Name Date Title
O R B02/09/1898friendly chat of old girlfriend
O T Falk & Co Ltd1936/5/25re capital of Alpha Cement
O T Falk & Company Ltd1935/3/25re debenture in Anglo Scottish Investment Trust
O T Falk & Company Ltd1935/3/28re debenture in Anglo Scottish Investment Trust
O’Farrell H H1917/7/28meaning & causes of inflation
O’Farrell H H1916/3/7German exports etc
O’Farrell H H1916/3/5British & German export competition
Oakeshott, J F1917/2/28re Emerging Legistlation etc
Oater, Charles15/04/1875social
Obeysone, J L14/12/1881re book on pauperism
O'Brien, D P1964/9/10to Audrey Foxwell, re Prof Blac
O'Brien, R Barry18/03/1891re review of Price's Political Economy
Odgers, ?19/03/1880Liberal candidates for Cambridge - suggests Sidgwick
Odgers, W B05/11/1872on HSF appointment, girls etc
Odgers, W B19/10/1872re Sidgwick on correspondence courses for girls etc
Odgers, W Blade29/05/1882social
Odgers, W Blake13/01/1879on women
Odgers, W Blake14/08/1889will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
O'Farrell, H H1916/3/19re article on decline of British trade
O'Farrell, H H1917/8/11on HSF address on prices
O'Farrell, H H1917/8/19bank deposits and prices
Offor R1918/7/9re Serbian Relief Fund
Offor, R1917/10/22re books and access to UCL library
Offor, R1927/10/24on a book catalogue
Offor, R1927/11/7re Leeds University buying HSF's library
Offor, R1927/11/3re Leeds University buying HSF's library
O'Flynn, J D21/11/1891re Whitchall Review
Ogawa, G1911/8/11to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Ogawa, J1924/3/13HSF sends one of Ernest's books to him
Ogden C K1913/3/6trade union history
Ogden C K1913/3/12PC _ general
OH?1921/3/31thanks for testimonial
Okabe Nagamoto13/6/1883general chat
Okey, T1923/2/28re letter from Prof Sraffa
Old Johnian Henley Fund1932/6/11asks for funds
Oldman, Charles07/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Oliphant, Edith18/07/1886social chat
Oliphant, J30/04/1888social
Oliphant, J23/02/1887HSF lecture and Scottish pamphlet
Oliphant, Jas15/02/1886re starting a monthly journal
Oliphant, Jas05/04/1886re a lecture scheme
Oliphant, Jas13/04/1886re handbills for lectures
Oliphant, Jas15/04/1886re dates for Edinburgh lecture
Oliphant, Jas19/04/1886re dates for Edinburgh lecture
Oliphant, Jas30/07/1886re proofs of table and MS of lecture
Oliphant, Jas29/07/1886re Edinburgh arrangements
Oliphant, Jas22/06/1886sends cheque for Edinburgh lecture
Oliphant, Jas15/10/1886to send HSF 50 copies of lecture
Oliphant, Jas24/10/1886lecture out of print and expensive to print
Oliphant, Jas28/11/1886reprint of lectures too costly
Oliphant, Jas05/12/1886accepts HSF proposal to reprint lecture
Olive1928/1/13general family chat from Yeovil
Olive1928/1/12PC re arrival in Somerset
Olive1928/1/17re Peggy's health
Olive1928/1/16PC re Peggy's health
Olive1928/1/14letter re Peggy's health and Hugh
Olive1928/1/21re Peggy's twins' arrival and health
Olive1928/1/22PC re Peggy's twins' arrival and health
Olive1928/1/19PC re Peggy's condition
Olive1928/1/31re Peggy and babies
Olive?re Peggy and babies
Olive1928/1/28news of twins' arrival
Olive26/08/1897general family chat from Altrincham
Olive25/07/1897re leisure pursuits and HSF's book
Olive14/08/1897general private chat to HSF
Olive24/08/1897general private chat to HSF
Olive23/08/1897re social round, kissing, morals etc
Olive22/08/1897re HSF's new nephew, social, golf
Olive21/08/1897general chat about future etc
Olive20/081897thanks for birthday present, general plans
Olive19/08/1897general chat
Olive19/08/1898congrats HSF on new nephew, general
Olive18/08/1899general chat
Olive1900/8/15re cycling, kissing, writing etc
Olive1900/8/15social chat
Olive1901/8/13social chat
Olive1903/8/12social chat
Olive1904/8/11social chat
Olive1905/8/10complains about HSF's book, general
Olive1906/8/9general chat
Olive1907/8/8general re engagement, future etc
Olive1908/8/7general, family
Olive1909/8/6general, family
Olive1910/8/6thanks HSF for the ring
Olive1911/8/5general chat
Olive1912/8/4general chat
