Name Date Title
Kahn Augustus1907/4/23his economic studies & appointment as Head of Camden School
Kahn, Augustus??/02/1908re some note for UCL
Kahn, Ghaffer12/07/1906student enquiry
Kairy, A1917/4/5re a course
Kallankaren, P P1923/5/5re thesis
Kallukaren1923/12/8re job hunt in India
Kallukaren R L1923/5/8general chat
Kallukaren R L1922/6/23re Phd report & record of work
Kallukaren, P P1923/6/16PhD troubles
Kallukaren, P P1923/7/25gets his PhD
Kallukaren, P P1923/8/2re testimonial
Kallukaren, P P1921/3/15re his exam
Kallukaren, P P1921/4/5re his exam
Kallukaren, R1922/2/17cannot come to University - ill
Kanaya, S1925/8/1asks to meet HSF
Kanaya, S1925/8/5apologises for having written to Ernest
Kawada, Koichiro10/10/1895sends HSF a bank draft
Kealy, Dr29/04/1889PC will not vote in librarian election
Keating, G1923/7/10re thesis regulations
Keatinge, G1923/6/27on economic PhD thesis
Keatinge, G1923/7/1on economic PhD thesis
Keatinge, G F1927/7/13asked to act as examiner University of London with HSF
Keatinge, G F1927/7/21to meet HSF re examining
Keatinge, G F1926/7/18re Singh's examination
Keddekk F17/11/1871re Republican Club Cambridge
Keddell, S26/11/1871re HSF's acc of the Republica Club and discussion subject
Keen Ethel E1907/5/27asks about material on protection
Kelley Edmond1913/9/9bimetallism
Kelly01/06/1897way to his ranch
Kelly, Edmond19/04/1897transportation costs and bimetallism
Kelly, Edmond08/03/1897re work on municipal politics and rooms at St John's
Kelly, Edmond11/08/1897re work on municipal politics and rooms at St John's
Kelly, Edmond09/03/1897telegram on receipt of money
Kelly, Edmond29/01/1897re rooms in college
Kelly, Edmond1900/1/24re book on bimetallism
Kelly, Edmond1900/12/6PC re book on bimetallism
Kelly, Edmond11/05/1897PC social
Kelly, Edmund1901/9/27introduces Professor Jenks of Cornell University
Kelly, Edmund1901/9/27copy of 302/2
Kelly, Edmund1901/9/27re Jenks, sale of HSF's library, argument with Webb
Kelly, Edmund1901/2/15re his second volume on human evolution
Kelly, Edmund1901/10/10re article on municipal ownership
Kelly, F B19/04/1884re meeting on trains
Kelly, G1901/10/16re marked catalogue
Kelly, M E to Olive Foxwell02/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Kelly, Mary E1900/11/6to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie
Kelly's Directories Limited1935/6/6directors' report and accounts
Kelly's Directories Ltd1936/6/15re dividend payments
Kemble, Henry14/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Kemp, Chas15/06/1872HSF elected 1st Whewell scholar
Kempe, A B10/08/1889to Parry will probably not vote
Kendall, John14/06/1889thank you letter
Kendall, K27/01/1887asks HSF to lecture on the black death
Kennard H P1910/1/4The Russian Annual
Kenndy, C10/10/1874asks help on political economy
Kennedy A W 8/12/1897asks for Times article
Kennedy William1915/4/25re job in India
Kennedy, Alex H W16/12/1897re his friend on the Times
Kennedy, B HMS note on social law
Kennedy, C M20/06/1874exam results
Kennedy, Chas M30/10/1874HSF's papers very difficult
Kennedy, Dr16/12/1874his Epigram on the 1874 Tripos List (Charade)
Kennedy, F R?re books for political economy exam
Kennedy, M G1908/10/31asks HSF to vote for her brother
Kennedy, Mary14/01/1876cheque for fees, tutors, Sidgwick's engagement surprise
Kennedy, N1915/4/16asks HSF for reference for Glasgow chair
Kenny, Agnes M R1929/12/26pc HSF not paid sub to Cambridge District Nursing Association
Kenny, Courtney10/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Kenny, Courtneyre a prospectus
Kent, J Russell29/07/1886re action over estate of Cornelius Walford
Kent, J Russell10/08/1886re action over estate of Cornelius Walford
Kent, J Russell20/07/1886re extract from will of Walford attached
Kenyes, J N10/12/1881HSF appointed Secretary of Moral Sciences Board in Keynes's place
