helpers etc
Higgs, H1936/10/10to Audrey Foxwell card about Harvard work
Higgs, H1936/1/20to Audrey Foxwell, re Keynes' article etc
Higgs, H1936/11/21to Audrey Foxwell, appointed valuer, asks for C C Scott to help
Higgs, H1929/7/26on books and bibliography
Higgs, H1929/7/29re manifesto, bibliography
Higgs, H1929/7/19seeks Seligman's help on bibliography
Higgs, H1914/10/10arranges meeting
Higgs, H1914/10/12re meeting
Higgs, H1914/8/5re library dispute with University of London
Higgs, H1914/8/15conditions for Goldsmiths being at University of London
Higgs, H1914/7/30will look into library question
Higgs, H1932/7/18social
Higgs, H1932/7/5social, library
Higgs, H1932/7/7books from Grant
Higgs, H1932/7/8invoice from Grant
Higgs, H1932/5/31re Introduction to bibliography
Higgs, H1932/5/27re Introduction to bibliography
Higgs, H1932/4/15bibliography, article on Cantillon
Higgs, H1932/4/4bibliography
Higgs, H1932/4/11bibliography
Higgs, H1932/3/16bibliography
Higgs, H1932/2/24trip to Cambridge
Higgs, H1932/2/22trip to Cambridge, bibliography
Higgs, H1932/2/15mainly social
Higgs, H1932/2/13bibliography
Higgs, H1932/2/9trip to Cambridge, bibliography
Higgs, H1932/2/3trip to Cambridge
Higgs, H1932/1/27bibliography, burden of income tax
Higgs, H1932/1/25ill
Higgs, H1932/1/12bibliography
Higgs, H1932/1/16trip to Cambridge, bibliography
Higgs, H1932/1/18bibliography
Higgs, H1932/1/15bibliography
Higgs, H1931/9/21Cantillon, bibliography, Physiocrats
Higgs, H1931/8/25portrait of Wedgwood etc
Higgs, H1931/11/23on bibliography
Higgs, H1931/10/13re problems at Goldsmiths Library
Higgs, H1931/9/30on bibliography etc
Higgs, H1931/10/24re Adam Smith, bibliography
Higgs, H1931/6/2PC re catalogue, Cantillon etc
Higgs, H1931/7/2re bibliography
Higgs, H1931/7/5British Academy elections, Bonar's draft
Higgs, H1930/5/8on bibliography
Higgs, H1930/9/10bibliography, translation of Cantillon
Higgs, H1930/8/2Harvard, books, pamphlets
Higgs, H1930/8/26on bibliography
Higgs, H1930/8/14on bibliography
Higgs, H1930/11/10general
Higgs, H1930/8/11on bibliography
Higgs, H1930/7/29social
Higgs, H1931/12/26on bibliography
Higgs, H1931/12/18thanks HSF for copy of Country Life, bibliography
Higgs, H1931/12/5on bibliography
Higgs, H1931/12/2wife's health, books
Higgs, H1931/11/29on trip to Cambridge
Higgs, H1931/8/18re trip to Cambridge
Higgs, H1931/8/11mainly social
Higgs, H1931/6/29re bibliography
Higgs, H1931/6/17letters on Cantillon, EJ articles
Higgs, H1931/4/10on bibliography
Higgs, H1931/7/7letters to Bonar, Scott etc
Higgs, H1931/7/16proof of Cantillon article
Higgs, H1931/6/24bibliography etc
Higgs, H1931/5/6mainly on bibliography
Higgs, H1931/7/24re binding of Cantillon
Higgs, H1931/8/4PC social
Higgs, H1931/8/1German version of Cantillon
Higgs, H1931/7/27bibliography, Cantillon binding etc
Higgs, H1931/7/22bibliographical matters
Higgs, H1931/7/29Cantillon binding, bibliography
Higgs, H1931/6/11bibliography etc
Higgs, H1931/3/3Guildhall Library catalogue, Cantillon and Keynes
Higgs, H1931/1/14on bibliography
Higgs, H1930/10/29re some modification
Higgs, H1930/10/18bibliography etc
Higgs, H1930/11/4bibliography etc
Higgs, H1930/10/27general doings
Higgs, H1930/10/13PC social
Higgs, H1930/10/8catalogues, Cantillon, Goldsmiths
Higgs, H1930/9/13Cantillon and Keynes, Stamp re specimen of bibliography
Higgs, H1923/12/12on death of Ernest, election etc
Higgs, Hto Audrey Foxwell, piece for portrait of HSF
Higgs, H1935note on bibliography for British Academy
Higgs, H1932/12/30on the bibliography
Higgs, H1933/6/2PC Houghton sold for £50
Higgs, H1933note on John Houghton's book
Higgs, H1934/2/17re part preface enclosed of bibliography
Higgs, H17/10/1891general chat, Economic Club
Higgs, H17/04/1891Cantillon, Economic Club, Adam Smith lectures etc
Higgs, H10/06/1892work of old pupils, pamphlets
Higgs, H15/11/1893HSF and Edgeworth ill
Higgs, H27/12/1893BEA, Economic Club, Quesnay publication
Higgs, H18/10/1893doing HSF's UCL lectures, E J
Higgs, H20/02/1893P E Club, sales of EJ
Higgs, H1893change of fule, talk on bimetallism
Higgs, H21/04/1893Newmarch lectures, paper to Statistical Society
Higgs, H28/06/1893re health, meeting
Higgs, H22/11/1893re visit to Cambridge
Higgs, H04/07/1893re BEA secretary's duties and Marshall, gold
Higgs, H06/02/1893PE Club and reprints
Higgs, H11/02/1893PE Club, S M Lindsay's speech
Higgs, H14/08/1893re possible Balfour paper
Higgs, H15/09/1893British Association meeting, bimetallism
Higgs, H09/09/1893PE Club and BEA on publications
Higgs, H29/05/1893meeting with Edgeworth and others
Higgs, H08/04/1893BEA accounts
Higgs, H16/06/1893re some cards, letter to Times
Higgs, H08/11/1893wine, Economic Club
Higgs, H01/09/1893re a meeting
Higgs, H08/08/1893a trip, meeting of Publications Committee
Higgs, H12/08/1893visit to Cambridge, British Association meeting
Higgs, H08/09/1893British Association meeting
Higgs, H01/12/1893re wine purchase, Publications Committee
Higgs, H09/06/1893BEA business, Economic Club
Higgs, H04/04/1893Marshall and guarantors, EJ matters
Higgs, H28/02/1893PE Club and reprints
Higgs, H06/03/1893Publications Committee, talk on bimetallism
Higgs, H03/05/1893re AGM
Higgs, H20/05/1893re BEA accounts
Higgs, H28/10/1893Economic Club, Publications Committee
Higgs, H06/10/1893re HSF's history of economics lectures
Higgs, H12/10/1893re lectures
Higgs, H26/06/1893ill etc
Higgs, H1904/5/3re withdrawals from savings banks
Higgs, H30/06/1897re right of labour etc
Higgs, H16/05/1883proof of speech on Workmen's budgets
Higgs, H1927/8/5re his work at Goldsmiths on Bibliography
Higgs, H1927/8/9re his work at Goldsmiths on Bibliography
Higgs, H1927/7/15social
Higgs, H1926/1/28re his teaching, HSF's collections
Higgs, H1927/7/29re helping HSF
Higgs, H1927/8/25re Bibliography
Higgs, H1927/9/5re Bibliography
Higgs, H1927/10/20re HSF's "resignation from UCL", Academy and Bibliography
Higgs, H1927/10/26re Bibliography
Higgs, H14/03/1892re Hawson wanting to join Club
Higgs, H1919/4/16thanks HSF for book, will review in EJ
Higgs, H1927/7/18PC social
Higgs, H1927/7/28re reproducing Menger
Higgs, H1927/9/17re Bibliography
Higgs, H1927/8/2PC social
Higgs, H1927/10/14re sale of HSF library
Higgs, H19/03/1897PC re BEA dinner
Higgs, H24/02/1897re letters for EJ
Higgs, H1927/8/22PC parcels arrived
Higgs, H1928/7/20re meeting with Scott
Higgs, H1939/2/21to AF re Bibliography
Higgs, H1926/1/18PC re lecture and Gold Standard report
Higgs, H1939/2/12re Harvard work
Higgs, H1939/4/12thanks for help with ill wife
Higgs, H1939/4/8wife desperately ill, needs money
Higgs, H1937/1/6re Harvard payments
Higgs, H1938/8/5re proofs, Bibliography
Higgs, H1939/4/14PC wife doing well
Higgs, H1928/6/25PC taking Dhume to PE Club
Higgs, H1920/5/6PC received cheque
Higgs, H1938/8/18PC to AF cheque from Seligman
Higgs, H31/07/1892thanks for kindness
Higgs, HPC try to go to Statistical Society
Higgs, H1930/7/2PC re Bibliography
Higgs, H1930/5/21PC hopes HSF well
Higgs, H1932/12/26seasons greetings
Higgs, HPC social
Higgs, H1931report on Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/4/9report on Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/10/10PC material for Bibliography finished
Higgs, H1931/2/5report on Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/4/28re Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/4/18re Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/4/20re Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/4/26re Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/4/13re Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/3/24re Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/4/21re Bibliography
Higgs, H1931/4/18re Bibliography
Higgs, H1930/7/12re his nomination for the British Academy
Higgs, HJan-28social
Higgs, H1931his CV for BA nomination
Higgs, H1928/7/29re Bibliography cards
Higgs, H1928/8/4on Bibliography details
Higgs, H1928/8/20re Bibliography cards
Higgs, H1932/4/20report on Bibliography 1931-32
Higgs, Henry1921/10/27re history of club (?) etc
Higgs, Henry1928/3/22re bibliography and Goldsmiths
Higgs, Henry1927/12/27re bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry1927/12/17re sale of books etc
Higgs, Henry1930/11/24on death of Mrs Foxwell
Higgs, Henry1929/3/9re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/11/28re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/11/5re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/12/1re bibliography, exam papers, HSF's library
Higgs, Henry2/11.1928re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/10/11Nicholson's library - bibliography
Higgs, Henry1927/8/16debits for bibliography
Higgs, Henry1927/8/15books and bibliography
Higgs, Henry1927/8/19details for bibiliography
Higgs, Henry1927/11/5re bibliography and Ashley's library
Higgs, Henry1927/12/20bibliography
Higgs, Henry02/10/1893Higgs to lecture for HSF during illness
Higgs, Henry02/07/1895British Economic Association business and accounts
Higgs, Henry23/08/1895re research paper, price of Quesnay, etc
Higgs, Henry19/11/1892reprint of Petty's Political Arithmetic, and books on currency question
Higgs, Henry26/08/1893re bibliography
Higgs, Henry30/01/1895re British Economic Association business
Higgs, Henry02/07/1895re British Economic Association reprints
Higgs, Henry29/12/1890on wine
Higgs, Henry16/01/1889post office stamps, Haldane, Adam Smith etc
Higgs, Henry21/01/1889re plans to write on French economics and book sales
Higgs, Henry16/02/1889book on French economic thought, French factory law and international bimetallism
Higgs, Henry28/05/1889French economic thought, HSF on monopolies & Edgeworth's attack on HSF's currency views
Higgs, Henry23/07/1889on his French trip
Higgs, Henry31/07/1889general and his French enterprises - first mention of Cantillon
Higgs, Henry15/08/1889French 'history', Adam Smith Club and mail bag collection devices
Higgs, Henry03/09/1889general and Paris Monetary Congress
Higgs, Henry25/10/1889mainly on old pamphlets
Higgs, Henry02/11/1889old coinage, habits etc
Higgs, Henry15/09/1889Palgrave's Dictionary etc
Higgs, Henry19/09/1889Palgrave's Dictionary etc
Higgs, Henry23/10/1889on Le Play
Higgs, Henry17/12/1887general
Higgs, Henry09/11/1887on pamphlets
Higgs, Henry22/11/1887on books etc
Higgs, Henry23/08/1887general chat
Higgs, Henry20/07/1887on editions of Adam Smith
Higgs, Henry11/06/1887French books, Wicksteed etc
Higgs, Henry09/07/1887French economics, Adam Smith etc
Higgs, Henry02/03/1887on the rate of interest
Higgs, Henry08/07/1894re Bauer manuscript
Higgs, Henry11/04/1894on historical books etc
Higgs, Henry11/01/1894on an article, Newmarch lectures etc
Higgs, Henry23/03/1894on books, Journal, number of members of BEA, facsimile of Quesnay
Higgs, Henry11/02/1894facsimile of Quesnay and its publication
Higgs, Henry31/10/1894preface to Quesnay, German books, German economists etc
Higgs, Henry04/02/1894social
Higgs, Henry21/12/1894title page and preface of Quesnay: next work to be published by BEA
Higgs, Henry13/10/1894publication of Quesnay
Higgs, Henry17/12/1894on Quesnay
Higgs, Henry20/06/1894re BEA arrangements
Higgs, Henry06/01/1894Quesnay; BEA business
Higgs, Henry08/06/1894Quesnay photographs
Higgs, Henry26/04/1894BEA business
Higgs, Henry17/05/1894Quesnay publication
