Name |
Date |
Title |
N. F. C. | 08/07/1875 | general |
Nab, F | 19/04/1879 | rendez-vous |
Nagakama, M | 1901/10/19 | gives HSF "Financial Annal of Japan" |
Naitonal Political League | 11/04/1921 | The miners' strike and funds |
Nalden, John | 19/01/1895 | re Overard Gurney shares |
Nalder, John | 1887 | bill for estate of HSF's father |
Nandy, Maharaza M C | 1919/11/26 | gives stipend to B K Sarkar |
Naoroji, D | 22/01/1897 | re books for son-in-law |
National Bureau of Economic Research | 1925/10/16 | report on payrolls |
National Bureau of Economic Research | 1925/12/1 | progress report |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1930/4/22 | news bulletin |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1930/6/12 | re a new book |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1931/1/5 | news bulletin |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1926 | advertising book on income |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1929/10/6 | re their book |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1928/9/10 | News Bulletin 29 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1925/9/5 | sends copy of News Bulletin 14 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1926/12/15 | News Bulletin 22 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1926/8/1 | News Bulletin 20 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1926/12/16 | re "Business Anals" |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1928/3/24 | re Wesley Mitchell's book |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1929/3/1 | News Bulletin 31 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1928/10/15 | re business replies |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/7/18 | News Bulletin 26 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1925/6/1 | News Bulletin 13 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1925/7/21 | re income tax returns |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1928/4/23 | News Bulletin 28 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/3/30 | News Bulletin 24 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1928/2/15 | News Bulletin 27 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/1/21 | News Bulletin 23 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1926/11/1 | News Bulletin 21 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1929/2/10 | News Bulletin 30 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1930/11/11 | offers News Bulletin free |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1928/6/1 | sends Mitchell's book on Business Cycles |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/3/29 | re Business Anals |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/6/9 | re Mitchell's book |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/9/12 | re Mitchell's book |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/4/16 | re Business Anals |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/2/28 | re News Bulletins |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1920/6/21 | News Bulletin 19 |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1928/2/7 | re book on trade unions |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/10/17 | flyer on book by George E Roberts |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1927/6/25 | re Mitchell's book |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1926/5/14 | re mailing list |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1926/9/13 | re Business annals |
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc | 1926/11/3 | re Wesley Mitchell's book |
National City Bank of New York | 1916/1/25 | send HSF their bulletins |
National Co-operative Festival | 12/08/1890 | re a meeting |
National Eduction Association US | 1920/2/18 | re metric system |
National Emergency Conference | 1916/7/11 | re dinner |
National Emergency Conference | 1916/7/12 | re dinner for Mr Gibson Bowles |
National French War Library | 1922/8/13 | re papers on war finance |
National League for Opposing Woman Suffrage | 1916/10/24 | re lobbying MPs |