Kenyes, J N??/??/1881to apply for University College chair
Kenyon, F G1927/7/27to Scott, re access to Goldsmiths
Kenyon, F G1922/4/13re Dhume and missing book from British Museum
Kenyon, F G1922/4/19re Dhume and missing book from British Museum
Kenyon, F G1929/6/28PC re Bibliography Committee
Kenyon, F G1927/7/28to Scott re help for Bibliography
Ker, W P18/12/1891re visit to Cambridge
Ker, W P04/07/1898HSF's marriage
Ker, W P03/06/1892re UCL committee meeting
Ker, W P24/07/1892thanks HSF for collectino etc
Ker, W P13/07/1892asks for £5 for Godwin Fund
Ker, W P02/03/1896asks HSF for notes on economists for UCL history
Ker, W P1901/6/16sends draft testimonial for Birmingham
Ker, W P1901/6/16draft testimonial for Birmingham
Ker, Walter C A30/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Kerby, D M09/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Kerr, L P1911/5/17re University of London
Kerr, W P21/12/1895re history of HSF's chair
Kerr, W P18/06/1890asks HSF to be Vice Dean at UCL
Kerr, W P02/07/1893social
Kerr, W P05/03/1898enquiry on shipping
Kerr, W P07/03/1898thank you letter
Kershaw, Noel T21/05/1897asks HSF for comments on H Chaplin's chapter on the Agricultural Commissioin
Kethar S V1911/7/5asks to meet HSF
Kett Alice M1919/1/8audit of accounts of National Party
Key, Wm Henry28/01/1895re Ironfounders reports etc
Keynes J M1918/12/17re meeting with Japanese
Keynes J M1912/2/5asks for article for EJ
Keynes J M1912/12/13re obituary for EJ
Keynes J M1911/12/9re obituary for EJ
Keynes J M1922/7/12re E A G Robinson
Keynes J M1921/11/11on Edgeworth’s retirement
Keynes J M1925/4/26refers to Marshall & Fleeming Jenkin
Keynes J M1919/8/1re report to HMG on published statistics
Keynes J N1919/2/20re new eco syllabus prepared with Pigou and Lavington
Keynes J N13/7/1883standard of Cambridge exams: review of Sidgwick’s Principles
Keynes J N16/1/1883re Nicholson & Smith essay
Keynes J N26/3/1883general on PE
Keynes J N1910/9/17support for registrar’s job
Keynes J N1911/11/21re job for Hill
Keynes J N1911/11/23mentions JMK
Keynes J N1911/11/25Gilchrist Secretaryship
Keynes J N1911/11/20Gilchrist Secretaryship
Keynes J N27/6/1897exam papers
Keynes J N12/6/1897invigilation at University of London
Keynes J N1913/1/16re JMK’s Indian Currency
Keynes J N1918/7/28report on Phd proposals
Keynes Presentation Fund??/02/1926seeks subscriptions
Keynes, F A?thanks HSF for cuttings on John Bunyon
Keynes, F A1935/10/20thanks HSf for catalogue
Keynes, F A1930/11/26on Olive's death
Keynes, F A15/01/1893re Garnier's Traite, couldn't see Webbs
Keynes, F A1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Keynes, F A13/05/1895invites to lunch
Keynes, Florence A25/05/1897meeting of examiners in Moral Sciences
Keynes, Florence A27/05/1897change of date for meeting of Moral Science examiners
Keynes, F A1900/11/5on Marjorie's birth
Keynes, J M1914/7/29re notice of meeting item on present position of Goldsmiths' Library
Keynes, J N26/11/1893re Ricardo scholarship exam and proposed scheme for lectures
Keynes, J N13/11/1893to examine for Ricardo scholarship exam
Keynes, J M1918/10/12German books and EJ
Keynes, J M1922/7/17on Marshall
Keynes, J M1918/6/3re review of Bank Amalgamation Report for EJ
Keynes, J M1922/8/15re article for EJ
Keynes, J M1930/11/27on death of Mrs Foxwell
Keynes, J M1921/8/19PC re review of Irving Fisher
Keynes, J M1922/12/18re article on Bank of England in Manchester Guardian Supplement
Keynes, J M25/04/1882pc re system of banking remittances
Keynes, J M1915/3/23re war finance etc
Keynes, J M1931/3/31re a Keynes letter
Keynes, J M1932/5/24re annual meeting of Royal Economic Society
Keynes, J M1921/4/25on Economics mays meeting
Keynes, J M1927/5/30asks HSF to write obituary on Nicholson
Keynes, J M1917/10/26re HSF article for Economic Journal
