Name Date Title
Uchida, Grinzo1919/1/9old student's letter
UCL1920/4/9re a cheque
UCL1924/7/29re City lectures
UCL1924/7/23re City lectures
UCL1916/6/20re exam papers
UCL1917/11/18refund of exam fees
UCL1918/8/22re ? University of Canada
UCL1917/7/13Ricardo Fund books
UCL1917/5/30vote of thanks to Prof Scott
UCL1917/5/22vote of thanks to Prof Scott
UCL1917/5/9re meeting with Jackson
UCL1915/9/30re lectures
UCL1916/5/10re Straker
UCL1912/4/29Joseph Hume Scholarship
UCL1912/4/18Newmarch Lecturer with letter to W T Layton enc
UCL1914/4/7UCL affairs
UCL1909/2/4maps for Arts Department
UCL1912/6/29lecture arrangements
UCL1913/8/29re a student
UCL1910/12/17chemical laboratories appeal
UCL1922/4/3difficulties with Newmarch lectures
UCL1924/1/17HSF’s lectures
UCL1918/4/24examiners for UCL scholarships
UCL1911/5/29Hsu to get Jevon Fund for 1911
UCL1911/5/29asks if Hsu is to be Jevons’ student
UCL03/03/1913re Brit Assoc meeting in Australia in 1914
UCL08/11/1912Hsu and Jevons scholarship
UCL1918/10/10re student
UCL21/101/922re student arrangements
UCL1917/12/3re College business
UCL1929/7/25reviewed HSF's retirement allowance of £100
UCL1929/2/1appeal for funds for memorial to Prof F W Oliver
UCL1921/6/26re proof prospectus for HSF's department
UCL1926dinner for Senator Count Antonio Crippio(?)
UCL??/05/1922re testimonial for Prof W P Kerr
UCL1922/7/14asks for cheque for dinner for Prof Kerr
UCL1908/5/5asks for suggestions for Minto chair of economics, management of the college
UCL1917/3/29re scholarship candidates etc
UCL1922/10/16cost of photograph of portrait of William Harvey
UCL1920/2/6re letter received by UCL about HSF's lectures and UCL's response
UCL1914/8/7Women's Union Society appeal for funds
UCL04/06/1865re Quain Law appointment
UCL1936/7/27re pension receipt
UCL1936/6/5grant of £100 to HSF
UCL1931/5/6re successful appeal against Inland Revenue
UCL1931/3/16re appeal against Inland Revenue
UCL1933/6/7grant of £100
UCL1911/8/19income tax statement
UCL1908/7/8income tax statement
UCL1904/5/2application for grant
UCL02/08/1899 etctax returns 1899, 1900, 1901, 1903, 1904
UCL1912/8/19income tax return
UCL1913/8/20income tax return
UCL1912/6/5salary of professors
UCL1906/8/1instalments of salaries
UCL1910/8/4income tax
UCL1905-7income tax returns
UCL1907/9/2complications of taxes
UCL1909/10/12increase in HSF's pay
UCL1914/6/17re University College School Science Research Medal
UCL1916/12/11Common Room regulations
UCL??/06/1916seeking funds for chemical laboratory
UCL1909/1/18agenda for library committee
UCL1903/12/23re the St Louis Exhibition
UCL1906/12/4report on retiring allowances
UCL1906/6/13invitation to lecture
UCL1915/5/6appeals for help for French and Belgian students
UCL1936/6/20sends HSF cheque
UCL1918/1/21proposal for library school
UCL??/01/1918re proposal for library school
UCL1918/2/1re proposal for library school
UCL1915/1/12re reduction of salaries
UCL1917/4/20re courses for London County Council
UCL1918/3/1re courses for London County Council
UCL1917/7/17re time of HSF lecture
UCL1932/6/9renews HSF's grant
UCL1932/6/17thanks HSF for letter
UCL1932/6/17thanks HSF for letter
UCL1912/7/12re HSF's salary and payment by fees
UCL1926/6/14Dhume never admitted as student
UCL1926/6/19Dhume registered at LSE so okay
UCL1923/4/13not received HSF's second term reports
UCL1916/5/12re HSF giving public lectures
UCL1928/2/25title of Emeritus Professor
UCL1908/5/23asks for exam papers, encloses timetables
UCL19/8/1815income tax note
UCL??/11/1915card and tickets for J M Keynes' Newmarch lectures
UCL1935/12/4grants HSF £100
UCL1918/9/16certifies HSF staff re season ticket
UCL1918/9/14memorandum to academic staff
UCL1917draft reply to enquiry about medical studies
UCL1918/7/15re lecture times
UCL1918/7/12re HSF lectures with HSF notes attached
UCL1921/11/28minutes of library committee
UCL1918/12/13re reports on students
UCL1920/10/19minteus of library committee
UCL1920/11/29agenda of library committee meeting