Higgs, Henry09/03/1894asks HSF to be trustee of BEA; Quesnay publication
Higgs, Henry27/05/1894Quesnay publication
Higgs, Henry01/08/1894Quesnay publication
Higgs, Henry11/07/1898on HSF's marriage
Higgs, Henry04/07/1898tells HSF to ask Hewins £10,000 for library
Higgs, Henry07/10/1892BEA business and HSF's bibliography
Higgs, Henry18/03/1892general
Higgs, Henry26/01/1892general
Higgs, Henry29/01/1892details for bibliography
Higgs, Henry05/02/1892on old books including 1776 Wealth of Nations
Higgs, Henry19/12/1892general
Higgs, Henry17/12/1892French physiocrats, bimetallic articles etc
Higgs, Henry03/12/1892Bentham's skeleton, other economic curiosities etc
Higgs, Henry22/06/1892re Economics Club, old books, asks HSF for bimetallic article, and BEA
Higgs, Henry15/06/1892old books, Economics Club & BEA
Higgs, Henry15/10/1892BEA Economics Club, bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry27/07/1892re job in Treasury etc
Higgs, Henry13/09/1892Economic Club, Quesnay, etc
Higgs, Henry01/10/1892re article on Jevons
Higgs, Henry30/08/1892mainly Economic Club
Higgs, Henry17/09/1892general
Higgs, Henry09/09/1892general
Higgs, Henry26/05/1892old manuscripts, Economics Club, Cantillon etc
Higgs, Henry24/08/1892Economic Club, etc
Higgs, Henry23/08/1892Economic Club, BEA, BA etc
Higgs, Henry24/11/1892Edgeworth and reprints
Higgs, Henry22/11/1892reprints, Bank of France, Monday conference etc
Higgs, Henry05/07/1892Economic Club, Newmarch lectures, old books, reprints
Higgs, Henry1928/6/8re catalogue for bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/6/13re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/6/2re C King manuscript
Higgs, Henry1928/4/15re bibliography and his payment
Higgs, Henry1928/6/16re bibliography and his payment
Higgs, Henry1928/7/7re bibliography and his payment
Higgs, Henry1928/5/5re sale of HSF's library, bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry1928/5/31bibliography and money
Higgs, Henry1928/3/17bibliography and nomination as examiner at University of Wales
Higgs, Henry1930/2/26bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/3/4bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/2/20Dupont etc
Higgs, Henry1930/2/9bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/6/28bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/5/8bibliography, his payment etc
Higgs, Henry1928/5/16on an article
Higgs, Henry1928/1/25re catalogue of bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/6/16re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/6/20re bibliography, retrieval of Rye etc
Higgs, Henry1926/7/20re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1927/5/26re books, bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry1934/8/31re bibliography and Higgs' son
Higgs, Henry1917/12/28re a memo on Egyptian currency
Higgs, Henry1918/1/2re members for Political Economy Club, Higgs offered post as Financial Adviser to Egypt
Higgs, Henry19/03/1895bimetallic business
Higgs, Henry1927/7/12on books re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1927/7/10bibliography details
Higgs, Henry1924/3/3re problem with University over bibliography
Higgs, Henry1924/3/17article on Goldsmith's library
Higgs, Henry1925/7/5on books etc
Higgs, Henry1925/6/4on books etc
Higgs, Henry1925/12/15on his teaching, Royal Economic Society reprints and finance etc
Higgs, Henry23/12/1891on old manuscripts etc
Higgs, Henry15/12/1891Quesnay etc
Higgs, Henry1914/5/8on HSF's argument with Goldsmiths
Higgs, Henry1935/4/4mainly bibliography
Higgs, Henry11/06/1896on the journal his work on Physiocrats
Higgs, Henry13/11/1896Economic Journal, his various projects, British Association Committee etc
Higgs, Henry31/10/1896general chat
Higgs, Henry21/01/1896Price, Gide, pamphlets etc
Higgs, Henry06/05/1896on an anti-Cobbett tract
Higgs, Henry03/05/1896re visit of Walker, on Wagner etc
Higgs, Henry16/12/1896D'Augernon's book and some contributions of his to history of economics
Higgs, Henry10/08/1896plans to finish book on Physiocrats and general chat
Higgs, Henry02/03/1896on finances of Economic Journal, length of reviews, Bimetallic League, French economists
Higgs, Henry29/06/1896on his Physiocrats lectures etc
Higgs, Henry08/07/1896on suggested English titles for Menger's book etc
Higgs, Henry14/04/1896on foreign economists and foreign contributions to the Economic Journal
Higgs, Henry25/07/1896on wine purchases etc
Higgs, Henry25/10/1896on French economic books and journals
Higgs, Henry20/10/1896on HSF's purchase of French books, date of Tableau Economique etc
Higgs, Henry04/04/1896on German economists, finances and reprints of British Economic Association etc
Higgs, Henry06/08/1896on wine purchases
Higgs, Henry28/12/1896his Post Office work, book by Walpole etc
Higgs, Henry1916/3/12Newmarch lectureship, Higgs' proposed book, PE Club and proposed ANZAC bank in Cairo
Higgs, Henry1915/11/18re an HSF lecture
Higgs, Henry1917/6/4Newmarch lectures, P E Club
Higgs, Henry1916/5/5sends HSF an article by Gide
Higgs, Henry1916/5/15Egyptian coinage shortage, HSF's lectures, P E Club
Higgs, Henry1916/6/5HSF lecture
Higgs, Henry1910/2/17PE Club, Higgs' book sales
Higgs, Henry08/01/1897re obituary of Walker, Jevons' articl etc
Higgs, Henry24/09/1897re HSF proposal to sell library and leave Cambridge
Higgs, Henry1934/1/27on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/1/17on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/2/1on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1932/3/14on the bibliography, presidency of Royal Economic Society
Higgs, Henry1934/3/8on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/3/26on the bibliography, Adam Smith's books
Higgs, Henry1934/3/14on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/4/2on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/4/13on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry30/09/1897on HSF's proposals to leave Cambridge
Higgs, Henry1934/2/26mainly on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/6/2British Academy etc
Higgs, Henry1934/6/26on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/7/12bibliography, Royal Economic Society
Higgs, Henry1934/4/3on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/5/4on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/6/21mainly social
Higgs, Henry1934/6/6mainly social
Higgs, Henry1934/7/7on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/9/4mainly on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/10/17on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/10/14on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/10/25on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/10/27on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/10/30on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/10/13on the bibliography and social
Higgs, Henry1933/12/22on the bibliography and social
Higgs, Henry1932/11/15general chat
Higgs, Henry1932/11/17social
Higgs, Henry1908/7/7on his marriage
Higgs, Henry1908/11/9mainly on his marriage
Higgs, Henry1910/4/19on some books
Higgs, Henry1910/4/17on portraits of great economists for Seligman, books etc
Higgs, Henry1906/12/12re some notes on banks and the gold reserve
Higgs, Henry1916/7/14some notes for Bank of France and Food Supplies Committee
Higgs, Henry1917/7/3PE Club, social
Higgs, Henry1916/10/30general
Higgs, Henry1916/7/4general
Higgs, Henry1917/12/8on some proofs
Higgs, Henry1915/11/26general
Higgs, Henry1917/7/20books, methodology
Higgs, Henry1916/6/16general
Higgs, Henry1933/9/26social
Higgs, Henry1933/10/7on bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry1933/4/26on bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry1933/5/22bibliography
Higgs, Henry1933/5/29social
Higgs, Henry1933/7/19on the bibliography
Higgs, Henry1933/6/19general
Higgs, Henry1901/12/23re an HSF approach to Balfour
Higgs, Henry1914/7/28general chat
Higgs, Henry29/06/1895re his position at the Economic Journal
Higgs, Henry18/03/1895re HSF article, on Leslie Stephen, job in Treasury
Higgs, Henry1901/12/26re getting Balfour on Committee of appeal for University College London
Higgs, Henry05/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Higgs, Henry1928/10/18re proposed bibliography for American Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
Higgs, Henry1929/3/19social, bibliography business
Higgs, Henry1929/6/10on 1st and 2nd editions of Wealth of Nations etc
Higgs, Henry1929/8/7cannot work - ill
Higgs, Henry1928/10/23on cost of publishing bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/10/29on his position at Bangor, work on catalogue etc
Higgs, Henry1917/12/21world prices, Newmarch lectures etc
Higgs, Henry1917/12/11mainly social
Higgs, Henry1917/12/10social chat
Higgs, Henry23/12/1890champagne for HSF, trip to Paris, Cantillon etc
Higgs, Henry16/10/1890lengthy details on Cantillon, Mirabeau, MSS and life of duc de Noailles
Higgs, Henry29/09/1890re meeting of Econ Club and trip to France
Higgs, Henry08/10/1890books for HSF from Paris, incl a Cantillon etc
Higgs, Henry11/01/1890death of mother, encloses lecture on Matthew Arnold
Higgs, Henry29/10/1888re Law of Trusts, visit, Mr Guerin from France
Higgs, Henry22/10/1888visit, lectures to give, HSF's 'Monopolies' paper
Higgs, Henry02/11/1888re visit, Gunton's article
Higgs, Henry21/06/1888exam results, Irish prices, food, housing details
Higgs, Henry23/07/1888sends papers, delight at idea of doing some work for HSF
Higgs, Henry14/11/1888visit to Foxwell, quesiton of young Swann entering the PO
Higgs, Henry09/04/1888re bimetallism, HSF's writings, French publications
Higgs, Henry21/07/1890French government politics and taxes, book purchase from Bauer etc
Higgs, Henry17/03/1890re Russian prices, his lecture on bimetallism
Higgs, Henry20/06/1890re Miss Collet's plan for student group, Higgs's Toynbee Hall lectures etc
Higgs, Henry1923/6/28American lecture tour, Liverpool chair
Higgs, Henry23/09/1890Committee meeting topics, trip to France and books
Higgs, Henry1918/11/1re HSF to stay
Higgs, Henry1919/3/29re HSF to stay
Higgs, Henry1919/3/17asks for news, mentions Audrey, primer on National Finance
Higgs, Henry1923/8/10demands on Higgs for forthcoming lectures
Higgs, Henry25/11/1890plans for P E Club meeting in December
Higgs, Henry20/11/1890re Club, his own book on P O Law and other books, Cambridge visit
Higgs, Henry1921/9/20plans for centenary dinner of P E Club, speakers, own future plans
Higgs, Henry1919/4/3chat
Higgs, Henry25/10/1890re French mss and other books
Higgs, Henry08/11/1890re meeting, HSF to chair
Higgs, Henry05/09/1895HSF's lawsuit, silver prices etc
Higgs, Henry1933/7/7re old periodical
Higgs, Henry1933/6/29re old periodical
Higgs, Henry24/06/1895re stance of EJ on bimetallism etc
Higgs, Henry14/08/1895on Indian currency and EJ
Higgs, Henry02/05/1895general chat
Higgs, Henry25/10/1895re Professor for Japan
Higgs, Henry1901/6/16British Economic Association business, Higgs proposes to ask the King to become patron of RES
Higgs, Henry1930/11/30social, Cantillon specimen pages
Higgs, Henry1930/12/30general chat
Higgs, Henry1930/12/11Scottish economic literature to 1870, Cantillon
Higgs, Henry1933/3/10bibliography business
Higgs, Henry1933/1/27Hollander on Ricardo
