Name Date Title
S C C1924/6/11PC re celebration for Fitzwilliam Museum
S C C1924/5/27PC thanks for catalogue
Sabedar, Manu1913/12/30thanks HSF for testimonial and sends him Indian embroidery
Saby, J?social
Saby, J?thanks HSF for presents, on her suitor and marriage
Sacher H1912/12/22testimonial
Sacher H1912/12/31testimonial
Sacher's private secretary30/07/1887thanks HSF for paper on monetization
Sadler, ?1913/9/28thanks for help for Frank Lawe
Sadler, J E13/06/1887re Toynbee Lectures and Oxford extension courses
Sadler, J E29/04/1887re Oxford Extension Lectures
Sadler, M E24/09/1889sends letters on beginnings of modern socialim
Safford, G Sutherland1905/3/2asks HSF for patronage of ? Benevolent Association
Saint, William1901/10/19re some plumbing
Saint, William1901/10/22re some plumbing
Sakatani, G1911/8/11to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Sakatori Baron1908/6/4asks to meet HSF
Sale, PP30/07/1879general chat
Saley, J21/10/1881social chat
Salkeld John1916/11/15PC _ re book catalogue
Salkeld, John12/07/1884sends broadsides from bookshop
Salt, A G W1919/10/26re pictures on social and industrial life
Salter, Lady1929/11/21At Home invite
Salthianadhan, S02/05/1895send HSF some books, his news
Saltianadhan, S13/05/1885India and general
Samuel Cecil1911/11/14meeting of Anti-Socialist Union
Samuel Montague & Co1914/1/18sends Annual Bullion Letter
Samuel, Herbert1916/4/26re a reprint of an HSF lecture
Samways, D W20/10/1887suggestions on proposed statutes
Samways, D W19/10/1887on proposed statutes
Sandars, J D08/03/1894re his paper
Sandars, Samuel03/08/1889to Tillley supports Jenkinson for librarian
Sandeman, Walter03/03/1894bimetallism
Sander, Bruni07/08/1897to Olive general news
Sander, Bruni24/02/1898to Olive general news
Sanders, F E1913/8/11asks HSF to advice on study
Sanders, F E1914/1/12student letter
Sanders, F E1915/12/4thanks HSF for help with BSc
Sandford, F Elliott09/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Sandner, Percy11/11/1874social
Sandys, J 06/06/1887college news
Sandys, J E07/06/1895HSF's resignation from St John's council
Sandys, J E??/??/1895HSF's resignation from St John's council
Sandys, J E07/06/1895thanks HSF for help in St John's council elections
Sandys, J E1911/10/18re report for Library Committee (attached)
Sandys, J S09/02/????pc re missing piece in Observer etc
Sanger, C P1904/9/29re Macgregor dissertation
Sanyal, H N1927/11/11re his thesis
Sanyal, H N1927/6/18re his thesis
Sanyal, N N1927re his thesis
Saran, R1920/7/5re books for economics tripos
Saran, R1920/8/3asks HSF for help on studying socialism
Sargant, A J16/03/1923LSE exams
Sargant, Arthur J1923/3/19re LSE exam papers
Sargant, Ethel14/04/1886asks HSF to lecture for branch of London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Sargant, W L1901/8/29re C S Gibbs' character
Sarkar B K1919/5/27re LSE thesis
Sarkar B K1919/11/3student letter
Sarkar B K1919/9/11letter of thanks
Sarkar B K1920/11/28asks for reference
Sarkar B K1918/4/29re his thesis
Sarkar B K1918/5/4re his thesis
Sarkar B K1916/8/7forms of money
Sarkar B K1916/11/17re banking lectures
Sarkar B K1916/11/3PC _ re gold exchange standard
Sarkar B K1914/8/6re failure in banking & currency
Sarkar B K1920/6/1his research
Sarkar B K1922/3/31re his future & financial position
Sarkar B K1919/12/23Christmas letter
Sarkar B K1918/5/15PC _ apologises to HSF
Sarkar B K1919/11/8re work as teacher
Sarkar B K1919/11/19personal problems
Sarkar, ?1917/12/4social
Sarkar, B1917/12/25Christmas greetings
Sarkar, B K1922/5/31to return to India
Sarkar, B K1914/10/21student letter
Sarkar, B K1914/10/23student letter
Sarkar, B K1914/8/9student letter
Sarkar, B K1922/12/7general
Sarkar, B K1922/2/3on his studies etc
Sarkar, B K1922/2/14on his studies etc
Sarkar, B K1916/9/28on his studies
Sarkar, B K1917/6/5on his studies
Sarkar, B K1917/5/3on his studies
Sarkar, B K1918/3/20on his studies
Sarkar, B K1920/12/22wants money to get to India
Sarkar, B K1920PC Christmas greetings
Sarkar, B K1923/12/1re new job in bank
Sarkar, B K1919/8/5re his MSc
Sarkar, B K1919/8/27re interview with HSF
Sarkar, B K1917/1/19general chat
Sarkar, B K1917/3/13re his LSE work
Sarkar, Bimala Kanta1922/4/26re interview
Sarkin, R04/09/1889PC supports Jenkinson for librarian
Sathanadkay, S10/10/1893general chat including Indian currency
Sato, K (?)1922/11/20re Goldsmith's Library
Satthianadhan, S30/08/1884re psychology and teaching in India
Sauerback, Augustuschart on commodity prices 1820-1895
Sauerbeck, A1928/7/13re article on his work
Sauerbeck, A20/-51895seeks HSF's advice on redrawing his chart on prices
Sauerbeck, A29/05/1895re his longterm prices chart
Sauerbeck, A20/04/1893re meeting and paper on currency
Sauerbeck, A03/03/1894on republishing his paper
Sauerbeck, A26/02/1894copy of letter to the Times, index numbers etc
Sauerbeck, A11/06/1894his index numbers on commodities and silver
Sauerbeck, A14/06/1894index numbers etc
Sauerbeck, A09/06/1894averages in diagram, index numbers etc
Sauerbeck, A04/06/1894copies of charts and costs
Sauerbeck, A1913/5/16HSF wants to bind Sauerbeck's articles
Sauerbeck, A1912/1/19re his letter in the Times
Sauerbeck, A1911/4/11thanks HSF for praise for his index numbers
Sauerbeck, A22/04/1896re EJ article and index numbers
Sauerbeck, Acommodity prices chart 1867-1877
Sauerbeck, Marie1928/9/22card on death of husband
Saunders, P T1927/11/21re history of Stuckey's bank
Saunders, Philip L1927/11/1re some evidence, his work
Saunders, Philip L1927/10/26re history of Stuckey's Banking Company
Saunders, William24/11/1894asks to publish an HSF letter
Sauth, E A24/11/1882on fellowship elections
Savern, G M29/06/1883asks HSF to make Sibley Testimonial presentation
Savery G M 5/7/1867advice on gown
Savery G M1867talk of College & engineering
Savile Club1914/7/22election of Professor J W Jenks
Savile Club1915/11/8re HSF's resignation from the Club
Savile Club1913/2/17report on proposed move to Bruton Street
Savile Club1913/2/19PC re new Club inspection
Sawer, Mary19/06/1894re Macmillan business
Saxery S M21/2/1876asks for advice about political economy
Saxton E G1920/1/10invite to stay
Saxton E S1911/11/30Sir J Lubbock & import duties
Saxton E S1912/6/17social
Saxton E S1910/12/16HSF’s fears of dismissal from St John’s
Saxton, E J1922/4/15social
Saxton, E J1929/5/23social
Saxton, E J1929/5/16re Cambridge parliamentary election
Saxton, E J1925/10/9re article on capitalism etc
Saxton, E S1912/6/21social
Saxton, E S1923/11/5on reparations etc
Saxton, E S1920/2/13re HSF visit
Saxton, E S1924/11/15social
Saxton, E S1924/11/27social
Saxton, E S1927/11/8social
Saxton, E S1927/11/2social
Saxton, E Somes1925/9/30on socialism
Saxton, E Somes1925/10/16general chat
Saxton, G H13/02/1893to Edgeworth, re an article of his
Sayer, Charles P1903/6/20re a lecture prize
Sayer, Charles P1903/6/29re exam papers etc
Sayer, Charles P1903/6/1re exam papers etc
Sayle C1916/8/19PC _ re Malvern School
Sayle, C1913/3/13social
Sayle, C1901/3/17re Book Club books
Sayle, C1916/3/14PC social
Sayle, C1913/3/14PC social
Sayle, CBach Toccata and Fugue in C Minor
Sayle, Gladys M G1930/8/9to Audrey, offers job
Sayle, Mrs31/05/1871invites HSF to picnic at Trumpington in Lord Braybrook's grounds
SB T Batford Ltdflyer for book by Allen W Seaby
Scales, Doris E Shillington1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Scapa Society31/11/1915re subs
Scapa Society The1921/12/13advertising boards
Scatchard Alice 5/5/1875Leeds extension course
Scatchard Alice20/7/1875Royal Commission on Factory Acts, university extension etc
Scatchard Alice19/3/1875Leeds University extension course
Scatchard, Alice05/01/1876thanks HSF for lectures, anti-vivisection, social chat
Scatcherd, Alice04/12/1875women's unions, holidays etc
Schafer, E A14/05/1886Asks HSF to be Vice Dean of Faculty of Science
Schafer, E A23/06/1898on HSF's marriage
Schafer, E A21/11/1894re new hospital building for UCL
Schafer, E A24/11/1884invitation to HSF to join Royal Society
Schafer, E A26/11/1890re Royal Society Dinner etc
Schafer, Maud09/06/1885general chat and asks for photo
Schafer, Maud19/06/1885invitiation to visit
Schafer, Maud22/06/1885thanks for photo etc
Schafer, Prof1895notes on UCL hospital plans
Schanz, Erdmann J1910/11/4advertising life studies of female figure
Scharling, W18/10/1894re gold prices
Scharling, W04/06/1886thank you letter
Scharling, W29/05/1886social
Schaskey, William24/10/1894PC re HSF Economist article
Schenble, J07/02/1897re an order
Schilizzi, M G23/10/1894letter to Beeton, remarks on gold
Schilizzi, M G24/10/1894letter to Beeton
Schiller F W1906/11/30foreign exchanges
Schiller, F N1914/11/20re volume of banking business
Schiller, F N1916/11/27on Roof Climber's Guide to Trinity
Schiller, F N1914/6/9government bills, interest rates etc
Schiller, F N1916/9/4Brand's pamphlet on German bank finance of industry
Schilling, Theo1911/6/15sends HSF copy of thesis with thanks
Schilling, Theodor1910/12/28to send HSF copy of thesis
Schilling, Theodor1910/4/23re his thesis
Schilling, Theodor1910/3/3social
Schloss D F1908/11/20introduction to s Dane
Schloss, D F1898on HSF's wedding, unable to attend
Schloss, D F1904/11/9PC re spot and future prices
Schloss, D F1904/11/17PC re using "double option"
Schmidt1901/1/27re a meeting
Schmidt ?28/6/1894Houldsworth & bimetallism
Schmidt, A17/01/1891asks HSF to use influence on League over £1 notes
Schmidt, A22/01/1891re issue of £1 silver notes
Schmidt, A14/01/1898PC some coin's value
Schmidt, A25/01/1894to McNiel re bimetallic manifesto
Schmidt, Ernst10/07/1888on his work, trip to England etc
Schmidt, H14/10/1892bimetallism
Schmidt, Herman1912/8/15re job proposal
Schnapper, Edward 30/03/1898asks HSF for information
Schofield, S J1914/10/9LSE Christian Union lunhc
Schofield, S J1914/10/18LSE Christian Union lunhc
Scholfield, J F04/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
School of Oriental Studiesuse of lecture hall
Schott, G A1930/4/28thanks HSF for repayment of loan
Schumpeter J1906/11/27introduces himself
Schumpeter J1907/1/12re meeting
Schurbrole, N L30/11/1896asks for figures on stock exchange
Schuster Sir Felix1913/3/26PE Club
Schuster Sir Felix1909/2/12re visit of Yen to Bank
Schuster, A13/02/1888social
Schuster, Arthur13/11/1879social
Schuster, Arthur08/08/1879social
Schuster, Arthur11/08/1879social
Schuster, Arthur04/12/1879social
Schuster, Arthur04/10/1882general, but mainly current political university
Schuster, Arthur05/02/1882evidence of science versus religious debate at Manchester
Schuster, Arthur?social
Schuster, Arthur17/10/????meeting arrangements
Schuster, Arthur20/11/1884introduces a German
Schuster, Arthur31/01/1877social
Schuster, Arthur17/06/1881re his chair at Manchester
Schuster, Arthur23/09/1882re disposal of Jevons's library
Schuster, Arthur29/12/1883re meeting with Mrs Jevons
Schuster, Arthur18/04/1884chat
Schuster, Arthur13/06/1880on his lectures and social
Schuster, Arthur13/01/1880about appointments
Schuster, Arthur31/08/1880on his right to leccture
Schuster, Arthur14/08/1883re his holiday, social
Schuster, Arthur27/06/1883re a chess auction
Schuster, Arthur04/07/1883re some clock and money
Schuster, Arthur02/07/1881re Charles' book catalogue, departure date for trip
Schuster, Arthur04/07/1881re some trip
Schuster, Arthur02/05/1880Italian trip, Italian women
Schuster, Arthur27/06/1881re train times etc for trip
Schuster, Arthur18/08/1879to see brother in Switzerland
Schuster, Arthur19/02/1879on death of HSF's sister
Schuster, Arthur27/12/1882arranging meeting
Schuster, F V1921/2/23re fund for Mrs Farinelli
Schuster, Felix1921/11/10re student Cheng and job
Schuster, Felix1912/2/22re Hsu application
Schuster, Sir Felix1911/10/2re HSF lecture and Fisher's proposal on inflation
Schwiedland, E11/12/1897translation of HSF's articles
Schwiedland, E24/04/1895social
Schwiedland, E??/??/1888re an HSF paper on trusts
Schwiedland, E28/04/1889re HSF article for a review
Schwiedland, E28/04/1889re HSF article on trusts
Schwiedland, E29/09/1895re reports on trade unions
Schwoller, Gustav04/05/1893on economics books etc
Scientia1917/3/26asks for article
Scientia1907/4/30thanks HSF for letter
Scientia 29/05/1897asks HSF to write an article
