Name Date Title
I M C1925/8/12PC social
Ibrahim, N F1901/6/21general
Iddesleigh, Lord04/03/1889on bimetallism
Ilbert, A23/04/1895on Balfour, bimetallism
Ilbert, A26/04/1895bimetallic matters
Ilbert, A17/06/1895bimetallic matters
Ilbert, Arthur18/04/1896free coinage and bimetallism
Ilderton, T12/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Iliffe, J W14/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Image, J M17/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Imai, J to Ernest Foxwell13-Mayre his English exams
Imain, Kwan-ich15/09/1897to Ernest re his travels
Imain, Kwan-ich01/11/1897to Ernest, repays loan
IME2-MayPC social
Imman, H1901/5/4seeks advice on reading
Imperial Fire Ofiice27/06/1877insurance certificate
Imperial Maritime League1917/11/1re subs
Imperial University Tokyo15/10/1895sends expenses of telegram
Imperial War Museumbook on Museum
Imperial War Museum Library1918/1/17sends packet on paper money
Imperial War Museum Library1918/1/22re notes and tokens
Imperial War Museum Library1918/7/30re book on German banking
Inaba, M05/05/1891re attendance at Club
Inaba, M19/09/1887re letter of introduction
Inaba, Masanao05/01/1892re printing an HSF speech
Inc. Accountant Students’ Society of London1911/12/18re HSF’s lectures
Income Tax Reform League26/07/1911asks for subs
Income Tax Reform League1912/7/26subs
Income Tax Reform League1914/7/16re HSF's subscription
Income Tax Reform League1915/3/23re HSF's support of the League
Income Tax Reform League1913/7/9asks HSF to renew subscription
Income Tax Reform League??/11/1912sends HSF copy of his note on Wasting Tracts and Income Tax
Income Tax Reform League1911/5/9memo on Wasting Assets and Tax
Income Tax Reform League1914/3/4report for 1913
Incorporated Accountants' Students' Society of London1912/6/4to see HSF
Incorporated Accountants' Students' Society of London1912/5/31re HSF lecturing to them
Index Society07/04/1890re sub to Index of Gentleman's Magazine
India Office1932/4/2re job for Dhume
Indian High Commission1924/10/18report on Dhume’s studies
Indian High Commission1925/4/27re inetest in Dhume
Industrial Freedom Society1902report on first metting
Industrial Villages Society02/04/1885PC re a meeting
Industrial Villages Society27/06/1885PC re Council meeting
Industrial Villages Society09/09/1885PC re Committee meeting
Industrial Villages Society11/04/1885PC re Council meeting
Inland Revenue22/04/1885asks to see HSF
Inland Revenue1929/11/27HSF's assessment for 1929/30
Inland Revenue1929notes for income statement 1928/29
Inland Revenue1930/7/9re HSF's income tax payments
Inland Revenue1929/8/19Olive Foxwell's voucher for income at source
Inland Revenue1931/11/23HSF's income tax assessment 1931/32
Inland Revenue1931/11/19receipt for tax payment
Inland Revenue1931/12/31receipt for tax payment
Inland Revenue1931/10/1receipt for tax payment
Inland Revenue1931/12/28notice of tax payment due
Inland Revenue1931/6/11receipt for tax payment
Inland Revenue1932/4/18HSF's income tax form
Inland Revenue1930/8/4re HSF's tax payments
Inland Revenue1930/10/18repayment of tax
Inland Revenue1931/5/8assessment for 1931/32
Inland Revenue1928/11/5assessment for 1928/29
Inland Revenue1931/11/23assessment for 1931/32
Inland Revenue1931/6/8query over HSF tax
Inland Revenue1929/2/12repayment of tax
Inland Revenue1929/1/25notice re deductions from tax
Inland Revenue1930/11/4assessment for 1930/31
Inland Revenue1930/11/42nd assessment for 1930/31
Inland Revenue1933/8/7re exam fees for tax
Inland Revenue1933/7/28receipt for tax payment
Inland Revenue1932/11/7assessment for 1932/33
Inland Revenue1932/11/7reliefs for 1932/33
Inland Revenue1932/7/26pension not assessable
Inland Revenue1932notes on income tax
Inland Revenue1932/8/25tax bill 1931/32
Inland Revenue1932/8/8HSF late in paying
Inland Revenue1932/7/28statement of tax
Inland Revenue1932/12/28statement of tax
