Name |
Date |
Title |
L Chaundry of Oxford Ltd | | flyer on book on Richard Beauchamp |
L J M | 1917/5/10 | thanks for quotes |
L W L | 1921/8/1 | PC _ on economics books |
La Revue Hebdomadaire | 1924 | sends HSF details of Revue |
La Riforma Sociale | 1927/6/15 | re sale of HSF's library with copy of HSF's reply |
La Riforma Sociale | 1927/9/26 | re sale of HSF's library |
Labour Association | 19/09/1889 | asks HSF for £1 for Productive Exhibition |
Labour Association | 11/10/1889 | sends HSF copy of from from Productive Exhibition |
Labour Association | 29/04/1889 | HSF to be guarantee of Productive Exhibition |
Labour Association | 12/10/1889 | thanks HSF for half guarantee for Productive Exhibition |
Labour Association | 18/02/1896 | thanks HSF for donation |
Labour Association | | "Five Years of Labour Association" |
Labour Association | 13/01/1885 | notes for conference delegates |
Labour Association | 21/04/1890 | send balance sheet etc |
Labour Association | 02/04/1890 | re their accounts |
Labour Association | 08/04/1890 | balance sheet of a new society |
Labour Association | 1896 | PC notice of meeting |
Labour Association | 1890 | sends propsectus of new society |
Labour Association | 14/02/1890 | on recent strikes |
Labour Co-Partnership | 19/02/1896 | asks if it can quote HSF on it book |
Labour Co-Partnership Association | 1903/6/27 | HSF to give paper at theie conference |
Labour Co-Partnership Association | 1903/7/9 | tickets for conference |
Labour Co-partnership Association | ??/05/1926 | their June congress |
Labour Co-partnership Association | 1910/2/28 | re annual meeting and encloses two pamphlets |
Labour Representation Newspapers, Printing & Publishing Co | Apr-07 | flyer for Bulletin of the ILO |
Labout Association | 12/08/1889 | PC invite to Crystal Palace Exhibition |
Lacaita, C C | 1901/10/23 | social |
Lackany S | 1918/12/21 | asks HSF for reference |
Lackany, S | 1919/1/8 | asks HSF to testimonial |
Lackany, S | 1917/12/10 | social chat |
Lackany, S | 1918/8/30 | re inventions etc |
Lackany, S | 1918/8/30 | to C T Heycock (copy) re properties of metals etc |
Lackany, S | 1918/8/12 | asks support for invention of electric wire |
Lacouta C C | 1911/5/3 | social |
Lacouta, C C | 10/11/1913 | social |
Lady Margaret Boat Club | | appeal for Old Johnian Henly Fund |
Lafayette Ltd | 1926/9/9 | re photograph of HSF |
Lal, M | 1908/6/4 | re lectureship in India etc |
Lal, Mandhar | 1909/2/3 | on his election to chair in Calcutta and thanks HSF |
Lal, Manoka | 1901/4/6 | re his exam results |
Lal, Mausher | 03/08/1908 | re 1908 election to Marshall's Chair |
Lammer, Mary E | 12/03/1899 | re Menger's book and Macmillan |
Lamont, Joseph | 1911/12/27 | pc re article in Times on books |
Lamor, J | 12/06/1896 | to Mrs Dorrington, asks her and Olive to breakfast |
Lampson, E L | 1920/7/19 | asks for funds for the People's Union for reduing government expenditure |
Lancaster, Mabel | 09/05/1879 | social |
Lancaster, Mabel | 26/03/1880 | social - below stairs |
Lancaster, Mabel | ??/06/1880 | asks to borrow £3 |
Lancaster, Mabel | ??/06/1880 | social |
Lancaster, Mabel | 11/11/1880 | social |
Lancaster, Mabel | 17/04/1879 | her address as prostitute |
Lancaster, Mabel | 24/04/1879 | rendez-vous |
Lancaster, Mabel | 21/06/1879 | surprised to hear from HSF again |
Lanchester, Ray | 07/12/1898 | social |
Land & Water | 1917/9/12 | encloses article by Arthur Kitron, asks HSF to write article |
Land & Water | 1917/9/15 | wanted HSF article |
Landell, E H | 1930/5/16 | to Audrey, re job interview |
Lander Mrs | 1911/9/25 | subs for Economic Club |
Lander, Beatrice | 1911/9/26 | receipts for subscriptions |
Lander, Beatrice | 1922/10/29 | HSF elected honorary member of the Economic Club |
Landry, A | 1911/7/23 | to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living |
Lane, Blanche E | 1930/11/24 | on Olive's death |
Langham, J J | 17/07/1889 | to Tilley supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Langley, ? | 1925/11/18 | on death of her husband |
Langley, E | 01/03/1894 | bimetallism |
Langley, J N | 27/05/1913 | petition of some sort to do with Degrees |
Langley, J N | 12/07/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Langley, J N | 10/02/1897 | rooms in college for Kelly |
Langley, J N | 14/02/1897 | re rooms for Kelly in Trinity |
Langley, J N | 19/02/1897 | PC to MacAlister re rooms |
Langley, J N | 18/05/1898 | re Trinity Ball |
Langley, J N | 1911/1/30 | on Larmor as parliamentary candidate |
Langley, J N | 1902/4/27 | social |
Langley, J N | 1921/11/27 | social |
Langley, John N | ??/??/1875 | social |
Langton, H H | 1921/4/26 | re books for University of Toronto |
Lankester, E Ray | 10/11/1886 | re standard of ? |
Lankester, E Ray | 08/06/1889 | re lectures on Darwin |
Lankester, E Ray | 31/01/1893 | social |
Lankester, E Ray | 29/01/1887 | UCL business |
Lankester, E Ray | 16/06/1889 | on Audrey Foxwell's birth |
Lannard, Wilhemina | 1907/5/24 | student letter |
Lapton Brothers | 17/06/1896 | re bookcase and books |
Lareberg, Emile | 09/08/1874 | PC re some translation |
Lareberg, Emile | 29/05/1873 | PC thanks for Jevons volume |
Lareberg, Emile | | PC sends paper on the landless question |
Lareberg, Emile | 25/07/1888 | PC re a translation |
Larmer, J | 04/04/1896 | re Italian trip |
Larmor, ? | 1915/10/5 | on chemistry book |
Larmor, ? | 03/08/1898 | on HSF's married state |
Larmor, ? | 05/08/1898 | HSF's room in St John's |
Larmor, ? | 09/08/1898 | St John's chat |
Larmor, ? to Olive Foxwell | 04/07/1899 | re christening of Audrey |
Larmor, C | 13/06/1898 | re exams at University of London etc |
Larmor, J | 1901/8/18 | re HSF debt |
Larmor, J | 1927/3/14 | taxation etc |
Larmor, J | 23/06/1887 | re W A Russell being passed over in College Scholarship election |
Larmor, J | 15/01/1894 | general chat |
Larmor, J | 12/01/1894 | general chat |
Larmor, J | 13/12/1888 | sends books and descibtes |
Larmor, J | 1918/11/26 | re improvement of secondary schools |
Larmor, J | 1909/7/6 | re meeting some person |
Larmor, J | 05/11/1883 | re University College appointment |
Larmor, J | 05/06/1895 | St John's elections - HSF says he will resign in favour of Sandys |
Larmor, J | 05/05/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Larmor, J | 1909/1/25 | general chat |
Larmor, J | 1939/1/10 | to Audrey Foxwell, re some money etc |
Larmor, J | 1938/10/22 | to Audrey Foxwell on Harvard payments |
Larmor, J | 1936/11/22 | to Audrey HSF's state, library etc |
Larmor, J | 1936/11/15 | to Audrey re library |
Larmor, J | 1936/10/23 | to Audrey on brother's death |
Larmor, J | 1937/6/2 | to Audrey valuation fee of bibliography, HSF estate etc |
Larmor, J | 1937/6/8 | to Audrey re Higgs fee, Harvard etc |
Larmor, J | 1937/4/20 | to Audrey re Harvard offer etc |
Larmor, J | 1936/9/22 | to Audrey re Harvard payments etc |
Larmor, J | 1936/10/2 | to Audrey re valuation of books etc |
Larmor, J | 1936/9/21 | to Audrey re valuation etc |
Larmor, J | 1937/7/5 | to Audrey re valuation and death duties |
Larmor, J | 1937/12/6 | to Audrey re advice on investments, Harvard etc |
