Name Date Title
T ??seeks HSF's advice about a teacher for college and Tokyo
T A2/9/1871philosophy & general chat
T A16/02/1873general chat
T A28/03/1873general chat
T A29/03/1874career, Darwinism
T A18/08/1883general chat
T A28/01/1883general chat
T A20/10/1883general chat
T A1883general chat
T A15/01/1883PC social
T A13/10/1879general chat
T A06/07/1878general chat
T A11/11/1881on his headmastership
T. A. 17/09/1871general chat
T. A. (Canada)16/11/1887HSF's trip to Japan, life in Lennoxville etc
Tabernacle & Son1907/1/1re Swaffam Bulbeck Hall
Tacki, S1901/6/27re HSF's library and libraries in Japan
Takahashi, T15/08/1888thank you letter
Takahashi, T07/09/1887asks for copies of Section F papers
Takahashi, T02/06/1887thanks HSF for lecture and sends two vases
Talbot, Agar W03/09/1890thanks HSF for books etc
Tanaka, K1924/1/4PC on Continent
Tannant, W G08/05/1888re review of Wicksteed's book in the Inquirer
Tanner J1910/9/26College matter
Tanner J R1918/6/9re lecturer in economics
Tanner, Felix M15/07/1892re book by Miss Tanner
Tanner, J R13/09/1891re list of political economy books
Tanner, J R28/04/1891re book lists for History Tripos
Tanner, J R20/06/1891re book lists for History Tripos
Tanner, J R14/06/1894re book list for St. John's
Tanner, J R10/03/1898PC re Professor of History for Bombay
Tanner, J R1901/7/4Prof Sully Foundation Scholarship
Tanner, J R1910/9/2history syllabus
Tanner, J R1907/4/9re Marshall's proposed portrait
Tanner, J R1907/4/7introduces Mr Hein
Tanner, J R30/09/1898asks HSF to revise piece for Tripos
Tanner, J R06/10/1898re revision to Tripos
Tanner, J R18/11/1898re exam lists
Tanner, J R1911/4/22re some St John's chronicle
Tanner, J R1905/9/20re tuturials at St John's
Tanner, J R25/03/1897re signature for Senate paper
Tanner, J R27/04/1898PC re signing petition
Tanner, J R08/05/1889unable to help with co-operators visit
Tanner, J R04/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Tanner, J R1905/10/5Economics not on list of studies
Tanner, J R25/10/1892re history graduates
Tanner, J R1902/10/15re LCC student
Tanner, J R1908/6/5re HSF's idea of giving up teaching at St John's
Tanner, J R1908/6/4his sorrow!
Tanner, J R and Carey, F S1885talk to Cambridge Economic Club on aspect of Marx
Tanner, Mary02/05/1896re corrections in translation
Tanner, Mary E22/02/1895re argument with Anton Menger
Tanner, Mary E??/??/1895social
Tanner, Mary E09/07/1896book translation and social
Tanner, Mary E16/06/1896re book translation
Tanner, Mary E27/07/1896re some translation
Tanner, Mary E29/02/1896re some translation
Tanner, Mary E29/08/1896re proofs of Menger's book
Tanner, Mary E15/10/1896re Menger proofs
Tanner, Mary E08/10/1896pc re Menger proofs
Tanner, Mary E25/02/1896re delays with Menger's book publication
Tanner, Mary E27/02/1895re Menger asking HSF to write introduction to translation of Menger
Tanner, Mary E29/10/1896re corrections in translation of Menger
Tanner, Mary E13/12/1893letter from Menger
Tanner, Mary E03/12/1893re translation of Menger
Tanner, Mary E12/01/1898re translation
Tanner, Mary E01/05/1894translation of Menger complete
Tanner, Mary E12/05/1894re letter from Menger
Tanner, Mary Elizabeth25/12/1892re her translation of Menger
Tanner, Mrs B W1931/2/12thanks HSF for letter
Tanner, Russell R20/01/1893re HSF's request to Macmillans to use him as a printer
Tanner, T S19/11/1892publisher asking HSF to write short book on currency
Tapling, J K07/02/1880dinner for Cambridge Amateur Dramatic Club, Prince of Wales to preside
Tapling, J K??/??/1880HSF elected honorary member of the Amateur Dramatic Club
Tariff Reform League1903/8/29re letter to bankers
Tariff Reform League1903/8/29re letter to bankers
Tariff Reform League1903/8/31re article in The Times
Tattie, D1930/11/25on death of Mrs Foxwell
Tatton, R S09/05/1893social, Bonar and Adam Smith catalogue
Taunton, Frederick27/08/1891supports Jenkinson for librarian
Taussig, F W30/05/1888introduces Mr Edward Cummings
Taussig, F W23/07/1891re US Silver Bill
Taussig, F W17/09/1887thanks HSF for pamphlets
Taussig, F W24/05/1890re HSF article for QJE
Taussig, F W22/08/1893papers on Indian business
Taussig, F W24/10/1887translation of Salbeer's 'materialism' on silver question
Taussig, F W24/10/1887sends HSF book on population
Taussig, F W25/01/1888PC US and diminishing returns
Taylor C 9/6/1883re use of St John’s for a conference
Taylor C 4/2/1895St John’s affairs
Taylor C 5/2/1895St John’s tutorship
Taylor Sedley1913/11/9the “Dopping” affair
Taylor & Son14/7/1889PC on tracts for sale
Taylor, C??/06/????St John's council elections
Taylor, C27/06/1882social
Taylor, C10/06/1882fellowship election committee
Taylor, C01/02/1895re positions at St John's
Taylor, C20/03/1894thank you letter
Taylor, C01/05/1894re the Dean at St John's
Taylor, C08/11/1894St John's English essays
Taylor, C16/06/1894St John's business
Taylor, C25/04/1894St John's business
Taylor, C13/10/1881re St John's essay prize
Taylor, C03/05/1881re Bateson portrait Committee
Taylor, C1907/7/17re a portrait of Bishop Thomas White
Taylor, C1907/7/18re a portrait of Bishop Thomas White
