Name Date Title
M F1918/9/23(pc) re peace and Kaiser
M Magis1932/3/3sends book catalogue
M Magis1932/3/8re book order
M Magis1932/3/17re book order
M Magis1932/3/22re book order
M Magis1932/6/20re pamphlets
M Magis1932/7/15re orders
M Magis1932book catalogues
M, Donald11/11/1884re finished painting by Collier
Maba ?29/1/1890re private dinner
Mabbett & Edge1908/8/10details of house
Mabson, R R30/04/1883asks HSF about continuing Jevons's Bank of England diagram
MacAlister25/01/1896re Dr Mandello
MacAlister D12/6/1897Cambridge matters
MacAlister J W1910/11/10Govet. Staff?
MacAlister J Y W1910/7/1University Press
MacAlister, D03/02.1891re Japanese Club
MacAlister, D20/02/1896re admission of a fellow to St John's
MacAlister, D1903/6/23re a student at St John's
MacAlister, D05/10/1894seeing Beith, arrangements
MacAlister, D12/02/1897St John's council refused Kelly's request for rooms
MacAlister, D18/11/1895asks for references on Marx for a student
MacAlister, Donald09/02/1895thank you letter
MacAlister, Donald1915/3/22re Scott and Glasgow Chair
MacAlister, Donald01/09/1885re Hodgson's papers
MacAlister, Donald02/09/1885re Hodgson's papers
MacAlister, Donald29/04/1884re booking berths on ship
MacAlister, Donald03/10/1886re University contribution and suspension
MacAlister, Donald03/10/1886re University contribution and suspension
MacAlister, Donald12/11/1883Palmer inscription for the Review
MacAlister, J1910/7/30re cheque
MacAlister, J 1916/1/6re a dispute over a company
MacAlister, J G1913/8/7re share trading in University of London Press
MacAlister, J W1916/1/3re shares in London University Press
MacAlister, J Y17/12/1884old books on history of prices at Leeds library
Macalister, R A S29/12/1894re Garrett testimonial
MacAllister J Y W1913/8/31re bad shares
Macallum, A B20/04/1897asks HSF to go to Toronto meeting of British Association
Macaulay, Norah1930/11/24on Olive's death
Macauly, W H30/11/1891re poverty award in scholarships
MacBride, J14/03/1898bimetallic query
Maccdillos, T G??/??/1900introduces Count Einu Bethyany
Macdonald, A E1923/3/23re use of HSF's name in book advertising
Macdonald, A E1923/3/26re use of HSF's name in book advertising
Macdonald, John M12/09/1894business issues in bimetallism
Macdonald, John M28/08/1894bimetallism
MacDonald, Ramsay1914/4/17invites HSF to dine
MacDonald, Ramsay1914/4/23social
MacDonald, Ramsay1910/3/8social
MacDonald, Ramsay1914/4/28social
Macdonald, W A 1911The New Order of the New Sciences (booklet)
Macdonell, J M1902/4/26opposes new teaching proposals
Macdonell, Sir John1915/1/15supports Scott in row with Marshall
Macgregor, D H1915/4/21asks HSF for reference for Glasgow chair
Macgregor, D H1915/4/25re Glasgow chair - Scott got it
Macgregor, D H1907/5/23exam questions and views about his work
Macgregor, D H1901/11/19re his salary, expects job at Board of Education
Macgregor, D H1905exam papers
Macgregor, D H1905/6/3re papers and essays
Macgregor, D H1913/5/15declines Indian chair
Macgregor, D Hexam questions
Macgregor, D H1907/5/27summary of his lectures
Macgregor, D H1927/4/8re secretaryship of P E Club
Macgregor, D H1930/7/30PC re HSF suggestion
Macgregor, D H1927/4/1re review for EJ
Macgregor, D H1933/3/9wants to see proofs of Bibliography
Machinater, J J1916/1/2problems of Sociological Society
Mackail, J W1919/2/24re Keynes
Mackail, J W1909/5/1PC social
Mackail, J W1909/5/3PC social
MacKay, A L Gordon1930/11/24on Olive's death
Mackenzie J A P1916/5/25re death of C A Conant
Mackenzie J A P1916/5/23re error on review
Mackenzie, H W G13/08/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Mackenzie, J S02/10/1891re testimonial for Chair in North Wales
Mackenzie, J S19/10/1891Cobden lectures
Mackenzie, J S19/10/1891St Andrews election
Mackenzie, J S23/10/1891re jobs at Manchester
Mackenzie, J S12/11/1894asks HSF for testimonial for Chair in philosophy at Cardiff
Mackenzie, J S15/11/1894thanks HSF for testimonial
Mackenzie, J S29/11/1890on his book
Mackenzie, J S1901/11/7on candidates for a job
Mackenzie, J S18/05/1892re a job
Mackenzie, J S??/12/1892introduces H A Atkinson
Mackenzie, J S09/01/1898to apply for Glasgow chair
Mackenzie, J S17/01/1898PC re views on a position
Mackenzie, J S28/01/1898PC not going for Edinburgh chair
Mackenzie, J S07/09/1898congratulates on marriage, Edinburgh chair
Mackenzie, J S14/01/1898re Cardiff chair
Mackenzie, John A01/08/1895Royal Statistical Society notes
Mackenzie, John S26/07/1888re Chair in Adelaide
Mackenzie, John S07/08/1888re Chair in Adelaide
MacKinder, H J1906/12/27re organisation of HSF's lectures
Mackinder, J1907/1/22social
Mackinoc, Mrs19/04/1879cannot make appointment to see HSF
Maclachlan, Alan B09/10/1896asks for testimonial
Maclachlan, Alan B25/07/1896asks for testimonial
Maclaren, Elisa to Olive Foxwell10/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Maclean, C Stuart17/11/1868social arrangements
Maclean, C Stuart04/11/1868exams results and social chat
Maclean, C Stuart28/09/1868general chat
Maclean, C Stuart??/??/1868general chat
Maclean, C Stuart??/??/1868general chat
Maclean, F1911/5/3HSF's stock exchange lectures
MacLeod H D27/10/1879re his application for PE chair
MacLeod H D17/11/1879claims to have anticipated Jevons
MacLeod H D 6/11/1879re maths & 20 years of Jevons & Marshall
Macleod, H D06/12/1884re Macleod's testimonial for Chair
Macleod, H D15/11/1884re Macleod's candidature for Chair in Cambridge
Macleod, H D31/01/1883declines Jevons' memorial
Macleod, H D15/02/1875asks for recognition by Board in PE of his Principles of Economical Philosophy
Macleod, H D21/02/1875re his new book on mercantile law, earlier Elements, Ricardo's theory of rent
Macleod, H D17/02/1875re his experience, writings, Mill, M. Michel Chevalier, Roman laws, encloses testimonials
Macleod, H D05/03/1875encloses attachment from M. Michel Chevalier
Macleod, H D1863pamphlet on appointment of P E Professor at Cambridge
Macleod, H DJune 1881article on modern science of econmics
Macleod, H D17/10/1881sends HSF article
MacMahon, P17/03/1887social
MacMahon, P A09/12/1888re present of books from HSF
MacMahon, P A22/03/1888general chat
MacMahon, Percy1928/10/10social
MacMahon, W16/07/1889social
Macmillan Alex13/10/1879re book
Macmillan Frederick19/8/1897translation of Pierson’s book
Macmillan W1920/10/6general economics chat
Macmillan W1922/6/23book by G Mairet etc
Macmillan Will1921/11/17aks for HSF’s opinion on Douglas’s Democracy and Credit
Macmillan & Co1918/9/28receipt for manuscript
Macmillan & Co1921account of book sales
Macmillan & Co1919/4/11account for papers on current finance
Macmillan & Co1919/5/14re letter from Stock Exchange Gazette
Macmillan & Co1919account for publishing Current Finance Papers
Macmillan & CoJan-20account for copies of Current Finance
Macmillan & Co1926/6/25PC on Pearson's Principles
Macmillan & Co11/02/1898received copoy for Menger's book
Macmillan & Co1882flyer for 2nd edition Marshall's Economics of Industry
Macmillan & Coflyer for A Ponsonby's Samuel Pepys
Macmillan & Co Ltd1921/2/5re list of new books
Macmillan & Co Ltd1951/6/18to Audrey Foxwell, asks permission to reprint Menger
Macmillan & Co Ltd1912flyer on book on prices by W T Layton
Macmillan & Co Ltd1923/10/10bill for printing
Macmillan & Co Ltd1922account for pamphlets sold
Macmillan & Co Ltd1921account for pamphlets sold
Macmillan & Co Ltd1923/1/6account for pamphlets sold
Macmillan & Co Ltd1930/4/23re article on tax
Macmillan and Bowes1906/3/7new collection including "Cantabrigia Illustrata"
Macmillan Companyflyer on Irving Fisher's "Why is the dollar shrinking?"
Macmillan Companyflyer for Charles Morgan novel
Macmillan, Alex17/03/1884social
Macmillan, Alex31/03/1884invitation to lunch etc
Macmillan, Eleanor31/07/1897(aka Smalley) knows HSF more intimately than most people, hope he makes Olive happy, rendez-vous
Macmillan, Eleanor19/07/1897rendez-vous
Macmillan, Eleanor02/05/1897rendez-vous, Isle of Wight etc
Macmillan, Eleanor07/05/1897rendez-vous at the Lyceum Theatre
Macmillan, Eleanor08/05/1897rendez-vous etc
Macmillan, F08/09/1885thanks HSF for opinion on MS
Macmillan, F09/09/1885re opinion on an essay by A R Wallace
Macmillan, F25/09/1885re Wallace essay
Macmillan, F18/08/1885asks HSF for opinion on MS by Prof Newcomb
Macmillan, F12/04/1885re P K Rayes 'Deductive Logic'
Macmillan, F10/03/1885re P K Rayes 'Deductive Logic'
Macmillan, F12/08/1896re manuscript by Sir R P Edgecombe
Macmillan, F06/02/1896re manuscripts on political economy
Macmillan, F12/02/1896re manuscripts on political economy
Macmillan, F10/08/1896re Sir R P Edgecombe's manuscript
Macmillan, F08/05/1896re manuscript on industrialism versus socialism
Macmillan, Frederick09/04/1886re bibliographical details of Malthus's Wages
Macmillan, Frederick22/02/1886re report on economic manuscript
Macmillan, Frederick18/02/1886re report on economic manuscript
Macmillan, Frederick04/02/1889asks HSF to look at MS on profit sharing
Macmillan, Frederick16/02/1898bibliography of socialism
Macmillan, Frederick10/01/1895translation of Menger
Macmillan, Frederick24/01/1895re manuscript on political economy
Macmillan, Frederick24/11/1887re economics books
Macmillan, Frederick20/09/1895re new edition of Fawcett's Free Trade and Protection
Macmillan, Frederick01/04/1895re economic books
Macmillan, Frederick14/05/1895re economic books
Macmillan, Frederick25/05/1895re economic books
Macmillan, Frederick22/04/1892asks about a Cannan book
Macmillan, Frederick29/06/1898on HSF's marriage
Macmillan, Frederick09/05/1883re diagram for the Statist
Macmillan, Frederick26/01/1891re Boissevain's book etc
Macmillan, Frederick11/02/1891re Roscher's(?) 'System of Political Economy'
Macmillan, Frederick29/05/1891asks opinion of Barnstable's 'Public Finance'
Macmillan, Frederick20/04/1891journals of Statistical Society
Macmillan, Frederick03/03/1891re W Smarts 'The Theory of value'
Macmillan, Frederick03/09/1891re book by Crosbie on Land Rent
Macmillan, Frederick24/04/1891re Journals of Statistical Society
Macmillan, Frederick13/05/1884re reprint of Jevons 'Studies in Deductive Logic'
Macmillan, Frederick06/06/1887re Dana Horton's book
Macmillan, Frederick12/01/1896asks HSF about manuscript on economic theory
Macmillan, Frederick15/01/1894asks HSF opinion of book by Raw on 'Eight Hours Question'
Macmillan, Frederick07/12/1894asks HSF about a manuscript
Macmillan, Frederick10/12/1894asks HSF about a manuscript
Macmillan, Frederick23/11/1894on a manuscript
Macmillan, Frederick08/09/1894on Rae's Life of Adam Smith etc
Macmillan, Frederick02/03/1894on Walkers's Money Trade and Industry
Macmillan, Frederick03/09/1894on a manuscript etc
Macmillan, Frederick12/03/1894on manuscripts etc
Macmillan, Frederick31/07/1895social
Macmillan, Frederick25/04/1895mss of late Dana Horton on silver question
Macmillan, Frederick23/10/1895asks for HSF's opinion on an L L Price manuscript
Macmillan, Frederick15/08/1895social
Macmillan, Frederick06/05/1891re fee for opinion of manuscript
Macmillan, Frederick11/11/1895re Price's book on bimetallism
Macmillan, Frederick25/11/1895not to publish Price, Seligman's essays, not to publish Swedish book on English wages history
Macmillan, Frederick27/11/1895re Price's book
Macmillan, Frederick05/12/1895social
Macmillan, Frederick1918/10/7re HSF's book, Gemmerer's Modern Currency Reforms
Macmillan, Frederick1921/1/18to Edgeworth re reprint of Menger and book on Marx by Salter
Macmillan, Frederick27/05/1895send cheque for opinion on Loria's book etc
Macmillan, Frederick05/05/1897re publication of translation of Menger
Macmillan, Frederick10/05/1897on publication of Menger
Macmillan, Frederick25/09/1891report on Crosbie's book, American Journal of Economics not sent to HSF
Macmillan, Frederick16/04/1891donation of volumes of Statistical Society journals and their binding
Macmillan, Frederick22/01/1891Boissevain wishes HSF to have gift for trouble he took over translation of article
Macmillan, Frederick09/11/1893asks HSF about Helm's books on 'Joint Standards'
Macmillan, Frederick03/12/1893social, Bonar and Adam Smith catalogue
Macmillan, Frederick16/01/1893re using Tanner as a printer
Macmillan, Frederick27/07/1893money from P E Club
Macmillan, Frederick19/11/1893Helm's book
Macmillan, Frederick29/11/1893to publish Austrian History of Socialism
Macmillan, Frederick13/05/1892tells Cannan to find another publisher, sends Thompson's book on Theory of Wages
Macmillan, Frederick02/05/1892re Cannan's manuscript
Macmillan, Frederick27/04/1895re proposal to publish translation of French book
Macmillan, Frederick1901/6/28re his library sale
Macmillan, Frederick1907/7/1HSF library sale, Sidney Webb
Macmillan, Frederick10/06/1898LSE won't pay £10,000 for library
Macmillan, Frederick25/06/1884printers lost proofs of diagrams
Macmillan, Frederick01/04/1897re second hand booksellers
Macmillan, Frederick29/03/1897re Pierson and his book
Macmillan, Frederick06/04/1897second hand booksellers
Macmillan, Frederick22/05/1896social
Macmillan, Frederick13/08/1895social
Macmillan, Frederick18/06/1896translation of Menger
Macmillan, Frederick24/03/1896re book on wealth distribution
Macmillan, Frederick18/03/1896re opinions of books
Macmillan, Frederick07/02/1898re HSF's bibliography of socialism
Macmillan, Frederick11/09/1897re note in EK on Menger's book
Macmillan, Frederick24/03/1890re reprint of Howell's book
Macmillan, Frederick16/04/1890re Howell revising book
Macmillan, Frederick19/04/1890thanks for help with Howell
Macmillan, Frederick20/02/1890re R Ely's Manual of PE
Macmillan, Frederick27/02/1890not to publish Ely's Manual of PE
Macmillan, Frederick28/05/1890re Australian book onland nationalisation
Macmillan, Frederick15/10/1890will do translation of Pantaleoni
Macmillan, Frederick09/05/1892re letter from Cannan
Macmillan, Frederick11/06/1894re copies of Thery's book
Macmillan, Frederick06/02/1899list of people to get copies of Menger
Macmillan, Frederick14/09/1891social
Macmillan, Frederick14/05/1888re translation of Bohun-Bawerk
Macmillan, Frederick05/04/1888re Wicksteed's Alphabet
Macmillan, Frederick1927/7/27to Higgs cannot reproduce Menger
Macmillan, Frederick1918/10/1re his "Current Finance"
Macmillan, Frederick1918/10/4HSF's book will run to about 300 pages
Macmillan, George1919/7/25re Fairchild wanting to quote from Menger
Macmillan, George1919/8/28re Fairchild's anti-Marxian proposals
Macmillan, George29/09/1890re translation of Pantaleoni's book