Larmor, J | 1937/7/8 | to Audrey re estate and probate duty |
Larmor, J | 1938 | to Audrey photos of Harvard, Keynes obituary etc |
Larmor, J | | to Audrey history of collection (incomplete) |
Larmor, J | 1938/3/13 | to Audrey re expenses from estate |
Larmor, J | 1939/5/5 | to Audrey asks if estate matters complete |
Larmor, J | 1939/2/7 | to Audrey re bank account, dividends |
Larmor, J | 1939/12/22 | to Audrey general seasonal chat |
Larmor, J | 1939/7/6 | to Audrey sends dividend warrants |
Larmor, J | 1937/4/24 | to Audrey re HSF's library to Harvard etc |
Larmor, J | 30/12/1890 | re HSF's health, new year greetings etc |
Larmor, J | 08/04/1895 | re invitation |
Larmor, J | 20/04/1895 | insists on sharing costs with HSF |
Larmor, J | 1901/8/26 | cheque, lecture etc |
Larmor, J | 1937/12/28 | to Audrey Foxwell re HSF portrait |
Larmor, J | 1936/9/15 | to Audrey Foxwell re Harvard purchase of notes on pamphlets |
Larmor, J | 1938/6/21 | to Audrey Foxwell re no corrected account from Harvard |
Larmor, J | 1937/6/18 | to Audrey Foxwell re offer of £100 for bibliography by Peggy and Audrey |
Larmor, J | 1937/6/15 | to Audrey Foxwell re Higgs and completion of catalogue |
Larmor, J | 1937/6/26 | to Audrey Foxwell re Harvard and Columbia and Seligman medalling |
Larmor, J | 1938/6/19 | to Audrey Foxwell re query over payment for library |
Larmor, J | 1940/2/22 | to Audrey Foxwell concern about settlement of HSF's estate |
Larmor, J | | to Audrey Foxwell (part of letter) re Harvard and British Academy |
Larmor, J | 1937/6/2 | to Audrey Foxwell re expenses etc for shipping library |
Larmor, J | 1937/3/29 | to Audrey Foxwell re bank balance |
Larmor, J | 1937/9/20 | to Audrey Foxwell Harvard, British Museum |
Larmor, J | 2/2/19.9 | to Audrey Foxwell legacy increased by £7000 |
Larmor, J | 1937/11/3 | to Audrey Foxwell re HSF's letters |
Larmor, J | 1937/7/7 | to Audrey Foxwell re probate puzzle |
Larmor, J | 1937/7/18 | to Audrey Foxwell signed probate, expenses |
Larmor, J | 1937/11/5 | to Audrey Foxwell sends cheque |
Larmor, J | 1937/10/8 | to Audrey Foxwell re catalogue, general chat |
Larmor, J | 1937/11/26 | to Audrey Foxwell £3000 of library still to go, dividend etc |
Larmor, J | 1938/3/28 | to Audrey Foxwell re expenses etc |
Larmor, J | 1937/11/22 | to Audrey Foxwell problem with Harvard over HSF letters, Scott's book on Smith |
Larmor, J | 1938/6/22 | to Audrey Foxwell details of 1929 contract with Harvard, C C Scott's account |
Larmor, J | 1935/9/1 | to Audrey Foxwell C C Scott's work, valuations etc |
Larmor, J | 1935/10/5 | to Audrey Foxwell C C Scott's procedures for packing |
Larmor, J | 1936/9/28 | to Audrey Foxwell on the catalogue |
Larmor, J | 1936/9/1 | to Audrey Foxwell re value, Higgs etc |
Larmor, J | 1937/3/1 | to Audrey Foxwell getting out of college rooms, sides with Keynes rather than Higgs |
Larmor, J | 1937/2/26 | to Audrey Foxwell re payment from Harvard etc |
Larmor, J | 1936/2/22 | to Audrey Foxwell valuations etc |
Larmor, J | 1936/8/4 | to Audrey Foxwell re Post Office account |
Larmor, J | 1937/5/5 | to Audrey Foxwell his legacy spent on tablet in Goldsmiths |
Larmor, J | 1937/5/12 | to Audrey Foxwell re cheques for payment by AF |
Larmor, J | 1937/1/19 | to Audrey Foxwell HSF's will papers which he has signed |
Larmor, J | 1938/12/28 | to Audrey Foxwell letter sent to America |
Larmor, J | 1937/6/28 | to Audrey Foxwell re valuation in relation to contract of sale |
Larmor, J | 1938/5/8 | to Audrey Foxwell, re letter to Harvard |
Larmor, J | 1937/8/31 | to Audrey Foxwell, estate duty, W F Scott re cataloguing |
Larmor, J | 19/08/???? | to Audrey Foxwell, Scott's letter, Seligman and bibliography |
Larmor, J | 1936/10/10 | to Audrey Foxwell, re packing and shipping books |
Larmor, J | 1938/1/6 | to Audrey Foxwell, re some shares |
Larmor, J | 1938/7/5 | to Audrey Foxwell, cheque, fame of collection spreading in the US |
Larmor, J | 1937/1/11 | to Audrey Foxwell, letter to Harvard |
Larmor, J | | PC trip to France |
Larmor, J | 05/05/1894 | HSF ill, master of St John's "going mad" |
Larmor, J | 18/05/1896 | sends cheque as permanent loan |
Larmor, J | 1936 | MS notes on HSF's life |
Larmor, J | 1936/11/9 | re letter from Harvard (512/20) |
Larmor, J | 1938/12/2 | re statement of library affairs |
Larmor, J | 13/08/1892 | re Chapel Cross, electricity for St John's etc |
Larmor, J | 30/08/1892 | PC re chairs at St John's |
Larmor, J | 30/07/1892 | re Chapel Cross etc for St John's |
Larmor, J | 06/08/1897 | re marriage, finaces, library |
Larmor, J | ??/08/1897 | sends holiday address |
Larmor, J | 03/08/1897 | on HSF's engagement |
Larmor, J | 1929/6/14 | to Olive HSF St John's birthday dinner with signed menu |
Larmor, J | 10/03/1897 | encloses 'work of art' |
Larmor, J | 1926/8/3 | to AF deaths of brother and HSF |
Larmor, J | 1926/10/6 | sends HSF £5 gift |
Larmor, J | 1938/12/6 | to AF cheque for C C Scott |
Larmor, J | 1941/3/31 | to AF on HSF's estate |
Larmor, J | 1927/4/9 | reprint of his article in Supplement to Nature |
Larmor, J | 06/01/1891 | social |
Larmor, Joseph | 02/07/1891 | re college duties, committees |
Larmor, S | 25/08/1895 | general chat |
Larmour, J (?) | 25/08/1899 | on expenses |
Larnor, ? | 1928/8/8 | re income tax |
Larose, L | 31/07/1895 | re Revue d'Economique Politique |
Larve, F W | 1914/6/29 | student letter |
Laski, Freida | 1929/3/18 | thanks HSF for letter on Allyn Young's death |
Laski, Frieda | 1919/3/19 | re a letter HSF to Professor Young |
Laski, Harold | 1929/3/31 | letter 524/28 found in Allyn Young's papers |
Latham, H | 25/10/1880 | lectures, papers etc |
Latham, Henry | 16/04/1877 | social |
Lathem, J S | 1912/6/4 | HSF income tax, appointed Director of Studies at St John's College for 3 years |
Laughlin, J Laurence | 28/04/1892 | wants list of duplicates of HSF's books, bibliography etc |
Laughlin, Lawrence | 10/03/1892 | asks HSF about books for new university at Chicago |
Laughlin, T Lawrence | 02/01/1899 | re sale of HSF's library |
Laurence, R | 1907/6/2 | PC re exams |
Laurence, R Vere | 1908/4/27 | re Trinity College exams |
Laurence, R Vere | 1914/9/7 | D H Robertson's fellowship dissertation |
Laurence, R Vere | 1929/1/21 | coming to St John's feast |
Laurence, T J | 21/11/1885 | re Whewell Scholarship exams |
Laurent ? | 1917/12/28 | PC _ general |
Laurent, ? | 1915/1/27 | re books |
Laurent, A | 26/12/1915 | letter in French |
Laurie, Reg. Mortlake | 03/06/1873 | social |
Lavington F | ? | re specials & Fay’s lectures |
Lavington F | 1919/2/19 | book on foreign exchange |
Lavington, F | 1928/7/23 | re book on London issuing houses |
Lavington, F | 1923/5/12 | re Economics Special Board etc |
Lawe F W | 1919/12/6 | asks HSF to be President of College Economic Discussion Club |
Lawe F W | 1918/3/21 | asks HSF to be a referee for jobs |
Lawe J N | 21/6/1818 | re son who is POW |
Lawe, F W | 1919/12/18 | HSF to be President of St John's Economic Club |
Lawer, M R | 1907/10/18 | re C R Fay's fellowship dissertation |
Lawes, J B | 27/04/1885 | sends HSF book |