Higgs, Henry1933/3/21766 piece, Pownall's book
Higgs, Henry1933/3/3bibliography business
Higgs, Henry1935/8/25PC Land List of 1701-5
Higgs, Henry1933/10/27piece on 1751-1775
Higgs, Henry1933/7/29re Goldsmith to give support on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1933/1/31social
Higgs, Henry1933/2/11Higgs ill
Higgs, Henry1934/2/10PC re panel
Higgs, Henry1932/4/25Cantillon
Higgs, Henry1932/5/9PC train times
Higgs, Henry1932/6/27Grant's catalogue
Higgs, Henry1932/5/19mainly social
Higgs, Henry1933/1/13wants to drop work on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1935/8/15work on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1933/2/25social
Higgs, Henry1935/2/12sends HSF wine, sale of house
Higgs, Henry1935/4/10on bibliography issues
Higgs, Henry1935/6/20re book
Higgs, Henry1936/3/6on a funeral
Higgs, Henry1935/4/25Bibliographical Committee and bibliography issues
Higgs, Henry1933/2/16bibliography matters
Higgs, Henry1933/1/10PC re package
Higgs, Henry1933/1/17bibliography issues
Higgs, Henry1931/5/1copy of Physiocrats
Higgs, Henry1933/1/21Ricardo's papers on currency question
Higgs, Henry1932/6/29social
Higgs, Henry1932/11/13Owen, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1932/10/31on son Owen's education
Higgs, Henry1932/11/1on son Owen's education
Higgs, Henry1932/12/9bibliography details
Higgs, Henry1932/12/17Statistical Society
Higgs, Henry1932/12/23health and bibliography
Higgs, Henry1932/8/15re Owen
Higgs, Henry1932/11/3Owen's job, PE Club, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1934/2/20PC social
Higgs, Henry1933/10/14PC letter to The Times
Higgs, Henry1932/6/20bibliography
Higgs, Henry1932/9/22PC parcel of work
Higgs, Henry1930/5/21general chat
Higgs, Henry1930/5/21to Audrey Foxwell, cards etc
Higgs, Henry1930/5/26to Audrey Foxwell, social chat
Higgs, Henry1930/6/30mainly bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/3/7bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/6/6bibliography, Higgs article
Higgs, Henry1930/2/18social
Higgs, Henry1930/3/21bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/10/13bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/11/22mainly bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/4/19package to Macmillans
Higgs, Henry1930/4/27re Owen, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/11/18Cantillon photos, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/6/21bibliography
Higgs, Henry1931/1/23bibliography
Higgs, Henry1931/2/20bibliography
Higgs, Henry1931/3/30Cantillon proofs, wife's health
Higgs, Henry1917/5/29importance of statistics, lecture topics
Higgs, Henry1901/12/16social, Tableau of Dupont
Higgs, Henry15/08/1891Cunningham wants to join Club, Workingmens College, Economic Journal article
Higgs, Henry11/03/1891sends something to HSF, proposes to lecture on Adam Smith at Toynbee Hall
Higgs, Henry26/01/1891no copy of Quesnay book in British Museum, wine bill, Economic Club
Higgs, Henry19/01/1891books and articles on trade etc, membership numbers of Club, wine etc
Higgs, Henry02/03/1891Cantillon article, evening in Edgeworth's honour etc
Higgs, Henry1981/3/23re lectures at Toynbee Hall, 'struck oil' with Cantillon etc
Higgs, Henry12/05/1891ill, catalogue of books etc
Higgs, Henry16/11/1891Cantillon pamphlets and Napoleon I, writ against the Trade Unionists etc
Higgs, Henry22/10/1891re books, article on gluts etc
Higgs, Henry26/05/1891Palgrave's work on his Dictionary, agenda for Club meeting etc
Higgs, Henry28/01/1891cheque, meeting with Dana Horton
Higgs, Henry05/06/1891re Cantillon article, on elections at King's College, Toynbee Hall lecctures
Higgs, Henry15/07/1891Marshall out of Economic Club, proposes Dr Cunningham, people, old book etc
Higgs, Henry23/10/1891ms copy of Mirabeau's 'Policitcal System', Johnston's catalogue etc
Higgs, Henry1924/1/14ill, re sale of books to an American purchaser, work on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1900/12/19bougth 1709 christening cup for Audrey
Higgs, Henry1928/11/5re W R Scott to work full time on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/3/4work on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/10/7work on bibliography
Higgs, Henry19.11.1929work on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1909/9/16re sale of part of Higgs' library
Higgs, Henry1909/9/27re sale of part of Higgs' library, P E Club
Higgs, Henry1909/10/7books from Higgs' library
Higgs, Henry1909/10/8pc social
Higgs, Henry03/01/1888monometallist arguments
Higgs, Henry1931/3/7re pamphlets etc
Higgs, Henry1936/8/3to Audrey on HSF's death
Higgs, Henry1929/7/15on bibliography (HSF insert in letter)
Higgs, Henry1929/7/7thanks HSF for cheque, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/6/4catalogue, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/4/20re trip to Wales
Higgs, Henry1930/3/26re bibliography, HSF as President of the RES and Keynes does nothing to put Society 'on the map'
Higgs, Henry1929/9/22social, bibliography, encloses letter from Seligman 354/38
Higgs, Henry1929/9/27bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/10/1bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/10/11bibliography and countil of RES
Higgs, Henry1929/10/22bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/10/15going to RES Council
Higgs, Henry1929/8/24bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/10/26social, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/1/25note from Seligman, David Hume's portrait, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/1/30social
Higgs, Henry1930/1/8bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry1928/7/15HSF to examine in Wales, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/9/17bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/9/24bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/11/27bibliography, Bonar willing to hel[
Higgs, Henry1929/12/7ill, Goldsmiths, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1930/1/14bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry1930/1/2started work again
Higgs, Henry21/04/1895re toast at BEA dinner
Higgs, Henry27/08/1895re some legal matter, house hunting etc
Higgs, Henry1929/4/7bibliography arrangements
Higgs, Henry1911/1/26re his article on cost of living of working classes in different countries etc
Higgs, Henry15/07/1890Junior Economic Club, members, asks HSf to launch club etc
Higgs, Henry18/07/1890re meeting of Economic Club, non-membership for Fabians etc
Higgs, Henry04/09/1890number of post offices in the UK, asks HSF to join Economic Club etc
Higgs, Henry15/09/1890re meeting to open Junior Economic Club
Higgs, Henry07/02/1888re HSF article, proposed Economic Journal and Society etc
Higgs, Henry1932/10/14re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1932/10/12re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1911/8/14re edition of EJ to take over from Edgeworth etc
Higgs, Henry1906/5/3re recent writings on the Bank Rate
Higgs, Henry1916/1/26Political Economy Club, social
Higgs, Henry1912/4/21re possible secondment to Egyptian Finance Ministry
Higgs, Henry1912/5/28re Egyptian post, Cantillon etc
Higgs, Henry1903/10/26PC re student and exam
Higgs, Henry1932/10/6HSF's health, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1932/9/29re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1911/7/14thanks HSF for note
Higgs, Henry1915/10/29visit to Cambridge
Higgs, Henry1915/10/26health etc
Higgs, Henry1916/5/11avoid Gide on finance etc
Higgs, Henry1909/11/11re book etc
Higgs, Henry1909/11/29re publishers, Unionist Party etc
Higgs, Henry1906/7/31George Howell to be given Civil List pension
Higgs, Henry1912/4/16Times asks Higgs to write collumn about HSF
Higgs, Henry1908/10/1re portrait of HSF
Higgs, Henry1901/6/4his testimonial for HSF for Birmingham chair
Higgs, Henry1929/5/28re visit to Bangor, bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/9/3library, books
Higgs, Henry1929/4/10social
Higgs, Henry1929/4/13on sale of library
Higgs, Henry1929/4/25re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/3/30re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1928/12/26re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/1/19re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1918/1/9P E Club, people etc
Higgs, Henry1917/10/1on bibliography
Higgs, Henry1935/11/19statement on P E Club
Higgs, Henry1937/2/10to Audrey re Cole and valuation
Higgs, Henry1936/11/17to Audrey re some report etc
Higgs, Henry1937/6/27to Audrey re British Academy to stop funding bibliography
Higgs, Henry1937/11/18to Audrey re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1937/11/11to Audrey re Harvard and bibliography etc
Higgs, Henry1937/4/24to Audrey Harvard would pay £25,000
Higgs, Henry1937/8/8to Audrey re an enclosure
Higgs, Henry1937/3/30to Audrey re valuation, encloses Harvard's offer journals
Higgs, Henry1937/6/30to Audrey social
Higgs, Henry1936/7/19to Audrey re valuation of books etc
Higgs, Henry1936/9/8to Audrey re books etc
Higgs, Henry1936/9/23to Audrey re Harvard, library etc
Higgs, Henry1936/10/19to Audrey travel arrangements
Higgs, Henry1937/7/19to Audrey re bibliography
Higgs, Henry1937/7/8to Audrey re books for Harvard
Higgs, Henry1937/7/17to Audrey re books for Harvard
Higgs, Henry1937/7/21to Audrey re books and US Customs
Higgs, Henry1936/10/6to Audrey re valuation etc
Higgs, Henry1937/5/22to Francis & Co re his fee (copy)
Higgs, Henry1931/8/14re bibliography
Higgs, Henry28/11/1895re examinership, Japanese pay
Higgs, Henry01/12/1891re Budget Committee meeting, a bibliography
Higgs, Henry21/01/1891references for HSF's Jevons, tracts etc
Higgs, Henry18/08/1892his position, Scottish trip, books
Higgs, Henry13/01/1893trip to Brindisi, library for BEA
Higgs, Henry17/01/1891re some issue with Post Office
Higgs, Henry02/08/1890thanks HSF for Mr Cullock, bought Marshall
Higgs, Henry1928/3/5re Bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/7/3re a club and Bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/6/29re Bibliography
Higgs, Henry1929/7/1PC travel arrangements
Higgs, Owen1929/12/13re father's health
Higgs, Owen1933/11/12social
Higgs, Owen1932/8/1thanks HSF for interest he takes in him
Higgs, Owen1932/7/21thanks HSF for help
Higgs, Owen1932/10/3visit to Cambridge
Higgs, Owen1930/10/4re father's health
Higgs, Owen1930/9/29re father's health
Higgs, Owen1932/9/16thanks HSF for birthday present
Higgs, Owen1931/2/24re father's health
Higgs, Owen1937/11/5to Audrey Foxwell, father ill
Higgs, Owen1932/1/15thanks HSF for book
Higgs, Owen1939/4/19re cashing cheque etc
Higgs, Owen1940/5/16PC re books
Higgs, Winifred1933/12/19social
Higgs, Winifred1916/12/3social
Higgs, Winifred1917/2/5social
Higgs, Winifred1916/12/6social
Higgs, Winifred1933/11/23re her family
Higgs, Winifred1932/1/18on HSF's health
Higgs, Winifred1937/7/27to AF, AF to visit
High Court of JusticeFeb 1891calls for £36 per share, re liquidiation of the Taunton Wesleyan Collegiate Institution
Hilary, H1872social
Hilda (niece)01/04/1893family chat
Hill J S23/11/1883re Stat Society
Hill M J M1918/3/26re HSF’s appointment at University of London
Hill Brothers29/10/1889argument over cost of coat etc
Hill Brothers20/04/1895re dinner jacket
