Name Date Title
N. F. C.08/07/1875general
Nab, F19/04/1879rendez-vous
Nagakama, M1901/10/19gives HSF "Financial Annal of Japan"
Naitonal Political League11/04/1921The miners' strike and funds
Nalden, John19/01/1895re Overard Gurney shares
Nalder, John1887bill for estate of HSF's father
Nandy, Maharaza M C1919/11/26gives stipend to B K Sarkar
Naoroji, D22/01/1897re books for son-in-law
National Bureau of Economic Research1925/10/16report on payrolls
National Bureau of Economic Research1925/12/1progress report
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1930/4/22news bulletin
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1930/6/12re a new book
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1931/1/5news bulletin
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1926advertising book on income
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1929/10/6re their book
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1928/9/10News Bulletin 29
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1925/9/5sends copy of News Bulletin 14
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1926/12/15News Bulletin 22
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1926/8/1News Bulletin 20
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1926/12/16re "Business Anals"
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1928/3/24re Wesley Mitchell's book
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1929/3/1News Bulletin 31
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1928/10/15re business replies
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/7/18News Bulletin 26
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1925/6/1News Bulletin 13
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1925/7/21re income tax returns
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1928/4/23News Bulletin 28
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/3/30News Bulletin 24
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1928/2/15News Bulletin 27
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/1/21News Bulletin 23
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1926/11/1News Bulletin 21
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1929/2/10News Bulletin 30
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1930/11/11offers News Bulletin free
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1928/6/1sends Mitchell's book on Business Cycles
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/3/29re Business Anals
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/6/9re Mitchell's book
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/9/12re Mitchell's book
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/4/16re Business Anals
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/2/28re News Bulletins
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1920/6/21News Bulletin 19
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1928/2/7re book on trade unions
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/10/17flyer on book by George E Roberts
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1927/6/25re Mitchell's book
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1926/5/14re mailing list
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1926/9/13re Business annals
National Bureau of Economic Research Inc1926/11/3re Wesley Mitchell's book
National City Bank of New York1916/1/25send HSF their bulletins
National Co-operative Festival12/08/1890re a meeting
National Eduction Association US1920/2/18re metric system
National Emergency Conference1916/7/11re dinner
National Emergency Conference1916/7/12re dinner for Mr Gibson Bowles
National French War Library1922/8/13re papers on war finance
National League for Opposing Woman Suffrage 1916/10/24re lobbying MPs
National Monetary Commission1910/2/19re translation of Philipovich
National Mutual1930/5/30to Audrey Foxwell, life assurance policy
National Party Cambridge Association24-Octre General Meeting
National Portrait Gallery1928/1/11wants new photo of HSF
National Portrait Gallery1917/7/5re photo of HSF
National Providence League??/12/1887re subs
National Providence League??/01/1886council and the league
National Review1913/10/11asking for new buyers
National Review1918/8/12comments on Lloyd George
National Review1917/5/29propaganda on books
National Review1919/11/1asks for subscriptions
National Review28/01/1897PC on bimetallism articles
National Review1920/8/30thanks HSF for enclosure
National Securities Corporation Ltd1924/1/26re HSF's lectures on Money and Exchanges
National Society for Checking the Abuses in Public Advertising1901memorial in favour of the regulations petition