Lawrence E Vere | 1916/6/27 | Cambridge exams |
Lawrence R | 1917/6/12 | Trinity tutor’s meeting |
Lawrence R V | 1917/5/12 | re lunch |
Lawrence R V | 1913/2/5 | re a memorial |
Lawrence R Vere | 1907/1/18 | re scholarship exams at Cambridge |
Lawrence, Mabel | 1930/12/16 | on her father's (Wicksteed) 'Co-ordination of the Laws of Distribution' |
Lawrence, Mabel | 1931/3/8 | on her father's (Wicksteed) 'Co-ordination of the Laws of Distribution' |
Lawrence, Mabel | 1931/1/2 | on her father's (Wicksteed) 'Co-ordination of the Laws of Distribution' |
Lawrence, R | 1914/6/6 | on D H Robertston's thesis |
Lawrence, R | 1914/9/26 | on D H Robertston's thesis |
Lawrence, R | 1914/10/7 | on D H Robertston's thesis |
Lawrence, R | 1914/10/10 | on elections to Trinity |
Lawrence, R Vere | 1918/5/7 | Mays exams |
Lawrence, R Vere | 1919/5/13 | social |
Lawrence, R Vere | 1924/11/13 | social |
Lawrence, R Vere | 1924/11/15 | social |
Lawrence, T J | 15/05/1886 | re Whewell Scholarship exam |
Lawrence, T J | 04/06/1886 | re Wherwell exams |
Lawrence, T J | 21/05/1886 | re Wherwell exams |
Lawrence, T J | 31/05/1886 | re Wherwell exams |
Lawrence, T J | 07/05/1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Lawrence, T J | 13/11/1885 | re Whewell Scholarship exams |
Lawson W R | 1921/5/16 | PC _ re book Europe After the World War |
Lawson W R | 1919/6/4 | re article on Paper in Current Finance |
Lawson, J | 29/09/1893 | social |
Lawson, J (?) | 03/10/1893 | re a servant at St John's |
Lawson, John | 21/09/1893 | re jubilee of Queen's College Taunton |
Lawson, W R | 1917/12/22 | on the war |
Lawson, W R | 1917/3/23 | re HSF paper on inflation |
Lawson, W R | 1919/4/19 | on HSF's book |
Lax, Greenwell W | 21/08/1889 | PC supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Layton W I | 1910/7/18 | Rosenberg & index numbers |
Layton W T | 1911/6/29 | re exams |
Layton W T | 1911/6/29 | re exams |
Layton W T | 1911/6/30 | re exams |
Layton W T | 1911/6/29 | re exams |
Layton W T | 1912/4/1 | re Layton’s book |
Layton W T | 1912/11/6 | re job for friend |
Layton Walter | 1909/4/28 | career details |
Layton, E Dorothea | 1911/6/26 | re husband's papers |
Layton, W | ? | re price of a set of the Economist |
Layton, W | 1910/12/23 | on some economic query |
Layton, W | 1910/11/6 | re Ricardo scholarship |
Layton, W | 1910/11/10 | encloses questions for Ricardo scholarship |
Layton, W | 1909 | whether to accept job at University College on Board of Trade |
Layton, W | 1909/4/3 | decides to accept Newmarch lectureship |
Layton, W J | 22/03/1912 | resigns Newmarch lectureship |
Layton, W T | 1915/4/20 | re economic posts in Canada |
Layton, W T | 1913 | re exam questions |
Layton, W T | 1913 | re exam questions |
Layton, Walter | 1904/5/3 | arranging meeting etc |
Layton, Walter T | 1913/8/23 | social |
Le Devoir Social | ? | reconstructions |
Leach, A F | 06/01/1882 | re HSF examining at Lincoln's Inn |
Leach, A F | 10/01/1882 | re his classes at Lincoln's Inn |
Leach, A F | 17/01/1882 | asks to see exam paper |
Leach, A F | 20/01/1882 | ereturns exam paper |
Leach, Henry | 29/07/1889 | to Jenkinson supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Leader, R E | 1918/3/18 | re HSF's comments on his book |
Leader, R E | 1918/3/8 | re his book on a bank history |
Leader, R E | 1918/2/28 | re some HSF comments on his paper |
Leaf Walter | 1911/11/23 | suggests J M Keynes for Gilchrist job |
Leaf Walter | 1911/11/18 | Gilchrist Secretaryship |
Leaf, Walter | 15/10/1911 | social |
Leaf, Walter | 1918/9/17 | re regional trade reports |
Leaf, Walter | 08/02/1874 | Cambridge Union elections |
Leaf, Walter | 1915/3/15 | re job for HSF prodigy |
Leaf, Walter | 1916/10/27 | amount of coin held by UK banks |
Leaf, Walter | 1914/11/9 | general |
Leaf, Walter | 1907/10/21 | social |
League of Nations | 1923 | pc re lecture on League by L T Maxse |
League of Nations | 1921/4/1 | re a questionaire on trade unions etc |
League of Nations | 1921/4/1 | re a questionaire on production |
League of Nations Union | ??/12/1921 | re its fund |
League of Nations Union | 1921/10/21 | appeal for funds |
Leake P D | 1918/7/29 | UCL commerce degrees |
Leake P D | 1918/8/2 | re Balfour & Leake’s Book |
Leake, P D | 1918/1/7 | re HSF article in the Economic Journal |
Leake, P D | 1918/1/3 | re proposed HSF statement on Bank of England |
Leake, P D | 1918/2/5 | re some currency matter, books etc |
Leake, P D | 1918/2/1 | re enquiry into Bank of England etc |
Leake, P D | 1922/7/25 | assessment of service tax |
Leake, P D | 1922/7/19 | re proposal for new tax system |
Leake, P D | | article on Bonus Bonds |
Leake, P D | 1925/2/12 | asks about buying second hand P E books |
Leake, P D | 1925/2/16 | thanks HSF for help with second hand P E books |
Leake, P D | 1919/4/11 | thanks HSF for book |
Learing, Love? | 1919/10/24 | re studies |
Leatham J G | 1910/11/15 | nuisance of Catholic Church bells |
Leatham, J G | 1920/1/16 | re director's fees at St John's |
Leathern, Pansy | 1936/8/6 | to AF on death of HSF |
Leatheur, J G | 1910/6/14 | re a book |
Leay, Lord | 05/12/1893 | re job for man in India etc |
L'Economiale Europeen | 1916/7/19 | thanks for papers |
L'Economiale Europeen | 1917/7/20 | thank you letter |
Lee, Arthur | 19/06/1896 | asks HSF to see young man on bimetallism |
Lee, Arthur | 10/02/1896 | bimetallism |
Lee, Arthur | 25/12/1897 | on HSF's engagement news |
Lee, Arthur | 11/09/1896 | re paper he will read at Liverpool |
Lee, Arthur | 30/06/1896 | on the ratio |
Lee, Arthur | 03/07/1896 | on the ratio |
Lee, Arthur to Howell | 31/05/1895 | bimetallism |
Lee, H (?) | 04/03/1895 | general chat |
Lee, H T | 1911/1/18 | re Hague Ingram Fund |
Lee, H W | 18/01/1896 | exam papers of University of New Zealand |
Lee, T G | 25/05/1850 | monograph on "The Reconciler" |
Leeds Institute of Bankders | 1918/11/8 | re HSF lecture at Leeds |
Leeds University Extension | 1906/07 | report for the Session |
Lees, Daniel B | 06/08/1889 | to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Lees, Elsie | 02/09/???? | to Ernest social |
Lees, Fred | 1904/5/30 | re HSF lectures, enclosures |
Lees, S | 1930/11/27 | on Olive's death |
Lees, S | 1936/8/4 | to Audrey on HSF's death |
Leeson, R | ??/??/1868 | Cambridge University Volunteers |
Lees-Smith H B | 1911/10/14 | re Indian student Shah |
Lefare, G Shaw | 10/11/1894 | prices and gold and silver supplies and climbing ratio |
Legg, J W | 15/08/1881 | thanks for present |
Legg, J W | 05/10/1881 | on ethics |
Legg, J Wickham | 09/08/1881 | apologises for stealing HSF's Swiss railway guide |
Lehfeldt, R A | 1919/12/11 | on depreciation of the pound |
Leigh Clare, Ivan L | 1936/5/10 | to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death |
Leigh, A Austen | 12/02/1896 | on women in Cambridge |
Leigh, A Austen | 1901/10/18 | Pigou etc |
Leigh, Chas | 1927/9/8 | Manchester University re HSF's library (copy) |
Leigh, Chas | 1927/10/11 | Manchester University cannot afford HSF's library |
Leigh, Chas | 1927/6/25 | Manchester University re HSF's library |