Scientific Research Association1918/10/16report of provisional executive
Scott C C1918asks for time off
Scott C C1918/7/5re health & HSF accounts
Scott R F1918/7/29re W G Constable’s dissertation
Scott R F1916/6/27re King’s proceedings
Scott R F1915/8/21Guillebaud’s essay
Scott R F1911/11/30 re old tract
Scott R F1912/5/25Fellowship dissertation
Scott R F1909/9/3D W Ward’s dissertation
Scott R F1918/6/12re appointment of lecturer at St John’s
Scott R F1918/8/6Constable’s dissertation
Scott R F1918/8/31Constable’s dissertation
Scott R F1921/6/21papers in economics
Scott R F 4/1/11924 his knighthood: remarks on politicians
Scott R F1925/4/21article on John Cobbes
Scott R F1916/3/10photo for Cambridge Alpine Club
Scott R F1911/12/30representation of the University
Scott W R1920/6/3PC _ re meeting with HSF
Scott W R1918/10/27re British Academy members
Scott W R1921/12/11re Bowley for Academy
Scott W R1921/10/24re Wealth of Nations
Scott W R1915/9/19Treasury Notes
Scott W R1915/9/26Treasury Notes, US loans, agrees with Keynes
Scott W R1918/11/28British Academy elections
Scott W R1929/5/24annual report on bibliography
Scott W R1920/2/13Keynes election to British Academy etc
Scott W R1920/6/12advisers on Cassell Banking Chair
Scott W R1921/1/13Bowley & Bastable’s nomination to BA
Scott W R1920/12/7nominations to British Academy
Scott W R1921/5/4PC _ to see HSF
Scott W R1924/6/2Pigou & British Academy: book on Clyde Valley etc
Scott W R1919/1/8Keynes nomination for Brit Academy
Scott W R1919/1/15Keynes nomination for Brit Academy
Scott W R1922/3/9re British Academy & HSF lectures
Scott W R1918/5/8lectures, circular etc
Scott W R1918/7/29Keynes & article for EJ
Scott W R1925/3/11re Carnegie Scholar for bibliography
Scott W R1925/2/13Lipson & proposed Review of Economic History
Scott W R1919/2/19Keynes nomination for Brit Academy
Scott C P12/11/1883Fawcett’s lectures on land: HSF writing Manchester Guardian
Scott, Anderson21/11/1895re Marx, Marx's theory of value discredited etc
Scott, C1926/10/5general
Scott, C C1924/9/19on some book slips
Scott, C C1930/8/23re some cheque
Scott, C C1922/4/21re bibliography
Scott, C C1929/4/16re HSF St John's hours
Scott, C C1917/12/27thanks HSF for his salary
Scott, C C1929/2/22papers for bibliography
Scott, C C1929/10/30pc re some packing
Scott, C C1965/12/11re article by Clara Collett
Scott, C Fairfax06/02/1895asks HSF about combinations in England
Scott, George J1921The London Money Market
Scott, John D03/11/1888general chat of ex-student
Scott, John D29/06/1885student thank you letter
Scott, John D17/12/1884sends book catalogue
Scott, Lady Forsythe1933/11/20on 1908 election etc
Scott, R F03/06/1911list of Scottish economic books and start of general bibliography
Scott, R F1918/12/20re election to Fellowship at St John's
Scott, R F1918/5/4St John's fellowship
Scott, R F06/07/1885general chat
Scott, R F1910/10/11re Constable's dissertation
Scott, R F1902/5/24St John's fees for examining
Scott, R F1913/12/9general
Scott, R F1914/6/2re dispute of HSF with UCL
Scott, R F1915/10/2Fellowship candidates for St John's including Guillebaud
Scott, R F1911/10/31a St John's matter
Scott, R F1914/5/30re Constable's and Guillebaud's fellowship candidatures at St John's
Scott, R F1914/9/9re Constable's and Guillebaud's fellowship candidatures at St John's
Scott, R F1914/9/12re Constable's and Guillebaud's fellowship candidatures at St John's
Scott, R F1914/9/26re Constable's and Guillebaud's fellowship candidatures at St John's
Scott, R F1914/10/10re Constable's and Guillebaud's fellowship candidatures at St John's
Scott, R F1914/10/25re Constable's and Guillebaud's fellowship candidatures at St John's
Scott, R F1914/10/29re Constable's and Guillebaud's fellowship candidatures at St John's
Scott, R F03/01/1884PC general
Scott, R F18/07/1884re payment etc
Scott, R F29/08/1898thanks HSF for offering a wedding present
Scott, R F1903/6/6re leave of absence from St John's
Scott, R F1905/5/30re Lal's dissertation
Scott, R F13/10/1886re HSF resigning lectureship over University rules
Scott, R F1914/9/15exam papers
Scott, R F1914/9/24Guillebaud's and Constable's dissertations
Scott, R F1917/4/21HSF's appointment for 5 years as Director in Economics at St John's College
Scott, R F19/05/1897loan that H H S Cunnyngham of the Home Office has passes
Scott, R F27/10/1898gift of table
Scott, R F05/07/1898HSF's marriage
Scott, R F1916/5/29on Guillebaud's dissertation in application for fellowship
Scott, R F1909/5/29re Ward's dissertation
Scott, R F1905/5/26date to admit HSF to St John's fellowship
Scott, R F1913/10/21re Constable's dissertation
Scott, R F1913/10/21sends HSF two papers by Constable - attached HSF MS notes on Constable's work
Scott, R F28/10/1887on the new statute 55
Scott, R F24/04/1899re rent of HSF's St John's room
Scott, R F??/01/1904proposed regulations for Inter-collegiate exams
Scott, R F21/08/1892re electric light for St John's
Scott, R F01/08/1892re electric lighting for St John's
Scott, R F1911/1/31re candidates for election
Scott, R F1915/6/17re a meeting and some correspondence in The Globe
Scott, R F1930/5/26re St John's members dinner
Scott, R Fseasons greetings from St John's Lodge
Scott, R G1910/8/28asks HSF to report on dissertations
Scott, R W1917/12/22re Jevons's lectures
Scott, W R18/03/1921re Edgeworth's chair
Scott, W R1915/3/15re Scott's election to British Academy
Scott, W R1920/12/14re elections to Academy
Scott, W R1918/12/3re elections to British Academy
Scott, W R1918/11/5views on peace, etc
Scott, W R1922/1/8re British Academy nominations
Scott, W R1922/12/22re British Academy nominations
Scott, W R1920/10/4British Academy, daughter's appointment etc
Scott, W R1918/12/21Keynes' nomination to British Academy with enclosure
Scott, W R1928/3/1re grant for bibliography etc
Scott, W R1928/3/27social etc
Scott, W R1928/1/21re finance for bibliography
Scott, W R1932/4/11finance for British Academy
Scott, W R1927/11/17accounts for bibliography
Scott, W R1932/2/16social
Scott, W R1932/2/17re bibliography
Scott, W R1931/4/23re bibliography
Scott, W R1932/6/15re bibliography
Scott, W R1927/11/22re bibliography
Scott, W R1927/11/9re bibliography
Scott, W R1936/4/25re Adam Smith letters
Scott, W R1936/4/17acknowledges HSF's letter
Scott, W R1933/5/18publication of bibliography and elections
Scott, W R1935/10/16social
Scott, W R1916/2/24British Academy
Scott, W R1922/5/31Academy meeting and some remarks on Ireland & the IRA
Scott, W R1922/7/2re Gollancz "Master Mind" lectures
Scott, W R1933/4/18British Academy on Bibliography
Scott, W R1930/6/21re proposal for Higgs to edit Cantillon
Scott, W R1934/6/8re progress of bibliography and Smith's influence on Glasgwo Chamber of Commerce
Scott, W R1933/4/3bibliography and British Academy elections
Scott, W R1935/8/14publication of vol 1 of bibliography and news of Scotts books on Smith
Scott, W R1927/11/16re money for bibliography and candidates for fellowship
Scott, W R1927/11/15money for bibliography, Scott to work on survey of W Scotland's industry
Scott, W R1927/7/27re finance and employment for bibliography
Scott, W R??/??/1915asks HSF for testimonial for Glasgow Chair
Scott, W R1915/3/30re Glasgow Chair
Scott, W R1933/2/25re Higgs' nomination for British Academy
Scott, W R1918/3/14re Jevons' lectures
Scott, W R1934/4/19re problems of bibliography
Scott, W R1911/11/12re 1677 tract and book of Scott's
Scott, W R1916/3/6re elections to British Academy
Scott, W R1914/7/21re Goldsmith catalogue
Scott, W R1914/6/28re books etc
Scott, W R1914/7/4social
Scott, W R1915/4/8re libraries and books
Scott, W R1934/7/18re bibliography
Scott, W R1934/5/17re bibliography finance
Scott, W R1933/2/23re nomination of Higgs to Academy
Scott, W R1933/2/17re nomination of Higgs to Academy
Scott, W R1930/9/19re bibliography
Scott, W R1934/2/22re bibliography
Scott, W R1933/1/12re elections to Royal Academy
Scott, W R1931/4/21meeting arrangements
Scott, W R1926/5/26on the bibliography
Scott, W R1926/10/27budget for bibliography
Scott, W R1926/11/21money for publishing bibliography
Scott, W R1926/12/27re Pigou's nomination to the Academy etc
Scott, W R1926/10/15re committee on the bibliography
Scott, W R1926/10/21grant for bibliography
Scott, W R1926/10/22mainly on bibliography
Scott, W R1926/11/24on HSF's ancestors
Scott, W R1926/12/2re Pigou's nomination to the Academy etc
Scott, W R1923/3/16introduces D T Jack
Scott, W R1926/5/28re grant from British Academy
Scott, W R1928/6/12re bibliography
Scott, W R1928/6/19sale of books and Academy
Scott, W R1928/5/31bibliography and money
Scott, W R1930/1/9British Academy elections
Scott, W R1930/1/29British Academy
Scott, W R1928/3/31bibliography and money
Scott, W R1922/12/31prospects for general employment, elections to British Academy
Scott, W R1928/2/5British Academy business and funds for bibliography
Scott, W R1928/2/23money bibliography
Scott, W R1928/1/5re nomination to British Academy
Scott, W R1927/7/6re Goldsmith's and HSF's bibliography
Scott, W R1927/7/7re Goldsmith's and HSF's bibliography
Scott, W R1927/7/4re HSF's books
Scott, W R1927/6/1bibliography etc
Scott, W R1933/4/20re contract for publishing bibliography and Higgs' candidature for the British Academy
Scott, W R1933/10/11re bibliography and HSF's income
Scott, W R1934/1/17general
Scott, W R1933/11/3re money troubles of bibliography
Scott, W R1935/4/11re money for bibliography and Scott's research on Adam Smith
Scott, W R1931/6/19Halliday collection in Dubin and the bibliography
Scott, W R1912/7/27on use of seal skin for book binding
Scott, W R1926/8/19on the bibliography, Scott's paper on value etc
Scott, W R1926/3/3on bibliography
Scott, W R1926/4/2on bibliography
Scott, W R1926/2/27on Marshall, Academy elections, bibliography
Scott, W R1926/1/19re British Academy membership
Scott, W R1926/1/20re British Academy membership
Scott, W R1926/1/16British Academy elections
Scott, W R1926/1/7British Academy elections
Scott, W R1926/1/14British Academy elections
Scott, W R1926/1/11British Academy elections
Scott, W R1926/4/20re report of bibliography
Scott, W R1914/6/24introduces himself
Scott, W R1932/10/14on the bibliography
Scott, W R1918/3/1British Academy business
Scott, W R1918/2/8British Academy elections, conscription of capital etc
Scott, W R1918/3/4mainly social
Scott, W R1918/4/16re some meeting etc
Scott, W R1918/4/11on the Jevons lecture
Scott, W R1918/4/1on the Jevons lecture and his programme
Scott, W R1918/4/12re lectures etc
Scott, W R1928/10/25re getting Higgs for bibliography
Scott, W R1928/10/21re London University library catalogue and bibliography
Scott, W R1928/10/29on progress on bibliography
Scott, W R1928/5/10money for Higgs and bibliography
Scott, W R1928/7/11re sale of books
Scott, W R1928/8/12re sale of library to Glasgow etc
Scott, W R1928/1/3re J M Keynes's nomination to British Academy etc
Scott, W R1928/3/16re possible sale of HSF's library to Chile
Scott, W R1922/1/13re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1922/1/12re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1919/1/21re Keynes's nomination to British Academy
Scott, W R1921/12/20re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1922/5/28re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1922/1/17re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1920/1/6re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1921/1/19re British Academy elections and Ireland
Scott, W R1918/1/30re Keynes's nomination to British Academy
Scott, W R1917/6/26general chat
Scott, W R1918/1/29re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1918/1/31re Keynes's nomination to British Academy
Scott, W R1918/1/31re Keynes's nomination to British Academy
Scott, W R1918/1/17British Academy, taxation etc
Scott, W R1918/1/26British Academy elections etc
Scott, W R1916/1/24re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1918/1/22re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1918/1/29re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1918/1/28re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1918/2/5re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1918/2/7re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1918/2/1re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1920/1/21re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1918/2/4re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1917/7/19re Jevons's lectures at University College