UCL1919/11/18nominations for new fellows
UCL1921/8/9re some document
UCL1921/6/15re reports on students
UCL10/12/1897asks for notes on history of PE
UCLclass and scholarship exams
UCL1905/11/8new salary regulations
UCL1906/5/1applications for grants
UCL1906/6/23HSF member of Appointments Board
UCL1906/7/3assembly of faculties of Arts, Law and Science
UCL1926/10/1Council decided to re-examine Dhume's thesis
UCL1906/5/22thanks HSF for gift of books
UCLstudent reports
UCL1922/3/14re Joseph Hume scholarships
UCL1922/3/20re student reports
UCL1920London County Council Class List
UCL1927/3/17dates for exams
UCL1920/1/9London County Council classes
UCL1919/3/19London County Council classes
UCL1919/7/23London County Council classes
UCL1920/2/8re London County Council classes
UCL??/07/1926presentation portrait of J A Fleming
UCL1925subs to societies, clubs etc and 1926
UCL1926/7/6special and scholarship exams
UCL1927PC re Professors' Dining Club sessions
UCL??/09/1924re Guild for Graduates
UCL1926/6/9higher degrees report
UCL1917/5/13re problem with student
UCL1926/6/9asks for report on Department
UCLnotice of Bowley's lectures
UCLMay-14flyer on lectures by Rachel R Reid
UCLApril 1884flyer on HSF Newmarch lectures
UCL1883booklet on Newmarch Memorial Fund
UCL1927re teaching to civil service students - dispute with HSF
UCL1927/2/23agenda of Library sub-committee
UCL1902-03Handbook on Faculty of Economics
UCL1903/5/1cost of HSf's dept for grant
UCL1916/5/31over Layton's appointment as examiner
UCL1931/6/20renewed HSF's retiring allowance
UCL1911/6/27re book for library
UCL1927/3/15re calendar of his department
UCL1917/1/15asks for pieces for Annual Report
UCL1915/11/20re appeal for V A D
UCL1910/8/26re A. K. Travelling Fellowships
UCL1911Professional Board meeting on interim report on UCL development
UCL1907/08class list
UCL1907/08Regulations on Attendance
UCL1907/4/18grant for HSF's department
UCL1906/7/5re report and meeting on Retirement Allowances
UCL1911/9/9re research scholarship in Agricultural Science
UCL1904/5/16their appeal, asks HSF for second instalment
UCL1909/2/11asks if his students could answer attached paper
UCLApril 1884flyer on Newmarch lectures
UCLApr-27paper on Senate elections
UCL1927/2/15PC re Professional Board meeting
UCL1927/2/16re meeting of International Statistical Institute in Egypt
UCL1922re invite to foundation oration of Graham Wallas
UCL1926/5/17PC classes start today
UCL1906/5/25Appeal Committee asks for balance of HSF pledge
UCL1908/3/1Professional Board Agenda with attachment
UCLMay-14publicity for lectures on monopolies
UCLlist of HSF's banking and money students
UCL1918Hsu's formal nomination as fellow
UCL1921/3/16Agenda for Faculty of Science meeting
UCL1927/5/9re research studentships
UCL1935/12/23Superannuation System
UCL1927/28Professors' Dining Club dinner
UCL1926/6/26re exam papers
UCL1922/23HSF's list of students
UCL1922/23HSF's list of students
UCL1923HSF's list of students
UCL 1920/8/1asks for report on student
UCL 1922/6/30P Sraffa not returned admission form
UCL 1922/6/14re no tuition fee for P Sraffa
UCL 08/07/1918re Newmarch lectureship
UCL 1927/10/17re an Indian doctorate candidate
UCL 1929/2/21re his returning allowance
UCL 1929/2/28re his returning allowance
UCL - Seton19/01/1923re Jevons Memorial Lecture
UCL - W W Seton1921/4/23Newmarch lectureship
UCL (Sir Gregory Foster)1922/8/23dispute over lectures
UCL (W W Seeton)1914/10/9re cancellation of lectures
UCL (W W Seeton)1913/3/31re Jevons Trust
UCL Hospital Medical SchoolMay-20testimonial to Sir George Thane
UCL Library1921/4/28purchase of books for Records Library
UCL Library1918/6/21re Economic Protectionism
UCL Library1923/9/19asks advice on book purchases
UCL Library1926/2/26re list of periodicals
UCL Library1918/1/10re Ricardo books in History Library
UCL Library1918/4/4re reports of US National Monetary Commission
UCL Library1923/12/6rules for loans from Goldsmiths
