Name Date Title
Vago A L16/2/1876re busts of Aristotle & Hypocrates
Vaidya, R N1922/10/11student letter on banking etc
Vaidya, R N1922/10/16wants to see HSF about exam and future banking work
Vaidya, R N1923/9/6re certificate of his studies
Vaidza, R N1923/10/25re his starting at LSE
Vail, John1936account rendered
Vakil M H1921/2/8re job at LSE
Vakil M H1921/5/31testimonial
Vakil, M H1921/3/23re membership of statistical society
Vakil, M H1921/3/20libraries
Vakil, M H1921/2/2re MSc degree
Vallance, N03/11/1888re visit to Cambridge
Valois, C & I04/08/1878offers to go with HSF in Swiss Alps
Van der Put R1918/9/18general
van der Smissen, W H1901/5/25introduces himself
Vandyk Ltd1923/8/9offers to take HSF's photo
Vaughan, Edward S14/02/1893re an article on bimetallism
Veidon, Ricard13/04/1881re moral science papers
Venables, A W11/07/1889cheques for co-operators visit
Venables, Edward06/09/1889supports Jenkinson for librarian
Venn J 4/1/11883re letters from Sully & Sidgwick enc.
Venn J1916/3/26war finance & censorship
Venn J1916/3/20value of different currencies
Venn, J06/12/1884re Sidgwick on socialism
Venn, J09/04/1882re logic exams
Venn, J??/??/1885re election of H A Bovell to Statistical Society
Venn, J01/07/1898on HSF's marriage
Venn, J01/02/1883on Jevons's memorial
Venn, J??/??/1884re Jevons' essays
Venn, J19/04/1873on exam concerts
Venn, J1901/11/22social
Venn, J17/05/1881on Jevons
Venn, J20/02/1881testimonial for HSF's application for UCL chair
Venn, J1915/8/31Churchill on token currency
Venn, J20/11/1872social
Venn, J17/08/1874asks HSF to lecture for him
Venn, J09/11/1874congratulations on his fellowship
Venn, J02/12/1878social
Venn, J A1930/11/25on Olive's death
Venn, John26/05/1891speech on averages
Venture, R05/01/1891returns cheque
Verdon, Richard28/01/1879cannot lecture in 1879
Verdon, Richard03/10/1878re dates of his lectures
Verney, Lady??/09/1886paper "Peasant Properties and Protection" Section F British Association
Verrall, M30/07/1894re invitation
Verrall, Margaret14/05/????thanks for donation to Teacher Training Scheme
Victoria University1903/5/14PC acknowledges exam papers
Vie, Lu06/03/1887HSF's lecture
Villecoeur, de M13/06/1887extract of letter to Higgs about HSF's fluctuations pamphlet
Villers, Edith12/10/1898to send fox terrier dog puppy
Villers, Edith12/10/1898to E Brockett re payment for HSF's puppy
Vinter, Arthur11/02/1893asks HSF for help in getting brother the living at Aldridge
Vinter, R Kater16/12/1870congratulates HSF etc
Vinter, R Kater29/12/1870death of a relative, congratulates HSF etc
Vivian Henry23/1/11912labour Co- Partnership Assoc
Vivian Henry1912/2/18article on banking reserves
Vivian, H14/08/1893invitation and agenda of Labour Association AGM
von Bergmann, E21/03/1889on Mill's theory of gluts
von Bergmann, E08/03/1889re Mill's 'Commerce Defended'
Von Philippovich, Eugen von11/11/1883on Menger
Von Philippovich, Eugen von30/11/1883on Jevons and asks for help on relations between the state and labour
von Wiesen, Carl1913/3/26his economic studies
von Wiesen, Carl1913/3/28his economic studies
von Wiesen, Carl1913/3/27his economic studies
von Wieser, Count30/05/1913re industrial banks
Voynich, W M1903/12/8PC sending HSF books
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