National Monetary Commission | 1910/2/19 | re translation of Philipovich |
National Mutual | 1930/5/30 | to Audrey Foxwell, life assurance policy |
National Party Cambridge Association | 24-Oct | re General Meeting |
National Portrait Gallery | 1928/1/11 | wants new photo of HSF |
National Portrait Gallery | 1917/7/5 | re photo of HSF |
National Providence League | ??/12/1887 | re subs |
National Providence League | ??/01/1886 | council and the league |
National Review | 1913/10/11 | asking for new buyers |
National Review | 1918/8/12 | comments on Lloyd George |
National Review | 1917/5/29 | propaganda on books |
National Review | 1919/11/1 | asks for subscriptions |
National Review | 28/01/1897 | PC on bimetallism articles |
National Review | 1920/8/30 | thanks HSF for enclosure |
National Securities Corporation Ltd | 1924/1/26 | re HSF's lectures on Money and Exchanges |
National Society for Checking the Abuses in Public Advertising | 1901 | memorial in favour of the regulations petition |
National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising | 14/01/1896 | asks HSF to speak at General Meeting |
National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising | 23/01/1896 | asks HSF to attend AGM |
National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising | 06/07/1894 | asks HSF to speak |
National Trust | 1893 | Council aims, notice of meeting |
National Union of Conservatirve and Unionists Associations | 1925/2/13 | asks HSf to lecture |
National Union of Conservatirve and Unionists Associations | 1925/2/16 | re HSF lecturing |
National Unionist Association | 1924/4/24 | HSF asked to lecture but refuses |
National Unionist Association | 1924/5/15 | asks HSF to lecture |
Naville, Edouard | 1900 | La Question due Transvaal |
Navor, R | 21/06/1898 | congrats HSF on forthcoming wedding |
Neave, R F | 1922/11/14 | HSF to speak for Conservative candidate for 1922 General Election |
Neave, R F | 14/22/1922 | HSF to speak for Conservative candidate for 1922 General Election |
Neave, R F | 14/22/1922 | list of meetings, HSF to speak in support of Conservative candidate |
Neave, R F | 1922/11/13 | re speaking in favour of Conservative candidate |
Negus Electrical Company | 1931/12/19 | bill for vacuum cleaner |
Nehra, R S | 1919/10/29 | to LSE (copy) re his studies |
Neil, R A | 02/11/1882 | re note on Professor Palmer |
Neligan, D | 17/08/1882 | general |
Neligan, D | 15/10/1882 | exams etc |
Neligan, D | 28/02/1884 | re an argument in Croydon |
Nellie | 22/01/1880 | re meeting |
Nellie | 20/01/1879 | tells of ball etc |
Nellie | 28/01/1879 | talks of her brother, job etc |
Nellie | 10/02/1879 | sorry to hear that HSF isn't interested in her talk to balls etc |
Nellie | 17/02/1879 | illness after she left HSF, trips etc |
Nellie | 25/02/1879 | learns of HSF's sister's death |
Nellie | 06/03/1879 | their relationship |
Nellie | 11/03/1879 | asks if HSF is coming to see her |
Nellie | 21/03/1879 | can't see HSF, etc |
Nellie | 02/08/1879 | thanks for birthday thoughts |
Nellie | 28/03/1879 | social chat |
Nellie | 30/09/1879 | wants to see HSF |
Nellie | 13/01/1879 | general |
Nellie | 03/10/1879 | arranges to meet HSF |
Nelson, E | 14/08/1881 | asks for old clothes |
Nelson, Emily | 20/03/1881 | re distressed circumstances and request for clothes |
Nelson, Emily | 02/04/1881 | thanks for bag of clothes |
Nelson, Emily | 05/11/1880 | re HSF taking rooms |
Nelson, Emily | 27/10/1880 | re HSF taking rooms |
Nesham | 13/01/1875 | sends HSF cheque |
Nesham, C C | 30/06/1874 | thank you note |
Neuhuys J A | 1920/11/18 | re sale of Ms |
Neulle, L | 07/02/1896 | re committee to look at any legislation about women and degrees |
Neulle, L | 1896 | glad HSF will join committee on women's degrees |
Neulle, L | 18/02/1896 | re committee on BAs for women |
Neville, J G | 1898 | money for co-operators visit |
New Decimal Association | 19/02/1895 | re Select Committee on weights and measures |
New Decimal Association | 06/11/1893 | appeal for funds, third report and accounts |
New Decimal Association | 10/07/1895 | re report of House of Commons |