UCL Library Committee1926/6/29mimeo report on librarians salaries etc
UCL Old Scholars’ Assoc1910/11/21annual dinner
UCL Secretary1922/4/7re UCL lectures
UCL Union Society1914/6/20appeal for Athletics Sports Fund
UCL Union Society1919re their annual dance
Udami R J1918/5/27re book on Ireland
Uncle G1906/4/15re experiment in measuring stature
Uncle George25/10/1890re origin of 'a thing is worth what it will fetch'
Uncle George14/11/1890re helping girl learn French etc
Uncle George23/12/1890HSF unwell but Happy Christmas
Underground Electric Railway Company of London 1915/4/20thanks HSF for letter
Union Corporation Ltd1934/3/27trade cycle charts
United Workers1916/5/31asks HSF to speak at National Economy Exhibition
United Workers1916/7/3speakers at National Economy Exhibition
Universite Internationale1921/5/15asks HSF to become a member
Universite Internationale1921/5/15asks HSF to become member
Universities Bureau of the British Empire1915/5/31re lectures for India
Universities Bureau of the British Empire1925/12/8re an appointment
Universities Bureau of the British Engine1916/4/5teachers for Indian universities
Universities' Settlement in East London1894tenth financial report
University College1921/5/13re exams for Phd student
University College Hall Ltd1908/3/12prospectus
University College HospitalFeb-36notice of AGM and rules
University College HospitalJan-29re letters of recommendation
University College London1917/11/29re Newmarch scholarship
University College London1914/12/24re a Belgian refugee, name Laurent
University College London09/05/1881HSF's appointment as professor
University College London1922/9/26re publication of HSF's lectures
University College London29/11/1880re HSF's candidature for Jevons' chair
University College London1906/3/26Senate agenda, report on returning allowances, draft statutes and regulations for management of UCL
University College of London1917/3/7Higgs to be Newmarch lecturer
University College of London1918/1/22election of fellows
University College of North Wales1933/1/28re acting as a reference
University College School1909/5/5sends HSF tickets to concert
University College, Bangor1902/12/20Rae lectures
University Extensionsyllabus of lectures on socialism by John Rae
University Extensionsyllabus of lectures by Graham Wallas
University Extensionsyllabus of lectures by Graham Wallas
University Extensionoutline of lectures on poverty by John A Hobson
University Extensionoutline of course of lectures, papers
University Extension1881outline of course of lectures
University Library, Cambridge1916/3/21PC asks HSF if they should still be getting German National Statistics
University of BirminghamHandbook on Faculty of Commerce
University of Birmingham1930/10/3Jubilee celebrations
University of Bristol1923/11/15proposed conference of University Teachers
University of Bristol1923/12/6re a conference
University of Cambridge??/09/1924Local Lectures Summer meeting on Egypt
University of Cambridge1887-88lectures on Moral Science
University of Cambridge Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate11/05/1890asks HSF to speak
University of Edinburgh1925/11/20re portrait of Professor S Nicholson
University of London1908/10/6asks HSF to see Co. Maude
University of London1908/10/8asks HSF to see Col. Maude
University of London1921/3/29Albert Kahn Trustees
University of London1920/2/3re books for banking & currency etc
University of London1920/2/9text books: exam in commerce
University of London1920/11/17change in regulations
University of London1926/7/12re Singh & Dhume
University of London1922/9/18re exam scripts to Dublin
University of London1919/8/12examinations
University of London1919/7/29exam papers
University of London1919/7/25exam papers
University of London1920/7/9re banking student
University of London1923/7/13re student
University of London1928/4/4on his diplomas etc
University of London1914/9/16on HSF's taxes
University of London1921/8/11re exams
University of London1923/6/20re examinership of PhD thesis