Hill Brothers07/04/1897re outstanding bill
Hill Brothers21/04/1897accepts HSF cheque in payment of account
Hill Brothers1930/11/24on Olive's death
Hill, A22/01/1891re Cambridge exams
Hill, A23/06/1893re book list for Downing College
Hill, Alex27/01/1893thanks HSF for book list
Hill, Claude Hflyer for India-Stepmother
Hill, E22/02/1884meeting with memorialists
Hill, E24/08/1887re proposed fellows' statute
Hill, E1887re proposed fellows' statute
Hill, Enote on paying for rooms at St John's
Hill, J D1864asks about St John's
Hill, J Spencer17/06/1886re UCL lectureships
Hill, M J M11/10/1890re night classes at UCL
Hill, M J M16/10/1890re night classes at UCL
Hill, M J M1915/2/26re problems with Goldsmiths Library
Hill, M J M1901/11/15re problem with Webb etc at LSE
Hill, M J M1915/6/20re Professor Scott's testimonials
Hill, M J M1918/6/21encloses University of London report of the Academic Council
Hill, M J M1918/6/21encloses 354/3
Hill, M J M1902/12/28re questions about where Goldsmiths Library goes
Hill, M J M1903/7/21UCL, LDE politics and HSF etc
Hill, M J M1903/1/20re Clare Collet's paper on London University
Hill, M J M1915/3/3re Goldsmith library issues
Hill, M J M1915/2/24re London University Library Committee etc
Hill, M J M1915/3/15re safely to Goldsmiths Library
Hill, M J M14/07/1898sends wedding present
Hill, M J M1915/3/14re library dispute, insurance etc
Hill, M J M20/12/1890re meeting with Courtney
Hill, M J M1923/7/17re missed dinners
Hill, Prof M J M1921/3/31university salaries
Hill, Prof M J M1921/4/4university salaries
Hill, W T16/08/1889will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Hilleary F St A 2/4/1890re payment of cheque
Hilleary, F E A30/09/1889Mrs R to Dieppe
Hilleary, Fred E1911/2/16will vote for Larmor
Hilleary, J E A1990/2/24thank you letter
Hilleary, J E A04/10/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A27/12/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A07/10/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A22/10/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A11/01/1890re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A13/01/1890re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A18/10/1890re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A23/12/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A12/12/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A07/12/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A19/02/1890re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A06/01/1890re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A19/10/1890re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A05/10/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleary, J E A17/10/1889re Miss Ridsdale
Hilleasy, F E A (?)11/01/1891social
Hillick, E to Olive Foxwell05/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Hillick, S M H1922/6/18social
Hillop, J W M01/03/1897specimens of book titles from Cambridge University Library
Hilton A1922/11/5complaint by neighbour
Hilton-Johnson Mrs1925/3/24silk from Hsu
Hilton-Johnson, M1925/8/3re some silk for HSF
Hirdwall, Thomas K02/08/1889to Parry will not vote
Hirst, A F1915/8/15re HSF letter to The Times
Hirst, A F1915/11/19re HSF letter to The Times
Hirst, F W1915/9/28on standards of The Economist
Hirst, F W1909/11/2re quantity of silver
Hirst, F W1909/11/5thanks HSF
His Majesty's Govermnet??/07/1921invitation to dinner for Anglo-American conference of Professors of History
Hisks, G Dawes1910/3/15PC asks HSF to write review of Wicksteed
Hitchcock, C K03/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Hitchens, W L1918The Functions of Government in Relation to Industry
HM Stationery Office1926PC on Customs and Excise Report
HM Stationery Office1926re medical tables
HM Stationery Office1919/3/26Review of the Foreign Press - Economics
HM Stationery Office1919/4/2Review of the Foreign Press - Economics
Hoare A1912/9/30social
Hoare A1910/3/21Parliamentary references etc
Hoare A1911/5/2PC _ social
Hoare A1918/10/24national debt & income tax
Hoare A1918/10/18national debt & reduction of paper currency
Hoare A 6/8/1819PC _ social
Hoare A1918/11/5national debt etc
Hoare A1927/3/20Royal Economic Society meeting
Hoare A ?1925/3/24PC _ on his Italian dictionary
Hoare Alfred1911/5/8general
Hoare Messrs1911/6/12shares
Hoare N1916/11/27re daughter & son
Hoare, A1915/1/11Hoare's Italian Dictionary etc
Hoare, A1919/1/11talk at Bankers Institute
Hoare, A1919/1/21PC social
Hoare, A07/01/1889asks HSF for support at council election
Hoare, A18/01/1889re council election
Hoare, A20/01/1889PE Club etc
Hoare, A25/08/1892re silver prices and production
Hoare, A13/05/1882asks HSF for opinion of paper
Hoare, A29/01/1886re enquiry of number of unemployed
Hoare, A25/10/1886distress in large towns
Hoare, A31/10/1886social questions
Hoare, A25/01/1895bimetallism and prices
Hoare, A08/12/1882on taxation, the poor etc
Hoare, A1915/5/26general chat
Hoare, A08/08/1898re books on economics for nephew
Hoare, A17/01/1891re silver £1 notes
Hoare, A02/12/1884re the poor
Hoare, A1935/6/15social
Hoare, A1933/10/10reform of House of Lords
Hoare, A05/01/1887bimetallism(?)
Hoare, A09/02/1895bimetallism
Hoare, A1928/1/30social mainly
Hoare, A1934/5/12re proposed article on banks
Hoare, A1930/6/27Economic council and Cantillon
Hoare, A1919/5/8re article on interest on national debt
Hoare, A19/02/1893effect of silver legislation on prices
Hoare, A22/02/1893on minimum credit levels
Hoare, A1916/12/2general chat
Hoare, A1915/1/22re an Italian visitor
Hoare, A11/05/1881general
Hoare, A1908/1/4on the gold reserve
Hoare, A06/12/1884general chat
Hoare, A1928/1/25suggests prize for best essay on House of Lords reform
Hoare, A29/03/1895bimetallism and banks' ratios and liabilities
Hoare, A29/03/1895bimetallism and banks' ratios and liabilities
Hoare, A10/03/1880re Liberal standing for Cambridge
Hoare, A1911/4/13share allocation, his Italian Dictionary
Hoare, A24/02/1896bimetallic scheme
Hoare, A22/04/1895PC bimetallism
Hoare, A1910/11/5re enclosure on garden suburbs (missing)
Hoare, A25/07/1898sending wedding present
Hoare, A26/11/1894godl ratio etc
Hoare, A10/04/1894social
Hoare, A02/03/1894re value of gold etc
Hoare, A21/02/1894social, on Marshall
Hoare, A19/07/1894ratio of gold and silver
Hoare, A21/11/1894PC written to Dewey
Hoare, A27/11/1894I Fisher on mechanics of bimetallism
Hoare, A23/11/1894gold premium, other bimetallic issues
Hoare, A1928/6/20social
Hoare, A1929/12/2mostly social
Hoare, A1929/11/25social
Hoare, A1929/12/1pc social
Hoare, A01/04/1895redemption of notes by banks
Hoare, A24/03/1895climbing ratios etc
Hoare, A17/12/1890re silver notes
Hoare, A1928/12/22wants economist to write on free trade and production
Hoare, A1928to be an elector for Italian chair
Hoare, A1929/3/1re death of H W Read
Hoare, A1911/1/26Cox for candidate for Cambridge
Hoare, A1911/1/27Cox for candidate for Cambridge
Hoare, A1911/5/6re an interview
Hoare, A06/01/1893seeks loan for Champion
Hoare, A24/06/1890social
Hoare, A27/12/1890£1 notes, gold reserves
Hoare, A21/01/1890re Beeton
Hoare, A22/04/1873re history of French travel
Hoare, A13/12/1886re inquiry into London distress
Hoare, A09/11/1896bimetallic scheme
Hoare, A21/11/1896letter to The Times on the ratio
Hoare, A1922/10/17PC re HSF lecture
Hoare, A29/11/1892on prices, silver
Hoare, A15/10/1897re his paper on debt
Hoare, A1915/6/8social
Hoare, A02/03/1896Marshall and Higgs on the ratio
Hoare, A1918/1/28PC re meeting HSF
Hoare, A28/04/1873re France under Richelieu
Hoare, A20/02/1896PC to see Marshall
Hoare, Alfred1930/11/24on death of Mrs Foxwell
Hoare, Edward Junior02/07/1895social
Hoare, H14/05/1895values and systems of carriae with resume of views attached
Hoare, H17/04/1895re market theory of value plus copy of letter to Sir William Houldsworth
Hoare, H23/02/1887on appreciation of gold
Hoare, H03/08/1895general chat and bimetallism
Hoare, H04/06/1895supply of gold and prices
Hoare, H24/07/1895wants him to meet brother etc
Hoare, H30/06/1895re ratio etc
Hoare, H23/10/1889on bimetallism
Hoare, H23/01/1889PE Club and bimetallism
Hoare, H17/06/1889bimetallic issues, letter to Gladstone, 474/20
Hoare, H17/06/1889to W E Gladstone (copy) send pamphlet on appreciation of gold
Hoare, R19/07/1898wedding present
Hobson C K1914/1/28Social Discussion Society
Hobson, C K1911/12/28lectures and job
Hobson, C K1911/12/18qualifications for job
Hobson, J A21/01/1892attack on HSF for his lectures to London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Hobson, J Ato Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Hobson, John A08/01/1892wants to be lecturer Lonodn Society for Extension of University Teaching
Hocts, M G11/08/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Hodgson Richard25/11/1883general re PE
Hodgson & Co1909/4/22re catalogue of manuscripts
Hodgson & Co1904/5/18where to send books bought by HSF
Hodgson, J G1927/6/16general
Hodgson, Richard28/10/1882Hodgson's lectures
Hodgson, Richard12/11/1882Spencer's doctrine, laissez-faire
Hogarth D G1913/5/9social
Hogarth D G1913/4/29social
Holden Sir E H1918/10/30general chat
Holden, E H1914/3/24wants to see HSF and Keynes on banks' gold holdings
Holden, G H1918/10/15to send monthly reviews of his bank
Holden, Howard Mpamphlet on "The Silver Question"
Holden, J H1914/7/20re introduction to Dr Chen
Holden, Sir Edward02/04/1914social
Holden, Sir Edward07/04/1914social
Holland, B J30/07/1895asks HSF to do work for Royal Commission on the Financial Relations between GB and Ireland
Holland, B J06/08/1895re work for Royal Commission on the financial relations between GB and Ireland
Holland, Byron13/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Holland, J H1907/2/11re some deception concerning Dr Shiel
Holland, Lionel20/10/1896to hold over some matter
Holland, T E1915/2/19to British Academy protests at changes of name of Sectional Committee IV
Hollander J H 5/6/1897monetary situation in Russia
Hollander J H13/7/1897Ricardo letters
Hollander, J H10/07/1897social
Hollander, J H17/06/1897gold standard, several facets thereof
Hollander, J H19/11/1895re a Ricardo letter and Wheatley pamphlet
Hollander, J H10/10/1895thanks HSf for reference to Wheatley
Hollander, J H29/10/1897acknowledges HSF letter and will reply at length
Hollander, J H20/10/1897on his engagement, bimetallism
Hollander, Jacob H1917/10/18re an HSF lecture on inflation
Hollinhead, J29/10/1886asks HSF to lecture to Ethical Society
Hollinhead, J04/11/1886re lecture to Ethical Society, Glasgow
Holls, Frederick William07/08/1885re Dana Horton and British Association paper
Hollys, Edw05/11/1889practical experience of banking, stockbrokers, etc
Holmes, A27/04/1878re missed rendez-vous
Holmes, A29/04/1878love letter
Holmes, A06/05/1878love letter
Holmes, A13/05/1878love letter
Holmes, A05/06/1878re meeting etc
Holmes, A24/10/1878love letter
Holmes, A16/10/1878love letter
Holmes, A02/10/1878love letter
Holmes, A28/09/1878re meeting etc
Holmes, A30/10/1878love letter
Holmes, A??/11/1878general chat
Holmes, A11/11/1878re meeting etc
Holmes, A22/11/1878asks HSF for photos
Holmes, A25/11/1878thanks HSF for photos etc
Holmes, A10/05/1878re meeting etc
Holmes, A30/5/1878social, re meeting