Taylor, C19/02/1884re Council decision on HSF's dividend
Taylor, C22/02/1884re University tax levy
Taylor, C07/06/1895receipt of HSF's letter of resignation to Council
Taylor, C?encloses notice of borough High St case
Taylor, C1905/5/13seeks HSF to become life Fellow of St John's
Taylor, C13/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C17/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C17/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C07/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C19/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C20/04/1885statement on St John's College new building scheme
Taylor, C14/07/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C10/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C01/07/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C02/07/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C07/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C19/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C18/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C25/06/1885St John's College new buildings dispute
Taylor, C03/03/1890asks HSf about payment to examiners of the Essay Prize Examination
Taylor, C18/05/1889re St John's voting on a fourth tutor
Taylor, C1901/6/20suggests changes to HSF application
Taylor, C18/01/1883re council on tutorship and St John's
Taylor, C14/01/1883revision of St John's statutes in reserving clerical privileges
Taylor, C16/01/1883re clerical voting in revision of St John's statutes
Taylor, C07/01/1883re meeting on revising St John's statutes on clerics
Taylor, C?re a manuscript
Taylor, C24/10/1887on new statute 54
Taylor, C1905/5/19effectively elects HSF as fellow for life
Taylor, C1905/5/20re HSF's fellowship and Directorship of Economics at St John's
Taylor, C29/06/1885re new St John's building
Taylor, C21/05/1889will help with co-operators visit
Taylor, C24/04/1894re HSF letter to St John's Council
Taylor, C27/04/1894re St John's Council etc
Taylor, C01/02/1892Wm Lee Memorial
Taylor, C05/03/1891to lunch with Lord Windsor
Taylor, C1908/6/2re losing chair elections etc
Taylor, C1905/5/16if Fellow, HSF entitled to St John's pension
Taylor, C1901/6/19re HSF's Birmingham application and testimonial
Taylor, C19/01/1894re some person
Taylor, Cre people for Arabic chair
Taylor, C1905/5/19"things proposed passed"
Taylor, C03/03/1895motions for St John's meeting
Taylor, C F27/08/1892supports Jenkinson for librarian
Taylor, C to Mrs Foxwell14/07/1899re christening of Audrey
Taylor, C to Mrs Foxwell27/06/1899to christen Audrey
Taylor, Felix24/06/1884student letter re exam results
Taylor, Felix24/08/1884student letter re BA progress etc
Taylor, H G F13/11/1886re Toynbee Trust papers for Lord Dalhousie
Taylor, J W T1923/1/18re address to Institute of Bankers at Leeds
Taylor, J W T1918/11/23Institute of Bankers meeting
Taylor, J W T1917/10/24re lecture at Leeds for Institute of Bankers
Taylor, Lesley23/06/1884re Taylor's research on working hours
Taylor, Lesley28/06/1884social chat see 61/11
Taylor, Lesley28/07/1884re work for Toynbee Trust
Taylor, Sedley04/11/1891re paper on National Insurance
Taylor, Sedley23/02/1887congratulates HSF on article
Taylor, Sedley26/10/1890re Roy and Marx
Taylor, Sedley16/11/1880sends HSF The Common Good, asks HSF to contribute
Taylor, Sedley16/11/1880contributions to The Common Good not paid
Taylor, Sedley17/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Taylor, W H12/09/1883receipt for I G Foxwell for donation to Church Road Chapel
Teale, T J20/06/1897gold and silver supplies
Technical College Bradford05/08/1924re Minty
Temple, C E21/06/1889to Marshall re speech to co-operators
Temple, J R20/06/1884re proof of address
Temple, Sir Richard12/03/1884re visit to Cambridge
Temple, Sir Richard13/03/1884re visit to Cambridge
Temple, Sir Richard21/02/1884British Association meeting
Temple, Sir Richard??/??/1884British Assoc
Tenney I25/2/1890re absence from class
Terry G1918/6/17general _ asks HSF;s help
Terry G1918/6/30general
Terry G1918/6/10death of Wife
Terry G1918/6/13re a certifcate
Terry, C Sandford1921/10/4re Chair at Aberdeen
Thane, G D17/04/1884re dinner for King's College profs at UCL
Thane, G D12/07/1898HSF's marriage
Thatcher, W S1926/11/12re appointment
Thaw, W17/10/1896women's degrees
The Academy of Political Science, Columbia1923/9/19re materail being sent out in UK
The Accountant1922/11/15re HSF lecture
The Accountant1922/11/18proof of HSF's talk
The Aeolian Co Ltd1923/1/26re order for music rolls
The Anglo-Chinese Friendship Bureau1928/5/7send circular etc
The Anti-Socialist Union of the Free Churchesappeal for funds
The Argentine Colonization and Land Co Ltd27/10/1888encloses shares
The Article Club15/03/1899invites HSF to dinner and meeting
The Bank of South Australia 30/06/1886interest payment to T Foxwell
The Bankers Magazine1918/2/22re HSFletter for publication
The Banking and Currency Reform League1913/3/7explains League
The Bimetallist??/05/1897report of annual meeting of League
The British Academy1914/11/4would HSF approve increasing number of Fellows above 100?