Leigh, Chas | 1927/9/8 | Manchester University re HSF's library |
Leigh, Chas | 1927/10/7 | Manchester University re HSF's library |
Lennox, W G | 01/08/1897 | resolution to Marquis of Salisbury on ? of silver |
Leonard, A G | 07/11/1890 | re books on economic history for a friend |
Leonard, G H | | outline syllabus on lectures on Social History |
Leroy, Paul | 1911/8/8 | to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living |
Leslie Cliffe | 29/12/1879 | re book, Cairnes, Ricardo, Mc Culloch etc |
Leslie Cliffe | 6/12/1879 | re exams; views on Cairnes |
Leslie, Cliffe | 14/03/1881 | testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair |
Leslie, Cliffe | 14/03/1881 | re testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair |
Leslie, Cliffe | 13/03/1880 | Indian Civil Service exams |
Leslie, Cliffe | 21/02/1880 | Indian Civil Service exams |
Leslie, Cliffe | 03/10/1880 | asks HSF to read two articles of his |
Leslie, Cliffe | 06/10/1880 | Blanqui's book, Leslie Stephen, Cairns and Fawcett |
Leslie, Cliffe | 24/12/1880 | economics in universities, publishing etc |
Leslie, Cliffe | 22/12/1880 | health, on various economic issues, reprints |
Leslie, Cliffe | 14/01/1880 | exam questions, marking |
Leslie, J E Cliffe | 08/10/1880 | suppression of wages etc |
Leslie, J E Cliffe | 09/10/1880 | on Wages Fund etc |
Leslie, J E Cliffe | 11/10/1880 | PC Thorton and Wage's Fund |
Leslie, J E Cliffe | 1880 | MS notes on Land Systems in Ireland, England and Continental countries |
Leslie, Shane | 1931/1/7 | on history of bimetallism |
Leslie, Shane | 1931/2/14 | on bimetallism |
Leslie, Shane | 1930/10/25 | on Moreton and bimetallism |
Leslie, Shane | 1930/10/19 | re Morton Frewer |
Leslie, T E Cliffe | 15/04/1881 | religious and moral systems etc |
Leslie, T E Cliffe | 23/05/1881 | on HSF's chair, economic history etc |
Leslie, T E Cliffe | 10/04/1881 | to work on English economics and legal history |
LeTally, B B | 24/10/1881 | will miss some classes |
Leupp, Harold L | 1927/9/21 | re University of California's interest in HSF's library |
Leveaux, Montague | ? | re ball ticket |
Leveaux, Montie | 04/09/1897 | congratulations on engagement |
Levett, Arthur G | 1921/4/5 | to Ernest general chat |
Levi, Leone | 29/10/1885 | PC thanks HSF for information |
Levinskaya, Maria | 1923/5/10 | re her historical lecture concerts |
Levy J | 1911/10/4 | Fisher’s proposals |
Levy, I H | 18/02/1895 | meeting of P E circle and Mr Balfour |
Levy, I H | 09/03/1895 | meeting of PE circle, invites HSF to open debate |
Levy, J | 02/06/1893 | re meeting of National Liberal Club |
Levy, J A | 07/02/1891 | asks HSF to Political Economy Club |
Levy, J A | 26/12/1891 | asks HSF to lecture |
Levy, J A | 26/03/1895 | proof of HSF's and bimetallic matters |
Levy, J A | 09/05/1894 | Hyndman's papers |
Levy, J H | 12/03/1895 | re chart for HSF paper |
Levy, J H | 23/02/1895 | re HSF paper on bimetallism to National Liberal Club |
Levy, J H | 02/03/1895 | re HSF paper on bimetallism to National Liberal Club |
Levy, J H | 17/01/1895 | asks HSF to address National Liberal Club on bimetallism |
Levy, J H | 26/01/1895 | re HSF paper to National Liberal Club |
Levy, J H | 03/04/1895 | paper for Political Economy Circle of National Liberal Club |
Levy, J H | 29/03/1895 | re proof HSF's paper to National Liberal Club |
Levy, J H | 12/03/1897 | National Liberal Club issues |
Levy, J H | 27/10/1897 | invite to National Liberal Club dinner |
Levy, S | 1901/7/20 | thanks HSF for help with mss |
Levy, S | 26/02/1897 | re reading for lectures |
Leweson, P K | 1920/1/19 | re increas in fees at Girton |
Lewin, T C | 27/07/1889 | PC to Parry re some roll mistake |
Lewis, A E | 1919/8/15 | thanks HSF for help |
Lewis, A G | 1919/8/5 | bank amalgamations |
Lewis, C H | 1907/11/25 | back list |
Lewis, Christine | 1965/10/7 | to AF re Coats on his article on start of RES (copy) |
Lewis, Christine | 1965/9/16 | to AF re Coats' article on RES |
Lewis, E A | 1931/5/16 | general |
Lewis, E A | 1929/8/3 | on libraries |
Lewis, H L | 08/01/1895 | social |
Lewis, H Leroy | 15/12/1894 | agricultural credit |
Lewis, H Leroy | 13/12/1894 | agricultural credit |
Lewis, H LeRoy | 29/12/1896 | where has HSF been? |
Lewis, Hugh | 1918/12/6 | to W Pember Reeves re Institute of Insurance exams and LSE (copy) |
Lewis, I M | 1919/4/6 | re HSF's daughter's progress and notes on Women's Engineering Society |
Lewis, I M | 1918/5/16 | daughter's school matter |
Lewis, I N | 1917/7/9 | daughters can go for walk with HSF |
Lewis, I N | 1917/1/28 | thanks HSF for book, science teaching, girls' subjects |
Lewis, J M | 1918/1/22 | on the Foxwell girls school progress |
Lewis, Miss Jill | 1922/7/16 | on Peggy Foxwell's results |
Lewis, R | 28/03/1893 | social |
Lewis, R | 12/03/1896 | social |
Lewis, R | 1911/4/12 | PC social |
Lewis, R | 29/11/1898 | re taking class for HSF |
Lewis, R M | 30/06/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Lewis, R M | 07/06/1898 | general |
Lewis, R M | 13/06/1870 | congratulates HSF on scholarship |
Lewis, R M | 13/07/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Lewis, R M | 04/07/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Lewis, R M | 03/08/1897 | re lease of Harvey Road |
Lewis, R M | 29/11/1897 | social |
Lewis, Robert | 22/04/1875 | general |
Lewis, Robert | 20/03/1875 | general, re jobs, health, etc |
Lewis, Robert | ??/03/1872 | to lecture at Downing etc |
Lewis, Robert | 04/04/1874 | HSF's health, Winchester trip, people |
Lewis, W J | 1918/11/16 | social |
Lewis, W J | 1918/11/23 | PC social |
Leyburn-Yarker, Francis P | 1936/8/5 | to Audrey on HSF's death |
Liang Lone | 1919/7/14 | re vacation reading etc |
Liang Lone | 1919/6/20 | student letter |
Liang Lone | 1919/6/23 | introducing U Y Hsu |
Liang, L | 1920/12/22 | thank you letter |
Liang, Lone | 1921/9/3 | apologises to Audrey for not coming to see her |
Liang, Lone | 1924/4/10 | re his study of post-bellum finances, his job in China |
Liang, Lore | | PC seasons greetings |
Lias, J J | 09/10/1889 | thanks HSF for help on history |
Lias, J J | 04/11/1889 | asks HSF for list of information |
Liberty & Co Lotd | 01/12/1898 | re cheque for carpet |
Liberty & Co Ltd | 09/12/1898 | re problem with carpet |
Librairie Felix Alcan | | offers HSF books |
Librairie Paul Ritti | | books for sale |
Librarie M Magis | 1932/6/9 | book purchase |
Librarie M Magis | 1932/12/22 | re brochure etc |
Librarie M Magis | 1932/10/30 | re catalouge |
Library Publications | 1917/6/11 | asks HSF for article on tax |
Library Publications | 1917/6/18 | sorry HSF cannot do article on tax |
Liddell, H G | 17/01/1870 | to Master of St John's re proposed bill on Oxford and Cambridge |
Liddendale, H M | 1901/6/19 | will support HSF for Birmingham |
Liddendale, W | 1901/6/24 | HSF's application to Birmingham |
Lidderdale, Wm | 05/10/1897 | on currency etc |
Lieffmann R | 1910/12/21 | wages & unemployment |
Liefmann Prof Robert | 1910/10/30 | arranges to meet HSF |
Liefmann, Robert | 1911/6/23 | sends HSF his book |
Life and Letters | 1928 | flyer for new literary monthly |