Holmes, A28/11/1878re meeting etc
Holmes, Annie20/11/1879social
Holmes, Annie06/03/1879social
Holmes, T16/08/1891supports Jenkinson for librarian
Holroyd Nancy1917/3/25Pianola list
Holt, Marjorie1930/11/23on death of Mrs Foxwell
Holtzer, Geo Edw15/12/1892asks for information on bimetallism
Holyoake, Emilie07/07/1891thanks HSF for encouragement to study economics
Holyoake, Emilie A04/07/1892re exam paper, her father's pamphlet
Holyoake, M A08/01/1884sends HSF pamphlet
Holyoake, Miss E A22/06/1892student letter
Home Office1919/5/26visit by Senior Lady Inspector of Factories
Home Office1919/5/21Factory Dept wants interview with HSF
Hons, Baron G de1929/1/25thank you letter
Hons, Baron G de1929/10/16re boarders in Paris
Hood, Donald C W03/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Hooker R H1913/2/21re his lecturing
Hooker R H01/01/1912criticisms of a Hooker paper
Hooker, R H22/04/1895Royal Statistical Society business
Hooker, R H03/04/1895re rules of Royal Statistical Society
Hooker, R H08/02/1895Royal Statistical Society business
Hooker, R H19/04/1895re W H Jey and Royal Statistical Society
Hooker, R H11/02/1895re Royal Statistical Society business
Hooker, R H1912/6/7re a course of lectures - Newmarch
Hooker, R H1912/6/10to do the Newmarch lectures
Hooker, R H29/06/1895Royal Statistical Society notes
Hooker, R R H15/03/1895Royal Statistical Society business
Hooker, Reginald H09/11/1891re German periodicals
Hooper W Eden1910/3/7re biography
Hooper Wynnard1915/8/19war finance
Hooper, Daniel27/01/1882on "fair" trade
Hopkins E1923/1/24HSF’s lectures on London Money Market
Hopkins W S1916/7/15National Emergency Conference
Hopkins, F1936/8/4to Audrey on HSF's death
Hopkins, Jessie1916re Cheltenham Ladies College
Hopkins, Roy1926/1/1asks HSF to write article for London General Press
Hopkins, Roy1928/4/24asks HSF about article on Bank of England during the war
Hopkinson B1911/5/9social
Horncastle Florence1916/9/13re reference
Horncastle, Florence1916/8/9thank you letter
Horncastle, Florence1916/8/7thank you letter
Hornett J H 1/6/1897bimetallism
Hornett, J H06/10/1895social, re some charts
Horsbrugh, J M20/05/1891re UCL causes etc
Horsburgh J M 8/12/1890UCL re Berridge Trust
Horsburgh J M11/8/1897re UCL prizes
Horsburgh J M 1/6/1897Trower/Ricardo letters
Horsburgh J M 6/10/1897Newmarch lecturership at UCL
Horsburgh J M 6/10/1897Ricardo Letters
Horsburgh, H M08/06/1898HSF appointed Newmarch lecturer for 1 year, failure of Bowley
Horsburgh, J M18/05/1888timing of exams at UCL
Horsburgh, J M16/05/1888Berridge bequest
Horsburgh, J M16/04/1888re Jevons' scheme
Horsburgh, J M18/11/1895UCL exams
Horsburgh, J M02/02/1887on meeting to get Royal Charter for UCL
Horsburgh, J M17/06/1890on Newmarch fund
Horsburgh, J M25/06/1894on HSF's health
Horsburgh, J M11/06/1894on HSF on UCL
Horsburgh, J M08/05/1894Newmarch lectureship
Horsburgh, J M16/06/1898re UCL course
Horsburgh, J M30/06/1897HSF's stipend at UCL doubled to £100 per session
Horsburgh, J M02/08/1892Heather-Bigg given Jevons' studentship
Horsburgh, J M05/05/1897resolution on appointment at UCL of Newmarch lecturer rescinded
Horsburgh, J M17/05/1898re room for Bowley's lecture
Horsburgh, J M04/10/1893UCL and HSF's arrangement with Higgs
Horsburgh, J M22/07/1890Junior Economic Club at UCL
Horsburgh, J M13/04/1897re Bowley question etc
Horsburgh, J M08/06/1896Bowley appointed Newmarch lecturer
Horsburgh, J M10/02/1890re Newmarch endowment at UCL
Horsburgh, J M19/02/1890re start of Economic Society to meet at UCL
Horsburgh, J M07/05/1890re Newmarch endowment at UCL
Horsburgh, J M03/11/1890Ricardo Scholarship, Economic Assoc
Horsburgh, J M13/01/1890re HSF's UCL lectures
Horsburgh, J M21/06/1892re Higgs' appointment as Newmarch Lecturer
Horsburgh, J M20/06/1892re Newmarch Lectureship
Horsburgh, J M24/01/1892re UCL exams
Horsburgh, J M17/08/1897UCL resolution on Ricardo letters
Horsburgh, J M08/04/1897re letter criticising Bowley as Newmarch lecturer
Horsfall C20/12/1871 failure in M Phil exams & Fawcett
Horsfall, Charles02/02/1872re HSF note books
Horsfall, Charles12/04/1872thanks HSF for papers
Horsfall, Charles05/04/1872re his special exam
Horsfall, Charles17/07/1872returns money to HSF
Horsfall, Charles28/06/1872thanks HSF for help
Horsfall, Charles1872re Adam Smith
Horsfall, Charles20/07/1872re student mistake
Horsfell, T C28/04/1897re some pamphlets
Horton F1913/10/6re job at City of London College
Horton F1913/10/5re job at City of London College
Horton, D25/09/1885re printing
Horton, D25/06/1886on publications, monetary matters etc
Horton, D D12/12/1882re Jevons
Horton, Dana23/11/1890on gold etc
Horton, Dana06/02/1891general chat
Horton, Dana21/03/1887to see HSF on monetary question
Horton, Dana15/04/1887mainly Walras and Jevons on monetary standard
Horton, Dana05/07/1887mainly social
Horton, Dana28/03/1887mainly social
Horton, Dana01/04/1887mainly social
Horton, Dana06/04/1887general chat
Horton, Dana14/10/1892sends HSF print, 'The Silver Pound', books etc
Horton, Dana03/10/1892German economists, silver question
Horton, Dana03/11/1895re his manuscript
Horton, J D23/12/1891social
Horton, J Dana25/05/1885re lost letter
Horton, J Dana13/08/1885British Association Paper, purchasing power of money
Horton, J Dana26/04/1885re paper for British Association
Horton, J Dana07/05/1886free coinage scheme
Horton, S D15/03/1883re Jevons' memorial
Horton, S Dana28/12/1890bimetallic issues, Congress etc
Horton, S Dana21/12/1890urges HSF to speak frankly on "Bermuddhism" etc
Horton, S Dana05/12/1890re joining League
Horton, S Dana18/12/1890re clarity in bimetallism in UK
Horton-Smith L G H1922/10/19on Ernest Foxwell’s death
Horton-Smith, L Graham1930/11/24on Olive's death
Horton-Smith, L Graham H1921/8/30to Ernest re their baby
Horton-Smith, Lionel06/07/1896re HSF paper on the monetary situation etc
Horton-Smith, Lionel1901/8/4condolence on Birmingham, family chat
Horton-Smith, Lionel1900/11/6on Marjorie's birth
Horton-Smith, Lionel1901/3/28re books on nature of money, family chat
Horton-Smith, Lionel01/02/1898re a William Graham as possible ancestor
Horton-Smith, Lionel1901/5/14to Olive, thanks for having him
Horton-Smith, Lionel05/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Horton-Smith, Lionel29/11/1897re letters
Horton-Smith, Lionel G1904/2/8to Olive, general news
Horton-Smith, Lionel G1903/1/1on death of Mr Graham
Horton-Smith, Lionel to Olive Dorrington19/07/1898re travel arrangements
Horton-Smith, Nora1922/10/9on Ernest's death
Horton-Smith, Nora1936/8/6to Audrey on HSF's death
Horton-Smith, Nora1909/11/6re engagement to Lionel
Horton-Smith, Nora B1930/12/7thanks HSF and daughters for kindness shown at Olive's funeral
Horton-Smith, R S1922/6/19re Peggy's success at university
Hortry, D01/01/1891bimetallism in US and France
Hosker, Reginald H (Royal Statistical Society)24/04/1891re early volumes of the Society
Hosking, Vivian E1923/12/14trade in gold and gold as standard of value
Hoskins, C E30/09/1885asks for testimonial
Hotel and Pension Alpemarke1910/8/25can reserve rooms
Hotel Lombardi20/08/1912hotel bookings
Houldsworth, A24/10/1893thanks HSF for note etc on behalf of his father
Houldsworth, Agnes G14/10/1893general chat
Houldsworth, E J10/01/1894social
Houldsworth, E J21/04/1894social
Houldsworth, Elizabeth G21/12/1893thanks HSF for photos etc
Houldsworth, Elizabeth G30/10/1893thanks HSF for egg-timer, general chat
Houldsworth, Elizabeth G08/10/1893general chat
Houldsworth, Henry26/01/1894sends HSF letter from Nicholson
Houldsworth, Henry P21/02/1895ticket to House of Commons
Houldsworth, Violet21/12/1893sends Christmas card, HSF's kindess to Mrs Swan
Houldsworth, Violet09/10/1893won croquet match
Houldsworth, W01/11/1892on bimetallism
Houldsworth, W05/10/1892on bimetallism
Houldsworth, W01/10/1892on bimetallism
Houldsworth, W08/10/1892bimetallism
Houldsworth, W09/04/1893re Balfour etc
Houldsworth, W15/05/1893re Boissevain etc
Houldsworth, W10/08/1893Barbour's speech
Houldsworth, W20/08/1893British Association meeting
Houldsworth, W11/01/1893quantity theory etc
Houldsworth, W04/04/1893£1 notes, bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W15/04/1893dinner with Boissevain etc
Houldsworth, W12/10/1893city press, bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W07/12/1893re Indian Loan Bill etc
Houldsworth, W04/09/1893Barr-Robertson, McNiel etc
Houldsworth, W14/09/1893HSF talk, bimetallism
Houldsworth, W12/12/1893Indian Loan Bill etc
Houldsworth, W13/12/1893Sir David Barbour, bimetallic issues etc
Houldsworth, W02/02/1893travel arrangements
Houldsworth, W27/02/1893Hoare's letter, Walsh's pamphlet
Houldsworth, W14/03/1893re parliamentary motion
Houldsworth, W24/02/1893re article on bank notes etc
Houldsworth, W12/09/1893on Scotland Monetary Reform Association, demonetization of silver etc
Houldsworth, W09/12/1893re extract from Glasgow Herald
Houldsworth, W02/03/1893letter from Barbour
Houldsworth, W15/11/1893HSF's health, bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W04/10/1893train troubles
Houldsworth, W22/08/1893re Beeton as secreatry, Barbour letter etc
Houldsworth, W10/11/1893uneasy about Heseltine
Houldsworth, W05/11/1893Normand's pamphlet
Houldsworth, W28/08/1893re proper organisation for League
Houldsworth, W28/08/1893meeting with McNiel etc
Houldsworth, W22/10/1893letter from Balfour
Houldsworth, W17/09/1893social
Houldsworth, W19/10/1893Beeton etc
Houldsworth, W H09/10/1896re some figures
Houldsworth, W H04/01/1898bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H22/10/1892bimetallism meeting arrangements
Houldsworth, W H31/05/1892bimetallism business
Houldsworth, W H14/11/1895bimetallic business
Houldsworth, W H17/12/1895bimetallic business
Houldsworth, W H01/09/1895re petition on bimetallism (plus attachment)
Houldsworth, W H27/02/1889re bimetallic business
Houldsworth, W H23/02/1889to see HSF about bimetallic meeting
Houldsworth, W H20/02/1898problems with Bimetallic League
Houldsworth, W H17/07/1898re bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H01/07/1896people and their bimetallic views
Houldsworth, W H12/07/1896on bimetallism and Marshall
Houldsworth, W H18/07/1896on bimetallism etc
Houldsworth, W H09/07/1896bimetallism in France
Houldsworth, W H21/07/1896Bryan's campaign for free money
Houldsworth, W H07/03/1896resolution on gold and silver values
Houldsworth, W H19/03/1896on progress of the bimetallists
Houldsworth, W H03/03/1896bimetallic business
Houldsworth, W H01/03/1896meeting of bimetallic party
Houldsworth, W H17/05/1896international bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H13/05/1896re proposed conference of economists on bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H28/04/1896bimetallic business
Houldsworth, W H30/04/1896re Bimetallic League etc
Houldsworth, W H26/08/1896asks HSF to meet American re some plan
Houldsworth, W H??/03/1896bimetallic business
Houldsworth, W H24/03/1896HSF and bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H23/03/1896re dinner with Courtney
Houldsworth, W H22/03/1896French bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H16/02/1898bimetallic meeting
Houldsworth, W H23/04/1894re a manifesto
Houldsworth, W H10/05/1894social
