Name Date Title
R07/12/1898re some diagnosis
R06/04/1897PC re Hollander & BEA
R & E Swan01/08/1898thanks HSF
R & R Clark Ltd03/11/1896re Right to the Whote Produce of Labour
R B Flemming and Co1927/7/26black is ready
R D Black1922/2/27thanks HSF for advice
R K P1910/9/29PC social
R M01/01/1876re his book
R W Denyer & Co1908/10/22sends details of properties (enclosed)
R W Denyer & Co1908/11/2re houses
R W Denyer & Co1908/12/19re houses
R W Denyer & Co1908ads for houses, with other agents
R W L31/05/1892PC social
Rackham, H14/12/1896re committee of Toynbee Hall
Rackham, H12/02/1896re meeting on Toynbee Hall
Radcliffe W L1909/6/26student letter
Radcliffe W L1909/6/23asks for testimonial
Raddwell, Bonney19/12/1894re money
Raddwell, Bonney20/12/1894asks for money
Raddwell, Bonney20/01/1895begging letter
Raddwell, Bonney24/10/1895asks for money
Raddwell, Bonney17/09/1895asks for money
Raddwell, Bonney09/02/1896begging letter
Raddwell, Bonney07/02/1895thanks HSF for money
Raddwell, Bonney30/01/1895re some chests
Raddwell, Bonney01/02/1895leaving for Natal
Raddwell, Bonney21/11/1893thanks HSF re H Brown
Raddwell, Bonney19/09/1894re money
Raddwell, Bonney1894asks HSF for help
Raddwell, Bonney01/01/1893re H Brown
Raddwell, Bonney22/04/1893re shipping career for H Brown
Raddwell, Bonney06/12/1893begging letter
Raddwell, Bonney08/02/1897in poverty
Raddwell, Bonney08/03/1897child before marriage
Raddwell, Bonneyre money
Raddwell, Bonney1898on HSF's wedding
Raddwell, Bonney18/07/1898thanks HSF for money
Raddwell, Bonney07/11/1898asks for money
Raddwell, Bonney1933/11/28very little to spend, wants HSF to write
Raddwell, Bonney1933/5/29re her wellbeing etc
Raddwell, Bonney1933/7/12asks for money
Raddwell, Bonney1933/8/18asks HSF to write etc
Raddwell, Bonney1933/7/11thanks HSF for letter, ask for postal orders
Raddwell, Bonney1933/2/1wants HSF to write
Raddwell, Bonney1933/1/1wishes HSF all the best
Raddwell, Bonney1933/8/29re lost letter, don't send cash
Raddwell, Bonney07/04/1893thanks HSF for letter,
Raddwell, Bonney30/06/1893wants HSF to write
Raddwell, Bonney1931/12/30thanks HSF for money
Raddwell, Bonney1931/1/2thanks HSF for money
Raddwell, Bonney1932/3/24thanks HSF for letter
Raddwell, Bonney1931/10/31new address, asks for money
Raddwell, Bonney1932/3/6Happy Easter and wants something nice
Raddwell, Bonney1933/6/30wants money etc
Raddwell, Bonney1932/5/21her health etc
Raddwell, Bonney1932/7/14thanks HSF for money etc
Raddwell, Bonney1932/10/21asks for money, her marriage
Raddwell, Bonney1932/11/6needs new room
Raddwell, Bonney1933/3/2likes HSF's letters
Raddwell, Bonney1933/4/3Happy Whitsuntide, please write
Raddwell, Bonney1932/12/24very happy with HSF letter
Raddwell, Bonney1932/11/14thanks HSF for money
Raddwell, Bonney1932/12/18Christmas greetings
Raddwell, Bonney04/05/1891going to be married
Raddwell, Bonney26/05/1891thanks for money, christening of Herbert Brown
Raddwell, Bonney1926/12/10asks for money
Raddwell, Bonny22/10/1881re her troubles
Raddwell, Bonny29/08/1881to get married
Raddwell, Bonny13/09/1881always at home for HSF
Raddwell, Bonny06/03/1879wants to see HSF
Raddwell, Mary25/08/1893consents to H Brown going to sea
Radley College1965/4/2to Audrey Foxwell, re Owen Higgs
Radley College1965/4/8re Owen Higgs' address
Rae, John25/08/1886argument on value
Rae, John06/12/1884sends HSF his book on Contemporary Socialism
Rae, John07/01/1885on Rae's book etc
Rae, John11/01/1887re Wicksteed paper for The Contemporary Review
Rae, John19/12/1886thanks HSF for lecture on labour question
Rae, John22/12/1886on proofs, HSF lecture and contents
Rae, John01/10/1885asks HSF to second him to Stats Society
Rae, John18/12/1886proof of article on "Social Philosophy"
Rae, John11/07/1896complaint to Council of BEA about EJ
Raikes, Miss20/12/1876rendez-vous
Raikes, W A13/08/1889to Appleton supports Jenkinson for librarian
Ramayya K H1916/2/1re certificate
Ramsay John1908/8/15re books
Ramsay, W05/12/1891social
Ramsay, W13/12/1895re problems at UCL
Ramsay, W18/06/1892ideas on UCL council etc
Ramsay, W30/06/1895re publications by UCL students for the Dean's Report
Ramsay, W08/02/1896re University of London scheme on structure of humanities
Ramsay, W1914/4/26supports HSF in library dispute
Ramsay, W09/01/1890re secretaryship of UCL extension work
Ramsay, W09/02/1890re UCL affairs
Ramsay, W16/01/1890re HSF's health, UCL extension work
Ramsay, William1914/5/20seeks help on some German statistics
Ramson, H G09/11/1886general chat
Randall, J N17/05/1888re candidate for lectureship at Liverpool
Rann, A22/02/1889re coal trade
Rann, B05/07/1889International Statistics Institute asks HSF to talk on public property
Rann, B18/03/1889asks HSF to join Institute
Rann, B25/03/1889asks HSF to join Institute
Rann, B29/06/1889value of silver and gold
Ransom S M1871PC _ general chat
Ransom, S M04/01/1872Tripos results
Ranson, S M07/06/1888on Carlyle
Ranson, S M07/07/1871holiday arrangements with HSF at Minehead
Ranson, S M14/07/1871re holiday plans in Devon
Ranson, S M11/07/1871re new difficulties over holiday
Ranson, S M??/??/1871re holiday
Ranson, S M06/10/1871re work and new undergrads
Ranson, S M11/06/1872re a cheque
Ranson, S M19/06/1872sent HSF postal order
Ranson, S M18/06/1872congrats HSF on recent success
Ranson, Sir Rawson14/12/1886social
Ranson, Sir Rawson12/11/1886re Statistical Society paper on prices
Ranson, Sir Rawson19/11/1886re Statistical Society paper on prices
Ranson, Sir Rawson19/10/1886re paper on wages and paper by Giffen
Ranson, Sir Rawson01/11/1886re an HSF pamphlet etc
Ranson, Sir Rawson11/12/1886re meeting to discuss claims of labour
Ranson, Sir Rawson17/11/1886re paper by Price etc
Ranson, Sir Rawson22/11/1886re paper by Price etc
Rapson, E1930/11/23on Olive's death
Rapson, E1924/9/29social
Rapson, E G1937/8/11to Audrey Foxwell, re money for Mr Coward
Rapson, E G1926/8/5to AF on death of HSF
Rastall, R H1917/3/13petition to Senate, University of London on Greek
Raum, A Raum13/08/1887re some stats paper
Raum, R01/12/1890asks HSF's help for some scheme
Raum, R A15/03/1890re a Bulletin and some books
Raum, R A19/02/1890re a Bulletin and some books
Raum, R A12/02/1890re a Bulletin and some books
Raun, A Raun29/11/1888re proofs, cargoes etc
Raun, A Raun06/12/1888mis-addressed letter to HSF
Raun, A Raun11/01/1888re diagram, his article
Raven, E E1930/11/23on Mrs Foxwell's death
Ravern, E E1930/11/22on Olive's death
Rawk Henry1923/6/18HSF not voted in International Statistical Institute
Rawle Johnstone & Co1909/11/29marriage settlement Olive's sister and Horton-Smith
Rawle Johnstone & Co1909/12/1marriage settlement Olive's sister and Horton-Smith
Rawle Johnstone & Co1909/11/26deed of marriage settlement (397/33)
Rawle, F R02/01/1894asks HSF about studying economics
Rawlings Henry25/10/1883general chat
Rawlings, H16/06/1882re City of London College exams
Rawlings, H26/09/1882on Rawling's character
Rawlings, H10/08/1882re Rawling's jobs
Rawlings, H17/06/1882asks HSF for testimonial
Rawnsley, H1901/8/23PC social
Rawnsley, H D1901/8/16asks HSF to contribute to Lake District Fund
Rawsley, H D1927/10/2general
Rawson Sir R18/4/1885labour stats, stats meeting etc
Rawson Sir R 1/9/1885re note to Sidgwick on Brit. Assoc.