Scott, W R1922/7/21on Adam Smith
Scott, W R1914/10/4asks HSF for testimonial for chair in India, his war advisory roles and and old book on currency
Scott, W R1914/10/7re job in India
Scott, W R1916/7/23asks HSF to be president in 191 of Economics Section of BA, taxation, BA report, food and drink study, war finance
Scott, W R1915/1/14on Marshall, Goldsmiths Library
Scott, W R1915/6/12wants a professor for Madras
Scott, W R1919/1/31re meeting to get people to support Keynes
Scott, W R1931/3/31re possible job at Oxford
Scott, W R1911/10/30vol 3 of his book, discovery of 17th century writer
Scott, W R1929/7/12re funds for bibliography etc
Scott, W R1929/5/4draft report for council, funds etc
Scott, W R1929/6/12HSF's No 1 collection, Academy work
Scott, W R1928/11/7re Higgs' decision to work full-time on bibliography (338/11), get volume ready to publish
Scott, W R1928/12/28bibliography issues
Scott, W R1929/3/14names for nominations committee
Scott, W R1929/11/15HSF to be President of Royal Economic Society, bibliography
Scott, W R1929/6/20Keynes' forum, fellowship etc
Scott, W R1929/1/25book on Scottish weights and measures
Scott, W R1929/1/26re Higgs and some issue with Butler
Scott, W R1929/5/23HSF's draft report prejudicial to bibliography
Scott, W R1929/6/22HSF's report on bibliography etc
Scott, W R1928/9/21British Association meeting, HSF's collection etc
Scott, W R1929/3/2Academy 1930 nominations
Scott, W R1929/3/11re a meeting
Scott, W R1929/3/7meeting on bibliography, tells HSF not to go
Scott, W R1929/8/8Seligman, Higgs' position re bibliography
Scott, W R1929/3/16issues relating to bibliography
Scott, W R1930/11/27British Academy nominations, meeting of RES Council
Scott, W R1930/11/24on Olive's death
Scott, W R1937/11/19to Henry Higgs on bibliography
Scott, W R1937/12/22to Henry Higgs on bibliography
Scott, W R1915/1/9re his nomination for British Academy, British Association etc
Scott, W R1911/5/8his book, printing etc
Scott, W R1918/11/16candidates for Academy
Scott, W R1936/8/6to Audrey on HSF's death
Scott, W R1929/8/12re memo, bibliography
Scott, W R1929/10/8cheques, bibliography etc
Scott, W R1928/6/26collection of Mitchell Library
Scott, W R1928/6/28Stamp re money for bibliography and HSF as paid director of project etc
Scott, W R1928/8/11mostly re money
Scott, W R1928/8/26pc re Stamp, Higgs and money
Scott, W R1928/7/18re meeting on bibliography
Scott, W R1929/10/18written to Stamp re C C Scott's salary etc
Scott, W R1930/2/6bibliography
Scott, W R1915/6/5Glasgow chair, nominations for British Academy
Scott, W R1937/12/16to Higgs re bibliography
Scott, W R1936/7/21to Higgs re bibliography
Scott, W R1933/1/25re preferences in Birtish Academy
Scott, W R1933/1/29re nomination of Higgs for British Academy
Scott, W R1936/9/22to Audrey re valuation of bibliography and Harvard
Scott, W R1937/7/16to Audrey re Audrey's offer of £150 to bibliography and its future
Scott, W R1930/2/8re some book
Scott, W R1922/3/20his daughter's club
Scott, W R1919/2/24re a parliamentary measure etc
Scott, W R1929/10/26re payment to Audrey
Scott, W R1932/7/5re trip to Dublin
Scott, W R1932/11/6re visit to Cambridge etc
Scott, W R1911/5/2asks HSF to be an examiner
Scott, W R1929/7/31re bibliography and RES support
Scott, W R1929/7/15on size of bibliography, expenses
Scott, W R1929/5/28re report to RES on bibliography
Scott, W R1929/7/24specimen cards for Seligman
Scott, W R1929/5/18PC re an account
Scott, W R1929/6/15HSF's birthday, bibliography
Scott, W R1928/11/4re Higgs working on bibliography
Scott, W R1929/4/12general chat
Scott, W R1919/11/29on his report on small farms
Scott, W R1930/9/26re some books
Scott, W R1931/5/16hopes bibliography is progressing etc
Scott, W R1930/10/20re money for library
Scott, W R1931/2/19Col butler and some Proclamations
Scott, W R1931/3/15Japanese bibliography, off-prints
Scott, W R1930/10/14re letter from Harvard
Scott, W R1930/11/29re Higgs' nomination for British Academy
Scott, W R1930/12/16economic tracts, bibliography
Scott, W R1930/7/15re issues of cataloguing library
Scott, W R1930/12/23letter from Butler, catalogues
Scott, W R1931/1/16re money for C C Scott and Higgs, bibliography
Scott, W R1931/1/17re matters on bibliography
Scott, W R1931/10/16re bother with Goldsmiths library
Scott, W R1931/12/1re paying Owen Higgs for work on bibliography
Scott, W R1932/2/10re Higgs on bibliography
Scott, W R1932/1/14D Robertson nominated for British Academy, other candidates
Scott, W R1932/1/30Higgs and bibliography
Scott, W R1932/1/21Robertson elected to British Academy, other candidates
Scott, W R1932/1/25re bibliography, British Academy business
Scott, W R1916/9/9asks HSF to be President of Section F of British Association
Scott, W RMS notes on items for bibliography
Scott, W R1936/10/27to Audrey Foxwell, re HSF memoir for British Academy etc
Scott, W R1921/7/10re Price etc for Drummond Chair
Scott, W R1921/7/14sends his 1915 Glasgow paper
Scott, W R??/07/1921notes on publications of Drummond Chair candidates
Scott, W R1927/2/26re Bibliography meeting
Scott, W R1927/3/10re Higgs as a lecturer, Bibliography
Scott, W R1930/6/14re nominations for British Academy
Scott, W R1930/2/19re Bibliography
Scott, W R1930/4/25re meeting with Higgs
Scott, W R1930/8/2re Bibliography
Scott, W R1930/5/23PC re Waldo Leland
Scott, W R1930/5/23re money for Bibliography
Scott, W R1930/6/1re money for Bibliography
Scott, W R1930/7/2re money for Bibliography
Scott, W R1932/3/3re grant from Treasury: Bibliography
Scott, W R1932/5/19British Academy money for Bibliography
Scott, W R1933/5/13on Bibliography
Scott, W R1933/7/17on Bibliography
Scott, W R1933/6/15birthday greetings and Bibliography
Scott, W R1933/12/21Bibliography
Scott, W R1934/9/14re dissertation, citing HSF
Scott, W R1934/10/17general news
Scott, W R1927/7/23re Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/7/29re Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/7/27balance sheet of Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/5/20on Bibliography
Scott, W R1924/11/2re British Academy nominations
Scott, W R1925/7/6re Miss Currie working for HSF
Scott, W R1914/7/8to see HSF and Goldsmiths
Scott, W R1914/7/31glad RES taken up Goldsmiths library
Scott, W R1939/9/1re progress of Bibliography
Scott, W R1919/4/23thanks HSF for book
Scott, W R1914/10/15thanks HSF for testimonial, changing jobs
Scott, W R1916/1/3his work, Jevons' memorial lecture
Scott, W R1915/6/8re nomination to Council of British Academy
Scott, W R1915/6/18re vacancies on the Academy Council
Scott, W R1931/6/30re hiring Miss Fitzgerald for Bibliography
Scott, W R1915/12/17re Jevons lectureship, HSF's EJ article
Scott, W R1930/4/11Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/8/8re access to Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/5/10re Goldsmiths and Bibliography
Scott, W R1931/2/3Goldsmiths and Bibliography
Scott, W R1929/12/2re money for Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/10/5Bibliography accounts
Scott, W R1930/5/19on HSF's health
Scott, W R1927/11/29PC HSF's accident
Scott, W R1939/4/16to AF encloses Seligman letters
Scott, W Ranecdotes of A Smith
Scott, W R1938/1/16re Harvard material
Scott, W R1927/7/7re meeting HSF on Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/7/9PC arrival time
Scott, W R1926/9/14PC re German passages
Scott, W R1934/1/31re money problems for Bibliography
Scott, W R1934/2/3re money and publication of Bibliography
Scott, W R1934/2/4wants to discuss progress of Bibliography
Scott, W R1934/2/10re meeting on Bibliography
Scott, W R1934/2/12re meeting on Bibliography
Scott, W R1934/2/14re meeting on Bibliography
Scott, W R1933/4/22introduction to Bibliography
Scott, W R1930/2/17re Bonar's nomination to British Academy
Scott, W R1929/1/25re criticism of Higgs
Scott, W R1929/1/16re age distribution in Economic Section of BA
Scott, W R1924/12/6re Bibliography and BA grant
Scott, W R1924/12/22re British Academy candidates
Scott, W R1925/1/5re British Academy candidates
Scott, W R1925/1/8re Bonar as candidate for British Academy
Scott, W R1925/12/23re British Academy candidates, his book
Scott, W R1926/1/19description of Stamp for BA
Scott, W R1926/8/10re Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/3/17draft report on Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/6/9re Sibly for Bibliography Committee
Scott, W R1927/6/5re BA Council meeting
Scott, W R1928/5/141927-28 BA Report on Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/3/8re letters to Rockefeller Trust
Scott, W R1928/1/3re Butler and Goldsmiths
Scott, W R1928/1/7re nominations to British Academy
Scott, W R1927/12/28re funds for Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/11/21re getting funds for Bibliography
Scott, W R1927/11/23re getting funds for Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/4/16re money for Bibliography
Scott, W RMar-28PC re statement for Butler
Scott, W R1928/4/20re Bibliography money
Scott, W R1928/5/14re delay in paying Higgs
Scott, W R1926/6/20re his re-election to BA Council, Pigou
Scott, W R1928/6/7re funds for Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/6/3re funds for Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/6/8money for Higgs
Scott, W R1928/5/21re successor to Dhume on Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/6/18re money for Bibliography, Keynes and Pigou
Scott, W R1928/5/6no money from Rockefeller Trust
Scott, W R1928/5/7pleased with an enclosure
Scott, W R1928/5/17re money for Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/3/28re Keynes and Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/4/18payment for Higgs
Scott, W R1928/5/13Goldsmiths grant
Scott, W R1926/1/25re BA nomination, Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/8/20re sale of HSF's library
Scott, W R1928/10/8re payments for Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/2/18re a possible bibliographer
Scott, W R1928/10/19LSE and Bibliography
Scott, W R1929/1/9re Keynes nomination and his book on money
Scott, W R1929/1/10re nomination, Bibliography
Scott, W R1926/3/17re grant for Bibliography
Scott, W R1926/4/25re Miss Cunningham and Bibliography
Scott, W R1925/10/6re Stamp's estimates of tax savings
Scott, W R1925/3/20re BA support for Bibliography
Scott, W R1925/9/30his evidence on national debt
Scott, W R1925/2/26re proposal for Journal of Economic History
Scott, W R1924/12/19re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1925/1/22re British Academy elections
Scott, W R1929/7/3social
Scott, W R1929/6/25re Bibliography Committee
Scott, W RJun-29re Bibliography Committee and Butler
Scott, W R1929/6/22re funds for Bibliography
Scott, W R1929re meeting
Scott, W R1929/6/30re Butler meeting
Scott, W R1929/7/1re Bibliography money
Scott, W R1928/3/1Bibliography matters
Scott, W R1926/12/6re BA nominations
Scott, W R1927/8/3re Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/1/11re British Academy nominations with HSF note on Bonar
Scott, W R1928/1/14re British Academy nominations with HSF note on Bonar
Scott, W R1928/3/13re statement to Rockefeller Trust
Scott, W R1928to Rockefeller Trust on Bibliography
Scott, W R1928/3/26re Butler and money for Bibliography
Scott, W R1926/4/9draft report on Bibliography for BA
Scott, W RApr-26draft report on Bibliography for BA
Scott, W R1933/4/25on Bibliography finances
Scott, W R1933/2/28re Higgs' nomination form for BA
Scott, W R1933/3/1re Higgs' nomination form for BA
Scott, W R1933/4/19re Bibliography accounts
Scott, W R1916/1/7re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/20re Bowley for B A
Scott, W R1916/1/11re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/12re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/2/2re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/17re BA, his UCL lectures
Scott, W R1916/1/17re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/21re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/24re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/28re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/26re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/26re BA candidates