Olive1912/8/4thanks for telegram etc
Olive16/061897birthday wishes to him
Olive16/061897re dinner and attire
Olive16/041897complains he isn't coming for Easter
Olive10/12/1897future plans, chat
Olive11/12/1897future plans, chat
Olive11/12/1897explains a tantalus, discussus buttonholes, domestic chat
Olive13/12/1897anxieties over HSF's health, weight, house purchase
Olive14/12/1897general chat, decorum
Olive14/12/1897general chat, family plans
Olive16/12/1897re Willy's engagement, dances etc
Olive17/12/1897general chat
Olive18/12/1897re Japanese fete, houses etc
Olive19/12/1897family chat, health etc
Olive20/12/1897discusses port, wine, health
Olive21/12/1897re HSF's trip, silk hat, houses, dreams
Olive22/12/1897last letter before Christmas reunion, prize night in Cheshire etc
Olive10/10/1897general chat
Olive11/10/1897househunting, reading matter
Olive??/10/1897general chat
Olive14/10/1897cancels trip to Cambridge
Olive15/10/1897London, people's health
Olive16/10/1897plans for future
Olive21/10/1897home news
Olive22/10/1897home news
Olive23/10/1897Gyp's health, dress, trip to America etc
Olive24/10/1897general chat
Olive25/10/1897photos etc
Olive26/10/1897progress of book, chatter
Olive29/10/1897Mr Besant, Vi's new son Charlie
Olive28/10/1897plans for visit to Cambridge
Olive29/10/1897general chat
Olive30/10/1897housing, calls on friends
Olive31/10/1897HSF and golf etc
Olive01/11/189718 mile cycle, tree felling
Olive02/11/1897housing problems
Olive03/11/1897mother's cycling lessons, bimetallism article of HSF in National Review
Olive04/11/1897general chat
Olive05/11/1897general chat
Olive06/11/1897new dress, dances
Olive07/11/1897furniture, future together etc
Olive08/11/1897house plans, dancing
Olive09/11/1897housing, 'calling'
Olive12/11/1897general, plans for Cambridge trip
Olive13/11/1897dinner party, fortune telling etc
Olive14/11/1897pending Cambridge visit, family chat
Olive15/11/1897packing, chat
Olive16/11/1897family chat re Japan, Manchester, househunting etc
Olive17/11/1897the meet, general chat
Olive18/11/1897re dance, housekeeping, HSF's allures etc
Olive19/11/1897travel plans for Cambridge
Olive20/11/1897chat, nice cats
Olive21/11/1897family news
Olive22/11/1897new flat, weather, ref to a bluestocking
Olive22/11/1897re arrival in Cambridge, reading matter
Olive24/11/1897written at Cambridge to HSF in London
Olive24/11/1897written at Cambridge to HSF in London
Olive25/11/1897social arrangements
Olive30/11/1897thanks for Cambridge visit etc and comments on house they looked at
Olive01/12/1897talk of plans for married life
Olive02/12/1897Christmas dances, house plans, maids
Olive03/12/1897general chat
Olive04/12/1897household duties, servants
Olive05/12/1897HSF's debate, sale of books, refers to her twin sister, HSF's book
Olive06/12/1897trip to Manchester, Chippendale furniture
Olive09/12/1897Nora Moller to stay, purposes of women
Olive08/12/1897fortune teller, servants' approval, etc
Olive09/12/1897social news, Shakespeare
Olive1901/8/27general family
Olive1901/8/28from his 'wifelet' general
Olive1901/8/20re servants' leave, arrangements for holidays
Olive1901/8/18servant arrangements etc
Olive1901/8/28domestic chat
Olive1901/8/6re lodgings for holiday
Olive1901/8/13holiday plans, social
Olive1901/8/23re length of holiday, social
Olive1901/5/16from Folkeston on holiday
Olive1901/5/15from Folkeston on holiday
Olive1901/5/17from Folkeston on holiday
Olive1901/5/18from Folkeston on holiday
Olive1901/10/21on trip to London for shopping
Olive1901/8/11family and asks HSF how the catalogue progresses
Olive1901/8/15family and asks HSF how the catalogue progresses
Olive1901/8/16family and holiday plans
Olive1901/8/14family and holiday plans
Olive1901/8/17family and holiday plans
Olive1901/10/22on shopping trip to London
Olive1901/8/19frets for HSF, family chat
Olive1901/8/25family, hols
Olive1901/8/24family, hols
Olive1901/5/13on trip to Folkestone
Olive1901/5/14on trip to Folkestone
Olive1901/8/12from Park Gate, wants to make HSF a waistcoat