Rawson Sir R14/5/1885re jubilee meeting of Stat. Soc: contains of Edgeworth & letter from him
Rawson Sir R16/6/1885thanks HSF for reference
Rawson Sir R 4/4/1885re stats & Stat. Society
Rawson Sir R11/5/1885Stat. Soc. Jubilee papers: antagonism to Edgeworth
Rawson Sir R26/3/1885re job on stats ?
Rawson Sir R 6/6/1885re Edgeworth and Marshall papers
Rawson Sir R 2/5/1885re various economics ect
Rawson Sir R 2/1/1885Sir D Farrer’s ? book
Rawson Sir R24/4/1885PC _ meeting arrangements
Rawson Sir R25/5/1885PC _ re Edgeworth’s paper
Rawson Sir R12/5/1885PC _ re meeting arrangements
Rawson Sir R16/5/1885PC _ re meeting arrangements
Rawson Sir R 2/2/1885general: stats library
Rawson, R02/02/1887re international book catalogue
Rawson, R27/06/1887asks HSF re book
Rawson, R12/12/1887general
Rawson, R31/12/1886general
Rawson, R17/03/1887re Statistical Society etc
Rawson, R07/03/1887International Statistical Institute, books etc
Rawson, R03/08/1886re book guide
Rawson, R21/07/1887re book classification
Rawson, R14/12/1887work for Statistical Society
Rawson, R21/12/1887statistical work
Rawson, R13/05/1887general
Rawson, R02/12/1887biographical scheme
Rawson, R09/05/1887biographical scheme
Rawson, R27/05/1887re books
Rawson, R07/05/1887bigoraphy of statistics
Rawson, R ??/05/1889open letter to G J Goschen
Rawson, R ??/05/1889open letter to G J Goschen, 2nd edition
Rawson, Sir R11/07/1884re Edgeworth and Stat Society
Rawson, Sir R25/07/1884re Edgeworth and Stat Society
Rawson, W Rawson24/12/1898PC re diagram, Giffen
Raymond H E1912/6/4appointment
Raymond H E1912/5/27re job
Raymond H ? G1913/11/9thanks for testimonial
Raymond, H1907/12/23thanks HSF for hel[
Raymond, H1913/11/2re testimonials and jobs
Raymond, H E1907/7/5student letter
Read H N1918/12/5economics general
Read W R1922/6/16congratulations for Audrey Foxwell
Read W R1916/10/24re cheque
Read Walter W 7/1/11916HSF’s lectures
Read, ?06/12/1898re books for PE courses
Read, ?1917/7/25re collecting plate
Read, C03/11/1875chat about studies etc
Read, C07/11/1875chat about studies etc
Read, C23/05/1880asks HSF for reference for Otago professorship
Read, C06/10/1872on his political economy
Read, Carweth29/04/1883declines Jevons' memorial
Read, Carweth1909/7/5re place for holiday
Read, Carweth11/04/1887on "Irregularity of Employment"
Read, Carweth15/12/1898Sidgwick list of books on politics
Read, Carweth27/11/1898to Ward on books on politics
Read, Carweth21/12/1872on his exam results
Read, Carweth29/09/1872wants HSF to coach him in PE
Read, Carweth21/06/1875re books on economics
Read, Henry17/02/1892general news, Montreal meeting
Read, Henry M10/01/1881740 candidates for some post etc
Read, Henry N21/02/1879on a Foxwell death
Read, Henry N13/11/1875asks for a room overnight
Read, Henry N29/01/1893social
Read, Henry N13/07/1878on death of HSF's mother
Read, Henry N11/11/1876re some council election
Read, Walter R1923/1/18HSF's dentist
Read, Walter R1921/4/13his dentist
Read, Walter R1919/7/10social
Read, Walter R1912/7/4social
Read, Walter R1917/3/2re army medical duties
Read, Walter R1919/11/22HSF's dentist on HSF's teeth
Read, Walter R1914/9/28receipt for services
Reade Arthur A30/11/1897re investment in pubs
Reay, Lord26/02/1898School Board business
Reay, Lord1912/3/22re Sir John Rotton's books
Reay, Lord1912/3/15re Sir John Rotton's books
Reay, Lord1916/12/19re British Academy business
Reay, Lord13/02/1883suggests other lords who might be suitable for a particular purpose
Reay, Lord02/01/1894re Palgrave's letter to the Times and his position
Reay, Lord02/04/1897re a Council meeting
Reay, Lord20/06/1892asks HSF's help for candidate for chair
Reay, Lord1901/6/17on Birmingham application
Reconstruction1922/8/17asks HSF to subscribe
Reddaway, W F1908/2/25re some note
Reddaway, W F1902/11/27re invigilations
Reeks, Thomas1916/5/31notice re future of Univesity of London Press
Reeks, Thomas1916/1/19re issues on University of London Press
Reeks, Thomas1916/4/18re meeting and problems of University of London Press
Reeks, Thos1916/5/26re University of London Press
Reeks, Thos1916/6/19situation of University of London Press
Reeks, Thos1916/6/7re shares of University of London Press
Reeks, Thos1916/2/21meeting of London University Press
Reeks, Thos1915/1/12re some minutes
Reeks, Thos1916/3/7re University of London Press
Rees, J F1922/9/18re exam papers
Rees, J F1922/9/28re exam papers
Rees, J Morgan1930/12/27on death of HSF's wife
Rees, Morgan1930/9/11general chat
Rees, Morgan1931/7/28re Macmillan banking support
Reeves W P1913/2/17Goldsmith’s Library
Reeves, C H1926/11/8to Audrey Foxwell, been curator and cataloguer of HSF collection for over 20 years
Reeves, C H1968/12/8to Audrey Foxwell, she is invited to visit Audrey
Reeves, C H1968/12/15to Audrey Foxwell, delighted to see Audrey and Cambridge
Reeves, W P1919/12/9introduces editor of Athens Economist
Reichel, H R1903/1/23asks HSF to print lectures
Reichel, Sir H R08/03/1920selection committee for Cardiff Tech College
Reichel, Sir H R01/03/1920selection committee for Cardiff Tech College
Reichel, Sir Harry1925/4/9re Higgs's job at Bangor
Reichel, Sir Harry1925/4/1re Higgs's job at Bangor
Reid Donald Jnr15/3/1897bimetallism
Reid J S29-Jansocial
Reid, Andrew22/08/1886asks HSF to write part of book on social problems
Reid, J R12/08/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Reid, J Ramsay26/04/1878re reading on PE during recovery
Reid, J Ramsay02/05/1878re help when better
Reid, J S12-Junre bill for work on "Future of Silver"
Reid, P J1908/10/27socialism, ethics etc
Reid, P J1908/1/16proposes to open economics education centre for miners
Reid, P J1908/1/13graduation in wages, trade unions etc
Reischonder, J G1928/11/26thank you letter
Rendall, F10/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Rendall, J11/11/1881on application for chair at Liverpool
Rendall, J04/05/1892cannot accept invitation
Rendall, M J1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Rennie, M B S12/03/1886on British farming etc
Rerum, ?14/03/1887re some notes sent to HSF
RES1926/2/18minutes of council
RES1926/2/24agenda for council meeting
RES1926/7/15minutes of council
RES1905/10/3meeting of Council with agenda
Reschid ?26/7/1890thanks HSF for testimonial & his good teaching
Reubell, J Jacques08/05/1873thank you letter
Reuter, de G09/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Revue des Etudes Cooperatives1924/5/19re their review