University of London1923/7/2re examinership of PhD thesis
University of London1918/3/22HSF appointed for 2 years
University of London1903/7/3re leave of absence
University of London24/02/1897re examining
University of London1917/9/22pc re a letter for Seton
University of London1918/5/2pc asks 10/- for dinner
University of London1912/8/8acknowledges exam papers from HSF
University of London1926/10/8to T Singh fails MSc, re entry to degree etc
University of London1927/7/21re Singh's oral
University of London1927/6/30re examiner for Singh
University of London1927/7/11re examiner for Singh
University of London1927/7/19re oral for Singh
University of London1902/12/15principal wishes to see HSF
University of London1913/7/22income tax claim
University of London1907/5/1forms for tax exemption
University of London1910/3/24salary form
University of London1915/8/27salary payment
University of London1915/12/4salary payment
University of London1914/3/24HSF's salary
University of London1907/12/20confers on HSF title "Professor of Political Economy in the University of London"
University of London1913/12/11fees for examining
University of London1911/1/24re tax on his stipend
University of London1911/7/12re HSF's taxes
University of London1910/12/22pays HSF cheque
University of London1910/11/28re tax rates
University of London1913/10/23on Hsu's thesis
University of London1913/10/27on Hsu's thesis
University of London1919/11/27regulations for Phd
University of London1916/12/6re Appointments Board
University of London1905/6/28re a paper
University of London1926/2/24re meeting on economics
University of London1923/7/10re a student's exam
University of London1914/3/31R A Rye on purchases for the Goldsmiths etc
University of London1914/4/3R A Rye on his conduct
University of London1914/4/6R A Rye on actions of Library Committee etc
University of London1914/4/9R A Rye on HSF's offensive letter
University of London1914/3/26re resolution on Goldsmiths and Library Committee
University of London1914/5/12re insurance of Goldsmiths
University of London1904/1/20asks HSF to join Library Committee
University of London1909/1/21re grant to library
University of London1908/8/7re some vexation of HSF's
University of London1903/8/4re transfer of books etc
University of London1903/7/23re transfer of books etc
University of London1903/7/29re transfer of books etc
University of London1906/3/20re grant of £200 by Goldsmiths
University of London1914/2/13re HSF's resignation from library committee
University of London1909/1/12re money for library
University of London08/04/1871re claims of Prof E A Parkes for seat in Senate
University of London1909/6/15re excess payment on books
University of London1924/7/18reference of study for Audrey
University of London1921/1/14wants meeting of commerce teachers
University of London1919/7/31appointment at LSE extended by a year
University of London1928/2/23makes HSF Emeritus Professor
University of London1921/9/19re scope of course on English industry
University of London1921/9/22asks for return of proofs of exam papers
University of London1924/2/26re copy of examiner's report on Dhume's thesis
University of London1927/4/29report of PhD Committee
University of London1921/9/28re some papers
University of London1921/3/21re views on candidate for Albert Kohn Travelling Fellowship
University of London1922/11/13re proofs of exams
University of London1922/11/1to Olive, re HSF's exam papers
University of London1919/8/9re Mrs Knowles's syllabus for industry course
University of London1918/6/24examiner's rules for extension teaching
University of London1922/5/9re Anglo-American Historical Committee
University of London1912/10/1part minutes of senate
University of London??/09/1905re C S Lock's lectures at King's
University of London1926/10/27Dhume to re present his thesis
University of London1926Dhume's report of DSc exam
University of London1926/7/27appointment of Dhume's examiners