Olive1901/8/10encloses letter from Audrey
Olive1901/8/9domestic chat
Olive1901/8/9domestic chat
Oliver F S1921/6/21thank you letter
Oliver, F S1921/6/8enquires about economic life in Georgian England
Oliver, F W1901/6/1re College deficit
Olive's family08/09.1897humerous re Olive on holiday
Olschki, Leo S1923/8/22PC offers HSF books
Olschki, Leo S1923/9/2PC re books for HSF
Olschki, Leo S1923/9/14PC re books for HSF
Olschki, Leo S1923/11/30PC re books for HSF
Olschki, Leo S1923/6/19PC re books for HSF
Olschki, Leo S1923/9/24PC re books for HSF
Olschki, Leo S1923/4/7re voluem of Belloni
Olyett, E1904/3/7PC re old tables on population etc
Oncken, A17/10/1893re his work on Quesnay and portrait of Quesnay
Oncken, A06/11/1893re his work on Quesnay and portrait of Quesnay
Oncken, A23/09/1893re portrait of Quesnay and work on Quesnay
O'Neill, ?27/10/1897re sending copies to LSE of HSF's National Lib. Club address, comments on bimetallism questions
Oniken, August17/10/1889PC re HSF's friendly letter
Onion, Jane1923/5/11re photo of "our dear old friend"
Onton, S1915/2/11social
Oppenheim L1913/6/3proposal of portrait of E C Clark
Oppenheim L1913/6/5HSF’s opposition to Clark portrait
Orchestrelle Co1911/3/28re complaint on pianola rolls
Orderman, G?re a meeting
Orpen, G Chatterton25/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Orpen, Thomas H19/03/1896on women's degrees
Orpen, Thomas H26/05/1896teaching of women
Orpen, Thomas H21/05/1896re cost of campaign for women's degrees
Orr, A Ernest1922/9/21re HSF's stock exchange lectures
Orton, C W Previte1926/5/20re a book and British Academy
Orton, C W Previte1926/5/3re salary of St John's librarian and/or assistant
Orton, C W Previte1929/7/4re this BA fellowship
Orton, C W Previte 1911/5/29re some proofs
Osborne, H S10/12/1873social
Osborne, H T05/11/1874on HSF's fellowship
Osborne, H T23/02/1877asks HSF if he knows a replacement curate
Osda1927/6/16re some book cabinets
Osda1927/6/24re book cabinet
Oshima H1923/1/19question on banking
Oshima, H1923/2/4thanks for information on bank deposits
Osmond, J10/02/1895re unpaid account
Ostadwent, Gerald1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Ostersetzer, Alfred27/06/1893social
Ostersetzer, Alfred22/06/1893seeks to meet HSD
Ota, S1915/2/7asks to call on HSF
O'Toole, K1922/10/13references on speculation
O'Toole, K1922/10/25references on stock exchange
Oversby, W T & Co1916/3/24insurance tables, war loans and taxation
Oversy, W T & Core an insurance proposal
Owen D H1919/5/23asks for testimonial
Owen, D H1913/6/26asks for advice on vacation reading
Owen, Edward28/06/1874general chat
Owen, Edward20/10/1874general chat
Owen, Edward03/11/1874general chat
Owen, Edward20/03/1874general chat
Owen, I Isambard08/03/1897copies of his scheme
Owen, Isambard1901/11/7re election in Cardiff
Owen, W T1914/8/18LSE - no classes
Owens College1902-03prospectus on highter commercial education
Oxford & Cambridge Schools Exam Board??/07/1916exam papers
Oxford & Cambridge Schools Exam Board1916/7/10Audrey Foxwell's exam number etc
Oxford Political Economy Club23/02/1895election of member
Oxford Times01/06/1889report of bimetallic meeting
Oxford University1927/1/31HSF's office as elector to Drummond Chair of PE terminated
Oxford University1921/6/28to W R Scott notice on Drummond Chair
Oxford University1921/7/28to W R Scott re electors for Drummond Chair
Oxford University1921/7/18convening meeting of electors for Drummon Chair
Oxford University Extension Lectures19/02/1886to Sidgwick re Price
Oxford University Political Economy ClubMay 1897rules and list of members
Oxford University Press1921flyer for J C Cunningham's book Products of the Empire
Oxford University Pressflyer for The World of Today
Oxford University Press1921flyer for B S Rowntree's book on women workers
Oxford University Press1923flyer for W Foster's The English Factories in India
Oxford University Press1920flyer for W H R Curtler's book
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