Lillie, D G | 1914/2/5 | PC asks HSF to return manuscript |
Lilly | 01/04/1881 | rendez-vous |
Lilly | 30/03/1881 | sends her address |
Lilly, Walker J to Amy Handcock | 29/11/1893 | letter of poverty |
Liluaine, M Magis | 1931/1/21 | re books |
Lindsay Samuel M C C | 1916/3/28 | invite to join Political Academy of NY |
Lindsay, T G | 1923/2/24 | sends HSF book on US |
Lionel (?) | 1910/2/26 | general chat |
Lipson E | 1925/4/2 | proposals for economic history journal |
Lipson, E | 1925/3/25 | re proposals of economics history issue, Academy etc |
Lipson, E | 1925/2/17 | re proposal for Journal of Economic History to go to British Academy |
Lisette | 13/09/1893 | family chat |
Lisette | 10/04/1898 | family chat |
Lisette | 18/08/1898 | family chat |
Lisette | 28/04/1898 | family chat |
Lisette | 1911/6/27 | general chat |
Lisette | 19/02/1892 | re holiday in Malvern and general chat |
Lisette | 16/06/1892 | general chat and birthday greetings |
Lisette | 27/09/1892 | re holiday in Yorkshire |
Lisette | 10/12/1892 | plans for a regular family Christmas gathering |
Lisette | 16/11/1892 | with enclosures from Hilda re impending marriage |
Lisette | 23/12/1892 | re Christmas plans |
Lisette | 01/05/1892 | re Arthur's appointment as Fellow of Royal College of Physicians |
Lisette | 04/05/1894 | family chatter |
Lisette | 31/08/1894 | re Arthur's more lucrative work, golf etc |
Lister, J J | 1907/7/5 | thanks HSF for money |
Lister, J J | 1897 | social |
Lister, J S | 05/01/1887 | student request on tutoring |
Lister, J S | 15/01/1887 | student request on tutoring |
Literary and Philosophical Society | 21/06/1897 | asks HSF to lecture at Newcastle |
Little, E Graham | 1927/12/9 | re his activities as an MP |
Little, E Graham | 1928/11/9 | re his activities as an MP |
Little, F J | 03/11/1874 | on HSF's fellowship |
Little, W | 08/11/1882 | social |
Littlechild, Emily | 08/01/1897 | re rental account |
Liveing, G D | 22/07/1885 | re extensions at St Johns |
Liveing, G D | 02/11/1887 | on new statute 54 |
Liveing, G D | 29/08/1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Liveing, G D | 05/05/1889 | money for co-operators visit |
Livening, G D | 1910/6/1 | re appointment of Benions as lecturer in history |
Livering, G D | 12/07/1885 | re new St John's building |
Livett, George C | 03/08/1889 | to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Living, G D | 25/02/1884 | Dividends for fellows, statutes, etc |
Llewewllyn Smith, J | 05/11/1895 | re abstracts by Labour Dept |
Lloyd Geoffrey | 20/9/1897 | election |
Lloyd Geoffrey | 26/9/1897 | re post in Sheffield |
Lloyd S I H | 1913/8/28 | social |
Lloyd Jones, E | 1935/7/31 | thanks HSF for cheque |
Lloyd, G B | 14/12/1886 | to Arthur Foxwell re HSF pamphlet |
Lloyd, G J H | 1915/7/6 | social |
Lloyd, G J H | 1915/7/18 | talks aboutjob |
Lloyd, G T H | 20/03/1911 | on British-Canada reciprocal tariff and staff for Toronto University |
Lloyd, Godfrey | 1901/7/14 | social |
Lloyd, Godfrey | 1901/8/2 | on HSF's non-election at Birmingham |
Lloyd, Godfrey H | 1909/4/28 | re HSF backing for a job |
Lloyd, Godfrey H | 1909/5/1 | re reference for Sheffield chair |
Lloyd, Godfrey I H | 1901/6/13 | agrees to support HSF for Birmingham chair |
Lloyd, Godfrey I H | 04/05/1895 | re some debate |
Lloyd, Godfrey J H | 1914/2/16 | on his book etc |
Lloyd, J | 01/06/1891 | asks HSF to join executive of the National Providence League |
Lloyd, John | 11/05/1891 | re constitution to the National Providence League |
Lloyd, John | 18/02/1887 | on national insurance |
Lloyd-Jones, Constance | 1936/8/7 | to Audrey and Peggy on HSF's death |
Loch, C J | 1/4/1885 | on industrial conditions and seeks Royal Commission |
Lock C S | 19/12/1883 | re books on PE |
Lock C S | 27/7/1897 | Assist Sec job at Stat Society |
Lock, C D | 10/01/1884 | re books |
Lock, C L | 02/07/1890 | asks HSF to help the Denison Club |
Lock, C S | 13/12/1886 | re demographic research and reform of Social Services Assoc |
Lock, C S | 13/12/1886 | asks HSF for possible draft for staff for charity work |
Lock, C S | 25/05/1898 | re a Dr Kinvala |
Lock, C S | 17/07/1885 | re address for Charity Organisation Society |
Lock, C S | 01/11/1887 | re the study on mobility of labour |
Lock, C S | 18/01/1887 | asks HSF to talk at annual meeting of Charity Organisation Society |
Lock, C S | 21/02/1887 | re some report |
Lock, C S | 22/12/1894 | re council meeting of Charity Organisation Society |
Lock, C S | 02/03/1885 | Mr Marshall on the Industrial Candidature with copy of letter from Lock to Marshall |
Lock, C S | 07/03/1885 | on Committee of Charity Organisation Society |
Lock, C S | 1903/3/14 | re meeting of Charity Organisation Society |
Lock, C S | 20/03/1893 | bimetallic issues etc |
Lock, C S | 15/03/1893 | asks HSF to give evidence on taxation to the Commission on the Aged Poor |
Lock, C S | 20/04/1885 | travel arrangements |
Lock, C S | 1907/7/7 | paper against old age pensions |
Lock, C S | 01/02/1887 | re Charity Organisation Society Report with HSF notes attached |
Lock, C S | 28/06/1898 | re HSF's marriage |
Lock, J B | 1919/4/17 | re tenancy of 4 Harwy Road, Cambridge |
Lock, J B | 1920/11/22 | HSF's rent |
Lock, S W | 26/07/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Lockany, S | 1916/11/1 | complains about cause |
Lockart E W | 1912/8/15 | general |
Lockart E W | 1906/1/13 | re Tanner & Scott |
Lockart, E W | 1901/7/4 | re sale of library and start of next one |
Lockett | 25/11/???? | general chat |
Lockett ?? | 23-Apr | social |
Lockhart E W | 1907/3/16 | practice in St John’s library |
Lockhart, C | 1922/12/13 | re HSF's lost wallet |
Lockhart, E | 1930/11/25 | on death of Mrs Foxwell & HSF draft reply |
Lockhart, E | 1931/11/12 | re contribution to Haig Fund |
Lockhart, E | 1929/6/17 | St John's servants on HSF's 80th birthday |
Lockhart, E | 1923/1/17 | HSF's subscriptions to The Eagle |
Lockhart, E | 1926/4/15 | on price charged to HSF for coal |
Lockhart, E | 1937/3/2 | to Audrey Foxwell, unable to help Scott catalogue |
Lockhart, E W | 1905/5/18 | on despatch of library to London |
Lockhart, E W | 1912/7/16 | account of Reginald Rye |
Lockhart, E W | 1910/1/7 | social |
Lockhart, E W | 1901/1/4 | thanks HSF for cheque for working on book list |
Lockhart, E W | 1911/2/15 | re health and some papers |
Lockhart, E W | 08/04/1897 | ill, not able to go to College |
Lockhart, E W | 1902/8/27 | asks for cheque |
Lockhart, John Y | 1923/5/24 | asks HSF for contribution to Adam Smith's bicentenary |
Lockwood, Florence E | 1913/10/26 | re 49/34 |
Lodge, ? | 07/11/1885 | comments on HSF's helpful letter |
Lodge, Clive J | 1901/7/29 | re Birmingham chair |
Lodge, Clive J | 1901/7/7 | re Birmingham chair |
Lodge, Oliver | 23/10/1885 | asks HSF opinion of Ruskin |
Lodge, Oliver | 1901/6/28 | re the chair at Birmingham and sale of HSF's library |
Lodge, Oliver | 1901/6/8 | suggesteions on how Foxwell should prepare testimonials for Birmingham chair and what sort of person Birmingham is looking for |
Lodge, Oliver | 1901/6/6 | re HSF's testimonial for Birmingham and the electorial process |