Macmillan, George A09/02/1887asks HSF to look at two economics manuscripts
Macmillan, George A07/10/1891asks opinion of books by D Sekboss on Methods of Industrial Renumeration
Macmillan, George A12/10/1891re Schloss manuscript
Macmillan, George A03/01/1898introduction to Menger and bibliography of English Socialist School
Macmillan, George A1918/7/5re HSF's introduction to book
Macmillan, George A1918/4/18re printing of Institute of Actuaries debate
Macmillan, George A1918/5/10printing of Institute of Actuaries debate
Macmillan, George A1918/7/3re publishing Papers on Current Finance
Macmillan, George A1918/3/27re publishing HSF's Royal Institution lectures
Macmillan, George A1916/4/27re HSF's lectures on wartime economy
Macmillan, George A1916/5/1re HSF's lectures on wartime economy
Macmillan, George A1919/4/1re complimentary copies of "Papers in Current Finance"
Macmillan, George A1919/2/27re HSF's book
Macmillan, George A1919/3/25send copies out of HSF's book
Macmillan, George A13/07/1878on death of HSF mother
Macmillan, George A11/01/1898re Menger's bibliography
Macmillan, George A31/05/1896?'s book, Dr Carl Bucher
Macmillan, George A19/03/1896re Ernest Gardiner's application for UCL chair
Macmillan, George A30/12/1897re introduction to Menger
Macmillan, George A1918/4/8agreement for "Papers in Current Finance"
Macmillan, Georgiana14/07/1893social
Macmillan, Georgiana27/12/1893thanks HSF for photo etc
Macmillan, Georgina20/09/1892re a ghost
Macmillan, Georgina06/09/1892social
Macmillan, Maurice08/11/1893re Bain's book
Macmillan, Olive23/07/1884re not sitting exam
Macmillan, P W16-Maysocial
Macmillan, W1922/7/13HSF's views on book
Macmillan, W E1920/1/11re Cole on profits, profits, capital etc
Macmillan, Will25/05/1921re Douglas's Credit, Power and Democracy
Macmillan, Will1921/10/20re Douglas on Democracy and Credit
Macmillan, Will1921/3/2general economic
MacMurtree, Hugh1900/11/19thanks HSF for acting as referee etc
Macrostie, Henry1927/12/18thanks HSF for praise for his banking work
Macrostz, Henry W1930/11/24on Olive's death
Mactaggart, C S1914/10/21asks HSF to lecture on war finance at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1913/12/17Pownall to lecture at LSE (encloses letter from Pownall)
Mactaggart, C S1916/11/6re trouble with student
Mactaggart, C S1919/7/10re bonus from LSE
Mactaggart, C S1914/10/14re a student at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1914/10/26re a student at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1911/6/28asks HSF to lecture at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1913/11/14re lectures at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1903/6/6re proofs of HSF's lecture details at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1917/7/16re LSE lectures
Mactaggart, C S1915/4/22re HSF's lectures at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1915/5/12re HSF's lectures at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1919/5/9re LSE classes
Mactaggart, C S1919/5/13re LSE classes
Mactaggart, C S1919/3/15asks HSF to continue at LSE
Mactaggart, C S1914/10/19re effects of war on finance in different countries, Director of LSE enquiry
Mactaggart, C S1914/10/19seeks lecturer in French history on institutions for LSE
Mactaggart, C S1912/6/21re HSF's LSE courses
Mactaggart, C S1914/10/23re an enquiry about a Society
Mactaggart, C S1912/5/11asks HSF to approve book list
Mactaggart, C S1914/8/8re payment to lecturers
Mactaggart, C S1921/8/14on health and asks for Hsu's address
Mactaggart, C S1912/2/9to Mrs Foxwell re HSF's flu
Mactaggart, C S1915/1/21re Director of LSE giving lecture without fee
Mactaggart, C S1915/1/22re German papers in LSE library
Mactaggart, C S1910/12/17cablegram to LSE re introduction of Philippovitch
Mactaggart, C S1912/5/23Director LSE thanks HSF for suggestion
Mactaggart, C S1914/8/1LSE lectures to the class
Mactaggart, C S1918/7/12re HSF's LSE registration
Mactaggart, C S1904/1/11to meet Dr Patrisch
Mactaggart, C S1904/2/2re LSE essay regulations
MacTaggart, J1910/12/4re a brown nomination
Madachlan, A S30/10/1896thanks HSF for testimonial
Maddison, A R 13/10/1884re tract
Maddison, A R 20/10/1884re tract
Maderley, W F1923/8/21on Ernest Foxwell's death
Madge Sydney J1921/9/23re bibliography
Madge, Sidney J1919/2/3asks HSF to provide reference for job
Madison T17/06/1874HSF buys £200 Japanese Bonds
Madon, B F1919/10/28on the rupee
Maggie1900/11/14to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie
Maggie to Audrey1936/8/4on HSF's death
Maggs Bros1933/2/23sends catalogues on Spanish books
Maggs Brosflyer for the Bolton letters
maggs Bros1931/11/11offers items on economics
Maggs Bros19283 flyers on new publications
Maggs Brosflyer on The Titled Bible
Maggs Bros1927/11/18offers book on pawnshops
Maggs Brothers1930/5/19items for sale
Maggs Brothers1930list of Acts etc for sale
Maggs Brothers Ltd1936/5/28re French economic tracts
Magis et Mounad1933/2/27on publications
Magis, M1933/2/23bill for books
Magis, M1932/4/11re some manuscripts
Magis, M1932catalogue of books
Magis, M193210 accounts for publications and catalogue lists
Magis, M1932/5/4re list of placards
Magis, M1932/5/5lists of pamphlets
Magis, M1934/6/9his catalogue
Magis, M1934/6/21re items sent and unavailable
Magis, M1933/3/21re items for sale
Magis, M1933/5/11catalogue etc
Magis, M1933/2/6items for sale
Magis, M1932/6/17re items for sale
Magis, M1932/10/13thanks for cheque
Mahincha, K C1917/8/28wants to do the Tripos
Mahmood, S09/10/1872social
Mahmood, S30/09/1872re his plans
Mahmood, Syed20/06/1872asks if HSf in Cambridge
Mahmood, Syed09/07/1872has to miss long vac in Cambridge
Mahoffy, Robert??/??/1891re books on protection
Mahoffy, Robert??/??/1891re books on protection
Main Harriet 9/8/1897social
Main, Ethel12/10/1886general chat
Main, Harriet14/07/1896social
Main, Harriet23/06/1896social chat
Main, Harriet06/07/1896social
Main, Harriet09/07/1896social etc
Main, Harriet 26/05/1896social
Main, Harriet to Olive Foxwell03/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Main, Jenny1924/10/15general chat
Main, Jessy1921/5/6social
Main, P I26/02/1895bimetallism
Main, P T12/09/1896social
Main, P T1928/6/19social
Main, P T07/05/1894on bimetallism etc
Main, P T09/10/1893college chat
Main, P T25/10/1893college chat
Main, P T29/09/1893social
Main, P T27/09/1893social
Main, P T03/10/1893social
Main, P T04/10/1893social and college chat
Main, P T11/11/1893college chat
Main, P T01/10/1893general chat
Main, P T25/04/1894St John's intrigues
Main, P T01/09/1894general
Main, P T06/09/1896on pleasures of St John's etc
Main, P T22/09/1896mainly social
Main, P T24/03/1895mainly social
Main, P T10/05/1894advice on maintaining strength, chat
Main, P T31/01/1891encl letter from Maude
Main, P T03/08/1891to HSF on holiday in Yorkshire, college news etc
Main, P T12/08/1891holidays, weather
Main, P T18/08/1891college news
Main, P T14/06/1891asks about college business
Main, P T19/06/1891college chat and Maude's visit to HSF
Main, P T17/06/1891holiday chat
Main, P T31/07/1898general chat
Main, P T28/03/1898wedding cheque
Main, P T25/01/1890re HSF's health, flu epidemic etc
Main, P T13/04/1890re HSF's recuperation etc
Main, P T21/08/1892general chat
Main, P T25/07/1892general chat
Main, P T11/07/1892re electino etc
Main, P T12/08/1892general chat
Main, P T30/12/1892general chat
Main, P T07/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Main, P T27/12/1890wants peace with HSF
Main, P T23/01/1890general chat
Main, Robert23/01/1896social
Maitland, F W07/01/1897on HSF's engagement
Maitland, A18/06/1895bimetallic business
Maitland, E08/11/1895outburst on Bimetallic League
Maitland, E V A1897bimetallism meeting and leaflets
Maitland, E V A11/11/1897bimetallism meeting and strategy
Maitland, Elphinstone21/06/1899re Bimetallic League organisation
Maitland, Elphinstone V A06/05/1897asks HSF for figures on state of the nation 1850
Maitland, F W27/11/1879general chat
Maitland, F W13/05/1879Moral science exams and views on MacLeod History of Political Economy
Maitland, F W15/05/1879Moral science exams and views on MacLeod History of Political Economy
Maitland, F W17/10/1896gold-silver ratio
Maitland, F W20/06/1873re margin of cultivation
Maitland, F W17/05/1875thanks for money
Maitland, F W18/10/1875 re dissertation etc
Maitland, F W04/11/1874Alleluia!
Maitland, F W07/03/1894re some exams
Maitland, F W1906/5/28asks HSF to be a Whewell examiner
Maitland, F W02/03/1883social
Maitland, F W29/10/1875thanks HSF for help
Maitland, F W08/12/1896PC re signature for philosophy chair
Maitland, F W06/08/1892thanks HSF for books
Maitland, F Wthanks HSF for book
Maitland, F W01/02/1894re exam papers
Maitland, F W14/10/1894re publishing a book
Maitland, F W18/05/1894hopes HSF gets better
Maitland, F W20/10/1895asks HSF to forgive him
Maitland, F W1906/5/31PC Bate and Westlake with HSF
Maitland, Mr & Mrs W E1930/11/24card on Olive's death
Maitland, T W16/05/1878re appointment as examiner
Maitland, W R15/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Makeson, C G15/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Makilucputt, G W R18/05/1898sends wedding present
Malkins, H C11/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Mallet B1919/2/17re currency question
Mallet Bernard1917/6/5decimal coinage
Mallet Bernard1917/5/29cost of loan
Mallet Bernard28/91916general
Mallet Bernard1912/12/9Royal Economic Society
Mallet Bernard1911/1/18Cannan to join Club
Mallet Bernard1910/12/13Cannan’s elections to PE Club
Mallet Bernard1917/6/8re Stat Society meeting
Mallet Bernard1917/6/22re Stat Society meeting
Mallet Bernard1918/3/13asks HSF to talk on banking
Mallet Bernard1917/6/18Somersetshire Historical Society
Mallet Bernard12/6/1897Balfour to see Andrews of Brown Uni
Mallet, B1918/10/10re members of P E Club
Mallet, B1915/10/20PC dinner
Mallet, B1901/1/6candidates for Club, Bonar, Cannan, Hobson
Mallet, B1927/10/21PC refinancial problems of war-question for discussion
Mallet, B1901/1/17re Leonard Darwin as candidtate
Mallet, B1911/1/24PC re meeting with Cannan
Mallet, Bernard1921/9/17on Lloyd George etc
Mallet, Bernard1913/3/8re exam question
Mallet, Bernard1913/2/18Political Economy Club
Mallet, Bernard1913/6/20Political Economy Club
Mallet, Bernard1922/8/10re some meeting
Mallet, Bernard1919/2/19re history of Bank of England etc
Mallet, Bernard1915/10/30re foreign exchange
Mallet, Bernard1917/12/29re new members for Political Economy Club
Mallet, Bernard1918/1/2re new members for Political Economy Club
Mallet, Bernard1918/1/5subject for Political Economy Club
Mallet, Bernard1918/2/24on the Political Economy Club business
Mallet, Bernard1915/11/8re Political Economy Club meeting
Mallet, Bernard1916/10/30social
Mallet, Bernard1918/1/21re some elections
Mallet, Bernard1914/9/29query on Political Economy Club dinners in wartime
Mallet, Bernard1907/5/7general
Mallet, Bernard1916/9/17asks HSF to speak at Political Economy Club dinner
Mallet, Bernard1916/9/23re speaking at Political Economy Club dinner
Mallet, Bernard1916/1/28waste of resources by local government and views on servants
Mallet, Bernard1910/1/31PE Club
Mallet, Bernard1910/2/7PC train times
Mallet, Bernard1910/2/4PC some announcement
Mallet, Bernard1901/1/10re subject for meeting, a Giffen survey
Mallet, Bernard1901/1/11dates for meeting of PE Club
Mallet, Bernard1901/1/11asks HSF if the knows J A Hobson for PE Club
Mallet, Bernard1915/10/12asks HSF to start discussion at meeting
Mallet, Bernard1912/5/31declines a flattering suggestion from HSF
Mallet, Bernard1917/5/24re meeting of P E Club
Mallet, Bernard1917/6/7re P E Club
Mallet, Bernard1901/3/25to H Higgs re subs to buy HSF library
Mallet, Bernard1931/8/27re Royal Commission on Gold and Silver
Mallet, Bernard1931/8/16re revival of bimetallism
Mallet, Bernard1917/6/14re invitations to some discussion
Mallet, Bernard1931/9/13PC re article on silver
Mallet, Bernard 05/07/1898on HSF's engagement
Mallet, Louis07/07/1884note on book for Civil Service exams
Mallet, Marie1916/12/3thank you letter
Mallet, R T05/11/1895re charts of bimetallism
Mallet, R T18/12/1895re a lost HSF chart
Malone, C R R29/12/1879student letter
Malwood, G M05/10/1872social
Malwood, S M1872cannot coach HSF today
Man, John E29/05/1894social
Manchester & Liverpool Dist. Banking Co Ltd1917/9/3HSF’s article in Economist etc
Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co Ltd1916/4/12receipt of a letter
Manchester and Salford Traders Council et alwhy working men should support bimetallism
Manchester Guardian28/08/1882re Jevons's obituary notice
Manchester Guardian1915/12/22re a Frewen letter
Manchester Guardian25/08/1893two cuttings on Indian currency and House of Commons debate
Manchester Guardianflyer on special series by J M Keynes
Manchester Statistical Society1901/5/13asks HSF to annual dinner
Manchester University1913/3/3re Gartside Scholarships
Mandello, I08/03/1896re his application for St John's fellowship
Mandello, I J30/12/1896re a Dictionary of PE
Mandello, J G28/02/1898on Vanderlint book
Mandello, T G16/05/1897re HSF's books
Mandello, T G23/03/1887re HSF's books and other books
Mandello, T G13/08/1897PC re books
Manes, Alfred1902/7/27asks to see HSF's library
Manley, H F1902/3/11student letter
Mann, Arthur1918/1/17re policy on tarriffs
Mann, L08/09/1891re a Bibliography
Mann, L22/07/1891thanks HSF for suggestions, HSF's flu
Mann, L18/07/1891asks HSF to attend International Statistic Institute meeting in Vienna etc
Mann, L G28/12/1897re some enclosures for Houldsworth
Manner, J1919/8/15syllabus for Reading, asks HSF for suggestions for political economy
Manner, J1917/8/15re quote on Henry VII
Manner, J1919/8/16pc thanks HSF for proof
Manner, J1910/11/20card re some piece for the Chronical
Manner, J1919/8/4copy of Political Economy list
Manning, B L1917/12/4re a note for Cambridge Review
Manning, Bernard L1917/12/5re reviews of books
Mansel, Emily21/11/1875on behalf of husband re papers
Mansel, Emily16/11/1875re husband's illness
Mansel, Spencer12/11/1875re exchanging exam questions
Mansel, Spencer?problems with papers
Mansel, Spencer08/12/1875marks for papers (Keynes etc)
Manson, E J1872cancels meeting
Manson, P Thurburn to Olive Dorrington08/11/1897congratulations on her engagement
Mantoux, Paul1913/11/26introduces Edouard Pfeiffer
Maple & Co23/3/1876re argument over bill
Maple & Co1922/5/12delivery of furniture