Keynes, J M1917/10/29re HSF article for Economic Journal
Keynes, J M1917/11/4size of articles for Economic Journal
Keynes, J M1917/12/30the reprint of HSF article
Keynes, J M1930/5/18re HSF's Presidential Address
Keynes, J M1924/4/30re monument to Joan Keynes
Keynes, J M1924/5/4asks HSF to write note on Child's Bank for Economic Journal
Keynes, J M1926/4/10thanks HSF to note on Malthus and Ricardo
Keynes, J M1926/3/31asks HSF for details on Malthus
Keynes, J M1925/12/3on inflation and deflation
Keynes, J M1914/4/18re HSF review for Economic Journal
Keynes, J M1914/12/3re Dr Pinkus
Keynes, J M1921/3/7asks HSF to do a job for him
Keynes, J M1925/4/8re economic history in EJ and experimental economic history
Keynes, J M1912/1/25asks HSF to be examiner in economics with his father
Keynes, J M1916/4/8cheque for EJ articles, proofs etc
Keynes, J M1919/7/7PC re letter of condolence to Mrs Cunningham
Keynes, J M1927/7/12asks HSF for proof of Review of Barclay's Bank
Keynes, J M1922/8/23re article fo EJ, project for series of Notes on Literature of Pol Econ for EJ etc
Keynes, J M1917/5/13re articles for EJ
Keynes, J M1919/10/10PC re notices of Cunningham
Keynes, J M"Herbert Somerton Foxwell 1849-1936" from proceedings of British Academy Vol XXII
Keynes, J M1913/11/1not thrilled with Hsu's thesis
Keynes, J M1913/11/4to dine with HSF
Keynes, J M1936/11/19proofs of his obituary of HSF
Keynes, J M1923/12/11RES meeting agenda
Keynes, J M1915/4/21RES submission to University of London on Goldsmiths
Keynes, J M1932/3/7re meeting of RES coucnil
Keynes, J M14/04/1897PC thanks HSF
Keynes, J M1916/3/27PC delay in paper supply for EJ
Keynes, J M1913/5/22meeting of Special Board
Keynes, J M1911/5/22PC re examiner's meeting
Keynes, J M1926/11/16notice of RES Council meeting
Keynes, J M1938/8/17to Audrey Foxwell, to see AF's memoir of HSF
Keynes, J M1914/10/29re RES Council meeting
Keynes, J M1932/2/22re RES publication of Bonar's book on Adam Smith's library
Keynes, J M1917/12/15asks HSF to forward letter
Keynes, J M1919/6/20Agenda of Council of RES, draft for Annual Meeting etc
Keynes, J M1919/8/28re article on Goldsmith's books
Keynes, J M1919/8/29re opinions of Edgeworth on Cunningham notice
Keynes, J M1919/6/22Cunningham, LSE etc
Keynes, J M1919/6/24PC re Mrs Knowles
Keynes, J M1919/7/6sends Mrs Knowles's contribution etc
Keynes, J M1919/8/13re the Cunningham notice for EJ
Keynes, J M1919/8/24thanks for Cunningham notice for EJ, Goldsmiths
Keynes, J M1927/10/12balance of trade table
Keynes, J M1936/4/22sends his talk on Jevons
Keynes, J M1930/4/9re AGM of RES and HSF's address
Keynes, J M1930/4/15PC suggests "The Influence of Ricardo" as title of HSF's address
Keynes, J M1930/4/24PC wants title
Keynes, J M1932/3/1re argument over Bonar's volume
Keynes, J M1927/5/21re proof of Barclay's Bank article
Keynes, J M1917/7/13PC re an HSF article
Keynes, J M1917/7/9PC re an HSF article
Keynes, J M1930/2/24PC nomination sent to Bowley
Keynes, J M1929/6/28PC re Bibliography Committee
Keynes, J M1917/11/15re copyright on HSF article
Keynes, J MAug-14"War and the Financial System"
Keynes, J N03/04/1891syllabus for economic history
Keynes, J N30/01/1891syllabus for economics and JNK's book
Keynes, J N26/02/1891Edgeworth's election
Keynes, J N12/11/1889re tripos exams
Keynes, J N14/11/1889re tripos exams
Keynes, J N17/01/1888re Thorold Rogers and Chair at Oxford
Keynes, J N16/02/1888Keynes' application for Oxford chair
Keynes, J N13/02/1888re Whewell chair Oxford
Keynes, J N21/009/1884re HSF's lectures etc
Keynes, J N02/04/1885British Assoc meeting and Keynes on free trade
Keynes, J N04/10/1882re Keynes' theory lectures etc
Keynes, J N09/08/1882re mathematics in economics
Keynes, J N04/02/1895re examiners in moral science
Keynes, J N21/06/1895London exam papers
Keynes, J N22/06/1895London exam papers
Keynes, J N21/10/1896a memorial(?)