The British Academy1920/7/6notice of 18th AGM
The British Academy1906/2/21flyer on book by Principal Fairburn
The British Academy1907/5/27papers relating to 5th AGM
The British Academy1940/5/30to AF re Bibliography on Scott's death
The British Academy1916/6/15next meeting
The British Bank of South America1918/5/27sends report on conditions in Brazil and Argentina
The British Covenant1914/3/21asks HSF to join General Council
The British Covenant1914/3/24re their General Council
The British Institute of Philosophical Studies1926flyer for lectures by G Delisle Burns and John S Mackenzie
The Buick Safe Co28/1/1616re their safes
The Builder24/11/1894re new hospital building for UCL
The Business Statistics Company1923flyer for their book
The Cambridge Co-operative Society11/04/1896asks HSF to their conference
The Cambridge Review1833-1885various issues relevant to PE
The Cambridge Wood Co Ltd1936accounts for firewood
The Canadian Bank of Commerce1922/4/20re their monthly letter
The Canadian Bank of Commerce??/01/1922monthly letter
The Carnegie Trust1925/3/21re scholarship on Bibliography
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/4/13cheque for lectures and publishing HSF paper
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/4/1corrections to transcript of HSF lecture
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/4/14proof of first half of HSF lecture
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/3/25wants summary of second lecture
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/4/15re publishing HSF lectures in another form
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/1/9HSF to lecture on Bank Reserve System and American crisis of 1907
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/1/16re place of HSF lectures
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/2/9proof ticket to HSF lectures, summary of paper
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/2/26manuscript of HSF lecture
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/2/26re notes of HSF lectures
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/3/3re proof and copies of HSF lectures
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/3/11re arranging of lectures etc
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/3/15abstract of HSF lecture
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1909/3/17re proof of HSF lecture
The Chartered Institute of Secretaries1921/6/24sends details of syllabus
The Coal Distribution Information DepartmentJul-24The Price of Coal
The Connoisseur1920/5/26increase in subs
The Continental Metropolitan Tramways Co1892report of shareholders' meeting and notice of EGM
The Continental Metropolitan Tramways CoApril 1895report of meeting of shareholders
The Continental Metropolitan Transways Company16/11/1888notice of EGM
The Co-operative Granite Quarries Ltd1907/9/23their programme
The Co-Operative News15/01/1887report on Co-operation and pauperism
The Co-operative Wholesale Society16/01/1889re meeting on co-operatives
The Co-operative Wholesale Society27/05/1889asks HSF for biographies of Marshall for annual congress
The Co-operative Wholesale Society29/04/1889thanks HSF for letter re arrangements for meeting
The Co-Operative Wholesale Society27/08/1886on their operations and accounts
The Daisy Bank Manufacturing Co Limited01/01/1893re HSF's stay in Manchester
The Decimal Association1906/6/30list of new vice presidents, papers on the metric system
The Decimal Association1906/11/23re House of Commons votes
The Decimal Association1939/10/19report on decimalisation
The Decimal Association1906/5/10re votes for Weights and Measures Bill
The Decimal Association1905/6/19asks for money
The Decimal Association1906/4/10report and accounts
The Decimal Association1906/2/17re special fund
The Decimal Association1906/5/26sends 15 gram weight
The Decimal Association1907/2/5asks HSF to lecture in Cambridge, publications enclosed
The Decimal Association1907/1/22appeal for funds
The Decimal Association1904/2/8Lord Bellhaven's Bill
The Decimal Association06/07/1899encloses table of metric weights and measures
The Decimal Association03/03/1899asks HSF to join deputation to Board of Trade
The Decimal Association03/02/1899asks HSF to help find a lecturer
The Duty and Discipline Movement1917/18their booklet
The Economic Club1930/12/5notice of next meeting
The Economic Clubre meeting
The Economic Clubmeetings suspended until further notice
The Economic Clubmeeting with Keynes speaking