Lodge, Oliver | 1901/6/29 | re HSF's testimonial for Birmingham |
Lodge, Oliver | 1901/7/11 | asks HSF to Birmingham University for official interview |
Lodge, Oliver | 1901/7/13 | re report on candidates for Birmingham chair |
Lodge, Oliver | 27/10/1885 | seeks support for statement in favour of Ruskins work |
Lodge, Oliver | 28/10/1885 | thanks HSF for favourable reply |
Lodge, Oliver | 1901/7/2 | re HSF's library |
Loesslau, O E | 29/04/1889 | re his book, arguments about banking and theory |
Lohequote, C | 18/07/1885 | re Toynbee Hall lectures |
Loheyroke, I | 15/11/1890 | re return of some papers etc |
Lombardi, F | 1912/8/16 | costs of pensions in Switzerland |
London & North Western Railway | 1913/4/23 | PC bill for delivery of bookcase |
London & North Western Railway | 16/07/1896 | Jubilee Dinner Menu |
London and County Banking Company Ltd | 1901/9/13 | receipt for cheques |
London and County Banking Company Ltd | 1909/1/6 | re dollar drafts |
London and North Western Railway | 1921/1/14 | transfer of shares |
London Chamber of Commerce | 14/06/1918 | re West African Currency System |
London Chamber of Commerce | 20/10/1896 | re an HSF lecture and book list |
London Chamber of Commerce | 1917/12/3 | asks for views to put to Bank of England Committee |
London Chamber of Commerce | 1924/9/8 | re their Direct Taxation Committee |
London Chamber of Commerce | 1915/1/9 | re an application of funds to HSF |
London Chamber of Commerce | 1914/12/29 | asks for financial support for their education work |
London Chamber of Commerce | 1917/1/8 | sends HSF notes on French, Dutch and Italian exchanges |
London Chamber of Commerce | 1919/11/22 | suggest HSF answer Marshall in Times on premium bonds |
London Chamber of Commerce | 1917/2/12 | re HSF's initials |
London Chamber of Commerce | 1917/1/16 | HSF's application to join |
London County & Westminster Bank | 1916/9/14 | HSF. BANK |
London County & Westminster Bank | 1916/9/11 | HSF’s bank |
London County & Westminster Bank Limited | 1913/8/23 | credit to HSF account |
London County & Westminster Bank Limited | 1913/8/29 | credit to HSF account |
London County & Westminster Bank Limited | 1913/9/12 | gets Bank of England notes |
London County and Westminster Bank | 1911/3/1 | re notes |
London County and Westminster Bank | 1917/4/30 | re a receipt |
London County and Westminster Bank | 1916/10/23 | re overdraft |
London County and Westminster Bank | 1921/8/31 | send drafts |
London County and Westminster Bank Limited | 1911/6/2 | re a guarantee |
London County Council | 1918/10/13 | list of books for lecturers |
London County Council | 1917/8/17 | re books for his lectures |
London County Council | 1918/9/10 | re list of books for library |
London County Council | 1919/20 | Handbook of classes etc |
London County Council | 1916/17 | Handbook of classes etc |
London County Council | 1917/18 | Handbook of classes etc |
London County Council | 1919/8/19 | Handbook of classes etc |
London County Council | 1919 | Handbook of classes etc |
London County Council | 1917/12/15 | re apprenticeship proposal |
London County etc Bank | 1923/4/30 | re bonds and shares |
London County Westminster & Paris Bank | 1921/6/6 | re Frane drafts |
London County Westminster & Paris Bank | 1921/6/9 | re Frane drafts |
London County Westminster & Paris Bank | 18/10/1894 | HSF's account overdrawn |
London County Westminster & Paris Bank Ltd | 1920/7/21 | HSF's business |
London County Westminster and Paris Bank | 1922/7/28 | to AF re her account |
London County Westminster and Paris Bank | 1922/4/27 | bonds in North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd |
London County Westminster and Paris Bank | 1922/5/9 | re bonds in North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd |
London County Westminster Paris Bank Ltd | 1921/6/3 | sends HSF four Paris drafts |
London Friendly Institution Benefit Society | | prospectus |
London Midland & Scottish Railway Company | 1931/6/17 | train times |
London Midland & Scottish Railway Company | 1931/6/17 | re old sleepers |
London Society for Extension of University Teaching | 04/03/1890 | re examiners |
London Society for Extension of University Teaching | | committee, syllabus of lectures and HSF notes |
London Society for Extension of University Teaching | 1894 | notice of lectures by Philip H Wicksteed |
London Society for Extension of University Teaching | 1886 | syllabus of lectures in industrial history by W R Sorley |
London Society for Extension of University Teaching | 08/07/1892 | re Smart |
London Society for Extension of University Teaching | 25/11/1892 | re a syllabus |
London Society for Extension of University Teaching | 29/11/1892 | re bother with syllabus |
London Society for the Extension of University Teaching | 03/01/1893 | re work and aims of the Society |
London Society for the Extension of University Teaching | | syllabus of lectures by H. Cunynghame |
London Society for the Extension of University Teaching | | Committee and syllabus |
London Society for the Extension of University Teaching | 20/04/1881 | happy with Tower Hamlets PE classes |
London Society for the Extension of University Teaching | 08/11/1893 | re meeting of Board |
Lone, Achile | 30/04/1887 | re Statistical Society Journal |
Loney, L | 1917/10/8 | re a book by Peddie published by University of London Press |
Loney, S L | 1916/3/25 | situation of University of London Press |
Loney, S L | 1916/3/20 | situation of University of London Press |
Long (Admiralty) | 1919/1/10 | German reparations |
Longe, F D | 16/04/1885 | sends HSF pamphlet on wages fund |
Longe, Francis D | 02/05/1885 | refutation of Wages Fund |
Longfellow, Alice M | 30/05/1884 | social |
Longfellow, Alice M | 20/03/1884 | re notes on Malthus and Ricardo etc |
Longley, J N | 16/02/1897 | refusal to Trinity High Table |
Longmans Green & Co Ltd | 1927/11/10 | re missing cheque |
Longmans Green and Co Ltd | | flyer for C R Fay's economic history |
Longridge, J S | 17/05/1912 | student exercise (?) |
Longridge, J S | 22/03/1912 | lost student paper |
Longshanks, Amy | 13/01/1880 | missed appointment |
Longshanks, Amy | 13/01/1880 | lover's tiff |
Longshanks, Amy | 30/01/1880 | lover's letter |
Longshanks, Amy | 13/02/1880 | lover's letter |
Longshanks, Amy | 11/12/1881 | friendly chat |
Longshanks, Amy | 16/11/1881 | rendez-vous |
Loni, Achille | 20/05/1887 | HSF's banking essay |
Loria, Achille | 03/04/1886 | re HSF lecture, Jevons etc |
Lotz, W | 1909/4/30 | re Theodor Schilling's works etc |
Lotz, W | 1908/9/11 | re Report of Inland Revenue 1857 |
Louis, A | 14/04/1886 | PC re some paper |
Louisiana Landowners Inc | 1922/10/5 | to Olive, re some lands |
Love A E H | 05/09/1890 | private enquiry re investments |
Love A E H | 8/9/1890 | reply to letter from HSF re above |
Love A E H | 1914/5/7 | social |
Love, A E H | 15/07/1898 | HSF's marriage |
Love, A E H | 08/06/1898 | social |
Love, A E H | 19/08/1892 | re chairs for St John's College |
Love, A E H | 23/08/1892 | re chairs, electricity for St John's etc |