Houldsworth, W H29/01/1894on bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H29/11/1894general
Houldsworth, W H09/12/1894on bimetallic report
Houldsworth, W H13/01/1894re bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H12/12/1894re bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H21/04/1894re bimetallic manifesto
Houldsworth, W H10/06/1894re bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H23/01/1894re bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H??/??/1894social
Houldsworth, W H10/02/1894re bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H23/06/1894re bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H10/04/1894re bimetallic manifesto
Houldsworth, W H14/04/1894on bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H14/01/1891asks HSF to stay on visit to Manchester
Houldsworth, W H14/01/1891Giffen's anti-bimetallic views and an HSF response
Houldsworth, W H20/01/1890asks HSF's views on Harriet Jevons' letter to Manchester Guardian
Houldsworth, W H04/03/1893bimetallism dinner meeting
Houldsworth, W H04/03/1889bimetallism meeting
Houldsworth, W H30/09/1892bimetallism, France and ratios
Houldsworth, W H20/10/1892Manchester meeting on bimetallism, Balfour to speak
Houldsworth, W H14/10/1892asks HSF for material for Sir Willam Houldsworth on wages
Houldsworth, W H14/10/1892people on Herschell's Committee and asks HSF to intervene
Houldsworth, W H1892re a memorandum
Houldsworth, W H1892Indian statistics
Houldsworth, W H29/10/1892report in the Times on MacNiel's speech on bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H01/05/1892bimetallism matters
Houldsworth, W H04/05/1892re Boissevain's address
Houldsworth, W H28/01/1895Committee matters
Houldsworth, W H20/06/1897mainly social
Houldsworth, W H13/02/1897bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W H11/02/1897on supply
Houldsworth, W H08/02/1897re "Indian System", prices
Houldsworth, W H23/09/1895to H R Beeton: HSF should write memo explaining bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W H22/02/1895sends HSF a paper
Houldsworth, W H06/10/1895re Marshall on bimetallism etc
Houldsworth, W H15/03/1895re some bimetallic appointment etc
Houldsworth, W H18/02/1895gold and silver production etc
Houldsworth, W H05/01/1895re HSF article on bimetallism, notices on bimetallism etc
Houldsworth, W H20/01/1895asks HSF to join National Liberal Club, chairmanship of a meeting, taking bimetallism to the country
Houldsworth, W H16/02/1895arranging conduct of a bimetallic meeting
Houldsworth, W H03/03/1895re letter from Balfour
Houldsworth, W H09/06/1895re some letter, Houldsworth to meet Gibbs
Houldsworth, W H03/10/1895HSF should reply to some paper attacking his theory, bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W H26/06/1895Beeton wants a separate bimetallic office to handle day-to-day issues etc
Houldsworth, W H12/09/1895re some paper, bimetallic tactics
Houldsworth, W H01/01/1895bimetallic matters
Houldsworth, W H18/10/1895re a report and trying to form international committee etc
Houldsworth, W H25/05/1895constitution of Bimetallic League etc
Houldsworth, W H12/10/1895wants to dine with HSF and Beetong for quiet talk
Houldsworth, W H01/03/1895wants good young men on staff of League, could produce book on monetary question
Houldsworth, W H14/10/1895HSF ill but will still dine with Beeton
Houldsworth, W H29/10/1895wants to discuss reconstitution, Manchester committee etc
Houldsworth, W H21/09/1895some proposals, Balfour's views etc
Houldsworth, W H10/06/1895draft memorial meeting etc
Houldsworth, W H03/05/1895draft of a report etc
Houldsworth, W H29/07/1895congratulates HSF, small meeting with Beeton etc
Houldsworth, W H12/06/1895bimetallism business
Houldsworth, W H??/??/1895wants HSF to go to Bank of England with him, another meeting etc
Houldsworth, W H20/06/1891factory operations, MPs and Factories Bill
Houldsworth, W H09/11/1889opinion of Giffen etc
Houldsworth, W H18/01/1891Manchester meeting, bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W H04/12/1892HSF articles, bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W H18/12/1892bimetallic papers and issues
Houldsworth, W H26/11/1892Brussels conference on bimetallism and draft of Rothschild's scheme
Houldsworth, W H30/11/1892Rothschild, Jones and Huskinson
Houldsworth, W H18/12/1892pc return to London
Houldsworth, W H08/10/1893bimetallic matters
Houldsworth, W H05/11/1889on Giffen's bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H08/12/1890social
Houldsworth, W H12/11/1889re his paper
Houldsworth, W H1901/1/18re his talk to P E Club etc
Houldsworth, W H02/11/1896re some Report
Houldsworth, W H06/01/1896re reply to Giffen on bimetallism
Houldsworth, W H19/01/1898re dinner
Houldsworth, W H05/05/1898Courtney all right, bimetallic planning
Houldsworth, W H03/03/1898re Courtney on India
Houldsworth, W H19/11/1892re paper by Sir William Harcourt
Houldsworth, W H22/11/1892re Barclay paper
Houldsworth, W H16/11/1892(copy) re appreciation of gold
Houldsworth, W H29/05/1893re invite to Political Club
Houldsworth, W H1901/6/18re HSF's Birmingham application and testimonial
Houldsworth, W H21/02/1888to McNiel re HSF dinner with him and Chaplin (copy)
Houldsworth, W H11/02/1888to McNiel re HSF as witness (copy)
Houldsworth, W H25/03/1888re HSF going to Manchester Conference
Houldsworth, W H08/04/1888praises HSF's "Irregularity" paper etc
Houldsworth, W H25/02/1888arranging meeting
Houldsworth, W H15/03/1888arranging dinner with Chaplin
Houldsworth, W H17/03/1888arranging dinner with Chaplin
Houldsworth, W H24/02/1888re Marshall's evidence etc
Houldsworth, W H22/11/1890re prize for second essay
Houldsworth, W H05/12/1890re bimetallism meeting
Houldsworth, W H11/12/1890bimetallic business
Houldsworth, W H27/11/1890re some judgement and signatures
Houldsworth, W H29/11/1890re interview with Molesworth
Houldsworth, W H04/12/1890Molesworth, bimetallic meeting
Houldsworth, W H16/01/1890bimetallic issues
Houldsworth, W H21/07/1890re essays
Houldsworth, W H26/04/1890social
Houldsworth, W H24/07/1890re essays
Houldsworth, W H16/01/1893on agricultural distress
Houldsworth, W R17/02/1898organisation of Bimetallic League
Houldsworth, Wm H23/02/1888to meet re bimetallism
House of Lords19/12/1893speeches on East India Loan Bill and International BImetallism
House of Lords11/06/1896minutes including HSF cases
Housman A E1911/11/10social
Housman A E1911/11/29social
Housman A E1914/10/21social
Housman A E1921/12/31re church
Housman, A E1932/11/23social
Housman, A E1930/12/25on Mrs Foxwell's death
Housman, A E1920/10/14invitation to dine at Trinity
Housman, A E1933/12/12social
Housman, A E1929/6/16on HSF's 80th birthday
Housman, A E1930/4/29social
Housman, A E1930/5/9social
Housman, A E1924/4/16social
Housman, A E1924/4/24social
Housman, A E1926/4/1on death of HSF's father-in-law
Housman, A E1913/11/23social
Housman, A E1928/5/11social
Housman, A E1929/12/28asks HSF to Epiphany Feast
Housman, A E1933/10/31not go to St John's feast
Housman, A E1926/12/30PC social
Howard L W1910/4/23social
Howard, A W17/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Howard, H F1929/6/10cannot attend HSF's dinner
Howard, H F1936/10/17to J Collin, re work of C C Scott on library
Howard, H St John14/08/1889PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Howard, Lawrence1912/1/30general chat
Howard, Lawrence1911/4/25thanks HSF for clock
Howard, Lawrence1910/3/24social and Walter Headlawn's book
Howard, Lawrence W1910/10/19thanks HSF, social
Howard, Lawrence W1910/11/22social
Howard, Lawrence W1910/11/1social
Howard, Lawrence W1910/11/3social
Howarth O J R1920/1/10asks HSF to be President of Section F British Association
Howarth O V R1922/1/11re Brit Assoc publications
Howarth, J R1913/4/2wants HSF to be President of Section F for meeting in Australia
Howe, H17/05/1870to Mr Mason, re list of ships
Howell J H27/12/1897bimetallism
Howell J H19/12/1897Brit Assoc & bimetallism
Howell, G C L1918/3/2re row with Cambridge Vice-Chancellor
Howell, George27/12/1893re history of Corn Laws
Howell, George18/07/1893general chat
Howell, George29/12/1893re history of Corn Laws
Howell, George1906/10/30on HSF's library etc
Howell, George1904/1/8re sale of his library
Howell, George1904/1/11re sale of his books
Howell, George26/07/1896Chartist literature
Howell, George31/05/1896Chartist literature
Howell, George21/07/1895defeat of the Liberal Party
Howell, George1904/6/6re pamphlets and books
Howell, George28/05/1896re Ernest Jones's Chartist pieces
Howell, George15/11/1886on HSF lecture on labour question
Howell, J H29/12/1888queries re Biffen paper on Cambridge
Howell, J H07/04/1895asks HSF to talk on bimetallism
Howell, J H03/04/1895asks HSF to talk on bimetallism
Howell, J H16/08/1895bimetallism
Howell, J H20/10/1895bimetallism
Howell, J H1916/4/6on politicians etc
Howell, J H10/10/1895Indian currency and views of Bank of England agents in Bristol
Howell, J H11/09/1895re meeting of Bimetallic League
Howell, J H21/10/1895general chat
Howell, J H02/06/1895re Arthur Lee on HSF's coinage views
Howell, J H22/07/1895re HSF talk to Literary and Philosophic Club and bimetallism news
Howell, J H13/04/1893bimetallism
Howell, J H03/05/1893sends HSF copies of bimetallism pamphlet and bimetallism
Howell, J H29/05/1893bimetallic resolution
Howell, J H02/06/1893bimetallism
Howell, J H27/10/1895re HSF's old nurse, bimetallism
Howell, J H30/10/1895re HSF's old nurse, bimetallism
Howell, J H30/05/1895bimetallism
Howell, J H30/05/1895Balfour, bimetallism
Howell, J H15/10/1895bimetallic questions
Howell, J H25/04/1895to H R Beeton: suggests letter to the Times on gold/silver ratio
Howell, J H28/03/1895sends HSF General Roy Stone's plan for re-adoption of bimetallism
Howell, J H29/05/1897sending HSF Lord Overstone's Tracts 1837-57
Howell, J H1916/4/4on politicians etc
Howell, J H1901/3/20Miss Garland elected etc
Howell, J H07/08/1897social, educating British public
Howell, J H11/08/1897re title of HSF address
Howell, J H28/07/1895re dates for HSF talk
Howell, J H06/06/1895bimetallic issues
Howell, J H09/09/1895re subject of HSF lecture
Howell, J H02/01/1889to join Statistical Society, Giffen etc
Howell, J H23/08/1896re Ryan and his abilities
Howes, A P16/08/1890supports Jenkinson for librarian
Howett, J H27/09/1895social
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)24/03/1898general chat
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)26/03/1898general chat
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)13/11/1897re accom Cambridge and train times
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)15/07/1898re wedding presents
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)08/12/1897general and rebuke re spelling, women's rights
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)07/12/1897re dinner at Cobbs' and househunting
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)29/03/1898general
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)10/11/1897re Economic Club meeting
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)09/11/1897housing, dancing, socializing
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)08/11/1897dinner engagement
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)08/11/1897general