Keynes, J N07/10/1896re introducing Political Economy into London BA
Keynes, J N20/03/1882re testimonial
Keynes, J N24/02/1887re Marshall etc
Keynes, J N28/06/1882re exam papers
Keynes, J N06/06/1884asks to review Jevons' book
Keynes, J N02/06/1884re Jevons' book
Keynes, J N14/12/1894on lecture details and political economy results
Keynes, J N12/06/1896re exam papers
Keynes, J N20/05/1896re exam papers
Keynes, J N1931/4/29social
Keynes, J N13/09/1877lecture arrangements and row with Fawcett about Macleod
Keynes, J N25/06/1897exam paper matters
Keynes, J N02/03/1898re Special Board for Moral Sciences
Keynes, J N13/02/1896on Petty's Treatise on Taxes and C?
Keynes, J N24/01/1890on Mas and MSc meetings and bimetallism
Keynes, J N27/11/1890Economic Club and Oxford Chair
Keynes, J N26/11/1895re some papers
Keynes, J N1927/10/12re meeting of Royal Economic Society
Keynes, J N34/1/1901on marginal utitlity and value
Keynes, J N1917/11/5on a university matter
Keynes, J N1917/11/11on a university matter
Keynes, J N1912/1/24asks HSF to join Special Board of Economics and Politics
Keynes, J N1903/7/22re book lists
Keynes, J N16/03/1881testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair
Keynes, J N20/05/1895re exam papers
Keynes, J N18/01/1898asks HSF to be member of Moral Sciences Board, Degree Committee and to examine in Political Economy special
Keynes, J N1911/1/14to meet Mr Stephenson
Keynes, J N1913/6/12asks HSF to reconsider proposed resignation from Special Board for Economics and Politics
keynes, J N1912/1/27re SHF's membership of Special Board for Economics and Politics
Keynes, J N19/05/1895PC re exam papers
Keynes, J N1912/1/31thanks HSF for agreeing to examine in specials, letter from Marshall welcoming HSF's return to examining
Keynes, J N1900/12/22Sidgwick memorial circulars and HSF pamphlet on Irregularity of Employment
Keynes, J N28/08/1887Keynes on him on Foxwlel talk, job in Japan
Keynes, J N02/02/1880Moral Sciences Club meeting, syllogism
Keynes, J N18/11/1880re University College job, special papers
Keynes, J NNov 1880re applying for Jevons' chair
Keynes, J NNov 1880re applying for Jevons' chair
Keynes, J N1901/1/23asks HSF to look at article on Jevons for Encyclopaedia Britannica
Keynes, J N13/05/1897a problem in new regulations for Moral Sciences Tripos exams
Keynes, J N22/10/1898invites HSF to join Harvey Road Book Club, list of members
Keynes, J N30/10/1898re Harvey Road Book Club
Keynes, J N22/11/1893re exam questions, new regulations for Recognised Lecturers
Keynes, J N30/03/1895 re exam questions for Cambridge's London MA
Keynes, J N08/04/1891re combination of Political Economy and Economic History
Keynes, J N1901/6/16encloses copy of his testimony for HSF bid for Birmingham chair
Keynes, J N1908/6/18re petition about HSF on special board for Economics and Politics
Keynes, J N1913/11/20re list of books for special
Keynes, J N1904/7/29cheque for lecture
Keynes, J N14/04/1897on Marshall etc
Keynes, J N1908/1/11re a potential examiner
Keynes, J N27/10/1896copy of reply to University of London on changes to BA
Keynes, J N24/01/1896asks HSF to join Special Board for Moral Sciences
Keynes, J N12/07/1898on HSF's wedding, sends stool
Keynes, J N02/06/1894re invigilation etc
Keynes, J N02/06/1889money for co-operators visit
Keynes, J N07/05/1889offers help with co-operators visit
Keynes, J N06/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Keynes, J N1900/5/3list of women taking Moral Science exams
Keynes, J N25/04/1899questions to Civil Service of India exams
Keynes, J N??/06/1903re scholarships for Newnham
Keynes, J N??/06/1903Higher Local Exam Reps etc, HSF comments