Scott, W R1916/1/24supports Ashley for BA
Scott, W R1916/1/24supports Cannan for BA
Scott, W R1916re BA candidates
Scott, W RBibliography notes
Scott-Macfie, R A1901/6/10tracts on Anglo-Scots Union
Scott-Macfie, R A1901/6/19re HSF's catalogue
Scott-Mackie, R A?re work on HSF's library
Scrutten, T E03/03/1882re UCL chair of constitutional law and history
Scrutton, T E14/02/1888re Whewell chair Oxford
Searle, C E31/10/1891re Japanese Club
Searle, C E30/11/1889re report and balance sheet of co-operators' visit
Searle, C G22/06/1889money for co-operator's visit
Sears, George Rayleigh25/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Seary, E R1928/8/27wants information on Ebenezer Elliott for Phd at Sheffield University
Seary, E R1928/11/6re some manuscripts
Second Hampstead Tenants Ltd1913/4/10prospectus
Sedgwick A1911/1/29appointments
Sedgwick, Adam25/05/1897social
Sedgwick, L16/04/1893re lunch
See, H W05/03/1895payment from University of New Zealand for marking exams
Seeley, J05/07/1890on his book, English history etc
Seeley, J R13/03/????social
Seeley, J R20/05/1889on committee for co-operators visit
Seeley, J R01/06/1885re some meeting etc
Seeley, J R06/05/1885re meeting of Imperial Federation League
Seeley, M A P07/04/1898re house in Cambridge
Seeton, W R1914/3/19introduces C C Ruggieri
Seligman E R1913/6/11plans to meet HSF
Seligman E R1920/5/8on his Curiosities of Early Economic Literature
Seligman Edwin1910/5/19re Miss Lowenthal
Seligman, Edwin1911/11/9thanks HSF for congratulatory letter
Seligman, Edwin1911/6/19asks HSF to loan books to Columbia Library
Seligman, Edwin1921/4/2on book collecting
Seligman, Edwin1927/6/15on visit to Cambridge
Seligman, Edwin1927/6/12social
Seligman, Edwin1911/5/13re borrowing old book
Seligman, Edwin1918/11/16asks HSF for photo for Columbia University collection of distinguished economists
Seligman, Edwin14/07/1895wants to look at HSF's books
Seligman, Edwin17/06/1895re visit to Cambridge
Seligman, Edwin05/07/1895re meeting HSF
Seligman, Edwin R09/07/1907books and UK & US budgets
Seligman, Edwin R31/03/1913to see HSF
Seligman, Edwin R05/05/1919re HSF's book of articles
Seligman, Edwin R1908/4/21introduces Professor H R Mussey
Seligman, Edwin R1914/11/9asks about an old publication
Seligman, Edwin R1914/11/11re an old publication
Seligman, Edwin R09/03/1897re monetary situation in India
Seligman, Edwin R A30/04/1897on rival book collections
Seligman, Edwin R A11/05/1898asks about 18th century pamphlet
Seligman, Edwin R A1928/6/27thank you letter
Seligman, Edwin R A29/03/1893re sale of HSF books
Seligman, Edwin R A08/11/1888asks HSF to write article for journal
Seligman, Edwin R A1928/3/15thanks HSF for letter
Seligman, Edwin R A1902/12/22re sale of HSF's library, duplicates, regrets on Birmingham chair
Seligman, Edwin R A15/06/1891coming to Cambridge and wants to meet HSF and others
Seligman, Edwin R A19/06/1891travel arrangements
Seligman, Edwin R A1929/9/6to H Higgs, social, addition to his library
Seligman, Edwin R A22/04/1899re HSF's poor view about scientific economics in England, Seligman's book etc
Seligman, Edwin R A1919/6/13introduces Prof Robert Murray Haig
Seligman, Edwin R A1908/12/28re books and MSS
Seligman, Edwin R A1939/4/6PC to Scott re sheets of Bibliography
Seligman, Edwin R A1939/4/2PC to Scott re duplicates
Seligman, Edwin R A1930/2/5sale of library to Columbia and valuers report
Seligman, Edwin R A1919/6/1Government Ownership of Railroads
Seligman, Edwin R A & others1924booklet on proposed Encyclopaedia
Seligman, Edwin R H26/12/1895his book, British politics, local taxation etc
Seligman, Edwin R P14/05/1898re book ascribed to Mun
Seligman, Edwin R P01/03/1893wants article written on Railway and Cnal Act 1888
Seligman, G R1901/7/8re sale of HSF's library
Seligman, R A18/05/1892re copies of QJE, duplicates
Sell, W J24/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Sellars, Dicksee & Co1910/2/12re information for Hsu
Sellars, Dicksee & Co1921/2/19re Singer's efficiency
Sellers, Dicksee & Co1921/3/30re accountant in Peking
Sellers, Edith1916/2/3on savings
Sellers, Edith1916/2/5thanks HSF for writing
Sen, Prosanto1900/3/18re missing lectures
Sen, Prosanto K1922/2/22sends HSF his book on Monopoly Law in India
Sen, Prosanto K1922/5/30re his book on monopoly law
Serbian Legation1915/2/13thanks HSF for donation for wounded soldiers
Servant of India1922/4/19to Dhume threatens him (copy)
Seton W1922/12/8re donation to boy’s club
Seton W W1924/8/8re stopping of UCL lectures
Seton W W1917/10/3re St Christopher’s Working Boys’ Club
Seton W W1921/11/14subs for St Christopher’s Working Boys’ Club
Seton, W1913/3/6on the Newmarch Lectureship etc
Seton, W1913/3/11economic history at UCL
Seton, W1924/8/13asks HSF to write notes on Mill, Hume, Ricardo, Newmarch for College Trust Funds book
Seton, W1916/1/19on possible appointment of Keynes as Newmarch Lecturer
Seton, W 1914/1/23re Newmarch Lecturer
Seton, W 1914/10/26Joseph Hume Scholarship
Seton, W 1913/8/26wants HSF to meet Indian student
Seton, W W1924/1/15re HSF's lectures
Seton, W W1915/1/30UCL Council re appoints Mr Flux
Seton, W W1923/5/17re letter from Swiss Legation (362/27)
Seton, W W1923/5/23thanks HSF for help with Swiss Legation
Seton, W W1916/3/9UCL College Committee Resolutions
Seton, W W (UCL)1924/3/12re UCL scholarships
Seton, W W (UCL)1922/12/20re Farinelli Fund
Seton, W W (UCL)1922/10/18re student interviews
Seton, W W (UCL)1922/8/29re trouble over lectures
Seton, W W (UCL)1913/1/13Newmarch lecturer
Seton, Walter1926/2/3re HSF's support of St Christopher's Club
Seton, Walter1909/4/26re appointment of W T Layton as Newmarch Lecturer at University College
Seton, Walter1910/11/3dates at UCL for Ricardo scholarship examns
Seton, Walter1910/11/3tells HSF of Leyton's appointment at UCL as co-examiner
Seton, Walter W1919/11/22re Newmarch lecturer at UCL
Seton, Walter W1921/6/15re exam papers needed at UCL
Seton, Walter W1913/2/15re Newmarch lectureship
Seward, A1917/1/11asks about a Serbian student
Seward, A1918/1/13PC thanks HSF for advice
Seward, A C1920/3/16to P Giles re candidate for Allen Scholarship
Seward, A L1917/2/4re student of Downing
Seward, A L1917/2/6re student of Downing
Seyd, Ernest15/03/1895re diagrams on credit
Seyd, Ernest14/02/1895re books and currency
Seyd, Ernest01/02/1893on his father's publications
Seymour Thompson, E20/10/1871re vacancy for 2nd master at his old school and suggestions for candidates
Seymour, E10/07/1879on Keynes etc
Seymour, H19/04/1883Gladstone declines Jevons's memorial
Shadwell, J L27/10/1884re photos of economists
Shadwell, J L21/10/1884re photos of economists
Shadwell, J L04/11/1884re J E Cairnes
Shadwell, John L20/01/1885photos of economists etc
Shah K1913/3/11student letter
Shah K1913/3/14thank you letter
Shah K T1917/10/23re book on Indian currency
Shah K T1916/9/18re LSE doctorate regulations
Shah K T1911/10/13re course in banking
Shah, K T1919/10/18on Indian currency system
Shah, K T1913/12/5seeks testimonial for Indian job
Shah, K T1913/12/18re his testimonial
Shah, K T1913/12/22re his testimonial
Shah, K T1913/12/31thanks HSF for testimonial
Shah, Khushal T1919/6/13re his articles etc
Shah, Khushal T1919/8/6re his book sent to HSF
Shah, Khushal T1919/5/23re his PhD etc
Shah, Khushal T1919/8/14re Indian exchange problem, article attached
Shapter, L E04/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Sharp, Milton S1917/3/5re a paper of his
Shaun, George03/11/1896re paper on metaphysics
Shaw, Albert02/01/1889steel, monopoly etc
Shaw, Albert22/01/1889PC re monopoly letter
Shaw, Albert05/01/1889PC re monopoly letter
Shaw, Charlotte F24/06/1898George Bernard broken arm so cannot go to HSF wedding
Shaw, G Bno title
Shaw, G Bernard15/02/1888social and description of a university
Shaw, G Bernard13/02/1888re lecture on socialism
Shaw, Miss Flora30/10/1895thank you letter
Shaw, Ongeth1919/2/18re HSF's portrait
Shearman, A J22/07/1897thanks HSF for help
Shearman, A L1902/9/26first edition of Milton's Paradise Lost, merchant adventures
Shearman, A L18/10/1897re entering for Joseph Hume scholarship
Shearman, A T23/07/1896re attendance at lectures
Shearman, A T10/07/1896re attendance at lectures
Shearman, A T02/06/1898asks HSF for help in Research Scholarship exam at LSE
Sheila (niece)1932/1/6thanks HSF for chocolates
Sheila (niece)1932/12/28thanks HSF for hankie
Shenton, F K12/06/1879re a Herr Waldstein, social
Shenton, F K F02/08/1878sympathy on HSF's loss of mother
Shephard, F01/03/1878social
Shepherd, Flo12/09/1881social
Shepherd, Walter15/02/1894re fiscal ratios, costs of production of precious metals etc
Shepherd, Walter23/02/1894cutting of meeting in Dundee
Sherman, J T1914/1/10re artcile on National Health Insurance
Sherman, P T1914/7/22social
Sherman, P T1914/7/27re German social insurance system
Sherman, P T1914/7/30on socialism and America
Sherman, P T1914/7/20introduces himself to HSF
Shibley, G H09/03/1896US university attitudes to bimetallism
Shibley, Geo H06/08/1898bimetallism in USA
Shibley, Geo H04/03/1893US bimetallism with attachments on money (American Institute of Money and Prices)
Shibley, Geo H04/12/1897re HSF lectures, Presidential nomination, events in US
Shibley, Geo H31/03/1898on ratio etc
Shibley, George H28/08/1897on monetary matters, American Institute of Money and Prices
Shinas, G Findlay1930/12/28on Mrs Foxwell's death
Shinboote, W R12/01/1897thanks HSF for help with essay
Shinkwin, J A29/04/1910social
Shinokawa, S1902/10/30asks HSF about books on banking etc
Shiokawa, S1918/12/8to see HSF (Bank of Japan)
Shiokawa, S1918/11/24to see HSF (Bank of Japan)
Shipley A E1911/4/19Ambarum Club
Shipley A E & ?1920/5/7dropping of Ambarum? Club
Shipley A G1910/10/26social
Shipley, A E1919/2/14revivial of Ambarum
Shipley, A E1919/1/30revivial of Ambarum
Shipley, A E1913/4/25re D G Hogarth of Oxford
Shipley, A E1914/4/24re D G Hogarth of Oxford
Shipley, A E1913/4/30social
Shipley, A E1917/12/1re petition in favour of Mr Fisher's Education Bill
Shipley, A E1926/5/12re some argument over a fly-sheet
Shipley, A E1914/6/17some university matter
Shipley, A E1908/5/30re sale of the 'School'
Shipley, A E1913/11/4social
Shipley, A E1908/3/25re fellowship for C R Fay
Shipley, A E1901/7/2probably bimetallism
Shipley, A E1909/11/1re Christ's election
Shipley, A E1922/4/5dinner arrangements, includes anti-Keynes verse by Levy
Shipley, A E1914/4/27across about a minute regarding Goldsmiths
Shipley, A E1901/5/15re papers to Lord Rothschild
Shipley, A E1901/5/16re reply on papers from Lord Rothschild on HSF's library
Shipley, A E1901/5/20re purchase of HSF's library
Shipley, A E29/04/1898social
Shipley, A E1901/5/27re sale of HSF's library
Shipley, A E1913/11/28PC cost of dinner
Shipley, A E1906/10/30PC a refusal
Shipley, A E1908/4/28re his testimonials
Shipley, A E1910/10/27thanks HSF for best wishes
Shipley, A E1901/5/13PC re copies of documents etc
Shipley, A E1907/11/16PC re share of cost of dinner
Shipley, A E1911/4/24PC re J Ward
Shipley, A E1918/5/16PC re cost of Ambarum
Shipley, A E1918/3/7re hatred of Northcliffe
Shipley, A E1918/3/6letters from Frewen and Queensborough on row with Frewn and Howell
Shipley, A E1918/3/6to Frewen on row (copy)
Shipley, A E1918/3/6to Lord Queensborough on row (copy)
Shipley, A E1918/3/8encloses letter from Frewen ending the row
Shipley, A S28/05/1897re job for a friend
Shipton, George20/12/1888HSF lecture
Shirras G F1916/8/5lectures on war finance
Shirras G Findlay1913/6/3assistant Professorship Calcutta
Shirras J Findlay1919/10/30HSF’s obit of Cunningham in EJ
Shirras, G F1927/5/20re Economic Society etc
Shirras, G F1929/5/30re Birmingham Chair of commerce
Shirras, G Findlay1929/5/11general chat
Shirras, G Findlay1929/5/7social
Shirras, G Findlay1929/5/15application and testimonials for Birmingham Chair
Shirras, S Findlay1929/5/18going for Birmingham chair etc
Shivas, G Findlay1927/6/5re Indian books on economics, his job etc
Shivas, G Findlay1917/3/12HSF lecture, Indian War Loan
Shivas, G Findlay1917/7/4re Indian War Loan
Shivras, S Findley1929/5/14PC re meeting
Shone, L E1911/5/11four hundredth anniversary of St John's
Shop Home Labour League20/01/1884glad HSF agrees with early closing