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)07/11/1897dancing, dress, house etc
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)06/11/1897general and marriage
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)24/11/1897spelling and bicycling
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)05/11/1897arrangements re visit, house, dance
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)03/11/1897re luck, the master and dates
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)02/11/1897general
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)16/07/1898wedding presents and furniture
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)17/07/1898present of £113.6.0 from Bimetallism friends
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)06/03/1898houses and debts and book collection
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)07/03/1898re publishing of book
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)08/03/1898bitter cold and hard work
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)08/03/1898date of marriage, worries, losing weight
HSF to Dorrington, Miss (Olive)09/03/1898Hewins and sale of library
HSF to Olive09/12/1897re fortune telling, bad tempers, Indian exchange rate
HSF to Olive19/02/1898re book, future, househunting, allowing bicycles in college
HSF to Olive18/02/1898worries re finance, housing, work
HSF to Olive17/02/1898re Cambridge Society, housing, Macmillan's work on his bibliography, selling to Hewins
HSF to Olive14/02/1898househunting, Harvey Road, general
HSF to Olive15/02/1898reading, houses, (£105 for HarveyRoad)
HSF to Olive16/02/1898cycling, dinner in London, Miss Payne-Townsend
HSF to Olive20/04/1898re Ernest in Japan, proofs of book
HSF to Olive20/04/1898library, Barnum's circus, worries
HSF to Olive24/04/1898worries, wedding plans, furniture
HSF to Olive23/04/1898attitude to weddings, house furnishing, wedding date for 21 July, worries
HSF to Olive15/12/1897re Lamor, drawing room music, tasks
HSF to Olive14/12/1897influenza, weather
HSF to Olive14/12/1897reports slight improvement in health
HSF to Olive13/12/1897re writing to The Times, state of health, buttonholes etc
HSF to Olive12/12/1897re weather, state of health, Mrs Whittuch and Elizabeth
HSF to Olive10/12/1897intense cold, notes he's had 100 letter today from Olive
HSF to Olive11/12/1897encl. Letter from his old nurse, wedding presents, quote of HSF re Institute of Bankers and the Times
HSF to Olive25/02/1898planning d_cor of rooms, Ernest's tastes, having horse and carriage etc
HSF to Olive20/02/1898describtes a house he has seen etc
HSF to Olive21/02/1898re bedsocks, book writing, boat races etc
HSF to Olive24/02/1898snowstorms, lecture for Sir E Clarke, plans to sell library
HSF to Olive23/02/1898re Savile Club, poker playing etc
HSF to Olive22/02/1898weather, househunting, visit to Keynes, books, Harvey Road
HSF to Olive21/06/1898re Leveaux's results and Marjorie, Footlights, wedding banns etc
HSF to Olive15/08/1897re househunting, advisability of golf/cycling for girls, being engaged
HSF to Olive14/08/1897general, amusing chat, ref to weight and waistlines, photograph
HSF to Olive13/08/1897general, happy chat
HSF to Olive12/08/1898encl cutting re men's clubs, chats about Olive's pa's visit, cycling etc
HSF to Olive11/08/1899general chat
HSF to Olive1900/8/10re golf, needlework, social chat
HSF to Olive1901/8/9re engagement, Arthur etc
HSF to Olive1902/8/8re R R Webb and wedding gift, accommodation in London, houses etc
HSF to Olive1903/8/7re election as fellow, Agnews and painting, engagement ring
HSF to Olive1904/8/6re betrothal, appointment as Senior Fellow
HSF to Olive1905/8/29re betrothal, German script, work
HSF to Olive1906/8/28re bicycle, postal service, his book, general chat
HSF to Olive1907/8/27recreations, his book etc
HSF to Olive1908/8/26re exam papers, bike rides, socialism
HSF to Olive1909/8/25househunting, general chat
HSF to Olive1910/8/24courtship, marking, book on socialim, weight
HSF to Olive1911/8/23cycling, golf, joys of matrimony etc
HSF to Olive1912/8/24re dances, kissing, social chit chat
HSF to Olive1913/8/21re presents, plans, comments of Mrs Eaden on the engagement, golf etc
HSF to Olive1914/8/20re children, work, furniture, etc
HSF to Olive1915/8/19re birthday present for Olive, photos, library
HSF to Olive1916/8/18general chat
HSF to Olive1917/8/17re congratulatory letters, golf, future at Cambridge
HSF to Olive1918/8/16news of Emmie's son, marking papers, photographs
HSF to Olive19/11/1897re dinner London, bi and monometallist friends
HSF to Olive18/11/1897re Olive's trip to Cambridge and accommodation there
HSF to Olive17/11/1897re Ernest as lday's man and excellent home decorator, effects of surroundings, househunting etc
HSF to Olive26/02/1898re Olive's skirt length, Matthews and his furniture
HSF to Olive27/02/1898re leasing Harvey Road, and Matthew, and Olive's reading list
HSF to Olive28/04/1898re sale of library and Hewins, whether to have a gardener
HSF to Olive01/02/1898re furnishings, dinner with Jack Churchill, Prince of Wales, chat
HSF to Olive23/01/1898weather, chastises Olive for her comments to him
HSF to Olive20/01/1898general chat
HSF to Olive22/01/1898bimetallism, Mrs Whittuch and Elizabeth etc
HSF to Olive28/02/1898re preface to book, silver design and taste etc
HSF to Olive01/03/1898general
HSF to Olive02/03/1898re renovations ni Duke St, book, general
HSF to Olive31/10/1897re housing, social calls, reading
HSF to Olive17/06/1897thanks Olive for birthday wishes
HSF to Olive17/04/1897re invitation to stay, German book
HSF to Olive??/??/1897re arrangements
HSF to Olive26/05/1898general
HSF to Olive21/12/1897re journey, renting rooms, Christmas plans
HSF to Olive11/04/1898re journey etc
HSF to Olive13/04/1898presents from Ernest, cutting re a friend's wedding
HSF to Olive14/04/1898general chat
HSF to Olive15/04/1898re buying some furniture, general
HSF to Olive16/04/1898family chat
HSF to Olive25/10/1897family chat
HSF to Olive22/04/1898golf, wedding, social chat
HSF to Olive29/03/1893re Olive's trip to Paris, family chat
HSF to Olive21/01/1898chastises Olive re his income and general money matters
HSF to Olive14/03/1898re jealousy, lectureship, Bill in House of Lords etc
HSF to Olive13/03/1898furniture for house, Sir Graham Bower, book collection
HSF to Olive12/03/1898general chat
HSF to Olive28/06/1898Swan's gift, furnishings, fire places etc
HSF to Olive27/06/1898general
HSF to Olive26/06/1898re honeymoon plans, length, loan from Emmy, book sale
HSF to Olive25/06/1898wedding chat, letter from Mrs Shaw re GBS's broken arm on honeymoon, presents
HSF to Olive24/06/1898presents, Palgrave's bereavement, acceptances
HSF to Olive23/06/1898acceptances, supersititions, ring and seal, Sir Rawson, colour of wedding waistcoat
HSF to Olive22/06/1898re ceremony with Prince of Wales, presents, servants
HSF to Olive19/06/1898health, presents, dislike of wedding dresses, wedding banns
HSF to Olive14/10/1897Mrs Marshall's dinner date
HSF to Olive13/10/1897re arrangements, calls
HSF to Olive10/10/1897encl cutting re fashions from Observer, views of Ernest in Japan, plans
HSF to Olive11/10/1897general
HSF to Olive15/10/1897general
HSF to Olive17/10/1897mail, friends in college
HSF to Olive20/10/1897re houses, Olive's visit
HSF to Olive23/11/1897general, arrangements for Olive's visit to Cambridge
HSF to Olive23/11/1897re her arrival, househunting, general
HSF to Olive23/12/1897re his journey to Park Gate
HSF to Olive01/11/1897Olive's trip to Cambridge, her gift of 'loud' stockings, general
HSF to Olive11/11/1897plans for Olive's trip
HSF to Olive12/11/1897househunting, Lady Giffen
HSF to Olive25/10/1897various, kissing, barometer-keeping, his weight
HSF to Olive29/10/1897foggy weather, Mrs Sidney Webb at a dinner
HSF to Olive27/10/1897re library offer and Miss Payne-Townsend, death of Duchess of Teck
HSF to Olive28/10/1897dinner at Gibbs the previous night, furnishings, bimetallism, general
HSF to Olive20/11/1897housing, Menger's books, Greek plays
HSF to Olive22/11/1897everything going wrong, Olive's trip etc
HSF to Olive21/11/1897houses, Alfred Hoare
HSF to Olive24/11/1897re dinner at Webbs and guests including Cripps, Bernard Shaw, Llewellyn Smith
HSF to Olive29/11/1897re Olive's stay
HSF to Olive12/02/1898re Beeton's visit, Eastern attitudes
HSF to Olive11/02/1898housing, library, sleeping
HSF to Olive10/02/1898houses and anxiety re Harvey Road, etc
HSF to Olive13/02/1898houses, servants, books, economics, Beetons
HSF to Olive09/02/1898Macmillans new premises, dinner at Mearns', book sale
HSF to Olive08/02/1898houses, books, friends
HSF to Olive07/02/1898Hewins and book catalogue, weather etc
HSF to Olive06/02/1898re library
HSF to Olive05/02/1898bimetallism dinner, Hewins, working women and long hours
HSF to Olive04/02/1898amusing re legs in mirror, books
HSF to Olive03/02/1898encl cutting on music halls, wedding gifts etc
HSF to Olive02/02/1898enc cutting on bimetallism, Emmie and Cyril, books
HSF to Olive24/01/1898china, work, chat
HSF to Olive25/01/1898encl cutting re University of London, some personal criticism which is upsetting him
HSF to Olive31/01/1898PC from Duke St
HSF to Olive31/01/1898meeting at Farmers Club, social
HSF to Olive16/09/1897re Greville House, trip to Malvern
HSF to Olive31/08/1897chides Olive for feeling chided, various
HSF to Olive11/03/1898China question, letter from Balfour, chat
HSF to Olive08/07/1898checking house with landlord, library work
HSF to Olive07/07/1898present of knieves from Emmie and Harold, other chat
HSF to Olive06/07/1898golf, wedding presents, guests
HSF to Olive05/07/1898PC general chat
HSF to Olive24/05/1898re missing writing, general
HSF to Olive15/11/1897general chat
HSF to Olive14/11/1897househunting, rooms for Olive and parents in Cambridge, social chat
HSF to Olive16/11/1897gives Ernest and Uncle George's addresses, househunting etc
HSF to Olive13/05/1898family chat, furniture
HSF to Olive12/05/1898re proposed Jesuit hostel in Cambridge and social chat
HSF to Olive16/05/1898re church banns
HSF to Olive17/05/1898re banns, general
HSF to Olive18/05/1898banns, cost of licence
HSF to Olive19/05/1898wedding presents and plans
HSF to Olive20/05/1898re Olive's trip, general chat
HSF to Olive11/05/1898sale of library, arrangement of rooms at Harvey Road
HSF to Olive10/05/1898general chat
HSF to Olive08/05/1898re Mrs Donkin, Palmer etc
HSF to Olive09/05/1898re arrangement of rooms, wallpapers, furniture
HSF to Olive07/05/1898terrible panic at suggestion Olive's parents buy furniture for dining room, very depressed state
HSF to Olive06/05/1898Lamor, London galleries, Olive's writing
HSF to Olive05/05/1898Lisette and Arthur, furniture, house plans
HSF to Olive04/05/1898London News
HSF to Olive03/05/1898Lisette and Arthur, general chat
HSF to Olive01/05/1898misunderstandings over gift of piano, chides Olive
HSF to Olive01/05/1898problems over wedding party and plans, complains about Lisette, complains generally
HSF to Y Konisho1918/10/23thanks Konisho for dinner etc
HSF's grandmother03/02/1866on HSF's exam success
HSF's mother20/11/1875on death of HSF's grandmother and family news
