Name Date Title
.Jevons W S 1/19/1878re De Quincey’s & Gossen’s books
J B M18/07/1884PC re some HSF views
J Bawler & Co03/07/1896re sale of copy of Cobbett
J Burnell & Co1919/8/6pc re an HSF order
J F Gto Emmy thanks for letters
J H Levy Memorial Fund??/05/1914asks HSF to subscribe
J Henry Schioder & Co1923/8/6re National Railways of Mexico notes
J M Dent and Sons Ltd1920/7/7on economics books
J M H08/12/1897list of PE Professors at UCL and Newmarch lecturers
J N L18/04/1895PC re meeting
J N Tata Education Scheme1908/12/4re Mr Koyee's work as student
J R1918/6/11pc re some note
J S A31/3/1883PC _ re essay
J W M18/03/1875student letter, co-ops and trade unions, attacks HSF
J W M10/03/1875on lectures, women, clergy etc, student letter
J. N. M.19/11/1883pc thanks for letter, will send a copy of paper to F Y Edgeworth
Jack, D I1923/5/21(to W R Scott) on revolutionary movements
Jacks, L P1935/6/25funeral oration for H R Beeton
Jackson Cyril1910/7/16Governing body of LSE
Jackson Cyril1910/7/20UCL affairs
Jackson Cyril1910/7/25UCL affairs
Jackson Henry1911/11/11College meeting
Jackson, Fred1909/10/20to Higgs re funds for bibliography
Jackson, G E1916/3/2on being a soldier
Jackson, Gilbert E1922/5/28introduces Harold A Innis
Jackson, Gilbert E1914/4/23introduces Miss Jean Gordon
Jackson, H1908/10/31rate of interest on bonds etc
Jackson, H1919/12/8re Bernard Mallet presentation
Jackson, Henry10/11/1878on election of Vansittant and others
Jackson, Henry22/11/1879re Liberal Club
Jackson, Henry06/11/1878PC re some lobbying
Jackson, J Hampden17/09/1887re national expenditure figures
Jackson, R R16/04/1879re Indian budget
Jackson, R Rayneford21/03/1879Indian trade
Jackson, R Rayneford27/05/1879Indian trade, free trade and protection
Jackson, R Rayneford03/06/1879cotton trade, income tax
Jackson, T G19/02/1878re HSF's lectures at Sevenoaks
Jackson, T G29/05/1878re missing HSF's lectures and fee and expenses
Jackson, T G10/06/1878asks HSF to acknowledge cheque for Sevenoaks lectures and thanks HSF for lectures
Jackson, W 27/03/1875asks HSF for testimonial on starting new school
Jacob J1876general chat
Jacob, Joseph29/10/1879Poleson at Oxford - Marshall's text on trade
Jacob, Joseph02/10/1879re article and possible fellowships
Jacob, Joseph07/11/1879re fellowships and services of Marshall
Jacob, Joseph26/02/1879general chat
Jacob, Joseph18/03/1879general chat and on death of HSF's sister
Jacob, Joseph18/05/1879on logic - also fellowship
Jacobs, Joseph1914/4/27social with some shop talk
Jacobs, Joseph03/03/1880on his troubles with a girl
Jacobs, Joseph24/01/1887re Claims of Labour
Jacobson, E H07/06/1885on industrial villages
James Burnham & Son Ltd1931/9/5to Beeton, collection of economic literature for sale
James Neill & Company (Sheffield) Ltd1927/6/1re safely blade
James Phillips & Co11/04/1883receipt for church cushion, I G Foxwell
James, B14/11/1887re HSF speech at opening of Wholesale Cooperative Society London Branch
James, B05/12/1887re HSF speech at opening of Wholesale Cooperative Society London Branch
James, C C11/08/1889to Tilley supports Jenkinson for librarian
James, C C16/09/1886letter on "Thrift among the children"
James, F Cyril1933/4/5on bimetallic controversy