Rew Sir Henry1923/8/27elections to International Statistics Institute
Rew, A Henry1919/4/12letter on International Statistical Institute meeting
Rew, R H1918/10/31meeting of International Statistical Institute
Rey C F1909/7/9Board of Trade matter
Reyner G F12/2/1876re residence in St John’s
Reyner, G F03/03/1875payment for fellowship
Reyner, G F08/02/1875on St John's payments
Reyner, G F05/02/1875on St John's payments
Reynolds, B03/11/1874on HSF's fellowship
Reynolds, B28/02/1875general chat
Reynolds, F W25/07/1872general chat
Reynolds, F W03/06/1875general chat
Reynolds, F W27/10/1872at Royal Academy taking piano etc
Richard Bennett & Co04/01/1896on history of trade, prices etc
Richard Bennett & Co28/12/1895re a book on prices
Richard, A Valentine1912/3/20pc thanks HSF for postal order
Richards A V Valentine1912/11/26Cambridge Alpine Club thank you
Richards A V Valentine1912/11/25Cambridge Alpine Club
Richards A V Valentine1920/11/22Cambridge Alpine Club
Richards R1915/11/11re war finance
Richards R1912/6/14thank you letter
Richards, A V N1923/11/7PC re Alpine Club dinner
Richards, A V Valentine1919/11/11Alpine Club subs
Richards, A Valentine1926/11/7social
Richards, A Valentine1910/11/29cost of dinner at Cambridge Alpine Club
Richards, Alfred29/06/1881re something of HSF's missing from house
Richards, John09/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Richards, R1912/6/3re chair at Newcastle
Richards, R1912/6/6re chair at Newcastle
Richards, R1927/9/13social
Richards, R??/??/1927Coleg Harlech asks re HSF's library
Richards, R D1923/5/30re Richards LSE PhD
Richards, R D1929/11/8re Richards' "Early History of Banking in England"
Richards, R D1928/4/18thank you letter
Richards, R D1929/10/12sends HSF his book on history of banking in England and asks HSF to review in EJ
Richards, R D1926/6/30re missed meeting
Richards, R D1926/7/5re meeting
Richards, Valentine1917/2/12re fine books
Richards, Valentine A V1922/11/28receipt for dinner at Christ's College and college cellar
Richardson, Gilbert H1917/10/5re petition for standardising auxiliary international language
Richardson, henry10/06/1896asks HSF to lecture to Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle
Richardson, J F26/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Richardson, Norah1932/5/11re books
Riddledale, Alice05/03/1889general chat
Riddledale, Alice05/03/1890letter of enc alcoholic
Riddledale, Alice18/05/1890asks HSF for help
Ridgeway, C A1911/1/1re a university election
Ridgeway, W & Gaye, R K1905/12/15on proposal for joint Oxford and Cambridge matriculation
Ridgley, Francis1926/2/10on some old Dutch tracts
Riffis, Paul12/11/1889re books on offer
Rigg, Edward1909/11/5about a question to Royal Mint
Rigg, Edward1908/11/17Royal Mint on withdrawal of light gold coinage
Rigg, Edward1909/10/12Royal Mint on gold purchases
Rignano, Eugenio25/06/1917letter in French
Rignano, Eugenio1916/6/11PC re W R Scott and war issues
Rignano, Eugenio1916/8/3sends article
Rignano, Eugenio1916/7/10re Scott and collaboration on economics
Rignano, Eugenio1916/5/18re Scott
Riley, C O L14/08/1889PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Riley, Constance1936/9/6to AF on HSF's death
Rimmington, Norahcannot attend lectures
Risbeck, ?social
Risely G29/12/1876re music
Ritchie, C T1902/11/1thanks HSF for note, Cobden Club etc
Rivers, W H R30/11/1897re death of mother
Rllis, H I1916/4/7thank you letter
Robbins, Lionel??11/1930copy of letter to P Wicksteed
Roberstson J Barr17/7/1894re article on Mulhall in Comtemporary
Robert Applegarth Testimonial1911/3/7information on testimonial
Robert Maclehouse & Co Ltd1918/11/13re proofs of Papers on Current Finance
Robert Maclehouse & Co Ltd1918/12/16re pages of Papers on Current Finance
Robert Maclehouse & Co Ltd1919/1/13re proofs of Papers on Current Finance
Robert Maclehouse & Co Ltd1919/1/14re proofs of Papers on Current Finance
Robert Maclehouse & Co Ltd1919/1/28re setting of Papers on Current Finance
Robert Sayle & Co1936/3/8bill for carpet
Roberts Geo30//1919Australian banking statistics
Roberts H A1917/5/3re teaching of Spanish in Cambridge
Roberts H A1916/3/6thanks for comments on paper
Roberts Prof W J1918/8/16re a student
Roberts, A D24/11/1894re women lectures for Extension teaching
Roberts, A D20/11/1894re HSF resignation from Extension teaching
Roberts, C F13/08/1889not support Jenkinson for librarian
Roberts, Dora Carson1926/1/25social
Roberts, E H Goodman1921/6/16re lost umbrella
Roberts, E S1903/12/15re a student
Roberts, E S1908/5/21thanks HSF for Birmingham testimonials
Roberts, F W24/06/1898unable to attend HSF's wedding
Roberts, Gertrude1929/3/25returns HSF's dressing gown
Roberts, H A1916/1/31attack on educational reform
Roberts, H A1916/2/22re letter of 30/1/1916
Roberts, H A1915/8/9asks HSF if he can work on National Register for Chesterton District
Roberts, Lord1914/9/30thanks HSF for field glasses for the army
Roberts, R D10/06/1888extension of university teaching
Roberts, R D30/11/1891re London Society for Extension of University Teaching
Roberts, R D08/08/1891re woman lecturer for London Society for the Extension of Univesity Teachings
Roberts, R D18/12/1891re London Society for Extension of University Teaching business
Roberts, R D10/12/1891re London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Roberts, R D03/12/1891re cause at Essex Hall Centre
Roberts, R D24/01/1891re books for extension causes
Roberts, R D23/02/1884asks about social conditions
Roberts, R D15/11/1894London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Roberts, R D1902/5/27re HSF lecture to Cambridge Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate
Roberts, R D1901/3/8re exams for Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate
Roberts, R D1901/3/5re exams for Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate
Roberts, R D18/05/1886re a lady lecturer for London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Roberts, R D14/11/1886re London Society for Extension of University Teaching
Roberts, R D11/12/1891re meeting of Extension Committee
Roberts, R D22/12/1891re post for extension teaching
Roberts, R D1901/4/14re Cambridge land courses
Roberts, R D17/03/1893asks HSF to give evidence on taxation to the Commission on the Aged Poor
Roberts, R D13/10/1893report for London Society for Extension of University Teaching
