This site stores data called cookies and retains access logs using statistical analysis tools, such as Google Analytics, as statistical data that cannot identify individuals. Access logs are used for usage analysis for the purpose of improving the user experience of our website. They are not used for any other purpose. We ask for your cooperation in improving the user experience.* You can also change how we use your personal information at any time by using this setting.
What is Off-Campus Access? First time users must read this part.
A service that enables users access to databases, electronic journals, and electronic books that are under contract with the university from their homes or other locations outside the campus.
How to use:
1.Please click the [Use Off-Campus Access] button and the following screen will display. Please enter your User ID and password and click the [Login] button. * If the login fails, please double check that your ID and password are correct.
2.A [Terms and Conditions] button will be displayed. Please check [I agree] and click [Continue]. (This step is displayed only when a user logs into the system for the first time.)
3.Once your login is complete, a screen with a list of services will be displayed. Please select the service you would like to use. * Please note that you will not be able to use the Web database marked as only [On-campus] or [On-campus / Remote PC]. * Closing the browser or after a certain time passes, you will be automatically logged out.
Target users:
Kwansei Gakuin faculty and staff; graduate students; undergraduate students; researchers, etc. who have a Kwansei Gakuin system access ID.
System requirements:
Compatible browsers
Google Chrome: version 65 or later
FireFox: version 60 or later (excluding FireFox Lite for mobile)
Compatible OS OS that the above listed bowsers can be installed on
Windows 7 or later (system has been tested on Windows 7 and 10)
Apple OSX
iOS (system has been tested on iOS12)
The above listed browsers and OS are recommended by the database provider. The system might work on other browsers and OS not listed above.
Please be advised of the following regarding the use of databases, electronic journals, etc.
There is a limit for the number of user IDs that can access each database at the same time. Please logout or exit each time you have finished your search on the system so that other users can login.
You are not able to use Off-Campus Access on the database whose usage environment is set as [On-campus] or [On-campus/Remote PC] only. If you would like to access those databases Off-Campus, please set up a remote PC.
If you cannot access the system, please wait for a while and then try again.
Due to the internal or external network status, or issues with the database providers, the service might experience disruptions. The information about service disruptions is posted on the [Web Database News] page.
Databases are protected by copyright laws and they are provided to users based on the agreement with the database providers.
Access to the database is limited to the members of Kwansei Gakuin according to the agreement with the database providers.
It is strictly prohibited to disclose or redistribute search results (including via electronic media), or to build a database using those results.
When accessing the database via the university internal network from a research laboratory, etc., please be aware of the following: -> Depending on the Web browsers and their versions, you may not be able to access the database. -> Access might be denied if the proxy server setting is incorrect. -> You might not be able to access the database depending on the settings of the existing software or security software.
When using the Web database, some providers apply their own 'User Agreement'. Although those rules vary among providers, generally speaking the following actions listed below under 'Note' are prohibited. Please respect the agreement imposed by each provider and use the database properly.
When you access an electronic journal and if the link destination ([View full text]) shows 'FREE' next to the name of the link, this indicates that the information is free to the public. In that case, the library does not have information about the accessibility of each title. It is possible that users will not be able to view the accessible content or that the preview and the actual content are different. Your understanding in advance is greatly appreciated.
If you have trouble logging into Off-Campus Access, or if you are unable to use the database or electronic journals, etc., please contact
Please report network disruptions using the Kwansei Gakuin email address (
Please write 'Network disruption report: Off-Campus Access' in the subject line.
In the body, please copy and paste the 'Contact Form' below with the required information.
The library might not be able to reply during weekends (Sat/Sun), holidays, summer break (mid-August), as well as the year-end/New Year holidays.
When you are not able to login, please check to make sure that your ID and password have been entered correctly.
Contact Form
Please copy and paste the content below.
Before contacting us, please check the target audience of this Off-Campus Access. [Disruption report: Off-Campus Access] 1. Name: 2. Affiliation/department: 3. System user ID: 4. OS and the version you are using: (ex. Windows 7) 5. Browser and its version (ex. Internet Explorer 8.0) 6. Location (ex. home, hotel, etc.): 7. Time of usage: 8. Name of electronic reference (database, electronic journal): 9. Status: Please describe in as much detail as possible, such as the situation when the disruption occurred or the error message displayed.