James, H E L02/02/1896general
James, H E L27/06/1896general
James, H E M16/12/1898thanks HSF for references
James, H E M14/12/1895re discussion about India
James, H E M14/12/1895memo re money lenders in India, accompanies 114/2
James, M R1906/10/15asks HSF to examine C R Fay's dissertation
James, Talbot04/05/1875general
Jamieson, G18/08/1890taking over from Nicholson as President of Scottish Economic Society
Jannach, C08/05/1874re sick parrot
Janpen A E7-Augenquiry re money & banking
Janpen A E10-AugArrangements to meet
Jaquet B S1922/10/30condolence letter from Cambridge PE Club
Jaquet B S1922/9/14College economic club papers
Jarvis, A Weston06/11/1889asks HSF to get Cambridge Union to debate bimetallism
Jarwood, Edmund S03/02/1897apologises to HSF
Jaschke, R1928/3/24re a book sale
Jawett, Edmund1918/12/17re world currencies etc
Jefford, R P12/08/1881re an HSF donation
Jeffries, W 1921/12/8sub to British Imperial Council of Commerce
Jendi A ?PC _ social
Jenkins J H ?student letter
Jenkins, I Howe10/10/1878denies HSF charages of 'dishonourable acts'
Jenkins, I Howe28/09/1878asks HSF for certificate of attendance
Jenkins, J Howe07/07/1877asks HSF for testimonial (HSF comments "the swindler"!)
Jenkins, John Howe18/11/1898tells HSF his troubles and asks for money
Jenkins, Robert C14/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Jenkinson F17/1/1890re Ms & book collection
Jenkinson, F13/05/1874asks HSF to take the Chit Chat
Jenkinson, F29/01/1896asks HSF to college feast
Jenkinson, F1901/11/22some Cambridge business
Jenkinson, F26/01/1887thanks HSF for book, general chat
Jenkinson, F1910/3/14re a book cover, books
Jenkinson, F1910/6/16Harvey's book, gifts to library
Jenkinson, F1929/4/22wants to see HSF
Jenkinson, F1929/5/1will see HSF
Jenkinson, Francis16/05/1889general chat
Jenkinson, Francis31/08/1889general chat
Jenks J W1911/1/1social
Jenks, E1893syllabus of lectures on English Economic History Parts 1 & 2
Jenks, Helmut1937/2/12to Audrey Foxwell, progress in cataloguing for Harvard
Jenks, Helmut1937/2/14to Audrey Foxwell, to call re Harvard books
Jenks, J W1914/7/28royalties on books etc
Jenks, J W1914/7/10some business matter
Jenks, J W1903/6/15mainly social
Jenks, J W1901/10/24wants HSF to join advisory board of International Monthly
Jenks, J W1914/7/6wants to see HSF and Marshall
Jenks, J W1914/7/24asks what rates to pay for writing a book
Jenks, J W1914/7/26re agreement on proposed Modern Business Institute
Jenks, J W1913/4/29re letter of introduction to G B Miller
Jenks, J W1913/4/25copy of letter introducing G B Miller
Jenks, J W1924/6/27introduces two colleagues
Jenks, J W1928/12/8PC re room at The Nook
Jenks, Jeremiah W1901/10/1asks advice in dealing with Philippines, to report on English colonies
Jennings H R19/7/1890Working Men’s College lectures
Jennings, H R03/08/1886re lectures Working Men's College
Jennings, H R05/08/1886re lectures Working Men's College
Jennings, H R10/11/1892re lecture to Working Men's College
Jennings, H R02/10/1895re lecture to Working Men's College
Jennings, H R30/06/1891re Working Men's College
Jennings, H R29/07/1891re Working Men's Club
Jennings, H R20/07/1891re Working Men's College