Roberts, R D24/03/1893re courses for Extension of University Teaching
Roberts, R D07/07/1892re Rae for Extension Lectures
Roberts, R D28/02/1894re house to let
Roberts, W J1929/5/11re some exam papers
Roberts, W J1929/6/21thanks HSF for sending papers, travel details
Robertson Croom26/6/1883re MA
Robertson D H1922/4/24re Cambridge exams
Robertson D H1/5/19/22re Cambridge exams
Robertson D H1922/1/22on theory of economics
Robertson D H1922/1/24re May exams
Robertson Dennis1921/1/16Economics Tripos
Robertson J1913/1/19demonetization of gold
Robertson J Barr21/8/1894article in Contemporary
Robertson J Barr11/6/1894Smith, Senor, McCulloch etc
Robertson, C Grant31/01/1898on economic text books
Robertson, C Grant28/01/1898asks HSF to write text book for Methuens
Robertson, D H1922/6/13on Mays results
Robertson, D H1926/3/4PC re scarf
Robertson, Dennis1922/2/16re dispute over hisotry for the Mays
Robertson, G C03/12/1882re proposal for Jevons's memorial etc
Robertson, G C19/02/1879re signing some Report
Robertson, G C23/02/1879to write book one of Jevons' books
Robertson, G C17/05/1881PC re prospectus
Robertson, G Croom19/01/1887general
Robertson, G Croom27/08/1885on Falk etc
Robertson, G Croom28/08/1885on Falk etc
Robertson, G Croom25/04/1896on his new Review
Robertson, J Barr11/06/1895bimetallic business
Robertson, J Barr1902/2/24Indian currency and exchange
Robertson, J Barr1902/2/25Indian currency and exchange
Robertson, J Barr1903/3/21re a memo on Strait Settlements currencies
Robertson, J Barr1902/2/11bimetallism
Robertson, J Barr1902/2/11Indian currency
Robertson, J Barr1902/5/15trouble with Sidney Webb, his letter in The Economist
Robertson, J Barr10/12/1894thanks HSF for help
Robertson, J Barr1906/12/11article on Gold Reserves in English Banks
Robertson, J Barr06/07/1899papers on Indian currency
Robertson, J Barr07/10/1895re HSF paper
Robertson, J Barr27/03/1895re French bimetallism, Shaw's book
Robertson, J Barr29/03/1895re consumption of wheat
Robertson, J Barr20/06/1895re premium and fluctuations in bulletin etc
Robertson, J Barr12/06/1895re his French statistics
Robertson, J Barr14/10/1895re translation of French articles
Robertson, J Barr07/12/1895HSF's National Review article, books
Robertson, J Barr18/06/1895proofs of lecture on bimetallic statistics
Robertson, J G23/12/1883re new Moral Sciences plan
Robertson, Mary02/04/1894asks for testimonial
Robertson, Mary A02/05/1894re testimonial
Robertson, Mary A16/04/1894re a testimonial for her
Robertson, Mary A 09/02/1895thanks HSF for testimonial
Robertston, G C26/05/1881on HSF's lectures outside universities
Robertston, G C20/05/1881on lecture regulations
Robertston, G C11/05/1881re HSF's duties as professor
Robertston, G C28/05/1881re HSF's courses at UCL
Robertston, Groom18/10/1890re small numbers in political economy at UCL
Robertston, J Barr1903/3/9re meeting of National Liberal Club
Robertston, J Barr11/03/1895re charts for bimetallism etc
Robertston, Mary A07/02/1895re reference
Robin Georges1920/12/9banking reform
Robinson, B Wheeler1927/1/12re HSF photo, Mr Bower's quartet
Robinson, B Wheeler1927/1/31thanks HSF for information and portrait
Robinson, C K17/02/1887capitation tax etc
Robinson, E A G1965/3/10to Audrey Foxwell, re HSF's papers
Robinson, E A G1965/2/12to Audrey Foxwell, asks if any HSF papers
Robinson, E C26/03/1891asks HSF re work
Robinson, E C23/10/1891Economics Club
Robinson, E C30/01/1894re students to board
Robinson, E C16/06/1898re some application
Robinson, E G14/06/1898asks HSF for testimonial
Robinson, Oswald13/04/1894query re gold, silver pieces, HSF's lecture
Robinson, W H1930/12/16sale of Malthus finalised
Robinson, William H1929/8/3re a book catalogue
Robinson, William H1929/2/15offers Newton's Principia
Robinson, William H1929/2/18sends Newton's Principia
Robson N C L 3/1/1876re London lectures
Robson, J H03/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Roche, James1903/4/16offers HSF book
Rochford, Nellie12/01/1880agrees to meet, though doesn't recall HSF
Rock Life Assurance Companyre accident assurance
Rodera, S15/08/1895Japanese legation wants to know why HSF declined chair in Japan
Rodewald, A T12/04/1894asks for guidance on bimetallism questions
Roger, Hugh28/06/1893bimetallic issues
Rogers Frederick 1/2/1883re PE papers
Rogers J E T22/5/1879re papers on PE
Rogers J E T26/5/1879re papers & history of prices
Rogers J E T20/5/1879re exams and Fawcett
Rogers, F18/12/1881University College etc
Rogers, J E 12/05/1881re problems of Oxford funds etc
Rogers, J E Haroldspeech on some aspects of laissez-faire and control
Rogers, J E Thorold06/10/1886re price series
Rogers, J E Thorold04/10/1886re price series
Rogers, J E Thorold15/09/1886re price series
Rogers, J E Thorold19/10/1886re price series
Rogers, James E Harold10/08/1882re exam questions
Rogers, James E Harold16/05/1882exam questions etc
Rogers, James E Harold16/01/1882re Railway Committee stopping him helping
Rogers, James E Harold08/06/1882re Railway Committee stopping him helping
Rogers, James E T03/03/1885on letter of Adam Smith and his view of Smith
Rogers, James E Thorold30/01/1883re HSF's offer of contribution to memorial for Jevons
Rogers, James E Thorold20/10/1883encloses summary of lectures for Kings College on labour and wages
Rogers, James G Thorold20/03/1888on his history of prices
Rogers, James S Thorold13/05/1880re D Sc man and Milman
Rogers, James S Thorold26/06/1880re papers and meeting
Rogers, R E10/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Rogers, T E T13/05/1881re exam questions
Roherts, R31/01/1889courses for London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Roherts, R16/10/1889re extension of university teaching matters
Rolfe, C H12/08/1889PC to bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Rolleston, H1930/11/23on death of Mrs Foxwell
Rolleston, H1929/6/15cannot see HSF at his dinner
Rolleston, J F11/03/1893sends HSF leaflet
Romans, W F J31/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Romeike, Henry21/12/1894offers US press cutting service
Romeike, Henry24/12/1897offers US press cutting service
Romsey Town Institute??/06/1909asks for money
Rootham D and Mrs Cyril1930/11/24card on Olive's death
Rootham, C B1927/3/8some cutting from the MP
Rootham, Cyril B1927/1/26PC re a photo
Rootham, Cyril B1927/2/17re Bower
Rootham, Rosamund M1936/8/3to AF on HSF's death