National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising14/01/1896asks HSF to speak at General Meeting
National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising23/01/1896asks HSF to attend AGM
National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising06/07/1894asks HSF to speak
National Trust1893Council aims, notice of meeting
National Union of Conservatirve and Unionists Associations1925/2/13asks HSf to lecture
National Union of Conservatirve and Unionists Associations1925/2/16re HSF lecturing
National Unionist Association1924/4/24HSF asked to lecture but refuses
National Unionist Association1924/5/15asks HSF to lecture
Naville, Edouard1900La Question due Transvaal
Navor, R21/06/1898congrats HSF on forthcoming wedding
Neave, R F1922/11/14HSF to speak for Conservative candidate for 1922 General Election
Neave, R F14/22/1922HSF to speak for Conservative candidate for 1922 General Election
Neave, R F14/22/1922list of meetings, HSF to speak in support of Conservative candidate
Neave, R F1922/11/13re speaking in favour of Conservative candidate
Negus Electrical Company1931/12/19bill for vacuum cleaner
Nehra, R S1919/10/29to LSE (copy) re his studies
Neil, R A02/11/1882re note on Professor Palmer
Neligan, D17/08/1882general
Neligan, D15/10/1882exams etc
Neligan, D28/02/1884re an argument in Croydon
Nellie22/01/1880re meeting
Nellie20/01/1879tells of ball etc
Nellie28/01/1879talks of her brother, job etc
Nellie10/02/1879sorry to hear that HSF isn't interested in her talk to balls etc
Nellie17/02/1879illness after she left HSF, trips etc
Nellie25/02/1879learns of HSF's sister's death
Nellie06/03/1879their relationship
Nellie11/03/1879asks if HSF is coming to see her
Nellie21/03/1879can't see HSF, etc
Nellie02/08/1879thanks for birthday thoughts
Nellie28/03/1879social chat
Nellie30/09/1879wants to see HSF
Nellie03/10/1879arranges to meet HSF
Nelson, E14/08/1881asks for old clothes
Nelson, Emily20/03/1881re distressed circumstances and request for clothes
Nelson, Emily02/04/1881thanks for bag of clothes
Nelson, Emily05/11/1880re HSF taking rooms
Nelson, Emily27/10/1880re HSF taking rooms
Nesham13/01/1875sends HSF cheque
Nesham, C C30/06/1874thank you note
Neuhuys J A1920/11/18re sale of Ms
Neulle, L07/02/1896re committee to look at any legislation about women and degrees
Neulle, L1896glad HSF will join committee on women's degrees
Neulle, L18/02/1896re committee on BAs for women
Neville, J G1898money for co-operators visit
New Decimal Association19/02/1895re Select Committee on weights and measures
New Decimal Association06/11/1893appeal for funds, third report and accounts
New Decimal Association10/07/1895re report of House of Commons
New Decimal Associationlist of committees
New Somerville Club09/06/1889re debate, HSF notes inside
Newbold, W T03/11/1874on HSF's fellowship
Newbry, Geo15/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Newcombe, L1923/12/30re regulations of Goldsmith's Library
Newhold, W T07/09/1889will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Newman, F B13/08/1889to Dunn supports Jenkinson for librarian
Newman, Perry S29/08/1885asks HSF to chair a concert
Newman, Perry S26/09/1885re chairing at concert
Newsom J M1916/10/23asks for book reference
Newson, J M1916/10/29re short course at LSE
Newspaper cuttings1884-1886on protection and tariffs
Newspapers for the Fleet Committee1918/4/10re appeal for funds
Newton, Douglas & Muriel1929/5/27asks for people's votes
Nice, A1928/7/20PC room booked for HSF
Nicholas W I29/12/1867young man’s chat
Nicholas W I26/7/1867asks for advice on books for BA
Nicholas W I25/11865re exam results
Nicholas W I18/2/1868advice about profession etc
Nicholas W I26/2/1868advice about profession etc
Nicholas W I20/4/1868advice about profession etc
Nicholas, N18/01/1870on culture and religion
Nicholas, N13/01/1870on his fortunes etc
Nicholas, N13/01/1870re going to Cambridge
Nicholas, N12/03/1870cost of Cambridge course etc
Nicholas, N21/03/1870will not come to Cambridge to see HSF at any cost
Nicholas, N18/03/1870cannot come to Cambridge etc
Nicholas, W J30/10/1868re medical exams
Nicholas, W J26/09/1868re exams, general chat etc
Nicholas, W J26/09/1868re exams, general chat etc
Nicholas, W J04/09/1868re exams, general chat etc
Nicholas, W J12/09/1871congratulates HSF on promotion to Senior Moralist, shows interest in applying for junior post
Nichols, Jeannette P1933/6/1HSF letters to F A Walker put in Library of Congress
Nicholson J L19/11/1885re reprints of early tracts etc
Nicholson J S31/1/1883re Adam Smith & London PE lectures
Nicholson J S1918/5/8against research fund
Nicholson J S1916/11/5re pamphlet on List & asks about Pigou