Jennings, H R22/07/1891re Working Men's College
Jennings, H R16/07/1891re Working Men's College
Jennings, H R01/11/1893asks HSF to examine Working Men's College
Jennings, H R02/09/1886re HSF lecture to Working Men's College
Jennings, H R12/07/1895asks HSF to talk at Working Men's College
Jevons Harriet13/2/1886re letters & journal
Jevons T E14/2/1890re son’s arrival at Cambridge
Jevons T E 3/2/1890 re eldest son
Jevons W S13/10 1881re Ricardo Scholarship exam
Jevons W S22/2/1882asks for Marshall’s address, copy of Josiah Child etc
Jevons W S 2/7/1882re PE Club
Jevons W S 2/11/1879PC _ on books, exam paper
Jevons W S 3/7/1882PE Club rules on paying
Jevons W S1980/12/12PC _ in reply to HSF on Cantillon
Jevons W S 6/2/1880asks HSF to stay
Jevons W S23/3/1878re advice to HSF on PE examinersdhip
Jevons W S1979/12/6boxes for collecting: tells about copy of Thornton for 6p
Jevons W S25/1/1878re PE Club etc
Jevons W S24/2/1878re Stat Soc & HSF’s election to it
Jevons W S29/1/1878re PE Club
Jevons W S18/3/1878PC _ re an extract sent by HSF
Jevons W S21/1/1878re PE Club: his onslaught on Mill
Jevons W S 2/5/1876re PE Club
Jevons W S 5/6/1874re Cambridge exams: asks HSF for help
Jevons W S 4/10/1874re Cambridge exams
Jevons W S22/3/1882thanks HSF for Cantillonia
Jevons W S 3/8/1882re pamphlets
Jevons W S16/10/1879invite to dine at Hampstead
Jevons W S14/11/1879Marshall’s originality etc
Jevons W S29/10/1875asks HSF to lecture at UCL
Jevons W S20/11/1875HSF’s lectures etc
Jevons W S18/11/1875re exam questions
Jevons W S13/11/1881enclosures from HSF re banking, probability & nature of risks
Jevons W S30/9/1876re HSF’s examinership & finances
Jevons W S 8/4/1882progress on State in Relation to Labour
Jevons W S12/4/1882PC _ State in Relation to Labour & individual rights
Jevons W S10/2/1881PC _ re Condorcet’s Vie de Turgot & use of maths
Jevons W S22/11/1879 Wealth of Nations & history of PE
Jevons W S 4/12/1881re Coll & scholarship etc
Jevons W S 9/2/1875on Marshall & Mill
Jevons W S 3/10/1875re his book on money etc
Jevons W S23/5/1875re exams & Mill
Jevons W S25/1/1876UCL classes and chair in PE
Jevons W S31/10/1875economics; Malthus
Jevons W S16/11/1875Girton, Malthus, Anderson, Ricardo
Jevons W S 7/9/1876HSF’s fees at UCL: encloses letter from UCL
Jevons W S1980/9/9re Caldecott’s appointment: his book on logic
Jevons W S17/5/1881re HSF’s appointment to Jevon’s chair
Jevons W S10/1/1882re enclosure & Fawcett
Jevons W S 5/12/1880re Cantillon
Jevons W S30/11/1880 Adam Smith, Keynes etc
Jevons W S 1/1/1882re book collections
Jevons W S 3/11/1881Ricardo Scholarship
Jevons W S8/3/?Political economy…
Jevons, H A02/05/1894PC re date of publication of 'The Future of Political Economy'
Jevons, H A27/04/1884re proofs of HSF introduction
Jevons, H A03/11/1892called on HSF
Jevons, H A30/07/1886re a meeting
Jevons, H S1930/7/25social
Jevons, H S1931/3/8encloses typed copy of tract on exchanges from father's library
Jevons, H Son death of his morther
Jevons, H S1931/3/12re date of Baldwin pamphlet
Jevons, H Stanley19/07/1893social
Jevons, H Stanley1909/9/27on solar cycles and crop yields
Jevons, H Stanley1909/9/16HSF to be referee for chair at Sheffield