Love, Blanche E | 11/10/1896 | to Olive Dorrington, social chat |
Loveday, E | 19/10/1889 | PC bimetallism |
Lovegrove J | 14/11/1883 | re meeting: encloses letter re contribution to Young Men’s Assoc magazine |
Lovegrove, J | 03/09/1884 | re review of HSF publication |
Lovegrove, J | 30/09/1884 | HSF as president of Forest Gate Literary Society |
Lovegrove, J | 09/10/1884 | social |
Lovegrove, J | 07/10/1884 | Forest Gate Literary Society |
Lovegrove, J | 23/05/1881 | congratulates on Jevons's chair |
Lovegrove, J | 09/05/1881 | thanks for help with political economy |
Loveridge, A J | 1926/1/17 | thank you letter |
Loveridge, A J | 1926/7/2 | thanks HSF for help at St John's |
Lowe | 21/01/1890 | social |
Lowe, F W | 1920/8/8 | membership of Statistical Society etc |
Lowe, F W | 1924/9/4 | re his job |
Lowenfeld, H | 19/03/1894 | re HSF's lecture |
Lowenthal Esther | 19/1/1910 | re Ricardian Socialists |
Lowenthal Esther | 1910/9/25 | visit to Cambridge |
Lowenthal Miss E | 1910/9/21 | re Goldsmith’s job |
Lowenthal, Esther | 1922/6/27 | re Chair at Smith College, Massachusetts |
Lowenthal, Esther | 1922/6/9 | re Chair at Smith College, Massachusetts |
Lowenthal, Esther | 1912/7/13 | re thesis on Richardian socialists |
Lowenthal, Esther | 1922/6/29 | re Chair in US (?) |
Lowes, Dickinson | 1911/5/1 | re exams in economics for philosophy |
Lowry, F M | 25/05/1872 | general chat |
Lowther Claude | 1912/5/9 | money for Anti-Socialist Union |
LSE | 1920/8/18 | lecture arrangements |
LSE | 1920/8/12 | lecture arrangements |
LSE | 1920/8/5 | lecture arrangements |
LSE | 1921/8/25 | student essays |
LSE | 1921/8/18 | student essays |
LSE | 1921/8/29 | student essays |
LSE | 1918/7/1 | exam papers |
LSE | 1916/7/21 | lecture arrangements |
LSE | 1917/5/30 | re Board of Education questions |
LSE | 1916/10/18 | re Shah’s doctorate |
LSE | 1913/4/22 | tutoring for Currency Commission |
LSE | 1912/12/9 | Congress of Historical Studies |
LSE | 1910/7/12 | lectures by Hartley Withers |
LSE | 1913/3/3 | Army class |
LSE | 25/101909 | McKillop’s retirement |
LSE | 1909/7/8 | essay marks |
LSE | 1911/8/25 | re job for some applicant |
LSE | 1913/3/12 | re Mr Syannard |
LSE | 1921/4/2 | McTaggart Testimonial |
LSE | 1920/10/20 | monthly payment of salaries |
LSE | 1921/6/22 | proposed commerce series studies |
LSE | 1921/7/6 | teaching arrangements etc |
LSE | 1920/12/3 | re Higher Degree Students |
LSE | 23/11/1911 | cost of hanging HSF's chart |
LSE | 1921/7/18 | HSF's lectures |
LSE | 1922/1/24 | administrative |
LSE | 1922/1/14 | re HSF's salary 1896-1908 |
LSE | 1921/12/20 | re HSF's salary and service |
LSE | 1922/11/14 | asks about Dhume's application for DSc |
LSE | 1912/5/20 | re Banking lectures |
LSE | 1910/7/13 | re student and essay |
LSE | 1911/8/3 | HSF's inaugural lecture |
LSE | 1911/7/29 | HSF's inaugural lecture |
LSE | 1913/12/5 | re visit by inspectors |
LSE | 1918/7/1 | lectures and research student |
LSE | 1918/7/3 | re lectures |
LSE | 1918/7/9 | re lectures |
LSE | 1918/7/9 | re research student |
LSE | 1914/12/24 | asks HSF to do banking lectures |
LSE | 1921/5/21 | re Dr Sraffa |
LSE | 1914/3/30 | re a letter for HSF from Captain Montgomerie |
LSE | 23/12/1895 | re some letter of HSF |
LSE | 1921/2/10 | re exam papers |
LSE | 1908/3/20 | on HSF's away lectures |
LSE | 1925/4/7 | re Dhume's progress |
LSE | 1917/10/29 | re lectures on American banking |
LSE | 1917/11/22 | re lectures on American banking |
LSE | 1917/1/29 | re HSF's illness |
LSE | 1924/11/3 | re committee to look at government of London University |
LSE | 1922/3/13 | meeting of LSE Appointments Committee |
LSE | 1929/3/11 | death of Allyn Young |
LSE | ? | asking for subscriptions to pay for presentation to Prof Cannan and Dicksee |
LSE | 1926/6/9 | Commemoration Week Dinner |
LSE | 1904/7/29 | asks HSF for details of publications and proof of lectures |
LSE | ? | list of students attending HSF lectures on currency |
LSE | ? | list of students attending HSF lectures on stock exchange et al |
LSE | ??/10/1904 | students attending HSF lectures on history of currency and banking |
LSE | ??/10/1904 | students of HSF lectures on currency and banking, descriptive and theoretical |
LSE | ? | students at HSF lectures relating to banking and the money market |
LSE | ? | students at HSF lectures No. 24 |
LSE | ? | students at HSF lectures No. 23 |
LSE | 1903/10/15 | students at HSF lectures |
LSE | ? | students at HSF lectures No. 7 |
LSE | 1904/1/19 | lists of students at HSF lectures NO. 60 |
LSE | 1905 | list of intermediate students |
LSE | 1902 | list of students taking HSF lectures No. 7 |
LSE | ? | list of students taking HSF lectures No. 60 |
LSE | ? | list of students taking HSF lectures No. 59 |
LSE | 1910/3/23 | fee statement |
LSE | 1909/8/12 | income tax return |
LSE | 1909/6/3 | re amounts paid to lectures |
LSE | 1913/7/12 | re Hsu's thesis |
LSE | 1916/1/21 | re tickets for HSF lecture |
LSE | 1915/12/21 | to see Director on lecture etc |
LSE | 1915/11/29 | Director asks HSF to give special lecture |
LSE | 1916/1/26 | re notes for HSF lecture etc |
LSE | 1916/1/11 | promotion of Mr Samuels to Home Secretary |
LSE | 1916 | list of public lectures |
LSE | 1917/11/2 | re change in statutes |
LSE | 1908/10/26 | re LSE library committee etc |
LSE | 1910/8/2 | re seminar on bibliography |
LSE | 1913/6/4 | re lectures etc |
LSE | 1914/5/20 | asks HSF to give up elementary lectures |
LSE | 1914/1/27 | asks HSF to students' annual dinner |
LSE | 1914/1/14 | Mactaggart on dates of exams etc |
LSE | 1914/3/31 | re commercial course, wants syllabus |
LSE | 1914/4/2 | re commercial course and HSF lectures |
LSE | 1914/3/16 | re exams and Kahn's syllabus |
LSE | 1914/6/4 | re statutes on students |
LSE | 1904/10/13 | student essay rules |
LSE | 1917/5/2 | thanks HSF for gift of book (PE Club note on reverse) |
LSE | 1912/12/2 | asks HSF to represent LSE at International Congress of Historical Studies |
LSE | | revision of BSc Intermediate Syllabus |
LSE | 1918/12/16 | re Institute of Insurance paper (427/17) |
LSE | 1918/2/21 | re courses for London County Council |
LSE | 1917/7/14 | re courses for London County Council |
LSE | 1917/2/21 | re courses for London County Council |
LSE | 1917/10/30 | re Mr Spalding of Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank |
LSE | 1917/7/19 | re lecture courses |
LSE | 1933/3/4 | re Dhume's address |
LSE | 1933/3/1 | re address of Dhume |
LSE | 1902/11/18 | re banking lectures |
LSE | 1904/7/30 | re title of HSF lectures |
LSE | 23/12/1896 | sends HSF cheque for lectures |
LSE | 30/12/1896 | asks for HSF syllabus |
LSE | 01/12/1896 | asks if HSF can help a gentleman (466/36) |
LSE | 1926/8/9 | re Dhume |
LSE | 1922/7/1 | re leaving gift for housekeeper |
LSE | 1922/2/2 | meeting of Higher Degrees Sub-Committee |
LSE | 1919/7/28 | extension of appointment |
LSE | 1922/6/8 | HSF to receive £775 on retirement |
LSE | 1919/7/1 | re fee for London County Council lectures |
LSE | 1922/5/3 | re setting exam paper |
LSE | 1918/4/18 | re an honorary (war) degree |