Shore L E1919/8/15re firewood
Shore L E1914/4/1social
Shore, Agatha1936/8/4to AF on death of HSF
Shore, L E1929/6/5a St John's meeting
Shore, L E07/07/1895sends a photo
Shore, L E1920/1/5PC on Glover's committee
Shore, Mrs A1919/1/11re portrait
Shore, Mrs A1917/12/26HSF to sit for portrait
Shore, Mrs A1917/12/22asks HSF for portrait
Shore, N E1911/7/19card re electrical work
Shorney, Jesse14/08/1880thanks for git to Thanksgiving Fund
Shorts1935/1/1account rendered for wine
Shotten, H B09/03/1894query re money and credit
Shove, G F1930/2/18Report on Regulations of Economics Tripos
Shove, L F1900/11/7on Marjorie's birth
Shove, N E01/06/1899on Audrey Foxwell's birth
Shrivas, G Findlay1930/8/14situation in his India and Shrivas's work
Sibley F Arthur1913/1/27his father’s birthday
Sibley, F Arthur1913/1/30re Sibley's father
Sibley, F Arthur1928/7/26on sex, the Conservative party, religion
Sibley, F Arthur1928/7/10asks HSF to help him take silk
Sibley, F Arthur1928/7/20re taking silk
Sibley, F Arthur1928/9/26re his grandfather etc
Sibley, F Arthur1918/4/15re amendments to Education Bill 1918
Sibley, Thos05/08/1870re some problem of Ernest Foxwell
Sibley, Thos15/-1/1870Ernest misses out on Taunton job, Taunton matriculation etc
Sibley, Thos28/06/1870re HSF success at St John's, Methodism at Cambridge etc
Sibley, Thos14/01/1870re candidate for job and selection
Sibly F A1919/10/24re starting prep school
Sibly F A 3/11/1010re health & start of school
Sibly J A1913/6/24teachers’ salaries
Sibly T D31/12/1867general chat
Sibly T D 9/11/1867general chat
Sibly T D16/2/1866general chat
Sibly T D18/7/1867general chat
Sibly, Arthur12/06/1885student letter
Sibly, C A27/06/1898social
Sibly, F A25/02/1879death of HSF's sister
Sibly, F A30/12/1886re Sibly's career prospects
Sibly, F Arthur1916/6/20teachers' salaries
Sibly, F Arthur1916/7/4teachers' salaries etc
Sibly, F Arthur1917/7/17on archeology, private schools and HSF's escape in air raid
Sibly, F Arthur1924/6/5wants book written on efficiency of public undertakings so as to discredit socialism
Sibly, F Arthur28/12/1882re now over note about HSF's sister's death
Sibly, Franklin T1927/8/2encloses letters from Sir Frederick Kenyon re Goldsmiths
Sibly, J Franklin1927/6/7to Scott re Bibliography Committee
Sibly, T13/11/1874letter of congraulations on being Fellow
Sibly, T Franklin1927/7/27to F G Kenyon re use of Goldsmiths for Bibliography
Siblys, Thos12/10/1868general
Siblys, Thos23/09/1868general
Siddique, ?11/03/1896re College exams
Sidgwick A 1/4/1875re notes for lectures
Sidgwick A 5/3/1875HSF’s lectures on political economy
Sidgwick A27/2/1875Leeds lectures
Sidgwick H 8/5/1885re stat verification & economic uniformities
Sidgwick H11/7/1885asks about papers by Geddes
Sidgwick H16/4/1883re next term’s lectures
Sidgwick H14/11/1878social
Sidgwick H31/8/1878Cunningham & eco history lectures
Sidgwick H 2/9/1878 PE teaching at Cambridge: Marshall on foreign trade etc
Sidgwick, Chris.pays HSF railway fare to Skipton to lecture
Sidgwick, Eleanor03/10/1891social
Sidgwick, Eleanor29/11/1890social
Sidgwick, H24/01/1884re HSF and tuition of women
Sidgwick, H27/03/1884general, perhaps argument with Marshall
Sidgwick, H11/11/1884Cambridge politics
Sidgwick, H18/06/1884Cambridge politics and lectures
Sidgwick, H18/03/1885on election as President of Section F of Brit Assoc
Sidgwick, H03/05/1882re honorary degrees
Sidgwick, H16/08/1882re a book etc
Sidgwick, H16/01/1886general
Sidgwick, H02/10/1886general
Sidgwick, H21/11/1886on Jevons and final ability
Sidgwick, H27/11/1886Walras and final ability
Sidgwick, H02/02/1883on Jevons
Sidgwick, H16/03/1881testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair
Sidgwick, H30/11/1898wants to see HSF
Sidgwick, H21/02/1884PC re book recommendations for Athenaeum Library
Sidgwick, H01/11/1886PC thanks HSF for pamphlets
Sidgwick, H23/12/1889re topics for Palgrave's dictionary
Sidgwick, H16/04/1894(copy) International Bimetallism Conference
Sidgwick, H01/10/1892on Markby
Sidgwick, H05/09/1892re continental economists on bimetallism for Balfour
Sidgwick, HSept 1887a proposal on form of teaching
Sidgwick, H25/03/1878to University of London supporting HSF as examiner in Political Economy
Sidgwick, H29/04/1874PC could HSF take his MA
Sidgwick, H1877re HSF teaching PE
Sidgwick, H1877Supplement to Methods of Ethics
Sidgwick, Henry??/??/1873re exmans and women candidates
Sidgwick, Henry30/03/1875re lecture duties etc
Sidgwick, Henry17/12/1874re success of a student and Miss Paley
Sidgwick, Henry19/04/1874re Miss Paley, Tripos and Ernest Foxwell
Sidgwick, Henry12/02/1874re a student
Sidgwick, Henry1872asks HSF's support for women's lectures by correspondence
Sidgwick, Henry1872PC social
Sidgwick, Henry1872re students attending lectures
Sidgwick, Henry1872re teaching a student
Sidgwick, Henry12/11/1872re a student
Sidgwick, Henry12/10/1874re lectures on philosophy
Sidgwick, Henry01/03/1873re HSF notes, anti-Kantian
Sidgwick, Henry17/04/1873re proof of paper
Sidgwick, Henry24/02/1879re a report
Sidgwick, Jenry04/07/1889copy of testimonial he wrote for Godfrey H Lloyd
Sieveking, A Forbes1917/12/19re book enquiry to National War Museum (Library)
Sieveking, A Forbes1918/1/1re books at Imperial War Museum
Sieveking, A Forbes1917/12/22re books at Imperial War Museum
Sieveking, A Forbes1918/1/10on books
Sieveking, A Forbes1917/10/26National War Museum re collection of paper money issued in France in war
Sieveking, A Forbes1917/11/2re notes issued in France during war
Sieveking, A Forbes1918/1/8re book on Wars and taxes etc
Sieveking, A Forbes1918/1/12re notes issued in France during war
Sieveking, A Forbes1917/12/17re notes issued in France during war
Sikes, E E1931/6/20thank you letter
Sikes, E E1913/10/25general
Sikes, E E1900/11/24on Marjorie's birth
Sikes, E E1930/11/23on Olive's death
Sikes, G E1917/10/31asks about prospectus for Faculty of Economics
Sikes, G G(?)1915/5/1re article about The Times leaders on the war
Sikes, Mabel1936/8/15to AF on HSF's death
Sillar, R G12/02/1885paper on usury
Sills, E C13/07/1922asks for testimonial
Silverman, H Aflyer for The Economics of Social Problems
Simmis, A H07/05/1874social
Simmons & Simmons1921/1/18re certificate of deposit in San Paulo
Simmons & Simmons1921/1/17re debentures in San Paulo
Simmons and Waters 1913/7/2on HSF book order
Simon, Alfred29/06/1891introduced to HSF by Walras
Simpson, D1923/2/10asks for syllabus of lectures on London Money Market
Simpson, G Augustus K15/10/1873certificates for women
Simpson, John Bell01/03/1898thanks HSF for book titles
Simpson, W A1935/6/16birthday greetings
Sims, M Montagu14/04/1896seeks help for German scholar
Sinclair, T A1942/6/10to Audrey Foxwell, death of Larmor - what to do with HSF papers
Sing, G H04/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Singer Paul1918/1/29social
Singer Paul1920/9/7coal prices: HSF letter to The Times
Singer Paul1921/8/24his work & future post
Singer, Paul03/01/1916Cuban R R Bonds
Singer, Paul1922/6/6on League of Nations methods etc
Singer, Paul1918/8/13re job
Singer, Paul1928/12/21thank you letter
Singer, Paul1915/5/28re Hsu
Singer, Paul1918/1/5asks HSF if he can join banking honours class
Singer, Paul1921/1/4on his work at League of Nations
Singer, Paul1919/12/1asks HSF for name of expert on mortgage banks
Singer, Paul1915/12/30thanks HSF for help during his degree
Singer, Paul1915/7/9re a tutorial paper
Singer, Paul1915/8/12thanks HSF for helping him get exemption from internment
Singer, Paul1930/11/26on Olive's death
Singer, Paul1916/2/17sends notes on Keynes' 1915 Newmarch lectures (attached)
Singer, Paul1926/8/15re plan of his book
Singer, Paul1915/5/21thanks HSF for kindness
Singer, Paul1915/3/24sends bond issue prospectus
Singer, Paul1916/2/18re Treasury Bill quotes, table enclosed
Singh, T1927/12/6thanks HSF for testimonial
Singh, T1927/10/24general chat
Singh, T1927/11/23re testimonial
Singh, T??/??/1926his thesis
Singh, T1926/9/19social
Singh, T1926/8/15general
Singh, T1926/9/10re his work
Singh, T??/??/1926re his work
Singh, T C1928/4/15general chat
Singh, T C1928/6/18asks HSF for reference
Singh, Trilochan?re reference
Singh, Trilochan25/11/????re reference
Singh, Trilochan1928/9/2social
Singh, Trilochan1927/12/6thank you letter
Singh, Trilochan1928/1/19general
Singh, Trilochan1927/4/23social
Singh, Trilochan1928/3/21social
Singh, Trilochan1928/8/25general chat
Singh, Trilochan1928/12/14re his new job in India
Singh, Trilochan1929/5/10asks HSF if he has forgotton him
Singh, Trilochan1928/10/27re job and HSF letter
Singh, Trilochan1926/10/9re being allowed to do PhD
Singh, Trilochan1927/7/13re his oral
Singh, Trilochan1927/2/24thanks HSF for help with paper
Singh, Trilochan1924send HSF chapter of thesis
Singh, Trilochan1927/9/13general news
Singh, Trilochan1927/7/28returns books
Singh, Trilochan1927/8/12general chat
Singh, Trilochan1930/12/5seasons greetings
Singh, Trilochan1926/7/2wants to see HSF
Sir David Dale Memorial Fnd1908/12/4sends HSF principal papers
Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons1910/10/27asks HSF to do book on banking
Sittgow, J??/??/1875social
Sixsmith, C F??/07/1914Edward Carpenter Address
Sixsmith, Chas1914/8/20re a birthday address
Sixsmith, Chas1914/8/24asks HSF to sign address
Skilbeck Brothers1922/12/30re a suitcase
Skilbeck Brothers1923/1/5re a suitcase
Slack, G E20/03/1923thanks HSF for information on exchanges
Slack, G E15/03/1923enquiry on research of Nottingham lace trade
Slack, G Edgar1923/3/29re situation of lace trade
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/7re viva for student (Singh)
Slater, Gilbert1926/4/16re London University MSc regulations
Slater, Gilbert1926/5/30re viva (Singh)
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/13re on MSc examination
Slater, Gilbert1926/4/19re examination of Singh
Slater, Gilbert1926/4/19re examining Singh and the precedents it sets
Slater, Gilbert1927/11/10re a student at UCL
Slater, Gilbert1927/10/7to see HSF
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/14PC re report on Singh
Slater, Gilbert1936/6/10re Singh's oral
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/10to G Slater draft on Singh's MSc
Slater, Gilbert1926/7/18re Singh's re-examination
Slater, Gilbert1926/7/15re Singh's examination
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/24PC re Singh's examination
Slater, Gilbert1926/7/14re Singh's examination
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/22re Singh's MSc regulations
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/19re Singh's MSc regulations
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/23PC re Singh's MSc regulations
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/23PC re Singh's MSc application
Slater, Gilbert1926/5/31PC re Singh's questions
Slater, Gilbert1926/6/1re Singh's oral exam
Slater, J A20/12/1882social
Slater, J A14/12/1882re rooms
Slater, J A24/03/1884thanks for help in getting legal job
Smalley Eleanor17/9/1897social
Smalley, Eleanor29/01/1893on trip in country, morals etc
Smalley, Eleanor06/04/1893meeting arrangements
Smart W12/3/1899re Menger
Smart W18/12/1895books
Smart William22/9/1897bimetallism
Smart, A25/06/1895money questions, wages, his book
Smart, A12/04/1896bimetallism
Smart, G S11/08/1889will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Smart, W02/09/1895re currency argument
Smart, W10/09/1895price theory
Smart, W1901/7/10sale of HSF's library and news of Birmingham Chair
Smart, W1901/4/10sale of HSF's library
Smart, W30/08/1895prices and costs
Smart, W03/01/1893re Giffen's book and questions on currency, quantity theory, gold etc
Smart, W08/10/1893letters to the paper on bimetallism incl Adam Andersons', and how to reply
Smart, W30/09/1893bimetallism and invitation to stay
Smart, W08/01/1893re Giffen on currency etc
Smart, W09/01/1893Giffen, Nicholson on bimetallism
Smart, W02/10/1893bimetallism
Smart, W10/01/1893re reprint of Anderson's tract
Smart, W06/10/1893apology to HSF and bimetallism
Smart, W19/10/1893supply of gold and prices
Smart, W1901/6/16bimetallism and some election, Lodge and Marvor (chair at Birmingham)
Smart, W1901/6/18re Birmingham chair
Smart, W1901asks HSF for notes of career for Birmingham chair