Keynes, J N02/06/1886re paper on social aspet of banking
Keynes, J N12/11/1885on Nicholson on Ingram etc
Keynes, J N1914/6/17PC re meeting of examiners
Keynes, J N1914/5/4PC appointment of exmainers
Keynes, J N15/08/1897on HSF's engagement, sale of library
Keynes, J N14/07/1898PC re table for wedding present
Keynes, J N1930/6/27RES asks Higgs to prepare edition of Cantillon
Khan M A1927/1/19to meet HSF
Khan M A1927/2/8to meet HSF
Khan M A1927/1/12to meet HSF
Khan, C M1912/2/21re HSF manuscript for Royal Statistical Society
Khan, M A1927/2/12re his DSc at LSE
Khan, M A1927/2/11social
Kiddle, J W1901/6/26re sale of HSF's library
Kiddy A W1918/12/16re meeting HSF
Kiddy A1919/11/24translation of economics articles
Kiddy A1918/6/20silver question
Kiddy A W1919/9/2re HSF letter to The Banker
Kiddy A W1919/12/9resumption of stock exchange settlements in New York
Kiddy A W1915/11/22general
Kiddy A W1915/5/3general
Kiddy A W1917/7/23PE Club dinner
Kiddy A W1917/5/30re Federal Reserve Bulletin
Kiddy A W1917/5/4re PE Club etc
Kiddy A W1922/12/23reparations etc
Kiddy Arthur W1921/4/11thank you letter
Kiddy Arthur W1922/7/28re dinner for Bankers’ Magazine
Kiddy Arthur W1919/12/6contango rates
Kiddy Arthur W1916/1/29HSF lecture
Kiddy Arthur W1922/8/18HSF’s photo for Bankers’ Magazine
Kiddy Arthur W1921/12/30New Year greetings etc
Kiddy, A W1918/9/23re article in Naitonal Review
Kiddy, A W1921/1/15general
Kiddy, A W1918/12/13general chat
Kiddy, A W1919/2/4general chat
Kiddy, A W1915/1/25on continental gold reserves
Kiddy, A W1915/7/28re an article ona bank and gold question
Kiddy, A W1916/5/1Mexican exchange, Exchequer Bond
Kiddy, A W1934/12/31new years greetings
Kiddy, Arthur1922/8/1re piece on HSF in Morning Post
Kiddy, Arthur1916/1/27asks for HSF lecture on war finance
Kiddy, Arthur W1918/6/9re articles from J C Smith
Kiddy, Arthur W1921/1/10PC general chat
Kiddy, Arthur W1935/12/31social
Kiddy, Arthur W1918/1/2re an HSF article and letter to Morning Post
Kiddy, Arthur W1918/1/5mainly social
Kiddy, Arthur W1917/12/29new year wishes
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/3/7re an HSF Economic Journal article and the Morning Post
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/11/7on need for war loans etc
Kiddy, Arthur W1917/3/22on stock exchange values
Kiddy, Arthur W1917/6/27general
Kiddy, Arthur W1926/1/9mainly on embargo on foreign loans
Kiddy, Arthur W1924/12/30general chat
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/2/2re article for The Morning Post
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/2/8re some lecture etc
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/10/30re a constitution fo the Bankers'Magazine, taxation etc
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/4/7Revenue Returns etc
Kiddy, Arthur W1919/7/22re some articles
Kiddy, Arthur W1919/8/18re statistical articles
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/10/24asks HSF to read manuscript
Kiddy, Arthur W1917/6/25re HSF's title for Morning Post
Kiddy, Arthur W1932/12/31rememebred by Tuesday Club
Kiddy, Arthur W18/14/1917thanks HSF for tickets
Kiddy, Arthur W1919/4/14re The Morning Post reference to HSF book
Kiddy, Arthur W1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/5/18will report HSF' lectures in The Morning Post
Kiddy, Arthur W1916/6/16re a proof for The Morning Post
Kiddy, Arthur W1914/10/20re HSF praise for Bankers Magazine
Kiddy, Arthur W1925/12/30Christmas and New Year greetings
Kiddy, Arthur W1925/12/31new year greetings, social
Kidman, J28/02/1895re article on bimetallism
Kidman, J25/02/1895asks HSF to write book on bimetallism