Maple & Co02/09/1898re trouble with furniture
Maple & Co07/09/1898re problems with bedstead
Marcel, A03/07/1874re lectures in Leeds, Halifax etc
Maresfield, R J24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Margetts, Walter W10/10/1898re a scholarship
Margie??/12/1881thanks for card etc
Margie16/12/1881re a Mrs Rayner
Margie15/12/1881re a Mrs Rayner
Margoulles, J1923/5/23re HSF not going to Bangor
Maria1927/2/2to Audrey in Italian
Maria1937/8/1to AF thanks for letters in Italian
Marigold, J Arthur24/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Marindin, G E12/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Marine Society's Office1917/3/10appeal for its training ship
Marion18/10/1880social - below stairs
Marjorie1915/6/2family chat
Marjorie1900/11/7to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie
Marjorie1911/4/4thanks HSF for birthday greetings
Markby, W20/11/1890re meeting of Toynbee Trustees
Markby, W18/08/1892re declaration of trust
Markby, W09/12/1885asks HSF to lecture at All Souls
Markby, W20/12/1885sorry HSF cannot lecture at All Souls
Marks G1919/6/3re HSF lectures at Institute of Actuaries
Marks Geoffrey1919/10/13re staff for Marks
Marks Geoffrey1919/10/10re Singer as staff for Marks
Marks Geoffrey1919/10/6an HSF lecture
Marks Geoffrey1919/10/27Institute lecture
Marks Geoffrey1919/4/23re fees & new office for HSF
Marks Geoffrey1919/5/3general chat
Marks Geoffrey1919/9/28HSF’s lecture etc
Marks, A Mary1919/12/23sends mittens for HSF to war in bed
Marks, A Mary1920/3/13general chat
Marks, Geoffrey1919/4/30enquiry on wages etc
Marks, Geoffrey1930/11/27re Tuesday Club
Marks, Geoffrey1930/12/9Tuesday Club
Marks, Geoffrey1919/4/24re Tuesday Club
Marks, Geoffrey1919/4/12re Exchequer Bills
Marks, Geoffrey1919/6/11re copyright problem
Marks, Geoffrey1919/9/30HSF lecture, strikes
Marks, Geoffrey1919/10/2HSF lecture
Marks, Geoffrey1919/5/14asks HSF to give course of lectures at Institute of Actuaries
Marks, Geoffrey1919/5/17to meet HSF re lectures
Marks, Geoffrey1919/9/16proofs of HSF's syllabus of lectures
Marks, Geoffrey1919/8/27re HSF lecture syllabus
Marks, Geoffrey1919/9/2re HSF lecture syllabus
Marks, Geoffrey1919/9/7re manuscript of HSF lecture syllabus
Marks, Geoffrey1919/9/9suggestions on HSF syllabus
Marks, Geoffrey1919/9/11thanks HSF for letter
Marks, Geoffrey1919/9/18printing prospectus of HSF lectures
Marks, Geoffrey1923/1/8re assurance for daughters
Marks, Geoffrey1919/12/1has to miss meeting
Marks, Geoffrey1919/6/21lectures can stand over
Marks, Geoffrey1919/4/14re information on Exchequer Bills
Marks, Mrs E A1913/10/7on death of Mrs Marks's brother
Marland, J Bruce M1926/3/31doctor's account
Marlborough, Duchess of 31/03/1893to meet Mr Balfour at dinner
Marr John E1913/1/19Cambridge chat
Marr Mrs A B1916/11/27social
Marr, Amy03/06/1896social
Marr, Amy B08/07/1895social, theatre etc
Marr, Amy B20/07/1893social
Marr, Amy BPC social
Marr, H C H21/08/1886re meeting on industrial villages
Marr, H C H25/08/1886re meeting on industrial villages
Marr, Jsocial
Marr, J E1910/7/11re some shares
Marr, J E1908/5/31disappointment over Marshall chair
Marr, John E15/07/1872general chat
Marr, John E1917/11/3on his failure at some election
Marr, John E1912/12/15general
Marr, John E22/03/1894mainly social
Marr, John E17/08/1891wishes HSF a good stay at Patterdale
Marr, John E13/08/1891general chat
Marr, John E27/03/1891re movements, chat
Marr, John E28/06/1891re movements, sends love to Maude
Marr, John E24/12/1891enthuses about the Fells and his companion
Marr, John E17/09/1891general chat
Marr, John E19/08/1891general chat
Marr, John E25/08/1891re travel plans, gossip
Marr, John E03/09/1891general chat
Marr, John E26/07/1891re trip
Marr, John E04/07/1891new address, travel plans
Marr, John E20/07/1891travel plans
Marr, John E16/04/1891re application for job in Antipodes, Maud etc
Marr, John E06/07/1892unable to vote
Marr, John E04/01/1892general chat
Marr, John E04/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Marr, John E22/07/1890general chat
Marr, John L1929/6/16old memories, ill
Marriot, J1914/2/13asks HSF to contribute article to Army Service Corps
Marsh, Alfred T8//2/1922re banks and discouting foreign bills
Marsh, E Holyoake1910/10/29re committee for a testimonial for Robert Applegarth
Marsh, J1924/5/21offers HSF finance
Marshall A 6/5/1885 general chat
Marshall A21/4/1885 Cambridge chat
Marshall A 8/11/1885re Somer & encloses letter about start of economic journal
Marshall A17/5/1885clearing the air _ visit of Walker
Marshall A1885hesitations on printing paper
Marshall A17/1/1885PC _ about blunder on PE
Marshall A22/4/1885re address to Stat Society
Marshall A13/2/1885on markets
Marshall A18/6/1879re prices, MacLeod etc
Marshall A17/1/1879PC _ re demand
Marshall A 8/1/1879PC _ re demand & ch IV of Industry:thanks HSF for help
Marshall A1879asks opinion of Arnold
Marshall A10/5/1879re classics chair
Marshall A20/11/1879re extension of stay at Bristol
Marshall A10/1/1879wages, Sidgwick, Jevons etc
Marshall A2/11/1879economics, book, draft letter of resignation from Bristol etc
Marshall A25/101879 offers to assign half salary; pours pity on himself
Marshall A18/10/1879re job in Cambridge
Marshall A19/10/1879re job
Marshall A23/10/1879re job
Marshall A14/2/1879general
Marshall Alfred1922/10/20on death of HSF’s brother
Marshall M19/101879re proofs of book
Marshall M1879re book
Marshall M14/12/1879re visit, book etc
Marshall M P15/11/1885re breakfast with Hey
Marshall M P28/12/1879 re HSF entertainment in Bristol
Marshall M P 6/12//1879re Christmas arrangements
Marshall M P12/10/1897re meeting with the master
Marshall M P24/9/1897re health & teaching load
Marshall M P27/9/1897re meeting the Dorringtons
Marshall M P17/2/1875gossip, personal philosophy etc
Marshall M P27/1/1875lectures, comments etc
Marshall M P 3/2/1875PC _ social
Marshall M P10/5/1875PC _ social
Marshall M P ?lectures, trade unions, co-ops etc
Marshall M P ?lecture notes etc
Marshall M P11/2/1875Leeds extension lectures etc
Marshall, A11/09/????gives HSF reading desk
Marshall, A01/12/1884re Marshall's candidature for Cambridge chair
Marshall, A19/12/1884Cambridge politics
Marshall, A20/11/1884re Cambridge chair in political economy
Marshall, A23/12/1884Cambridge politics and Oxford chair
Marshall, A13/12/1884plans as porfessor - talks of "opposition in the Keynes"
Marshall, A10/03/1884views on George
Marshall, A29/04/1884views on marriage and colleges
Marshall, A15/11/1884re Cambridge chair
Marshall, A10/08/1874HSF's lectures and opinions of Switzerland
Marshall, A24/03/1886pc on colonial customs league etc
Marshall, A26/07/1886proposal to start an economic journal with Keynes
Marshall, A12/10/1886general
Marshall, A??/??/????pc re books etc
Marshall, A22/03/1886pc HSF on colonial protection etc (note on envelope)
Marshall, A29/05/1886re dispute with Sidgwick on political economy papers and bimetallism
Marshall, A27/04/1886history of Political Economy Club etc
Marshall, A17/11/1886pc re cost of pamphlets
Marshall, A17/07/1886re proposal of economic journal etc
Marshall, A30/03/1884Toynbee Trust
Marshall, A07/05/1887to C M Toynbee on Toynbee portrait
Marshall, A10/10/1881on his Italian holiday, second edition of Economics and treatment of rent per Mill and Ricardo
Marshall, A23/05/1881poor opinion of Edgeworth's book
Marshall, A01/01/1881not to go for UCL Chair
Marshall, A09/09/1888thanks HSF for reading proofs of books etc
Marshall, A04/11/1878on profits, distribution etc
Marshall, A03/07/1878dispute on wages, economic science versus phenomena, French economists etc
Marshall, A27/10/1878value theory, wages etc
Marshall, A01/09/1878on his book proofs
Marshall, A25/03/1878on Fawcett and jobs
Marshall, A28/01/1878law of rent and law of diminishing returns
Marshall, A26/04/1878on his book and whether to bring out 'foreign trade in curves'
Marshall, A29/05/1878on economics books
Marshall, A27/05/1878mainly on the wages question
Marshall, A27/01/1875Tripos results, books on cooperatives
Marshall, A31/01/1875books for HSF on communism and Owen
Marshall, A04/02/1875encl. review of Jevons' paper and discusses
Marshall, A07/02/1875banker and bills etc
Marshall, A08/04/1875re joint stock co. writings, exam results
Marshall, A1903/7/24pc re books
Marshall, A1903/7/31pc re books
Marshall, A1903/7/10pc re books
Marshall, A1903/10/6re book lists on economics
Marshall, A1903/6/29his views on books
Marshall, A1903/7/30pc on books
Marshall, A1903/7/30pc on books
Marshall, A1903/8/5views on books for economics course
Marshall, A1903/8/2views on books for economics course
Marshall, A05/03/1881testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair
Marshall, A05/03/1881re testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair
Marshall, A17/10/1877opinion of Jacobs
Marshall, A1901/1/7re sale of HSF's library
Marshall, A20/03/1870re questions he set to discuss
Marshall, A02/02/1870his and Sidgwick's lectures
Marshall, A31/01/1870wants to see HSF
Marshall, A30/11/1882book on Malthus on definitions, visit to Oxford, people etc
Marshall, A13/11/1882re differences in cost of book, Duke of Richmond's report on agriculture etc
Marshall, A20/11/1882pc re cost of Macpherson, 'Sidgwick in his right place'
Marshall, A10/11/1882psc re a book, Toynbee sees HSF
Marshall, A12/06/1882trip to Italy, Cambridge gossip, people etc
Marshall, A14/10/1882thanks HSF for Walras and other book, Eden, wants a Macpherson etc
Marshall, A22/09/1882pc thanks HSF for the Macpherson and wants trade union reports etc
Marshall, A21/08/1882pc cannot give £5 for Eden, likes Colquhoun
Marshall, A13/09/1882pc Bournemouth peaceful, Edgeworth sent papers
Marshall, A31/10/1882pc thanks HSF for the Macpherson
Marshall, A06/10/1882pc thanks HSF for Walras books
Marshall, A09/10/1882congratulates HSF on success of lectures, cannot edit any Jevons papers
Marshall, A20/12/1882social
Marshall, A14/12/1882old economic books, Germany, job at Bristol etc
Marshall, A18/02/1882wife ill in Italy, job, Cliffe Leslie lectures
Marshall, A18/02/1882his economics books
Marshall, A16/09/1882thanks HSF for Colquhoun, Stewart, books, Edgeworth etc
Marshall, A19/06/1876on his engagement to Mary Paley and HSF's comments
Marshall, A20/05/1898social
Marshall, A1901/6/9has problems with testimonial for HSF for Birmingham over bimetallism
Marshall, A1901/6/7returns something to HSF
Marshall, A1901/6/17re Ashley and Birmingham
Marshall, A1901/6/11his testimonial for HSF for Birmingham chair
Marshall, A08/06/1889re some issue over St John's
Marshall, A05/12/1889highest opinions of Nicholson
Marshall, A01/12/1889doubts about whether to ask Edgeworth to edit review
Marshall, A30/11/1889on Edgeworth's qualities
Marshall, A09/12/1889financial press, general economic situation
Marshall, A1889"not sure old Adam was a great economist"
Marshall, A27/05/1889on the five great economists, Bridge Club
Marshall, A?re British Association, his Vol. 1
Marshall, A23/06/1885pamphlet on graphic method
Marshall, A1901/5/14re argument over time for advanced lectures and study
Marshall, A1901/12/16re HSF on London University
Marshall, A1901/5/24re argment over causes, HSF move to Birmingham grievous to him
Marshall, A1901/1/8Flux and poverty of Cambridge
Marshall, A14/08/1889re Jenkinson etc
Marshall, A01/11/1897social
Marshall, A1901/6/20re some editing
Marshall, A02/11/1895re Moral Science papers etc
Marshall, A??/07/1884PC thanks HSF for books etc
Marshall, A16/12/1887PC on boarding
Marshall, A07/07/1887PC re a walk
Marshall, A1900/9/20PC re some articles
Marshall, A02/04/1895PC Taussig, Hooker's atlas
Marshall, A13/06/1895PC bringing Taussig to hall
Marshall, A05/05/1889PC re Hills and Saunders
Marshall, A21/03/1887PC contemporary and meeting in London
Marshall, A1906/4/25re lectures and Indians
Marshall, A1905/10/12re size of class with 3 black men etc
Marshall, A1936/3/21re an address to Chamber of Commerce
Marshall, A1906/12/24re a meeting, military finances etc
Marshall, A1906/11/22re Head's class
Marshall, A1906/3/29re definitions etc for pamphlet
Marshall, A1904/5/9re list of books etc
Marshall, A1872re types of lecture classes
Marshall, A1902/4/21AM's draft of assent to petition
Marshall, A22/02/1875McLeod's testimonials, effect of high wages on manufacturers, consumers' rent
Marshall, A25/11/1895re book on statistics
Marshall, A20/06/1898PC social
Marshall, A1889to McTaggart re arrangements for co-operators visit
Marshall, A1889money for co-operator's visit
Marshall, A14/04/1894"soft money" and bimetallism, manifesto etc
Marshall, A08/04/1894quibbles over manifesto
Marshall, A05/04/1894wants to disassociate from some bimetallist views
Marshall, A14/04/1894(copy) International Bimetallism Conference
Marshall, A9/11/1886thinks HSF labour lecture excellent, social
Marshall, A30/05/1892re person for some position
Marshall, A07/02/1892re Haynes
Marshall, A25/07/1892on Edgeworth as secretary of BEA, its running
Marshall, A1909/8/6PC re death of Arthur
Marshall, A??/09/1909PC indignation at electoral behaviour
Marshall, A1902/4/7"Plea" for creation of Economics Tripos etc
Marshall, A1902/12/1on Part 1 of new Economics Tripos
Marshall, A1903/3/3re Lockyer's Presidential address to British Association
Marshall, A1902re proposed Economics tripos
Marshall, A1902/10/24monograph on economics teachign in universities
Marshall, A1902/9/27on Econonomic Tripos Syndicate etc
Marshall, A1902/11/17on Econonomic Tripos Syndicate etc
Marshall, A1902/11/18on Econonomic Tripos etc
Marshall, A1903/5/8on Econonomic Tripos Syndicate etc
Marshall, A1903to the Senate on economics tripos
Marshall, A1902/2/8proof of his "Plea"
Marshall, A1902/10/1parts of his talk to Economics Syndicate
Marshall, A1903/5/27re Economic Syndicate matters
Marshall, A25/03/1878to University of London supporting HSF as examiner in Political Economy
Marshall, A10/05/1891note on sliding scales
Marshall, A Milnes23/08/1880exam visit to Cambridge
Marshall, A Milnes09/05/1880asks HSF about lodgings at Weston
Marshall, Alfred13/03/1920re opinion of Jevons and works on books
Marshall, Alfred07/01/1891re Beveridge bequest
Marshall, Alfred15/02/1891re Edgeworth
Marshall, Alfred14/05/1891subjects for Cobden essay
Marshall, Alfred06/06/1891British Economic Association
Marshall, Alfred14/05/1891re subjects for Cobden essay
Marshall, Alfred12/05/1891re Cobden essay subject
Marshall, Alfred27/10/1891re PE Club )?)