Roscoe ?1922/9/26re LSE exams
Rose J H1916/3/25general
Rose J H1916/3/29general
Rose, Alfred30/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Rose, J H08/03/1898tre HSF and publications
Rose, J H25/04/1898book on Free Trade etc
Rose, J H03/03/1898re new series by Blackie & Son on Victorian era
Rosen, B Soffers loans
Rosenberg M1910/6/7letter of introduction from Schumpeter
Rosenthal, Ludwig?PC no longer send out catalogues
Roseveare, Adelaide04/03/1880social
Ross Ltdads for bifocals and binoculars
Ross, Lady R S30/04/1886on Walker's book
Rothan, John Edward Wharton24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Rothenstein, W1908/6/15on his portrait of Marshall
Rothwell, W I1901/3/26to A W Flux on HSF's library
Rotton Sir John1921/7/21committee to reduce govt. expenditure
Rotton Sir John1911/5/5disposal of his library
Rotton, J23/05/1888re Berridge bequest
Rotton, J1911/12/29general
Rotton, J1911/3/13re completing Goldsmiths library
Rotton, J1911/3/30re Goldsmith's library, social
Rotton, J F21/04/1897social
Rotton, J F1911/6/24re Goldsmiths library issues
Rotton, Sir J10/04/1897re Newmarch lectureship appointment
Rotton, Sir John21/12/1911re Goldsmith's library
Rotton, Sir John1912/1/19re special books in Goldsmiths
Rotton, Sir John1912/3/10re dispute about books with Goldsmiths
Rotton, Sir John1911/5/22re his books for Goldsmiths
Rouse, W H D1924/6/5on sales of books
Rouston, P M G1927/1/22offers HSF reports of Banque de France
Routledge, Florence02/01/1891general
Routledge, Florence01/07/1890Women's Trade Union
Routledge, Florence17/06/1891sorry to miss HSF lecture
Row, V P1929/2/14re getting his son into St John's
Rowe, A E05/12/1877on consumers' rent
Rowe, A W10/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Rowe, J23/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Rowe, J W T1926/12/10Singh's thesis subject for LSE
Rowe, L O1918/3/4re reprints of HSF EJ article
Rowe, L S11/30/1893re monetary standard in US etc
Rowe, L S07/05/1896re his visit from University of Pennsylvania
Rowe, L S23/08/1896wants introduction to British Museum
Rowe, L S15/10/1893asks HSf to article on bimetallism
Rowe, L S10/07/1893programme for American Economic Association etc
Rowe, T B23/03/1898re a Miss Foxwell
Rowen, Charles1919/12/1re report on working men's club
Rowley, henry05/01/1885re profit sharing for Labour Association
Rowley, henry24/02/1885re Labour Association conference
Rowntree, George W B21/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Rowntree, K D1930/7/31to Audrey, re classes she will teach
Rowntree, K D1930/5/25to Audrey, re teaching job
Rowntree, K D1930/5/31to Audrey, re teaching job
Rowntree, K D1930/3/29to Audrey re her job interview
Rowntree, K D1930/5/8to Audrey re job application
Rowntree, K D1930/6/4to Audrey offers her job
Roy H le20/1/1883Smith, PE etc
Roy, H04/10/1882asks HSF re lecture on competition
Royal Academy1935/5/8tickets to lecture
Royal Agricultural Society07//05/1897re books on agriculture
Royal Commission on Agriculture30/03/1894asks HSF to give evidence
Royal Commission on Agriculture02/04/1894date for HSF to give evidence
Royal Commission on Agriculture1893/94evidence and cross examinations
Royal Commission on Agriculture14/06/1894HSF evidence
Royal Commission on Agriculture15/06/1894HSF evidence
Royal Commission on Agriculture14/06/1894HSF evidence
Royal Commission on AgricultureApril 1894Giffen's evidence and HSF notes on Giffen
Royal Commission on AgricultureMay 1894summary and Everett's evidence
Royal Commission on Gold and Silver1888Appendix VIII
Royal Commission on Local Taxation26/01/1898wants answers to questions
Royal Economic Scoiety1927/12/8council agenda
Royal Economic Scoiety1927/10/20council agenda
Royal Economic Scoiety1925/6/11council agenda
Royal Economic Scoiety1930/2/6council agenda
Royal Economic Scoiety1929/10/17minutes of Council
Royal Economic Scoiety1930/6/18council agenda
Royal Economic Scoiety1930/2/13minutes of Council
Royal Economic Scoiety1928/2/13minutes of Council
Royal Economic Scoiety1930/6/26minutes of Council
Royal Economic Scoiety1930/11/25council agenda
Royal Economic Scoiety1931/5/6council agenda
Royal Economic Scoiety1931/3/27minutes of Council
Royal Economic Society1911/5/29congress on GB-Ireland financial relations etc
Royal Economic Society1915/4/15agenda and papers for council meeting
Royal Economic Society1914/10/28agenda for meeting and report of committee on Goldsmiths
Royal Economic Society1922/6/12Council Agenda with congratulations to Marshall on 80th birthday attached
Royal Economic Society??/04/1934Notice of Annual Meeting Special Arrangements
Royal Economic Societyorder form for reprints
Royal Economic Society1926/10/1flyer for reprints of Marshall's Official Papers and Malthus
Royal Economic Society1932/5/5re publications on special terms
Royal Economic Society1932/5/11AGM agenda and accounts
Royal Economic Society1932/3/10Council agenda
Royal Economic Society1932/5/26Annual Meeting address
Royal Economic Society1932AGM agenda and accounts (draft)
Royal Economic Society1934list of publications on special terms
Royal Economic Society1935/7/11minutes of Council
Royal Economic Society1936/1/1notice of Council meeting and agenda
Royal Economic Society9/14/1927minutes of Council
Royal Economic Society1927/5/11Council agenda
Royal Economic Society1935/5/9AGM agenda and accounts
Royal Economic SocietyMay-35Supplementary List of Publications available on special terms
Royal Economic Society1934/7/5Council minutes
Royal Economic Society1934/12/5Council Agenda
Royal Economic Society1934/3/27AGM agenda
Royal Economic Society1928/4/14AGM agenda and accounts
Royal Economic Society1928/12/7Council agenda
Royal Economic Society1928/10/4Council minutes
Royal Economic Society1931/3/19Council meeting agenda
Royal Economic Society1930/12/4Minutes of Council
Royal Economic Society1929/10/18council agenda and minutes
Royal Economic Society1933/3/9Council agenda
Royal Economic Society1932/10/6Council minutes
Royal Economic Society1934/1/25Council minutes
Royal Economic Society1934/2/15Council agenda and papers
Royal Economic Society1929Council and members
Royal Economic Society1922/7/25testament to Marshall on 80th birthday
Royal Exchange Assurace1920/7/1re their 200 year history
Royal Exchange Assurance 5/7/1920re admission to Goldsmith’s
Royal Exchange Assurance1920/7/7re use of Goldsmith’s