Smart, W1902/11/15attacks HSF over a prospectus for examing and teaching Pol Econ
Smart, W31/10/1896not rival of HSF's to buy a book
Smart, W13/10/1896re bimetallism as university test
Smart, W1930/1/17re argument over translations
Smart, W09/05/1896re his testimonial
Smart, W13/08/1896re his testimonial
Smart, W26/10/1896thanks HSf for help in vote
Smart, W17/12/1896re his essay on Ruskin
Smart, W29/09/1896re his testimonial
Smart, W03/04/1896re index numbers
Smart, W26/01/1894re sliding scale of wages
Smart, W1911/7/29to Fisher re memo on International Commission on cost of living
Smart, W1901/4/16to Geo Dick re HSF's library (copy)
Smart, W 1901/4/26wants HSF library in Glasgow
Smart, William07/12/1891re mathematical economics
Smart, William12/05/1895HSF's "Irregularity of Employment" and argument with Giffen
Smart, William03/03/1895Shaw's History of Currency and bimetallism
Smart, William09/04/1895asks about salaries of professors of political economy
Smart, William21/06/1895asks HSf to look at some passages
Smart, William09/03/1894Marshall on wheat county, wheat export discussion
Smart, William03/02/1894re 'living wage' argument
Smart, William1901/6/10his testimonial for HSF for Birmingham chair
Smart, William22/04/1895re salaries, endowments
Smart, William01/07/1895HSF and League, no new chairs in Glasgow
Smart, William09/10/1897looking for staff
Smart, William1930/2/14PC re Bonar
Smart, William13/03/1894PC thanks HSF
Smart, Wm29/05/1889re an edition of a book
Smart, Wm17/12/1892on prices and wages
Smart, Wm13/12/1892re HSF article, Monetary Reform Association
Smit, Ellen Athanks for presents
Smith Armitage1913/10/3Chinese finance
Smith C H23/3/1876re present for Sidgwick
Smith G W 2/9/1867young man’s chat
Smith H B Lees1910/7/31Review for Economics fund
Smith Mrs H1919/11/28thank you letter
Smith Prof J A1910/11/10social
Smith R J10/6/1867Taunton & Cambridge chat
Smith R J29/5/1867 Taunton & Cambridge chat
Smith R J20/11/1867 congratulations to HSF
Smith, A Dew10/11/1877social
Smith, F C1918/9/28on a monetary reform proposal
Smith, Fannie G09/04/1878social
Smith, G Armitage08/05/1883re Jevons' memorial
Smith, G Armitage1908/10/24re exam marking, university subjects etc
Smith, G Armitage1908/5/19Birkbeck College exams, teaching etc
Smith, G C Moore13/01/1884some economic committee business
Smith, H Llewellyn1914/10/16re Mr Dudley Ward
Smith, H Llewellyn17/01/1890re sale of book by W H Smith and Son
Smith, H Llewellyn08/11/1890seeks reference for Oxford chair
Smith, H Llewellyn17/06/1891asks HSF's opinion on an essay
Smith, H Llewellyn 15/10/1895Labour Department publications
Smith, H W08/11/1887re book on history of economics
Smith, J A1910/11/4social
Smith, J C 1918/9/14re articles on post-war needs
Smith, J Parker31/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Smith, Lionel Horton18/04/1898re being a groomsman
Smith, Oswald Augustus13/08/1889PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Smith, R Murray16/02/1886social
Smith, R Oswald??/??/1888re Russian work on socialism
Smith, R Oswald10/10/1888re Russian work on socialism
Smith, R Shingleton 16/11/1868re physics books to study for BSc
Smith, Rosalind Shove04/02/1890to Miss Foley re HSF talking to co-operators
Smith, S03/12/1892re HSF's article in Contemporary Review
Smith, S Armitage1913/5/29West African currency, gold notes etc
Smith, Sam07/03/1885industrial training
Smith, Samuel05/03/1887control of competition
Smith, Samuel14/03/1887re evidence to Royal Commission
Smith, Samuel07/03/1887control of competition etc
Smith, Samuel25/02/1887HSF lecture and his Manchester special
Smith, Samuel11/01/1882re a publication
Smith, T Sherwood23/11/1886currency and gold standard
Smith, Thomas Woollan06/12/1889on Wm Lee memorial and St John's
Smith, Thomas Woollan03/02/1892on Wm Lee memorial and St John's
Smith, Thomas Woollan28/01/1892on Wm Lee memorial and St John's
Smith, Thomas Woollen12/02/1892on a memorial fund etc
Smith, W23/03/1897re payment for shirt repair
Smith, W F09/02/1891re tapioca pudding at college which HSF sent back
Smith, W F28/05/1895elections of fellows, opposes the 'Navvy' who is mediocre
Smith, W F27/10/1893his mail, Vatican archives etc
Smith, W F31/05/1895despises tactics in St John's fellowship elections
Smith, W F19/06/1895re a Cambridge election etc
Smith, W F09/06/1882thanks HSF for wedding present
Smith, W F05/06/1896re protest against a Council election
Smith, Winifred1914/10/20re a student at UCL
Snape, F1930/12/5re Tuesday Club dinner
Soc of PE League17/3/1883re Toynbee & Burrows
Social Science Abstracts (Columbia)1931/4/10catalogue of abstracts
Societies of Antiquaries1927proceedings of Newcastle branch
Society for Preservation of British Industry??/04/1908re criticism of speaker on tariff reform
Society for Preservation of British Industryre criticism of speaker on tariff reform
Society for Preservation of British Industry??/03/1908state-aided imports
Society for Preservation of British Industry??/01/1908tariffs
Society for Preservation of British Industry??/05/1908notice of meeting on tariffs
Society for Promoting Industrial Villages1885Council and the society
Society for Promoting Industrial Villages31/07/1885subs and donations
Society for Promoting Industrial Villages14/05/1886preliminary prospectus for conference
Society for Promoting Industrial Villages14/05/1886conference arrangements
Society of Friends??/08/1918appeal for funds
Society of Graphic Art1928/6/2invite to Ernest Foxwell exhibition
Sociological Society1910/11/1asks for subs
Sociological Society1905/10/10flyer on their activities
Soctt, Marian F1936/8/3to AF on death of HSF
Soe, W T1920/10/20Hague Ingram Fund
Solly, Henry26/11/1886re Society for Promoting Industrial Villages
Solly, Henry27/09/1886re Society for Promoting Industrial Villages and a student at Cambridge
Solly, Henry04/09/1886re meeting on industrial villages
Solly, Henry22/11/1886industrial villages business
Solly, Henry02/11/1886re report on industrial villages
Solly, Henry28/10/1886re report on industrial villages
Solly, Henry07/10/1886re business matter for Society for Promoting Industrial Villages
Solly, Henry25/08/1886business re industrial villages
Solly, Henry29/11/1886business re industrial villages
Solly, Henry23/06/1885on industrial villages
Solly, Henry01/01/1883thanks HSF for advice on Toynbee's lectures which he will attend
Solly, Rev H06/10/1885re Society for Promoting Industrial Villages
Solly, Rev H22/05/1885asks HSF to be sec of Society for Promoting Industrial Villages
Solly, Rev H09/04/1885Society for Promoting Industrial Villages business
Solomon, Laurence1930/11/24on Olive's death
Solomon, Lawrence (UCL)1923/7/16re Audrey's troubles with Italian
Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural Hisotry Society1931/2/4on 83rd AGM
Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural Hisotry Society1936/3/24on 84th AGM
Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society1927programme for July 1927
Somersetshire Bank29/3/1890re sale of shares
Somerwell, R13/11/1882on capital
Somerwell, R25/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Sommer, J Schack25/07/1896on bimetallic issues
Sommer, J Schack20/07/1896says HSF should speak to Hungarians on bimetallism
Son-in-law1925/7/17will of Hugh Mettam
Sorbi, R S04/03/1895social chat
Sorley W R1915/11/1death of son: poems enclosed
Sorley W R1923/11/21re Cambridge seat in Parliament
Sorley, J C02/05/1894returns book
Sorley, Janette C1922/10/18on Ernest's death
Sorley, W R1922/11/2on Lloyd George
Sorley, W R30/07/1891re testimonial
Sorley, W R11/07/1891re testimonial for Chair at St Andrews
Sorley, W R19/10/1886re contents of lectures
Sorley, W R14/11/1888re Report on Mining Royalties
Sorley, W R04/05/1888re Report on Mining Royalties
Sorley, W R16/12/1888re Report on Mining Royalties
Sorley, W R31/08/1894asks HSF for testimonial
Sorley, W R29/04/1887lecture for Toynbee Trust
Sorley, W R20/05/1892re London chair
Sorley, W R1924/4/24general chat
Sorley, W R1926/4/20British Academy and the bibliography
Sorley, W R19/02/1894on his application for Glasgow chair
Sorley, W R07/03/1894testimonial and chances for chair
Sorley, W R09/10/1896bimetallism etc
Sorley, W R29/01/1893bimetallism, miners' wages
Sorley, W R12/02/1893HSF papers, general chat
Sorley, W R14/01/1898testimonial of Edinburgh chair
Sorley, W R11/01/1898HSF's engagement and Edinurgh chair
Sorley, W R10/09/1881asks HSF for testimony for chair at Liverpool University College, his article on Spinoza etc
Sorley, W R23/09/1881thanks HSF for testimonial
Sorley, W R1930/11/27on Olive's death
Sorley, W R1929/5/21social
Sorley, W R1929/10/29coming to St John's feast
Sorley, W R19/05/1892re some chair election
Sorley, W R19/02/1889re a paper
Sorley, W R16/03/1889chair in London and claim of Kerr
Sorley, W R21/03/1889re royalties, reprints, pamphlets etc
Sorley, W R29/04/1889re an article, proofs, pamphlets
Sorley, W R08/01/1888re a paper of his
Sorley, W R1908/5/31report on elector's meeting for Marshall chair
Sorley, W R1908/6/30Pigou appointed because of his youth
Sorley, W R11/12/1897asks for testimonial for Edinburgh chair
Sorley, W R1929/6/28PC re meeting
Sorriervell, Robert09/04/1884re History Chair, Liverpool, asks for testimonial
Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge1924/2/11re sale of Ernest's Japanese art
Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge1924/2/26re sale of Ernest's Japanese art
Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge1888sale catalogue of autograph letters etc
Sothebys1924/8/5re letter from T B Blow
South Western & Midland Railway Companies Somerset & Dorset Join Line13/07/1888railway distances
Southbown, E M15/12/1871to R H Inglis Palgrave over some negotiations
Soyeda J1908/3/18introduces Baron Sakatori
Soyeda, J14/02/1912introduces K Matsumua
Soyeda, J01/01/1920thanks HSF
Soyeda, J1916/9/1introduces Shiokawa
Soyeda, J1913/3/15introduces M Joneyama
Soyeda, J20/03/1896introduces S Hayakawa
Soyeda, J19/06/1895offers HSF chair of economics at Imperial University Tokyo, draft contract from Ministry of Finance
Soyeda, J08/01/1897thanks HSF for presents to his children
Soyeda, J1914/12/10introduces Mr S Ota
Soyeda, J16/09/????introduces Count Okuma
Soyeda, J1913/2/1on his retirement due to overwork
Soyeda, J05/10/1896introduces Mr Kuwada
Soyeda, J??/12/1918thanks HSF for help for son
Soyeda, J18/03/1892would like to joinn BEA
Soyeda, J1910/5/16introduces Mr Murata
Soyeda, J26-Sephopes HSF will visit Japan
Soyeda, K(?)1919/5/31thank you letter
Soyeda, T1907/6/8social
Spalding, W1922/23flyer for directory of Cambridge
Sparks, E B13/08/1889to Jones supports Jenkinson for librarian
Spearman, C1924/5/13re translation into Swedish of Rowntree's Life in Industrial Communities in England
Spedding J D1916/11/18re books
Spedding J D1916/1/24re books
Spence, Daniel15/04/1894social
Spence, J14/08/1889PC will support Jenkinson for Librarian of Cambridge University
Spencer, Frederic22/06/1894re Greek Chair at Bangor
Spencer, Wm H06/08/1889to Bradbury supports Jenkinson for librarian
Spens, J E11/06/1894PC thanks HSF for paper
Spens, Matthew1919/4/18on HSF's book
Spens, W1931/3/25to HR Beeton on Maurice Dobb
Spens, Will1912/1/21re scholarship election etc
Sperling, I G1916/7/15re sale of land in North Saskatchewan Land
Spiers, Marion E03/03/1924re dinner of LSE Old Students Assoc
Spiers, Marion E1922/10/26re old LSE students' dinner
Spiers, Marion E1922/11/4re old LSE students' dinner
Spiers, Marion E??/05/1922Old Students' Association - LSE
Spillers Industries1920/6/2company brochure
Spitinan ?08/07/1912Goldsmith Library meeting
Spring Rice, D1919/12/26re election to PE Club
Spring Rice, D1924/12/15re selection of people for PE Club
Spring Rice, Dominick1918/5/14re letter to Kiddy
Springer L1919/7/15paper on post war financial conditions
Spring-Rice D1921/12/21re Beveridge for Tuesday Club
Spring-Rice D1921/10/14re PE Club
Spring-Rice D1921/9/13re PE Club
Spring-Rice D1921/9/9PE Club
Spring-Rice D1924/12/4Kiddy for PE club
Spring-Rice, DMar-23offprint of speech on money market
Spring-Rice, David1923/2/20note re article in Bankers'Magazine for March 1923
Spring-Rice, Stephen E23/07/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Squinnell, M P16/01/1894bimetallism and quantity theory of money