Nicholson J S1916/6/16re Pigou & his enlistment
Nicholson J S1915/8/24war finances
Nicholson J S23/5/1897exam paper
Nicholson J S1906/11/8exam papers
Nicholson J S1916/8/16argument on war finance
Nicholson J S1916/5/2commemnts on government finance
Nicholson Marjory1911/11/8Clara Collett’s book
Nicholson, Cecilia1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Nicholson, J S29/04/1885re paper for Jubilee of Statistical Society
Nicholson, J S12/02/1884re his book and state control etc
Nicholson, J S20/05/1884on his land book, Tripos etc
Nicholson, J S12/03/1881re testimonial for HSF
Nicholson, J S16/01/1890on profit sharing
Nicholson, J S13/01/1890re Giffen etc
Nicholson, J S31/10/1890re Levingham etc
Nicholson, J S1916/6/9on currency bills
Nicholson, J S18/10/1893general chat
Nicholson, J S22/04/1893re British Association
Nicholson, J S05/09/1893British Association, bimetallism etc
Nicholson, J S26/08/1893British Association, bimetallism etc
Nicholson, J S08/05/1893british Association, HSF to give paper on silver
Nicholson, J S1915/1/26on W R Scott
Nicholson, J S21/01/1897election of West
Nicholson, J S04/05/1897re India Civil Serivce exams
Nicholson, J S20/04/1894to arrange Professional Manifesto, copy of HSF's London lectures
Nicholson, J S10/09/1894re a letter (337/36)
Nicholson, J S05/09/1894not change opinions on monetary questions etc
Nicholson, J S22/04/1884re lending notes, his book v Walker's etc
Nicholson, J S1902/4/21cannot sign protest against University of London's scheme in economics
Nicholson, J S1901/6/10attached his testimonial for HSF for Birmingham chair
Nicholson, J S22/01/1889re P E Club issue
Nicholson, J S24/01/1889re some argument
Nicholson, J S04/12/1889re reply to Giffen
Nicholson, J S06/12/1889cannot take an editorial post, bimetallism
Nicholson, J S07/02/1889re P E Club dinner
Nicholson, J S25/04/1884on Schonberg's book
Nicholson, J S29/03/1887thanks HSF for testimonial
Nicholson, J S16/03/1887re testimonial
Nicholson, J S08/03/1887re testimonial
Nicholson, J S30/06/1898on HSF's marriage, Marshall's maths methods
Nicholson, J S15/08/1889will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Nicholson, J S11/02/1894re draft of bimetallic manifesto
Nicholson, J S06/02/1894to McNiel on Indian currency
Nicholson, J S14/11/1886on HSF lecture on labour question
Nicholson, J S20/02/1888bimetallism etc - Currency Commission
Nicholson, J S24/03/1888Marshall's evidence etc
Nicholson, J S1919/4/19on HSF's book
Nicholson, J S1916/9/1on Brand's pamphlet on German finance of industry
Nicholson, J S1916/1/22to Scott re BA candidates
Nicholson, J S1916/1/25to Scott re BA candidates
Nicholson, J S1916/1/26to Scott re BA candidates
Nicholson, J S to W R Scott1918/1/28re British Academy elections
Nicholson, K N07/10/1894general
Nicholson, K W04/04/1895husband (JS) in Africa
Nicholson, R A21/09/1898Royston Golf Club circular letter re wedding present for secretary
Nicolas, H A ?HSF resignation from a club
Niel, R A05/05/1896re HSF gift to Pembroke College
Nightingale, B C N1924/8/15PC re book on prices
Nijhoff, Martinus01/02/1899offers to sell HSF books (with enclosures)
Niles, William07/11/1874letter of congraulations on being Fellow
Nimm, G SPC examining PE by Ernest
Nissim S1913/6/18student letter
Nitti, F S28/02/1894asks HSF to contribute to Italian journal
Nitti, F S10/10/1891PC re books
Nitti, F S26/05/1894PC article on monetary question
Nixon, J G1901/1/30asks for ticket for kIngs
Nolage, L04/04/????re some draft
Noon, J30/07/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Noon, James24/06/1898on HSF's marriage
Nora1901/8/16asks whether HSF wants to rent rooms for holidays
Nora1901/2/24Winifred passed exam etc
Nora22//11/1897to Olive general news
Norbett, Ja28/02/1893Chamberlain etc
Norlin, Robert29/06/1898on HSF's marriage
Norman J ? B27/1/1876 general chat
Norman, C18/03/1884asks for help to find teaching staff for army class
Norman, C H1907/10/8re row over memorial
Norman, J H01/03/1890PC sends HSF article on Quantity Theory of Money etc
Norman, J H??/09/1891on working of gold and silver exchanges
Norman, J H??/08/1891article from Bankers' Magazine on exchanges
Norman, J H??/09/1891article from Tiverton Gazette on money
Norman, J H1889tract on The Exchanges
Norman, J Hletter to Bankers' Magazine on monetary theory
Norman, J H??/10/1885table on gold and silver
Norman, J H??/06/1890article from Bankers' Magazine on coin of the realm
Norman, J H??/08/1890article from Bankers' Magazine on US silver
Norman, J H04/07/1890article on US Mint Report 1889
Norman, J H03/11/1890article on cost of production
Norman, J H19/10/1890letter to the Chamber of Commerce Journal on exchanges
Norman, J H14/07/1890article on 'What is Money?'