Royal Institution1917/3/13re HSF lectures
Royal Institution1917/3/17re HSF lectures
Royal Institution1917/2/12re HSF lectures
Royal Institution1917/2/16re HSF lectures
Royal Institution1917/2/27re HSF lectures
Royal Institution1917/2/28re HSF lectures
Royal Institution1918/7/20re HSF's Insitution lectures
Royal Institution1921lecture programme Easter 1921
Royal Institution1919/2/21re title of HSF's lectures
Royal Institution1918/7/17asks HSF to give 2 lectures
Royal Institution1921/1/5re HSF's 2 lectures
Royal Institution1921/1/17re title of HSF's lectures
Royal Institution1921/2/25slip giving title of HSF's lectures
Royal Institution1920/12/23asks HSF to give 2 lectures
Royal Institution1916/2/26glad HSF can lecture
Royal Institution1916/3/15re titles and sub-titles of lectures
Royal Institution1916/3/21happy with lecture titles
Royal Institution1916/2/21will HSF give two lectures?
Royal Institution1916/3/23re approval of slip
Royal Institution1916/4/17sends HSF tickets and flyer
Royal Institution1916details of lectures
Royal Institution1916details of lectures
Royal Institution1936/4/22re testimonial: 1930 testimonial attached
Royal Stat Society1916/3/13re review for journal
Royal Stat Society1913/1/27book review
Royal Stat Society20/7/1894silver question (copy)
Royal Statistical Society27/03/1920HSF's review of Cannan
Royal Statistical Society25/03/1920HSF's review of Cannan
Royal Statistical Society17/03/1920HSF's review of Cannan
Royal Statistical Society1910/1/25asks HSF to review book
Royal Statistical Society1927/6/11asks HSF to write obituary on Nicholson
Royal Statistical Society1901/7/9RSS to ask Goldsmiths for custody of HSF's library
Royal Statistical Society1901/7/16re HSF's library
Royal Statistical Society1907/4/16asks HSF to join Council of RSS
Royal Statistical Society1920/12/9admittance card to meeting
Royal Statistical Society1907/4/26re HSF letter, HSF declines to join Council
Royal Statistical Society1916/11/19asks HSF to review book
Royal Statistical Society1922/3/12PC notice of meeting
Royal Statistical Society1901/7/6to Goldsmiths asking for custody of HSF library
Royal Statistical Society1911/1/25Journal asks HSF to review US monetary papers
Royal Statistical Society1911/1/27apologises to HSF for what he said was unmeasurable request
Royal Statistical Society1915/7/2re review for their Journal
Royal Statistical Society1915/6/9re Council elections
Royal Statistical Society1896-97list of meetings
Royal Statistical Society1927/8/8PC re Library Committee meting
Royal Statistical Society1921/1/19notice of meeting
Royal Statistical Society1928/7/20PC re HSF's nomination of Mr Lawe
Royal Statistical Society1918/3/9re review of books for Journal
Royal Statistical Society1930/2/18PC re meeting
Royal Statistical Society1932/6/1AGM notice
Royal Statistical Society1932/6/1Society's centenary
Royal Statistical Society 1918/3/15re review of book for them
Royal Victoria Hall1917/6/2meeting of their Lecture Council
Royal Victoria Hall1917/9/18thanks SHF for donation
Rozennaad, C1919/6/28HSF's papers on current finance
Rucher, Arthur1903/6/30wants HSF's advice on housing Goldsmith's Library at University of London
Rucher, Arthur W1902/5/29HSF's tenure of appointment to University of London
Rucher, Arthur W1902/12/21offer of Goldsmith's for HSF library
Rucken, Arthur W1907/9/23note re his age of retirement
Ruffer Henry1922/2/7debt figures
Ruffer Henry1920/12/12correspondence with Lord Farrer
Ruffer, Henry to Lord Farrer (copy)1920/12/10re Chamber of Commerce matter
Ruffer, Henry1920/12/10re Chamber of Commerce matter
Ruffer, Henry1922/12/26re Fisher's lecture and tax
Ruffer, Henry1920/10/22asks HSF for books on finance
Ruffer, Henry1921/2/14asks HSF about books on finance
Ruffer, Henry1921/2/22re HSF letter on foreign exchange etc
Ruffer, Henry1919/6/26re papers on current finance etc
Ruffer, Henry1922/1/22returns Board of Trade journal
Ruggieri, C C1914/3/19social
Runere, Marcel1929/5/26PC re books for sale
Rushbrooke W G1918/8/5general
Rushbrooke W G1913/10/27social
Rushbrooke W G1925/5/28cutting on Shepton Mallet
Rushbrooke W G1921/10/19death of Ernest Foxwell
Rushbrooke W G1918/12/3personal etc
Rushbrooke W G1918/12/30remarks on Lloyd George etc
Rushbrooke, ?1909/7/7social
Rushbrooke, W G05/11/1879on Rushbrooke's election to Fellowship
Rushbrooke, W G08/06/1894re fund for old schoolmaster
Rushbrooke, W G28/02/1894re fund for old schoolmaster
Rushbrooke, W G24/06/1894re qualifications of Rhys Roberts
Rushbrooke, W G06/03/1894re income for McLean
Rushbrooke, W G06/03/1894re income for McLean
Rushbrooke, W G07/12/1893asks opinion of another school master
Rushbrooke, W G18/12/1893mainly about A C McLean (see 154/4)
Rushbrooke, W G20/11/1893social
Rushbrooke, W G1923/6/26social
Rushbrooke, W G27/08/1894general
Rushbrooke, W G11/01/1894on state of Mr McLean
Rushbrooke, W G1923/2/28social
Rushbrooke, W G1923/3/3social
Rushbrooke, W G20/11/1884asks HSF to referee for HM ship Nottingham
Rushbrooke, W G22/11/1884re application, referees etc
Rushbrooke, W G19/11/1884encloses list of governors of High School Nottingham and asks for HSF's help with job application
Rushbrooke, W G25/11/1884re Adam's application for same post at Notts
Rushbrooke, W G16/01/1871re necessaries for lodging in Cambridge, tipping etc
Rushbrooke, W G03/01/1871tells of death of Wilton's sister
Rushbrooke, W G14/01/1871hints to HSF of his probably fellowship at Cambridge
Rushbrooke, W G27/08/1871writes about college doings and the Marquis etc
Rushbrooke, W G06/07/1871Cambridge news and holiday
Rushbrooke, W G14/07/1871pleads HSF to come to Cambridge, general chat
Rushbrooke, W G??/??/1871on behalf of a friend with toothache, invites HSF to tea
Rushbrooke, W G??/12/1894appeal for A C McLean
Rushbrooke, W G03/10/1870re exams, people, general chat
Rushbrooke, W G27/08/1870Cambridge life, people, general chat
Rushbrooke, W G21/06/1870took 4 books out of Union in HSF's name
Rushbrooke, W G08/07/1870re fine incurred in HSF's name
Rushbrooke, W G08/08/1870some testimonial fund
Rushbrooke, W G17/01/1870general chat
Rushbrooke, W G25/05/1881congratulates on Jevons's chair
Rushbrooke, W G26/06/1881asks for money for Vine's widow and children
Rushbrooke, W G07/03/1870re death of HSF's sister
Rushbrooke, W G31/03/1895re annual allowance for McLean
Rushbrooke, W G1923/6/8re delay on manuscript