Marshall, Alfred19/11/1891PC re subjects for PE Club (?)
Marshall, Alfred15/05/1891argument over Cobden Club
Marshall, Alfred22/11/1891re meeting of commission
Marshall, Alfred1991/11/25Wilson's evidence to commission
Marshall, Alfred07/06/1891Edgeworth and Price
Marshall, Alfred03/09/1887Sidgwick and Toynbee Trustees
Marshall, Alfred?PC re Toynbee photograph
Marshall, Alfred?PC re copyright on Principles
Marshall, Alfred?social
Marshall, Alfred12/12/1887re Marshall's work on currency
Marshall, Alfred25/07/1887re preface of book (Price's essay)
Marshall, Alfred06/05/1887PC on Toynbee photographs
Marshall, Alfred10/03/1887PC bimetallism
Marshall, Alfred26/01/1887PC on HSF paper
Marshall, Alfred31/01/1887agrees to write preface for Price's essay
Marshall, Alfred08/06/1885re secretaryship of industrial villages
Marshall, Alfred11/01/1895re student rules
Marshall, Alfred27/01/1895bimetallism
Marshall, Alfred05/07/1890re a meeting and a journal
Marshall, Alfred19/03/1890British Association and establishment of an economic society and journal
Marshall, Alfred??/??/1890re Economic Society
Marshall, Alfred28/06/1890re editorship of journal etc
Marshall, Alfred26/01/1890re British Association etc
Marshall, Alfred17/02/1890re gold ratio
Marshall, Alfred??/??/1890re British Association (perhaps)
Marshall, Alfred10/11/1890re British Association (perhaps)
Marshall, Alfred22/03/1890re economics journal
Marshall, Alfred02/07/1890re Giffen
Marshall, Alfred02/07/1890on economists etc
Marshall, Alfred02/06/1890on economic magazines etc
Marshall, Alfred??/??/1890re Ashley's letters
Marshall, Alfred10/04/1890translation of foreign books
Marshall, Alfred16/10/1894on black faces etc
Marshall, Alfred29/10/1894re letter to vice chancellor on appointments
Marshall, Alfred09/10/1894on women lecturers
Marshall, Alfred09/10/1894on women lecturers
Marshall, Alfred30/04/1894re HSF argument with Giffen on prices
Marshall, Alfred11/10/1894re same letter
Marshall, Alfred01/05/1894re HSF and Giffen on prices
Marshall, Alfred29/04/1894re Giffen on prices
Marshall, Alfred??/??/1894PC re Giffen and prices
Marshall, Alfred13/11/1894financial state of Ireland, women lecturers etc
Marshall, Alfred31/10/1894re women lecturers and women stsudents
Marshall, Alfred??/??/1887on Toynbee portrait
Marshall, Alfred??/??/1873on work and lectures
Marshall, Alfred31/07/1897to meet Menger and Bohm-Bauerk and his writing of Vol 1
Marshall, Alfred22/08/1887Section F meeting, his book etc
Marshall, Alfred09/08/1887his views on economists for jobs
Marshall, Alfred1902/2/27on sugar countries
Marshall, Alfred17/01/1896cannot come to HSF lecture
Marshall, Alfred18/01/1895re meeting on exams etc
Marshall, Alfred16/01/1896re exam papers
Marshall, Alfred16/03/1895to hear Bowley lecture
Marshall, Alfred1901/5/28re candidate for Birmingham chair
Marshall, Alfred1901/5/29re some paper
Marshall, Alfred11/03/1893on Ricardo and royalties
Marshall, Alfred27/11/1895statistics, virtues and defects of HSF's teaching
Marshall, Alfred14/07/1880returns papers, registrar job for college
Marshall, Alfred08/04/1881PC thanks for testimonials, comments on book
Marshall, Alfred24/07/1881explains resignation at Univ College Bristol, encloses copy, discusses new principal etc
Marshall, Alfred14/01/1880papers about Statistical Society etc
Marshall, Alfred27/01/1880re candidates for teaching post; also 24/01/1880 asks about Edgeworth
Marshall, Alfred21/11/1880discusses chair at Univ College and keeps open mind re applying
Marshall, Alfred29/11/1880names for UCL post; also 05/12/1880 re UCL post
Marshall, Alfred10/12/1880re Foxwell's visit to them, work
Marshall, Alfred20/04/1880rents for landowners, HSF's papers, Blackly's scheme
Marshall, Alfred1915/1/20won't have W R Scott in Section IV
Marshall, Alfred22/02/1890PC re his views on currency, diagram in Contemporary article
Marshall, Alfred04/08/1895copy of note to H R Beeton, bimetallism of no great importance, sent to HSF by Beeton
Marshall, Alfred14/10/1898wants HSF for support in re-organisataion of the Special in Political Economy
Marshall, John24/03/1875on Allan's circular on overtime and strikes
Marshall, JohnAmalgamated Engineers, overtime etc
Marshall, M P29/12/1882social
Marshall, M P30/05/1898some gift
Marshall, M P?party for Taussig
Marshall, M P11/05/1889re lunch with Cunningham, Edgeworth etc
Marshall, M P04/05/1889social
Marshall, M Psocial
Marshall, M Pcome to breakfast
Marshall, M Pcome to lunch
Marshall, Mary24/10/1891asks HSF and Higgs to dine
Marshall, Mary02/-5/1895social
Marshall, Mary22/03/1886pc social
Marshall, Mary29/05/1886pc social
Marshall, Mary06/01/1881re HSF visit
Marshall, Mary08/01/1881re HSF visit
Marshall, Mary25/09/1878on book proofs
Marshall, Mary19/04/1878asks HSF for testimonial
Marshall, Mary26/04/1878thanks HSF for testimonial
Marshall, Mary24/01/1878Perry's book and her students
Marshall, Mary10/10/1878re chapters of their book
Marshall, Mary22/09/1878re chapters of their book etc
Marshall, Mary30/12/1878social
Marshall, Mary??/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Marshall, Mary P05/11/1897social
Marshall, Mary P18/05/1898wedding present of bedroom table and chair
Marshall, R05/09/1886social
Marshall, T W13/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Marshall, Wm C24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Martin N Miss 3/7/1876 re reading for moral sciences
Martin R Holland1918/4/4HSF’s match case
Martin, G1926/6/5re books on trade unionism
Martin, Henri1923/5/15to W W Seton re books relating to Great Britain in wartime
Martin, J B24/10/1884written on other letter from bookseller enquiring after HSF's lectures in memory of Jevons
Martin, J B26/10/1884general chat
Martin, J B25/02/1884restoration of gold coinage
Martin, J B28/06/1884general chat
Martin, J B23/07/1884encloses letter from G Baden Powell dated 21/7/84 saying council gives paper to Brit Assoc
Martin, J B14/07/1884on discount rates etc
Martin, J B05/12/1884general chat
Martin, J B09/11/1896asks HSF for help with Newmarch lecture
Martin, J B05/03/1890re proposed economic society
Martin, J B02/11/1886re paper for Statistical Society and Statistical Society business
Martin, J B05/11/1886re Toynbee essay
Martin, J B17/11/1886re proposal to widen scope of Statistical Society
Martin, J M19/03/1894inability to attend lecture
Martin, James21/02/1895social
Martin, John24/04/1885on gold
Martin, John B15/07/1885re paper for Section F of British Assoc
Martin, John B13/02/1891re officer for the Royal Statistical Society
Martin, John B30/03/1891re historical pamphlets
Martin, John B21/02/1886re Section F of British Association
Martin, John B25/02/1886re Section F of British Association
Martin, John B06/03/1886re Section F of British Association
Martin, John B31/07/1886re Section F of British Association
Martin, John B23/04/1886re Section F of British Association
Martin, John B23/04/1886re books etc
Martin, John B03/10/1886re Section F of British Association
Martin, John B25/03/1892re article in EJ
Martin, John B08/07/1892re finances of BEA
Martin, R Holland1927/12/7thank you letter
Martin, R Holland1919/4/17re bank amalgamation, wages
Martineau Miss C A 1/2/1883 asks help on Lecture Committee for Victoria Coffee Hall
Martineau, C A07/09/1893asks for HSF's help in getting lectures in philosophy at Samuel Marley Memorial College
Martineau, Caroline10/06/1889asks HSF to lecture at Victoria Hall
Martineau, Caroline A19/01/1894on the Samuel Morley Memorial College lectures
Martineau, Caroline A08/08/1894on the Samuel Morley Memorial College lectures
Martineau, Caroline A31/08/1894on political economy classes at Samuel Morley Memorial College
Martineau, Caroline A19/02/1884handbill for lectures for working people
Martineau, Caroline A29/06/1892asks HSF to give talk and prizes at her college
Martineau, James19/04/1883re Jevons' memorial
Martin-Smith A W1923/10/10student letter
Marvor, J1925/2/4burden of taxes, books etc
Marx-Engels Archiv1925/12/9details of book
Marx-Engels-Archiv1925/12/9offers HSF books
Masese, L31/07/1897wants HSF to reply to President Andrew of Brown University
Mashall, Alfred1901/5/10declines to meet Andrew Bradley; Harcourt, Balfour, the Times, bimetallism
Mason, H C F21/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Mason, J E F08/04/1867re visiting (4 letters)
Mason, P20/07/1892social
Mason, P H30/05/1879social
Mason, P H15/05/1889personal chat
Mason, P H27/11/1886death of HSF's father and College committee
Mason, P H16/09/1891asks for support for Sir John Gorst on a University committee
Mason, P H28/01/1887HSF's Edinburgh lecture
Mason, P H15/06/1889sends cheque for co-operaters visit
Mason, P H13/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Mason, P H10/02/1892social
Mason, P H25/04/1891social
Mason, W F03/06/1896asks for extra lessons in PE
Massey C M H1913/10/2social etc
Massey, C M H1913/9/26social
Massey, G M H1914/1/5re pamphlet of land compnay
Massey, G M H1914/2/25encloses prospectus for the Alberta Land Company
Massiah, B J24/04/1894general
Master R C1920/7/5thesis on gold exchange standard in India
Master R C1920/7/16cause & effect in exchange
Master R C1920/12/5re Higher Degree students
Master of Royal Mint to E Rigg1909/11/2re HSF enquiry on 1908 Royal Mint figures
Master, A13/05/1887PC re show in Manchester
Master, R C1920/7/20PC thanks HSF over help on Indian currency
Masuda, ?06/09/1887re teacher for commercial college in Japan
Masuda, ?06/09/1887introduces Watanabe
Matheson, A28/10/1892re Smith and the Physiocrats
Matheson, A Scott04/11/1892on Adam Smith
Mathew Norah1980/6/30general chat
Mathew, G1901/10/4re some repairs to house
Mathew, G25/02/1898re some lease, presumably Harvey Road
Mathew, G14/03/1898re lease of Harvey Road
Mathew, G A1901/1/4thanks HSF for cheque
Mathew, G F21/10/1898re property tax
Mathew, G F to Mrs Foxwell14/07/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Mathew, Norah1919/4/3social
Mathew, Norah1915/7/25thanks HSF etc
Mathew, Norah1916/7/5social
Mathew, Norah1910/7/10re HSF's rent
Mathews Nora1916/12/4re rent
Mathews Nora1912/10/1fence repairs
Mathews Nora1913/1/2thank you letter
Mathews Nora1908/6/30asks for advice
Mathews Nora1913/6/25thanks for cheque
Mathews Nora1919/9/1social
Mathews Norah1917/4/2general
Mathews Norah1917/6/28re holidays
Mathews P M1920/9/11PC- general chat
Mathews P W1920/9/15re Bank Clearing House
Mathews, G A1901/6/28re receipt, blocked drains
Mathews, G A1902/1/2re rent
Matsui, J1927/10/17re book on Mitsui Bank
Matsumua K1912/6/14student letter
Matsumua, K01/06/1912asks to see HSF
Matsura, G17/11/1891re University Pitt Club
Matthew, G A18/07/1889social
Matthew, G A22/02/1898re sale of goods to HSF
Matthew, G A03/09/1898re cost of repairs to house
Matthew, G A14/06/1898re some house
Matthew, G A03/08/1889to Dunn supports Jenkinson for librarian
Matthew, Norah1916/1/26reduces HSF's rent
Matthew, Norah1909/4/3re work on HSF's house
Matthew, Norah1916/3/24renewal of lease
Matthew, Norah1916/4/7income tax, base
Mattice, Benj1893The Gold Dollar
Maud04/09/1890(seems to be Alice) asks HSF for help
Maude17/03/1881thanks for letters and gloves
Maude19/05/1894sends HSF a shaving case, chat
Maude30/06/1896family chat (HSF's niece)
Maude09/07/1896thanks HSF for trunk, social
Maude02/06/1896about a trunk
Maude15/06/1896present of a trunk
Maudie30/05/1893tells of money worries, etc
Maund E A17/2/1876asks for girl’s address
Maurice Jenks, Percival1922/5/9re dissent about Anglo-Continental Supply Co Ltd shares
Maurisley, H D??/01/1894asks HSf to join Naitonal Institute
Maven, E1894general re some request
Maven, E06/11/1894apologises to HSF
Maven, E12/12/1894asks for help for brother
Maven, E19/01/1895begging letter
Maven, E27/01/1895HSF sent money
Maven, E1895re receipt for clothes
Maven, E12/02/1895re money
Maven, E04/02/1895receipt for clothes
Maven, E15/02/1895re Brown and money
Maven, E1895Brown, Miss Raddwell etc
Maven, E1894re H Brown missing ship
Maven, E04/09/1894re H Brown missing ship and coming to Cambridge with sixpence
Maven, E1894re H Brown
Maven, E04/01/1894re Brown's chest
Maven, E31/10/1894asks for money for H Brown
Maven, E10/10/1894postal orders from HSF, ship for Brown
Maven, E24/10/1894postal orders, H Brown
Maven, E31/08/1896thanks HSF for postal order
Maven, E20/07/1896bills for H Brown's suit etc
Maven, E10/07/1896H Brown's suit ready
Maven, E??/07/1896list of what has been paid out for Brown
Maven, E02/07/1896thanks HSF for money, list of things for Brown
Maven, E24/08/1896pc from Brown, re Brown, money etc
Maven, E22/08/1896re Brown's board and lodging
Maven, E09/08/1896receipt for money
Maven, E07/08/1896re trouble with Brown
Maven, E01/08/1896wants money for Brown's board
Maven, E??/08/1896wants money for Brown
Maven, E29/07/1896re Herbert Brown's needs etc
Mavor James1910/7/17re Finlayson & Chinese currency
Mavor, James10/09/1891social
Mavor, James30/04/1891general chat on economics
Mavor, James05/04/1888re job at Liverpool
Mavor, James10/05/1888re testimonial
Mavor, James1919/3/24re Chair in law at Toronto
Mavor, James1922/4/17asks HSF re portrait photo of HSF
Mavor, James27/06/1894book on Railway Services
Mavor, James12/02/1894introduces a friend
Mavor, James1914/7/21re work on Russian and general chat
Mavor, James1914/12/15re book enquiry, war etc
Mavor, James1915/3/29re staff at Toronto
Mavor, James1914/6/3introduces P T Sherman to HSF
Mavor, James12/02/1890measuring gross and net costs, price of coal etc
Mavor, James1924/5/5asks HSF to Toronto for British Association meeting
Mavor, James1908/10/20wants a lecturer in economics
Mavor, James1908/10/20on HSF missing Cambridge chair etc
Mavor, James??/??/1901introduces W H Van der Smissen
Mavor, James1908/10/23on elections to Marshall's chair etc
Mavor, James1911/5/11on staff for Toronto, reciprocity question
Mavor, James1921/6/28re Darling's paper on the Imperial Exchange etc
Mavor, James17/06/1897wants HSF to go to Canada for British Association meeting
Mavor, James1924/6/12re Bolshevism etc
Mavor, James1924/6/11re revolutions etc
Mavor, James03/03/1887suggests forming Economic Society as economics excluded from Statistical Society
Mavor, James27/09/1887re talk to Philosophical Society of Glasgow
Mavor, James30/09/1892his appointment to Toronto chair
Mavor, James09/10/1892thanks HSF for good wishes
Mavor, James1901/8/4re HSF's loss of Birmingham chair
Mavor, James05/10/1887HSF cannot go to Glasgow etc
Mavor, James01/07/1886re Ely's report on the Organisation of American Economic Association
Mavor, James10/07/1886pamphlets, projected Economic Association
Mavor, James19/08/1886pamphlets, re Geddes and projected Econonic Society
Mavor, James13/02/1886no title
Mavor, James24/05/1892re some political issue
Mavor, James21/05/1892re getting into Parliament, Giffen
Mavor, James19/07/1892HSF for reference for Toronto chair
Mavor, James1903/11/10re iron and steel surpluses
Mavor, James01/04/1899thanks HSF for Menger's book
Mavor, James ??/??/1894various matters
Mavor, Jas16/09/1890asks HSF to lecture in Glasgow
Mavor, Jas08/11/1889asks HSF to lecture
Mavor, Mary Ann21/09/1893re visit, room etc
Mavor, Prof J13/07/1911re appt at University of Toronto(?)