Jevons, H Stanley1909/9/30re solar cycles etc
Jevons, H Stanley1909/12/10PC re book on solar cycles
Jevons, H Stanley25/10/1897on HSF's engagement, his father's library
Jevons, Harriet10/05/1885general chat
Jevons, Harriet27/01/1885re cards etc
Jevons, Harriet29/05/1885re publishing Jevons/Grenfell letter etc
Jevons, Harriet17/02/1885re catalogue, cards etc
Jevons, Harriet01/01/1885re editing the Logic volume, Mills' criticism
Jevons, Harriet28/01/1897(part of a letter) re publication of Jevons' papers and writing preface, thanks HSF for help
Jevons, Harriet05/09/1897congratulates HSF on engagement
Jevons, Harriet29/03/1885re letter from Macmillans
Jevons, HarrietJune 1883to Walras re his letters to Jevons (copy)
Jevons, Harriet 11/07/1886re proposal to publish Jevons' papers on logic
Jevons, Harriet 24/02/1886proofs of book of Jevons
Jevons, Harriet 29/07/1886social
Jevons, Harriet 27/06/1886on book on Jevons
Jevons, Harriet A11/10/1883on Jevons and his memorial
Jevons, Harriet A14/07/1883re a book
Jevons, Harriet A19/05/1883re Harley's memoir of Jevons
Jevons, Harriet A09/05/1883re Jevons's book diagrams
Jevons, Harriet A24/02/1883re Jevons's book diagrams
Jevons, Harriet A31/05/1883re Jevons's bank diagrams and book on Jevons's writings
Jevons, Harriet A19/04/1883re book on Jevons's writings
Jevons, Harriet A29/10/1883proofs of book on Jevons
Jevons, Harriet A06/12/1883re Jevons's diagrams
Jevons, Harriet A19/12/1883book on Jevons's and Walras's translation of the Theory
Jevons, Harriet A01/09/1883re bibliography
Jevons, Harriet A24/07/1883social
Jevons, Harriet A29/09/1883re book on Jevons
Jevons, Harriet A31/01/1883re printing of Jevons's social essays
Jevons, Harriet A01/11/1883Mr Mills, Jevons and credit cycles
Jevons, Harriet A22/01/1883re printing of Jevons's works
Jevons, Harriet A12/04/1883printing of Jevons's Mehtods of Social Reform and his memorial
Jevons, Harriet A23/04/1883re Jevons's bank diagrams
Jevons, Harriet A04/04/1883preface to Jevons's Methods of Social Reform
Jevons, Harriet A?her preface to Jevons's Methods of Social Reform
Jevons, Harriet A03/11/1883John Mills, Jevons and credit cycles
Jevons, Harriet A15/10/1883printing of Jevons's works
Jevons, Harriet A04/08/1883re Jevons's diagrams
Jevons, Harriet A03/03/1883re printing of Jevons's works
Jevons, Harriet A21/06/1896asks HSF if he is to go to Chair in Japan
Jevons, Harriet A02/09/1894re her son going to Cambridge
Jevons, Harriet A13/07/1898on wedding present for HSF
Jevons, Harriet A30/08/1890social
Jevons, Harriet A03/12/1882re Jevons's bibliography
Jevons, Harriet A16/11/1882on publication on Jevons
Jevons, Harriet A15/10/1882on publication on Jevons
Jevons, Harriet A22/10/1882social
Jevons, Harriet A11/02/1897re introduction to reprint of Jevons's works
Jevons, Harriet A07/03/1889re new edition of The Coal Question
Jevons, Harriet A24/09/1882social
Jevons, Harriet A23/11/1882re Jevons's bibliography
Jevons, Harriet A23/09/1882re Jevons's papers for his last book he was writing
Jevons, Harriet A02/11/1882on Jevons's papers
Jevons, Harriet A02/10/1887re reprint of Jevons' theory, book on Logic
Jevons, Harriet A02/12/1887help on proposed books, criticisms of Mill