LSE | 1905/10/6 | re start of HSF's lectures |
LSE | 1898 | detailed syllabus |
LSE | 1896 | proposal for library of Political Science |
LSE | 1919/6/6 | London County Council classes |
LSE | 1919/7/7 | London County Council classes |
LSE | 1925/12/14 | on duplicates |
LSE | 1907/7/5 | re HSF lectures |
LSE | 1897-98 | arrangements for the session |
LSE | Feb-04 | flyer for lecture on Trusts by E von Halle |
LSE | 1910/6/30 | re list of publications by staff |
LSE | 1902-03 | Handbook on Sessional Programme |
LSE | Feb-04 | flyer on lecture by Richard Masters |
LSE | 1908/10/1 | on their library arrangements |
LSE | 1923/1/5 | apologises for late delivery |
LSE | 1915/8/3 | Director will chair HSF's inaugural lecture |
LSE | 1925/6/2 | re letter from Dhume re support for grant |
LSE | 1924/10/9 | attached copy of letter from Indian High Commission re Dhume |
LSE | 1911/1/18 | re Army Class and Bank of England visit |
LSE | 1911/1/23 | re Army Class and Bank of England visit |
LSE | 1915/6/2 | re an HSF lecture |
LSE | 1916/2/3 | re a student question |
LSE | 1916/2/7 | re meeting on locomotion |
LSE | 1916/2/7 | emergency meeting to pass resolution on death of Dr Russell Rea |
LSE | 1927/11/7 | re Sanyal's thesis |
LSE | 1908 | Class list of Special Intermediate exams |
LSE | 1909/6/17 | asks to lecture to North Eastern Railway employees |
LSE | 1928/11/16 | re subs for Senior Common Room |
LSE | Feb-23 | Old Students Association re final for Dodson |
LSE | 1923/3/19 | re photo of School War Memorial |
LSE | 1922/11/15 | PC re dress for a dinner |
LSE | 1917/6/25 | re draft memorial to President Wilson |
LSE | Jun-29 | invitation to Oration Day |
LSE | 1904/6/1 | HSF's lecture timetable |
LSE | 1906/5/9 | re research scholarship |
LSE | | proofs of syllabuses |
LSE | | lecture syllabuses and arrangements 1896 & 1897 |
LSE | 1914/7/15 | re reducing HSF's lectures |
LSE | 1914/9/16 | re some special lectures |
LSE | 1914/6/8 | re HSF's lectures |
LSE | 1914/6/9 | sends HSF's syllabuses |
LSE | 1914/7/14 | course on "crises" etc "excellent" |
LSE | 1914/7/23 | re HSF's classes |
LSE | 1914/12/14 | re cut in pay to fund deficit |
LSE | 1914/11/19 | re letter from H S Jevons (attached) re lecturer in India |
LSE | 1919/10/29 | re letter from Mr Nehra |
LSE | 1920/12/7 | re Minty and Research Scholarship |
LSE | 1922 | invitation to Commemoration Walk |
LSE | 1919/10/7 | re appointment with Dir Silbering |
LSE | 1919/10/7 | re postponement of Director's inaugural lecture |
LSE | 1920/10/26 | essay regulations |
LSE | 1926/6/25 | arbitration appointed on Singh |
LSE | 1918/3/14 | re Institute of Actuaries |
LSE | | flyer for lectures by T E G Gregory and Hartley Withers |
LSE | 1935/5/2 | re memorial service for Sir Arthur Steele-Maitland, Prof Cannan and Higgins |
LSE to Hamilton | 1911/10/15 | re Keynes & Ashley |
LSE (McTaggart) | 1918/6/19 | HSF;s lectures to be cancelled etc |
LSE Library | 1920/2/16 | re library meeting |
LSE Old Students Association | 1922/11/10 | HSF to attend dinner and speak |
LSE Students’ Union | Nov-16 | Prisoner of War appeal |
Lubbock, John | 03/04/1894 | re new International Institute of Sociology |
Lucas, R M | 10/12/1884 | student thank you letter |
Lucy (nurse) | 17/07/1887 | birthday wishes to HSF etc |
Lumby, J Rawson | 19/06/1889 | sends cheque for co-operaters visit |
Lumley, C M | 1901/7/8 | re reading list for National Home Reading Union Magazine |
Lumley, Constance | 1901/7/23 | thanks HSF for book list |
Luneburg, H | 1907/7/1 | PC offers HSF books |
Luttrell, Alice | 17/04/1886 | thanks HSF for tea scoop |
Lyddon-Roberts, P | 1922/9/21 | sends HSF economics book |
Lyde L W | 5/5/1916 | asks for reference |
Lyde L W | 20/101918 | re lists of journals on trade etc |
Lyde, Arthur | 09/06/1875 | thank you letter |
Lyde, L W | 1927/11/10 | on HSF's resignation |
Lyde, L W | 1927/11/14 | general chat |
Lyde, L W | 1927/11/24 | re Lyde's son |
Lyde, L W | 1927/11/27 | re Lyde's son |
Lyde, L W | 1927/11/29 | re Lyde's son |
Lyde, L W | 1902/12/15 | re his lectures etc |
Lyde, L W | 1926/11/4 | PC wishing HSF well again |
Lyde, L W | 1902/10/11 | re lectureship in geography at UCL |
Lyde, L W to UCL | 1902/9/19 | re lectureship in geography at UCL |
Lyden, L W | 1902/12/9 | re his appointment to UCL geography chair |
Lyle, L W | 1927/11/19 | re testimonial for Lyle's son |
Lyman F S | 1906/7/11 | Winston Churchill etc |
Lyman, F | 17/10/1884 | re books in Canada |
Lyman, Fred | 29/06/1886 | re getting rooms |
Lyman, Fred | 19/07/1886 | return from Canada |
Lyman, Fred | 18/05/1886 | social |
Lyman, Mrs F | 17/10/1884 | general chat |
Lyman, Roswell C | 23/12/1887 | sends HSF photo of dairy maids, HSF fond of Canadian girls etc |
Lynch F B H | 20/5/1890 | asks HSF for guidance in economics |
Lynch H F B | 28/5/1890 | thank you letter |
Lyndhurst, Katie | 04/04/1895 | rendez-vous |
Lynman B W | 18/3/1895 | House of Commons enquiry |
Lynman F | 14/7/1890 | re bibliography |
Lynman F | 30/7/1890 | general chat |
Lynman F | 1/8/1890 | general chat |
Lynman F | 7/7/1890 | general caht |
Lynman F | 8/9/1890 | general chat |
Lyon Herbert | 9/7/1898 | Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 1917/10/31 | on the origin and meaning of serendipity |
Lyon, Herbert | 22/06/1894 | re his evidence to Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 13/07/1894 | re his evidence to Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 25/04/1894 | re his evidence to Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 20/04/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 05/11/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 19/06/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 07/05/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 17/07/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 18/04/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 18/04/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 10/12/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 18/04/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 05/04/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 23/07/1894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 05/061894 | re Royal Commission on Agriculture |
Lyon, Herbert | 30/06/1897 | wants to see HSF on some matter |
Lyon, Herbert | 05/07/1897 | re some matter |
Lyon, Herbert | 16/07/1897 | asks HSF to comment on article on Reprot on Agricultural Commission |
Lyon, Herbert | 15/08/1897 | on HSF's engagement, Giffen |
Lyons, P J | 1922/6/17 | asks for testimonial |
Lyons, W | 1919/7/18 | exchange quotations |
Lyttelton, A T | 07/05/1882 | exam questions |
Lyttelton, A T | 16/05/1882 | exam questions |
Lyttelton, A T | 17/04/1882 | exam questions |
Lyttelton, A T | 05/06/1882 | re marking papers |
Lyttelton, A T | 28-Dec | asks for a paper |
Lyttleton, A T | 27/04/1882 | re exam questions |
Lyttleton, A T | 29/07/1885 | re Disestablishment declaration |
Lyttleton, A T | 09/02/1883 | re Jevons' memorial |
Lyttleton, Mrs Kathleen | 10/05/1882 | explains absence of husband |