Mawn, Allen1930/7/2new provost of University College
Maxse L F 5/5/1897gold standard
Maxse, F S18/11/1896re HSF's and General Stone's letters for National Review
Maxse, F S28/11/1896re letter, Stone paper in National Review
Maxse, L28/04/1895re articles for National Review
Maxse, L1917/9/14re American peace resolutions
Maxse, L1918/2/5on the National Review etc
Maxse, L1917/3/28problems about writing on high finance
Maxse, L27/12/1894re book
Maxse, L1915/11/9re Bottomley and his war work
Maxse, L03/11/1895asks HSF to write a paper for the National Review
Maxse, L11/11/1897asks HSF to reply to India Government
Maxse, L08/08/1897on HSF's engagement
Maxse, L1915/6/11re an article in National Review
Maxse, L1914/12/9re the Schusters and war
Maxse, L11/08/1896asks HSF for article for National Review
Maxse, L14/08/1896re Moreton Frewen
Maxse, L1923/3/9PC is in Scotland speaking on republicanism
Maxse, L13/01/1895PC sending 12 copies of National Review
Maxse, L J18/12/1894re HSF's and Lord Farrer's articles for Naitonal Review
Maxse, L J06/11/1895please keep National Review in mind
Maxse, L J1919/7/8re Diary for National Review
Maxwell F C7-AugSt John’s and books
Maxwell F C27/1 1868advice about Cambridge
Maxwell F C30/12/1867advice about Cambridge
Maxwell F C 8/11/1867advice about Cambridge
Maxwell, F17/10/1879Ernest, friends etc
Maxwell, F C05/12/1886death of HSF's father
Maxwell, F C26/02/1894re his son
Maxwell, F C18/08/1889adds name to Jenkinson's supporters
Maxwell, Fred27/04/1868social mainly
Maxwell, Fred08/09/1896general chat
Maxwell, Fred01/07/1868general chat
Maxwell, Fred07/08/1868general chat
Maxwell, Fred26/09/1870Cambridge news and chat
Maxwell, Fred04/06/1870social chat
Maxwell, Fred15/06/1870congratulates HSF on scholarship
Maxwell, Fred01/04/1870asks for his tie
Maxwell, Fred04/04/1870thanks HSF for tie, wishes HSF luck
Maxwell, Fred20/10/1870pc social
Maxwell, Fred17/01/1870general chat
Maxwell, Fred28/03/1870asks HSF to get him a tie etc
Maxwell, Fred18/03/1870coming to work at a school in Cambridge
Maxwell, Fred C21/12/1868humorous re exam results
Maxwell, Fred F07/12/1871re tickets to a concert
May, Alice07/12/1881request to dine at Observatory
May, Arthurgeneral chat
May, C E13/06/1882complains about exam results
May, H L21/08/1896social
Mayall, George18/06/1894re profit sharing
Mayall, George10/09/1894bimetallism
Mayer, H1926/6/5asks HSF to collaborate on a book
Mayer, H1926/4/26asks HSF to collaborate on a book
Mayer, H1926/3/15asks HSF to collaborate on a book
Maynard H J1918/12/7asks HSF about Punjab chair
Mayor J E B23/11/1890re elections etc at St John’s
Mayor of CambridgeMay-21invite to meeting
McAlister, D1915/4/6re Glasgow chair elections
McAlister, D17/10/1881re book by Bischat
McAlister, Donald29/05/1881PC good wishes on success
McAlister, J1915/12/17recovery of University Press, conditions of liquidation
McAlister, J1912/1/9his illness, problems with University of London Press
Mcarteney, G1872cannot see HSF
McArthur, Ellen1904/6/1to Dickinson re exam papers for Girton
McBean, Johan G F08/08/1896thanks HSF for present
McClean, A C26/08/1872on HSF success
McClean, A C18/06/1872social
McCulloch J E1923/2/13asks for HSF’s lectures on money market
McCullock, J E1923/1/29re HSF's lectures on London Money Market
McDonald, Arthur07/10/1895price of wool and bimetallism in New Zealand
McDonald, Arthur04/10/1894bimetallism and NZ
McGill William1914/3/27sale of books
McGill, William1914/4/22arrival of Bell books, costs thereof
McGill, William1913/2/18re offer for Mr Bell's books
McGill, William1913/1/6re books of late James T Bell
McGill, William1913/2/24prices of Bell's books
McGill, William1913/2/27re Bell's books etc
McGin & Company1909/2/1to H C Baird re price of pamphlets
McGin & Company1908/12/29to H C Baird offers Carey pamphlets
McGinn & Co1909/6/2purchase of Carey pamphlets
McGoun, Archibald12/02/1885conservatives, change, independence
McGoun, Archibald09/09/1885Canadian tax article
McGoun, Archibald09/09/1885to Fortnightly Review re article
McGrath, Geo13/06/1898cannot be groomsman
McGrath, H Nto Mrs Foxwell01/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
McGrath, Harvey N07/07/1898 on HSF's marriage
McGrath, Harvey N1900/11/7to Olive Foxwell, on birth of Marjorie
McHillop, J25/10/1897LSE functions
McKenna, R1927/1/28speech at Midland Bank AGM
McKillop, J06/06/1898thanks HSF for help on LSE course
McKillop, J 18/04/1898re HSF's lectures at LSE
McKnight, W H S07/04/1884poor rates and relief of the poor
McLean A C1867letter of congratulations
McLean A C13/6/1866 first mention of economics
McLean A C14/6/1865re exam results
McLean A C15/8/1868general chat
McLean A C22/12/1865general chat
McLean A C16/11/1874re Taunton scholarship committee
McLean A C18/11/1874HSF's teaching etc
McLean, A09/01/1894general
McLean, A C14/01/1879re some news
McLean, A C28/02/1879on a Foxwell death
McLean, A C10/12/1882re McLean's sister's lost certificate
McLean, A C08/08/1882re McLean's sister's lost certificate
McLean, A C19/05/1882re McLean's sister's lost certificate
McLean, A C02/09/1882re McLean's sister's lost certificate
McLean, A C06/01/1882re job at Cheltenha,
McLean, A C17/09/1882re jobs etc
McLean, A C26/09/1882re jobs etc
McLean, A C08/10/1886general chat
McLean, A C06/10/1881re job
McLean, A C17/06/1870on HSF's 21st birthday
McLean, A C03/11/1874Jubilations re success
McLean, A C01/05/1891writes from sickbed re progress
McLean, A C23/03/1891asks for a loan of £10 to pay his rent and taxes
McLean, A C10/08/1883his work
McLean, A C03/08/1883re loan, his doings
McLean, A C??/??/1870social
McLean, A C04/08/1870Ernest's illness
McLean, A C17/05/1881congratulates on Jevons's chair
McLean, A Cno title
McLean, A C27/02/1878denominisation, Taunton College Scholarship Fund
McLean, A C03/10/1881on closure of school
McLean, A C01/12/1881asks for testimonial
McLean, A C06/12/1881thanks HSF for kind note
McLean, A C15/08/1876re petition on move of college
McLean, A C14/06/1870congratulates HSF
McLean, A C04/12/1880IOU to HSF for £15
McLean, C Stuart?general chat
McLean, C Stuart25/08/1872on HSF's success, long general chat
McLean, C Stuart11/07/1872life, lost something
McLean, Stuart24/05/1870school news, views on miracles, beliefs, philosophy
McLean, Stuart15/04/1871religious questions (20 pages)
McLean, Stuart04/03/1871religious, career topics
McLean, Stuart C17/05/1881congratulates on Jevons' chair, Adam Smith progress, Monthly Review etc
McLeod, H D10/06/1878to Rev Briks re meeting of lecturers
McMassey, G M23/09/1913asks HSF to invest in Canadian properties
McNair L J1920/5/28re Rushbrooke’s presentation
McNeil Allan1916/12/7lectures
McNeil Allan1916/11/10copy of address by him
McNeil Allan1916/11/27lecture on banking
McNeil Allan1916/11/14lecture on banking
McNeil, H17/11/1895Bimetallic League matters
McNeil, H 1901/6/20telegram re Lord Aldenham referring to problems of HSF in London and HSF's application to Birmingham
McNeil, H 1901/6/20telegram as 281/8
McNeil, H 1901/6/20re issues with Lord Aldenham and McNiel's sketch for HSF's application for organising chair at Birmingham
McNeil, H W1901/10/4re talks with Professor Jenks
McNeil, H W1901/10/14social, met Prof and Mrs enks
McNeil, H W1901/10/26to Mrs Foxwell re HSF's illness
McNeil, H W1901/4/15re sale of library
McNeil, H W1901/10/15Jenks wants to meet HSF again
McNiel H29/5/1897Bimetallic League
McNiel H30/4/1894Bimetallic League: fall in gold prices
McNiel H30/4/1894telegram: Bimetallic League
McNiel H 6/5/1894notes for bimetallic publication
McNiel H16/11/1894general
McNiel H 9/10/1894 re bimetallic article
McNiel H10/10/1894re bimetallic article
McNiel H 9/10/1894duplicate of 5/27
McNiel H29/9/1894bimetallism & Guarantee Fund
McNiel H24/9/1894social
McNiel H14/11/1894PC _ reply to Farrer on bimetallism
McNiel H17/11/1894reply to McLeod on quantity theory
McNiel H23/7/1894bimetallism & retail & wholesale prices
McNiel H31/10/1894re Farrer reply ?