The Economic Clubmeeting with Macgregor speaking
The Economic Clubmeeting with Mrs Lander speaking
The Economic Club1890Rules, Committee and Programme
The Economic Club1925/2/229th Report and notice of meeting
The Economic Club1890-91Committee and rules
The Economic Club1931/9/1038th Annual Report
The Economist Club14-Octre meeting on minimum wage
The Edinburgh Bibliographical Society1911/1/24on the Darwin mss
The Emma Cons Memorial1913/1/24asks HSF to subscribe
The Essex House Press??/02/1906to publish Fisher's "Mornynge Remembrance"
The Financial News1923/4/27re publication of lectures
The Financial News1922/9/20re lectures on Stock Exchange
The Financial News1923/12/18wants drafts of HSF lectures
The Fine Art & General Insurance Co07/10/1898HSF's insurance
The Fine Art & General Insurance Co1923/1/22re HSF's household policy
The Fine Art & General Insurance Co 1935/4/13HSF's insurance receipt
The Fine Art and General Insurance Co Ltd1931/4/9receipt for insurance
The Fine Art and General Insurance Co Ltd1932/4/16receipt for insurance
The Frame Makers and Gilders Association31/05/1884on meeting
The Garton Foundation1915/1/18asks for HSF's help
The George Howell Library Funds1906/3/2appeal for money
The Great Eastern Railway Company1904/6/9season ticket rules
The Gresham Life Assurance Society12/10/1898re HSF's insurance
The Gresham Life Assurance Society04/11/1898re insurance proposal
The Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust Ltd1913/3/10prospectus etc
The Higher Commercial School Tokyo11/11/1897re HSF's health
The Holiday Caravan Co Ltd1927/5/5encloses booklet on caravans
The Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review10/12/1892asks HSF for short article on currency issue
The Imperial Maritime League1909/7/26petition and throw out the Budget
The Income Tax Reduction League1908/6/29asks for subscription
The Income Tax Reduction League1908/7/10asks for subscription
The Income Tax Reduction League1908/1/6re a public meeting
The Income Tax Reduction League1908/3/14asks for sub
The Income Tax Reduction League1908/9/25HSF's sub due
The Income Tax Reform League??/08/1912? on parliamentary debate
The Income Tax Reform League1921/3/1613th annual report
The Income Tax Reform League1911/8/16on some pamphlets
The Income Tax Reform League1912/2/13the League Report for 1911
The Income Tax Reform LeagueOct-17tenth annual report
The Incorporated Soldiers & Sailors Help SocietyDec-28appeal
The Industrial Reconstruction Council1918/1/1asks HSF to join
The Industrial Reconstruction Council1918/9/27re their work
The Industrial Securities1927/4/29a flyer for shares
The Industrial Securities Company Ltd1916/11/29re shares in New Guinea company
The Institute of Actuaries1918/4/10permission to print their debate
The Institute of Bankers1922/9/21re lectures on Stock Exchange
The Institute of Bankers1911/6/6re HSF letter
The Institute of Bankers1923/6/9asks HSF to be occasional lecturer
The Institute of Bankers1906syllabus of lectures
The Institute of Book-keepers??/10/1922card about HSF lecture
The Institute of Book-Keepers1922/7/18asks HSF to lecture
The Institute of Book-Keepers1922/7/25pleased HSF will talk
The Institute of Book-Keepers1922/8/3topic of HSF's talk
The Institute of Book-Keepers1922/8/8details for HSF's talk
The Institute of Book-Keepers1922/11/14proof of HSF's talk
The Institute of Book-Keepers1922/12/4re proof of HSF's talk
The Insurance Record1917/3/29re proof of Actuaries talk
The Insurance Record1917/4/3re transcript of Actuaries talk
The Insurance Record1917/4/10re copies of Actuaries talk
The John Crear Library1914/8/6re book prices, state of the world
The John Crear Library1901/7/25on loss of HSF library
The John Crear Library1901/8/31re late letter
The John Crear Library1901/4/20re sale of library
The John Crear Library1910/12/24re buying books from HSF
The John Crear Library1901/6/29on failure to get HSF's library
The John Crear Library1901/2/27want decision on sale of library
The John Crear Library1908/11/23re its contents and HSF interest
The John Crear Library1908/11/23thanks HSF for offer of his services
The Journal of Finance15/04/1897re contributions
The Journal of Finance30/04/1897asks HSF to contribute
The Junior Constitutional Club1917/6/12attaches speech on British Trade Corporation
The Labour Leader Limitedapplication for shares
The Labour Movement02/07/1894The Labour Annual on the Labour Movement
The Life Extension Institute Inc1916promoting book
The London Chamber of Commerce1924/9/1will HSF continue on the committee?