University of London1930/11/14abstract of minutes of Council
University of London1929Notice of Convocation
University of London1914/3/26resolution on Goldsmiths Library
University of London31/11/1927list of books to be bought
University of London1905/12/2re attached syllabus on Tawney's lectures
University of London1905/12/4PC re exams on Tawney's and Beveridge's courses
University of London1905/12/9PC re exams on Beveridge's course
University of London1905/12/6re exam paper on Beveridge's course
University of London1905/11/21re examining for Beveridge and Tawney courses
University of London1905syllabus for Beveridge lectures with HSF questions enclosed
University of London1905/11/23thanks for examining
University of Londoninformation for examiners
University of London1905exam paper on Beveridge's course, HSF notes attached
University of London1912-1914matriculation exam papers
University of London1926/5/22re Institute of Historical Research
University of London1922/8/2examiner's cheque
University of London1922/7/10salary payment
University of London1921/11/17HSF's appointment extended 1 year
University of London1907/11/4Library Committee papers
University of London1907/7/9Library Committee minutes
University of London1902Regs for economics etc
University of London1902-03curricula in Economics
University of London1921Faculty of Arts pass list
University of London1903/6/5re HSF's conditions of appointment
University of London1915/9/30acknowledges HSF letter
University of London1909/12/15decision of Senate Committee on Commercial Education
University of London1910/1/18notice of Board of Studies meeting
University of London1915/9/28re C W Guillebaud as extension lecturer
University of London1910/4/4re teaching of extension students
University of London1910/4/10re teaching of extension students
University of London1909/7/6re problem with auditing HSF's library purchases
University of London1911-13Goldsmiths' Library accounts
University of London1913/6/8cheque from Goldsmiths
University of London1913/1/11re grants to Goldsmiths
University of London1912expenditure on books and binding
University of London1913/6/5re Goldsmiths
University of London1913/2/3Library Committee Agenda and Papers
University of London1913/10/6Library Committee Agenda and Papers
University of London1913/9/30minutes of Library Committee
University of London1913/12/1Library Committee Agenda and Papers
University of London1913/3/3minutes of Library Committee
University of London1913/4/28Library Committee Agenda and Papers
University of London1923/7/12PC acknowledges Kallukaren's thesis
University of London1932/3/29PC acknowledges HSF letter
University of London1954/2/8to AF re celebration of 50 years of Goldsmiths Library
University of London1955/1/31to AF thanks for card of HSF's rooms
University of London1954/2/10to AF re the Mettams and 50th anniversary of Goldsmiths Library
University of London1910/4/14re Hansard
University of London1917/11/5(copy) re entry regulation
University of LondonJun-28re retirement of Prof Hicks
University of London1903/7/31on the transfer of Goldsmiths to the University
University of London1914/3/26HSF to deliver rest of Goldsmiths
University of London1914/3/26Senate resolution on Goldsmiths
University of LondonSyllabus for HSF lectures on industrial unrest
University of London1921Appeal Fund brochure
University of London1926/7/19to G Slater on Singh's thesis
University of London1926/7/1Keating as Singh's 3rd examiner
University of London1926/7/1to G F Keatinge re examining Singh (copy)
University of London1926/6/8re Singh's oral exam
University of London1926/3/25HSF examiner of Singh with Slater
University of London1921Library information and rules
University of London1923/1/18flyer for HSF lectures
University of London1923/5/9flyer for HSF lectures
University of Londonticket to Cassel lecture
University of London1923/1/18flyer for HSF lectures
University of London1924/1/24syllabus for HSF lectures