McNiel H 6/10/1894meeting of Bimetallic Council
McNiel H 5/11/1894Farrer reply & other bimetallic matters
McNiel H21/12/11894quantity theory
McNiel H21/12/1894HSF’s attack on Farrer
McNiel H 1/11/1894reply to Farrer
McNiel H14/3/1894European gold reserves
McNiel H10/11/1894Sauerbeck’s index
McNiel H30/10/1894Courtney letter to Houldsworth
McNiel H23/4/1894Marshall & Professorial Manifesto
McNiel H 7/4/1894wants Marshall to open conference
McNiel H 9/4/1894bimetallic conference
McNiel H 6/4/1894letter to Dorrington on meetimgs
McNiel H11/4/1894writes to Marshall & Sidgwick
McNiel H18/4/1894bimetallic conference
McNiel H18/3/1894general bimetallic chat
McNiel H 7/12/1894 Wicksteed to read paper on labour & standard of vale
McNiel H30/1/1894draft report of Bimetallic League
McNiel H30/10/1894re reply to Farrer
McNiel H14/3/1894bimetallic progress
McNiel H17/8/1894A Hoare joins Bimetallic League
McNiel H 9/3/1894HSF lecture & bimetallic news
McNiel H21/9/1894to Houldsworth _ Professorial Manifeato
McNiel H 9/2/1894 re lectures to Company of Drapers
McNiel H23/7/1894 bimetallic news
McNiel H20/1/1894reply to Farrer
McNiel H18/1/1894bimetallic news
McNiel H18/8/1894Fisher’s “Mechanism of Bimetallism”
McNiel H26/11/1894 re Hoare & Houldsworth
McNiel H20/3/1894general bimetallic news
McNiel H 3/2/1894general bimetallic news
McNiel H21/4/1894general bimetallic news
McNiel H14/2/1894social
McNiel H13/2/1894re Drapers’ Company
McNiel H 6/10/1894re Farrer reply etc
McNiel H12/3/1894general bimetallic chat
McNiel H28/7/1894president Walker etc
McNiel H25/7/1894Atkinson’s evidence to Agricultural Royal Commission
McNiel H1894notice about F A Walker
McNiel H21/7/1894Hanbury’s speech at Cobden Club
McNiel H 4/6/1894speech by Balfour etc
McNiel H11/8/1894Irving Fisher’s paper etc
McNiel H11/6/1894Helm’s book: bimetallic matters
McNiel H27/7/1894geberal bimetallic business
McNiel H19/7/1894article by Barr Robertson
McNiel H20/8/1894Barr Robertson paper etc
McNiel H 6/3/1894praise for HSF lecture
McNiel H17/2/1894Drapers’ Hall lectures
McNiel H30/1/1894invite to St John’s
McNiel H31/1/1894 annual circular of League etc
McNiel H 1/2/1894dinner invitation
McNiel H30/1/1894dinner at St John’s
McNiel H30/1/1894 annual circular etc
McNiel H15/1/1894bimetallic business
McNiel H 8/1/1894bimetallic business
McNiel H 8/1/1894bimetallic Business
McNiel H20/11 1894reply to Farrer (copy)
McNiel H 2/4/1894social
McNiel, H06/09/1892bimetallism
McNiel, H13/05/1892re bimetallic article HSF to write
McNiel, H01/02/1892bimetallism
McNiel, H26/03/1892bimetallism
McNiel, H13/06/1892re bimetallism article
McNiel, H14/10/1892re bimetallism article
McNiel, H1982/1/25re book on gold
McNiel, H03/09/1892re article by Gibbon silver question
McNiel, H01/06/1892admininstrative
McNiel, H15/07/1892general
McNiel, H15/07/1892re paper on currency for British Association
McNiel, H07/10/1892re bimetallic meeting
McNiel, H15/05/1889on Bimetallic League deputation to the Prime Minister and Chancellor of Exchequer
McNiel, H01/11/1889bimetallism and the Indian cotton trade
McNiel, H03/07/1889business of Bimetallic League
McNiel, H07/01/1890re HSF letter to Times on bimetallism
McNiel, H27/11/1889thanks HSF for representing Bimetallic League in Paris at Monetary Congress
McNiel, H1901/4/17general chat
McNiel, H21/01/1895Bimetallic League meeting
McNiel, H1901/6/11long letter on bimetallism and politicians etc
McNiel, H15/07.1901candidates for Birmingham Chair, sale of HSF's library etc
McNiel, H1901/7/15re Chamberlain's opinion of HSF for Birmingham Chair
McNiel, H1901/2/2re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/5/20re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/1/28re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/1/28re death of Queen Victoria, the rich etc
McNiel, H1901/1/14re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/1/14attempts to set up National Library of Economics and HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/1/16re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/11/6re free trade, protection and trade
McNiel, H1901/6/25on HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/6/22general chat and Birmingham Chair
McNiel, H1901/7/22HSF's library and Birmingham Chair
McNiel, H1901/1/12re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/2/12re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/6/21re HSF references for Birmingham Chair
McNiel, H1901/1/17re HSF's library, gold production
McNiel, H1901/5/16HSF's library, Ceylon tea trade etc
McNiel, H1901/5/14re sale of HSF's library , bimetallic report etc
McNiel, H1901/7/10re Birmingham Chair
McNiel, H1901/1/11re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/11/21re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/7/1sale of HSF's library to Goldsmiths
McNiel, H1901/2/7general chat, HSF's library sale
McNiel, H1901/1/16HSF's library, silver question
McNiel, H1901/1/8re sale of HSF's library etc
McNiel, H1901/6/5library, Birmingham Chair etc
McNiel, H1901/1/9re HSF's library
McNiel, H1900/12/31general
McNiel, H1900/12/14re row with Sydney Webb about economics at London University
McNiel, H1900/12/14general chat
McNiel, H02/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
McNiel, H07/01/1897books for LSE library and death of General Walker
McNiel, H09/01/1897re General Walker's death
McNiel, H31/08/1897re review of Strauss on bimetallism and its theory
McNiel, H15/02/1898Bimetallic League organisation
McNiel, H24/01/1898a meeting of Bimetallic League
McNiel, H21/01/1898wants HSF to go to meeting on Royal Commission agriculture
McNiel, H23/07/1896bimetallism
McNiel, H17/05/1897theory of international bimetallism
McNiel, H26/11/1895proof of National Liberal Club address, bimetallic matters
McNiel, H28/11/1895The Irregularity of Employment, Journal of Finance etc
McNiel, H15/05/1897Bimetallic League AGM to be in Manchester etc
McNiel, H18/05/1897Bimetallic League AGM in Lord Mayor's Parlour Manchester etc
McNiel, H26/01/1891re silver notes question, meeting of League etc
McNiel, H12/01/1891£1 note silver question etc
McNiel, H09/02/1891re delegation to see Goschen, meeting of League etc
McNiel, H09/02/1891duplicate of 327/11
McNiel, H19/02/1891hopes HSF can come to important Council meeting, question of £1 notes etc
McNiel, H08/10/1898mainly social
McNiel, H14/10/1898bimetallic matters
McNiel, H29/11/1892re Huskinson's plan
McNiel, H30/03/1892Bimetallic League matters
McNiel, H30/04/1893re payment for HSF's work for Bimetallic League
McNiel, H21/12/1895proofs etc of HSF's National Liberal Club lecture on bimetallism
McNiel, H20/07/1895Manchester bimteallism and other bimetallic issues
McNiel, H25/05/1889re deputation to the PM on the ratio
McNiel, H29/08/1889asks HSF to go to International Bimetallic Conference in Paris
McNiel, H24/10/1889re letter in the Times, proof of a speech etc
McNiel, H01/02/1890re meeting of Parliamentary and other friends of bimetallism
McNiel, H21/04/1891re HSF presiding at a meeting
McNiel, H10/02/1898re Bimetallic League resolutions
McNiel, H10/02/1898re his letter in Statist etc
McNiel, H1901/1/10re HSF's library sale
McNiel, H1901/1/10re HSF's library sale and LSE
McNiel, H1901/6/12re testimonials
McNiel, H1901/6/12re meeting HSF
McNiel, H1901/10/19social
McNiel, H1901/6/13re Birmingham testimonial
McNiel, H1901/2/16mainly social
McNiel, H24/04/1894re Professional Manifesto
McNiel, H04/12/1892500 reprints of HSF article
McNiel, H1893re Walter Burns and bimetallism
McNiel, H16/09/1893re Nottingham meeting, Mr Strachan joins League
McNiel, H28/01/1898on bimetallic papers
McNiel, H29/01/1898HSF's 'misconceptions', Le Roy Lewis
McNiel, H08/01/1889misconceptions on the ratio
McNiel, H16/01/1889thanks HSF for his praise for his work on bimetallism
McNiel, H21/01/1889Giffen v Chaplin, price of silver
McNiel, H01/02/1889re Times article
McNiel, H23/01/1889USF to write letters on bimetallism
McNiel, H26/01/1889re Gibb's opinion
McNiel, H07/02/1889Courtney's paper
McNiel, H12/02/1889Courtney's views, decimal cufrency reform etc
McNiel, H08/05/1889Frewen wants reform, bimetallism debated at Cambridge Union
McNiel, H13/05/1889asks HSF to speak at Oxford and Peterborough
McNiel, H04/09/1889asks HSF to go to bimetallic conference in Paris
McNiel, H23/09/1889on HSF's expenses for Paris
McNiel, H01/10/1889re report of visit to Paris
McNiel, H18/11/1889HSF's speech in Paris, Giffen etc
McNiel, H21/04/1892re Barclay's letter (duplicate)
McNiel, H15/03/1893re US silver scheme etc
McNiel, H14/03/1893extracts of letter to Houldsworth on Cleveland's scheme
McNiel, H10/08/1897on HSF's engagement, bimetallic business
McNiel, H09/03/1888re conference and Bimetallic League matters
McNiel, H05/03/1888re Manchester conference
McNiel, H07/03/1888re Manchester conference
McNiel, H20/02/1888re Manchester conference
McNiel, H22/02/1888re dinner with Houldsworth
McNiel, H13/02/1888re letter from Houldsworth (copy)
McNiel, H25/02/1888re Marshall's evidence etc
McNiel, H10/01/1888re a Manchester bimetallic conference
McNiel, H07/11/1888on Currency Report
McNiel, H08/02/1888on Currency Commission
McNiel, H06/02/1888on Currency Commission
McNiel, H31/01/1888on Currency Commission
McNiel, H03/11/1890bimetallism
McNiel, H17/10/1890re Oxford chair
McNiel, H24/10/1890re Oxford chair
McNiel, H06/12/1890re Bimetallic League and £1 notes
McNiel, H28/10/1890Houldsworth to write to Balfour re Edgeworth
McNiel, H10/04/1890HSF letters, Bimetallic League leaflets
McNiel, H05/06/1890re letter to Hicks
McNiel, H05/09/1890re Statist article on Giffen
McNiel, H02/08/1890re Bimetallic Committee to convice the city
McNiel, H18/02/1890re letters for The Times etc
McNiel, H20/03/1890on Rogers, higgs etc
McNiel, H18/03/1890Re Harold Rogers speech
McNiel, H09/01/1890re letters from Gibbs and Grenfell
McNiel, H02/01/1890asks HSF to reply to Giffen in the Times
McNiel, H04/01/1890HSF to "deal" with Giffen
McNiel, H18/11/1890re bimetallic manifesto
McNiel, H12/11/1890re bimetallic manifesto
McNiel, H13/11/1890re bimetallic manifesto (enclosed)
McNiel, H06/02/1890delighted HSF replying to Giffen
McNiel, H01/02/1890re Giffen's letter to the Times
McNiel, H13/04/1896Balfour, debate in House
McNiel, H09/07/1896re lunch with F A Walker
McNiel, H02/11/1896monetary questions and US elections
McNiel, H19/10/1896cuttinsg and interest in US elections
McNiel, H02/07/1896re a meeting etc
McNiel, H14/05/1895Larmor V P of League, Farrer article
McNiel, H02/05/1895re HSF's article on Farrer
McNiel, H11/07/1895League creates new dept on publications
McNiel, H19/06/1895bimetallic business
McNiel, H31/07/1895re opponents of bimetallism
McNiel, H12/08/1895re ratio, British Association
McNiel, H01/10/1895mainly general chat
McNiel, H27/07/1895sends Coinage Act 1870, reply to Gold Association
McNiel, H02/10/1895Bristol charts, bimetallism congress
McNiel, H05/10/1895re HSF speech, Sauerbeck, Edgeworth's article
McNiel, H07/10/1895Fergusson to join Parliamentary Committee
McNiel, H14/10/1895to go to USF lecture and diner afterwards
McNiel, H21/10/1895re publishing HSF lecture
McNiel, H07/11/1895Sidney Webb piece for the Bimetallist
McNiel, H15/02/1895Edgecomobe to be VP
McNiel, H25/06/1895HSF's hard work, raio
McNiel, H12/05/1895re charts
McNiel, H09/02/1895re Farrer's letter, Agnew donation
McNiel, H16/03/1895send Bimetallist to Marshall and Edgeworth
McNiel, H14/03/1895Sauerbeck, Molesworth's chart
McNiel, H07/02/1895re Lockett Agnew
McNiel, H24/02/1895has written to MPs
McNiel, H17/01/1895re inner cirlce meeting on quantity theory
McNiel, H14/01/1895bimetallism in Ireland
McNiel, H03/01/1895Happy New Year
McNiel, H23/01/1895Financial News piece, Sidgwick
McNiel, H28/01/1895bimetallic business
McNiel, H21/05/1895re General Roy Stone
McNiel, H1901/1/7re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H1901/1/7to Lord Averling, re HSF library (copy)
McNiel, H1901/4/29re some money-raising
McNiel, H1901/1/9re sale of HSF's library
McNiel, H25/10/1897Giffens essays, HSF paper
McNiel, H19/06/1896to H Gibbs (copy) re Parliamentary Committee
McNiel, H 15/12/1894Bimetallic League business
McNiel, H 10/12/1890encloses article
McNiel, H 22/12/1890re essays, annual meeting of League
McNiel, H 25/11/1890wants to join Economic Association
McNiel, H 03/04/1890essays, enclosures on Rogers etc
McNiel, H 01/11/1897the ratio
McNiel, H 16/08/1897re tackling Giffen
McNiel, H 12/10/1897on brilliant HSF paper
McNiel, H 20/10/1897on Indian currency, France etc
McNiel, H 29/05/1895re Liddendale's numbers
McNiel, H 07//05/1895thanks HSF for kindness, Irish stats
McNiel, H 09/05/1895re proofs of HSF article
McNiel, H 18/06/1895re British Association
McNiel, H 10/06/1895general chat
McNiel, H 26/05/1895"Misconceptions" proof, bullion question
McNiel, H 11/10/1895re HSF's Bristol address, letter to Houldsworth
McNiel, H 11/10/1895to Houldsworth on monetary question
McNiel, H 30/04/1895Morton's book, Marshall
McNiel, H 14/12/1895re Bristol charts
McNiel, H 17/10/1895Shaw's paper
McNiel, H 18/10/1895re HSF paper, fee etc
McNiel, H 08/11/1895review of Shaw's book, ratios etc
McNiel, H 13/08/1895enclosed Act of 1819
McNiel, H 16/08/1895British Association, ratios etc
McNiel, H 23/05/1895re "Misconceptions"
McNiel, H 06/07/1895re money for League
McNiel, H 22/02/1895currency question debate
McNiel, H 20/02/1895re motion in House of Commons (copy)
McNiel, H 22/06/1895re Annual Meeting of League
McNiel, H 05/03/1895re conference delegates, mortgages
McNiel, H 20/02/1895Chamberlain getting "warmer" etc
McNiel, H 20/04/1895Francis Times letter
McNiel, H 26/03/1895charts, Agnew donation
McNiel, H 19/03/1895re Sauerbeck's charts
McNiel, H 19/03/1895re HSF's long chart
McNiel, H 18/03/1895German position, HSF's anit Farrer article
McNiel, H 31/05/1895HSF elected Standing Committee of the League
McNiel, H 31/05/1895apologises for not visiting
McNiel, H 21/05/1895re letter sent to UCL
McNiel, H 21/05/1895re Roy Stone (copy)
McNiel, H 11/05/1895re National Review article
McNiel, H 01/07/1895re agreement with Beeton, new Cabinet
McNiel, H 17/02/1895memo on Macleod, Balfour
McNiel, H to Olive Dorrington19/07/1898sends present etc
McNiel, H W08/08/1885bimetallism
McNiel, H W01/04/1895general economic chat
McNiel, H W12/05/1893Boissevain and a solution to currency problem
McNiel, H W31/10/1893bimetallic business
McNiel, H W11/07/1893Indian currency, Balfour etc on bimetallic business
McNiel, H W30/01/1893"Bimetallism Question", Seyd's views, meeting, enclosed letter from Hepburn
McNiel, H W20/02/1893HSF's Contemporary Review article, pamphlets
McNiel, H W05/06/1893Seyd's book, Gladstone's speech, Herschel's committee
McNiel, H W20/02/1893HSF's article, Prof Poynting's pamphlet, Price's lectures
McNiel, H W03/12/1893bimetallic business
McNiel, H W26/11/1893general chat
McNiel, H W13/03/1893HSF's letter, report by Grenfell et al, Balfour etc
McNiel, H Wcriticisms of Gladston's speech, etc
McNiel, H W27/03/1893sends HSF expenses for Bimetallic League's business
McNiel, H W29/03/1893payment to HSF
McNiel, H W30/03/1893Courtney's views
McNiel, H W31/07/1893London press, Giffens
McNiel, H W01/08/1893re meeting with Sir Wm Houldsworth
McNiel, H W09/09/1893various bimetallic matters
McNiel, H W03/08/1893Price's British Association paper anti-bimetallism
McNiel, H W05/08/1893re photo of HSF with enclosed letter for copyright fee
McNiel, H W21/08/1893re HSF's, Beeton's and Hesseltine's letters, Cannan, resolution on Monetary Reform
McNiel, H W11/01/1893HSF to be at Bimetallic League's AGM
McNiel, H W20/01/1893re HSF's meeting arrangements
McNiel, H W05/01/1893on paying HSF's expenses
McNiel, H W06/01/1893re Oxford meeting of Bimetallic League
McNiel, H W05/01/1893re Bimetallic League's AGM
McNiel, H W21/02/1893Dodd's invite, Barbour's book
McNiel, H W17/01/1893Bimetallic League's AGM details
McNiel, H W04/02/1893papers for Prof Poynting
McNiel, H W13/01/1893HSF's paper on "misconceptions"
McNiel, H W13/01/1893Walford for Manchester meeting
McNiel, H W08/02/1893HSF's Oxford speech, other bimetallic business, encloses draft of notice of an HSF speech
McNiel, H W28/01/1893bimetallic business
McNiel, H W28/01/1893HSF article
McNiel, H W30/11/1893HSF elected to Bimetallic League
McNiel, H W12/12/1893re some proof
McNiel, H W12/12/1893executive committee meeting
McNiel, H W11/12/1893question of ratio, wants Marshall's support, Edgeworth
McNiel, H W10/10/1893contains copy of letter from Passmore Edwards to Grenfell
McNiel, H W26/03/1893re getting support from Courtenay, Indian question
McNiel, H W18/03/1893HSF's health and letter to the Guardian
McNiel, H W22/03/1893bimetallic business
McNiel, H W14/03/1893Financial News article, letter from Dodds enclosed, other bimetallic business
McNiel, H W16/03/1893report of meeting of East India Association, HSF speech
McNiel, H W15/02/1893copy of "Whip" sent to MPs
McNiel, H W24/02/1893praises HSF speech, meeting
McNiel, H W08/04/1893bimetallic business
McNiel, H W05/04/1893encloses copy of letter about Randolph Churchill, also testimonial to Ingram
McNiel, H W04/04/1893HSF expenses, Churchill
McNiel, H W10/08/1893bimetallic business
McNiel, H W02/10/1893bimetallic business
McNiel, H W04/09/1893HSF's interview with Chaplain and information on Randolph Churchill
McNiel, H W26/08/1893criticisms of Dorrington
McNiel, H W28/08/1893Balfour et al dinner, other bimetallic matters
McNiel, H W31/08/1893re HSF's health
McNiel, H W02/09/1893Higgs on Dorrington papers, tariffs
McNiel, H W23/08/1893currency question at British Association
McNiel, H W09/08/1893wants to meet Sidgwick
McNiel, H W30/08/1893Dorrington's paper, foolish City press
McNiel, H W29/08/1893re introduction to Heseltine
McNiel, H W29/08/1893duplicate of 289/66
McNiel, H W17/10/1893re pamphlet by P H Normond, Finance Committee, Beeton
McNiel, H W18/10/1893bimetallic articles in Economist and Statist, copy of Goschen letter to Beeton
McNiel, H W24/10/1893introduce Flux to Houldsworth
McNiel, H W26/10/1893Houldsworth's letter to Goschen, copy of extract of Houldsworth's comments on Goschen's reply
McNiel, H W15/09/1893Houldsworth letter, encloses copy of letter from Beeton
McNiel, H W20/10/1893Seligman, Goschen, Beeton
McNiel, H W30/08/1893re Heseltine, city press foolishness
McNiel, H W06/11/1893Trower's letter, Molesworth's chart, Sauerbeck
McNiel, H W27/10/1893copy of letter to Sir William Houldsworth
McNiel, H W06/11/1893copy of 289/75
McNiel, H W12/12/1895bimetallic business
McNiel, H W18/11/1895French proposal to have bimetallic conference
McNiel, H W1900/7/5re destination of HSF's library
McNiel, Henry24/01/1898bimetallism - re Bimetallic League meeting
McNiel, Henry29/09/1892bimetallic business and general conditions of economy
McNiel, Henry10/03/1896re House of Commons' motion on relative value of gold and silver: international bimetallism
McNiel, Henry1914/12/21wants to see HSF on visit to Manchester to renew old times
McNiel, Henry01/04/1896bimetallism
McNiel, Henry08/01/1896bimetallism
McNiel, Henry06/01/1896bimetallism
McTaggart J1920/10/17invitation to dine
McTaggart J E1914/5/6PC _ social
McTaggart, C S03/10/1912planning on new lSE building
McTaggart, C S1911/2/1re LSE student and proposed doctorate, Mr Farkas
McTaggart, C S1911/3/9LSE asks for report on progress of Mr Farkas on doctorate
McTaggart, Elias1901/11/7Cambridge elections etc
McTaggart, Ellis J1887talk to Cambridge Economic Club on trade and the flag
McTaggart, Ellis J1887talk to Cambridge Economic Club on the law of Mortmain
McTaggart, Ellis J1888talk to Cambridge Economic Club on Karl Marx
McTaggart, J1918/11/5re University member at Westminster
McTaggart, J1918/11/8re University member at Westminster
McTaggart, J24/11/1889money for co-operators visit
McTaggart, J16/06/1889cheques for co-operators visit
McTaggart, J14/05/1889money for co-operators visit
McTaggart, J E04/10/1895re scholarship exams
McTaggart, J E03/03/1896social
McTaggart, J E1901/7/6re Chapman's dissertation
McTaggart, J E22/02/1898re teaching timetable
McTaggart, J E16/03/1898exam papers
McTaggart, J Ellis18/10/1895general
McTaggart, J ellis13/03/1897re some paper
McTaggart, J Ellis28/08/1898re HSF marriage
McTaggart, J Ellis1900/2/8PC re student at Trinity College
McTaggart, J Ellis13/01/1896re scholarship examining
McTaggart, J Ellis1924/10/17social
McTaggart, J Ellis1901/8/17PC re report on Chapman
McTaggart, M E1917/12/31re a milkman!