The London Chamber of Commerce1927/2/22Direct Taxation Committee
The London Chamber of Commerce1917/2/8HSF elected member
The London Productive Societyprospectus
The London Samaritan Society1891appeal
The Metropolitan College1924/4/25asks HSF to join Advisory Board
The Metropolitan College1924/4/25S E Thomas on his work
The Mexican Railway Company Ltd1920/12/20report of meeting
The Middle Class Union1920/5/5their aims, want funds
The Monumental Works bills for estate of HSF's father
The Moral Instruction League1908/4/24flyers on the League
The Moral Instruction League1908/11/12about the League, asks HSF to join
The Morning Post1926/5/26re a letter from HSF
The Morning Post1918/2/14re loss of an HSF letter for publication
The Morning Post1918/2/12re a letter of HSF on fixed exchange
The Morning Post1924/10/15re Lord Bertie's diary
The Morning Post1916/5/2re reporting of a HSF lecture
The Museum Book Store1910/11/21on purchase of books
The Museum Book Store1910/11/25on purchase of books
The Museum Book Store1910/12/14on purchase of books
The Museum Book Store1910/11/28on purchase of books
The National Citizens' Unionre Union and their appeal
The National Citizens' Unionexplains the Union
The National Citizens' Unionseeks funds
The National City Bank of New York24/9/1831re their Bulletin
The National City Bank of New York1916/7/22sends bulletin
The National City Bank of New York1916/12/18re monetary statistics
The National Committee to Promote the Break up of the Poor Law1909sends printed matter
The National League for Opposing Women Suffrage1912/1/31re Great Demonstration on 28th Feb plus poster
The National Mutual1924/11/28Audrey Foxwell's assurance policies
The National Mutual Life Assurance Society1925/6/2to AF her policy
The National Mutual Life Assurance Society Sep-30to AF letter to policy holders
The National Providence League19/04/1880receipt for donation
The National Providence League23/04/1880re HSF lectures on National Insurance
The National Providence League25/10/1880copy of letter re proposed conference in Leeds
The National Reform Institute??/08/1907appeal for funds
The National Review18/05/1895PC editor asks HSF to lunch
The National Review18/05/1895PC re lunch
The National Review??/10/1896PC on article by Lord Aldenham
The National Savings Committee1926/4/21re 10th anniversary of the National Savings Movement
The National Union of Students1926/7/27re reception for students and staff of Hamburg University
The Navy League1909/7/12re state of navy
The New Decimal Association25/02/1895re HSF offer to give evidence
The New Decimal Association13/01/1893re deputation to the Treasury
The New Decimal Association09/01/1895re letter from Hon Wm L Wilson of US House of Representatives (458/29)
The New Decimal Association1907/10/27re meeting
The New Decimal Association27/10/1894notice of General Meeting
The Observer10/10/1880report of debate on tax
The Old Vic Theatre1922/23Annual Report
The Ontario Commission on Unemployment1915/5/3outlook for "young" countries at end of war
The Orchestralle Co1910/1/5re a charge of 6p
The Orchestrelle Cco1916/1/5re HSF's resignation from their music roll library
The Orchestrelle Cco1916/1/18re their rolls etc
The Pastel Society1929to Ernest invitation to a private view
The Queen's University of Belfast1911/1/8re questionnaire on evening courses
The Scottish Tweed Manufacturing Society1890prospectus
The Serbian Relief Fund1918/2/12asks for contribution
The Sickness and Accident Assurance Assoc19/11/1890thanks HSF for help on sickness insurance
The Society of Who's Who1904/5/13asks HSF to join
The Sociological Society1919/12/13re lantern slide of Ricardo
The Sociological Society1919/12/20re portrait of Ricardo
The Sociological Society1906AGM notice and agenda
The Sociological Society1916notice of meetings
The Stable Money Association1928/12/11invitation to dinner
The Standard30/04/1897report of Budget Speech
The Standard11/04/1892report of Budget Speech
The Standard14/04/1899report of Budget Speech
The Standard17/04/1896report of Budget Speech
The Statist1923/11/23supplement to HSF
The Statist27/09/1920re errors in Statist's price indices
The Statist1922/5/30re Society reprints etc
The Statist1922/5/22re Society reprints etc
The Statist1928/5/25on their 50th year
The Statist1928/5/22on fiftieth year