Squire, M Barclay25-Maysocial
Squire, W Barclay17/03/1879social
Squires J E27/12/1877social studies exams
Squires J E ?social studies exams
Squires, W B19/03/1879death of HSF's mother
Squirrell, M P28/03/1894re trade, silver questions
Squirrell, M P30/01/1894bimetallism talk
Srack, Edward S15/10/1880re Cambridge lecture
Sraffa, A1923/3/23re HSF lectures in Italy
Sraffa, A1923/2/22in Italian
Sraffa, Angelo1922/11/20re HSF's lectures in Milan
Sraffa, Angelo1922/12/20re HSF's lectures in Milan and enclosing copy of letter of 20/11/1922
Sraffa, P1930/1/6re Higss and feast, Italian translation of Fisher
Sraffa, P1928/10/29re HSF invitation to feast
Sraffa, Piero1923/6/14asks HSF for testimonial
Sraffa, Piero1923/9/29re testimonial for job at Genoa
Sraffa, Angelo1925/6/24asks for HSF's 1923 lectures to be printed
Sraffa, Piero1927/7/3re sale of HSF's library
Sraffa, Piero1927/6/23to Audrey Foxwell re sale of HSF's library
Sraffa, Piero1931/3/21Ricardo manuscripts
Sraffa, Piero1923/5/12thanks HSF for lectures in Italy
Sraffa, Piero1922/9/14re HSF lectures in Italy
Sraffa, Piero1922/7/28re HSF lectures in Italy & Sraffa's article in Economic Journal
Sraffa, Piero1923/4/16social
Sraffa, Piero1923/4/3HSF's visit to Italy
Sraffa, Piero1923/3/28HSF's visit to Italy
Sraffa, Piero1923/11/8on his job prospects etc
Sraffa, Piero1928/1/16social
Sraffa, Piero1936/8/4to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Sraffa, Piero1927/10/24accepts HSF's invite to College feast
Sraffa, Piero1924/10/29to call on HSF
Sraffa, Piero1956/11/1to AF re HSF papers in Marshall Library
Sraffa, Piero1924/12/23PC seasons greetings
SSFRP16/12/1886PC thanks HSF for copy of lecture
St Christopher’s Working Boy’s Club1911/5/20thanks for donation
St Christopher's Working Boys' Club1916/7/21asks for subscription
St Christopher's Working Boys' Club1918/5/28leaflet on the Club
St Christopher's Working Boys' Club1919/5/23asks for a sub
St Christopher's Working Boys' Club and Cadet Corps1925/6/9seeks funds
St Christopher's Working Boys' Club and Cadet Corps1920/6/28re their appeal
St Dunstans1939/11/8to AF appeal
St James Gazette17/10/1888article on "The Dwindling of France"
St John, William P??/10/1895review of Shaw's History of Currency
St John, William P15/10/1895speech on silver in the US
St John, Wm P25/11/1895monometallism in US
St John’s1912/10/3Newton manuscript
St John's1904/6/6College's moral science exams
St John's1927/4/29re appointment of Director in Economics
St John's1898account of HSF's income and expenditure
St John's1930/12/19Kitchens opening times Christmas and new year
St John's1930/12/11re feast at St John's on 27 Dec
St John's College1919/6/9Master calls meeting of Tutors and Directors of Studies
St John's College1936/6/22sends HSF cheque
St John's College1933/6/3statement of income
St John's College1925/7/24re room tax
St John's College??/04/1926instructions for tax
St John's College1926/8/7income tax on emoluments
St John's College1924/10/14tax on emoluments
St John's College1925/9/18tax on emoluments
St John's College1927/7/11HSF's income 1926/27
St John's College1904/6/13HSF not sent in tax return
St John's College1906/6/9HSF not sent in tax return
St John's College1907/6/7HSF not sent in tax return
St John's College1907/5/16HSF tax forms
St John's College1908/5/27suggestions on taxing college stipends and fees
St John's College1910/6/23repayment of tax
St John's College1903/2/13re tax collection
St John's College1900/5/29HSF's return late
St John's College1900/5/14re gift for Dr Sweeting on his marriage
St John's College1915/6/2not received HSF's return
St John's College1915/1/22note re tax on emoluments
St John's College1912/9/28college payments
St John's College1915/9/20college payments
St John's College1914/9/29college payments
St John's College1914/10/3tax on emoluments
St John's College1914/9/22re taxes on fellows
St John's College1909/10coal orders
St John's College1905 etcHSF's room accounts 1905, 1910, 1912, 1913
St John's College??/09/1913fees and tax
St John's College?Fellows Table rules
St John's College01/06/1883Fellows allowances
St John's College??/03/1884Fellows rules
St John's College1913/6/18income tax payment
St John's College1911/6/27return of tax
St John's College1888-1897HSF's bills 1888-95, 1897
St John's College01/06/1883Fellow's allowances
St John's College1909/5/25cheque for tax
St John's College1908/5/5returned income tax
St John's College??/01/1907payment to HSF
St John's College1911College bill and coal orders
St John's College1907/12/3re students in Michaelmas term (402/7)
St John's College1908/3/17re student list for Lent Term (attached)
St John's College06/11/1887amendments to new Statute 54
St John's College13/05/1887proposed new statute
St John's College09/05/1887re petition on new statute
St John's College22/10/1887meeting on Section 54 of 1877 Act
St John's College06/11/1887second meeting on Section 54
St John's College20/05/1887meeting of governing body on Clause 54
St John's College1887copy of new statute 54
St John's Collegere payments for service of rooms
St John's College02/12/1884re new buildings
St John's College17/10/1884Statute XV, opinion of Mr Rigby QC
St John's College22/06/1895re exam regulations
St John's CollegeHughes exhibition
St John's College22/06/1895re exam regulations
St John's College1882payment of lecturers
St John's College??/10/1887candidates for scholarships
St John's College1886/7estimated income and expenditure
St John's College20/05/1887Council elections
St John's College??/03/1884Fellows' regulations
St John's College1886scholarship and exhibitions regulations
St John's College1886scholarship and exhibitions regulations
St John's College1886entrance regulations
St John's College18/05/1884re dividends
St John's College22/05/1884Professor Cayley's opinion on dividends
St John's College??/12/1884Chapel Court Building Fund
St John's College18/08/1887on Advisers
St John's College26/04/1889leaving on Statute LIV
St John's College03/12/1886re sealing meeting
St John's College22/06/1885general college meeting
St John's College09/07/1885general college meeting
St John's College22/05/1885re meeting on new building
St John's College03/06/1885re new building programme
St John's College1872invitation from the Master
St John's College1936/10/9to J Collin, rooms at St John's at disposal of executors
St John's College1937/2/16to Audrey Foxwell, re cleaning rooms
St John's College1915/9/29re income tax on stipends
St John's College1918/4/26on teaching in natural sciences
St John's College1923/8/21re dissertation of T L Evans
St John's College1918/12/17General College meeting and Council Election
St John's College1908/6/5Intercollegiate exam in history
St John's College1925/8/15centenary of Lady Margaret Boat Club
St John's College1927/4/29unconfirmed minutes of council
St John's CollegeHSF income and expense statements 1914, 1915, 1916, 1923
St John's College1931/12/19pension payment
St John's College12/96/1931pays tuition fees
St John's College1920/9/27statement of fees
St John's College1922/1/31re overcharging HSF
St John's College1922/9/29fee payment
St John's College1921/9/19fee payment
St John's College1923/9/21director's fee
St John's Collegepayment
St John's College1931/3/21pension
St John's College1926/10/22dividend and expense statement
St John's College1927/10/14dividend and expense statement
St John's College1922expenses
St John's Collegeexpenses
St John's College1926/4/12re HSF's coal
St John's College1927/6/14Master wants meeting to elect prize winners
St John's College1868rules to join college
St John's College1868HSF's college account
St John's College1909/3/12General College Meeting
St John's College1909/3/12Auditor's report for 1908
St John's College1935/11/1re overdue kitchen account
St John's College1935/9/30quarterly account
St John's College1894-97kitchen account book
St John's College General Athletic Clubcall for subs
St John's College Kitchen18/08/1897apologises for quality of butter
St John's College Library1893notices of meetings, Barmouth train times on reverse
St John's College Mission1927/28report and accounts
St John's Fellows1887copy of petition on Clause 54
St Johns Leatherhead1914/1/21asks for donation
St John's Library1922/10/18change of meeting date because of death of Ernest
St Olave's Grammar School1920/7/14PC re magazines etc
St Olave's SchoolJun-26re branch banking
St Olave's School1914/3/2re presentation to W G Rushbrooke
Stable Money Publishing Coflyer on book The Money Question
Stacey, J A (Early Closing Society)?HSF's subscription
Stadacona Rowyn Mines Limited1926prospectus
Stafford, Z W08/11/1886re printing HSF Edinburgh lecture
Stafford, Z W12/11/1886thanks HSF for copy of lecture
Stamp Sir J C1920/7/2re a book ? title
Stamp, J1929/7/2cannot attend meeting on the bibliography
Stamp, J C1933/8/22re visit by Seligman
Stamp, Josiah1927/11/4(from his secretary) re money for Bibliography
Stamp, Josiah1928/5/8to Scott (from private secretary) Stamp ill
Stamp, Josiah1928/5/23thanks for Goldsmiths cheque
Stamp, Josiah1928/10/11private secretary sends cheque
Stamp, Josiah1928/6/14private secretary sends cheque
Stamp, Josiah1928/4/3wants Scott's address
Stamp, Lord1940/5/29to AF re Bibliography on Scott's death
Stamp, Sir Josiah1928/4/25re funds
Stamp, Sir Josiah1930/9/19some enclosures
Stamp, Sir Josiah1927/3/30to Audrey, sends cheque
Stamp, Sir Josiah to Seton1921/4/15views on Newmarch lectureship
Standard Bank of South Africa1915/1/29HSF compliments etc history of bank
Standard Bank of South Africa1915/1/18history of bank
Stanford, C11/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Stanford, C V01/10/1876re Cambridge University Music Society
Stanford, C V10/08/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Stanford, C Vsocial
Stanford, C V20/105/1889re orchestral concerts scheme
Stanford, C V16/12/1889re producing Gluck's Orpheus
Stanley, G H1936/8/4to AF on HSF's death
Stanton V H1920/3/16re lecture to clergy on industry problems
Stanton, V H1920/3/21re lectures to clergy summer school
Stanton, V H1920/3/23re lectures to clergy summer school
Stanton, V H1920/7/3re lectures to clergy summer school
Stanton, V H1920/7/28re lectures to clergy summer school
Stanton, V H15/04/1877problem of examinerships
Stanton, V H10/05/1881on HSF's chair and meetings on labour questions
Stanton, V H07/01/1875search for lecturer in Skipton, Yorks, asks HSF, on behalf of James Stuart
Stanton, V H12/01/1875acknowledges HSF's refusal to accept Skipton
Stanton, V H26/01/1875re HSF and Halifax commitment
Stanton, V H1920/4/6PC social
Stanton, V H03/06/1889sends cheque for co-operaters visit
Stanwell Miss1925/9/28re girl’s eucation
Stanwell Miss G M1916/5/2general
Stanwell Miss G M1916/6/28asks for reference
Stanwell Miss G M1916/7/18thanks for testimonial
Stanwell Miss G M1916/7/9general
Stanwell, G Margaret1916/1/19re HSF's daughters taking Higher Certificate exams
Stanwell, Margaret E1916/1/31re Melrose chemistry paper
State Children's Aid Association12/04/1897sends papers and asks HSF to join
Statham, W Arnold31/12/1877re St John's scholarship exams
Statham, W Arnold31/12/1877re St John's scholarship exams
Statistical Society17/08/1886asks HSF to be Vice President
Statistical Society18/02/1884re article on trains
Statistical Society, A Bateman14/11/1883invites HSF to stand for election as member of council
Statistical Society, J Whittall08/12/1883asks HSF to referee a paper by Prof Ponting
Steel, Arthur1932/4/27thanks HSF for letter
Steele, F E1923/6/30re Higgs to lecture at Institute of Bankers
Steel-Maitland, Arthur1932/4/19on stock of gold
Steels, F E1916"How our Overseas Trade is Financed"
Stein, Robert16/08/1895re article on silver "The Karity? Free coinage bill"
Stein, Robert07/09/1895Kanitz Law, silver prices, metals ratio, other US bimetallic news
Stephens, D E20/12/1894bimetallism, Barbour's book etc
Stephens, D E17/11/1894thanks HSF for Barbour's book and "duel" with Giffen
Stephens, D E25/06/1895re some article
Stephens, D E17/09/1895bimetallic questions
Stephenson W T1911/1/21bank report
Stephenson W T1922/8/25cheque for ring etc
Stephenson W T1921/3/27exams
Stephenson W T1918/4/6HSF’s candidature ?