New Decimal Association | | list of committees |
New Somerville Club | 09/06/1889 | re debate, HSF notes inside |
Newbold, W T | 03/11/1874 | on HSF's fellowship |
Newbry, Geo | 15/08/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Newcombe, L | 1923/12/30 | re regulations of Goldsmith's Library |
Newhold, W T | 07/09/1889 | will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Newman, F B | 13/08/1889 | to Dunn supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Newman, Perry S | 29/08/1885 | asks HSF to chair a concert |
Newman, Perry S | 26/09/1885 | re chairing at concert |
Newsom J M | 1916/10/23 | asks for book reference |
Newson, J M | 1916/10/29 | re short course at LSE |
Newspaper cuttings | 1884-1886 | on protection and tariffs |
Newspapers for the Fleet Committee | 1918/4/10 | re appeal for funds |
Newton, Douglas & Muriel | 1929/5/27 | asks for people's votes |
Nice, A | 1928/7/20 | PC room booked for HSF |
Nicholas W I | 29/12/1867 | young man’s chat |
Nicholas W I | 26/7/1867 | asks for advice on books for BA |
Nicholas W I | 25/11865 | re exam results |
Nicholas W I | 18/2/1868 | advice about profession etc |
Nicholas W I | 26/2/1868 | advice about profession etc |
Nicholas W I | 20/4/1868 | advice about profession etc |
Nicholas, N | 18/01/1870 | on culture and religion |
Nicholas, N | 13/01/1870 | on his fortunes etc |
Nicholas, N | 13/01/1870 | re going to Cambridge |
Nicholas, N | 12/03/1870 | cost of Cambridge course etc |
Nicholas, N | 21/03/1870 | will not come to Cambridge to see HSF at any cost |
Nicholas, N | 18/03/1870 | cannot come to Cambridge etc |
Nicholas, W J | 30/10/1868 | re medical exams |
Nicholas, W J | 26/09/1868 | re exams, general chat etc |
Nicholas, W J | 26/09/1868 | re exams, general chat etc |
Nicholas, W J | 04/09/1868 | re exams, general chat etc |
Nicholas, W J | 12/09/1871 | congratulates HSF on promotion to Senior Moralist, shows interest in applying for junior post |
Nichols, Jeannette P | 1933/6/1 | HSF letters to F A Walker put in Library of Congress |
Nicholson J L | 19/11/1885 | re reprints of early tracts etc |
Nicholson J S | 31/1/1883 | re Adam Smith & London PE lectures |
Nicholson J S | 1918/5/8 | against research fund |
Nicholson J S | 1916/11/5 | re pamphlet on List & asks about Pigou |
Nicholson J S | 1916/6/16 | re Pigou & his enlistment |
Nicholson J S | 1915/8/24 | war finances |
Nicholson J S | 23/5/1897 | exam paper |
Nicholson J S | 1906/11/8 | exam papers |
Nicholson J S | 1916/8/16 | argument on war finance |
Nicholson J S | 1916/5/2 | commemnts on government finance |
Nicholson Marjory | 1911/11/8 | Clara Collett’s book |
Nicholson, Cecilia | 1936/8/4 | to AF on HSF's death |
Nicholson, J S | 29/04/1885 | re paper for Jubilee of Statistical Society |
Nicholson, J S | 12/02/1884 | re his book and state control etc |
Nicholson, J S | 20/05/1884 | on his land book, Tripos etc |
Nicholson, J S | 12/03/1881 | re testimonial for HSF |
Nicholson, J S | 16/01/1890 | on profit sharing |
Nicholson, J S | 13/01/1890 | re Giffen etc |
Nicholson, J S | 31/10/1890 | re Levingham etc |
Nicholson, J S | 1916/6/9 | on currency bills |
Nicholson, J S | 18/10/1893 | general chat |
Nicholson, J S | 22/04/1893 | re British Association |
Nicholson, J S | 05/09/1893 | British Association, bimetallism etc |
Nicholson, J S | 26/08/1893 | British Association, bimetallism etc |
Nicholson, J S | 08/05/1893 | british Association, HSF to give paper on silver |
Nicholson, J S | 1915/1/26 | on W R Scott |
Nicholson, J S | 21/01/1897 | election of West |
Nicholson, J S | 04/05/1897 | re India Civil Serivce exams |
Nicholson, J S | 20/04/1894 | to arrange Professional Manifesto, copy of HSF's London lectures |
Nicholson, J S | 10/09/1894 | re a letter (337/36) |
Nicholson, J S | 05/09/1894 | not change opinions on monetary questions etc |
Nicholson, J S | 22/04/1884 | re lending notes, his book v Walker's etc |
Nicholson, J S | 1902/4/21 | cannot sign protest against University of London's scheme in economics |
Nicholson, J S | 1901/6/10 | attached his testimonial for HSF for Birmingham chair |