The Statist1928/5/28on fiftieth year
The Statist1925/7/2re Statist business
The Statist1924/12/6re advice on editing a book
The Statist1921/9/27encloses article on 'The World's Currency Problem'
The Statist11/07/1895cannot find space for HSF's letter
The Statist17/09/1894re a competition
The StatistFeb-25sends copy of article on the gold standard
The Tariff Reform League1903/10/7asks HSF to lecture
The Times1922/4/9re publication of Genoa vote
The Times1919/3/10on Trade Supplement
The Times1911/6/29HSF to subscribe
The Times21/08/1918HSF's complaint about delivery
The Times1915/2/22re HSF's article on consequences to Germany of war
The Times06/10/1882re publication of HSF lecture
The Times1915/12/8re HSF letter
The Times1916/2/25thanks HSF for some information
The Times1902/4/15report of Budget Speech
The Times1932/6/21letter from Perigrenus about more money
The Times1914/1/8to publish HSF communication
The Times1901/1894report of Prussian Minters on International Bimetallism
The Times20/11/1890Report and Leader on foundation of RES
The Times28/10/1895article on Japanese and Chinese competition
The Times20/10/1895article on gold monometallism and British industry
The Times1918/1/14PC HSF request for Review registered
The Trilure Rendergrams1906/4/25views on Education Bill
The Tuesday Club1921/2/10menu with HSF notes on reverse
The Universal Stock Exchange Limited1911/4/20re HSF ideas on tables
The University Magazine Committee LimitedJul-10share issue
The Westminster Fire Office16/10/1893insurance of library
The Westminster Fire Office25/09/1895re HSF's insurance
The Westminster Fire Office21/10/1895receipt for insurance
The Westminster Fire Office1929/4/23re insurance of library
The Westminster Fire Office1929/4/23copy of letter to Harvard on insurance
The Women's Trade Union Provident LeagueFeb 1890on the League etc
The Woodland Housing Association1906/4/30re better housing for the industrial classes
The Workers' Educational Association??/05/1915re work of the Association
The Workers' Educational Association1913/8/12on appeal
Theatre Girls' Club1922/9/12re their appeal
Theodore Hamblin Ltd1922/6/8statement for HSF glasses
Theodore Hamblin Ltd1922/5/1prescription and bill for glasses
Theodore Hamblin Ltd1922/5/1glasses ready
Theodore Hambling Ltd1922/4/21HSF's glasses
Theodore Hambling Ltd1922/4/19HSF's glasses
Theophile Dufour1925re journals for Goldsmiths
Theophile Dufour1925extracts from Contract Social
Thery, E1915/6/9on aspects of the war etc
Thery, E1916/7/10on the Economiste European
Thery, E??/05/1920announcement of Rene Thery's marriagge
Thery, E1922/3/2marriage of Rene Tehry
Thery, Edmond1920/8/26thanks HSF
Thery, Rene1927/11/1on economic problems of the time
Thery, Rene1925/9/13general chat - death of father etc
Thery, Rene1938/2/18to AF regrets at hearing of HSF's death
Theynes, I U19/11/1895PC re Beeton's article
Thiery, E04/02/1894bimetallism
Thin, James23/02/1899PC tells HSF about some books
Thistlethwayte, Donald S1917/7/24thanks HSF
Thom Cook & Son Ltd1927/4/20to Audrey receipt for Bradshaw
Thom Cook & Son Ltd1927/4/11to Audrey, schedule and documents for trip to Munich
Thomas Cook & Son1912/8/14thanks HSF for remittance
Thomas Cook & Son1912/8/9re trip to Switzerland
Thomas Cook & Son1912/8/6estimated fare
Thomas Cook & Son1912/8/6revised estimated fare
Thomas Cook & Son1912/8/10confirms order for tickets for family
Thomas Cook & Son1912/8/8choice of tickets
Thomas Cook & Son1912/8/8choice of routes
Thomas Cook & Son1912/8/2estimated fare, hotel coupons etc (several enclosures)
Thomas, Arnold H11/03/1870invitation
Thomas, Arnold H??/??/1870social invitation
Thomas, J Henwood04/02/1887re HSF lecture
Thomas, Owen20/06/1894re bimetallism
Thomas, P J1922/1/2re old economics tracts on East Indian Company
Thomas, S E1923/3/26re preface for Thomas's books on exchanges
Thomas, S E1924/5/16asks HSF to reply to letter
Thompson, C M11/08/1889to Parry supports Jenkinson for librarian
Thompson, D29/06/1886will miss Dundee lecture
Thompson, E S04/08/1877re trip to Switzerland
Thompson, E S07/08/1877re trip to Switzerland
Thompson, E Seymes??/??/1870social
Thompson, E Seymes??/??/1870to meet HSF
Thompson, E Seymour17/04/1883on Jevons's memorial
Thompson, E Seymour04/07/1898cannot attend meeting, HSF must have bimetallic ring!