Stephenson, Robert03/02/1888re paper to Chamber of Agriculture on theory of agricultural rent
Stephenson, Robert06/02/1888Ricardo's theory of rent
Stephenson, W Tetley1907/11/16re lectures to Army Class
Stephenson, Wilfred1911/1/6re arrangements to visit Cambridge
Stern, Miss B J20/11/1894asks HSF for his autograph
Stevens E C1910/7/14books
Stevens T A 7/7/1890thank you for help in getting job
Stevens B F and Brown Ltd1928/7/12re copies of HSF's personal lectures
Stevens Henry Sons & Stiles1922/9/7catalogue slips
Stevens, A J12/03/1895on price of labour
Stevens, A J??/05/1884arguments on Cambridge University Act 1856 provisions
Stevens, A J27/10/1887on the new statute 56
Stevens, A J07/02/1887re new Cambridge statute on payments
Stevens, B F & Brown1901/6/26asks HSF for catalogue of library
Stevens, B F & Brown Ltd1929/11/5problems over packing cases
Stevens, Edward15/10/1882re quote from Hobbs
Stevens, Edward22/09/1882HSF elected president of Forest Gate Young Men's Association
Stevens, Edward14/09/1882asks HSF to be president of Forest Gate Young Men's Association
Stevens, Edward07/12/1882re evening of Forest Gate Young Mens Association
Stevens, Edward08/10/1882re Forest Gate Young Mens Association
Stevens, Edward Cleveland1910/7/6re using railway books in Goldsmiths etc
Stevens, H W09/12/1875student letter
Stevens, Henry N1908/6/4offers HSF old tracts etc
Stevenson, John J03/06/1883social
Steward, C J15/08/1889PC to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Stewardson, H C12/02/1886re nominations for Section F of British Association
Stewart H F1912/12/8Mason’s funeral
Stewart, Cecil E01/05/1894re brother-in-law
Stewart, H P1921/6/24re examiners
Stewart, Jthanks HSF for presents
Stewart, L26/04/1894social
Sth. Essex Literary Soc25/9/1883asks HSF to lecture
Stiles, R E 1907/12/19on old books
Stoakley & Sons1914/9/26asks HSF to settle accounts
Stoakley & Sons1912/4/15re books to bind
Stock Exchange Gazette1921/2/8request for subscription
Stock Exchange Gazette1922/2/2seeking subscribers
Stock Exchange Gazette1922/1/4seeks subs
Stocks, C F1918/4/9re HSF evidence before a committee
Stocks, C L1918/12/9The Treasury asks to publish HSF evidence
Stocks, C L1910/3/19re meeting of Bank Amalgamation Committee
Stokes A S27/3/1876re Sidgwick testimonial
Stokes, Amy1936/8/5to Audrey on HSF's death
Stokes, H P1930/11/25on Olive's death
Stokes, Rev H D1919/1/17thanks HSF for donation to parish
Stokes, Sophie E1931/11/19re some books
Stokes, Sophie E1936/8/5to Audrey Foxwell on HSF's death
Stokes, Sophie E17/22/1931re selling books
Stone R14/11/1897bimetallism
Stone R 5/11/1897bimetallism
Stone, General Roy1895project for international coinage
Stone, General Roy1895project for international silver money
Stone, Ray23/05/1895bimetallism
Stone, Roy08/10/1896on UK decimilisation
Stone, Roy29/09/1896bimetallism
Stone, Roy10/08/1896asks for another copy of HSF article
Stone, Roy16/10/1896sends HSF paper on international money
Stone, Roy08/11/1896on decimal coinage
Stone, Roy12/11/1896his plan for decimal coinage
Stone, Roy13/05/1896dollars and kilos
Stone, Roy15/06/1896silver question, international coinage
Storr, W M04/03/1883re Jevons's diagrams
Storr, W M20/03/1883social
Storr, W M21/04/1883re Jevons's diagrams
Storr, W M to J E Taylor24/02/1883re Jevons's bank diagrams
Stotham, H H01/10/1891re attack on jewellers
Stout, G F13/07/1898sends 12 bottles of whisky as wedding present
Strachey, J ?1914/7/6re uniforms for reservists
Strange, Cresswell11/08/1882re British Association
Stratford Young Men’s Society25/9/1883asks HSF to lecture
Strauss, Justin1916/12/31cannot attend lectures
Strettell, J D C09/10/1895Indian currency, silver and trade
Strinthal, Eveline09/09/1885asks HSF to lecture to Bradford working men
Strong, Hugo10/02/1896re "The Plain Citizens", and anti poverty group
Strong, James G1928/12/14re copies of US leavings but House Banking and Commerce Committee
Strutt, C H?re combined present
Stuart, Charles M02/09/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Stuart, F06/11/1884asks HSF for an article for Pall Mall Gazette
Stuart, G06/06/1879to Isa Willis re trains
Stuart, J1909/6/26introduces Dr Mahain from Belgium
Stuart, J10/03/1881testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair
Stuart, J10/03/1881re testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair
Stuart, J25/03/1885asks HSf to tutor a friend
Stuart, J30/03/1885re tutoring friend, re gas move at St John's for Parliamentary Committee
Stuart, J28/02/1892apologises for not answering letter
Stuart, James18/02/1895re Miss Heaton, Challis, lectures to working men, single tickets
Stuart, James15/02/1875re lectures, Miss Heaton, Miss Wilson, Leeds
Stuart, James11/02/1875attendance nos at lectures, problems in Leeds and suggestions for working mens class
Stuart, James11/06/1874re giving economics courses in Leeds and Halifax
Stuart, James19/06/1874re giving economics courses in Leeds and Halifax
Stuart, James06/03/1878re meeting of examiners of local committees for classes and lectures in connection with Cambridge University
Stubbs, Charles04/02/1884asks HSF for reference
Stubbs, Charles13/02/1884re job
Stuckey's Banking Company Ltd1903/9/2to Harriet Foxwell, re an investment
Sturgis, Julian15/02/1893bimetallism
Sturgis, Julian23/01/????re bimetallism "in a nutshell"
Sturgiss H O1876student letter
Subbaras, N S1907/6/4re reading for Tripos
Subbock Miss H22/9/1897social
Subedan, Hanu1919/8/28in UK to give evidence to Indian Exchange and Currency Commission
Subedan, Manu1914/4/18thanks for testimonial
Subedar, M1914/3/30re nomination to Royal Statistical Association
Subedar, Manu1919/9/6social
Subedar, Manu??/??/1919social
Subedar, Manu1913asks HSF for testimonial for chair in India
Subedar, Manu1913/12/8seeks testimonial for Bombay job
Subedar, Manu1919/11/4re some evidence etc
Submarine Movements Investigation Dept1931/3/3reports on submarine activities
Suich, J (Bank of England)22/07/1887social
Sully J 4/4/1883PC- general chat
Sully J29/4/1883re Sidgwick
Sully J25/5/1883 re PE lectures
Sully J 8/5/1883re a memorial
Sully J 7/6/1897general
Sully, Clifford1923/11/28parents ill-health etc
Sully, J05/07/1882social
Sully, J03/07/1882social
Sully, J28/06/1882general
Sully, J02/11/1882social
Sully, J1901/12/8discusses his future talk on appeal for money
Sully, J01/04/1895thanks HSF
Sully, J07/05/1897asks HSF for msall annual subscription etc
Sully, J07/07/1898re possible vacancy at UCL
Sully, J1901/8/9re son going to Cambridge
Sully, J02/05/1892re Robertston's resignation
Sully, J02/05/1892cannot meet for lunch
Sully, J03/05/1892on Robertson etc
Sully, J04/10/1892re evening with Edgeworth
Sully, James01/11/1884social
Sully, James15/10/1885re philosophical articles
Sully, James11/10/1885re reading a manuscript
Sully, Mary02/06/1885invitation to stay
Summers, Walter L1909/5/15re reference for G H Lloyd
Sumption, F B1914/7/13asks HSF for help in getting job
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada1900re assurance scheme
Sunday Times1921/8/12re series of articles by J M Keynes
Survey of Taxes1918/8/31on HSF's taxes
Survey of Taxes1913/10/24on HSF's taxes
Sutton, Albert1910/2/23book for sale
Sutton, Charles W1901/3/25to A W Flux on HSF's library
Sutton, Fred O08/02/1884re boys in H M Naval Service, corrects allusion
Suyematy, K25/11/1884re Japanese stock exchange
Suyematz, K12/10/1884enquiry re Japanese stock exchange
Suyematz, K28/11/1884re Japanese stock exchange
Suyematz, K23/11/1884introduces friend
Suyematz, K27/01/1885re memo on Japanese exchanges
Suyematz, K02/03/1885re book on stock exchanges
Suyematz, K20/02/1885sends papers on Japanese exchanges
Suyematz, K1885re reform of Japanese exchanges
Suyematz, V18/06/1887introduces Mr Inaba
Swaine, F A1924/9/8wants to tak HSF's photo
Swaine, F A1922/9/20wants new portrait photo of HSF
Swaine, F A1922/9/20re photo for use in the Society Press
Swaine, F A1922/10/2re photo for use in the Society Press
Swainson, C07/02/1887re University funding
Swainson, C A and others16/05/1883petition on pauperism in Cambridge
Swan Sonnenschein, Rowney & Co to Harriet Jevons01/07/1886proposes to publish Jevons' papers on logic
Swan, E21/02/1895social
Swan, Elizabeth12/04/1879sends cheque book
Swan, H R1921/3/14death of father
Swan, R W04/05/1894social
Swan, Robert14/09/1894general
Swan, Robert1913/1/10HSF's old servant thanks him for cheques
Swann, Lizzie1909/4/23re mother's funeral
Swanson, Margaret19/12/1893thanks HSF for present
Swedish Consul1923/6/6invitation to summer exhibition
Sweet, Edward F10/08/1880on over production
Swilly Chas C1918/10/16PC _ charts on economic phenomena
Swiss Alpine Club Hotel07/08/1912hotel bookings
Sykes E1915/10/11re London price Current of 21/8/1755
Sykes, E1901/4/23social
Sykes, E E1913/10/29general
Sykes, Ernest1914/11/3re gold and war reserves
Sykes, Ernest1914/11/23Germany and effect on Stock Exchange
Sykes, Ernest1915/9/29asks HSF to give address to Institute of Bankers
Sykes, Ernest1915/10/4Institute of Bankers address
Sykes, Ernest1920/10/8wants discount rates 1790-1825
Sykes, Ernest1920/10/11re discount rates
Sykes, J1924/11/12asks to see HSF re notes on private banks
Sykes, J1924/11/20asks to read HSF's evidence to Amalgamation Committee of 1918
Sykes, J18/10/1824re thesis on banking amalgamations
Sylvester, ?29/07/1878re death of HSF's mother etc
Sylvester, I I04/08/1889library election
Symes, J E27/12/1891economics in universities
Symes, J E08/06/1894on international bimetallism
Symes, J E06/06/1894international bimetallism
Symington, G21/12/1893re present for Lady Houldsworth
Synd, Ernest07/03/1895bimetallism
Syndicate for Conducting Local Lectures04/10/1877asks HSF to lecture
Syndicate for Conducting Local Lectures02/02/1877thanks HSF for report
Syndicate for Conducting Local Lectures06/12/1877asks HSF to examine
Synge, M1928/7/9re Indian monetary situation
Synge, M1928/4/26sends HSF a copy of his book
Synge, Mark1908/11/14re use of gold reserves by India Office
Synge, Mark1910/9/24gold standard in India, Indian book for lSE
Synge, Mark1910/11/6re books
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