Kidman, James21/12/1870congratulates HSF etc
Kiling, V1919/8/11to Ernest general chat
Killick Sir Stephen1923/10/6social
Killick, J H M1922/6/29general chat
Kimmins, C W25/02/1895Universities Joint Board thanks HSF for services
Kinder, D L1914/5/25asks HSF to address LSE Christian Union
King Arthur N W1910/10/18re paper on credit
King & Son1908/5/18re an old book
King, A W W1909/5/4re publicatoin of HSF's lectures
King, Arthur W1908/12/9thanks HSF for help with proofs of King's history of Bank of England
King, Arthur W W1909/2/9on his History of the Bank of England
King, Arthur W W1916/3/29re publication of Naumann's 'Mittel Europa' and foreword
King, Arthur W W1916/3/15re 'Mittel Europa' by Naumann
King, Arthur W W1916/3/19re a book by Deschamps
King, Bolton16/07/1885re industrial villages
King, Edw G08/08/1889to Simken supports Jenkinson for librarian
King, Robert27/06/1884re Universities' Settlement
Kingdom T1914/6/24re a presentation
Kingdom T1914/1/28re Rushbrooke’s 21 years as head of St Olave’s School
Kingdom, T1914/6/21Rushbrooke Memorial Fund closing
King's College1901/1/28payment to HSF
King's College1908/5/13pays HSF
King's College1908/1/28pays HSF
King's College1906/4/26pays HSF
King's College1906/2/5pays HSF
King's College (?)1919/2/2re examiners meeting
King's College Cambridge1907/12/14sends HSF C R Fay's dissertation
King's College London1927/6/2invite to tea before Seligman's lecture
Kinwater, K04/09/1898asks to meet HSF
Kirby A R1919/5/27fixed exchange rates etc
Kirby, Arthur W1914/10/16on copies of The Bankers' Magazine
Kirby, Arthur W1915/2/2re a review of a book
Kirby, Arthur W1922/9/4proof piece on HSF in The Bankers' Magazine
Kirby, Arthur W1922/8/24re going on holiday
Kirby, Arthur W1918/5/22re mistake in The Morning Post
Kirby, E E W05/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Kirby, Thomas F24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Kirkaldy, A W1921/1/29asks HSF to be President of Section F of British Association
Kirkaldy, A W1921/2/3re Presidency of Section F of British Association
Kirkaldy, A W1915/4/1re Committee of British Association
Kirkpatrick, F1902/5/31PC on syllabus for extension course
Kirkpatrick, Fred A17/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Kitchin Joseph1919/2/3trade cycle chart
Kitchin Joseph1916/5/23working class savings, decimal coinage etc
Kitchin, Joseph1916/8/23re his trade cycles chart
Kitchin, Joseph1916/4/26re trde cycle charts
Kitchin, Joseph1916/4/12re his trade cycle chart etc
Kitchin, Joseph1920/7/7chart, interest rates and dividends
Kitching Joseph1917/6/27re statistics & economics
Kitching Joseph1916/4/28fixed & variable interest rates
Kitching Joseph1916/3/21chart on trade cycles
Kitching Joseph1916/3/18trade cycles
Kitching, Joseph1916/5/4general
Kitching, Joseph1917/6/20on trade cycles
Kitching, Joseph1918/4/22sends investment chart and note on it
Kitching, Joseph1919/4/16thanks HSF for book
Kitchins, Joseph1916/5/28his compliments to HSF on talk
Kitcthing Joseph1917/7/9re some work to Bowley
Knaus, C T13/09/1884student letter
Knight, W08/07/1896asks HSF to exmaine at St Andrews
Knight, W11/07/1896on examining
Knight, W26/06/1896re examaminers' meeting
Knight, William15/07/1897wants HSF to examine at St Andrews
Knoop, Douglas1916/7/23re some papers
Knowles L1920/12/11re LSE chair in Banking
Knowles L1919/8/1enquiry re American economist
Knowles L1916/4/15re books
Knowles L1912/11/15general
Knowles L1912/12/14Burleigh’s 1579 Bank proposal
Knowles L1915/11/2general _ Lee Smith’s present
Knowles L1915/10/25PC _ Lee Smith’s present
Knowles L1913/2/18social
Knowles L1921/3/22PC _ thanks for testimonial?