McTaggart, Mrs M E1922/11/14re Treasurer of ?
McWilliam, Edgar1918/9/20re university course
Meanes, E G20/12/1896social
Meanes, Eleanor G19/01/1898social
Meares Eleanor G19/7/1897marriage advice
Meares Eleanor G13/10/1897to meet Miss Dorrington
Meares Eleanor S 4/8/1897social
Meares, Eleanor22/01/1898social
Meares, Eleanor30/03/1898social
Meares, Eleanor08/02/1898social
Meares, Eleanor25/01/1898unable to see HSF
Meares, Eleanor G15/09/1897thanks HSF for wedding present
Meares, Eleanor G28/09/1897thanks HSF for wedding present
Meares, Eleanor G28/01/1898social
Mearns, Andrew21/05/1890industrial villages
Mease L J1919/3/1re note for International Review
Meath Earl of1917/5/10re Duty & Discipline Movement
Meeker J Edward1922/10/24book on stock exchanges
Meeker, J E1923/1/19US stock exchanges
Meeker, J Edward1926/5/31wants to discuss company financing with HSF
Meir, M M Pattison30/11/1892re some lectures
Melglave, M1915/10/14thanks HSF for testimonial etc
Melgrave Maurice1915/9/12re testimonial
Melon, F E24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Melrose, C J20/31916on his book
Melrose, C Jasks HSF to look at chapters in his book
Melville, Arthur H Leslie1903/10/19re flower cuttings
Memo26/08/1886on Society for Promoting Industrial Villages
memorundamno title
Menger, Anton20/11/1898on HSF's introduction to his book
Menger, Anton14/11/1897general
Menger, Anton13/10/1891re a paper etc
Menger, Anton26/01/1896to Mary E Tanner re delays in publication
Menger, C??/06/1910receipt of photo for birthday celebration
Menger, Carl1903/10/4introduces a colleague
Menson, F1926/12/11on his thesis
Meredieth, C M1911/2/23on some manuscript
Meredith Christobel1911/8/7galley proofs
Meredith Christobel1911/8/3galley proofs
Meredith H O ?Bishop’s bok
Meredith Mrs C M1910/11/5re books
Meredith Mrs C M1910/7/27publications
Meredith Mrs C M1910/5/25Bishop’s book
Meredith Mrs C M1911/2/18re printing Philippovich’s book
Meredith Mrs C M1911/1/26re proofs of an American book
Meredith Mrs C M11/8/19111von Philippovich’s book
Meredith Mrs G M1910/9/19US Monetary Commission
Meredith, A D1907/10/4looking for publisher for book on Bank of England
Meredith, A E11/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Meredith, C M1908/7/29re proofs of King's history of Bank of England
Meredith, C M1908/1/29re proofs of King's history of Bank of England
Meredith, C M1908/10/18re proofs of a book
Meredith, C M1908/10/8re proofs of a book
Meredith, C M1908/10/10re proofs of a book
Meredith, C M1911/1/25proofs of Philippovich's book
Meredith, C M1909/10/29fee for revision work
Meredith, C M1908/8/6Bernstein's book
Meredith, C M1908/8/9re proofs
Meredith, C M1911/2/13re letter from Prof Philippovich and Monetary Commission
Meredith, C M1910/12/20PC Bank of England etc
Meredith, C M1916/3/8about Naumann's 'Mittel Europa'
Meredith, C M1916/4/6to translate 'Mittel Europa'
Meredith, C M1916/4/17on 'Mittel Europa'
Meredith, C M1910/11/20re manuscript etc
Meredith, Christobel1908/7/26re proofs of a history of Bank of England
Meredith, H1908/5/2re some proofs
Meredith, H1905/6/9exam paper and meeting
Meredith, H O1907/10/9re instroduction to Andreadus's book
Meredith, W17/05/1889cannot work for co-operators visit
Meredith, W16/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Merrell, J H13/09/1896re Arthur Lee paper at British Association
Merry, J E10/02/1884correct address of college staff
Messra Deighton Bell & Cooffers Stamp's book
Messrs Bartlett, Rumsey & Curtis1935dental bills
Messrs Deighton Bell & Coletters for sale
Messrs Hodgson & CoJun-24sale of books
Messrs P S King & Son1922/4/25PC on Lavington's "The Trade Cycle"
Messrs Walton & Core portrait of Sir John Edwin Sandys
Metcalfe, John Henry16/02/1880re Nicholas Metcalfe, Master of St John's 1517-37
Metcalfe, John Henry16/02/1880re meeting of Wells Charity estate
Metropolitan Railway1927/1/4PC re lost attache case
Metropolitan Statistical Society1915/4/15re progress of their staff at LSE
Mettam, H A1933/8/17to AF, travel arrangements, photo of Audrey
Mettam, Herbert1930/11/22on death of Mrs Foxwell
Mettam, Herbert1929/6/15family chat
Mettam, Herbert1930/12/3family chat
Mettam, Herbert1923/7/7re his marriage to Peggy Foxwell
Mettam, Herbert1923/6/16on his marriage to Peggy Foxwell
Mettam, Herbert1932/3/30family letter
Mettam, Herbert1934/6/15family letter
Mettam, Herbert A1923/10/23on death of HSF's brother
Mettam, Herbert A1922/8/3row over his engagement to Peggy
Mettam, Herbert A1922/8/12row over his engagement to Peggy
Mettam, Jill1933/4/16PC on holiday
Mettam, Marjoie1937/8/17to Audrey re investment letter, shares etc
Mettam, Marjorie1937/12/14to Audrey Foxwell, investments etc
Mettam, Peggy1935/11/6family chat
Mettam, Peggy15/06/????on HSF's birthday
Mettam, Peggy1929/6/30family chat
Mettam, Peggy1929/6/14family chat
Mettam, Peggy?family chat
Mettam, Peggy1925/11/5family chat
Mettam, Peggy1925/10/20family chat
Mettam, Peggy1925/9/11family chat
Mettam, Peggy1932/8/8family letter
Mettam, Peggy1932/10/9family letter
Mettam, Peggy1931/12/1family letter
Mettam, Peggy1933/11/27family letter
Mettam, Peggy1932/3/23family letter
Mettam, Peggy1921/4/14family letter
Mettam, Peggy1932/9/6family letter
Mettam, Peggy1932/9/20family letter
Mettam, Peggy1930/11/7family letter
Mettam, Peggy1930/12/13family letter
Mettam, Peggy1933/11/7family letter
Mettam, Peggy1931/12/21family letter
Mettam, Peggy1934/4/16family letter
Mettam, Peggy1932/8/15family letter
Mettam, Peggy1923/10/14family letter
Mettam, Peggy1932/11/27family letter
Mettam, Peggy1930/3/24family letter
Mettam, Peggy1932/11/6family letter
Mettam, Peggy1932/11/18family letter
Mettam, Peggy1933/12/3family letter
Mettam, Peggy1931/12/14family letter
Mettam, Peggy1929/12/27family chat
Mettam, Peggy?to Audrey Foxwell on Audrey's life of HSF
Mettam, Peggy1939/8/8to Audrey re division of shares etc
Mettam, Peggy1937/6/9to Audrey re Higgs's fee
Mettam, Peggy27/06/????to Audrey Foxwell, re HSF's estate
Mettam, Peggy1937/7/26to Audrey Foxwell, re stocks and shares etc
Mettam, Peggy1922/11/27re job at Gwynnes at £4 per week
Mettam, Peggy1923/7/9re her cottage
Mettam, Peggy1928/1/4thanks for painting, family news
Mettam, Peggy1937/6/17to AF re investments
Mettam, Peggy1937/9/2to AF re investments
Mettam, Peggy1938/2/20to AF mainly family chat
Mettam, Peggy1927/8/4family news
Mew, Egan22/01/1898re news pieces for Literature
Mew, Egan24/04/1899re contributions to Literature
Mexus, Eleanor (?)1918/6/26asks HSF for money
Mexus, Eleanor (?)1918/8/4thanks HSF for money
Meyer Jr Eugene & Co1911/4/10re update on US steel
Meysey-Thompson, Ethel26/07/1890re meeting on essays
Meysey-Thompson, Ethel02/12/1890essay prizes
Meysey-Thompson, Ethyl28/02/1893re visit of HSF to House of Commons
Meysey-Thompson, H11/07/1890re a meeting
Meysey-Thompson, H16/05/1890re a meeting
Meysey-Thompson, H24/07/1890re bimetallic essays
Meysey-Thompson, H24/07/1890re bimetallic essays
Meysey-Thompson, H16/11/1890re meeting arrangements
Meysey-Thompson, H18/11/1890re meeting arrangements
Meysey-Thompson, H12/11/1890re bimetallic essays
Meysey-Thompson, H08/07/1890re bimetallic meeting
Meysey-Thompson, H14/05/1890re judging bimetallic essays
Meysey-Thompson, H18/08/1890re his essay prize
Meysey-Thompson, H20/09/1890re essays
Meysey-Thompson, H M08/02/1893re a House of Commons motion
Meysey-Thompson, H M10/02/1893thanks HSF for article
Michiels, R1908PC asks for advice on books
Mickley, Goerge09/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Middlemore, S G C30/03/1885social
Middleton H11/5/1890re Middleton’s lecture on spiritualism
Middleton, H30/12/1895re advice and arrangement for lectures
Middleton, H??/??/1884re visit of Sir E Watkin
Middleton, H02/11/1895re a submarine
Middleton, H29/01/1896on the Navy etc
Middleton, H15/07/1892on patent for submarine
Middleton, H03/05/1892re patents, HSF money
Middleton, H11/07/1892not heard from Webb on HSF
Middleton, H06/06/1890re his submarine patents
Middleton, H24/10/1888re his submarine patents
Middleton, H26/10/1888re his submarine patents
Middleton, Henry18/02/1885re reference for flat
Middleton, Henry07/01/1885re his talk on war
Middleton, Henry06/01/1896attack on British foreign policy
Middleton, Henry01/07/1884returns loan
Middleton, Henry?acknowledges cheque for £10 loan from HSF, talks of paper to write for Sir E Watkin
Middleton, J N30/04/1895rendez-vous
Middleton, J N03/05/1895rendez-vous
Miers Henry S1912/6/17University of London Appeal
Miers, Henry D1915/3/25Senate of London University asns HSF to give back all Goldsmiths publications
Miklaschewsky, Alexander de23/02/1893re books on agricultural credit
Mildmay, E A16/12/1874on exam results
Mildmay, E A St John25/04/1872asks to be HSF's pupil
Mildmay, E S F29/05/1874general chat
Miley, Miles12/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Milfund, Humphrey1920flyer for Louter's book
Millar, Frederick31/07/1894re The Liberty Review plans, asks for a short article on money question
Miller S J1916/6/22Pigou’s case for not enlisting
Miller, Emma10/05/1891social
Miller, J W04/07/1895Bimetallic League
Miller, John W14/12/1894sends an enclosure
Miller, Mrs J M C11/07/1884re paper for British Assoc
Miller, R14/02/1884re endowment to finance study of welfare of working classes
Miller, R23/10/1883re his endowment plan for essays to be published
Miller, R03/11/1883thanks HSF for letter and doesn't mind if he mentions his letter to Marshall
Miller, R02/12/1883re Mr Giffen's views and Marshall on the Statistical Society's capitalist sympathies etc
Miller, R09/11/1883thanks HSF for interest in his ideas etc
Miller, R16/11/1883thanks HSF to consenting to act on committee to examine his ideas etc
Miller, R06/02/1884re committee for an endowment
Miller, R18/02/1884re committee for an endowment
Miller, R21/04/????re some matter with Council
Miller, R09/12/1886re his scheme to help poor etc
Miller, R14/07/1886re an HSF letter on Edinburgh lecture
Miller, R01/01/1887HSF to get 50 copies of lecture, poorly run arrangements
Miller, R27/06/1886to see HSF
Miller, Sidney J1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Miller, Sidney J1916/6/20asks HSF to appear before Military Tribunal
Mills, W A B1919/12/14re banking and iniversity cramming
Mills, W A B1919/11/20re university course
Mills, William20/05/1886re election to Savile Club
Mills, William24/05/1886re election to Savile Club
Millson, Frank E17/04/1875re an HSF accident
Milman Arthur11/4/1883re London exams
Milman Arthur16/4/1883re London lecture
Milman, Arthur08/05/1882re University of London exams
Milman, Arthur15/06/1882re substitute examiners at University of London
Milman, Arthur29/04/1882re University of London exams
Milner Nora30/7/19/11Newton & Peel on cash payments
Milner, A19/10/1884lectures by Taylor and G?