Jevons, Harriet A06/06/1895re Jevons' manuscript notes
Jevons, Harriet A04/05/1893Cambridge visit, Jevons' manuscript notes
Jevons, Harriet A07/05/1893missed HSF in Cambridge
Jevons, Harriet A05/02/1884re introduction to Jevons' book
Jevons, Harriet A03/01/1884re index etc
Jevons, Harriet A13/01/1884re proof of diagrams, Walras etc
Jevons, Harriet A09/06/1884pleased with Investigations
Jevons, Harriet A26/02/1884re proof of bibliographye tc
Jevons, Harriet A15/02/1884diagrams and bibliography
Jevons, Harriet A27/11/1884re Jevons' Principles and papers
Jevons, Harriet A05/08/1884re brother-in-law
Jevons, Harriet A03/03/1884PC found sketch of Principles
Jevons, Harriet A18/10/1884PC social
Jevons, Harriet A06/07/1884Investigations etc
Jevons, Harriet A28/12/1884re Principles
Jevons, Harriet A07/06/1891re letter from Macmillans
Jevons, Harriet A13/02/1891re progress of Principles
Jevons, Hartiet A19/09/1879thanks HSF for sending Jevons some extract
Jevons, Henry10/07/1896asks HSF to stay during British Association meeting
Jevons, W S25/03/1878syllabus and lectureship at UCL
Jevons, W Stanley25/03/1878to University of London supporting HSF as examiner in Political Economy
Jex-Blake K to L Knowles 1922/9/21re banking books (see 2/33)
Jex-Blake, F W11/12/1872re fee due to HSF
Jex-Blake, K1920/8/13Girton College increase fee to HSF for service
Johanson, N1908/10/2sends his book with open letter to Taussig and others
John (HSF's uncle)31/05/1871general chat
John Crear Library1914/7/13re purchase of HSF's library
John Crear Library1914/6/12re sale of library - HSF's moans
John Crear Library1903/11/13re purchase of Geritson's library
John Crear Library1903/11/24on Geriston's library
John Crear Library1900/12/24offer to purchase HSF library (copy)
John Crear Library1901/2/27re offer to purchase HSF library (copy)
John Crerar Library, Chicago1927/8/27re HSF's book collection
John Lidgett & Sons11/11/1898PC re safe arrival of the "Loriana"
John Lidgett & Sons15/11/1893cheque and indenture for H Brown
John Lidgett & Sons15/11/1893re indenture for H Brown
John Lidgett & Sons03/11/1893PC re H Brown
John Lidgett & Sons16/11/1893re H Brown joining ship and receipts for his ship's clothing
John Lidgett & Sons24/11/1893to H Brown re joining ship
John Lidgett & Sons28/11/1893goods for H Brown
John Lidgett & Sons24/11/1893PC re order to H Brown to join ship
John Lidgett & Sons13/11/1893indenture for B Brown
John Lidgett & Sons15/10/1894H Brown absent from his ship
John Lidgett & Sons29/08/1898to Mrs E Dixon re payments to Brown
John Lidgett & Sons21/06/1898re Brown's pay
John Lidgett & Sons08/03/1898pc Brown's ship sailed from Rangoon
John Lidgett & Sons07/08/1896re Brown joining ship
John Lidgett & Sons19/08/1896Brown requested to join ship in Liverpool
John Lidgett & Sons16/04/1895pc Brown's shipin Cape Town
John Lidgett & Sons14/06/1895pc Brown's shipin Newcastle NSW
John, H06/08/1889will support Clark for librarian
Johnian SocietyJun-28notice of dinner
Johns Cedric N1923/2/20re books on Robert Owen
Johns, ?26/04/1897to McNiel, Argentina, Russia etc
Johns, S N24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Johnson H G1916/8/3personal
Johnson Harold12/6/1897medals?