Thompson, G W20/08/1892to Beeton re job
Thompson, Geo C10/12/1890re membership of Economic Association
Thompson, H M10/03/1893re a speech in the House of Commons
Thompson, Herbert M03/05/1892to Macmillans, sending them his book on Theory of Wages
Thompson, S M1901/12/17re sub to the Gilbert Club
Thompson, W H16/06/1872praises HSF's Whewell Scholarship papers
Thomson, John1901/6/18hopes HSF will get Birmingham chair
Thomson, M Emily1913/11/10on her house
Thorburn R H1915/5/13cutting of HSF’s views on after war conditions
Thorburn, R H1912/11/23asks HSF about organising monetary seiminars in UK
Thornely, H09/12/1882re Cambridge lectures
Thornely, H05/12/1882re Cambridge lectures
Thornely, Thos04/04/1883re Jevons' memorial
Thornely, Thos08/05/1889money for co-operators visit
Thornely, Thos11/05/1889will help with co-operators visit
Thornton L C1922/1/9re Royal Statistical Society lecture
Thornton, Jane15/11/1897re missing HSF etc
Thorp, Thomas1932/3/17offers HSF old tract
Thorp, Thomas1910/3/7PC report on book
Thos Cook & Son1910/8/10re insurance
Thos Cook & Son1910/9/23re insurance
Thos Cook & Son1910/9/27re insurance
Thurburn, M to Olive21/07/1898re silver frame, wedding present
Tibbitts, Geo Mortimer01/02/1874sends money, has a go at Whewell
Tiddendale J 8/11/1897 Bank of England & bimetallism
Tidman, Paul F12/07/1887suggests occasional paper of HSF Edinburgh lecture
Tilley Arthur1918/12/31re CUP study on finance
Tilley Arthur1919/1/6re some work
Tilley, A18/06/1889re Arabic chair and librarian in King's College
Tilley, A24/06/1889re arabic chair
Tilley, Arthur25/07/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Tilley, J W04/10/1870ill
Tippel, O01/05/1893re political development in England
Tirala, Theobald29/04/1880student letter
Tirala, TheobaldApril 1880wants to visit
Tirala, Theobald24/03/1880wants to go to HSF's
Tirala, Theobald06/05/1880on visit arrangements
Titee, H (?)1919/12/1re Hague Ingram Fund
Titterington, Edward1908/1/10re employment
Todd, J N1917/11/26re HSF paper
Todd, John A1901/4/19to Geo Dick re HSF's library (copy)
Todhunter, I31/01/1883re Jevons's memorial
Todhunter, I 27/11/1875asks for exam papers
Toges, Christine1935/2/2re memorial to H R Beeton (enclosure)
Tollenham, A R12/02/1896re his letter on bimetallism etc
Tomkinson, Fred15/03/1894complains he couldn't hear the lecture
Tony, A F??/??/1881re McAlister's appointment, use of college funds on theological men etc
Tony, A Fon Advisers
Tony, A F19/06/1883re appoints HSF
Tony, A F19/10/1881student statistics
Toronto Library Restoration Committee23/10/1890 re letter to Baden Powell & parcel of Books
Tottenham, H R22/02/1893thanks HSF to sympathy letter
Tottenham, H R02/01/1897sends HSF pamphlet
Towgood Edward & Sons 24/1/1923re HSF’s waste paper
Town Planning and Housing Exhibition1908/7/6sends programme
Towne, C A08/08/1898USA bimetallism and asks HSF to speak on it in USA
Townsend, John P15/01/1897monograph: Wall Street
Townsend-Warren, S19/03/1891re jobs in Japan etc
Townsend-Warren, S16/01/1891re proofs for books
Toynbee, A23/10/1881social
Toynbee, A20/04/1881re HSF's students at Tower Hamlets, 1st edition of Adam Smith, Adam Smith and Edgeworth
Toynbee, A05/05/1881social
Toynbee, A18/05/1881re visiting Cambridge
Toynbee, A21/12/1880wants to talk with HSF about political econolmy and help with info for HSF's edition of Adam Smith
Toynbee, A02/01/1883pays for books, invites HSF to his forthcoming lectures
Toynbee, A05/01/1883re disturbance threat to his meetings, and topics to discuss
Toynbee, Arnold16/05/1882asks HSF to tay etc
Toynbee, Arnold12/11/1882thanks HSF for list of books, asks him to lunch etc
Toynbee, Arnold25/02/1882social
Toynbee, Arnold09/02/1882to lecture at Radical Club, praise for his letter, Newcastle visit etc
Toynbee, Arnold23/02/1882pc meeting off
Toynbee, Arnold23/02/1882pc re meeting
Toynbee, Arnold07/02/1882glad HSF agrees with argument of his lectures, difficult to get to Cambridge this term
Toynbee, Arnold14/10/1882thanks HSF for books, asks HSF for copies of his lectures
Toynbee, Arnold09/10/1882re books, British Association meeting
Toynbee, Arnold01/11/1882pc Cunningham and Ackland
Toynbee, Arnold22/11/1882delight with books, meeting of Liberals etc
Toynbee, C M01/05/1887to A Milner
Toynbee, C M08/05/1887to Alfred Marshall on Toynbee portrait and other matters related to Toynbee
Toynbee, C M12/05/1887to Alfred Marshall on Toynbee portrait
Toynbee, C M02/03/1886re courses for women students
Toynbee, C M28/05/1883asks HSF to peruse list of her late husband's books etc
Toynbee, C M13/12/1884re collection of Acts
Toynbee, C M30/12/1884re Enclosure Acts
Toynbee, C M05/03/1886PC troubled about some matter
Toynbee, C M Mrs19/04/1883thanks HSF for letter of tribute to Toynbee and asks about his book collection/library
Toynbee, C M Mrs30/01/1883writes on Toynbee's belhalf as he is ill to add his name to committee for Jevons memorial fund