Knowles L1922/9/23re query on banking books
Knowles L1923/12/20re history of underwriting
Knowles L14-JunLSE dinner for HSF
Knowles L1918/4/6PC _ death of Cannan’s son
Knowles, E14/06/1870congratulates HSF on scholarship, social
Knowles, G12/11/1874congratulates HSF
Knowles, G02/11/1876Russian bonds, new lodgings
Knowles, L?newspaper reports of scandal
Knowles, L1917/11/5re marking exam papers
Knowles, L1916/2/29queries on books on 18th and 19th century France
Knowles, L1914/12/13re London University reduction of salaries
Knowles, L1914/12/12re London University reduction of salaries
Knowles, L1918/8/6re career alternative for HSF's daughter
Knowles, L1917/11/21re a query on old bills of exchange
Knowles, L1914/2/11re help for lSE librarian
Knowles, L1915/7/24review of a bad book on bills of exchange
Knowles, L1915/7/26thanks HSF for help with bills of exchange
Knowles, Ltell HSF that LSE salary may go up considerably
Knowles, L1919/8/30re the contribution to Cunningham notice
Knowles, L C A1922/8/20general chat
Knowles, L C A1919/4/14thanks HSF for book
Knowles, L G A1922/7/6farewell dinner from LSE
Knowles, Lees29/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Knowles, Lilian1926/2/26asks HSF to vote for Cannan as Co-Editor of Economic Journal
Knowles, Lilian1925/10/15re her son
Knowles, Lilian1921/2/24re retiring present for Miss Mactaggart (LSE)
Knowles, Miss L1910/1/25thank you letter
Knowles, Miss L1916/3/13general
Knowles, Mrs J1914/5/6asks HSF to address LSE Christian Union
Knowles, Mrs L29/07/1911re 2nd edition of Jaffe not at British Museum
Knowles, Mrs L11/07/1919re book from Cunningham's library
Knowles, Mrs L1922/7/18re dinner at LSE (?)
Knowles, Mrs L1915/9/15books
Knowles, Mrs L1918/8/4arranges to meet HSF's daughter and possible work experience for her
Knowles, Mrs L1910/6/18re proof of a history paper
Knowles, T14/08/1889PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Knutsford, Lord1925/12/10thanks HSF for book
Kock, W E30/04/1874re his night out
Kodama, H1902/10/21introduces T Kano
Kodera, S10/09/1895asks for introduction to Henry Higgs
Kohn, A1906/6/20re paper for Joseph Hume Scholarship
Koller, Emma to Olive Foxwell16/08/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Komishi, Y1930/3/10PC safe arrival in Tokyo
Konisho, Y1918/10/15asks HSF for research advice
Korvosi, Joseph11/10/1892on reprinting Granut
Krause, Dr R Howard27/01/1891compares weather, family
Krause, R11/10/1888to Emy, predicts crash in Argentina
Krause, R H06/07/1888social
Kress, Charles1939/1/1to Audrey re plaques at Kress Library
Kress, Claude W1938/10/27to Audrey Foxwell, sent photos of HSF plaques
Kreuter T ?students’ paper
Kuwada, K03/06/1898thanks HSF for introduction
Kyoto Imperial University1926/10/1re their Economic Review
Kyoto Imperial University1926/7/20re their new review
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