Johnson Harold19/11/1898cheque
Johnson Harold1922/8/4philosophy
Johnson Harold1922/7/31PC _ social
Johnson Harold I1909/4/24business enquiry
Johnson Harold I1923/11/21anti-socialist literature
Johnson J H Clifford1916/5/22continuous borrowing
Johnson Theodore23/9/1897social
Johnson, ?08/08/1890to send HSF Slang Dictionary
Johnson, Arthur N13/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Johnson, Cyril1921/8/18thanks HSF for book, note from Emy
Johnson, Dora1906/2/22to Olive on Audrey's whoopoing cough
Johnson, E (New Decimal Association)09/12/1896on metric number in the British Pharmocopeia
Johnson, Emmie19/10/1897general chat
Johnson, Emmie02/008/1897on HSF's engagement
Johnson, Emmie17/11/1897re Ernest's letter, family
Johnson, Emmie01/02/1897sends £200 to HSF etc
Johnson, Emmie07/02/1897thanks HSF for cheque, Corry family etc
Johnson, Emmie16/06/1897birthday greetings, family chat
Johnson, Emy01/12/1897social, memo cards etc
Johnson, Emy02/06/1897family etc
Johnson, Emy28/07/1897re letter from Ernest
Johnson, Emy24/12/1897Happy Christmas, family
Johnson, Emy11/05/1897general chat
Johnson, G19/11/1897to Olive, thanks for photo
Johnson, G B1919/1/8re job and thanks HSF
Johnson, G B1918/12/22seeks help to get a job
Johnson, G N11/11/1897Harold's farther, social
Johnson, Harold31/08/1896general
Johnson, Harold02/10/1896re travel to Birmingham
Johnson, Harold25/08/1896re train and general
Johnson, Harold15/08/1896chat re holidays
Johnson, Harold21/10/1896chat re holidays
Johnson, Harold10/09/1896re preparations for wedding
Johnson, Harold08/10/1896re family travel
Johnson, Harold25/11/1896thanks for present
Johnson, Harold1914/6/9social
Johnson, Harold27/08/1897family chat
Johnson, Harold31/01/1898social
Johnson, Harold28/03/1898family chat
Johnson, Harold28/04/1898general chat
Johnson, Harold15/08/1898general chat
Johnson, Harold1914/7/7social
Johnson, Harold1910/5/1on his father's death
Johnson, Harold1901/4/15family chat
Johnson, Harold1901/7/2on the workings of City Guilds etc
Johnson, Harold08/04/1897return of waistcoat, receipt for £200 etc
Johnson, Harold31/01/1897keys to deed box
Johnson, Harold28/03/1897flu, family, HSF's waistcoat
Johnson, Harold16/05/1897photos, family
Johnson, Harold28/04/1897Ernest's letter, family
Johnson, Harold08/06/1897photos etc
Johnson, Harold24/04/1897family chat
Johnson, Harold17/08/1897family chat
Johnson, Harold22/08/1897family
Johnson, Harold11/11/1897PC social
Johnson, Harold03/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Johnson, Harold07/08/1897general chat
Johnson, Harold11/09/1897PC social
Johnson, Harold14/07/1897shares, family
Johnson, Harold08/08/1897discount rates, HSF's library
Johnson, Harold30/09/1897family chat
Johnson, Harold10/08/1897re ring, family chat
Johnson, Harold20/08/1897family chat
Johnson, Harold04/06/1897social
Johnson, Harold S1901/11/27new job etc
Johnson, Octavius1915/10/13University Library Cambridge query on book purchase
Johnson, Octavius13/02/1896PC re book for University Library
Johnson, R W14/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Johnson, W E18/02/1895re work
Johnson, W E1901/6/30note on book titles
Johnston, F W26/08/1886re purchase of books by HSF
Johnston, F W29/08/1886re purchase of books by HSF
Johnston, F W23/10/1886re purchase of books by HSF
Johnston, Geo1911/1/18Edinburgh Bibliographical Society re Darien manuscript
Johnston, Geo P1930/5/2re some old Acts
Johnston, George1930/5/9re books
Johnstone, Edward18/10/1894publishing a letter in the Economist from Dr Scharling
Jonathon Capeflyers for three new books
Jones F H1910/3/7HSF’s views on Wicksteed’s book