Nicholson, J S | 22/01/1889 | re P E Club issue |
Nicholson, J S | 24/01/1889 | re some argument |
Nicholson, J S | 04/12/1889 | re reply to Giffen |
Nicholson, J S | 06/12/1889 | cannot take an editorial post, bimetallism |
Nicholson, J S | 07/02/1889 | re P E Club dinner |
Nicholson, J S | 25/04/1884 | on Schonberg's book |
Nicholson, J S | 29/03/1887 | thanks HSF for testimonial |
Nicholson, J S | 16/03/1887 | re testimonial |
Nicholson, J S | 08/03/1887 | re testimonial |
Nicholson, J S | 30/06/1898 | on HSF's marriage, Marshall's maths methods |
Nicholson, J S | 15/08/1889 | will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University |
Nicholson, J S | 11/02/1894 | re draft of bimetallic manifesto |
Nicholson, J S | 06/02/1894 | to McNiel on Indian currency |
Nicholson, J S | 14/11/1886 | on HSF lecture on labour question |
Nicholson, J S | 20/02/1888 | bimetallism etc - Currency Commission |
Nicholson, J S | 24/03/1888 | Marshall's evidence etc |
Nicholson, J S | 1919/4/19 | on HSF's book |
Nicholson, J S | 1916/9/1 | on Brand's pamphlet on German finance of industry |
Nicholson, J S | 1916/1/22 | to Scott re BA candidates |
Nicholson, J S | 1916/1/25 | to Scott re BA candidates |
Nicholson, J S | 1916/1/26 | to Scott re BA candidates |
Nicholson, J S to W R Scott | 1918/1/28 | re British Academy elections |
Nicholson, K N | 07/10/1894 | general |
Nicholson, K W | 04/04/1895 | husband (JS) in Africa |
Nicholson, R A | 21/09/1898 | Royston Golf Club circular letter re wedding present for secretary |
Nicolas, H A | ? | HSF resignation from a club |
Niel, R A | 05/05/1896 | re HSF gift to Pembroke College |
Nightingale, B C N | 1924/8/15 | PC re book on prices |
Nijhoff, Martinus | 01/02/1899 | offers to sell HSF books (with enclosures) |
Niles, William | 07/11/1874 | letter of congraulations on being Fellow |
Nimm, G S | | PC examining PE by Ernest |
Nissim S | 1913/6/18 | student letter |
Nitti, F S | 28/02/1894 | asks HSF to contribute to Italian journal |
Nitti, F S | 10/10/1891 | PC re books |
Nitti, F S | 26/05/1894 | PC article on monetary question |
Nixon, J G | 1901/1/30 | asks for ticket for kIngs |
Nolage, L | 04/04/???? | re some draft |
Noon, J | 30/07/1889 | PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Noon, James | 24/06/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Nora | 1901/8/16 | asks whether HSF wants to rent rooms for holidays |
Nora | 1901/2/24 | Winifred passed exam etc |
Nora | 22//11/1897 | to Olive general news |
Norbett, Ja | 28/02/1893 | Chamberlain etc |
Norlin, Robert | 29/06/1898 | on HSF's marriage |
Norman J ? B | 27/1/1876 | general chat |
Norman, C | 18/03/1884 | asks for help to find teaching staff for army class |
Norman, C H | 1907/10/8 | re row over memorial |
Norman, J H | 01/03/1890 | PC sends HSF article on Quantity Theory of Money etc |
Norman, J H | ??/09/1891 | on working of gold and silver exchanges |
Norman, J H | ??/08/1891 | article from Bankers' Magazine on exchanges |
Norman, J H | ??/09/1891 | article from Tiverton Gazette on money |
Norman, J H | 1889 | tract on The Exchanges |
Norman, J H | | letter to Bankers' Magazine on monetary theory |
Norman, J H | ??/10/1885 | table on gold and silver |
Norman, J H | ??/06/1890 | article from Bankers' Magazine on coin of the realm |
Norman, J H | ??/08/1890 | article from Bankers' Magazine on US silver |
Norman, J H | 04/07/1890 | article on US Mint Report 1889 |
Norman, J H | 03/11/1890 | article on cost of production |
Norman, J H | 19/10/1890 | letter to the Chamber of Commerce Journal on exchanges |
Norman, J H | 14/07/1890 | article on 'What is Money?' |
Norman, J H | 12/05/???? | letter on US silver legistlation |
Norman, J H | 19/05/???? | letter on falling grain prices |
Norman, J H | ??/04/1890 | letter on value theory of money |
Norman, J H | 30/04/???? | letter on changing gold and silver prices |
Norman, J H | 02/05/???? | letter on changing gold and silver prices |
Norman, J H | 06/05/???? | letter on changing gold and silver prices |
Norman, J H | | letter on prices of gold and silver |