HSF's mother07/12/1875general chat
HSF's mother13/11/1875grandmother's funeral
HSF's mother28/09/1875general chat
HSF's mother16/07/1875general chat
HSF's mother26/04/1875general chat
HSF's mother08/05/1875general chat
HSF's mother19/05/1875general chat
HSF's mother30/06/1872general chat
HSF's mother16/06/1871family chat
HSF's mother30/09/1871Boyes' umbrella and general
HSF's mother15/12/1870family chat
HSF's mother01/03/1870general chat
HSF's mother02/03/1870general and reminder to HSF to write
HSF's mother10/03/1870general and reminder to HSF to write
HSF's mother11/05/1870family chat and HSF's exam success
HSF's mother12/03/1870enclosures from Emmie and Florrie re friends' illnesses, deaths etc
HSF's mother20/10/1870re family, wild weather
HSF's mother06/03/1870general
HSF's mother17/06/187021st birthday congrats to HSF, also for election as scholar; smallpox and enclosures
HSF's mother19/11/1869general family
HSF's mother13/10/1869re Ernest's success in exams and evils of Cambridge
HSF's mother22/11/1869family chat
HSF's mother26/10/1869family chat
HSF's mother17/10/1869family chat
HSF's mother08/10/1869asks HSF to come home to see Grandmother
HSF's mother30/09/1869general family chat
HSF's mother04/06/1869re HSF's exam success, family chat
HSF's mother28/05/1869general chat
HSF's mother19/05/1869general chat
HSF's mother07/05/1869Emily's illness, family chat
HSF's mother30/04/1869family health etc
HSF's mother24/04/1869general chat
HSF's mother12/03/1869re money from HSF's father
HSF's mother06/03/1869asks HSF to write more often, general
HSF's mother17/02/1869church meetings, family
HSF's mother11/02/1869general chat
HSF's mother03/02/1869family chatter
HSF's mother 03/11/1868family
HSF's mother 23/11/1868family
HSF's mother 08/12/1868family
HSF's mother 24/10/1868family
Hsu U Y1918/2/2re Chinese economic affairs
Hsu U Y1910/2/12coinage scheme & Cjinese bank
Hsu U Y1910/8/28social
Hsu U Y1911/7/26re Finance Conerence
Hsu U Y1910/6/27UCL business
Hsu U Y1911/8/6publication of thesis
Hsu U Y1910/8/11health
Hsu U Y1910/8/8thanks for report
Hsu U Y1910/7/21social & banaking
Hsu U Y25/71910country banking
Hsu U Y1910/7/1re report on his work
Hsu U Y1910/7/10report & Chinese gold standard
Hsu U Y1910/7/14re visit to banks
Hsu U Y1911/8/22re Dr Chen’s book
Hsu U Y1911/8/31re Dr Chen’s book
Hsu U Y1921/5/12re staff for bank in China
Hsu U Y1911/7/28HSF to meet Dr Chen
Hsu U Y1911/8/18re meeting
Hsu, Hu Yeun1913/9/29he has tuberculosis
Hsu, Hu Yeun1913/10/2asks HSF to ask Irving Fisher about treatment for tuberculosis
Hsu, Hu Yuan1911/12/29views on Chinese revolution
Hsu, U Y1909/2/23asks for special tuition in banking
Hsu, U Y1916/7/19appointed Governor of Bank of China etc
Hsu, U Y1910/5/9social
Hsu, U Y1910/3/8on his ailments
Hsu, U Y1910/6/14thanks HSF for his help
Hsu, U Y1910/2/10wants introduction to Professor Dicksee re starting brankch of Bank of China
Hsu, U Y1910/1/20re his readmittance to degree course
Hsu, U Y1910/6/22PC social
Hsu, U Y1910/3/23on Chinese currency proposals
Hsu, U Y1910/8/8about some appointment
Hsu, U Y1910/9/18re a paper, social
Hsu, U Y1910/9/24re his departure to China
Hsu, U Y1914/9/21HSF declines being adviser to government of China
Hsu, U Y1913/3/2Chinese revolution, problems for government etc, HSU Special Commission on Currency Reform
Hsu, U Y1913his DSc thesis
Hsu, U Y1913/6/23re his thesis etc
Hsu, U Y1910/10/6general chat
Hsu, U Y1912/9/6had breakdown due to overwork
Hsu, U Y1911/9/2re a scholarship essay
Hsu, U Y1911/4/13on his delayed essay
Hsu, U Y1911/11/23his affairs, revolution in China
Hsu, U Y1913/11/11become Auditor General in Peking
Hsu, U Y1916/1/11re HSF evidence to Chinese governmnet, asks for information about warfare
Hsu, U Y1910/10/6re HSF's remarks on his studies
Hsu, U Ypaper on joint stock banking
Hsu, U Ypaper on debasement
Hsu, U Y1911/8/10re visit from Dr Chen
Hsu, U Y1910/1/19sends his address
Hsu, U Ysends HSF photograph
Hsu, U Y 29/03/1910PC enquiry re article on Chinese Financial Policy
Hsu, U Y 11/08/1911re Dr Cheng's thesis
Hsu, U Yuen1911/8/15re visit to Cambridge
Hsu, U Yuen1910/5/15social PC
Hsu, U Yuen1910/2/19re information for HSF, Pixley Reports, banking books
Hsu, U Yuen1910/5/5asks HSF to dine
Hsu, U Yuen1910/1/7social
Hsu, U Yuen1910/10/4on leaving England, asks HSF about New York
Hsu, U Yuen1916/5/22re books, British minister to Peking returning to UK
Hsu, U Yuen1916/5/23sends HSF bill of exchange
Hsu, Uu Yuan1915/2/23re library for Board of ? in Peking
Hsu, Uu Yuen1917/8/21mainly social
Hsu, UU Yuen1918/10/7on the armistice, new President of Bank of China, general chat
Hsu, Uu Yuen1914/2/22on his job, thesis etc
Hsu, Uu Yuen1925/1/23social, his work, situation in China etc
Hsu, Y U1911/8/17social, Dr Chen's thesis
Hsu, Y U1921/2/7looking for expert for bank in China
Hsu, Y U1921/1/27to Gregory Foster (copy) sends £100 for war memoral
Hubbard, Evelyn09/03/1894dinner
Huddersfield & District Power-Loom Weavers' Association22/12/1885£27.10.4 raised for Mrs Ellis
Huddleston G E C1914/7/9Oxford elections
Huddleston T F C1923/11/30Ministry of Transport
Huddleston T F C1923/12/10applied mathemathics
Huddleston T F C1910/6/30asks subs for Cambridge Hospital
Huddleston, G H06/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Huddleston, P F08/06/1886asks re G E Green
Huddleston, T E C1910/11/19general
Huddleston, T F C1930/11/24on death of Mrs Foxwell
Huddleston, T F C29/01/1885re petition on local government
Huddleston, T F C1930/2/6query about old friend
Huddleston, T F C1923/11/27general chat
Huddleston, T F C1901/10/12re Liberal-Unionist vote in Cambridge
Huddleston, T F C1930/2/11feels like "Cranmer"
Hudson, Edward1914/10/12re 'Country Life' and knitting for soldiers
Hudson, F W12/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Hudson, H H17/10/1873social
Hudson, J C25/10/1882re South Essex Literary Society
Hudson, John C26/12/1882asks HSF to help South Essex Literary Society
Hudson, John C06/11/1882on HSF declining to be member of South Essex Literary Society
Hudson, Mrs H H1913/6/1general chat
Hudson, W H11/04/1895fall in prices etc
Hudson, W H H16/01/1885re industrial villages
Hudson, W H H08/12/1874social
Hudson, W H H22/02/1891re university causes
Hudson, W H H23/06/1898on HSF's wedding invitation
Hudson, Wm H H26/06/1879a maths problem
Hugh1933/7/21Acknowledges birthday present
Hugh, J27/03/1873student letter
Hughes, C13/06/1896social
Hughes, E P10/10/1894request to address meeting
Hughes, E P1888talk to Cambridge Economic Club on manual work in schools
Hughes, F05/06/1891re Sedgwick Memorial Committee
Hughes, Fred McKenny30/12/1887re contract with a college
Hughes, J E22/12/1891asks for reference
Hughes, Lionel K24/10/1878sends sub to UMS
Hugill, E F17/06/1882re Sibly testimonial
Hulbert C Z1920/7/7re Cunningham Memorial
Hulfteggar O1916/8/12thank you letter
Hulfteggar O1910/10/30taxation in Zurich
Hulfteggar O1910/7/2Swiss banking
Hulfteggar, Dr Otto02/12/1913thanks HSF for help on thesis on Bank of England
Hulfteggar, O1915/3/26Hulfteggar's book etc
Hulfteggar, O1913/12/12thank you letter
Hulfteggar, O1919/4/25re an Indian
Hulftegger O1911/4/11books
Hulftegger, O1920/7/19wages etc in Switzerland
Hulftegger, O1910/6/25re information about holiday courses in economics
Hulftegger, O1911/10/3on leaving LSE, thanks HSF for all his help
Hulftegger, O1915/8/7thanks HSf for help
Hulftegger, O(card) Christmas greetings
Hulftegger, O1915/5/27re possibility of working in England
Hulftegger, O1916/7/10wants house in London
Hulftegger, O1915/2/11PC sent HSF his thesis
Hulftegger, O1914/12/24new year greetings
Hulfthegger, O1910/10/19his essay on Swiss railways
Hulfthegger, O1910/10/19re Swiss taxation
Hulfthegger, O1910/11/17re essay on Swiss railways
Hulme, Arthur1926/4/17to C R Fay re a document's collection
Hummel M V1912/11/18re reference
Hummel, H V05/11/1912LSE student union meeting
Hummel, H V07/11/1912asks HSF for reference
Humphrey, G M1889money for co-operators visit
Humphreys, G E27/01/1888re keeping women out of Cambridge
Humphreys, G E06/03/1887asks for support for Savile Club entry
Humphreys, George E21/07/1884thanks HSF for testimonial
Humphreys, George E06/06/1884asks HSF for testimonial
Humphreys, George E28/06/1884asks for testimonial
Humphreys, R E08/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Hundman, H M24/12/1882row with HSF
Hunkin J W1920/7/6re eco lectures to the clergy
Hunkin, Rev J W1920/8/26thanks HSF for lectures to clergy
Hunsdon, Lord1931/5/28HSF letter on the depression and exchange questions
Hunsdon, Lord1932/12/20re a commodity standard etc
Hunsdon, Lord1932/12/11re debate on gold in House of Lords
Hunsdon, Lord1931/6/2re monetary reform, gold
Hunsdon, Lord (Herbert Gibbs)1923/10/14re paper on post-war capital etc
Hunsdon, Lord (Herbert Gibbs)1923/12/28re paper on post-war capital etc
Hunt, Walter D F11/08/1889to Tilley supports Jenkinson for librarian
Hunter, Thos A1911/3/20thanks HSF for views on Wellington university's constitution
Hunter, William 21/05/1894social
Huntley, Grace03/12/1888thanks HSF for flowers, to meet
Huntley, Grace24/11/1888to sing in concert, see HSF
Hurcomb, W E1921/7/12to Mrs Foxwell - asks Mrs F to join company
Hurcomb, W E1919/11/24re valuation of goods
Hurcomb, W E1920/4/26sale of HSF's silver goods
Hurt, F W1911/7/27to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Hussein M K1909/6/10student letter
Hutchinson A1920/6/26re report on student
Hutchinson Miss W M L1918/10/19 re some argument
Hutchinson W M L18-Julcommittee of some society
Hutchinson W M L ?PC _ meeting of Cambridge Assoc National Party Committee
Hutchinson A1919/3/13Allen Scholarships
Hutchinson, A1919/11/21re Allen Scholar
Hutchinson, A1919/11/23PC re Welbourn's report
Hutchinson, W M L1919/7/18re Italian chair (?)
Hutchinson, W M L1919/4/11asks HSF for testimonial
Hutchinson, W M L1919/2/12re some committee
Hutchinson, W M L??/??/1918about a job
Hutchinson, W M L1918/10/8about a job
Hutchinson, W M L1918/10/6about a job
Hutchinson, W M L1918/11/29about a job
Hutchison W L1918/5/31re Club meeting
Hutchison W M1926/10/25general chat
Hutchison W M L1919/5/23Cambridge talk
Hutchison, James1929/1/22re University of London press
Hutt, F C03/09/1889PC re some corrections
Hutton, John15/08/1882on death of Jevons
Hutton, Mrs Lucy A15/06/1884thanks HSF for help on Jevons's book
Hy Gribble Clark & Co16/07/1886re cheque for rent
Hy Gribble Clark & Co20/01/1886rent receipt for HSF's father
Hyams & Cox1922/7/26re eye tests
Hyams & Cox1922/7/19re eye tests
Hyde, Alfred1913/11/11HSF's overdraft
Hyde, Alfred1913/9/15HSF's bank manager - HSF advises of holiday
Hyndman H M28/6/1883re argument on socialism
Hyndman, H M04/12/1882bias in exports, problems of capitalist classes and production
Hyndman, H M16/10/1882on Marx 'greatest thinker since Aristotle', capitalist system faulty etc
Hyndman, H M04/10/1882on HSF treating competition from collectivist point of view
Hyndman, H M15/12/1882re handbill on some plan, class warfare
Hyndman, H M20/12/1882HSF too honest to degrade into capitalist hack etc
Hyndman, H M16/12/1882HSF to speak at meeting
Hyndman, H M05/11/1882argument over Factory Acts etc
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