Jones F H1906/3/6re questions for Dr William’s Divinity Scholarship exams
Jones Lloyd1922/10/19on brother’s death
Jones, B20/12/1886re an HSF paper on price curves
Jones, B1914/6/21re a job in Lahore
Jones, B02/04/1885Liberal Association and Kennington election
Jones, B04/04/1885Liberal Association and Kennington election
Jones, B22/04/1885industrial villages etc
Jones, B25/11/1886on HSF's "claims of labour" lecture
Jones, B (Co-op Wholesale Society)16/10/1891re French teaching
Jones, Ben17/06/1892Labour candidate for Woolwich and seeks HSF to speak for him
Jones, Ben20/06/1892re home rule for London
Jones, Benjamin1886Claims of Labour Lectures No 2: "What is meant by co-operation"
Jones, C Alfred13/08/1889to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian
Jones, E E C1887talk to Cambridge Economic Club on co-operative commonwealth
Jones, E E C1888talk to Cambridge Economic Club on luxury
Jones, F H21/06/1891re scholarship exams
Jones, Francis18/09/1890re proof of exam paper
Jones, Francis09/09/1890re exam questions for Divinity Scholarships
Jones, Francis03/11/1890thanks HSF for help with exams
Jones, Francis24/09/1890re exams at Dr William's Library
Jones, Francis H19/06/1890re exams in London
Jones, Francis H08/07/1890re exams for Dr Williams Library
Jones, Francis H15/09/1896enquiry on books
Jones, Francis H1910/2/28asks HSF suggestions on economics for the Doctor Williams Divinity Scholarship
Jones, Francis M1900/4/2asks HSF to exmaine for Dr Williams Library
Jones, G E1911/9/6presents his compliments etc
Jones, G L1908/1/30unable to go to feast
Jones, H L05/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Jones, Henry1896monograph: Silver and Cotton
Jones, Herbert E13/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Jones, J Margaret06/10/1883social
Jones, L I14/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Jones, Lloyd1930/8/5general
Jones, Lloyd1932/5/2social
Jones, Thomas1927/9/8Coleg Harlech thinks HSF's library should be in national collection
Jones, W H26/07/1889to Jenkinson supports Jenkinson for librarian
Jones, W Jenkyn02/08/1897asks for testimonial
Jordam Henry D1922/11/16asks to see HSF
Jordan H D1922/11/14advice on economic history study
Jordan H D1922/10/9query on research
Joseph Baer & Co1933/10/25sends book catalogue
Joseph Baer & Co13/04/1897PC re book on income tax
Journal of Political Economy10/04/1914asks HSF to review book by G I H Lloyd
Jowett, E1920/3/15introduction to J R Collins, Secretary of Australian Embassy
Jowett, E1920/3/11introduction to J R Collins, Secretary of Australian Embassy
Jowett, Edmund1919/7/16re war costs
Jowett, Edmund1920/3/11introduces the Secretary of Australian Treasury
Jowett, Edmund1924/5/24re paper money in Australia
Jowett, Edmund1919/11/7re value of gold, depreciation etc
Jowett, Edmund1919/11/5re Australian note issue and figures for other counties
Jowett, Edmund1919/11/6re Jevons on gold, silver ratio etc
Jowett, Edmund1919/12/24sends letter from Australian Treasury on note issue
Jowett, Edmund1922/5/22re gold monometallism etc
Jule P1920/9/22rates of exchange with letter from W North
Julie06/05/1870re her father's book
Julie21/05/1870HSF to get taste of her father's papers
Julie18/05/1870HSF to be sent her father's papers
Julie03/05/1870vicar says her father's books should be in Cambridge or Oxford
Julie25/05/1870sale of her father's books
Julie09/05/1870sale of Polyglott
Julie (cousin)06/06/1870family chat
Julie (cousin)20/04/1871asks about mss and a visit etc
Junior Economic Clublist of initial members
Justice04/12/1886article attaching HSF
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