Norman, J H | 26/10/???? | letter on wheat prices |
Norman, J H | | part article on appreciation |
Norman, J H | 18/01/1888 | speech on universal currency dilemma |
Norman, J H | ??/10/1890 | letter from Bankers' Magazine on money |
Norman, J H | 06/10/1890 | article on foreign and colonial exchanges |
Norman, J H | | article on cost of production of gold and silver |
Norman, J H | | article on gold and silver standard currencies |
Norman, J H | ??/02/1891 | article on adequacy of gold reserves |
Norman, J H | ??/10/1886 | article on gold and silver currencies |
Norman, J H | ??/12/1885 | article on costs of production of gold and silver |
Norman, J H | ??/07/1886 | article on gold and silver currencies |
Norman, J H | 07/08/1888 | letter on money and monetary systems |
Norman, J H | 01/08/1888 | article on money on account |
Norman, J H | 20/04/1889 | article on debate on bimetallism |
Norman, J H | 27/04/1889 | article on debate on bimetallism |
Norman, J H | 15/03/1887 | article on why bimetallism is opposed |
Norman, J H | 27/01/1896 | letter to Accountant on a monetary tract |
Norman, L B | 22/02/1878 | seelking money for his lectures |
Normand, P H | 10/10/1893 | on the problems of the jute trade |
Normand, P H | 19/10/1893 | bimetallic issues |
Norman-Lee, F B N | 25/07/1889 | supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Norris, J P | 25/08/1889 | to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian |
Norris-Edge, L C R | 1903/10/22 | boy has gone to Selwyn College |
North British and Mercantile Insurance Co | | war bonds plan |
North Eastern Daily Gazette | 1909/5/8 | cuttings on extension lectures |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1922/3/15 | offer of bonds |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1922/1/21 | Receivers' Report |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1913/10/24 | notice to bond holders, HSF's receipts attached |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1912/5/23 | Olive's share certificate |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1926/11/22 | notice of instalment |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1920/1/20 | report of receivers |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1920/1/29 | notice of instalment |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1920/1/21 | report of bond holders' committee |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1916/7/10 | general metting |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1916/7/6 | report of bond holders' committee |
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd | 1916 | certificate of deposit |
North Saskatchewan Land Company | 1910/12/1 | bonds |
Norton Robert | 11/10/1897 | social |
Norton, Amy | 12/04/1881 | asks for money |
Norton, Amy | 18/02/1881 | thanks HSF for Valentine |
Norton, Amy | 1881 | thanks HSF for his kindess, new cottage |
Norton, C M | 1919/12/10 | to Ernest on Christmas etc |
Norton, M | 1886 | to Emy Foxwell re letter from Thos Foxwell (on reverse) |
Norton, Mr | | Wesleyan Centenary Picture - First Class Proofs |
Norton, Mrs J | 19/12/1870 | congratulates HSF, his activitieis |
Norton, R | 04/09/1895 | re Ernest Foxwell on US family |
Norton, R | 23/07/1890 | re silver, social |
Norwich and London Accident Insurance | 1907/7/1 | servant's insurance |
NOT IN BUNDLE | | no title |
NOT IN BUNDLE | | no title |
Nott, C F | 1923/5/28 | re Minty's application to Liverpool School of Commerce |
NS | 03/03/1885 | re meeting for walk |
Nunn, T H | 09/02/1887 | re discussions on the state and organisation of labour |
Nunn, T H | 17/03/1887 | re Tailor's Association |
Nunn, Thomas Harwell | 19/09/1892 | re good history graduates |
Nye, John S | 17/02/1877 | asks HSF for testimonial etc |
Nye, John S | 10/03/1874 | his family, activities |
Nye, John S | 03/03/1874 | doings for 3 years |
Nyhoft, Martinus | 1934 | flyer for biography of Engels |
NZ High Commission | 1919/11/24 | re Wellington chair |
NZ High Commission | 1919/11/18 | chair at Wellington |
NZ High Commission | 1920/2/16 | Wellington chair to B E Murphy |