Norman, J H12/05/????letter on US silver legistlation
Norman, J H19/05/????letter on falling grain prices
Norman, J H??/04/1890letter on value theory of money
Norman, J H30/04/????letter on changing gold and silver prices
Norman, J H02/05/????letter on changing gold and silver prices
Norman, J H06/05/????letter on changing gold and silver prices
Norman, J Hletter on prices of gold and silver
Norman, J H26/10/????letter on wheat prices
Norman, J Hpart article on appreciation
Norman, J H18/01/1888speech on universal currency dilemma
Norman, J H??/10/1890letter from Bankers' Magazine on money
Norman, J H06/10/1890article on foreign and colonial exchanges
Norman, J Harticle on cost of production of gold and silver
Norman, J Harticle on gold and silver standard currencies
Norman, J H??/02/1891article on adequacy of gold reserves
Norman, J H??/10/1886article on gold and silver currencies
Norman, J H??/12/1885article on costs of production of gold and silver
Norman, J H??/07/1886article on gold and silver currencies
Norman, J H07/08/1888letter on money and monetary systems
Norman, J H01/08/1888article on money on account
Norman, J H20/04/1889article on debate on bimetallism
Norman, J H27/04/1889article on debate on bimetallism
Norman, J H15/03/1887article on why bimetallism is opposed
Norman, J H27/01/1896letter to Accountant on a monetary tract
Norman, L B22/02/1878seelking money for his lectures
Normand, P H10/10/1893on the problems of the jute trade
Normand, P H19/10/1893bimetallic issues
Norman-Lee, F B N25/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Norris, J P25/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Norris-Edge, L C R1903/10/22boy has gone to Selwyn College
North British and Mercantile Insurance Cowar bonds plan
North Eastern Daily Gazette1909/5/8cuttings on extension lectures
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1922/3/15offer of bonds
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1922/1/21Receivers' Report
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1913/10/24notice to bond holders, HSF's receipts attached
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1912/5/23Olive's share certificate
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1926/11/22notice of instalment
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1920/1/20report of receivers
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1920/1/29notice of instalment
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1920/1/21report of bond holders' committee
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1916/7/10general metting
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1916/7/6report of bond holders' committee
North Saskatchewan Land Co Ltd1916certificate of deposit
North Saskatchewan Land Company1910/12/1bonds
Norton Robert11/10/1897social
Norton, Amy12/04/1881asks for money
Norton, Amy18/02/1881thanks HSF for Valentine
Norton, Amy1881thanks HSF for his kindess, new cottage
Norton, C M1919/12/10to Ernest on Christmas etc
Norton, M1886to Emy Foxwell re letter from Thos Foxwell (on reverse)
Norton, MrWesleyan Centenary Picture - First Class Proofs
Norton, Mrs J19/12/1870congratulates HSF, his activitieis
Norton, R04/09/1895re Ernest Foxwell on US family
Norton, R23/07/1890re silver, social
Norwich and London Accident Insurance1907/7/1servant's insurance
Nott, C F1923/5/28re Minty's application to Liverpool School of Commerce
NS03/03/1885re meeting for walk
Nunn, T H09/02/1887re discussions on the state and organisation of labour
Nunn, T H17/03/1887re Tailor's Association
Nunn, Thomas Harwell19/09/1892re good history graduates
Nye, John S17/02/1877asks HSF for testimonial etc
Nye, John S10/03/1874his family, activities
Nye, John S03/03/1874doings for 3 years
Nyhoft, Martinus1934flyer for biography of Engels
NZ High Commission1919/11/24re Wellington chair
NZ High Commission1919/11/18chair at Wellington
NZ High Commission1920/2/16Wellington chair to B E Murphy
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