Milner, A17/06/1884Cambridge politics and lectures
Milner, A28/04/1887re Toynbee portrait and Sibley Funds
Milner, A15/07/1884re liberal policy etc
Milner, A02/05/1887to Sidgwick on Toynbee portrait
Milner, A03/05/1887to Sidgwick on Toynbee portrait
Milner, A26/02/1889re Toynbee Trust meeting
Milner, A30/04/1889meeting of Toynbee Trustees
Milner, A06/10/1886on HSF's Edinburgh lecture
Milner, A04/03/1889re a meeting
Milner, A10/12/1888on census etc
Milner, Alfred08/02/1883asks HSF to look through proofs of Toynbee's lectures to be published as addresses
Milner, Alfred10/02/1883Toynbee lectures, editing etc
Milner, Viscount1910/10/4Royal Commission on London University
Milnes, Alfred1920/2/23re an Indian student
Milnes, Alfred1915/6/29about some person
Milnes, Alfred1915/6/1thanks HSF for comments on brochure
Milnes, Alfred1915/6/25asks HSF for support in getting Oxford extension work
Milnes, Nora1911/8/7general
Milnes, R O A??/??/1879re HSF's copy of Wealth of Nations
Milson, E24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Ministry of Labour1918/6/13re course for convalescent Officers
Minte, L M1924/5/27re difficulty over his book
Minto, W12/09/1885social
Minty L LeM1924/3/1re book on English banking methods
Minty L M1923/3/22asks for reference for Liverpool chair
Minty, L1924/7/5re jobs
Minty, L L M1921/10/4job and essay competition
Minty, L L M1921/4/15re Mitchell studentships
Minty, L M1923/1/2Minty's studies and book on American banking methods
Minty, L M1922/10/24on trouble with LSE about degrees
Minty, L M1923/1/15re article and his book on American banking
Minty, L M1922/1/30on his work on US banking
Minty, Leonard L1920/7/29re information for history of Bank of England
Minus, Ellis H1930/7/30on Allen Fund
Mirlees, Arthur26/11/1897social
Mirler, J21/11/1876re popular education
Mishell, W G23/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Mitchell, ?1915/5/7re exams for railway students
Mitchell, St John14/09/1875general chat
Mitchell, St John F23/03/1873social
Mitchell, St John F15/03/1879thanks HSF for testimonial, condolences over deaths of mother and sister
Miyajima, T1927/7/13interested in HSF's library
Moare, B P1912/6/24re Henry Cooper
Mochizuki, Kotano03/07/1895asks HSF to be honorary contributor to new journals
Mok, H C1915/3/12thank you letter
Molesworth Guilford L12/10/1891letter to Fair-Trade on colony of Victoria
Molesworth, B G09/02/1895re fall in prices
Molesworth, G L24/02/1894"Fallacies and Facts", bimetallism
Molesworth, Guildford11/02/1895re production of wheat
Molesworth, Guilford23/02/1892re diagram of wheat prices etc
Molesworth, Guilfordtables and charts on bimetallism
Molesworth, Guilfordproof of speech to Bimetallic Conference
Molesworth, Guilford26/12/1890on bimetallism
Molesworth, Guilford1911The Reform of the House of Commons
Molesworth, Guilford L1909/10/8re his work on the corn trade and price of bread
Molesworth, Guilford L1917/8/18re quote on taxation, sends his book
Molesworth, Guilford L1917/8/30dispute over Adam Smith
Molesworth, Guilford L1908/1/29re Tariff Reform, papers enclosed
Molesworth, S27/02/1892on effects of import taxes
Moller, Nora to Olive Dorrington24/06/1898general chat
Mollison W L1914/3/4Clare College elections?
Mollison, W L1918/10/27Allen Studentships Board of Electors
Monroe, James R1923/3/18thanks HSD for help on F A Walker biography
Montague, F C14/07/1895re his work load
Montague, F L28/07/1895re his lectures at University College
Montague, Gilbert H17/10/197to National Bureau of Economic Research re Mitchell's book
Montgomerie, W1914/3/28re his paper on the money market
Montgomerie, W J1914/4/2re exams etc
Montgomery J B31/8/1897bimetallism
Montgomery, J B26/03/1897bimetallism in USA and economic policy
Montgomery, J B05/07/1894bimetallism argument in UK and relation between price levels and gold discoveries
Montgomery, J B03/01/1896US Civil War and English economic policy
Montgomery, J B10/03/1897US bimetallism and economic policy
Montgomery, J B21/09/1896bimetallism
Montgomery, J B08/11/1896US elections and bimetallism
Montgomery, J B17/08/1896US elections and currency questions
Montgomery, J B18/07/1898on HSF's marriage
Montgomery, J B11/05/1897US Arbitration(?) Bill, US bimetallic issues
Montgomery, J B??/05/1897sends HSF letter from US Senator about paper from HSF
Montgomery, J B22/03/1895bimetallism, HSF's articles etc
Montgomery, J B02/02/1894monometallism in US
Montgomery, J B16/02/1895bimetallism in US
Montgomery, J B05/02/1896no war between US and UK
Moochnik, Leon1916/11/5student letter
Moore B P1910/11/23Jewish Education Aid Society funds
Moors, E M21/11/1884student letter
Morel, L1911/2/15re a lecture
Morely, Geo H1901/6/22asks HSF to Birmingham University to meet committee of council
Moreurs, G1904/2/12sends his book
Morgan J H1909/7/16research programme at Magdalen
Morgan J H1909/6/18research on the Law Merchant
Morgan Grenfell & Co1915/11/11purchase of Treasury Bonds
Morgan, J H1910/6/8lectureship and draft of JSF's views
Mori, Kengo1918/2/5social
Mori, Kenjo1918/1/15hopes to meet HSF
Mori, Kenyo1918/2/5re Japanese lunch
Mori, Kenzo1917/12/27Japanese Financial Commission thanks HSF for some suggestions re their publication
Morland, J Bruce M1926/6/30re overdue doctor's bill
Morlet, J?re a visit to England
Morley, Geo H1901/6/20acknowledges receipt of HSF's application for organising chair at Birmingham
Morley, J B14/08/1889PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Morley, J Cooper21/08/1886re purchase of books by HSF
Morley, S1902/11/15re HSF complaint about neighbour's music lessons
Morning Post1919/3/18re loan of book from HSF
Morning Post1917/12/21on HSF letter
Mornlive, A Y31/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Morris, Frank1919/4/27re current finance and meeting HSF
Morris, J1920/10/1Morris's son
Morrison J G1922/10/24re HSF’s lectures on the stock exchange
Morrison, C19/07/1894asks for book references re quantity theory and money
Morrison, C08/08/1894quantity theory discussion
Morrison, Mrs M H1922/9/20offers verbatim report of HSF lectures on the stock exchange
Morwen, Kalo23/06/1895appeal to Irish MPs to adopt the metric system
Mosely, Gertrude E18/11/1895re translation of Richter's pamphlet, economic books she is reading
Mosely, Gertrude E23/07/1893re trying to get Richter's book published
Mosely, Gertrude E01/05/1893re her translation of Richter
Mosely, Gertrude E29/03/1893re her translation of Richter
Mosfield, D M09/01/????re meeting him
Mosley, Gertrude E02/11/1896re a visit to Manchester
Mosley, Miss G E10/10/1892student letter
Moss, W29/01/1895re question of type of people for Cambridge
Moss, W10/06/1894cancels dinner
Mother08/02/1872card playing etc
Mother22/02/1872Ernest's health, worry about Arthur etc
Mother10/10/1872worry re Ernest etc
Mother12/06/1872death of HSF's aunt Ann
Mother18/06/1892congrats to HSF on Whewell scholarship award etc
Mother08/04/1872Ernest's whinges, wedding invitations etc
Mother24/08/1872family chat
Mother23/05/1872re Ernest, late hours
Mother28/06/1872re HSF not getting Burney Prize etc
Mother12/03/1872househunting for aunts, etc
Mother22/10/1872Ernest off to Cambridge, Mr Mahmoud and religion
Mother16/05/1872re HSF's invitation to visit Cambridge
Mother17/05/1872re HSF's invitation to visit Cambridge, declines
Mother07/06/1872re house hunting, holiday plans, money etc
Mother08/05/1872househunting for aunts, etc
Mother27/07/1872Arthur's 1st division pass etc
Mother16/08/1872Florrie's accident, French visitor etc
Mother13/08/1872chastises HSF for not writing, excursions etc
Mother28/11/1872advice to HSF on spiritual matters etc
Moulton, C W17/11/1898asks HSF about book on English Literary Criticism
Moulton, J A1872social
Moulton, J F07/08/1886general
Moulton, J Fsocial
Moulton, R G14/06/1872asks to see HSF
Moulton, R G16/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Mount05/03/1871acknowledges letter and asks to meet
Mountford, L O1930/11/23on Olive's death
Mowat, J21/07/1870HSF repays money etc
Mowat, J16/12/1870congratulates HSF
Mowat, R B1919/7/12exam questions
Mowat, R B1919/7/9re exam papers
Mowbray, J M03/07/1898thanks HSF for cheque, Spanish dollar cups as wedding present
Mowbray, J R W10/11/1894asks HSF for testimonial
Mowbray, J R W20/04/1892thanks for testimonial
Mowbray, J R W29/03/1892asks for testimonial
Mowbray, Sir Robert1912/1/30re currency history
Mssrs Hodgson & Co1922/8/9details and account for sale of items
Mudd, E B AJul-30re cases for books
Muir Pattison, M M08/07/1889money for co-operators visit
Muirhead, J H16/12/1891re King's College courses
Muirhead, J H12/12/1891re Ethical Society
Muirhead, J H09/12/1891asks HSF re lectures for Extension of University Teaching
Muirhead, J H31/12/1881re Honson and Ethical Society
Muirhead, R F25/05/1886re HSF's Glasgow expenses
Muirhead, R F05/07/1886to see Mavor in Glasgow while lecturing
Mukai, S1920/6/17re his study on stock exchange
Mukai, S1920/6/19re his study on stock exchange
Mukerji P19/5/1883asks for testimonials in PE
Mukerji, P1901/11/27asks HSF to help as he only gets two-thirds of salary in India of the equivalent of Europeans
Mulhall, Michael G14/09/1889re his paper on index numbers
Muller, W1911/10/18re sale of volumes of the Statist
Muller, W1911/10/28on old copies of Statist etc
Muller, W1906/9/7purchase of old books
Muller, W1904/2/15PC re pamphlets and their prices
Muller, W1904/2/27PC no decision on pamphlets
Muller, W1904/10/13PC send HSF 1901 Bankers'Magazine
Muller, W1904/1/5PC offers HSF books
Muller, W1903/12/18PC send HSF books
Muller, W1904/2/29re sale of pamphlets
Muller, W1905/1/18PC offers books
Muller, W1904/7/22PC offers books
Muller, W1904/6/24PC offers books
Muller, W1909/7/30PC re books for HSF
Muller, W1908/11/12PC re book offers
Muller, W1909/12/31PC re Banker Magazines indexes
Muller, W1931/12/5book trade hard, general chat
Muller, W1927/10/24re book on Bank of France
Mullingan, J B1903/11/6re St John's library
Mullinger, J BassOct 1885syllabus on English History at St John's
Mulready Elizabeth M1922/12/11purchase of ring
Mulready, Elizabeth1922/12/4re ring and brooches
Mulready, Elizabeth1925/11/24re hersilver exhibition
Mundahl, H S10/01/1895questions on bimetallism
Mundahl, H S14/01/1895re bimetallism and gold and commodity prices
Mundy, J15/05/1893Political Economy Club
Mundy, J24/02/1893Political Economy Club
Munro, J??/??/1896on his brother's death
Munro, J10/09/1896on his brother's death
Munro, J E25/10/1886social
Munro, J E07/02/1888social
Munro, J E12/08/????re paper on sliding scales for British Association
Munro, J E16/12/1885to meet HSF on sliding scales
Munro, J E C09/02/1891social
Munro, J E C03/02/1887re HSF pamphlets of lectures
Munro, J E C02/03/1887bimetallism and India etc
Munro, J E C29/01/1891re date of HSF paper
Munro, J E C03/12/1886re HSF lecture on labour question
Munro, J E L23/08/1887re a Walras paper
Munro, J G C??/??/1874on HSF's fellowship
Munro, Minnie03/12/1896thanks HSF on bereavement note
Munro, T E L08/03/1886re lists of books for PE? Club
Munro, T E L03/02/1886re paper on sliding scales
Munro-Fergusson, R11/03/1894Beeton's tract, social
Munty, L L1920/2/9re mss and books
Murata, T1910/8/16asks to meet HSF
Murie, John10/08/1889PC to Dunn supports Jenkinson for librarian
Murphy, James21/07/1896will send HSF his article
Murphy, W M1905/8/29PC offers books
Murray Gilbert et al1914/10/6re petition by German professors on the war
Murray, D S W05/03/1894bimetellism
Murray, G2018/5/17re Political Economy Club
Murray, G H19/07/1887re Sockbeer's(?) book on gold and silver
Murray, G Sh.24/02/1888sends Marshall's evidence
Murray, J D1921/8/18re file on conference
Murray, J E04/03/1886re his article and books for a political library
Murray, J E C (?)09/02/1887meeting on bimetallism (?)
Murray, J H09/04/1895PC re meeting on money in Political Economy Club
Murray, J H20/03/1895re topics for Political Economy Club
Murray, J H05/11/1895asks if Professor Cunningham should join Political Economy Club
Murray, J H10/02/1892asks HSF to talk at PE Club
Murray, J H22/03/1892re some job
Murray, J H19/03/1892re P E Club
Murray, J H23/11/1892PE Club to spend £250-300 on publications
Murray-Smith, R12/07/1885re Victorian Year Book on Australia
Musgrave C1919/11/27re Marshall’s letter in The Times
Musgrave Charles1920/7/20n resignation from Chamber of Commerce
Musgrave, C17/10/1896re books on banking and currency
Mussey, H R1908/8/30re some letter
Muto, Chogo1931Bibliography of Anglo-American Relations Parts 1 and 2
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York19/03/1896offers generous policy
Myers & Co1931/2/18sold book ordered by HSF
Myers & Co1931/2/16sold book ordered by HSF
Myers, A T26/06/1887arranges for HSF to meet Norman Grosvenor
Myers, E19/12/1884re tract
Myers, E13/12/1884Cornish tin mines
Myers, E27/12/1879re printing of a paper etc
Myers, Ernest09/12/1884re article in The Fortnightly on The Rights of Man
Myers, Ernest30/10/1877asks HSF to lecture in place of Thorold Rogers
Myers, F W H27/03/1894Society for Psychical Research
Myers, G16/02/1878HSF to replace Bonar in some lectures
Myers, J W N24/08/1883PC social
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