Rushbrooke, W G1923/6/9re Bose's work and correcctions
Rushbrooke, W G1923/6/19Miss Charles and work on manuscript
Rushbrooke, W G18/09/1872his poverty, life etc
Rushbrooke, W G18/01/1872flambouyant chat, he is broke
Rushbrooke, W G05/09/1872general chat
Rushbrooke, W G12/06/1872travel
Rushbrooke, W G13/06/1872PC his whereabouts
Rushbrooke, W G26/09/1872unpopular with boys
Rushbrooke, W G15/01/1872Wilton has failed
Rushbrooke, W G02/11/1874on HSF success
Rushbrooke, W G23/06/1874general chat
Rushbrooke, W G1924/7/31re examiners for the College of Preceptors
Rushbrooke, W G1908/6/5his anger over Marshall chair
Rushbrooke, W G08/02/1872PC re books lent to HSF
Rushbrooke, W G1921/2/27PC re missed meeting
Rushbrooke, W G 1917/10/23asks HSF to find an examiner in economics at College of Preceptors
Rushmill, N G12/12/1884re list of Governors for a school
Russell Lord21/6/1871philosophical & poetical
Russell, H22/10/1881on gutters of house
Russell, J07/12/1891re course in economics
Russell, J13/12/1891re course in economics
Russell-Smith, Dorothy1921/7/5to Ernest general chat
Rutherford, Andrew07/07/1886asks HSF to stay while lecturing in Dundee
Ruttchenko, Alesis04/06/1898social
Ruttchenko, Alexis06/06/1898social
Ruttchenko, Alexis T26/05/1898wants to look at HSF's library
Rutter H1919/9/3foreign trade
Rye R A1912/8/14Goldsmith’s purchase
Rye R A1913/5/19Rye’s engagement
Rye Reginald1911/6/10UCL’s finances & library grant
Rye Reginald1911/6/17library dispute
Rye Reginald1911/6/15library finances & dispute
Rye Reginald1910/10/26row over Goldsmith’s payment
Rye Reginald1910/10/26his troubles with University
Rye Reginald A1911/5/28money arguments at UCL library
Rye, R1910/3/29re University of London library matters
Rye, Reginald1911/1/29library recommendation in 4th Report of Royal Commission on University Education
Rye, Reginald1912/1/5re some papers and pamphlets
Rye, Reginald1910/3/4on books for University of London library
Rye, Reginald1910/12/1on books
Rye, Reginald1910/12/16sends copy of old pamphlet to HSF
Rye, Reginald1910/11/30on purchase of books
Rye, Reginald1910/11/21on purchase of books
Rye, Reginald1911/1/24re old pamphlets
Rye, Reginald1911/9/29grant of £115 for HSF books
Rye, Reginald1912/3/5re Sir John Rotton's books
Rye, Reginald1912/3/8row over Sir John Rotton's books
Rye, Reginald1912/3/7row over Sir John Rotton's books
Rye, Reginald1907/10/8letter re Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald1909/4/18list of H C Carey's books, Rye fed up with University of London Library
Rye, Reginald1908/8/1asks HSF not to resign University of London Library Committee etc
Rye, Reginald 1907/1/29on an old manuscript
Rye, Reginald A1907/3/5Goldsmiths library
Rye, Reginald A1908/2/17list of Bulletins Bureau of Labour
Rye, Reginald A1907/3/16sends HSF list of periodical publications in Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/3/23re cheap copy of books in Advocates' Library Edinburgh
Rye, Reginald A1907/5/16re offer for set of Statist
Rye, Reginald A1907/1/16re report on bookbinding and books
Rye, Reginald A1911/4/10binding grant University of London library, library committee etc
Rye, Reginald A1910/8/4University of London Library accounts problems, trouble for Rye etc
Rye, Reginald A1911/10/31re books for University of London Library
Rye, Reginald A1914/10/7cheque for books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/3/12social, books from Lady Welby library arrived
Rye, Reginald A1913/6/7report on Goldsmiths' library in answer to Royal Commission's recommendations
Rye, Reginald A1914/1/2problems with University of London over library, expenditure on library etc
Rye, Reginald A1914/7/14sends HSF cheque for books
Rye, Reginald A1914/1/27re some library payment
Rye, Reginald A1914/1/6re binding bills, HSF to resign from University of London library committee
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/23re payments for University of London library
Rye, Reginald A1914/1/29re payments for University of London library
Rye, Reginald A1914/1/29cheque for HSF
Rye, Reginald A1914/2/3statement of payments for University of London library
Rye, Reginald A1914/2/11resignation of HSF from University of London library Committee
Rye, Reginald A1914/5/5cheque for framing and books
Rye, Reginald A1914/1/13conditions of binding grant to HSF etc
Rye, Reginald A1914/1/9re payment for binding etc
Rye, Reginald A1908/2/11re poor salary, position and pension as Goldsmiths' librarian
Rye, Reginald A1910/5/3expenditure of Goldsmiths on library
Rye, Reginald A1909/1/26re his article on libraries
Rye, Reginald A1910/7/20thanks HSF for kindness on visit, books
Rye, Reginald A1907/7/31re periodicals and books
Rye, Reginald A1907/8/7re gift of Mme Godin to Goldsmiths etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/8/14re Goldsmiths books
Rye, Reginald A1907/8/12re proposed extension to library etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/8/22re Goldsmith's rules, books, funds etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/7/18re Goldsmiths books
Rye, Reginald A1907/4/5re Goldsmiths matters
Rye, Reginald A1907/6/11re Goldsmiths books
Rye, Reginald A1907/12/27journals etc for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/12/17re University of London Library Committee
Rye, Reginald A1907/1/4re publications for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/8/6re HSF's accounts with Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/7/16re Investors' Review etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/7/29re journals for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/7/27re publications for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1906/8/14re Rushbrooke Memorial Fund
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/21extracts from Discourse Sur L'Economie Politique
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/26re Co-op Union reports
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/26re books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/29receipt of Goldsmiths accounts
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/23re Sheffield sale of books etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/21re money for buying books etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/19encloses draft letter to Prideaux