Inland Revenue1933/7/3HSF late in paying
Inland Revenue?increase in rate of tax
Inland Revenue1933/6/27second assessment for 1932/33
Inland Revenue1930/7/6on tax calculation
Inland Revenue1930/1/6tax due 1929/30
Inland Revenue1930/7/16disagreement over HSF's tax
Inland Revenue1930/1/30re dividend counterfoils
Inland Revenue1930/1/16two tax statements
Inland Revenue1930/2/28two tax statements
Inland Revenue1930/2/25asks for tax payment
Inland Revenue1929/11/6re London University payment
Inland Revenue1924/11/20tax assessment for 1929/30
Inland Revenue1924/11/5re tax ommission
Inland Revenue1924/9/8re tax ommission
Inland Revenue1924/11/7tax allowances 1924/25
Inland Revenue1924/11/4assessment 1924/25
Inland Revenue1924/10/24under charged tax
Inland Revenue1927/6/17tax allowances 1926/27
Inland Revenue1924/10/27assessment 1924/25
Inland Revenue1924/12/6assessment 1924/25
Inland Revenue1925/2/24tax allowances 1924/25
Inland Revenue1924/9/8re dispute over interest
Inland Revenue1924tax instructions 1924/25
Inland Revenue1924/7/16asks for tax payment
Inland Revenue1924/7/16re late payment
Inland Revenue1925tax instructions for 1925/26
Inland Revenue1925/8/18repayment of tax
Inland Revenue1924/11/1dispute over tax
Inland Revenue1925/11/2assessment for 1925/26
Inland Revenue1927/2/5assessment for 1926/27
Inland Revenue1926/6/30second tax instalment
Inland Revenue1926/2/17tax payment due
Inland Revenue1926/11/29re tax repayment
Inland Revenue1926/11/10assessment 1926/27
Inland Revenue1912/2/12tax statement
Inland Revenue?tax instructions
Inland Revenue1910/5/10re tax deduction
Inland Revenue1908/10/23first assessment
Inland Revenue1910/5/5re tax repayment
Inland Revenue1909/11/15first assessment
Inland Revenue1910/6/15repayment of tax
Inland Revenue1910/1/4repayment of tax
Inland Revenue1903/10/10repayment of tax
Inland Revenue1915/5/17income tax form
Inland Revenue1915/4/20income tax claim
Inland Revenue1901/3/18re tax mistake
Inland Revenue1914/11/181914/15 assessment
Inland Revenue1915/1/25demands payment
Inland Revenue1915/2/8re overdue tax
Inland Revenue1914/11/11re valuation of Harvey Road
Inland Revenue1914/2/1overdue tax payment
Inland Revenue1912/1/29re question over house tax
Inland Revenue1910/6/6repayment to HSF
Inland Revenue1911/3/8to see HSF about assessment
Inland Revenue1915/9/11shortfall in tax
Inland Revenue1910/12/1reduced assessment
Inland Revenue1910/10/28tax assessment
Inland Revenue1909/5/28understatement of incomes
Inland Revenue1907/8/31relief for earned incomes
Inland Revenue1907/12/19assessment correct
Inland Revenue1905/8/4first assessment
Inland Revenue1908/2/12amended demand
Inland Revenue1903/2/4to see HSF
Inland Revenue1909/1/25reduced assessment
Inland Revenue1909/1/22first assessment
Inland Revenue1903/2/11abatement of claim forms
Inland Revenue1902/10/21re deductions
Inland Revenue1902/10/27re a meeting with HSF
Inland Revenue1902/11/3return for assessment
Inland Revenue14/11/1893asks HSF to explain 'Railway Expenses'
Inland Revenue1929/8/31acknowledges HSF claim
Inland Revenue1929/1/9mistake in HSF's tax claims
Inland Revenue1928/2/8to Audrey Foxwell re claim
Inland Revenue1915/11/2notice of assessment
Inland Revenue1920/4/16adjusted tax assessment
Inland Revenue1926/11/10income tax assessment
Inland Revenue1925/8/29re Olive's untaxed income
Inland Revenue1935/8/19sent return
Inland Revenue1935/1/8Land tax bill
Inland Revenue 1933/1/11income tax statement
Inland Revenue etc1933HSF's documents for tax 1932-33
Inman H S1911/1/6visit ro bank of England
Innes, A Mitchell1913/9/5re monetary work of Innes
Innes, Hugh McLeod17/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Innis Prof H1922/8/28Thanks & comments on geramany
Innis Prof Harold1922/7/16arranging to meet HSF
Innis, Harold A1922/7/8re meeting with HSF
Inns of Court Rifle Volunteers06/04/1868notice of reviews