University of London ??/03/1922HSF suitable for Governing Boday of Homerton College
University of London 1926/8/5to S M Dhume, should re-present thesis
University of London 1926/11/4HSF examiner of Dhume's thesis
University of London 1914/12/10H Miers asks staff to reduce salaries to cover deficit
University of London 19262 flyers on forthcoming lectures
University of London 1922flyer for 4 lectures by Sir Josiah Stamp
University of London Club1918/4/16PC _ HSF to join Club
University of London Club1926/7/30progress of club
University of London Club??/09/1926call for subs
University of London Club1919/6/27re increased subs
University of London Club??/01/1917on the Club
University of London Club??/02/1926re meeting on reconstruction of Club
University of London Club1930-31Annual Report
University of London College1926/4/21re HSF's appointment as examiner for scholarships
University of London College1926/4/23re Newmarch lectures and examinerships
University of London College1926/4/14re Newmarch lectureship
University of London Conservative & Unionist Association1929/1/18asks support for Sir John Gilbert
University of London Consitutional & Coalition Assocre HSF joining
University of London Consitutional & Coalition Assoc1921/3/16re suggested diploma in railway transport
University of London Library1970/11/20to Audrey Foxwell, offer Goldsmith's catalogue
University of London Press1916/5/22re their shares
University of London Press1916/10/24re their shares
University of London Press1916/10/23on their situation
University of London Press1916/11/8on their shares
University of London Press1916/10/19on their shares
University of London Press1916/10/17on their shares
University of London Press1916/5/30re an extraordinary meeting
University of London Press1915/10/5re HSF article on 'Some Points of War Finance'
University of London Press1916/4/5HSF not paid calls on shares
University of London Press1913/1/14re meeting and balance sheet of Press
University of London Press1913/1/9to S G Maguire, no dealings in their shares
University of London Press1915/10/8call on shares
University of London Union Society1922/7/25to AF re dispute over subs
University of London Union Society1922/7/11to AF re dispute over subs
University of London, Extension Teaching1922/7/5re tutor for extension teaching
University of Manchester1924/6/3re a Lewis's scholarship applicant
University of New Zealand27/06/1894HSF to do some work for them
University of New Zealand24/03/1895views on HSF's papers
University of North Wales1902/12/9re John Rae lectures
University of Toronto Library29/05/1891thanks HSF for gift of books (with attachment)
University of Wales1930/10/1thanks HSF for examining
University of Wales1930/10/4HSF to examine in 1931
University of Wales1929/7/24cheque for examining
University of Wales1930/9/24examiner's fees
University of Walesexam papers, 1901, 1903-04
University of Wales1929/7/15asks HSF to examine
University of Wales1930/5/10thesis of G V M E Davis
University of Wales1931/5/8sends thesis of Herbert Jones
University of Wales1931/5/11sends thesis of E L Harry
University of Wales1931/5/11sends thesis of D J Davies
University of Wales1931/5/27certificate for Herbert Jones
University of Wales1931/6/19PC return of Jones's thesis
University of Wales28/02/1898re examining etc
University of Wales04/03/1898re examining etc
University of Warsaw12/07/1919thank you letter from Rector on appointment
University Registry, Oxford1918/6/1appointed an elector to Drummond Chair
unknown1860his movemnts, rhymes
Unwin, T Fisher1917/3/8asks HSF to write book on reparations
Unwin, T Fisher1917/3/12re proposal for HSF to write book
Unwin, T Fisherre books The Governance of England
Upcott, G G19/6/19218asks HSf to give evidence to Committee on Currency and Foreign Exchanges
US Department of the Interior12/11/1895sends HSFcensus on manufacturing
US Department of the Interior25/03/1896sends HSF census on agriculture
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