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/27re re-arrangement of Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/29re books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/7/28re smoking etc in Goldsmiths and books
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/12re books and library agenda
Rye, Reginald A1907/8/28PC re books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/12/4re books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/25PC on book purchases by Pickering
Rye, Reginald A1907/12/2re books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/12/9packing cases, periodicals etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/12/18re meeting of sub-committee etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/12/13re meeting of sub-committee etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/12/16re journals, his memo on libraries
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/18£200 to buy Sheffield books
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/20re books from Sheffield sale
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/21re books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/13re books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/13re use of Room 4
Rye, Reginald A1907/10/31on HSF's flu
Rye, Reginald A1907/5/29re catalogue cards etc
Rye, Reginald A1907/6/13re books and catalogue
Rye, Reginald A1907/6/6re books, building of galleries
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/12re books for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1907/11/14Sheffield pamphlets etc
Rye, Reginald A1911/1/2re journals etc for HSF and his work
Rye, Reginald A1910/12/24re duplicates of journals etc
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/20re grants to Goldsmiths Library from London University
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/7re LCC grant to Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/10re University grant to Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1912/10/15re LCC grant to Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/8re grants from Goldsmiths Company
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/11library rules and grant from Goldsmiths Company
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/6packing cases
Rye, Reginald A1913/7/11re bills etc for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/9/29re Library Committee
Rye, Reginald A1913/10/7re money available for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/10/9re mistake in Goldsmiths' bills
Rye, Reginald A1913/10/7re money for Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/10/13re a Goldsmiths account
Rye, Reginald A1913/10/13re mistake in Goldsmiths' accounts
Rye, Reginald A1913/10/21sends cheque from Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/12/4re offer of a book
Rye, Reginald A1913/12/1re solving problems of Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/12/29re HSF resignation from Library Committee, access to library
Rye, Reginald A1913/7/16sends HSF book
Rye, Reginald A1913/8/5re despatch of books
Rye, Reginald A1913/8/183 recipts for loan of books
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/2re items in Goldsmiths and grants
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/31re Goldsmiths affairs
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/15re problems with university
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/17re missing books at University of London library
Rye, Reginald A1913/3/28list of duplicates from LSE
Rye, Reginald A1913/4/21Report of Royal Commission on Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/6re Cobbett Bibliography
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/10binding, Council etc
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/10PC re a book
Rye, Reginald A1913/4/10re Library Committee Agenda item, Goldsmiths funds
Rye, Reginald A1913/4/12re Economic Review
Rye, Reginald A1913/4/14agenda and housing of Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/4/15Royal Commission Report
Rye, Reginald A1913/4/28re future of Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1913/7/3re bill for binding
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/18re cases, chair of Library Committee
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/20re tracing overdue books
Rye, Reginald A1913/7/2packing cases, book etc
Rye, Reginald A1913/2/27costs, binding, agenda etc
Rye, Reginald A1913/10/2Sir Edward Bush, Goldsmiths' grants
Rye, Reginald A1913/3/29re book in Goldsmiths
Rye, Reginald A1910/2/15PC re a catalogue
Rye, Reginald A1913/1/1PC re expenditure on binding
Rye, Reginald A1910appliction and testimonials for chief librarian at Edinburgh University
Rye, Reginald A1927/7/27re help with Bibliography
Rye, Reginald A 1907/11/9re book purchases for University of London library etc
Rye, Reginald A 1907/11/9disenchanted with Library committee politics
Rye, Reginald A 1907re competition for books
Rye, Reginald A 1907/11/9reference to Board of Trade procedure
Rye, Reginald R1913/3/31Univsersity of London library
Rye, Reginald R1913/4/1re copies of John Bull
Ryland, ?27/06/1898cannot come to HSF's wedding
Ryland, F21/09/1888re economics books to read
Ryland, F03/02/1886re book on mental and moral philosophy
Ryland, F17/02/1886re book on mental and moral philosophy
Ryland, F19/07/1893on ethics
Ryland, F09/03/1881re publishing his third volume of Locke's essays
Ryland, F24/04/1880re corrections to books
Ryland, F05/05/1880re pages of his book
Ryland, F19/04/1880re proofs of book
Ryland, F11/03/1880re proofs of book
Ryland, F22/04/1881asks for testimonial for Nottingham and Birmingham, supported by Marshall and Sidgwick
Ryland, F30/04/1881thanks HSF for flattering testimonial against the odds, defends his book
Ryland, F25/05/1881congratulates on Jevons's chair
Ryland, F 14/10/1894query on bimetallism
Ryland, F 09/10/1894re books on economic history
Ryland, F 13/11/1894thanks HSF for testimonial
Ryland, F J07/11/1894asks HSF for reference
Ryland, F W12/07/1895asks about economics coaching in London
Ryland, F W22/04/1898wants students for coaching etc
Ryland, Fred??/??/1875general
Ryland, Frederick26/09/1873student letter
Ryland, Frederick29/06/1895re a student's results
Ryland, Frederick26/04/1898on HSF's wedding invitation
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