Inquirer06/02/1889re review of Nicholson's book
Institut de Sciences Sociales, Brussels21/07/1897asks HSF to comment on a book
Institut General Psychologique de Paris1910/12/30re permanent international committee
Institut International de Sociologie07/05/1895re congress of Institut
Institut International de Statistique1910/10/26elections, list of members
Institut International de StatistiqueJun-25re their Rome congress
Institut International de Statistique1910/2/28re elections
Institut International de Statistiques1926/9/17their elections
Institut Internationale de Statistique1906/7/1elections for 1906
Institute Carparforo Come1926/8/7to Audrey Foxwell, presumably re work (in Italian)
Institute of Actuaries1917/3/26sends HSF fee for talk
Institute of Actuaries29/07/1884syllabus for HSF lectures
Institute of Bankers1919/11/27re lecture by Frazer
Institute of Bankers1918/10/29lectures to Lees’ Institute
Institute of Bankers25/06/1892on Institute journals etc
Institute of Bankers1921/2/1asks HSF to be an examiner
Institute of Bankers1921/2/4re examinership
Institute of Bankers03/11/1892Times reports on the silver question
Institute of Bankers1911/8/16re thri library
Institute of Bankers1923/5/26re lectures for local centres
Institute of Bankers1923Higgs will lecture
Institute of Bankers1919/1/29asks HSF to lecture
Institute of Bankers (Leeds)1917/10/8asks HSF to lecture
Institute of Bankers (Leeds)1919/12/6on Institute lecture arrangements
Institute of Bankers Leeds1918/10/22asks HSF to lecture
Institute of Book Keepers1922/11/16reports of HSF’s lectures
Institute of Public Administration??/01/1926Public Adminstration Vol 10 No 1
Institute of Sociology Brussels09/??/1920letter in French asking for a contribution to their Review
Instituto Femminile, Como1926/8/30statement of Audrey's study
Instituto Firenze1924/7/2statement of Audrey's study
Intercollegiate Exam in History1908/6/5exam
International Bimetallic Conference1984Programme
International Conference Relatingi to Economic Statisticsorder form card
International Congress of Historical Studies??/04/1913asks for money
International Congress of Historical Studies1923/12/25the 1923 programme
International Dialogue on Wimbledon Common1908/8/1report of Q&As on monetary matters
International Dialogue on Wimbledon Common1908/8/1their report
International Labour Office1921/2/18re study on industrial production
International Statistical Institute07/07/1896re a candidate for the Institute etc
International Statistical Institute??/04/1908re London session
International Statistics Institute1919/3/26replies to questionaire
Invention04/09/1886asks HSF for photo
Investment Registry Ltd1927/5/13on new edition
Investment Registry Ltd1927/8/19re shares
Ipswich Industrial Co-operative Society02/02/1889re Congress Committee
Irvine, M C02/07/1893thanks HSF for testimonial, Maories etc
Irving National BankJan-18"Trade Acceptance Method"
Irving, Eva26/09/1896National Society for Checking Abuses of Public Advertising
Irving, Fisher1926/6/7re help on HSF students
Irwell, Lawrence25/04/1895re continental economists who are protectionists
Isaac Pitman & Sonds1928/4/17re 2nd edition Business Forecasting
Isaac Pitman & Sondsflyer on Mitchell's Business Cycles
Isles, George27/01/1890re HSF paper on monopolies etc
Isles, George21/02/1890re HSF paper on monopolies etc
Ives, Ray04/04/1895re meeting HSF
Ives, Ray02/04/1895meeting date and time
Ives, Roy05/03/1890ill, cancels meeting
Iwan-Muller, E B06/11/1879re prospectus for series on English philosophers
Iwan-Muller, E B14/11/1879thanks HSF for criticisms of his scheme on English philosophers
Iyer M R S1913/10/6witness at Royal Commission on Indian Currency & Finance
Iyer, M R S1913/10/10meeting re Indian Finance (?)
Iyer, M R S1913/10/11meeting re Indian Finance (?)
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