Toynbee, C M Mrs23/04/1883pc re Malthus edition and other books
Toynbee, C M Mrs13/06/1883re books and advice to keep collection as a whole and give to Balliol College, letter from Marshall
Trant, William06/03/1885emigration, migration and industrial villages
Trant, William02/03/1885industrial villages
Trant, William26/01/1885industrial villages
Trant, William30/01/1885industrial villages
Trant, William04/07/1885industrial villages
Trant, William07/07/1885industrial villages
Trant, William15/05/1885re industrial villages
Trant, William18/05/1885re secretaryship of Society for Promoting industrial villages
Trant, William29/06/1885on business of Industrial Villages Society
Treasury Department, Washington1911/1/4re appendix to Philippovich's book
Tremlett S S24/5/1897UCL lectures
Trent W P1906/7/8old boks
Trent, W P1906/6/28re books etc
Trinity College1908/3/18payment to HSF
Trinity College1906/3/16payment to HSF
Trinity College1907/3/16pays HSF
Trinity College1905re student
Trinity College1903/3/14notice of payment
Trinity College12/09/1898payment for lectures, HSF note on back
Trinity College Cambridge??/03/1907exam papers and marks
Trisham, W H1921/8/6on bimetallism
Tritton J H1916/2/21feelings of the City & war loans
Tritton J H1915/11/22asks HSF to see Treasury Sub-Committee of Bankers’ Clearing Committee
Tritton, J H1916/4/12praises HSF EJ article, Treasury loans etc
Troller Paul1917/5/26re testimonial
Troller Paul1917/5/24certificate for Joseph Hume Scholarship
Troller, Paul19/03/1919thank you letter
Troller, Paul1923/1/6on Succession States exchange and economic difficulties
Troller, Paul1921/5/1conditions in Czechoslovakia
Troller, Paul1922/12/4seasons greetings
Trout, Ridgill R15/11/????PC re books
Trower, H S19/02/1895general chat
Trower, H S1989/6/28on HSF's marriage
Trower, H S06/02/1897social
Trower, H S05/02/1894social
Trower, H S24/09/1894social
Trower, H S03/11/1894re answer to Lefevre's Bradford speech
Trower, H S23/07/1894social
Trower, H S03/02/1894social
Trower, H S26/10/1894social
Trower, H S30/10/1894re price charts etc
Trower, H S08/02/1897social
Trower, H S29/10/1893thanks HSF for article, stable ratio etc
Trower, J H02/03/1895social
Trower, J H22/10/1897re talk in Cambridge
Trower, J H27/11/1896on HSF's library
Trower, J H23/08/1896social
Trower, J H24/11/1896social
Trower, J S13/02/1895re some correspondence about bimetallism
Trower, Juliet Seymour01/12/1894social
Trower, Juliet Seymour30/10/1894thanks HSF for return of book
Trower, T S04/02/1895social
Truelove, F J1903/7/20tells HSF he has 20.000 items of books and pamphlets to sell
Truelove, F J1903/7/31re library for sale
Truelove, F J1903/11/3to send HSF catalogue of Geritson's library
Truelove, F J1903/10/26on sale of Geriston's library
Truelove, F J1903/10/23re sale of dutch library and John Crear interest
Truelove, F J1903/11/8reCatalogue of the Woman Question
Truman and Knightly Ltd1930/5/26looking for a teacher
Truss, William N18/07/1898HSF wedding present
Truss, William N16/06/1898HSF's birthday, social
Tseng T K1904/9/22advice on college
Tuck Edward1910/11/3HSF & Chinese currency
Tuesday Club?elections
Tuesday Club?suggested election rules
Tuesday Club1922/12/13menu
Tuesday Club1925/2/11menu
Tupp, A Cotterell23/01/1893bimetallism: 2 enclosed letters
Turgeon, Charles1913/1/14asks for books for his thesis on theories of value
Turnball, Mary W25/11/1873thanks HSF for help on work
Turnbull, G L1910/7/13HSF eye trouble
Turner Brothers Asbestos1920/2/4re Turners magazine
Turner, H C1914/11/18re Manchester University lecture
Turner, H H07/08/1889to Parry probably not vote
Turner, H P1914/3/7re Manchester University lectures
Turner, H P1914/3/10re Manchester University lectures
Turner, H P1914/5/7re Manchester University lectures
Turner, J W1936/8/5to Audrey on HSF's death
Turner, Juliet R02/04/1898cannot go to Cambridge now, book binder
Turner, Juliet R30/03/1898re letter of introduction to University librarian
Turner, Juliet R27/03/1898re bindings in Cambridge libraries
Twigg, J H27/11/1898re bimetallism books for Institute of Bankers in Dublin
Twinn, Frank C G1907/7/8asks for recommendation to LSE library
Twinn, Frank C G1907/6/26reading Marshall
Tyack-Bake, J A1921/5/11to Ernest general chat
Tyan, J04/02/1895free trade and bimetallism
Tyar, J02/03/1893bimetallic issues (some of letter missing)
Tyndale-Briscoe, C E1935/1/15India
Tyrrell, M J B1918/1/19PC Club discussion postponed
Tyson T GAugust 1867young man’s chat
Tyson T G19/19/1867 young man’s chat
Tyson T G 9/11/1867 congratulates HSF on passing exam
Tyson T G28/9/1867young man’s chat
Tyson T G12/1 1868young man’s chat
Tyson, Thos30/03/1870to go to Canada, social chat
Tyson, Thos24/01/1870social chat
Tyson, Thos29/01/1870his plans, general chat
Tyson, Thos27/01/1870trip to Baldock
Tyson, Thos14/07/1870trip to Canada
Tyson, Thos19/02/1870Cambridge trip, people, general chat
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